How to make an Owl Pincushion

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for my fun project number four we're going to make this little bobble pincushion so we have the body the front the cover to the base and a piece of cardboard that I'm going to cut the base out of I'm going to start by cutting out the base I'm just going to trace around my little circle it's about a two inch circle and you could use a washer just a heavy washer if you don't want to cut out cardboard it'll give it a little more weight on the base with the washer so if you want to spend any money grab a piece of cardboard there you go that's the base of our little bag it gets covered with this piece of fabric that's our last step we're going to start with the front of our column we're going to attach it to the body and sides put the pieces right side together and you give it a quarter inch seam there it is pressed open I press the seam over to one side I'm going to put it right sides together to the other side and so another seen it's not exact but I'm going to start right where my thread is for my last seam and come down to the corner I'm going to follow the center piece instead of the back piece we can trim that off so there it is and trim the point at the top where I'm going to turn the nose trim as close as I can to that point without cutting through the point and when I flip it right side out and I give it a little poke if you've turned it right side out you're going to turn the top down for the nose about an inch to put a pin in there to hold it in place and then I'm going to hand Stitch the tip of the nose in place so we stack from the inside and I'm just going to I'm just going to tack two or three little stitches here to hold it in place and then to knot it I'm just going to make a loop let me go through that loop and pull it to make my knot snip the thread it's okay to leave a tail you're not going to see it it's on the inside I take my pin out and there is his noses tacked down nicely his beak the next step I'm going to double my thread so that it's strong and then I'm going to take some stitches about a quarter of an inch around some big stitches so that I can gather up the base of his body this is where we're going to fill it I'm using desert bring blend ground English walnut shells and I have some in my cup girl already and I'm just going to pour it in to my little guy so I think this get enough hmm you're going to cinch that up take a couple stitches across it so that it doesn't open on you don't want to open up a leak anywhere and you're not going to see these stitches so they don't have to be pretty the thread doesn't have to match I just have to be big and strong that's a good fat little body now I'm going to put a knot in this as well and go back through and I'll come out somewhere else I'll stick my threads there is a little owl so now I'm going to work on the base of the owl again I'm going to double my thread give it a knot and I'm going to gather up my circle the same way I gathered up the baseball I just want a quarter of an inch from the edge all the way around I'm going to rock my needle in and out and do a nice big loose gathering stitch there it is and I put my cardboard into that spot and I brought my stitches nicely tight then we going to see this part this part is going to be underneath bow so I want to secure the stitches nice and tight so I'm holding my thread and I'm going to take a couple of stitches back so that it doesn't come loose and I'm gather pretty much just three stitches in the same spot and then again a loop and I put my thread through the loop now - so the owl to the base I'm going to basically just blind stitch all the way around got started on the back side and work my way around I wanted to sit tight and flat so I'm trying to get his Pudge to relocate go to the edge and I take a stitch on the edge of my platform and then I take a stitch inside the owl base and then I go right back in to the platform right underneath where I came out of the owl bum and I go right back into the owl take a stitch in the face take a stitch in the body basically all the way around as I get to the front I like to have it look like his feet so I come in to the body a little bit instead of up higher so that this kind of like a little shelf this feet turn out being like a little shelf back to the very end now you can use polyester fiberfill if you want to fill these it's going to be a little lighter weight it might slide around while you're trying to poke it and stick it with pins so I like to use the crushed walnuts but if you want to use poly fiber fill that'll work too and I just make a knot by going through the loop a couple times make a couple loops and I pull it and then I go back in they come out away from the knot and trim it here we go and while I need a so on a couple buttons I think I'm going to go with so a couple buttons on and he's done so there it is my little owl pin cushion you
Channel: The Masquerade
Views: 126,040
Rating: 4.9103794 out of 5
Keywords: pincushion, DIY, FPS#4, Fun Project Series, The Masquerade, Sewing, Crushed Walnut shells, Owl, toy, EASY project, Owl pincushion
Id: n687pnKi6oM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 55sec (595 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 23 2015
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