Replay: Easy Pincushions with Jenny, Misty, and Cindy

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[Music] hello everybody and welcome to another edition of Missouri star live on YouTube and Facebook work so so excited to have Jenny and Cindy here with us today and we're going to talk about making pin cushions out of everyday household cutesy things that you might have around and we're also going to talk about the quilt space app so make sure you stick around for that but as usual we're gonna do a few shout outs to start so we go he's watching it was watching so we've got quite a few from California Canada Michigan I was born in California San Luis Obispo any Sam knows to be someone from France who's from France oh I want to be I want to go to France I want to be friends Kim from Ohio nyeeehhh need from Maryland I hope I said that correctly thank you guys so much for tuning in and watching with us we really appreciate you being here so uh let's dive right in shall we well one of the things this is the brand new block magazine brand new if you don't have it it should be in your mailbox shortly very couple of cool things we're doing with black now you can see on the back we do the thumbnails so you can quickly look at it and see all the quilts that are in it but in the back we kind of do a Jenny schoolhouse and this one has an issue I mean has a whole article on pin cushions making position here so they can see and so oh yeah I can put it here turn it towards you Oh towards me yep we got to learn all the rules so um it's a it's a little article let me see if there's another page over here nope so here it starts with this page and it has these cute pin cushions in it right here this one little pin cushion right here this little little kangaroo hope you can see that that one I made for Sue Daley who lives in Australia and she already has it so we don't have that here today but that's her little fabric in the middle and it's just fun to take these ordinary items to make so earlier this year it was Christmastime and I needed a good gift for Rob Appel so I wanted to make him a Christmas gift and I had gone antique store and I found this old gear and that had the middle part where the rod went through the middle part and I wanted to put a pin cushion in that but I didn't actually know if it could happen so I went to the resident expert oh my gosh it's so busy or it was so horrible so so we made a tiny actually no we made a big pinwheel and then put our fabric and closed so that made a tiny little pinwheel and she showed me how to how to curve it around and make it round and then how to actually glue it in and the glue that we use this be 6,000 or this three-in-one this beacon literally it I mean it'll stick to metal or anything and so it worked perfectly and I thought today when I thought we were gonna do this pincushion thing I just thought we'd bring our expert along right here only I don't know like the pro whatever she loves it well and Rob if you're watching we want to see a picture of that oh yeah take a picture with us if you're on there but anyway cindy has some is so so mine I tend to do like you know the little blurb inside a little thing and we brought some fun different little containers we have these tiny little salt-cellars because sometimes you need a little pin cushion so for the car or retreat sewing you know you'd maybe you don't might take your big one actually that's one of the other fun things that I get to see us every time I go teach a class there are a million different pin cushions everything everything from frogs to things in this - I mean just every kind of pin cushion you can imagine and it's so fun these you can buy these at antique stores all over the poster hardly anything and they make really good gifts if you're going to retrieve such an idea so they're great gift ideas and of course we all need them to hold our pins in I love you whoever you are if you've ever been to one of our retreats you know yeah so let me let me just tell you a little bit about Cindy Cindy ins Susan our retreats at the retreat center and and Cindy is the best she's a lot of fun she's always the guinea pigs yes am I gonna pay for knowledgeable day just like Marilyn Monroe yeah you know she's got several I'm hidden talent ya hear that yeah but you only see it retreat I'm gonna tell a part of it it's alright so um we need to make some of these so we can show them how to do it of course you know there's a ton of different ways to do things and so you got to do what's comfortable for you but I want to talk a little bit I want Cindy I want you to talk a little bit about your little pin cushions you have going on here because there are a little different style and in mind well these were actually just junk things this was a broken oil lamp and it had no top on it and I couldn't throw it because I heard things I really do hard things and like they always turned up having a youth and I was sitting there one day and I saw this and it was so pretty so I just went and got lavender and put it in the bottom and I'll pull this up and it has a ring from adorn a canning jar rings yeah I just glued that to the bottom and then made the little bag or the pouch filled with crushed walnuts inside and drew it up and glued it with the glue and I just set it on top kind of squished it in there and set a piece on top to hold it and then just took a doily from I went out and saw Theresa at Barn gypsies are just gave me a doily and we gathered it up and made a nice little pin cushion and this one is just a candlestick yeah I love I love all these buttons I bet I bet that was fun to do this was really funny just I started with large ones and John flew them on in layers but what's fun about this one is it has steel wool inside and it's more for sharpening your about your interesting European right I heard that walnut shell actually also sharpen is that true I think so but I think that this deal will is really better good way and it's a nice way to use old antique lace or if you had a brooch or something old jewelry makes really nice decoration for your so this is obviously one of those things that's totally personal mhm so my so so here just so you know personalities this is one of my favorite pin cushions it's it's a little weird this is also one of my favorite pin cushions this sits right by my sewing machine this little pup and of course he's very old and he's not so really it's up to your personality what you love now something I love which I think we should do today Missouri star has I never know what they're gonna come out with in with cute stuff and they have this new little thimble Cup and I think because it's a symbol this would make their cutest little cute pin cushion so I think this is this is the container I'm gonna work on today I also misty I think you should work on you I actually got that little owl in Mexico when I was there and I got it from misty misty loves owls and there's tiny little words on the back that say I will always love what you love you it's so sweet and I love this guy [Music] and that's why she keeps your husband around because she likes old stuff below them I say that about my husband to I say lost my love old stuff that's why keep running around misty can't say that yeah alright so let's look at all these things what is it what is it you're not that old so guys I have some stripes checks dots I have some 30s fabrics here I have just some little more solid YZ what are you thinking about in the way of you have to find something that kind of has the personality of what you're doing when it goes I'm not sure what is it that is to be careful with the still wall because you didn't leave your pins in there for a long time all right yes that's actually true that's point good point that is something to keep in mind so we I saw a comment that we need to make sure we're working in this Center so we can see those details as well okay small things all right make sure we're doing that okay so um what I generally do how I make - I take my my fabric that I have and I put it there and I just make sure I have twice the width of it so I'm gonna make a circle now that is twice the size of this so it's gonna be pretty big because you once you get your your little pouch together you can pretty much make it any size you want by squeezing it in scooching that good thing I like school chemicals so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna fold this in half and in half like this and I'm going to make a rough circle just around here like this with my rotary cutter and this should be about half my size and and I think that will that might not be big enough huh we might have to put a little left in the line on the bottom of it make it pop out all right so I'm soaked okay anyway okay sorry okay there we go so this should actually come all the way down to the bottom and puff up a little bit and I'm gonna be a little short so I may have to put some some poly fill in the bottom and sit my ball on top of it right right alright so what do you think you're gonna do there Missy I think I'm right here in the middle do this little guy and I'm gonna cut I don't know I want this but I know I got here so we're rnc it's gonna be big enough I think I'm gonna have to get a bigger piece so yeah oh well I got some I think I'm gonna go with this yellow polka dot cuz I love you I love polka dot there we go yeah effect oh and that yellow you know what I didn't though I love this about fabric so I didn't even notice this yellow flower till you put it on the yellow yeah you know whatever you add to it it just brings out all that color thing I'm just gonna cut my guy this way you do know the rule that you're never supposed to cut towards your sign alright okay we're not gonna follow that rule today no no no please oh I got a butterfly you only needed one curve yeah you only needed one curve well we're just gonna go with this okay so what about this little guy that's small around at all how do I figure out the right size he probably only needs a five inch square oh and then cut your five inch square after that sounds actually you know what let's do let's do it kind of the same way so let's put this in here okay and and then just kind of come kind of put him in the center here and kind of just just cut it around and don't don't do butterflies don't do a butterfly no don't do a better forgive yourself a good amount of room for him I think that's finding your circle is the hardest part about it because your brain doesn't let you think that you need as much as you really do yeah there we go so on this I think I haven't another one of these and I think it'll work better if you actually show the do you want do you want yellow and yellow or do you want all I'm gonna do matter yellow and white would be good too I like yellow Mike that one I think is actually gonna be Keaton cute or I'm gonna go this way instead of trying to cut a square oh now we're gonna need some thread oh here look I have a whole wall of thread let's see I'm gonna go with let's just go with a beige ish I guess that should work for everything and I have two needles let me give you some thread I know I have scissors I shouldn't have bit my three I always forget so there's a little needles over here and I always double my thread what do you do Cindy I double my thread otherwise when you pull it it tends to break yeah so are you gonna you're going to do something different though I am I'm gonna I'm gonna do mine with a ponytail holder I have a feeling we're gonna like the ponytail poles are better than ours yeah well it is to a degree sometimes though you need to there we go we have to kind of gather it up a little bit yeah it really is it really is oh my gosh so what I've done is I put a knot in my thread and now I'm just gonna sew around sew around it like this just do a giant running stitch all the way around so in and out all the way around like this don't matter that you're you want it on the right side of the fabric don't think I don't think it matters okay I'm gonna I'm gonna pull mine back here now that you've seen that a little bit I'm gonna pull mine back here and just do a running stitch I told them I wasn't sure I could so standing up but you know I did it four years in those first videos yeah I remember everybody asks me is it easier to sew standing up and I'm like no no it's not actually the reason if you want to know the reason why we did that is because the height of our table I'm very tall and um and the height of our table so so let me back up a minute all my height is in my legs so when I sit down I sit very low and so with the height of our table an assumption when I would sit down literally I had to peek through the hole and this like machine to see anything and so we they had me standing for um for those first first videos a couple of years I think I would stand all the time because when I said it's not done you lost me well I think people thought that's the way you sold oh I think I did that you always ask me you know should you it should you be standing you know should you is it easier all right Cindy okay so what I what I have found that I like to do because my thread would always break is I take my piece and I fill it full of vomit oh are you doing it from the inside that's so smart and I would have never thought of that I would have had it laying on the ground no this is very smart and then I use a ponytail tie because I want to make sure that it holds and every time I use a thread and needle the thread breaks and then I've got to go back and of course you know that doesn't work very well and then then you got to re gather everything back up again and I've got a little too much here so I'm gonna pour that out now let me ask you a question because I'm going to have a lot of space to fill mm-hmm so is that what is it okay if I put just like walnuts in the top of it and then put fluff and I put all fluff I mean what I usually put fluff in the bottom and then at the top yeah yeah all right Cindy that you just changed you just rocked my whole world by setting that down inside that Cup well I never even thought of that feels a little bit better you know so that you you don't have to I feel a little bit like you've gypped me and didn't tell me the whole truth the first time it was my secret is my secret and now it's out to the world see in this one I almost could have done a little bit more because it's a little flat and yet I could have made it a little bit bigger but I kind of liked it inside the the tin of here no I don't like I don't like the little folds I don't either and so like Natalie Natalie made those two pin those pin cushions over there and I said to her if you stop this you won't get those fields and she goes I think I'm like that and so began that's a personal whatever you like I like mine I like a flat and I think if I were at home I probably would have cut this bigger and made it and had more place so I'd rather have more fabric here and have to cut it off at the end then then be cut short I'm looking to see if I have another polka dot thing another one because I think that maybe if you even don't cut the fabric right and decide until you know what that's probably a really good idea and not cut it I don't see another yellow polka dot do what you do want to try this let's do this one there you go with red we'll go with red I do have this red and yellow yes these are crushed walnut shells that were using yeah we do sell those here at Missouri star usually you have to go to the pet store and buy a lizard litter yes yes it is walnut shells it's the same thing as walnut shells isn't it it is and it is actually okay is it pretty cheap it's cheaper yes it's cheaper to buy lizard litter sorry funny I didn't even yeah it was a thing all right I'm gonna put I have mine going on here we're gonna go like this now I have a bag of yep misty do you wanna and it does come in different degrees of crushed this you want FlexNet mate or shell I'll do shells I guess I'm gonna do a layer of shells and then fluff all right where'd you want Joey to wait let's green brush it off it oh yeah I'm gonna be already in line yeah I think I want it nice and full all right I'm just gonna put some shells one thing I have done too is if you have a big space to fill is to put the steel wool in the middle like in a ball and then fill up the MK i did so when you're talking still wool is it regular steel wool or is it fine or wine and can you use a SOS hat no we had a question somebody says if they're allergic to walnuts whatever some alternatives luck I can use rice still will rice with rice would work well you'll have some of the polyfill what else is something you put in this you can use like playground Sam she's just filling it just filling filling it just filling it so I'm trying to do that I'm trying to see how much I need because then I'll bring it out and flip it over like that so so like that so is that so is that gonna work but thank you for keeping me sorry Kate I can be a little confusing I need more fluff okay well I'm just gonna take a walk it out over here and stuffing I like mine just really tight I think that hair tie was the better or easier option hair ties is super easy option oh yeah the little pellets I wonder if they're I don't think they oh so I don't think you could stick a pin in those and I thinking although I don't think so I think place and plate you know like listing that might be better or I know pay well you have to be careful with sand because it could be so fine it can come through your fabric - all right so now so out here I want to show this part right here so I have actually pulled the two sides of my thread so the side that had the knot and the side that had the needle I'm pulling it might be like a present where somebody's going to have to hold [Music] we're back sorry about that all right that's the thing about the red that I don't like and if you use the hair tie you can you have all this extra fabric but then you can do like you do with the ponytail oh and squinch and evader yeah you can get it in there and then you just cut off what you don't need well I think you could also use I think if you know you could use dental floss which would be super tough thread which wouldn't break like mine just did three three I hope you good good well and even hand quilting thread is a is much stronger than than regular sewing machine thread and I am actually trying to stick two pieces through the eye of my needle so I could be here the whole rest of the show trying to do that I don't have my glasses on lost art scissors we have no scissors up here we have scissors below so okay so there's kind of on my guy is or my little pin cushion is ending up I don't know all right so what do you do about these pokies right here then I just kind of squish them in all right swish swish them in and if you I'm gonna do the rubber band you think I don't know and I'm out a little bit and if you flatten them then they they disappear a little bit more you can if I am down into that whatever your whatever your your space is if I do the rubber band mine's not gonna be big enough either here's a big one yeah it really makes a difference I I was surprised at how much better they turned out using the rubber band and gathering it up well and honestly you have those fat hair ties but they have really skinny they do yeah you know the reason that these seem to work better too is that if you use the rubber band you know rubber bands everywhere where they drew they kind of rot I think I did it there you go okay oh he's Sam you can work that out I'm gonna try I'm still sewing mine you know still here at the in the sewing stage so cute it's like a little shower cap small it's very small one okay I improved that here I'm trying to do it with two threads so I get I get four and I'm just gonna put a little glue around so I don't think you've heard that but we're supposed to we were trying cutting the thread at an angle your probably doesn't need it your is this nice and tight it's not going anywhere it's so cute I love him isn't he cute cute well put it pup up pins in him to see how it works works great I'm gonna quickly do this again just one more time cute very okay squish this in here and when I did this one I turned it upside down like this and I set something really heavy on it so that it really held it it smashed it down and held held it in so that it had time for the glue to all seep in and hold tight so cute what Cup you can find this on the Missouri star website it's a new little wait it has a little we have a little box right okay this is this what it looks like I think it's adorable yeah msqc ceramic thimble Cup you think we have that on our website we have great product people okay yeah okay they'll post a link for you I think it's so cute - I mean even I mean if you need a there's all kinds of things you can do it I just better stop right there don't go any further Cindy's looking at me like don't don't sing it the red red cell okay yeah I probably wouldn't use that as a pin cushion and the reason is not because I have anything against Red Solo cups it's because it's not gonna be very heavy and I would not get over to a tip over and you might while you're trying to push the pin cushion part in it'll just break the solo cup good you owe me a quarter it was probably me it was Cindy it was me I was the last one to you that shame on me I get in trouble for that all the time and I try really hard to remember oh I'm bad okay I'm gonna put a good eye good eye people you got to keep me gotta watch her there we go so cute all right I'm still sewing mine so you're good I almost had it done till my thread broke and I hope that doesn't happen again me too I'm a little terrified at this moment you didn't have enough to switch to the hair tie I didn't I just don't think it because this is deep it is man yeah you know and we could make a flat one hey why don't you show so this these little ones right here we made a ball and then we pull thread in around him to give him that kind of flower look yeah and why don't you show how to like glue one of those in that little salt cellar so good because maybe maybe somebody missed the gluing part okay and so what type of glue really use this one is beacon three and one this is the East 6000 and both of these are really nice I like the e6000 in these little tiny ones when you buy the big one it tends to dry out in between but these come in like four packs of these they're really nice very cool and all you have to do is just put a little bit around them the nice thing about about this okay yeah do it right there's a nice thing about the e6000 is that when it dries or any of these is they dry real really clear and so if you get a glob of it it's not gonna be it'll disappear disappear yep that's awesome so like with the buttons too you know you can glue the buttons on and you can't see the big glob of glue that is holding the buttons on he just blew all the way around the rim and then kind of squish it down where you want it to go so cute and that one should hold real good if it feels like it's gonna pop out you can put a little weight on it you know so that it doesn't yeah dries so cute Cindy had a fun idea to a lot of us antiquers collect these these old spools and she had a really good idea why don't you tell him about that well this one I thought would be fun to do a pin cushion just around the spool itself and then you could put your scissor in the top as a place to keep hold your scissor yeah that's a great idea or you could put a little you know this goes all the way through you could put a little spool in here of some sort I'm not sure yet how that would I actually think if you'd your thread if you made a tube right and and wrapped it around the bottom so is that right on the bottom like a doughnut and if it was heavy with the walnut shell really stabilize that because if you put scissors in here it's gonna wobble right I know but it has that but that would be kind of cute I'm I've got a lot of those and it would be fun to just have those sitting my husband wired some of those and made little little put little candles on them we gave him to the COO the girls for Christmas one year she has a fun one of these little knick-knack flower vase things here and whatever what somebody said before about the comment about your name yet your knickknacks in a folder way wait till you start going to antique stores all of a sudden your eye goes to those things and usual openings yeah the glue they said be stored in the frigerator okay interesting yeah so that's really are good tips comment was can they hear you Jake or do I need to repeat that okay so they were saying that if Jake was saying that somebody made a comment that if we store the glue and the refrigerator it won't dry out okay very good so that's a great tip well should we alright you're almost done well let Jenny finish and then we'll move on to our next he's cute like a little mushroom that's what I was gonna say alright so cutting his tail we're gonna put some glue in there I'm gonna finish mine I'm tellin ya oh do I do it I'd wait I'm gonna see now I didn't I wasn't watching cuz I was sewing yep so do I put the glue in it just around the rim just around the rim you up and down a little bit right yep you don't want it to go too far because you're not gonna have fabric don't down really low and do I do I do I do a big layer you know is more glue better or less glue I don't well gosh I don't know depends on how rough you are with your pin all right Jenny Jenny's not here I fell so err so how do I get this like I'm afraid it's gonna like it's stuck halfway down if it does you just kind of wipe it off I'm gonna scooch it in here ah cute that's really cute put a ribbon around it or you can even add buttons around the edge of it so I actually have a little layer of coconuts got to EE bunch of coconuts I had to put a little layer of walnuts and then the then your a my batting and so wait adorable so cute alright let me grab this off of here alright we need something else to talk to you about that's really very exciting so we um I don't know if you guys have heard of it so there is an app called quilt space and you can get it on iPhones and androids and there's a link in the post where you can get more information on how to get that but it is basically like a Facebook for quilters you can share the quilts that you've been making you can find out about a lot of the big quilt shows on there um it'll take you right to get your tickets and everything from the app and so there's we have a lot of stuff on there as well so we wanted to kind of show that so what I want you to show if you can see on my phone here this is what it looks like it's purple turn it to you turn it to me yes okay it's purple and it has this little kind of Q cursive Q with us nobody learn to write the cursive q I'm just saying so it has the cursive Q on it right there can you see that my phone's a little dirty wait wait oh now I'm in my wait so this is so this is the the quilt app right there and then and then when you click on it it goes to your post so up here you can see newsfeed and quilt shows what I loved about this app they they showed me an at road to California when I was there and had me had me put it on my phone and I was you know I'm Way so nervous about that you know I think that's my age we don't understand what's going on so we're like we're not gonna buy with sorry you know I'm just always so worried about so what I love about it though is it even me when I go to a show I have no idea what's going on I know what I'm supposed to do but I don't know where things are what classes are happening and so when you go over here to quilt shows right here see how you can see the different show so you can see the aqs quilt week this is Jenny on the road so that's our new traveling show where I bring shows to you and that's going to that will tell you all the places I'm going to be and enable you to buy tickets yeah they're sewing in craft festival quilt show and Reno you know so you can go to those and it'll tell it'll give you information about it and if the event is happening you can actually so this is this is quit week aqs this is what's happening in could do it right now and and so then you can go and you can look at all the here's a map of everything that happened AQS so you can see better you can see where the booths are you can see where the classes are and I would have loved I would have loved having that I was pretty lost in Paducah I didn't know that there were there were like buildings all over town you know I mean I just know about the one building I was in and so that was really helpful to me and then and you can start a conversation with somebody we okay so any show can partner up with quilt space and and be a part of this I guess so so because we actually decided to put our events on quilt space because so many quilters have it now the cool thing is is that right here see this is this becomes a like a quilt like a like a Facebook for quilters so you can put pictures of yourselves at this show pictures of quilts pictures of things you've done you can tag people in there here's so here's Bonnie browning is that aqs obviously she's she's one of the bigwigs over there and they've got you know they're posting things on here and quilts and places where people have been and what they've seen it so it becomes like a little Facebook for us and then there's a giveaway giveaway so if you saw that selfie that Jenny and I took if you comment on there we have some wonderful prizes to give to you guys we've got some packs of ten inch squares where did we put our sizes oh here I'll go get them I'll get them okay I know they are oh here Isaac hand me those yeah well show you what we've got we've got good gift we've got great gifts so for the first how many commenters the first five commenters will get one of these packs of ten inch squares well we'll just send them to you look at these all of these aren't these beautiful I wish I had there is a link in the post that tells you exactly how to get the app and also if you have any troubleshooting issues there's a link to how to access quilt spaces team to help you as well and then and then for the grand prize then we will draw tomorrow then you're out of luck these are for smartphone smartphone users yeah I was so you know I actually I can't even tell you how much I hesitated giving up my flip phone because I was comfortable with it and I knew it but that kids told me I had to do it because I had to link all my stuff to my calendar you know Apple and I think your Samsung - I think they linked to your calendars and everything and he said we've got to know what's going on with you mom and we can't if you have a flip phone it's true so I had to go and to be honest it was hard at first but I love it now I love it now get used to it you can do but and so then tomorrow at what time Cheyenne tomorrow at noon we will draw for two grand prize winners for these a beautiful quilt kit from all the comments from all the comments awesome yeah noon central central time oh yeah yes we do all kinds of fun giveaways all the time this one is uh you know what Expo cappers we're gonna have a giveaway for you - yeah I got something I got something in my studio I am pretty sure we can give away yeah what are we going away maybe we could give away this we should let's do it we want to get away this for all of our Facebook Watchers yes yes our little symbol I will actually send you your own symbol so you can make your own pincushion I love it let's do that should we do one for Facebook and one for YouTube yeah let's let's do it yes noon tomorrow so in other evidence you can be introduced yeah Jake's looking out for everyone so so if you want to win the fabric be sure to check out the quilt space app if you want to win one of these adorable to make a pin cushion of your very own be sure and comment on Facebook or YouTube and then at noon tomorrow we will draw for those winners either way I think that's that's about all we have for today so thank you Jenny and Cindy hope this was helpful to everybody I hope you guys enjoyed it it's super fun I thought it was really an eye-opening to see all these cute little containers that you can turn into pin cushions and and once again if you want to see more you can get a little schoolhouse in our latest issue of block and there's a link in the post for that as well and for those of you who are subscribed that should be in your mailbox very soon to make the pincushion yeah oh yeah it actually has um it actually has that by step by step how we do it and remember now the one thing that isn't in there is the hair tie that's true the hair tie that could be a crucial change in the pin cushion world we manage without though we did manage it without but still except it's a great day entirely Lacey yeah that's awesome will simple thank you guys so much and thank you everybody for tuning in and we will see you next Tuesday at 11 a.m. Central Standard Time see you later everybody bye
Channel: Missouri Star Quilt Company
Views: 161,386
Rating: 4.810174 out of 5
Id: ZY4OU84D7z0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 40sec (2440 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 17 2018
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