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what's up Hobby friends my name is Casey and welcome to another miniature rescue this week I finally rescued models from my very first Warhammer [Applause] art recently I've been in the mood for something a little different now I'm not sure that you can even call these models different just by looking at them other than we know they need some serious work but for me these particular models represent a very long history that I've had with this game these are Eldar fire dragons from around second edition 40K and saw a ton of play in third and really ever since because the Eldar faction is one of those that rarely ever see any kind of update and even when they do the excellent design aesthetic carries over very nicely into the newer models making them not too dissimilar from older designs just nicer materials to work with generally in recent years there have been quite a few major updates to the lineup and I've been collecting newer models for this Army hoping to eventually get back to it and play a game with them something that I actually haven't done since maybe the early 2000s give or take a couple years the point is it's been a very long time since I have done anything with them and I'm feeling the itch to paint up some craft world lar like the good old days what's even better is that these fire dragons are actually the ones I got when I started playing Warhammer these are my models that I painted when I started and they look pretty bad but that's okay when I see these models I'm reminded of the time spent building and painting fresh into the Hobby and excited to just see models on the table I love how models can do that just transport us to a different time just by looking at them I went with this interesting we'll call it silver black and gold theme and I'm not quite sure why although I do remember remember being pretty excited about picking up a few metallic paints around that time taking a look at my codex from back in the day which was new when I got it there are a few examples of painted fire dragons none of which look like [Music] mine thinking back the so I want to say I was trying to get these ready for a weekend when my friend was coming over to play 40K and I needed to get them ready quickly so mostly silver fill in a few details and they're ready to go now I don't plan on saving all of these I think it's important that a majority of my original models are left the way they are it's a good reminder of how things started versus now and seeing the models with the colors they have and condition reminds me of where I started and it's a good thing to keep around it continues to be a touch point for progress the ones that need help are some of the ones that I got off of eBay that already had a little bit of paint on them and some of the ones that were stuck in a plastic bag with a bottle of whatever green paint I had at the time that Spilled Out and covered a bunch of models even back then I was trying to score the deals and rescue these guys kind of funny how things work out this one got at the worst and I'm hoping that the paint comes off pretty easily we're about to find out the paint and primer on all of these models are more than 20 years old at this point and chewed up from being moved around a bunch of times from house to house and drawer to drawer once again I will be employing the jar of acetone and soaking them to remove all of the paint for one reason or another I've been kind of on a metal model kick lately and this has been by far the quickest and easiest way to get paint off of these models it's also quite satisfying to just see the paint fall right off now I don't really know whether or not these models are any good anymore I mean on the table and I mean in terms of gameplay they will always be awesome as models but I know that I need a few more and some of the xar leader models to fill out at least two squads the models I have for whatever reason are all pretty much the same pose I did get them off of eBay so I imagine they just came that way in the auction because the blisters came in with just a few poses anyways but I am missing some of the other ones that were available while those models sit in acetone for a minute I'm going to hop onto eBay and see if I can find the rest to fill them out for the most part these models are still pretty expensive The Games Workshop site has them listed for $50 for a squad of six models that means they're about $8.30 per model it's not the worst price for a singular model these days but still pretty high for models that haven't gotten an update in many many years so I'm going to look for an auction that is hopefully a lower price than that per model this one from Tista minis who I've bought from plenty of times before come in at around $712 per model and that includes two of the X Arch Minis that I need to make the squads complete complete there are a few others that I came across that ended up being slightly more around 740 per model and the last one I found that caught my eye had seven models some of them slightly newer fine cast but at least one model missing parts for $673 per mini only one squad leader and that happens to be the one missing parts so it's kind of out all the other auctions I found were nice and complete but kind of around the MSRP so no real reason to go for those unless I absolutely needed them for a game right now so thanks again T min I I I bought them and yeah that's my mailing address on screen but not my home address so as much as I appreciate you writing that comment right now to let me know it's okay this is publicly available information that I give out all the time but I do appreciate you okay so the squads are basically complete models in the mail withstanding the rest need to be brushed off and cleaned up and get ready for paint [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] I've had this desire for a while to kind of restart my old Elder Army and in order to do that I wanted to get them all off the old bases and put them onto something a little nicer I want to showcase the army that I started with in the Hobby and I can't think of a better way to do that than cleaning them all up and getting them to look their best at the same time I don't want to strip almost any of these models I want to keep everything the way it was when I originally painted it so a base swap makes a lot of sense having the Army is an awesome reminder of where I started in the Hobby and by giving them all new bases I can use unify the Army regardless of how they look and keep them going for even longer to begin that process I want to get some sweet base Toppers to print out on my 3D printer the goal will be to rebase everything onto the appropriate sizes for today's use and fill out the army with the units I couldn't get when I was a kid this was mostly spurred on by a recent deal I got on Marketplace where I found an old army case that had a partially painted Squad of harlekin in it and that's a project that I want to get to and do some justice to probably sooner rather than later too and get them into this Army if you haven't seen that video I highly recommend checking it out up here as far as the bases go I found a few sets from zabka workshop on my minifactory and I think they will work perfectly for lar these hex bases have that alien vibe that I want and I think using a necromunda style blue on them will create some really nice contrast to this multicolored Army so I downloaded them and got to printing once they're all printed up and cured I'm going to start painting them then we can prep the clean models by pinning them and eventually drilling through the bases to make them really sturdy and [Music] [Music] permanent for color I want to go pretty bright like I said I want to unify this army with something that will stand out really well on the table and have some variety that can be added in depending on the unit I'll start with with a coat of bright blue that will contrast with pretty much all the other colors in the Army then fill in the metallics with pretty much the first silver I grab off my shelf it doesn't really matter most of it will get covered up with rust so I'm not too worried about that color for now speaking of which I use some water down orange brown over the top of the metallic bits and let that spill into some of the cracks on the bases before we continue I want to let you know that I will be teaching some mini painting classes at sooner Con on June 21st through the 23rd down in Norman Oklahoma links will be in the description if you want to check out and I really hope to see you there next up I'm going to lay down a thin layer of dark blue speed paint to get into those recesses this will be followed up by a dry brush of the same base blue with a little bit of white mixed in quick and easy and they're almost done just some weathering to bring in a little more color I wanted to feel like these machine parts are kind of corrupting this nice blue alien planet and just breaking down almost immediately when they hit the ground it makes for an interesting story as well as keeps the bases really high contrast you won't miss this Army on the table for sure I also decided to use a little dirty down rust to give the color more variety and then come back in with a light Overcoat of that silver to bring back some shine finally a little bit of orange pigment powder to tie it all together and help mat everything down overall I'm very excited to use these and the pack I got from zababa has all of the sizes that I will need to fill out the entire Army after these fire dragons get painted it will be a matter of counting up the types of units I currently own making sure they're going to go on the appropriate base sizes printing them out and rebasing them all together okay so the bases are done and we can get back to the fire dragons before priming the minis I want to pin them to Cork that way I can hold them and cover them completely without having to worry about masking off the bases or something when they're done I can drill a small hole through the base and get these models pinned down permanently [Music] I started with two light coats of primer to really make sure that these were covered and protected once they're dry it's time to start getting some color I'll start with a Four Color combo across all of the models one after the other we start with dark red go red orange and yellow the idea is that with the airbrush I can get a deep red over the black primer to start with and fill out the Shadows then come in with the main red to cover up most of that but only leaving the deepest recess is that darker red from the top I'll use the orange mainly focusing this like a zenithal highlight so I know where to hit the armor with highlights later on using a regular paintbrush I do want this to be more opaque towards the top so we can transition from the lower part of the model as well and finally I'll finish that off with some yellow that will mainly cover the top third of the model focusing on getting the helmet really nice and bright together these colors help sell the Fire part of these models and we can use the contrasting color from the base to tie everything together later [Music] [Music] on I get my wet palette out and get prepped and the rest from here will just be brush work if you don't have an airbrush then a good dry brush will make short work of the these colors and you can get pretty much the same result so don't worry about the airbrush use whatever you have on hand although the airbrush is pretty great and you should probably get one sometime just saying with the brush I'm going to come in with black and take care of the hoses gems and cloth almost like hitting the reset with these parts so we can see what's going on on the model breaking up the color with a quick base coat really helps using yellow I want to do a couple of things Edge highlight any of the top facing edges as well as water it down and glaze that yellow towards the top of each volume this just helps Define the shapes and keeps things focused on the fiery parts of the fire dragons also bring in some orange brown and glaze that into the fins on the helmet and make those shapes stand apart and finally finish that off with an edge highlight around the main face plate this just helps separate those pieces so we can actually see them even though they're pretty much the same color it's not necessary for tabletop paint job but it does look pretty good [Music] for the main part of the gun I decided to bring back the gold that I used to cross all my old models the tank main body and tip of the gun will all be gold and I'll use silver to bring out the glyph on the tank portion kind of just a call back to those older models the barrel will remain black for now and I can come back later with some gray and Define it a little better [Music] [Music] I decided to go really hard on the color and make all of the cloth blue it's just going to be really bright it stands out and ties directly to the bases of the models and I honestly really like how this looks so a dark blue as a base coat lighter blue to pick out those raay details and finally some white mixed into that light blue as a final highlight on the most prominent details and edges and once all that gets done I get to drill holes in the base and pin them down I'm very happy with how these turned out they're bright and fun and they look really good on the table these models stand out in a great way and while the resin versions might be a little bit cleaner in their design these still hold up extremely well and have been around for a very long time the experience of picking up a project from my very first Army has been really neat in a lot of ways too getting to look at all of the older models again remembering weird decisions that I made or better yet wondering why I made those decisions at that time some of them are really weird with the experience I have now knowing how to paint better than I did back then has made it possible to finally go back and create what I probably would have wanted or what I assume I would have wanted in the first place if you have an army or project that you're struggling with maybe you can't get the right color combinations or look that you're after just remember that you can always put it down and come back to it whenever you're ready and if you need models on the table for a game and still want to push forward that's totally fine too I still like the models that I painted for those reasons and it was for a good reason the memories made around models like these aren't how they were painted but the games that they were played in and it's just far more important thank you again for joining me on another miniature rescue if you like something about this video please consider hitting that like button sharing this video with your hobby friends and subscribing for more miniature rescues once again I'm Casey and I will see you in the next video and of course here are my completed lar fire dragons thanks again [Music] [Music] oh [Music]
Channel: eBay Miniature Rescues
Views: 32,173
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Warhammer, Age of Sigmar, Warhammer40k, AOS, WHFB, Painting Miniatures, Ebay Rescue, ebay miniature rescue, emr, mini painting, airbrushing, 40k painting, Beginner mini painting, beginner warhammer, start painting, cheap airbrush, rescue mini, miniature, model, figure painting, restoration, miniature restoration, scale modeling, painting models, fixing models, Eldar, Aeldari, Fire Dragons, figure painting tutorial, warhammer 40k, Oldhammer, Painting Eldar Fire Dragons
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 38sec (1058 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 09 2024
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