Subject-Verb Agreement - Smrt Live Class with Shaun #9

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hi happy happy Wednesday or it's Wednesday here anyway it's Wednesday at 3 o'clock and I don't know what time it is or where what day it is where you are maybe it's early Thursday or maybe it's a hundred years in the future who know who knows where you are and what you're up to but here it's Wednesday so happy Wednesday I'm Shawn of course I'm your teacher for the next hour or so welcome to the smart live class streaming and if you were in marks class earlier welcome welcome back and if you've been here before if you're here last week good to see you I see some familiar faces again in the stream and if it's your first time then welcome thanks for joining us okay and I'm looking a little I'm looking a little fancy today my with my tie so my thanks for the yeah I want to be fancy pants today or fancy tie yes so where should we start today let's let's just jump right into it okay today we're talking about agreement the theme of the the class today is is agreement all right I see oh yes these people talking about homework from last week we'll get to we'll get to that for sure let's let's first talk about agreement to agree what a wonderful thing it is to to agree to share an opinion with someone to see as we say in English to see eye to eye with someone is to to agree all right um and agree can mean so many different things I mean agree just means to to get along to share a common interest so nice it is when we all can can get along all right agreeing just getting things done reaching some kind of well reaching an agreement making things happen business agreement is necessary or just this guy okay when it comes to to agreeing the term to be an agreeable person is just someone who's he's easygoing he's willing to go along for whatever this is I don't know if this is maybe this is Jimmy Jimmy is agreeable right you want to go hike up a mountain Jimmy Jimmy's there yeah he's he's ready so with the word agree it doesn't necessarily have to do with just opinions right it can be a shared goal or a shared interest or as far as Jimmy is concerned it's just he's good for whatever yeah also to agree you can agree with a with a abstract or inanimate thing it doesn't even have to be people that agree for example in this picture the country air you can say the country air agrees with me it just means you like it it it suits you you find it enjoyable alright so I hope this lesson today agrees with you because well consider the the alternative agreement is it's good to agree of course what's the alternative conflict fighting this person who I think is maybe the opposite of Jimmy agreeable Jimmy who wants to climb a mountain then you have this we call stonewalling even something as wonderful as three massive cheeseburgers pile them on top of each other which looks great can disagree with you you know obviously in this case those those cheeseburgers disagreed with I don't know if this is Pete here let's say Pete okay so Pete's lunch disagrees with him okay don't worry there's a point to all this I'm not just I'm not just rambling here okay we're going to tie it all together so why are we talking about agreement it's important to know actually it's important for me to say that agreeing isn't always necessary disagreement is not always a bad thing right I mean in a professional setting in business or whatever it is in science or in any kind of professional field some form of disagreement or debate or conflict is is good it can lead to improvements it can lead to discovery right I mean yes we can't all be like agreeable Jimmy all the time and why would we want to be right and sometimes some form of conflict or disagreement in life can be fun right it can be enjoyable to disagree with one another but that's life what we're talking about today is is English the language we're talking about grammar and in grammar when things disagree you've got problems okay so what we are going to be talking about today and why I just went on a five minute rant about agreeing is today we're looking at something called subject verb agreement okay subject verb agreement a simple concept that many students have problems with or make make mistakes with I should say even at the high level this is a mistake this is something that you learn in beginner English class but this is a mistake that even the higher level students will make so this is why we're focusing on this and even though we're looking at it kind of in terms of writing because you guys are going to be writing some stuff down for me today a subject verb agreement applies to spoke in English as well and students will often make mistakes with it okay so what are we talking about when we say subject verb agreement alright how can a subject and a verb not agree right look at this is sad yeah I I hate to see a subject and a verb disagree like this okay so we're going to try to get past this this disagreement between the subject and the verb and figure out what what that means now the concept of subject verb agreement is very simple very basic but like anything in English or any language there are lots of little rules and exceptions that make it confusing and complicated okay so the basic idea of agreement is a singular subject takes a singular verb right or a singular form verb alright so for example the teacher often gives his students homework for the weekend I know I do although some students might disagree with this in this case the subject teacher and the verb agree meaning you've got a singular teacher one teacher and then you've got the S on the verb give to make gives and therefore that is grammatical that's correct okay so singular subject singular verb that is agreement cooperation let's say between subject and verb okay obviously the other side of it is plural subject a plural subject takes a plural form verb so in this case the teachers and parents meet twice a year to discuss student progress in performance okay so again teachers and parents together is plural they're two people or or more and then your verb well your verb here meet no S on there because that would be a problem so plural and plural singular and singular that's the concept that's the whole thing that's subject verb agreement so maybe we can just stop class early there and we go home but it's it's not quite it's not quite that simple unfortunately all right when I show you this sentence he walked to work students can very easily recognize that that's a mistake right he walk together is a problem you got to put an s on there he walks to work and again this looks like a beginner mistake but it's actually quite common across the board across the levels right so that's a problem with subject verb agreement that he walks is the subject in the verb agreeing okay so that's the basics but today I'm going to be showing you all the little complicated rules that we use to avoid problems with subject verb agreement okay because I I don't I don't like to see this I don't like to see my subjects on my verbs disagree I'm a I'm a peaceful guy I want everything to be peaceful like this guy yes he wants everybody to get along too right let him and Jimmy okay so we're all going to try to get along and we want our subjects in our verbs to get along too right even though I mean look at this subject subject verb combination here the sub the subject is he looks sorry I guess he probably didn't even do anything wrong but let's let's reach an agreement let's get past this alright and get to this subject verb agreement this is what I want your sentences to look like I want your subjects in your verbs not just to agree I want them wrapped up in little blankets drinking tea together and talking about their day that's what I want with your subjects and verbs okay so this is where I I hope to get you from this to here okay so how do we make our subjects and verbs agree lots of different rules I'm going to go through some of them now and then I'm going to get you guys doing some work for me all right so strap in here we go and of course usually I mentioned this at the beginning of class and I didn't mention it of course most of you know by now that Lane is the moderator he's friendly he's helpful if you have questions put it into the chat and he'll send it to me and I will try to answer them as as best I can all right yeah see you guys like the sound of blankets you can wrap yourself up in a blanket if you want get comfortable as we go through these these rules okay so strap yourself in wrap the blanket around you and here we go the first rule for subject verb agreement has to do with something called compound subjects okay compound subjects means two or more subjects connected with aunt okay so two things or three or four or however many connected together in a series or with the word and is it considered a compound subject and they are usually plural for example here's a sentence the rink and the pool are in need of maintenance okay so you've got rink pool two things together with and and that means that the verb is are and not is okay so that sentence is correct and that's the basic rule for compound subjects okay here's one more it says here are your passport and your visa application so you've got two things again passport and visa application connected with and and that means that your verb has to be the plural form our right so that's it but of course like anything in any language there are exceptions there are so many exceptions to the rules so rock and roll ham and cheese what do these have in common they're great what else they are an exception to the compound subject rule like fish and chips here look fish and chips is the dish most commonly associated with England I think anyway if if anybody out there is watching from England you can feel free to disagree with me all right so fish and chips two things together with and but we don't consider it a compound subject as a plural because fish and chips is functioning as one thing okay it's like one dish is fish and chips or rock and roll is a form of music ham and cheese ham and cheese separate would be plural but you put them together in a sandwich and it becomes a singular noun right ham and cheese is a variety of sandwich yeah so that is one exception and I'm going to show you something a little maybe even a little bit more complex here to compound subjects that are connected with any of these things I'm going to put them up on the screen here or either or neither nor and not only but when you're using these connectors with compound subjects you have to keep in mind that the verb has to agree with the subject that it's closer to alright maybe like what it what what is it what does that mean all right well don't look at me like that alright again the verb needs to agree with whichever subject is closer so let me show you two examples two sentences that are almost identical okay I've just flipped the order around a little bit now look at this the first one is neither the mayor nor the city councilors have addressed the recent rise in crime now in this case the verb have is the plural form because councilors is plural and it's closer to have now in this case you've got one singular subject and you've got one plural subject but because this one is closer than have agrees with this subject okay so if you flip it and you look at the example underneath it says neither the city councilors nor the mayor has addressed the recent rise in crime now the verb has changed because now I have put the singular subject closer to the verb so it all depends on what subject is closer if if both of the subjects are plural then you don't have to worry about it okay or if both of them are singular again it doesn't it doesn't matter if you say neither my mother nor my father it's going to be singular but just be careful if you're messing around with the order with this particular structure okay with these linking devices okay so I see someone saying they didn't understand that part but we're going to we're going to look at some examples in a bit but again it just has to do with the order of the sentence and whatever subject is closer to the verb will will determine whether the verb is singular or plural okay again just take a real close look you can always look back at these two sentences to see the the difference there but again this is one exception that you may not see all that often okay so let's look at the next rule so that was compound subjects compound subjects and again if you guys have questions fire them into the chat and we'll go through them together okay indefinite pronouns is something else you have to be careful of when you're writing your sentences or when you're speaking by indefinite pronouns I mean anything in this list right things like each and either one someone everyone everything in this list considered an indefinite pronoun yeah it means indefinite pronouns are singular so all of those words in the list that I just showed you will take a singular form verb like it okay so let me show you an example in this case everyone in this room is capable of achieving his or her goal so in this case you use is because everyone is singular okay show you another example here one of the reasons people stay away from this area is the high crime rate now this is the the reason I'm showing you this sentence is because this is the type of sentence where students often make mistakes okay because in this sentence the subject is one but sometimes students will see the word reasons there with an ass on it and they'll become confused and they'll make that sub that verb plural but don't be confused by that because reasons is not the subject one is your subject their reasons is part of that prepositional phrase of the reasons a few weeks ago we were talking about phrases and I mentioned to you guys that the prepositional phrase is never the subject of the sentence and therefore you have to keep and keep an eye out for that when you're writing your sentences to avoid this mistake okay in the same with people in this case people is just part of this clause that's modifying the word reasons so the subject is 1 the verb is is alright so just keep an eye out for these relative pronouns in the same kind of category the words each and every as determiners when we use the word each or every with a noun then that verb is going to be the singular form as well okay so examples of that we say each student was given even though maybe you're talking about multiple students when you use the word each it's singular okay also every person in this class needs to be familiar with subject verb agreement all right well that's connected to what we're talking about here right so again if you're using each or every then that verb has to be singular all right now I know I'm given I'm going through a lot of information but don't worry about it too much guys if you miss something and we can always address it if you have questions and when it comes time for you guys to do the practice exercise you can always be asking me questions about this too I'm going to be giving you lots of rules here and then we're going to be using them all right so don't panic if if you're starting Finnick all right collective nouns I think I've got two or three more big kind of main rules to talk about before you guys get working for me okay so a collective noun by that we mean something like a team or an audience ohm yeah well it's it's a huge crowd of people so crowd audience family these are collective nouns these are many people together functioning as a singular thing okay so you think about your family as a whole or a crowd as a as one whole thing in that case like most of these words here a collective noun will be singular usually all right of course like most things in English there are oh they're going to be exceptions right but usually collective nouns like family crowd audience team take a singular form verb okay all right so an example the class organizes a party at the end of each semester so in this case the class is functioning as a group right all 30 people or everyone in the chat you are my you are my class and you function as a whole all right or in this case again the audience was silent as the guitarist began to play yeah now again like everything as I said there are going to be some exceptions like this you have to ask yourself this question when you're looking at this collective noun whether its family or class or group are you using it as a whole or are you focusing on the individual members of the group of the noun okay so if you're focusing it on it as a whole then it's singular but if you're talking about the individual members then you might end up using a plural verb what do I mean what are you talk but what am I talking about so let me illustrate it in this case the first one is singular the couple all right the couple sitting next to us was arguing with the server about the bill now in this case the word couple is functioning as a singular thing the two people the man and the woman are together they are united in their fight against this this waitress or waiter who is trying to overcharge them for their meal all right this next one I'm going to I'm just going to pop myself off the screen so you can read the whole the whole sentence here okay so the next one the couple sitting next to us we're arguing about money throughout the entire meal so in this case the subject or the verb is were because couple is not functioning as a whole it's actually two members of one couple arguing against each other so it's maybe a man and a woman sitting in a restaurant and they are arguing with each other about the money so that's the difference you have to make sure that you know is this collective noun functioning as a whole or is it kind of separate and you're focusing on the members of the group okay so I see a question just came up Paola asked is this correct either pizza or tacos are okay either tacos or pizza is okay Paulo that is perfect that is exactly right when you're talking about that the compound subject exactly it depends on what subject is closer all right perfect and I see marianna sandwich which part is confusing let me know which part is confusing you know and I'll talk about it a little bit more okay but if you're talking about this is in the singular and the plural yeah it's it's it's complicated but it really depends on really what your what your focus is again if you're talking about the class as a whole the class is planning a trip or the class are debating the issues today meaning the different members of the class are debating but yes I know it is tricky but again if you get your sense of your questions in the chat I'll try to help you out with that and clarify okay now speaking of tricky again another one that trips students up I thought I would throw this out here before you guys get doing some work for me and again I'm going to I'm going to give you one more rule after this and then you guys are going to do some practice for me okay so the number is singular on number is plural and I know that's confusing and maybe infuriating for you as a as an English Learner to see number is plural right but let's look at some examples here now I think actually mark put this in a little video on our Facebook group the other day okay so we said the number of people in our Facebook group is growing so the number is singular because the number is one thing alternatively a number of people in our Facebook group are watching the stream now in this case a number of people in our group this is plural because it's talking about like a percentage one little kind of sub group within our group right so that's why it's it's plural we got a question coming in from Oh Oscar good to see you he says neither the teachers nor the principal is kind that's is good well I mean it's not good for the students it's it's unfortunate for the students but that is an excellent sentence Oscar yeah that's great perfect okay so yes here a number now this leads us into our last kind of rule before you guys get some some practice going okay in that mmm delicious cheese this is about fractions and percentages and units of measurement okay so the verb in the sentence depends on in some cases the prepositional phrase or it depends on the thing or things being divided again that's confusing too so let me give you an example okay pizza delicious everyone likes pizza half of the pizza was eaten so in this case half is your subject in the sentence pizza is singular one pizza so half of one pizza was eaten so your verb is singular because because pizza is singular okay alternatively a third of the pizzas were vegetarian so now you've got three pizzas only one of them is vegetarian again you guys can check my math have been known to to make some mistakes from time to time and my in my mathematical calculations okay but I think in this case because you got what looks like some kind of sausage or something on there that one-third of the pizzas plural were vegetarian which is about is appropriate I would say you really only need one one vegetarian pizza in there although mark might disagree with me I'm not sure he can discuss that in the chat but in this case you're using the plural verb because pizzas is plural okay and that's when you're when you're dealing with fractions or percentages you really have to look at the thing that it is a percentage of in order to determine what your subject what your verb should agree with right okay so well I almost I almost revealed the mistake of the week but we're not going to get there yet all right if you guys have questions put them in the chat if not let's get to work okay so so I'm going to ask Layne if you would be so kind to share put that link for the for the exercise and now I'm going to open it up on my screen say fullscreen here I'm going to make this nice and big so everybody can see up okay so I have given you about eight or nine will say nine sentences I think in this case so nine sentences some of them are correct some of them are not now this I love doing this to my students not just saying go through and fix them or or finish them but you have to decide is this sentence in each sentence do the subject and verb agree first if they do great you can put a happy face next to it or any kind of emoji that you want all right you know I like I like my unicorn emojis you can put one of those next to it if it's correct great if it isn't you have to fix it okay so identify the problems with subject verb agreement and make corrections so let's do the first one together and yes the happy music is coming I know that everybody's excited with it for the happy music it's on its way don't worry now the first one letter a a number of people in attendance at the meeting was not satisfied with the city's plan for reducing crime yeah so in this sentence if you look very closely you will see that a number is your subject and the verb over here is was now what we said before is that a number is actually plural so in this case was is a mistake and has to be changed to were a number of people were not satisfied okay and that's it easy right I know I make it look so easy just like that okay so look through it find the mistakes put your answers in the chat and we'll put them up here and all I'll go over the answers together okay I'm going to pop off the screen for a minute I'm going to put the happy music on because I know that Oscars dying for us here okay so it's probably yes it's better than listening to me I'm sure so get to work find me the mistakes and subject verb agreement and fix them up all right go for it all right everybody that was good you guys work fast all right lots of answers coming in on the chat let's look at some of them together let's see what you came up with good good good good good all right so we did a together I see a little bit of disagreement in the crowd I guess alright between a few people with the answer to B so some people said B is wrong some people said it's right now in this case I would say in the sentence the subject is committee here let me come down here so I can highlight a few things here subject is committee all of this stuff here is really just a prepositional phrase modifying committee so what kind of committee a committee of business owners residents community leaders and so on so none of that really matters none of that is affecting the subject and the verb so in B a committee is going to work with police to address the neighborhood crime in this case B is correct all right I'm going to put that here with an exclamation point because committee is singular this is a collective noun that is is singular therefore we're good it's correct okay so again if you guys have questions about that let's keep them coming and we'll go over them now C is an example of me deliberately trying to trick some of you guys and I think it I think it worked because sometimes I like to to keep some information hidden yeah just to just to fool you a little bit because it brings me joy okay so C says neither mathematics nor physics was his strongest subject in university here you've got a compound subject but like we said before you said neither a nor B now the subject has to agree here right so we've got Sabrina 96 thinks that the answer to this one is physics were his strongest subject but actually that's not the case letter C is correct because one thing I didn't bother to mention is physics even though it has an S on it is singular because it is a field of study okay mathematics physics just like English sociology and biology these are types of study don't be fooled just by an S on a subject in this case it is singular and physics is closest to the verb was so it's it's fine okay so yeah Sabrina just be careful of that one but thanks for your answer good what else is coming in here for D one of the main reasons for the recent police crackdown on gangs are the public pressure Selma called me out on a mistake she says I'm wrong with beat it with D and that is that is right so one here is your subject and in this case the verb here is I put R and that's a mistake it has to be is okay and one of the main reasons is public pressure okay what about e rhythm-and-blues are still a popular style of music worldwide what do we have here some people say e is correct who else anyone else say for E argh Lea I'm not sure if I'm pronouncing your name right but says e is correct looks like I'm tricking some people with with E as well Oscar I got you on that one too because in this case rhythm and blues again it looks like a compound subject right and this is what I mean by I noticed this some people in the in the chat we're saying how easy this is sometimes but I a Kim it can trick you because in this case rhythm and blues looks like a compound subject but in fact rhythm and blues is one style of music together R&B right you've ever heard of the style R&B that's rhythm and blues so e is a mistake it has to be rhythm and blues is still a popular style of music the little trick should have been that that article there okay so rhythm and blues is a popular style okay a few more here we've got F okay F looking for an answer for that one f says every citizen has the responsibility to report a criminal act who thinks it's correct if there's an answer for F F Oscar says it's correct and in this case Oscar yeah you got it and argue as well you say F is correct it is every citizen in this case we said when you use every you want to use it with a singular form verb that is great okay the question in here Sabrina says how should I know about this popular style of music yeah I don't know I mean yeah it's they're always going to be little things out there unfortunately that you're that you're not familiar with but it's the same as a rock and roll for example Sabrina don't worry about it too much there are always be little things that that can trick you with your language it happens to me too I mean I make mistakes every once in a while as well every six months or so yeah okay so G the police said that each of the teenagers who were accused of the crime or accused of online harassment we're going to be investigated now in this case I know that Maryann caught it I don't know if everybody else did I see that you know get me another one for Gee Gee Gee Gee Gee Gee yeah I think a few people got it no with G it is a mistake and you had to fix it twice right because it should be the each of the teenagers who was accused of online harassment was going to be investigated so you got to change both of those verbs because again of the word each okay each of the teenagers okay two more min-hee I don't know if we have any do we have any Koreans in the class today any Koreans in the chat mean he sounds like a Korean name so many is the only one out of all the students who have ever gotten a perfect score on this assignment so in this case I would say mean he is that's fine right anybody else have an answer for H yeah Mohammed got it it has to be here has ever because we're talking about one the only one who has ever gotten a perfect score all right Thank You Mohammed for that one you nailed it and the last one I says two meters of the floor were covered by a large carpet anyone give me an answer for I we got here in this case I yet a couple of you got at a couple of you got kind of tripped up on it two meters of the floor in this case would have to be was covered because the floor is a singular thing and in this case two meters is similar to what we were talking about with fractions and percentages okay so half of the floor was covered 65% of the floor was covered in the in this case two meters of the floor was covered by a large carpet all right so this is good stuff now some again some of the stuff looks really easy but you have to be careful of it because it's such a minor mistake it's one of those little mistakes that sometimes students think oh it's no big deal because if I make this mistake you still understand what I mean if I say he walk or he walks it's you're not going to change the meaning of the sentence but it is an important mistake because it can very easily take something that is a high-level use of language you may be able to write at a high level but if you make these little mistakes to some people they might seem like beginner mistakes so you want to avoid them okay so speaking of mistakes let's pop back into the presentation here because I want to do of course what do I want to do I'm going to do the mistake of the week it's time once again ladies and gentlemen for the mistake of the week let me pop back here we'll go to the pizza alright here we go so pizza forget about pizza let's talk about this week's mistake of the week now again if you guys have questions about subject verb agreement you can keep putting them in the chat and we'll try to answer them I know mark is in the chat there too may be answering some questions but let's focus on the mistake of the week I am going to pop off the screen and put Oscar's favorite happy music on there and I want you guys to look at this sentence and again this is a race for domination to see who is the best and fastest and smartest student on the Internet at this moment in time in history okay so can you spot the mistake here's the sentence I'm not going to read it because sometimes it's hard for me to read a sentence without accidentally fixing the mistakes so read this sentence find me the mistake and I will pop back on take 10 seconds and see what you can do all right I'm out of here member alright I'm back because some people got it see mark and they're giving people hints about today's class trying to help you out nicer maybe mark is nicer than I am maybe I don't know but I think it looks like um who's the first Mary Ann is being hard on herself she could she couldn't get it today that's all right you've got a couple championships under your belt there that's fine Oscar put in a couple Oscar put an answer in early but didn't quite get it I see that you noticed Oscar that the the order of the sentences is kind of weird is kind of wrong you wanted to switch there and has but actually I would say that I think Kanako maybe was the first to get it and the answer is the mistake of the week is has alright and why is this a mistake of the week well because as Mark was trying to hint in the chat this is a mistake with subject verb agreement in this case the subject of the sentence and the verb do not get along very well okay because has should be have now you ask why only recently have there been many cases of robbery in this area in this case what is the subject of the sentence where is the subject says only recently have that's strange usually you see the subject before the verb right and this is exactly what we're going to be talking about right now you have to be aware that sometimes the subject comes after the verb in a sentence this is what we call inverted word order alright sometimes when we want to get fancy when we want to be cute and stylish or we add emphasis to our sentences we will often flip the order of the sentence particularly the subject and the helping verb around and it can cause confusion for students when they're reading it and mistakes if they don't notice it so only recently have there been many cases of robbery in this area so as I said this is what we call inverted word Order or inversion okay I see someone says there is the subject nugget back in this case there is not the subject together there will never be the subject of the sentence okay here cases so cases have been in this area okay cases of robbery so well okay let's clarify let's talk about it together so in some cases the subject in the verb will be inverted okay so the subject will come after the the helping verb kind of like how you see it in a question now it might be confusing to some of you but it's it's definitely something that you have seen and you've even seen it today I've given you an example earlier like this so think about when we use words like here and there when you start a sentence with here and there those are not the subjects of the sentence look at this sentence for example there are several reasons to watch Shawn's class online I agree with that no disagreement there but in this case the word there is not the subject now it's what we call an expletive it's it's an introductory word that in itself really doesn't have much meaning right in this sentence reasons is the subject okay so reasons several reasons to watch Shawn's class are they're technically so reasons is your subject are is your verb so in this case the helping verb and the subject are inverted order kind of like in a question all right now this is some complex stuff that we're not going to talk a lot about today because I could actually spend an entire lesson just on this type of inversion and yeah maybe I will all right but this is something that we do that you have to be careful of so let me show you another example because as I said often times we use it to show emphasis and style we want to get we want to get cute alright in this case you're looking at something like this down the path and through the birch trees is a lovely village now people don't usually speak like this it's usually something you'll see in writing okay or maybe a formal presentation or something like that okay but if you look very closely at the sentence you'll notice that the subject and the verb is inverted what is the subject of this sentence the subject is village at the very end of the sentence now remember weeks ago and I mentioned it earlier today I told you that prepositional phrases are never going to be the subject of a sentence so down the path through the trees that is not the subject those are just extra phrases okay village is the subject and is is your verb so a lovely village is down the path and through the trees so in this case again you have to be careful of the order when you're deciding how you're going to make your subject in your in your verb agree okay so again this is complicated stuff that I'll go into more detail with but how about this just to give you one more example only with his closest companions does he speak about his personal life so here you've got the subject is here and you've got a helping verb before it now to be continued on the on the inversion I want to drive home this idea of subject verb agreement one more time okay so let's get back into the exercise we've got about we got a few more minutes okay and and if we go a couple minutes over that's that's fine I I want you guys to do something for me you can start it and whatever we don't finish you can do for homework alright so this is what I like you guys to do go back into the exercise okay we'll do a couple of these together and then I'll send you off for the week to do some some practice maybe okay so scroll down here all the way to the second page now it's your turn to be creative to show me what you can do to show me how you can use this language so I have started eight sentences for you the first one is one of the most popular methods all you have to do is finish the sentence with your own idea making sure that the subject and the verb agree now just to be simple I've asked you to just use the verb to be so is are was were keep it simple but finish these sentences and make sure that your subject in your verb are in agreement why don't you take two or three minutes okay put some answers in the chat and then we'll go over it together as one big happy family it's one big happy collective noun and then I'll set you free for the rest of the week okay so do the first three or four finish the sentences and put them in the chat and then we'll go over it together okay so get to work happy music coming back on and Shawn is disappearing once again go for it or is some good answers coming in on the chat let me put a couple of them up here and then we'll sign off for today but I do want to go over a few of them here okay so I think the first one I'm going to put up here was from Aaron I think yeah so in this case one of the most popular methods of learning new language is listening sure that's great I think Sabrina said one of the most popular methods of learning is dancing with your students I think it was is that right dancing with your students I'll try that maybe I'll try that next week right that's good so in this case one is the subject is is the verb good subject verb agreement is intact everything is wonderful number two and we'll just do a couple of these and then I'll send you on your way gang okay number two a group of ten students Sabrina feeling some some hostility here I think so in this case oh okay interesting now let's put this up here a group of ten students were killed by me well this is violent which is which is fine but also slightly incorrect right because remember we said a group is collective okay in this case because if it's if it's a group was because well maybe it depends if you kill them as a group or if you kill them individually maybe that will depend on the subject for agreement that that will be another class that we'll have to discuss that I guess Oscar says a group of ten students is missing oh no is messing around in class and as somebody else said a group of luciana said a group of ten students is doing homework great it's really good okay let's do one more and then we'll finish up so Chateau number seven getting super fancy says let me put this up for all to see okay neither the students nor his parents much to my chagrin are ready to leave now alright meaning yeah anger kind of did my disappointments this is good this is really good so you guys are you guys are catching on this is good so this subject-verb agreement just make sure that when it comes time to to do writing assignments basically obviously in speech you want to try to make sure that you're catching these little mistakes that you're making but maybe it's even easier when you when you have a writing assignment before you submit that essay before you send that email to your your boss or your teacher make sure to go through it and look specifically at your subjects find your subjects look at your verbs and make sure that they do agree because as I said before it's not a mistake that is really going to affect the the meaning of your sentence but it is going to instantly make a possibly complex very sophisticated high level sentence down and kind of bring it down to a lower level just because your subject and your verb disagree okay so watch out for that mistake obviously mistakes are a beautiful thing don't worry about it too much but to improve your your level and your your range and make sure that you're looking out for it for homework obviously you guys can finish these sentences you can write your own and submit them to me next week if you want so last week I told you if you wanted to that you could finish this exercise on comma splices now let me put this up on the screen we shared this last week not this not this thing but here at the end of class last time I said you can take these sentences read through them and tell me if their comma splices or not what I'm going to do now I'm going to sign off all right if you did some of this stuff if you have this this document done and you want to kind of check over some of your answers you can stick around and ask me questions in the chat and I'll answer for about five minutes before I disappear but I am going to sign off from the from the cam and answer some of your questions okay thanks for coming guys it's just an hour goes by so fast and oh yes I also should mention this that last week we mentioned that we were thinking about changing the the time of this lesson and we've decided not on changing it yet but that we are actually going to conduct a poll do a little research so we're going to have a poll in our Facebook group learn English on Facebook where we're going to put the question out to the group as to when the best day and time for this lesson is for the most people to help us decide when the best time is for you guys okay because I can I can do this whatever I've got nothing going on right so right now is Wednesday afternoon but we're going to put a questionnaire out there to see what time is best for you look on our Facebook group learn English on Facebook it'll be out there sometime this week that questionnaire too so you can put your your two cents in your opinion on when this class should be okay until then whenever whatever day it is or whatever time it is when I come back and see you we'll see you next time okay keep writing keep reading keep speaking keep practicing your English and we'll see you back here whenever whenever that time is okay so until then enjoy yourselves and we'll see you next time okay thanks guys and again I'll be in the chat for five minutes or so if you guys have questions about last week's class or anything that we've talked about today all right I'm out of here see you later you
Channel: Smrt English
Views: 124,497
Rating: 4.8014355 out of 5
Keywords: English, English Lesson, Live English, English Class, Subject Verb Agreement
Id: ws3o-OxDgOw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 65min 21sec (3921 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 23 2016
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