Under 30 Minute Teacup Pincushion Tutorial- Great for Craft Shows! Can Use Other Containers...

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hi everybody it's red I am back because I'm working on some projects and I thought why am I not sharing this with you guys we could be doing this together or at least we could share some ideas about it so anyway this is what I'm working on there is a sale coming up that I'm going to participate in and it's kind of a craft fair yard sale art sale anything goes kind of thing and so I'm taking a lot of vintage things because i buy and sell vintage with my husband on ebay and that kind of thing and then I have my Etsy shop where I sew my arts and crafts and then I have privately I sell my art which is big mirrors and I'll share that with you sometime I do these images and mirrors so that you can be a part of the memory that's in the mirror but they're really big and I don't get to take them out that much I do private sales usually but I'm going to take a couple of those to this show and I'm kind of taking a lot of the vintage leftovers and all and I have all these odds and ends planters and cups and I thought I'll just make some pin cushions and maybe people will like them there they're kind of cute I made turn some buttons and the stick pins here with vintage pins I had and I just thought you know these are really quick really easy and maybe I just share them with you so this is what I've been doing and yes I epoxy it my cup to my saucer here and I did this with this little mini one I had and that's all odds and ends it's nothing that's a set or anything that's perfect I tried to you know use things that otherwise might be kind of overlooked and that's kind of what we specialize in my husband and I we like to keep things out of the landfill and keep them being used and appreciated so anyway that's what I'm working on and I thought that I would show this this last one here to you guys and share it with you and see what you thought I'm sure there are a million videos on how to make pin cushions and things and I'm sure there are other people that have figured this this is just what I'm working on and I just thought I'd share it so you will need a glue gun and this is pitiful little glue gun I need to get a new one um I twenty years ago I can't believe I'm saying this but twenty years ago I was a Cub Scout den later and I had glue guns for all the boys because they got me they got stuck with doing crafts and stuff which they actually really enjoyed so it's not as awful as it seems but I had glue guns for all the boys so I still 20 years later and using these junky little glue guns I need to get a new one but that's what they had 20 years ago so there's that I have some e6000 I'm only doing one so I have one rubber band I have my needle that I have threaded with regular thread and I've doubled it and knotted it and these are some of the little pins I made out of flowers um but you don't need those this is my cup again I have my fabric that I'm going to use and I have a piece of pair of pantyhose um and just to fully disclose here this is not from a pair of pantyhose oh this is a leg for my pair of pantyhose it's not the foot I'm trying to simulate the foot so I hot-glued a piece of the leg together I'm sure you can do better than this this is just all I have left after um the stack that I made here I was surprised I even had pantyhose but I had some in a box so I pulled him out and thought I'd use it but they really do make a difference for these so you'll want a pair of pantyhose or at least a foot from pantyhose or at least a piece that you can glue together like a foot so and stuffing last thing stuffing so I'm gonna zoom out a little bit so we can do this together without crashing and bear with me one second when I figure out how to do that I'm gonna try not to make you dizzy all right so good can you see what we're doing with out well you can see all my other junk to you that's great okay so yeah I have kind of a junky workspace and I'm sorry about the all the stuff on the table here um the cardboard and all but this is a vintage Formica table and I would feel horrible if I glued it so I've got some stuff on it to protect it here so I'm gonna keep my stuffing nearby gonna move my cup out of the way just slide my glue gun over and these are just from the dollar training of those sheets you can get cutting boards they're like a cutting board I think and you can get two in a pack or whatever and I get them they they work pretty well for when I get hot glue all over them I can usually get it off and there are water resistant so if I spill something on them it just is one more layer of protection so I kind of stick those under here and I don't feel bad if I mess it up and throw it away alright my pantyhose with my pretend foot and I'm just gonna turn that inside out so it's not quite so ugly and we're gonna try to work around it the fabric I'm using this really heavy so it won't matter but if you use a thinner fabric you're not going to want to have that there for sure so here is my stuffing and this is just polyfill you can recycle something from an old pillow or whatever you want to do because this is for sale I didn't want to reuse old stuffing I want to make sure it's clean and nice and you know not something that's been in a pillow for a hundred years so that's what we're doing with this so you have to kind of figure this out based on what you're doing it takes more than you would think but you know you can get too much too so what I do is I push it into the bottom of the stocking the foot push it all the way down and then I kind of use my stocking to help shape it just kind of keep squeezing it down making it more compact and shape it in my hand just to make it rounder so kind of make a nun ball and that's starting to look pretty good so once I get it to where I think it's in pretty close to you know the kind of shape I want they'll still be acting going on once I get it pretty close I just take my pantyhose and twist and then pull a piece through so I've got just a temporary knot here that I can pull out a slot a slip knot and I'm gonna bring my cup over and I'm going to put it in the cup and squish it down like I'm going to you when I glue it and see how poufy is that do I want it this poufy do I want it less poufy and I kind of want it a little less peeping I'm gonna see if I can condense it a little bit more and this is gonna be a pin cushion so you want it to be kind of dense you don't want it to squish out a place all the time or settle after a while all right not one more time see if I could nod it a little closer otherwise I'll just take some out a big deal and I'm doing it this way so the tail doesn't get in the way and deceive me about how big it is that's pretty close but I'm going to add fabric and the fabrics a little thick so all right let's take just a little bit out of here yeah we'll go with that okay so here's my knot again again I'm just gonna pull it all the way through this time so not this lip not again that's not the right word not this lip not pull it all the way through make it as tight as you can towards the pantyhose so that you know your condensed as possible and there we go there's my ball ish you know I take my scissors I hope I told you to have scissors and cut off the end of my pantyhose and just check my knot okay now see if I can bring you down just a little bit here there we go all right this is my fabric in I was going to use this for a cover and I ended up not using it and I hate to waste it it is antique fillet lace it's gorgeous handmade piece and I really would like to use it so I cut out a square but it is narrow so it's gonna be hard to to kind of get this to fit I think we'll have to make do here so I'm going to put my ball in the middle underneath my fabric and I'm gonna gather my fabric around my pantyhose ball just kind of want to make it gathered but not so that it has a big folds or lumps it's gonna have some little tucks you know but you don't want it to have a big you know like have a spot where it's really folded like a big chunk is folded over just because it you know it looks messy so trying to make it pretty squish it up a little bit go around and try to fix it nicely and then take your rubber band and wrap helps if you don't get your fingers stuck in the rubber band now I don't know about you I have anxieties quite a few of them actually and one of them is a rubber band breaking so this is very exciting for me my heart um just kind of skips a beat when I do this it's nice pulling on that rubber band and kitties are making noises out there well if you guys can hear that we got all kinds of critters ship tripping and chipping in on the conversation all right now what I'm doing is going around the bottom of my rubber band and making sure that all of my fabric is pulled out so there's nothing bunched way back just kind of bringing everything forward so it's gathered but not bunched see what I mean here and then you can tug if there's anything that you want to tug down and adjust a little bit make it a little rounder less um you know pokey give it pokes out somewhere alright so that's pretty good and I've got my cup and I'm gonna again turn it upside down so that's pretty good once I get this part trimmed and underneath that's gonna be a pretty full cup alright I'm liking that this is a cheater part and like I said I have anxiety issues so I'm I worry about things not being good enough or breaking apart or whatever so everything I do kind of has a backup step to it so I have my rubber band but where my bands can break over time and they can get hot and melt and that kind of thing so it's good to sew it thread can break so we're gonna use glue to and that will hold it in the cup but there's nothing magical about this procedure and this is a Glover needle the so this is for sewing repairing gloves so it's kind of thicker than what I would normally use but I'd go in a short stitch and then go back and put my thread through the knot just so I'm locked in there I want to make sure that my thread doesn't pull through like I said I have redundancy for everything and then I stitch through more fabric and pull it through and I go around that way just all the way through sometimes I'd go I'd go back a step and get the fabric again so if I go forward I go back go forward go back and that way I just feel like I've caught as much as I can catch in my thread here and this is not the easiest fabric to get through without stabbing myself but that's okay no pain no gain so just going around with my needle stitching it up and if I can figure out how to edit I will zip through the stitching part so you don't have to watch the whole painstaking process here because I think you got the idea on the first two little stitches probably if not the first one so I'm just finding places I can get my needle through now going through and stitching that was a big jump so I'm going to go back through middle again there is nothing precise about this I am NOT a hand stitcher I'm not good at it I hate it I love making pillows I hate sewing them closed it's just kind of one of those things for me so I do a lot of messy stitches and I go back a lot to back up what I've done and that way I know that you know it's pretty well locked in of course if this was something you were going to see I would be much more worried about it but this is going to be forever hidden inside of the pin cushion alright so now I'm back around to the beginning another stitch so I get past the beginning here and then I'm gonna do a stitch back mostly pull it through and make a knot I just said through my loop so I could make a knot there and my stitches are my thread is getting all twisted up but [Music] there we go alright and if we weren't on camera I would probably go around one more time but I'm going to call it good right now and my trim this little extra here okay now we have this fabric that's hanging off that's too much fabric here so when you use my fabric scissors and trim through this beautiful lace it makes me very sad to do maybe I can find something to do with the little pieces and use them in my snippets for my books don't get rid of anything you know you can use it for something else little did I know that those pantyhose would come in handy one of these days when I looked at them in the box and thought why in the world would anyone wear these all right there we go that's pretty well trimmed up and um I just kind of pull through the fabric and make sure that there's nothing too long that might get in the way all right now the fun part we're gonna glue it in order to glue it all right take your cup or planter or Bowl or whatever you want to use whatever baby shoe you could use a lot of different things but whatever you want to use take it in your hand and if you have a soft cloth or whatever just wipe it out make sure you don't have any dust in there that will be forever sealed inside and your e6000 um I'm afraid I hear people saying things about this being toxic I'm afraid to even look I don't even want to know cuz I love this stuff it works great so don't tell me I don't want to know I'm sure but it's one of the many things I fixed those myself to when we bought this house we bought a little mid-century house we bought it I started rehabbing it without even thinking so I'm sure there's a lot of lead and me to just all waiting to come see me okay now I have my e6000 in here and I'm gonna use my glue gun it's all heated up and this the glue gun is not to hold this I have no faith that it would hold permanently and I have gone around the inside of the cup almost to the top just so that with the e6000 so that it will you know hang on every where I want it to be sealed all the way around and now I'm doing glue gun around the sides and I'm sorry about the noise this is awful around the sides and the bottom and everything because I want to have a good hold while the e6000 is setting up because it'll take a little while to cling and we want to make sure that our project stays in place so before my glue cools off I'm gonna take my little guy here and squish him in and if you squish too far and it comes back you're gonna have glue on your pin cushion so you don't want to do that you know be too rough with it push it in about where you want it to be and hold it for just a few seconds while it dries waiting for the glue gun to cool off or the glue from the glue gun to cool off I'm sorry guys I am working towards this show and I thought I was tired before man am I tired now trying to get stuff done and when you're not working you're thinking about it so it will be good when I'm finished but I'm not complex so I'm pretty excited about that all right how are we looking all right there you go you got a pin cushion and you could do whatever you want to this you could jazz it up add some little trim around it or whatever you like with this one I did kind of a cupcake I use a little trim around the you know the edges and then this is a vintage button and I melted it onto a pin and put some mom Oh can't think of the name of it like jewelry cement around the pin at the top just to make sure that it had a good seal and let it dry and put it in here and then these are little flowers that I just attached to the the pins with the balls on them and then this little bee I melted on to just to kind of make like a little cute little cupcake with a garden on top or something and you could do that with this make your own pins for it or do something different lace or pearls or whatever in fact pearls is a good idea I was gonna use some of my tiny flowers but I'm thinking pearls might be better I'm gonna reach over here and grab some I have some of my grandmother's old pins and some from some vintage sewing cases that I bought so I use first temporarily and then I'll go get some of the other ones but yeah there you go there's some vintage pearls look pretty so it's a quick little project you might want to try I hope you enjoy it thanks for stopping by and if you enjoyed working with me in my craziness please click thumbs up and let me know and leave me a comment at the bottom and let's chat and click follow if you want to see more things going on here so thanks again for stopping in and seeing a project from out of Reds hat bye
Channel: Outta RedzHead
Views: 6,641
Rating: 4.9044371 out of 5
Id: mPljDnKbDIk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 52sec (1252 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 22 2019
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