"Repairing the Breach" | Bill Cloud | Hanukkah 2020

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[Music] is [Music] a um [Music] foreign foreign [Music] so [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] um [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] i [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] is [Music] [Music] um [Music] is top is his head to the edge of his row [Music] my [Music] [Music] it's like [Music] foreign um [Music] i [Music] [Music] me [Music] it's good to be together today praise the lord praise the lord [Music] i pray oh oh [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] oh good morning everyone [Music] shabbat shalom we're going to go ahead and get started here in just a moment so if i can have everybody gobbled down that last bite of bagel swig down that coffee real quick and come on inside and have a seat we're going to get started in just a moment can we bring the lights up just a little bit somebody i want to see all these smiling faces out here real quick good morning shabbat shalom i hope everyone got some sleep last night notice i said the word some [Laughter] ah well we'll sleep later on i hope everyone is having a good morning so far [Applause] [Music] [Applause] so first it was him with the keyboards now she would assemble so okay all right chill out chill out just all right for a minute anyway yes all right everybody we want to go to the father in prayer and we want to ask his blessings on what we do today he's already blessed this day he's already sanctified it but we want him to bless our being here together and what we do so will you stand with me please i woke up with this passage on my mind i'm going to just paraphrase it why are the nations all up in a tizzy running their mouth and plotting things that aren't going to do them one lick of good maybe you haven't heard that translation before that's one still in development right now it's being developed even as we speak but it goes on and it says but the one who reigns in heaven is just gonna laugh but when he gets through laughing he's gonna hold them in derision and here's why because they were so silly to think that they could keep his king from sitting upon his throne in his holy hill of zeal he said no yet my king will sit upon my holy hill of zeon my anointed my mashi my mashiach is going to rule and reign and there's going to come a day [Music] when before him the nations are going to be like shards of pottery that he will break the nations he will break their systems he will break the mindset he will break all of those who would stand against the father's purpose i'm so glad that this room is filled with people who are for the father's purpose and you know i i don't know about you but the the sense that i that i get and have and i will leave this meeting with is we've heard about it all of our lives we've talked about it all of our lives we've sung about it all of our lives but we are coming into the season that all those things that we've discussed sung and talked about are upon us and apparently you and i we got picked to be that generation amen [Music] so let's pray our father in heaven god of abraham isaac and jacob we do thank you father for your goodness we thank you for your mercy we thank you father that in your mercy you whispered it in our ear you tugged at our heart you orchestrated scenarios and situations in our lives that brought us to the place that we realized we need you there's nothing more important in this life than to be in a relationship with you and to know that you have called us you have set us aside and said that we are your people and we in return we say that you are our god and there's none beside you there's none who can compare to you you father are set apart you alone reign and we your people have assembled here this morning to honor you this day that you set apart you sanctified it you blessed it today we congregate in acknowledgment that you are the sovereign of the universe you are the creator of all things and so we want to set aside our lives of this past week everything that we anticipate for the next week all of its challenges and struggles we set those things aside father and help us to do that quicken us by your spirit to do that so that our energy our our mind everything about us wholly and completely is focused upon you that we that all of our energy will be used today to honor you and to lift up the name of our king and redeemer yeshua our messiah we pray that those who have come this morning physically weak that you will strengthen them those who have come in emotionally challenged and weak and distraught father that you will encourage them father we pray that all worries and cares could be lifted from our shoulders right now that your peace and shalom would settle upon us that we would lay aside the old garments that might be tattered and stained and that we would be clothed in garments of righteousness and praise let the hands that have hung down now be raised in honor to you forgive us of all trespasses and anything that would stand in the way of what you want to do in our lives and through our lives we wish to honor you this day and so that everything that is sung everything that is said let it sanctify your great name let it be pleasing in your sight and may yeshua be lifted up because it's in his name that we've gathered father and it's in his name that we come to you amen and amen remain standing please [Music] death [Music] the [Music] [Music] is and in thy great compassion i will come into your heart [Music] there i will [Music] me we could have our shofar shofar choir okay come on down and anyone who is visiting with us this weekend if you brought us so far come on down and join us [Music] come on nick bro come on oh you're gonna be okay i got you i'm sorry i'm sorry [Music] so i'm i'm a little stirred and so when we hear the sound of the shofar here's what i want us to do when we shout i also want it to be with this this idea this sentiment let god arise and may his enemies be scattered let god arise and may his enemies be scattered and so when we sound this shofar i want that to be in your heart and mind and when that shout goes up [Music] man i'm halfway tempted i'll defer to the worship leader here you don't have to clear it with him well let's sound the shofar and let's give a great shout into our king this morning [Music] [Music] mm-hmm [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] so [Music] is my favorite part y'all how y'all how many all know what's coming all right let's go y'all think you know [Music] my we need some more guys there's not quite a full circle i'm not going to do it till we get full circle some of y'all just have to get out of your comfort zone i am way out of my comfort zone i'm here so y'all can be out of your comfort zone too come on come on let's make a circle you're almost there some of y'all down here like stretch out like an eagle eagle all right come on come on oh you're so close all right that's good enough [Music] [Music] [Music] to [Music] like [Music] foreign [Music] is [Music] all right i think that was a little bit slow so maybe we'll just speed it up a little bit how does that sound [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] see [Music] again [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] foreign i think we can do this faster what do y'all think i think so okay we're gonna keep going y'all all my band's not ready hang on y'all ready yeah yeah sure you're not ready [Music] [Music] my [Music] [Music] [Music] hi oh we don't have to stop shouting just because the music goes down vocal two [Music] oh i'm sorry hallelujah [Music] behold he comes riding on the clouds yes [Music] salvation [Music] and these are the days of elijah declaring the word of the lord and these are the days of your servant moses righteousness being restored and though these are days of great child of feminine in darkness and joy still we are the voice in the desert crying away running on the clouds shining like the sun [Music] [Music] [Music] and these are the days of your service [Music] and these are the days of the harvest the fields are as wide in your world shining like [Music] out of time there's no god like jehovah there's no god like jehovah there's no god like jehovah there's no god like jehovah there's no god like jehovah there's no god like jehovah there's no god like jehovah there's no god light you hold up there's there's no there's no god [Music] [Music] running [Music] [Music] feel [Music] [Music] believe [Music] [Music] is [Music] is [Music] [Music] amen hallelujah [Music] everybody gotta clap your hands come on everybody [Music] [Music] creator's name oh [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] which [Music] tonight [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] ha ha [Music] [Music] so [Music] you are [Music] i worship you i worship you you are here working in this place i worship you i [Music] i worship you i worship you you are here working in this place [Music] miracle worker promise keeper light in a darkness my god that is my god that is who you are [Music] oh it is touching every heart [Music] you are here healing every heart [Music] should be [Music] you [Music] i worship you [Music] that is my god that is [Music] who you are cause that is who you are [Music] even when i don't see it you're working even when i don't feel it you're working you'll never stop you'll never stop working you never stop you'll never stop working [Music] you'll never you'll [Music] [Music] [Music] we make a miracle that is my god [Music] you are sing of who he my is [Music] [Music] miracle worker [Music] that is it's who you'll always be [Music] do [Music] never stop never stop working you never stop you never stop working even when i don't see it you're working even when i don't feel that [Music] [Music] even when [Music] you never stop working even when i don't see it you're working even when i don't feel it you're working you never stop you never stop working you lord you are so good lift your hands to the holy one [Music] we praise you hmm ah [Music] hey [Music] hey [Music] hey [Music] [Music] hey [Music] oh [Music] i [Music] [Music] now [Music] for you i will come in this place show your mercy and your grace come and fill holy spirit [Music] foreign of god fmc [Music] oh [Music] [Music] um [Music] one more time [Music] [Music] uh [Music] oh [Music] speed can you sing that melody sing come holy spirit come on holy spirit [Music] show your mercy in your grace come come we don't just want a visitation we want a habitation of your presence don't just come for a moment holy spirit just stay is worthy for her oh [Music] [Music] will give you all the glory we'll give you [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] cause [Music] for from the glory cause you were for from you are all things until you are all things you deserve glory sing it out [Music] you deserve the glory [Music] you were [Music] foreign [Music] it all until you are all things that you deserve the glory day and night [Music] oh day and night night and day let incense rise and day and night night and day let incense rise and night night and day let incense [Music] rise day and night night and day let incense rise [Music] [Music] night and day [Music] you deserve the lord [Music] [Music] because you were [Music] [Music] until you are all things you deserve the glory for [Music] are foreign things you deserve the glory me [Music] worth is here sing a new song to him who sits on heaven's mercy [Music] is [Music] is [Music] [Music] is [Music] you are my everything and i will adore you [Music] so [Music] [Music] flashes [Music] to you [Music] [Music] are everything struck wonder at the mention of your name [Music] so yes is [Music] is [Music] you are my everything [Music] is [Music] oh [Music] is you are my everything [Music] oh is [Music] so sing only one more time is [Music] you are everything and we amen all right i got news for y'all you may have come from a background that is quiet reserved we don't get too excited or anything like that well those days are over let me let me tell you i mean i'm i'm not very demonstrative most of the time and and when i worship you know it is expressed differently than some you know i'm gabe over here you know he's just going to go off to the side and start a little dance and such you know and and he's very passionate at how he worships and melody as well you know i'm a little different but i will tell you this in that in this time right now even now there is just something welling up on the inside of me it's those rivers of living water that were spoken of [Music] and there is there are those times when those rivers of living water as it builds up inside of us it just has to gush out and so i just want us just before we before we leave this place in our worship service i just want us again with all of our hearts and however you express it i want you to tell him that he alone is worthy and that we will give him all the glory and that we will worship him will you y'all sing that real quick thank you [Music] for you [Music] for you yes [Music] amen [Music] amen father we honor you we glorify you we worship you we praise you we're so very thankful the time is coming and now is when the true worshipers must worship the father in spirit and in truth we thank you for your word of truth we thank you that it is immovable it is unshakable that it is endured for all time and even though it's your people we have walked away from that truth we have polluted it with our opinions and things and we have diluted it when it was inconvenient but we are thankful father that you are faithful to us by bringing us back to the truth of your word and there are many gathered here today that because they love your word they have pursued you but even in that the adversary has at times distracted us from what you were really trying to do and so we are thankful today father as melody said not just for a visitation but for a habitation of your presence and your spirit to visit us with your spirit and then to abide with us that we may truly worship you in a way that honors you we will never leave the truth of your word but we pray that your spirit will never leave us and so may your peace your shalom may the presence of the almighty god settle upon your people heal the hurts father right now now would be now is the time your people are open to what you want to do in their lives right now heal their hurts heal their disappointments their disillusionment with with men and with ministries father bind up the brokenhearted those that don't trust encourage them to place all of their trust in you and to keep their eyes upon you father by your spirit we pray that you will touch those who are sick in their bodies we pray father that you will encourage those who are disappointed who are frightened who are intimidated father we pray that as it was said yesterday as the adversary comes in that like a flood you will raise up a standard against him and we we acknowledge that standard that ensign that you raised up for the nations our messiah redeemer and king yeshua who is coming in the clouds with great glory one day we will no longer look to that day one day we will be in it we thank you for that promise and that great hope and may that always be with us may it always stir within us to know while the people of this world may not have hope we do and so we give you all the glory yeshua a man and a man y'all just stay up here [Music] i want you to remain standing we want to go through our service as we typically do if you've been in jacob's tent long enough you know that sometimes i will divert from the routine i suspect today may be one of those days we'll see but i want us all to stand and let us together let us proclaim the bashamru now do we have liturgy so jonathan if you will bring the liturgy up please the vashamru before that do you have the vishamuru all right we're in a different place y'all so we might have had a hiccup so [Music] all right well then let's just do this here it is huh so we're just going to go to the the shma in mark chapter 12 you can go back to that one now if you will there we go in mark chapter 12 it says one of the scribes came and having heard them reasoning together he perceiving that he'd answered them well ask him which is the first commandment of all and yeshua answered him the first of all the commandments is hero israel the lord our god the lord is one and you shall love the lord your god with all of your heart your soul your mind and your strength and another that is like unto it you shall love your neighbor as yourself there is no other commandment greater than these [Music] is [Music] [Music] hear o israel the lord our god the lord is one blessed be his name and his glorious kingdom forever wherefore the children of israel shall keep the sabbath to observe the sabbath throughout their generations for a perpetual covenant it is a sign between me and the children of israel forever for in six days the lord made heaven and earth and on the seventh day he rested and he was refreshed a man and you shall love the lord your god with all of your heart with all of your souls [Music] you shall love your neighbor as yourself and upon these two commandments [Music] [Music] oh [Music] and you shall love the lord your god with all of your heart with all of your your souls [Music] it's unbelievable how good that sounds with the sax back there gentlemen brethren can we get the hoopa over here and i guess maybe we'll just set it up over here in this area [Music] each shabbat we want to gather our sons and daughters and our children their grandchildren beneath now this one is specifically designed for our little room not necessarily this big auditorium but if you've been watching jacob's tent online you've noticed that we've gone from one to two to now three sections i have a feeling we may not have enough to let's gather all of our sons and daughters all of our little ones [Music] oh wow it's just like it is at jacob's tent gather as close as you can under the koopa and we're going to improvise now look at there [Music] praise the lord i hope everybody understands this is a good sign [Music] so mark i want you to come up here please brother come up here [Music] i'm not gonna make you sing there will come a time when our journey as parents and grandparents will come to a close [Music] but while we are here it is critical that we instill within those young people those things that the father has deposited in us because it will be through them that he carries his plan and his purpose forward so don't despise your youth but be an example let's extend our hands to these young people and as we do that we want our live stream audience to understand that we include your children and your grandchildren in this as well because where our hand ends his arm begins and he can reach where we cannot and he can touch when we cannot so let's let's sing this prayer over our children [Music] may the lord protect and defend you and may he always shield you from shame and may you come to be in israel a shining may you be like ruth and like david and may you be deserving of praise strengthen them o lord and keep them from the stranger's may god bless you [Music] and grant you long run [Music] may god break you good husbands may the lord protect and defend you and may the lord preserve you from pain [Music] favor them o lord with happiness and peace o hear our sabbath [Music] hallelujah father we just lift up these sons and daughters to you your inheritance father we just thank you and we just pray father that you would bring a protection over them father a hedge of protection that the enemy will not penetrate but father that they would be preserved for your kingdom and father that each one of them husbands and wives father that they will be raised and that they will bear children and they would be fruitful and multiply as your creation and your design has for your people and father that each one that's under this hoopa each one that's in this place father that you would show them their life calling and father that you would preserve them and father that they would be focused and father that you would anoint their parents father to watch over them to guard and keep like we're supposed to our garden so father we speak blessings over them and over this place in yeshua's name and everybody says amen and amen [Music] thank you everyone can return to their seat everyone can take their seat there's a sweet sweet spirit in this place and i know that it's the spirit of the lord there are sweets [Music] on each face and i know they feel the presence of the lord i'm going old school on y'all right now [Music] oh [Music] [Music] won't you stay right here with us filling us with your love and for these blessings we lift our hearts in praise and without a doubt we know that we have been revived there you go when we shall leave this place we're gonna do it one more time okay oh sweet holy spirit sweet heavenly won't you stay right here with us oh filling us with your love and for these blessings we lift our and without a doubt we'll know that we've shall leave [Music] this go ahead if we're going to come to the feast of dedication and i realize technically that that has now elapsed but if we're going to come to the feast of dedication and re-debt rededicate ourselves then it's really makes sense that we're going to have to be revived and it's not going to be exclusively through what we learn and obtain and deposit here it's not going to be exclusively through the fellowship and the camaraderie that we feel when we get together in a crowd like this although that is great and that is wonderful and especially in this day and time but ultimately if we are going to be revived if we are going to be restored then it is going to come by the work of his presence and his spirit amen amen amen thank you brother everybody left you the sheep have scattered thanks gabe how many of you have enjoyed gabe bella being with us beth and i have had i don't know how many people come and say hey can we keep him we're working on it anyway thanks gabe i want to thank brandon and melody and ralph and aaron and jonah and and the whole team for not only being skillful with their instruments but being sensitive to his voice to lead us in worship and an honor to our king amen all righty so are going we're going to go to our torah portion now um i have no idea what time it is okay and there it is um we're gonna go to our tour portion which is my cat's and for me i think for a lot of people actually but this is one of my favorite torah portions and one of the reasons is because it is so pregnant with prophetic implication now all of the torah is prophetic in my view everything is a pattern for what's happening now and what will happen but there are some that stand out above above others as far as i'm concerned and so this one mikkets is one of those because actually the very term miketts means at the end now when we understand that the father tells us the end where from the beginning and as we learn from brad that that doesn't just mean that the father tells us what's going to happen at the end by predicting it will happen he's telling us the end when he told us what happened in the beginning so those things that happened in the beginning specifically the book of brazil or genesis those things are not only records of what occurred centuries ago but they are patterns they are templates for what would happen in the future and particularly at the end and so if you believe that we are living at the end and then you come to the torah portion that means at the end perhaps you should listen up so in genesis chapter 41 verse 1 it says then it came to pass mccain's at the end of two full years that pharaoh had a dream and behold he stood by the river and suddenly there came up out of the river seven cows fine looking and fat and they fed in the meadow and then behold seven other cows came up after them out of the river ugly and gaunt and stood by the other cows on the bank of the river and the ugly and gaunt cows ate up the seven fine looking and fat cows and so pharaoh awoke and so thus begins the last part of the prophecy that was given to abraham and that was that his seed would be subjected they would go down to a land and they would sojourn in a land and they would serve that land for a number of years and so this is going to actually kind of initiate that last part of the prophecy in this portion also i want you to take note of this obviously we're not going to read it all today i would highly recommend that you read it but in this portion we see issues we see concepts that we've discussed this very weekend for instance the suffering that comes with an anointing alyssa was discussing this yesterday afternoon that if the father has anointed you or his people to do a particular thing that we have to understand that suffering comes along with it i'm going to use a different term but i think it goes hand in glove with what she was saying that suffering comes with favor the father's favor upon you upon his people it just is understood that along with that suffering is going to accompany it so you think of joseph the favored son of his father jacob the multicolored coat the dreams that god gives him that are going to put in his mind and he's going to share with everybody else that god is going to use him in a great and wonderful way but that favor and that calling and if you will that anointing led to betrayal it led to exile false accusations and then being tossed into prison now i've often thought about this put myself in joseph's shoes and i would have to think that sitting in a prison cell after i felt like god had shown me twice that i'm going to use you in a great and wonderful way i'm going to put you in a place and position of power and influence and then i end up in prison i would be tempted to think well they didn't have pizza back then oh so he had a pita dream right i'll come up with that on my own there right i would be tempted to think that i don't know that joseph did but the point is all of these things that happened to joseph the betrayal the exile the prison all of those things happened because the favor of god was upon him and so i ask you how many of you want the favor of god upon your lives with that comes suffering we also see in this that he was willing excuse me it was necessary that joseph be willing to endure the suffering that was part of his journey he had to submit to what god had ordained that he should go through in other words he had to muster the courage to endure those things that the father had laid before him the father required of him he had to find something within him that wasn't based on or wasn't predicated on who he was necessarily but the one who called him the one who anointed him the one who was with him through all of these things because you read the torah portion and all the suffering that he endures it always makes the point to say and the lord was with him so he had to have the courage and the confidence that the father was with him to endure the suffering the way i put it is this we had better get our eyes off the nephilim the black helicopters and all the conspiracies theories some of which aren't theories at all but are actually conspiracies but we need to get our eyes off of those things because what we are drawn to with our eye is what we will be drawn to with all of the rest of us as well and so we have to get our eyes fixed on the author and the finisher of our faith because only then will we be able to endure the things that we will have to endure if we are going to be anointed if we are going to be favored of the father to accomplish something for his kingdom if he had not endured these things would he have been elevated to the glory that he was destined for in other words is it possible that you and i have a say in this to the point that if we aren't willing to submit ourselves and subject ourselves to the father's will does that in some way potentially anyway abort the very purpose that you and i were born for let me put it this way are there people who will go into eternity who never fulfilled their god-ordained purpose i don't want to be that i want to be one who when we stand before him that he says well done good and faithful servant i want to be one that when i go and my journey is over that it would be said of me as it was said of joshua that there was nothing that he left undone that moses the servant of god had instructed him to do so joseph had to be willing to submit himself to this kind of suffering by the way all the bad stuff that he went through in the end he come to understand that from god's point of view it was good what you intended evil for evil god intended for good and so it occurs to me that many times the things that you and i would perceive as being bad or good is based on how it appeals to our flesh we like things like air conditioning when you live in southern mississippi we like that air conditioning good lack of air conditioning bad why because our flesh is suffering but sometimes what we find many times what we find is you and i will call something bad but the creator thinks it's good because it provokes our flesh to die just a little bit more and the things that you and i would call good he might call bad because it it and soothes our flesh and so this stuff called flesh has to die and so suffering is designed i believe to cause that flesh to die as that olive is being pressed then that flesh is being squeezed what comes from it is what he's looking for what's on the inside in romans 8 verse 28 paul said this and we know all things work together for good to those who love god to those who are called according to his purpose i believe that everybody in this room is hearing that call i'm choosing to believe that everybody in this room is responding to that call but everything that you and i have gone through or will go through if we love him if we keep our eyes focused on him he will cause it to work together for the good of his kingdom and his purpose and what was the purpose for joseph's suffering it was so that the family his community could be repaired and could be restored and could dwell together in peace and in the unity of the faith because you see in the story of joseph what we see is that there was one who was kind of cut off and separated from the rest of the family mark what occurred to me last night was he was the thumb joseph was the thumb why do i have to be exiled why am i betrayed why am i serving potiphar why am i being falsely accused why am i being tossed into prison falsely accused and yet as we see in this story had he not been subjected to those things had he not ended up in prison how could he have met the cup bearer and if he doesn't meet the cup bearer then he can't interpret his dream and if he doesn't interpret the cupbearer's dream then pharaoh won't even know that he'd exist to call him to interpret his dream and so going back to what mark was sharing with us last night sometimes it's good to be the thumb sometimes it's important to the rest of the family who may not consider you that important that you are the thumb because while he's working on them in their areas that those things that they need to grow in and mature he's working on you so that in the appropriate time through all these the suffering and the pain and the tribulation and the trials he's orchestrated and engineered a time when those things are all going to come together and that family is going to be reunited see god had determined that israel the family of faith the community of faith he had determined has determined that they will be one but for that to happen it is always required that there be someone who was willing with the anointing and with the favor of the father upon them to be willing to suffer but not just to suffer but to persevere and in persevering to overcome those trials and those tribulations so that the father's purpose could come to pass and if it was true in joseph's generation if it's the reason the messiah came that i suggest to you that it the same is true today that he is looking for those who want the favor who want his anointing upon their lives and who also understand that with this comes a great responsibility and with that responsibility will come suffering it will come with hardship it will come with trials and tribulations yeshua told us in this world you will have tribulation there's no other way around it and so this purpose was that the family could be restored that the community could be won and so then as the father is engineering all of this he decides he's going to involve those who are not part of the family of faith he's going to involve the heathen and the pagan and the idolaters and all those people that we don't want to have anything to do with it's always intrigued me that two of the most prophetic dreams in all of scripture if not the most prophetic you know that's just an opinion of mine but two of the most prophetic dreams in all of scripture he did not give them to a hebrew he didn't give them to an israelite he gave them to pagan kings he gave those dreams to idol worshipers who by the way at the time just happened to be the most powerful men then on earth but while he gave them the dreams he did not give them the interpretation for those trains he did not give them the ability to understand it and by the way he did not give their magicians and sorcerers and soothsayers the ability to understand it at all and so that meant that these pig pagan kings were forced to call upon the one that god had already before time positioned to be in the right place at the right time but now if you're joseph or daniel because nebuchadnezzar is the only one i'm thinking of in daniel chapter 2 if you're joseph or daniel and you're joseph you're in prison in egyptian an egyptian prison in exile separated from your family if you're daniel and you're in babylon i mean the very belly of the beast everything that the father despises is epitomized in babylon and that's where daniel found himself maybe they weren't thinking that i'm in the right place at the right time i dare say they may have thought we're in the wrong place at the wrong time and i say that because i know that there are many of god's people who in their present situation may seem it may seem to them that i'm in the wrong place there's a lady who joins us on the live stream and i was reading some of the comments um recently and i just this one stood out to me and she was talking about how she just feels so isolated and so cut off because she lives in a little west texas town of snyder which i know exactly where that's at and she just feels kind of alienated and separated and my heart went out to her we may think we're in the wrong place at the wrong time but if we're trusting the father to guide us on the path that he has already established for us to walk then we're going to have to trust that today anyway if we're following him we're in the right place at the right time because there might be somebody else in snyder texas that has been praying and feeling the same way and they are calling out to the father kind of like cornelius was praying and giving alms and just waiting for the day and finally unbeknownst to him god visits peter in a vision he says i've got something for you to do i hope you're hearing what i'm saying and to all the people and all the sniders all those far-flung places and you feel like you're cut off and you're in the wrong place at the wrong time i want to encourage you that maybe for right now you're exactly where you need to be and if the father is going to move you let me tell you something there's nothing that's going to keep him from doing what he has purposed for your life so my point in all this then is we go through all these different things and we feel like this has happened you know no choice of mine no decision of mine things that were totally out of my control i'm in this awful situation i'm in the wrong place at the wrong time it might be that you're exactly where you're supposed to be because our father you know he plays the long game he plays the long game he's he's always moving even when i don't see him moving he's moving and he's working even when i don't feel it he's working right he's orchestrating things and while i got my eyes on all this other stuff hey guess what he's working behind the scenes on things that i'm going to need to get my eyes fixed back on so these kings were forced to call on someone god had already positioned to be at the right place at the right time they were positioned so that god's purposes could be fulfilled and so the torah portion begins and says then at the end of two full years and that two full years i understand to me that after joseph had interpreted the dream for the cup bearer and then said hey when you're released and you go back to the king remember me before pharaoh and so when the cup bearer got back to the king's court what did he do he forgot him he was really really forgetful or he was just really really wicked i'm not sure which but two years passed since joseph interpreted that dream and this man was released to go back and to serve pharaoh so for two years joseph remained in that prison not knowing if he was going to get out in my mind again when joseph interprets this dream and the cupbearer is released from prison i've got to think this is my ticket out of here this is how god was going to work it out only thing is he didn't work it out when i thought he was going to work it out because seldom when he performs a miracle in our life does it look the way we want it to look seldom does it happen when we want it to happen and very seldom does it involve the people that we want it to involve but he has a purpose so for two years he continued doing what he knew to do he continued doing the things that god gave him to do for that day and i seriously doubt that he did those things ever thinking ever suspecting that pharaoh was going to dream a dream but one night after whatever he had to do that day probably some of the same routine as the day before and the week before the month before one night he lay his head down to go to sleep never realizing that at the same time the king was going to sleep and was about to be given a dream from on high that was going to change his life and set the course for the restoration of his family so we should not become weary in well-doing that's the admonition but what happens we grow weary in well doing how long o lord am i going to have to endure this how long before you keep your promise how long before you bring relief or release don't be weary in well-doing persevere as the kids told us last night stand your ground stay the course keep your eyes fixed on the messiah because one night you're going to lay down to sleep after that day that seemed like every other day but one night you're going to lay your head on the pillow and you're going to go to sleep and while you're sleeping the shepherd of israel who neither slumbers nor sleeps is going to be remembering you and the promise that he gave to you and the promise that he gave to his people at large and he is going to begin to work in the hearts and minds of people you would never have suspected that he would work in so that's what happened and remember it's not just a record of ancient history it is a template it is a pattern for what the father will do and is doing and so where pharaoh was concerned the dream was doubled which was to say that this thing is certain it is established everything is established by two or more witnesses and so the dream the initial one was that the seven fat cows come up and they're eating and then these seven uh ugly and gaunt cows they come and swallow them up and then there was a stalk of grain that grew up and it had seven healthy heads of grain on that one stalk but then it was withered it was scorched by the east when it says in verse 23 then behold seven heads withered thin and blighted by the east wind sprang up after them now the east wind as i understand it is believed to be and i can't pronounce the arabic word i'm going to try sarako i might have butchered that but this sarako this wind is believed it's believed to come from the deserts of saudi arabia and it blows westward across the red sea into egypt and sometimes according to what i've read it could last for weeks even as long as months but when it blows through it can kill all of the vegetation so apparently that's what happened but it says that this east wind it scorched the grain that sprang up after them that is after the plenty here's why i wanted to point it out the hebrew term there that is translated after them referring to the seven good ears the bad comes after them is ah and ahre is a it comes from a root term that means after something or at the end of something so once again there's this little reminder this little hint that what we're reading what we're talking about it happened then but it's going to happen again it's going to happen at the end of day so it's just another reminder and so when you take those dreams and the message of those streams and apply it to our time it seems to be saying this that it is going to be during a time of trial testing and tribulation a time of distress and a time of famine that god is going to bring the family back together well bill i always thought that family produced stress trial and tribulation but as it was pointed out last night by tammy both can be true yes sometimes they do and it's it's always just amazed me that the family of faith has always well yeah always from the very beginning of time been dysfunctional they've been cray-cray you know i mean we're all over the place and we have been the source many times of trial and tribulation in the in other parts of the family or they've been that for us but it's in this the setting the scenario of distress of famine of of lack that's the time that god chooses to bring the family back together if it was then the if it was that way then then shouldn't i anticipate that it's going to be that way again but we also see that restoring the family i'll use the word community restoring the community restoring the family restoring those relationships having his people to be as one has always been paramount to the plan of the almighty the return of the exiles is a thing the prophets keep going back to again and again and again and again and again and that was understood by the jewish people melissa was talking about this how you go into rabbinic commentary and you will find that once you get into it they are forever talking about the return of the exiles because that's the family coming back together this is something that is on the heart of the father those 12 stones on the breastplate the ocean those 12 stones well what would happen you think if one of them was missing or if a couple of them was missing what's the high priest going to do he's going to go find them when a good shepherd understands and discovers that one of his sheep have strayed and is lost what is he going to do he's going to go find them and by the way according to ezekiel the good shepherd goes out on a gloomy and dark day to gather his scattered sheep that's the setting so this was understood by the jewish people and this includes the disciples of yeshua because in acts chapter 1 after the resurrection if they had any doubt at that point in time well excuse me up to that point in time that he was the messiah when they saw him resurrected from the dead there's no doubt who he so understanding who he is in acts chapter 1 verse 4 it says this and being assembled together with them he commanded them not to depart from jerusalem but to wait for the promise of the father which he said you have heard from me for john truly baptized with water but you shall be baptized with the holy spirit not many days from now therefore when they had come together they asked him saying lord will you at this time restore the kingdom to israel that was pressing on their mind they understood what the prophets had said they understood that meshiach the king was going to come and to gather the exiles and to gather the outcasts and put the family back together he's the messiah he's here right now are you going to do it now and he said to them it is not for you to know times or seasons which the father has put in his own authority but you shall receive power when the holy spirit is coming upon has come upon you and you shall be witnesses to me in jerusalem and in all judea but you can't stop there you can't just share with the people you like can't just share it with the people who are like you can't just share with the people who see things the way you see them or who speak the same language you speak or use terminology that you're familiar with now you've got to go beyond that you've got to go on over into samaria those people that you don't like those people that you look down your theological nose at you know the people who mix things with the things that are pure and holy they they take their opinions and their customs and their traditions and they mix it all together you know and you got to take it to them you got to be witnesses to them as well and just when you think it couldn't get any worse you're going to have to go beyond them you're gonna have to go out to all the idol worshipers and all the pagans and all the heathens and all those lands of those people who hate you and despise you because you're gonna go out there and you're gonna take the good news of the kingdom out there because there's a lot of my family out there alissa used the term yesterday and i never heard that it was like that's why my brain was going deep you know the maidens that was fascinating that's all diana you hear me that's all so let it be written so let it be done all right okay anyway they were to be witnesses of him so his family which had always been dysfunctional from the very beginning i mean from the very beginning of the story of mankind almost right out of the gate what happened exile and it was a pattern but at the same time and even before he they did what he knew they were going to do he already had a plan in place because when was the lamb slain from the foundation of the world so he always knew but he always had a plan that was going to bring the family back together it's always been about restoration that's what peter said in acts chapter 3. he said repent that your sins may be blotted out so that times of refreshing or revival may come from the presence of the lord and that he may send yahushua the messiah who was preached unto you whom the heavens have received until the times of the restitution or the restoration of all things and then peter goes on to say because this is what god's been talking about through the mouth of all of his holy prophets since the world began what has he been talking about restoration putting the family back together back when i was a teenager there was a movie that came out and uh in the movie there's this scene where the two brothers go to some people some friends of some friends of theirs they hadn't seen in a long time and they say we're putting the band back together we're on a mission from god well guess what we're on a mission from god he's putting the family back together so in this portion we see what happens at the end and why it happens at the end and so if we are living at the end and by that you know i don't want you to read into that that i think that the messiah is going to come back tomorrow or the next day i i don't know that all of us will see the culmination of these things in our lifetime i just don't know but i see enough today to know that it's on the horizon i can see where everything is going i can see it if only from afar i still see it and so as these things begin to unfold we need to understand what it is we are supposed to do what is the father doing why is he doing it and so we understand that trials and tribulations and distress and famine and all those bad things according to our flesh are going to happen and it's going to be difficult and it's going to be painful and we're going to suffer if we're going to be part of his plan and his purpose this is what paul said in romans 8 verse 16. the spirit himself bears witness with our spirit that we are children of god and if children then heirs heirs of god and joint heirs with the messiah if if if indeed we suffer with him that we may also be glorified together for i consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us can i read that again i think i will thank you paul said it 2000 years ago but let's you and i resolve that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us for the earnest expectation of the creation eagerly waits for you and i to get our act together and for this world to see the sons and daughters of god as he called them to be now there's something in this these passages and there's something we read in acts chapter one that i want you to consider one time is mentioned outright another time is alluded to but here is the point paul said that it is the spirit of god who bears witness with our spirit that we are the children of god we didn't arrive at this conclusion on our own there was some input from on high and it's the spirit of god is the spirit of truth that is bearing witness with our spirit that we are his children we are the heirs yeshua said you're going to be my witnesses you're going to start in jerusalem you're going to go to judea you're going to go to samaria then you're going to go to all the earth but before you go there's something you need the knowledge that you've accumulated peter james john bartholomew all these guys and all the other disciples who who aren't even named all the things that you've learned all the things that you've been trained in all these years while good needful is not sufficient by itself to do what you've been called to do because the world's not going to be impressed with how much hebrew you now the world's not going to be impressed with how much you know about the temple the world isn't going to be impressed with how long your zitseed are or if your beard is dragging the floor they're not going to be impressed with any of that not in and of itself and by itself but i dare say that the time is upon us and it will soon be that the world will be impressed not by what you know but by who you know and more importantly who dwells in you who works in you who works through you to impact their life in a way they could have never imagined that's what the world's going to be impressed with the most and so he told them before you go on this mission from god to put the family back together you're going to have to receive power from on high you're going to have to be filled with the spirit of god in order to be my faithful ambassadors and witnesses and if it was true then it's true now so i don't speak disrespectfully of our time spent learning about the torah and learning what the prophets have said and yes even learning hebrew i love hebrew the love of the hebrew language is what connected to me connected me to my brother by another mother brad and we've talked about brad several times this weekend it's kind of almost like he's here you know if you didn't know him well that's a shame but one day he's going to put the family back together right anyway [Applause] i i don't want to come across as speaking disrespectfully of those things that we have been learning those things that we have been returned to us that we're being restored to i'm not speaking disrespectfully of of zitsid or anything that we're learning as it relates to the word of god what i'm saying is that if the word of truth is here then the spirit of truth needs to be here as well to teach us what that word is and what it means and how it applies to our life so if the spirit of god is needed in the end days where might we see this spoken of in the story of joseph since that's a template when pharaoh learns that there is a hebrew in prison that can interpret his dream the bible tells us that he called for him and it says that he quickly brought him out of the pit so when salvation comes it seems to me according to scripture it will come quickly and it will come unexpectedly they ate the passover how in haste their shoes on their feet staff in their hand their loins girded their belt on ready to go in a moment's notice because it would come quickly it would come very unexpectedly in some respect according to my malachi in chapter 3 when the messiah comes it will be quickly he says behold i send my messenger and he will prepare the way before me and the lord whom you seek will suddenly come to his temple even the messenger of the covenant in whom you delight behold he is coming says the lord of hosts the lord of armies and he is coming and when he appears it will be suddenly and apparently according to him quite unexpectedly which is then why you and i need to keep our focus where it's always supposed to have been and to keep ourselves ready and prepared and equipped and full of the spirit of god not so much full of ourselves so we need to keep this in mind we are right now preparing for what god has purposed and that may take years we some of us have been working on it for years if you've been married for any length of time beth and i've been together for 34 35 years guess what we're still working on it if you've been married longer than that i think you'd probably testify to the same you're still working on it and we're going to keep working on it in our relationship and our walk in what the father has called us to do we are working he's patterson training and we will continue to train but one day one day he's going to have us in the right place at the right time even though it might seem like the wrong place at the wrong time to us so we need to be those who are faithful to persevere and to overcome because one day when we're in the right place at the right time as god defines it then he's going to bring about the events that are going to lead the to the fruition of what he's put you on this earth to do and to be and not just as an individual but as a whole as a family we need to be faithful in other words joseph was brought before pharaoh he interpreted the dreams in a way that pharaoh knew in his heart that this was right this is what these dreams meant and it resonated within him and then joseph goes one step further and it offers some unsolicited advice as what pharaoh needs to do this is how you need to do things i guess he just kind of saw this as an opportunity when am i going to be back here again i might as well take my shot right but the father opened that door for him to do that and he told pharaoh you need to find some someone with wisdom someone with this discretion and discernment who knows how to plan for the future and so the bible tells us that pharaoh concluded that there was none wiser there was none more discerning than joseph than this man standing before him and then this is when the bible says something i believe is very important and it is relative to what i brought up just a moment ago in chapter 41 verse 37 it says so the advice was good in the eyes of pharaoh and in the eyes of all of his servants and pharaoh said to his servants can we find such a one as this a man in whom is the spirit of god my point the spirit of god was working in joseph's life to the degree that this pagan king and his servants took notice of the fact that the spirit of god is with this man that there's something different about this man yeah the words he spoke were important but there was something that went beyond the words it was something well it was where the words were coming from as mark puts it's the word within the word the message within the message the unction that brought forth that word even the pagan king noticed it his servants paid attention to it now where did joseph obtain this wisdom this discernment and this discretion in my opinion they were innate qualities yes that he was born with certain attributes and gifts and talents but i don't believe that those gifts and talents were honed in his father's house when everything was good i think that these qualities that he already possessed were amplified and intensified and worked on and come to fruition as he was going through the trial the tribulation the pain and the suffering the squeezing and all those things that come along with god's favor and god's anointing but most importantly we see that joseph was full of the spirit of god and so at the risk of offending some and that is not my intent nevertheless the primary issue problem that i've had with the messianic slash hebrew roots slash torah observant community is this that we got so fixated on knowledge so fixated on truth that we kind of pushed the spirit of truth into the background there are some congregations and this isn't exclusively a hebrew roots issue this is a lot of churches as well but there are a lot of our congregations who don't want the spirit of god in their fellowship because they're afraid of what might happen you can't well maybe you can i can't tell you how many times i've gone to different places and people don't know that i was raised pentecostal and i mentioned that was pentecostal in their eyes just do this right here especially when i talk about the spirit of god and it goes really wide you know because they're expecting weird stuff's gonna happen any moment i i don't i don't want you to think that i'm talking about you know barking like dogs and rolling around on the floor and clucking like chickens that's not what i'm talking about i did not make that up i have to say but that is not what i'm talking about i'm talking about being sensitive to his voice when he speaks to our spirit so that when we those things that we've learned of his truth and his torah and we come into a situation like mark riding down the road and getting that knot in his stomach when he saw that goat stuck in the fence now some people might make light of that oh that's kind of a cute story but no if you were listening to the words in the word what he was saying is he is going to impress upon us to do things at times it's going to catch us by surprise and we're going to have to recognize that voice with him it was helping a goat in a fence with you it might be helping someone who's walking into imminent danger it might be a loved one who's about to make a decision that will forever change the trajectory of your life of their life and you need to be keen and sensitive to the voice of the spirit to hear and to know what truth to speak to them for that time and then there is this there will come a time yeshua said i don't want you to think about what you're going to say when you're called before kings and presidents and rulers and leaders as they are persecuting you don't think about what you're going to say i'm going to give you the words to say and when i give you the words they won't be able to refute it now where is that word going to come from it's not going to come from here it's going to come from that that belly where the rivers of living water are when the spirit resides in us and gushes up and he begins to speak and when he speaks men will be quiet i'm sorry i'm starting a little pentecostal here i'm sorry look i do not want anybody to think that i disdain learning and knowledge we need it my people perish for lack of but we also need to understand this that understanding that knowledge comes by the spirit of god to understand what you have come to learn comes by the spirit of god here's what paul said in first corinthians chapter 2 verse 6 however we speak wisdom among those who are mature key phrase yet not the wisdom of this age now he's saying this 2000 years ago but let's just take those words and put them in our day and time because the wisdom of this age what are they saying what are they telling you you should do what are they telling you you should not do he says i'm not speaking to you with the wisdom of this age nor of the rulers of this age because what are the rulers of this age saying you should do and you shouldn't do and then paul says this who are coming to nothing they're coming to nothing but paul says we speak the wisdom of god in a mystery what is a mystery something that's it's not so obvious to everybody the messiah spoke in parables why he says because they're listening they're hearing but they're not listening but to you to his disciples it has been given to understand the mysteries of the kingdom these things to be revealed to you so paul is talking in the same area i guess you'd say but he says the rulers of this age for they excuse me but we speak the wisdom of god under mystery the hidden wisdom which god ordained before the ages for our glory which none of the rulers of this age knew for had they known they would not have crucified the lord of glory in other words in my mind what he's saying is if you are listening to the rulers of this age and their wisdom you're coming to nothing too are we to respect those rulers that he has put in power yes are we to try to live peaceable lives yes but are we to follow their example no are we to take their word as gospel no why because they are coming to nothing and so those who put their trust and confidence in them guess what they are coming to nothing because you see if if they had been all wise and all-knowing as they like for us to believe they are they would have never crucified the lord of glory you see the father got that one right past them and right under the nose and that's not just the rulers in this world the physical world that's all these principalities too he got it right past him because what if the glory of glory isn't crucified and if he's not resurrected where does that leave you and me yet in our sin and so contrary to what yul brenner says our god is a good general he is a good general and so he speaks to his people who are mature in a way that the mature will understand so paul goes on and he says this but as it is written i has not seen nor ear heard nor have entered into the heart of man the things which god has prepared for those who love him when i grew up in the church of god in south georgia that passage was almost always used this way that our eyes haven't seen ears haven't heard it hasn't even come into our hearts all the things that god has prepared for those of us who are going to go to heaven when we get but paul isn't talking about there he's talking about the influence of their coming down here and so all of the things that the father has in this word of his this word of truth our eyes haven't seen everything our ears haven't heard everything we haven't imagined everything we haven't arrived yet guys which goes back to the idea that no one person knows it all but when we come together as one people a lot gets done right but how has god revealed them to us paul says he has revealed them to us through his spirit for the spirit searches all things yes the deep things of god you want to understand the deep things of god i choose this phrasing very carefully here don't depend on anybody with the thd behind their name exclusively or with rabbi in front of it i'm not saying that you can't learn from those that's not what i'm saying i'm saying but if you want to truly understand what he is saying in his word it is the spirit of god who teaches us these things it is the spirit of god who quickens these things in us the deep things of god for what man knows the things of a man except the spirit of the man which is in him even so no one knows the things of god except the spirit of god and so my point is we can't we cannot hope to understand the word of god devoid of the spirit of god we cannot expect to understand the word of truth if we have left out the spirit of truth we aren't even considered true worshipers unless we worship him in spirit and in truth now i understand that some are already come to this realization they've already come to this conclusion we hear it all the time i am so glad that jacob's tent is allowing the spirit to guide and to lead and to quicken i'm so glad that there is spirit-filled worship in a hebrew roots community i first saw it really in river of life in loosed dale mississippi and that's what gave me hope and encouraged me that yes these two can be paired together as it was always intended and it's not the work of man there's nobody that can take credit for it it's the work of the almighty bringing this together and so there has to be this balance ladies and gentlemen spirit and truth the spirit of truth is going to lead us into the word of truth yeshua said that if we are going to be his disciples and we are going to go out there and be his witnesses that we have to be empowered by the spirit of god he sent them out to sow that seed the word of the good news because he knew and understood that if they sowed that seed by taking their fruit out there that that seed that was in that fruit would go into the ground and it would eventually produce more fruit and more fruit would produce more seed and that seed would go into the ground and some of that seed would be scattered by the wind the ruach the spirit and it would go throughout the entire world because he's he knew that his people his family were throughout that entire world and he knew that if they did what they were supposed to do today and the next generation did what they were supposed to do and the next generation did what they were supposed to do and on down the line he knew that the father who has everything in hand that one day all of this would come to fruition and in that day all of that fruit all those people all the lost sheep all the exiles all the outcasts would be gathered by him so when the disciples ask him are you at this time going to restore the kingdom of heaven excuse me the kingdom of israel he didn't say no it's not what he said in bill's translation he said i don't want you to worry about the timing of that the father has that under control he has the times and the seasons in his hand here's what i need you to do you focus on your part of the plan you take the baton that has been handed to you and you run your leg of this marathon and if you run your leg the next generation will do theirs the father has the timing of all these things in hand i grew up in a house that well bible was always part of it and a big part of it was prophecy end-time prophecy and i remember you know sitting in the living room of our house on eighth avenue in albany georgia after church on sunday nights women in the kitchen making coffee for the men who were eating donuts and drinking coffee in the living room talking about who the antichrist was going to be and these are the days of course when henry kissinger was going to be the antichrist if you recall those days i underst i i was just raised in this and it was it's always been about when is he going to do it but what the messiah seem to be saying to them and i believe to us is don't worry so much about the wind but the why the purpose function in your purpose now there is a day and he alluded to it there is a day there is a time when the kingdom will be restored to israel psalm 102 verse 12 but you o lord shall endure forever and the remembrance of your name to all generations you will arise and have mercy on zeon for the time to favor her yes the set time has come for your servants take pleasure in her stones and show favor to her dust and so the nations shall fear the name of the lord and to all the kings of the earth your glory for the lord shall build up zion he shall appear in his glory he shall regard the prayer of the destitute and shall not despise their prayer this will be written for the generation to come and that hebrew term means the last one it means the one at the end these things are being written for the generation at the end it is at that in that generation that he will build up zeon it is in that generation that he will appear in glory it is that generation where he will regard the prayer of the destitute and it is that generation that was created to praise the lord you and i were called out of darkness into his marvelous light why that we may proclaim the praises of him not our own look at what i know but we are to proclaim his praises because he alone is worthy he deserves all of the glory i believe this is bill i believe that we are living in that set time i believe that we are that generation to come and consequently we have been created to praise the lord and so it's much more than just learning about him in his ways it goes beyond that it's about knowing him not knowing about him but knowing him intimately we have this oneness we have this relationship and if i have that kind of an intimacy with the most high how can i not proclaim his praises there's one last thing i want to share i know we're going a little long today but hey you drove a long way some of you to be here might as well make the most of it right in the story of joseph before the family could be restored something had to happen there was a breach between the brethren that had to be repaired it's emphasized for us in joseph and in judah these two who were estranged from one another one had betrayed the other one had been envious of the other all this family and sibling dysfunction had created all this pain and anguish and so for the family to be restored breaches had to be repaired but it seems to me that in this torah portion we see that over time even though we get the boiled down version over time what the father was doing was working in each of their lives joseph had to go through trial and tribulation he had to be pressed and squeezed why so that there would be none wiser and more discerning and full of the spirit of god than joseph in all the land of egypt because you see god knew what was coming and he knew it was going to take such a man that was dedicated to him to be in the right place at the right time that the family might be saved jude i had to kind of go through a hard time himself got mixed up with the woman married her had a couple of sons lost them made some bad decisions got into a fling unbeknownst to him with his daughter-in-law and that led to all kinds of stuff i dare say that through all of that judah probably thought you know maybe i need to straighten up and fly right maybe i need to kind of reconsider some things in other words god was working on both of them even though they were separated from each other because that had to happen because there was coming today there was a set time whereby god had orchestrated an environment it orchestrated the timing of that environment for these two to come back together and again and so i believe that today he is engineering a situation whereby all of the conditions will be just right for what he has purposed in relation to the restoration of all things in amos 9 it says this in verse 11 on that day i will raise up the tabernacle of david which has fallen down and what repair its damages i will raise up its ruins and rebuild it as in days of old i'll put it back the way it was supposed to be in the first place why that they may possess the remnant of edom and all the gentiles who are called by my name says the lord who does this thing so who's going to raise up the tabernacle of david he is who's going to repair the damages the rips the tears his but from the very beginning of time what we see is when he does something he does it through somebody when he does something in the earth almost always because he is sovereign and he can do whatever he wants to do what has he chosen to do to work in and through imperfect people just like you and me it is no less his handiwork it's just that he chooses vessels it's that he chooses tools instruments in his hand to do his work and so in other words i believe that you and i get to participate in the restoration of david's fallen tabernacle and if we get to participate then with that participation comes a great responsibility amos prophecy foretells a time when there's going to be one kingdom that's what the tabernacle of david is emblematic emblematic of one kingdom one tent one people under one king and his name shall be echad his name shall be one but for that to happen the breaches the rips the tares the rifts have to be repaired before the tent is set up the division has to be mended and i will recommend to you that this kind of division will not be repaired simply and exclusively through knowledge won't happen if that had been the case it should have happened a long time ago and so what is it it is a work of the spirit of god it is a work of the spirit of god yes we love the torah we want to abide by the torah but not just have it up here and regurgitate it out here but hide your word in my heart that i might not sin against you and that when i speak your word when i proclaim your word that has an unction from your spirit because it'll be the spirit of god working in and through us that is going to impact the nations it is the spirit of god working in and through us that is going to mend the rips the tares and the breaches and so again it is incumbent upon you and me if we have been anointed if we have been favored if we have been called it is incumbent upon us to be full of his spirit rather than to be full of ourselves isaiah 58 and i'll close with this in relation to repairing the damages and the rips and the chairs and raising the tent up isaiah 58 verse 6. is this not the fast that i have chosen to loose the bonds of wickedness to undo the heavy burdens to let the oppressed go free and that you break every yoke is it not to share your bread with the hungry and that you bring to your house the poor who are cast out when you see the naked that you cover him and not hide yourself from your own flesh then your light shall break forth like the morning your healing shall spring forth speedily and your righteousness shall go before you and the glory of the lord shall be your rear guard then you shall call and the lord will answer you shall cry and he will say here i am if i if you take away the yoke from your midst if you take away the yoke from your midst the pointing of the finger and speaking wickedness if you extend your soul to the hungry and satisfy the afflicted soul then your light shall dawn in the darkness and your darkness shall be as the noon day think hanukkah just for a moment here this rededication the lord will guide you continually and satisfy your soul in drought and strengthen your bones you shall be like a watered garden and like a spring of water whose waters do not fail those from among you shall build the old waste places you shall raise up the foundations of many generations and you shall be called the repair of the breach the restorer of streets to dwell in and with my whole heart i believe that is what he is saying to you and to me today in this time we have come into a the kingdom for such a time as this and it's it's not just to say oh lucky me no it is with a challenge a responsibility and an expectation that there will be tears there will be pain there will be suffering there will be trial there will be tribulation but if we are faithful to keep our eyes on him and to endure even as he's overcome the world he's given us the power and the authority to overcome the world and so if we're willing to be steadfast in that then there is glory on the other side of that suffering there is this he speaks of go ahead usually this time in our sabbath service i'll have beth come up and she'll talk about things the father speaks to her through that and i'm going to give her an opportunity to do that when we come back later on today and to share some things and about some of the prayer requests and praise reports that we get and we'll take a little time to do that then but i did want to mention very quickly that we have a sister in the faith who is very ill dina died some of many of you know her i haven't heard the latest report but i understand she was in the hospital in new mexico and that she was not doing well at one point in time and so she just kind of put the call out that all her brothers and sisters would lift her up in prayer and i know that we all have needs and we all have loved ones who have needs and and there are so many online who have needs i i and i appreciate that i wish it were possible that we could acknowledge each and every one of them but here's the beauty of this our father knows all and so i want us to pray for dina and i want us to pray for her husband but i want us to pray for all of our loved ones and our friends and our co-workers and those people it was just acquaintances that we know that have a great need right now and as we're praying for them let's pray that the father will use us that he'll quicken us by his spirit to be the repairer of the breach we just read it if you'll do these things your healing shall spring forth speedily if we do what he's told us to do it's going to work out exactly the way he said it was going to work out so can we just all stand for just a moment and i want us to pray let's start putting these things into practice and let's pray our father in heaven god of abraham isaac and jacob you said in your word that there are certain things that if we do them that would remove an impediment that is there a breach as it were between us and you and what you want to do in us that if we would attend to these things and make things right as you see it as you define it then the things that we've been looking for the things that we've been praying for these things would come to pass and so forgive us of our shortcomings forgive us of our contribution to things that have complicated issues that have frustrated your purposes if not just temporarily i know but nevertheless frustrate your will in our lives and others father forgive us of those things and help us to turn from those things not to just say i'm sorry but to abandon those things to get away from them and not to repeat them so that our healing shall spring forth quickly and suddenly that our righteousness shall go before us that you will be our rear guard and so that when we call upon you you will say here i am and so we call upon you today father and asking you to look down upon your servants our friends and neighbors our brothers and sisters our loved ones those people that we just have met casually and those that are dear to us like dina die i pray father as we call out their names as we call them and bring them before you we petition you father to hear our cry to attend to our cry to answer our prayer and so we pray father that you will go into that hospital room wherever it is in new mexico and that you will touch your daughter dina and she will raise her up from the sick bed we pray father that you will continue to restore health to our brother patrick we pray father that all of those who are jacob's tent whether in house or afar that you will raise them up from their sick bed that you will touch their bodies that you will quicken them today that you'll encourage them today that you'll restore them today and father help us to be what we are called to be the repairer of the breach we thank you we believe you for these things in yeshua's name if you'll just remain standing for just a moment um this is the time in our service when we ask those who have prepared and who have a willing heart to bring their offering before the lord now today we got a few more people than we usually have so the way we do it at jacob's tent we don't pass a plate and there is no judgment here this is between you and him but for those who have prepared and who do have a willing heart we want you to have the opportunity to bring your offering unto the lord if you i even hate to get into these kinds of details but if you decide to use one of these envelopes and use a credit card please make sure you put your phone number on there [Music] we're following the pattern we're doing things sometimes we don't really understand the full and the full meaning of but we're doing things in faith believing that if we'll follow the pattern if we'll trust him we'll do the things that he's asked us to do that he'll do the things that he promised he would i can tell you and i say this to to give him honor and glory you know we're a young congregation it's less than two years we haven't even been in our own building just a year and a half but i can tell you the father has blessed this little congregation called jacob's tent and he is making it possible for jacob's tent to be a blessing to other congregations and other people and to do the work of the body and so you're part of that and so again if you have prepared if you have a willing heart we want to invite you to come down to these baskets that are along the front and to bring your offering before the lord and as you do that our brother gabe bellow is going to minister to us in music check check you got me there we go i want to dedicate this song to uh to bill and to beth i actually sent this to them as soon as the the album came out i don't know if they ever had a chance to listen to it but they mean a tremendous amount to me and i want to honor them through this and by way of honoring them bless you with this song i wrote called light the candle [Music] my um [Music] hmm [Music] time [Music] [Music] yes [Music] [Music] hey [Music] my [Music] [Music] my [Music] [Music] my [Music] two [Applause] thank you gabe [Applause] you can be seated for just a moment i know that some of you can identify with this but it's just really it's humbling and it's exciting at the same time to look at a young man who's not as young a man as he was young because i'm not nearly as young as i was back in those days but to see a young man who was part of a youth group so many years ago and now to see what the father is doing in and through his life so he's always been part of the cloud family but i feel like i can speak on behalf behalf of the entire jacobs tent family and say that now you're one of us we're going to have a few brief announcements after the blessing and before we have kiddish because again we have a little bit of a unique situation today as it relates to our break and um serving those who had the the meal the meal tickets so we'll have a couple of announcements but before we do that let us all stand and let us receive the blessing that the father said he would put upon his people i have been blessed today i pray that you have been blessed today i pray that the father has touched you and spoken to you and stirred you even challenged you i hope people continue to do that for us all and that that and that which he's called us to do let none of us think that my part doesn't matter it's crucial of the components that were mentioned in the tabernacle of all the different things that you can think of even the furnishings the ark of the covenant the menorah and all the different beautiful things the only thing that is referred to in conjunction with the word echad one where the gold and the bronze clasps [Music] the little bitty pieces that most people wouldn't even pay any attention to and yet it was those seemingly insignificant pieces that were the most significant when you consider that without them the tabernacle could not be echad could not be won and the ripple effect of that is this that if the tabernacle is not ichat it's not one then the spirit of god never comes into the tabernacle and if the spirit of god never comes into the tabernacle then there's no point in the tabernacle so never underestimate your role and your place in his kingdom it matters amen let's receive the blessing [Music] may the lord bless you may his grace and his face shine upon [Music] may the lord lift up his countenance upon you and give you peace and give you peace [Music] my [Music] is [Music] may the lord [Music] please [Music] is [Music] peace [Music] amen all right i'm gonna i need to be seated for just a moment i'm going to make an executive decision here before we do this we were scheduled to come back at 3. i'm not mistaken was it 3 30 okay 3 30. all right yeah we always say ish you know but i'm going to go ahead and let's say we're going to might we it might be even more like 345 ish all right because i know that we've got some people that you need to during the lunch break you know you may need to go back to your room or what have you and i want to give you a little time i don't want everybody to be pressed for time and besides we're not really sure how this is going to go down here in just a little bit over here so i'm going to say i'll let you announce that but um i'm going to say around 3 45. that gives us a little bit more time and and here's the point at any point at 3 45 or beyond we're starting all right that not before 3 45 it might be 3 57 all right where did that number come from anyway you understand what i'm saying not before 3 45 but at any time 3 45 or beyond we're going to start and uh halissa will be sharing with us i just want to make sure everybody has plenty of time to do what you need to do grab a bite to eat you know do your room catch a 10-minute nap whatever you need to do mark anyway so that we can all come back refreshed have you had a blessed day so far [Music] okay we're not done he's not done all right so beth needs to give us a little bit of instruction on how this is all going to work okay right quick before i give you the instruction i just wanted to let you know that someone told me that dina dye is actually home now so praise the lord for that [Applause] we love you sister we're not through praying we're going to keep praying for you and it's going to be a testimony and that doesn't go just for her that goes for anyone out there who is sick i pray the father raises them up out of their sick bed they walk out of the place as a testimony to those who don't believe that he is on high he is the final authority he is the authority that has been placed in us so i just want to let you know that i won't get preachy today i do have a couple of announcements right quick um carmen is going to be having dance over in the small sanctuary um at 2 30. i want to just confirm that i have the right time on that [Music] yes 2 30 in the small sanctuary today and let's make that ish time to just in case those of you who are going to participate this afternoon and dance are not finished with your lunch and this is not something i believe i'm right in saying this this isn't something that they have a special thing going on this is if you want to just learn the steps for praise and worship you don't have to be on a team or anything just go learn and join in and enjoy and then the live streamers we are going to have you meet over here as soon as we're done for a quick picture tell me where are you will you stand up this is thomas shaw she is going to coordinate this for us and make sure that we get a couple of good snapshots over here and get you all lined up right there's a lot of you here so we thought it'd be better to use this space over here and get a picture right after we're finished here and then when you do go to lunch you'll go out these doors here you'll see where to go when you get out here and we just ask that in the seats that are available in the cafe indoors and in the seating areas outdoors and the various other places around on campus that are to sit um eat your lunch be observant if somebody's standing around with their lunch going i have my picnic but no place to sit so just visit while you're eating but then be considerate of others who may need your seat when you're done okay if you purchase one of the shabbat tickets remember you need that and i'm assuming that they are serving it at the cafe down here is that right okay all right so the cafe is down on this end if you did not get one of those tickets as i said yesterday no soup for you you know it's an option just hopefully you brought your lunch or you've got all that squared away but anyway we'll seat everyone back here at around 3 45 ish stand with me please it's amazing to look out there and see all these people and then think how in the world would we have got them in that little room over there [Music] a man blessed are you o lord our god king of the universe who creates the fruit of the vine and for giving us yahushua the messiah who said i am the vine and you are the branches the hive [Music] we'll take care of that quick fasting in a hurry diana what did i say [Music] blessed are you o lord our god king of the universe who brings forth bread from the earth and forgiving us yeshua the messiah who said i am the bread of life amen put that on the table over there so for those who have clean hands and a pure heart you may ascend the platform here if you want some of the challah so be blessed we'll see everybody around 3 45 if you are having a prepaid lunch exit these doors go that way if you are live streamers
Channel: Bill Cloud
Views: 6,369
Rating: 4.8538208 out of 5
Keywords: bill cloud, shoreshim, torah, bible, shabbat, shabbat night live, hebraic roots network, brad scott, michael rood, messianic, prophecy, rapture, sabbath, daily devotional, perry stone, a rood awakening, jewish history, judaism, christianity, joel richardson, mount sinai, israel, jerusalem, conservative, hebrew roots movement, unlearn, bible truth, hebrew, yeshua, messiah, politics news, donald trump, jesus, yhwh, 119 ministries, jonathan cahn, end times, last days, monte judah, revelation, esau
Id: GyHf5zCnmdU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 191min 55sec (11515 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 19 2020
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