Reported Speech #2 - Intermediate English with Shaun #64

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everybody hello hello hello hello world hi I'm Shawn and it's Friday it's Friday morning here in Vancouver I'm in Vancouver I'm coming to you live from the studio at the Canadian College of English language in downtown Vancouver I'm getting distracted by a image of myself here just give me one moment get rid of that there we go alright so so many familiar names and faces regulars in the chat that I'm that I'm seeing here Omar's back hello Omar how are you alexei vinci gregor of is here Bushra steve lynn ana Rosa Rosa French leo Melinda assala everybody's here cool good to see you and if you're new um tell me so yeah if this is your first time let me know that will be nice we'll be nice to you ok nati is here again good to see you I know Pettis cool alright so yeah it's morning time here for Friday morning it's almost the weekend for me for some of you it might be very late it might be Saturday already Bushra you're new yeah me too so anybody who is brand new Jacqueline's there hi Jacqueline GRE NAB jot just name drop in here so anybody who is new welcome this is this is our little global classroom here so I'm Sean and I'm going to be your teacher for the next hour or so during the class I'm going to be asking you some questions and you can put your answers in the chat you can ask me questions by putting them in the chat and I will try to answer them as best as I can as often as I can as clearly as I can new new new July July sucker Sucher July new new new well welcome good to see ya he bought is is is wondering about Morocco there must be some other Moroccans in the in the crowd today all right so let's get started guys I'm gonna Sucher yeah all right I'm gonna jump in here we've got a lot to talk about yeah sorry sorry July Sucher not sucker all right let me let me jump into the lesson here guys okay where did I go there I am all right I'm saying yeah you know you're impatient it's been three minutes since class sir all right so we've got yeah we've got lots to do today we are going to continue today what we started last week talking about reported speech okay so usually I like to start off class with a little bit of an intro a little bit of a I don't know a story a rant a quiz of some kind I ask you questions I show some pictures talk about random stuff but today no time for pleasantries no time for the nice stuff we're just getting down to business all right because we've got lots to do so William is asking that question what's class about today so I would say report a speech William asked what class would be about today okay so today's reported speech now last week we did report a speech class number one Sarah you hated it oh my goodness okay that's harsh that's rough all right so last week we were talking about going from from direct speech to indirect speech reported speech steveland no I did not say pleasant treats I said pleasantries pleasantries one word things that are pleasant all I'll spell it later remind me at the end of the class okay I'll put it they were put in the chat okay pleasant treats sound sound nice though I would like a pleasant treat okay so last week direct speech into reported speech this guy saying no he said last week we said direct speech he said I don't want to do that okay I don't want to do that we report it meaning we tell you what he said right we say what someone else said you guys are talking about the handsome man I I assume you're talking about the guy in the picture right not me yeah pleasantries there you go you got it all right so yes he's got a nice he's got a nice beard it's nice okay so he said that he didn't want to do that so this is what we were talking about last week right going from that direct speech with the quotes in to indirect reported speech where you have to change a few things if you guys didn't see last week you can re-watch it okay we got the video up I'm not going to be spending much time reviewing what we did last week even though French Leo says he has already forgotten everything which is great for the teacher to hear that that warms my heart French Leo to hear that you've already forgotten what we did in last week's class all right so one more example of what we did last week was the question right they asked where are you going this is direct speech right this is direct speech Thank You Nattie but we can we can all be handsome right we can we can both be handsome everybody can be handsome I'm not I'm not jealous of that guy okay so we they asked where are you going the reported version of the question is they asked him where he was going so the the things that we talked about last week were when you change from direct speech to reported speech you have to be careful of your pronouns of changing the pronouns like in this example you write becomes he okay you have to be careful with that because obviously the person changes rod wanna so it's a pleasure to well I guess I don't see you but as a pleasure to to have you see me again who makes me jealous I don't know I'm just I'm just messing around all right so you got to change the pronouns in questions remember last week we said you have to change the question mark to the period to the full stop there right and there are a bunch of other changes obviously no quotation marks this is all we did last week but there was one thing there was one thing that we didn't get to talk about last week because we ran out of time because we have so much to talk about in regards to reported speech so what we didn't get to we kind of we kind of touched upon it last week and yes I'm very jealous of Justin Bieber if that's your question yeah he keeps me up at night all right so last week we talked about changing tents changing pronouns but we I kind of mentioned this but we need to spend a little bit of time on it first okay and that is reference to place and time in a sentence so time expressions and sometimes when we talk about place when we go from direct to reported speech direct to indirect we sometimes have to be careful okay so this is my first tip for the day oh it says tip number two I forgot to change that because it was my tip last week Anna Sharapova check checker OVA not shirokova sakharova you are one step ahead of me as usual good for you but the tip is be careful with expressions of time and place because they may have to change right you may need to change them in report a speech not always but you might depending on the situation depending on the time and the place okay okay who's got a question here assala I'm not sure what that question I'll take another look at that in a minute okay good okay so what we're talking about here if you see this poor guy this stressed-out guy he's got big exam in the morning and he says check her over no took care of her Shakira though I don't know help me help me pronounce it correctly I didn't sleep at all last night he says this is direct speech I didn't sleep at all last night he's so stressed out okay so if we want to make that reported speech if I am going to tell you what he said okay the term the expression last night might cause problems maybe not but it could okay so if you look at this example here he said he hadn't slept at all last night okay he said he hadn't slept at all last night and sometimes that's fine okay if I am reporting what he said on the same day then last night is still last night but remember that certain time expressions depend on the time that you're saying them right yesterday changes every day tomorrow changes every day and the same thing with last night and and so on and yeah you guys are good you know where I'm going with this so it's possible that last night he said he hadn't slept at all last night maybe that's fine but if the original quote if he said this to me yesterday and now today on Friday I'm telling you what he said to me that last night has to change because it's not last night anymore okay I know it's kind of I hope that makes sense yeah it's complex but let me show you so I would change it to this and some of you are putting this in the chat already ok so last night becomes the night before okay the night before whatever day it was that he said this sentence so he said that he hadn't slept at all the night before night he's saying he said that he was sleepless last night you can say that right but just be careful of that last night okay all right so it's the same let me show you another example he says I'm so stressed out today he's a real stressed out guy he's got this he's got this test there's a looming test right he's so stressed out so again today might have to change he said he was so stressed out today if I'm reporting his speech on the same day that's okay but if it's in the past then today again has to change right and sometimes we've changed to that day so he said he was so stressed out that day right or the day of the test now jacket for you good good good good last week last night yesterday we should always use Kavita holding in the past what do you mean by the past indefinite are you just talking about the past the tents that you use for last night in last week and coal wind oh yeah good for you good good good okay so let me show you one more okay cuz I want to make sure that everybody is good with this before we move on so he says I'm super stressed because I have a test tomorrow so again tomorrow looking in the future but again if tomorrow becomes today all right then you have to change your reported speech so I would say he said he was super stressed because he had a test the next day or the following day now jet says that's good too good good good so that's time now it also is important to consider place right reference to place especially words like here so he said I'm going to start over here we're cleaning the kitchen together he says ok you do the windows I'm gonna start over here yeah not supper supper supper stressed I get supper stressed sometimes but super super stress unless did I did I know know that I spelled it correctly yeah ok so he said I'm going to start over here and Rosa is ahead of me here as is Ana saying here becomes there right so he said that he was going to start over there because here and there depend on the person right the perspective right so my here is very different from what you would say for here right my here is Vancouver my here is the studio so if I say you should study here right if you were reporting my speech you would say Sean said that we should study there kid alright so let's look at the whole list of different time expressions and then you guys are going to get to work for me right away alright so direct speech we've got today as we said today becomes that day now becomes then or at that time all right Belinda let's ask Sonia ask me put put the question in the chat then I'll try to see it there okay get out of there is that okay I don't want to restart my computer know yesterday becomes the day before or you can use the actual day itself right yesterday could become Thursday for example or Wednesday good days ago days before so two days ago two days before the day before the day after yeah that makes sense yeah right so the next day or the day after good last week becomes the week before the previous week good next year becomes the following year okay good good good tomorrow as we said the next day or the day after or the following day here becomes there this becomes that these become those the month before Yeah right good guys good good good ok so just again so we make sure that we're all feeling good about this so we're all feeling comfortable with this this change let's do some practice ok so I'm gonna make you guys do some work for me all right so I'm gonna go down here we're going to keep it keep it quick because we have lots of other stuff to do and time just seems to fly by like crazy in this class ok so let me go fullscreen on this we're gonna go four sentences I'm gonna put the crazy monkey music on I'm going to disappear from the screen but I'm with you in spirit I'm watching you big brother all right all I want you to do is take these sentences indirect speech and change them to reported speech keeping in mind the expressions of time and place that might need to change okay so the first one my girlfriend said it was freezing yesterday how are you gonna change that okay there we go so I'm gonna disappear put your answers in the chat okay and and then we'll go over it together okay all right get to work guys [Music] [Music] you okay good stuff good good good so little lots of answers coming in on the chats I mean just go in here let's change the let's change the color here a little bit let's go let's go blue so it stands out why not hmm I didn't go blue thank you very much okay so hey my girlfriend said it was freezing yesterday lots of good answers came in some of you are still putting them in that's great umm sure you kemo mo says my girlfriend's say be careful of the tents there it was freezing the day before that's pretty good good now a rose at kasi arrow and just be careful with that because if you're using quotation marks like this then you can't change the words right you can't just if you change this right you can't do that because in quotations those are her exact words so the only way you can change it is if you take those quotation marks out of there right so just be careful about okay so the answer I'm seeing a lot of is my girlfriend I can't type anymore all right there we go said that a lot of people are saying it had been freezing the day before I think Navjot you said that Rosa thank you you said that one and that's grammatically correct I will say I know that last week we were talking about back shifting in tenses there's something about this that I just I find it sounds a little bit strange to me I mean it it's grammatical just say it had been freezing because you're you're going back one step I think it's very common for people to just not do that though right I mean we talked about that last week kind of the difference between rules and usage so if you said my girlfriend said that it was freezing vinay before that's okay - okay I would say both would be acceptable good well so much stuff coming in off chat awesome okay so what about the next one okay what about B Pete said you should come over here tonight now I try to I try to trick you guys oh okay yeah okay now this is interesting now there are different options that you can have no Steve Lin said Pete said what did Pete say I or we could say I are we whoever should oh my goodness come on now should come over there the night before okay and I mean that's that's fine the thing about I mean tonight could become last night but okay how about this for simplicity sake just to keep things simple let's just keep it as tonight let's just say that it's still the same day so we don't even have to change tonight okay the thing I was really looking for is this right we said over here becomes over there but as you guys know I like to I like to trick you a little bit from time to time right okay and there is something else you have to change here all right and some of you some of you missed it because I'm just I'm just so sneaky and tricky I'm trying to see if anybody caught it and I'm seeing lots of come over there come over there come over there come over there now the thing the thing you have to keep in mind is this guy right Jerry's Jerry sees what I'm talking about you come here but you don't you don't come come there might sound a little strange so you also have to change come to go Pete said I should go over there tonight right come over here go over there okay yeah all right so and again if you want to change tonight to to last night or the night before that's okay too that's not really what I was looking for but that's okay good okay so Sarah asked do you have to leave tomorrow do you have to leave tomorrow yeah I smile I smile the most when I'm when I'm tricking students it's an evil smile do you have to leave tomorrow is Sarah's question so how did we report it okay no butcher are you yeah you were on the right track so you said Sara asked if and this is what we talked about last week right Sara asked if I had to leave now rather than say tomorrow what would you say cold winter says the following day okay that's good and someone says the day after right and you could say whoops you could also say the next day Sara asked if I had to leave the next day right the next day the day after or the following day all of those are perfect beautiful now a cell I wouldn't say should remember we said should we don't back shift because should have really changes the meaning right when we say should or should have yeah the meaning between those two expressions is very very different right because then it goes into the past it talks about things that aren't true it's it's complex but don't back shift should good okay one more and then we're gonna get back into into my notes here alright so again I'll change the color so he said I was in New York just last week okay and our Zhang says he said he was in New York just the week before no he said he was or and you said both I would say he had been in New York just yeah if he said the week before or just the previous week good good guys awesome okay so this is kind of wrapping up what we were talking about last week because today I also want to move into kind of a different option of reported speech okay now if not you're still waiting for your first one oh you're talking about mistake of the week yeah don't say last last last week no you can't go last last and our thang tonight over here I mean it really as I said it depends on the time right it depends on when the person is reporting it so for that sentence I'm just imagining that we're reporting it on on the same day okay so it doesn't necessarily mean again that's the that's the thing to remember these don't always have to change you just have to keep in mind whether or not the time has changed since the original direct speech and the report is speech right it's tricky it's tricky okay now let me go back in here because because I also want to look at as I said different options for reported speech right different ways of saying things I it's important when you're learning a language to be able to say that are the same thing in different ways okay having variety in your use of the language okay so another way of reporting is to use specific reporting verbs right we use specific verbs report verbs to say what someone else has said now last week we talked about say ask until right but there are there are other possibilities other verbs that you can use okay there's lots of them and this is what we're going to talk about and before we do Steve Lynn is asking a question here question two I think we could say come over here if the speaker is here okay no that's a good point that's a good point Steve yeah I mean if the speaker is at his house or wherever wherever it was and that is possible yeah good you're right good one so common report verbs and some of you are already putting them in the chat where's like tell Warren order remind they're popping up everywhere beg ask invite and advise okay yeah one step ahead okay so these words are often used to report what other people have said but the structure is a little bit different from what we looked at last week okay so the sentence structure for those report verbs is is always the same for all of the words that I just showed you there right it's tell or ask or order or any of the other words that I just put up there so tell for example plus the person or the pronoun someone tell someone to and then the infinitive verb read that base form okay so or not to infinitive verb okay let me just show you some examples of the structure and then we'll look at each individual verb okay so she asked would you like to join me for some tea oh that's nice very inviting very welcoming she is so she asked would you like to join me for some tea so another way that you can report what she said is she invited us to join her for some tea right so that's quite different from what we were talking about last week which was she asked if we would like to join her for some tea both are fine okay both are perfectly grammatically correct that's right Shawn advised you to watch last week's class to understand this week's class very nice okay so now offer isn't quite the same thing not because I mean offer is maybe you could say she offered to give us some tea perhaps okay but jv7 it's an invitation that's right so this is the structure the the verb plus the object right that person and then the infinitive the to infinitive so Mike said I'll give you another example Mike said you should spend more time at home with your family well that's good advice all right well advice so Mike advised me to spend more time at home with my family okay so again verb the person to infinitive that's the structure okay now similar similarities between what we are doing last week in this week if you look at this sentence or this the the one before you do have to still watch your pronouns okay join me join her right because you're you're changing kind of the the the perspective okay the same thing here you becomes me so you should spend he advised me to spend and of course your family becomes my family good okay so let's go through that list and look I just want to look at each verb basically okay so just so we're clear on a couple things because there are some little tricky bits along the way okay so tell we say in this structure it has a slightly different meaning than the tell that we were using last week right when we say tell with infinitive tell - right it's similar to order right to order someone to do something okay all for Indonesia you're confused a little bit that's okay to keep stay with us it'll become clear as we go I think okay so to tell someone to do something is like order which is quite different from what we were talking about last week okay so for example last week we said I told her that she was pretty this is just reported speech what'd I say I told her that she was pretty I meant I said that she was pretty right so both in this in the structure tell and say are both followed by the that clause right I told her that she was pretty I said that she was pretty last week okay we're sure I'm not this isn't necessarily for just for spoken English for reported speech no I mean you will see it in in writing as well okay so when we're looking at tell with the infinitive it's very different this is just me telling you what I said right but if I say I told her I told her to call me when she got home this is more like an order but soft softer than order order sounds I'm kind of serious right I didn't order her to call me when I got home and yes Jerry that that is optional okay so I told her to call me means that I said call me when you get home right yeah and French li are not told to her but told her to write it's an important word order they're okay it's a polite order yeah right exactly all right I just had to turn the microphone on sit off so I could clear my throat here didn't want to be coughing here in your ears so that's the difference what's going on here there we go and let me show you one more example so my father said you have to be home by 11:00 p.m. tonight two very serious dad p.m. isn't really necessary I think that's pretty obvious if you say 11 o'clock tonight as well is a little unnecessary but in this structure we say my father told me to be home by 11 p.m. tonight okay and of course you can use that negative structure as well okay and say the teacher said don't start the test yet okay don't start the test yet so the teacher told us not to start the test all right so just put that not before the infinitive and Nora is saying is it the same as saying I asked her to call me yeah it's the same except I asked her to call me is even more polite I told her to call me says that you didn't you didn't ask her all right you just said call me okay but it's it is very similar and we're gonna talk about that now actually because the next word to talk about is ask right so as as Nora is kind of bringing to our attention again ask is used slightly differently in this structure as well compared to what we did last week last week we looked at examples like this are you having a good time as a question so for reported speech we said I asked if you were having a good time tonight okay this was last week I asked if I asked whether I asked where I asked who but today if we're talking about I asked you to do something right in this case asked is more like a request right it's expressing a request it's and it's more polite as I said to Norah about more polite than tell all right so Brent asked Michael could you close the window that was his question right Michael could you close the window please and that becomes Brent asked Michael to close the window you guys everybody wants coffee yeah me too i've got i've got another left i got a little a little sip that's it come on to the water terrible hopefully I can stay sharp for you guys over the next little bit and why Oh Sergei is asking why didn't tonight change what you mean here why didn't tonight change because it seems like it's still tonight right maybe it's a crowded room I say are you having a good time tonight and the person says what did you say oh I asked if you were having a good time tonight because it's still tonight Sergei okay all right so getting back to this Brent asked Michael to close the window all right that's the request and that's the structure just like that what brand is a tim tim horton's is what i'm drinking today all right another example the man asked would you mind giving me a hand the request becomes the man asked me to give him a hand now the good thing the cool thing about this kind of report structure is a lot of the direct speech can just be removed okay because if you look at the original sentence what the person actually said he said would you mind giving me a hand but you don't have to repeat that when you say ask me to because would you mind and asked to is the same idea it's both connected to request okay Alexei you you missed some don't worry about it you can you can go back and watch it um may or might no you don't have to change that I wouldn't say ours I know okay and again you can you can use not so my sister asked me not to play my music so loudly so she said please don't play your music so loudly reported speech is not a piece of cake roses no it isn't it's not a walk in the park it's not a piece of cake it's not easy as pie it's no joke but it's useful yeah to add some variety to your your use of the language okay so getting back to what Nora was saying that the the difference between ask and tell can be simply just the use of the word please okay so take a look at these these differences the teacher said sit down the teacher said sit down wagging the finger like this so the teacher told us to sit down right sit down because the teacher told us to sit down however if the teacher said please sit down please sit down then that kinda it really becomes the teacher asked us to sit down because please sit down is more like a request because it's polite right French Lee are you asking if reporter speech is used in daily life I would I would say yes yes it is definitely and Jerry's saying reported speech is important to master gossip right if you'd like to talk about other people well I mean politics the news you're talking about current events something that not a know Donald Trump said for example if you want to talk about that you can use reported speech if you want to if you miss something in class and you're asking a fellow student what the teacher said you're making plans for the evening to go out with your friends and you're asking one friend what another friend said about about tonight okay yeah it's we use it all the time Waddington Franklin is saying hello teacher yeah hello all right so let me show you another example politeness right Mike said turn on the lights so he said Mike told me to turn on the lights all right but if we say Mike said please turn on the lights we probably would say Mike asked me to turn on the lights cuz that little magic word the magic word right JB 87 you're talking about you want to eat you want to eat crepes you want to eat skinny pancakes how many cups of coffee do I usually drink it's not a secret I only really drink maybe two cups of coffee a day I could drink I could drink coffee non-stop if if you kept feeding it to me but I try to restrict myself to - two cups too big pretty big cups all right it's good for me all right so much to talk about I don't even know if we're gonna finish with all of this today guys honestly because there's so many different verbs to to discuss so order as we said is the same meaning as tell right but it's just more serious it's more formal it's more serious we often use it in when we're talking about Authority right people who are in power can order you to do stuff like me for example now studies studies have shown that that coffee in moderation coffee is actually good for you it's not good for my adrenal glands all right well all things all things in moderation folks okay all things in moderation I drink lots of water all right it's good for me so positions of authority of course like me very powerful or a police officer customs officer okay these people might order you to do things okay but tell tell is much more common we don't use order very often unless again we're being very serious so the border officer said step out of your vehicle okay the border officer ordered me to step out of the vehicle okay there we go so it's it's more serious than tell okay but again as I said we don't use it very often it's official yeah all right good now the next is bag to bag all right so to bag is similar to ask but again like order and tell bag is much stronger in meaning you're desperate you really want or need the thing you are asking for right Victor says we are to step out of the vehicle all right so begging and it's it's you're desperate you're you're pleading okay of course this is good representation or image for begging all right let me get out of there so for example John begged Annie to give him a second chance right John begged Annie to give him a second chance so there you've got the same structure that we've been looking at we've got the verb the person the to-infinitive right poor poor John or poor Annie I don't know I don't know what they're up to so you can also use this in the negative sense right you could save John begged Annie not to leave him okay yes I've used I've used this picture the couple in trouble right so John begged Annie not to not to leave him he begged her to give him a second chance you begged the cop to avoid the fine yeah I good for you good luck okay yeah Annie's always and he's always mad at John I didn't even know if the names are the same every time right not to leave let me think I have a sentence there but obviously children are always begging their parents for something so she's begging her father to take her to Disneyland how about that she is begging her dad to give her a puppy dog all right now a couple more and then you guys have to do some work for me before we run out of time okay advise advise so this one's pretty obvious I think advice is used for suggestions recommendations and of course advice right advise is the verb for the noun advice so if you're giving someone advice you can advise them okay oh she is not enjoying that salad French Leo begged Rosa to make him a pizza Maria begged me not to tell her secret Gabriela I hope you I hope you listened to her all right so this is a terrible looking a terrible looking salad here right Jane said if I were you I wouldn't go to that restaurant okay so Jane advised us not to go to that restaurant she advised us not to go to that restaurant okay Vinci Gregor OGG is saying it order equals force yeah yeah exactly good so you can advise someone not to do something or I mean in this case again if you're reporting what she said you don't have to use the same words okay so you can say Jane advised us to go somewhere else for dinner it's the same really the same meaning right she advised us not to go there she advised us to go somewhere else both sentences mean if I were you I wouldn't go to that restaurant okay good so you again you have options guys you've got choice here okay now I think I've got one or two more here invite no we said in we saw invite at the very beginning invite obviously similar to ask but we usually we usually use it in in social situations right we're asking someone to join us for some kind of social event okay or something something social party lunch dinner alright ball deep sing I'm not sure who are you talking to ball deep sing when you say I'm asking you there are lots of you use in the chat unless you're talking to me in which case people in the chat can easily answer that question alright so spending time with someone socially invites you said do you want to come with us oh that's nice do you want to come with us okay Amy invited me to go with them so Amy invited me to go with them oh that's so nice okay social activity JB 87 said Yeah right good so that's invite I'm cruising through this stuff now guys because I want to make sure we get through it all alright so Ward Ward becomes sorry Warren I'm getting distracted by this Warren is used rather when we describe a possible danger when we're telling someone yeah be to be careful right maybe because they are going to get hurt or maybe because we are going to actually punish them okay it is usually used in a negative pattern so when we say Warren we're usually using it with that not okay so the teacher said if you cheat there will be consequences right consequences you get a zero you get kicked out he doesn't seem to be listening to the the warning he's staring at her paper okay so the reported speech becomes the teacher warned us not to cheat okay so you'll see that not they're warned us not to cheat okay now as I said is usually used with not but not always okay but before again before I move on again the cool thing about warren is you don't have to repeat all of this all of this stuff where did that go where am i there we go there will be consequences all of that is implied in the word warren right the teacher warned us not to cheat means if you get caught you are going to be punished right so you don't have to use all of these words you can really shorten things up now you can use it without not he warned us to be careful when moving the boxes but he warned us not to drop the boxes so it is possible to use it in that affirmative okay yeah Roger Federer is still the best I think he's gonna win this weekend maybe so all right I'll be watching for sure okay so oh yeah one more remind this list just keeps on keeps on going JB eighty-seven you hate Roger Federer come on you don't hate Roger Federer you hate him why you hate him because he's so good alright now I'll say this side note I'm a fan of Djokovic I'm a Djokovic guy okay but I got respects I've got respect for Federer okay if you're if you care what I think about tennis there you go so remind okay you guys reminded me to watch the Wimbledon final this weekend so remind you used when we help someone remember to do something so to help someone remember okay we use remind he's too greedy oh come on he seems very nice doesn't he doesn't Roger Federer seem like a nice guy I don't know who knows but yeah I like tennis I'm a tennis fan that's my sport is tennis I'm very mediocre when playing it but I'm very good at watching it alright so thank you for reminding me to watch tennis all right so she said don't forget to call your mother tomorrow it's Mother's Day okay or it's your mom's birthday call your mom okay so she reminded him what where to go she reminded him to call his mother okay Joko has lost his power well yeah sometimes people go through ruts little ruts he'll be back yeah Gordon Ramsay Gordon Ramsay's a nice guy I don't know if he's a good tennis player or not I'm not sure okay so remind help me remember to do something it's using the same structure right when we use it we don't have to repeat the word forget all right it's kind of implied in there when we say she reminded him to call his mother soyou're that's the thing about these structures is you're really changing the original direct speech right right so in this case tomorrow is Mother's Day tomorrow was not Mother's Day just so you guys know I don't want to freak anybody out unless you're watching this next year okay if you're watching this on the second Saturday in May two thousand eighteen then yes tomorrow is Mother's Day so call your mom otherwise just relax and watch Wimbledon on Sunday okay the second part is easier interesting yeah okay so how about this I'm gonna get you guys to do some practice it's already ten o'clock an hour has passed but I do want you guys to do a little bit more work with this and we might still have some stuff to do with direct speech next week we're not done with this yet okay but just to make sure that we're all feeling good about the direct and reported speech okay I want you guys to do a little bit more practice with me so again take the direct speech and change it to report a speech keep in mind that I would like you to try to use some of these reporting verbs that we've just talked about so tell ask what did I say order remind advise beg warn right try to use one of those verbs in each of these following sentences you know what because we're short on time we got one two three four five six seven eight nine I'm gonna take these off from now and keep it short just so we have enough time to go through it take a couple minutes and rewrite these sentences in reported speech okay go for it guys and I'm going to put the music on you [Music] it's okely-dokely here let's take a look at all of these answers that came rolling in good good good good good all right all right so the astronomer said please don't touch the telescope is he there we go in here you know change that color so we can see it let me see who's got a not sure how to pronounce your name who see in asking why aren't you reading my writing maybe you're I'm not sure maybe you asked a question that wasn't related to today's class I'm not sure if I missed your question put it back in the chat and I'll try to get to it all right stuff flies by in the chat sometimes I miss it I've got I've got the glasses on but sometimes I can't see it so the answer for a so radwan says he asked me not to touch the Telus telescope okay so yeah basically most people have a very similar answer the astronomer asked me or us all say me not to touch the telescope okay the astronomer asked me not to touch the telescope we would say asked I think because of that word please in there if you said the astronomer told us not to touch the telescope that's grammatically correct it's okay but yeah I think most people went with asked because of the the magic word there okay that's good all right what about what about be the teacher said that the students be quiet now JB 87 I think that was I think that was you but said the teacher what do you say told the students to shut up that was JB yeah okay or of course just to be quiet the teacher did not ask because of that exclamation point I'd be quiet the teacher told the student to be quiet the teachers or the teacher ordered the students to be quiet if you said that that's okay but I think I think Tail is more is more common good Rosa you got it too good okay okay what about C whoo my daughter said strange please daddy don't turn on the movie about the scary beast but the scary beast what what movie are you what making your your little girl watch scary Beast okay so the trick here was my daughter right okay my daughter and most of you guys got bagged right then Rosa Cassie era you got this the switching pronouns there now some of you said right my daughter begged him all right but she's talking to you and you you are her father in this in this case order them because she's saying daddy so my daughter begged me okay not to turn on the movie about the scary beast listen to your daughter give her a break I don't know what oh maybe Beauty and the Beast still I don't know I don't know if that's it is that for little kids okay so the next one bill said to us don't forget to watch the sky for shooting stars tomorrow night right good so let's see who's got dee dee dee dee dee dee now all for Indonesia you can't say I asked us not to forget so because us we include I right so you can't ask really you're yourself to do this so just be careful of that one I think it's still about bill now you still want it to be about about bill what a bill do French Leo you got it good for you good yeah Bushra same nap shots yeah so you guys said good bill reminded us to watch the sky bill reminded us to watch the sky for shooting stars tomorrow night or I mean maybe tomorrow night has to change depending on the time right maybe the next day you would say bill reminded us to watch the sky for shooting stars tonight okay again just keep keep the time in mind nobody can touch Hubble no I don't think so you're right okay two more here party people et Margaret said what Maggie say here she said if you go outside without an umbrella you'll get soaked so this is a really good example of reporting what she said without repeating a lot of of this stuff you don't have to use that that conditional structure there right yeah I'm lazy see I well that's a motor coffee right it's empty so I can't I can't finish my sentence right I can't write a full sentence so Margaret I'm gonna get really lazy here Maggie Maggie short for Margaret okay since some of you guys are saying warned yeah this one you've got options it really depends on the seriousness of the situation I mean some of you guys said warned right go under said Maggie warned and I would probably say me or us or something like that Maggie warned me not to go outside without an umbrella okay now again this is what I'm saying though so if you go outside without an umbrella you'll get soaked if you say Maggie warned me not to go outside without an umbrella all of that other stuff is is suggested that means suggested okay it's it's in there okay but you don't have to repeat it you don't have to talk about getting soaked you don't have to talk about the condition right she just warned you not to go outside without an umbrella good he asked me about the word up whoa we'll talk about up soon maybe maybe next week okay Rosa accused Shaun of being lazy yeah Shaun denied it no Shawn Shawn admitted Shawn admitted that he was lazy proudly okay lazy and proud okay no I would some some of your saying said no I'd say warned is best for free no F the last one I'll give it to you so my friend asked could you please turn down the volume she said please or he said please so my friend asked me to turn down the volume I don't bring that friend over to parties very often but Sean revealed that he likes tennis yeah it's a big secret it was a big secret and I revealed it yeah so yeah i'll be i'll be i'll be eating strawberries and cream watching watching Wimbledon I think Wimbledon is a the finals on it like six o'clock in the morning here for me but I'll be I'll be watching it okay we'll be we'll be watching it together okay guys so we're still not done yet okay we I mean obviously we have the mistake of the week to do but I mean with reported speech there's there are a couple other things I can i can show you about report of speech so maybe next week part of the class will will just wrap up with this and and we'll look at other stuff too maybe some more um maybe some more phrasal verbs next week okay so before you run away of course no class or weekend would be complete you can't start the weekend without well well without the mistake of the week okay do you know what ingesting the reported speech happy Wimbledon weekend indeed alright so mistake of the week anybody who's new this is how it works I am going to put a sentence up on the screen you find me the mistake the first person to find the mistake is the 2017 Wimbledon champion okay so it's a common mistake that students make this one actually is a common mistake that that even native speakers make if they're not if they're not paying attention okay Rosa is congratulating the winner in advance or she can see the future where she's from the future I'm not sure which one okay so I'm gonna put the sentence up here are Zhang is saying he's already the champion that's big talk put your put your money where your mouth is as they say all right show us what you can do so I'm going to put the sentence up now and I'm going to disappear for five seconds find me the mistake okay go for it [Music] you all right so yeah I know you guys you guys are fast and Victor once again much like maybe they may be the the Roger Federer of the mistake of the week Victor is again the victor of this challenge right so maybe yeah don't don't hate him but yes the champion Victor came in on top and then followed by nob shot you were you were close you were close French Leo was in there JB 87 hours ng re Rosa French Leo rod won you guys all nailed it but Victor was a quickest on the draw he's got it he's got a wicked serve all right someone told me that it's a mistake to end a sentence with a preposition what's the mistake well besides the fact that it's not really a mistake to end a sentence with a preposition the mistake grammatically in this sentence is is where to go there we go is it's right sometimes students of all languages including English not even students anybody who speaks English or writes in English makes this little mistake confusing it's with it's the possessive it's with the contraction of it is Neri says absolutely the worst mistake is using I for the over the connected toaster I think worse than that an area would be to use a knife in a connected toaster in a bathtub full of water all right that would be the biggest mistake of the week so this one compared to Electrical mistakes this little mistake of leaving the apostrophe oh look at you disappearing here we go leaving that apostrophe out someone told me that it's I T apostrophe s compared to electrocuting yourself with a butter knife in the bathtub this is a minor mistake but it's one that you want to avoid as well then Neverwinter steve yeah somebody Rosa you're saying that people answered the question before I had put the mistake of the week on the screen oh my goodness the fix is in this is a rigged game right okay I don't know how that happened as I said maybe some people exist a couple seconds in the future amazing okay so that's all the time I've got for you today sadly I have I have other things to do rod one you said you're ahead of Victor no we've had this is a photo finish I think we've had we've had issues with this before on my on my screen on my chat victor is the first the first one that hasn't and rod when you came you came in lower than lower than that that's okay you guys are all champions in my book okay so Jerry you answered before the countdown I don't know I have no idea it doesn't matter you guys are all you're all the winners okay so let me hop out here where am I going there we go so thanks again for joining me today guys we went we went quite long actually with almost an hour now so I gotta get back to work but it's always nice to jump in here and hang out JB 87 will be re watching this I will all probably watch it as well Stephen in my book is an idiom that means like in my opinion if someone says you're okay in my book it means I think or in my opinion you're okay so yeah thanks for coming in thanks for joining keep coming back keep watching the class keep participating tell your friends cold winter tell your till your buddy he can come back and hang out if he wants to ball deep sayings and show ya sir you're late we're just wrapping up here so wherever you are whenever you are keep using your English good night or good morning have a good weekend have a good week happy Monday wherever you are as I said we'll be back here next week regular time Friday 9 o'clock Vancouver time all right and keep practicing keep making mistakes and and learning from those mistakes okay until then let me go back here we'll see you next time guys bye bye hi everyone thanks for watching the video if you enjoyed it please subscribe to our Channel also if you want the full experience of being a student in a smart live class with things like homework and teacher feedback follow the link and become a premium subscriber also if you want to see more videos from this class check out our playlist [Music]
Channel: Smrt English
Views: 7,618
Rating: 4.9609756 out of 5
Keywords: Smrt, Smrt English, English Class, Live
Id: LMSYRlhvKcw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 84min 31sec (5071 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 14 2017
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