How to repair stucco styrofoam with an acrylic stucco finish

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howdy guys Kirk and family here with Kirk Giordano  plastering today we're at a shopping center well   we're prepared to show you folks how we repair  this is first of all guys imagine this whole   pond here filled with a thousand ducks 100 geese  alligator heads that are hoping and inclosing   and a waterfall cascading over this bowl here the  ramada Bowl I believe it's called in an infinite   style where it looks like a sheet of water at the  very end we'll show you that but of course all the   maintenance work has got to be done maintenance  on a pool like this or a pond is incredible how   do I know I built one we did a video on it like  6 years ago we built the pond just like it we had   the cutest duck and I'll tell you something about  those cute ducks there are a lot of work so here   I could enjoy all those cute ducks and I have to  clean up after them so that's a big thing anyhow   I'll show you what we got and why in order to  fix something you got to know why it happened   we got water cascading off of this remodel I  believe that's what it's called and it's just   deteriorating we're talking 30 years of water the  water comes and it it hits the styrofoam this is   hear that sound of styrofoam styrofoam concrete  concrete styrofoam styrofoam styrofoam so what we   did is when we first got here the fellas here  they the maintenance fellas they I think they   get about a thousand thirty gallon bags of debris  to clean up after all the geese the ducks and all   that jazz and they pressure wash this why because  there's about a eighth of an inch of moss here we   just pressure washed it of course too because  I don't know I don't nothing in here's to dust   and what we're doing today is we are simply  going to repair all this styrofoam I'll walk   you through it real quick because it's it's quite  simple if you know what you're doing and how much   tire foam have I hung in my life thousands and  thousands of pieces over here we'll start at the   beginning this is for you folks who are going  to do yeah nobody's going to have a pond like   this that they're going to be repairing however  styrofoam is kind of flimsy unless you know how   to do it right this styrofoam here they didn't put  a cement backing on it so these lights right here   just ate it right up typical it's normal why  is this is still intact so what we're going to   do is apply bonding agents and fill this you can  fill it we're going to fill it with cement Tisha   materials which should make it twice as strong  as that all of these scuppers originally we were   going to they wanted them off but they decided  against it because they are quite pretty and   when the water is coming out of here and that bowl  what an attraction will go over here and I'll show   you something like say this scupper here they're  saying gee whiz Kirk they're kind of wiggling I   said well gee that's all the water coming out of  here it failed under here you see way up there   J that's way up there where we got a big gap in  there so we're going to fill those with concrete   stucco same thing this stuff here what we're going  to do is we're just going to take hammers hammers   and saws and J already started this lure already  started this so this is how we do this guys you   just break this off generally what I like to do is  score it with a sawzall and we've got a we got to   remove everything nest loose and once we remove  everything that's loose then we hit it with a   pressure washer why because we're going to put a  cement tissue Bhandar that attaches styrofoam to   any surface permanently plus the coating on here  you notice how how strong that is that's a pretty   strong coating put and this is already been here  30 years with water cascading over it and coming   out of these so this is strong stuff guys what  we're prepared to do today is continue we're   going to remove all this mold right here we'll  show you a little bit of details guys just in   case we got a lot of stucco contractors and a lot  of stucco guys who watch what we do and how does   this relate to say if you're doing a house with a  fence that's called efis styrofoam well it's all   similar if you could do one you can do it all and  so we're going to remove all this stuff and as we   remove it okay we're going here anything that's  bad we repair any of this stuff that I pressure   washed and the pressure washer I was using was  3000 psi plus I have a verbal tip which means if   I hold it right here it will go right through  this stucco if you touch it of course you'll   bring your your bone to the surface how do I know  I've done it before here's what we're doing what   I generally like to do is we find our width okay  it's three inch width I got styrofoam we got the   right width but I want some in I want it I don't  want it too full otherwise our bonding agents   won't have enough power behind them so we're going  to fill the back of this we're going to take these   and put all kinds of bonding agent we're going to  fill this with bondrée we're going to put this on   here they'll attach it with a few nails so it  sets permanently the heads of the nails will be   embedded then we coat those because even though  they're galvanized nail you hit it with a hammer   some of the galvanized comes off and they can rust  and then it looks like heck over here we're going   to continue we got the same situation with lights  deteriorate in this side but this is how there's   a lot of ways to do these guys it's ten fifteen  different ways I can do them the idea is once we   do it it's going to last another well these lasted  thirty four years it's going to last longer than   what these guys have done we're going to we're  going to put our poly bonds in back of them repair   them reinforce them - them then we're going to  come back and prime all of this we're going to use   a product an acrylic product every - everything  of course when we get to that stage we'll show   you okay guys I'm at a stage where we've took it  all off the molds and we pressure wash one more   time because what adheres to dust nothing nothing  adheres to death not even this cement ish Asst   poly bond right here and this this stuff stick so  anything but if there's dust you'll compromise it   here's what you do and how does this relate to say  molds on your average window house garage if you   want to put surrounds I'll show you first thing we  got to do is put a lot of this stuff and we use a   few nails and more importantly than using this is  the mesh tape which is absolutely necessary also   and if we put too much on here like I'm putting  a lot that's okay we just wipe it right off after   okay so we get that we find what we need we cut  it as close as possible does it have to be perfect   no if you're skilled with your tools you could  spare it in okay once we got it like so now I'm   going to pop a couple of these nails in it just  just to poop just to hold it in and what these   will do is they'll go straight in getting better  and they're hitting here I'm going to do a bunch   more but I'll show you the direct route guys  after this part comes the mesh what a styrofoam   without mesh a failure that's what it is because  without the mesh is not going to have the strength   for example what I'll do is okay I've placed  I placed and it doesn't matter how many guys   it doesn't matter how many pieces you use as long  as you build it out and here's the most important   thing for styrofoam coatings guys it should not be  raw what happens if it's raw okay this is raw and   of course I was exposed to a light here which  just ate it right up our finish under here I   turned it backwards so I have a cement coating on  the back of it that won't happen to this one but   once you got your piece on kind of like sheetrock  you got to have mesh over every joint right here   I don't have any mess what would happen in a  year and a half we would get a hairline crack   here so what I'll do is I'll put some submission  or some poly bond and there's a lot of different   materials guys it doesn't have to be poly bond I  just happen to like use poly bond then what we do   is we we're tying this in why are we tying it in  so that it will adhere not only when this dries   it will be solid here it is here to the wall  itself and equally important is will not get a   hairline crack and this technique guys is used  for molds world round it doesn't worldwide it   doesn't matter again if it's a commercial project  like this one or if it's your house as long as   you long as you do this you're okay I'm going to  show you one more thing and then we'll call this   part a done deal I'll put some polygons on here  and now what I'll do is I'll just coat this guy   right here why did we coat it get out of there you  get rocks just get rid of them we coat it so that   we don't get that hairline crack there then I'm  going to flip this around and attach that like so and if you need to bring it out guys you can build  this stuff up poly bond you can build it up a good   eighth of an inch if you really know what you're  doing and add it is you can go a little bit more   but that's another story anyhow once once this  piece is on say for example then you float it   do you need to flow to every one of them depends  on what you're doing guy so what I'll do is I'll   take our green sponge float green sponge flow  got water in here that's just water guys you   close your eyes and now I want to tie this into  here so I'll pull it upward I'm just feathering   in the joint and does this texture match no this  is - finish this is a float I'm using which will   bring the aggregate out but it won't give it a  - finish that comes that's another phase guys so   we we put this on boom and what is the hardest  part about doing commercial work guys anybody   know if any of you plasters or contractors know  I'm sure it's the insurance you got to have all   kinds of insurances when you're working with  commercial properties we almost didn't get this   one because of insurances I ended up having to  call my guy who is a broker and say gee whiz do   I qualify and if you have to tweak it here tweak  it there that's what insurance brokers do what we   do is we install stuck on so that's the hardest  part about commercial work but other than that   there's nothing to it commercial residential it's  the exact same process so anyway you see where   this is going right here this is putting back  together and an hour from now can I come back   and float this real heavy and match this I can  we're going to show you one more thing before we   end this day is how you fill all these holes right  here that comes in a minute all right guys we are   at a stage now where we got most of this mold set  what happens if you come to a situation like this   where does it make sense to take this off and go  order some half rounds that are 1 inch by 10 not   really does it make sense to order a radius like  this not really how many have I ordered thousands   just not worth it I'll show you a quick way to  fix this and by the way there's about 20 or 30   different cements that we use we're using cement  here that I just put a bonding agent on the wall   so we have a bonding agent on this wall now this  particular cement is it's a Portland based cement   but what makes this really unique is I went ahead  and put some accelerator in here and what's the   accelerator used for well that is just so this  set quick and so what I'm going to do is make this   radius I could make it a lot faster than tearing  it all apart and go on to replace it plus guess   what concrete or stucco cement plastic it's a lot  stronger than styrofoam so we're going to give   this the extra heavy-duty fix what comes right  here a lot of ways to do that guys I could show   you a whole bunch but I'll just show you the easy  way put some mud on your bucket dip your glove   into water now my my glove is my Hawk so I've got  and what I'm doing why am I going over this so   many times guys because I've got to fill this I've  got to fill voids that I can't even see if I don't   feel the voids I can't see then they could come  back so I'm pushing in hard I'm pushing in real   hard and I'm just there are voids in here that  old Kirk cannot see but I want to make certain   that I got them and notice I I go over it I'm just  kind of eyeball in it make it my own okay I'm keep   wetting my glove because I don't let my glove a  dry glove it's just not going to work it's going   to stick to my dry glove just like it's sticking  inside this mold where it's actually supposed to   stick so I keep putting my glove in there and  we keep making it now again if you guys and I   do run across this Jay and I just did a job where  they had a lot of moles and it was a homeowner it   was a condo actually and they had intricate moles  that it would take too long to order them so what   we did is we pressure wash them and did something  very similar to this now we got them under here to   same same deal applies guys we just match them  don't worry about anything that falls because   gravity is going to drop that stuff down that's  okay so again I'd make the curve I use my gloves   make the radius at the bottom then I have a couple  other things like they go hole right here we can   just do like so and again this is not poly bond  because poly bond which we are at here in these   molds you can go about a eighth of an inch thick  possibly even a quarter what happens it will crack   it will shrink and crack like an egg last thing  I got is some details under here now if I switch   hands now to make it a lot easier so we go with  the left hand all right we take it here and we put   it on no such thing as a one-handed plaster guys  and I can't see it but I can feel it all I have to   do is feel the mold guys and take my glove wash it  off again and I go this part at the bottom where I   can't see I don't need to look I just need to keep  going over it over it and push it in because if I   miss an area then when that water starts cascading  down here it's going to get in there we don't want   that last piece I have is right here I'm going  to wet the glove again why are we wet in the   glove we're wetting the glove up to this point  here because that's all I can wet if I wet here   I'm going to soak my own hand we don't want that  either so we're finished putting a little piece   on a little piece right here I'm go back and  forth back and forth I need to make sure that   that hole is completely filled it's kind of like  when you caulk something you're doing caulking you   want to fill the hole and otherwise it'll shrink  up and the next day you'll have to redo it is it   a big deal to redo it no but I'm here right now  so I just want to do this once okay now if you   guys are like me and you put it on like that last  thing you got to do and notice it's a lot faster   it's a lot stronger and it is acceptable okay  I take my green sponge float a couple guys said   hey Kirk we've got blue sponge floats they work  too guys the red ones are really really fine for   brick cleaning grout so they don't bring out the  aggregate there's a heavy - so I want to bring   the aggregate out remember that aggregate that's  a fancy word for sand so what now is I'm giving it   the same finish here because again that's just a  preliminary step we still have got to prime miss   and in dashes so I want it easy for when I get  ready to do that I take my float at it on its   edge well match that now here where I just spread  I want the heavy finish so if you want to have a   finish guys you got to use a lot of water and when  the sponge float gets full that means it's going   to drag it all over the place you got to clean the  sponge like right now I want the heavy finish so I   use a lot of water so here's a little water then  it's a fine finish very very fine now I'm going   to get the radius can't get the radius if the  sponge float is full of mud because it will drag   that radius all over town okay now we just eyeball  this guy what happens if I got to put a little bit   more like right here no problem I put a little  bit more okay so that is the mold on the upper   I just beautiful okay this is going to get - what  is - as when you take a hand hopper or your hand   and you throw a finish off all right let me get  back to the radius now radius is literally a blown   chicken a little more tricky but we can handle it  we want to go upwards with a lot of water on this   upwards squeeze that in now we clean the the  mud off it because again make this much there   in time stay in this but the float if it's full of  cement will drag and there's no way that no matter   how much skill you got you're going to be able to  match it if your float is too full of stucco okay   now here you just kind of eyeball it look at  it and get that guy just right what happens if   it's just right not just right do it again not the  end of the world okay we get that we come in you   get the corner and we float the the absolute face  of it now and why do I use so much water besides   besides getting bringing the sand or a nerd we're  good to the surface this makes it stronger guys if   the more water you use the stronger it becomes  but if you use too much water obviously it just   falls right off now you use the right amount of  water okay so that's about right there make it   pretty make it pretty and that will accept that  next coat and this I have I told Lewis's give   me some mud that within five minutes it's a hard  as a rock so within 5 minutes this is going to be   hard I won't be able to mess with it anymore so I  got five whole minutes how many do I need four so   we're done with this and when this sets up another  5 minutes you see I have a hole here no big deal   I'll give this another few minutes then any more  holidays I'm going to repair when I repair a   few other holidays like this guy here anyhow next  time you see us we will be dashing all right guys   we're going to spray some finish on it match the  existing - that way when we come back to do the   color makes it a lot easier for us and we want to  bring it back to what they originally had simple here is it easy the air for therefore  beautiful easy all right okay the plans   this is just restraint I want this to be a  lot stronger than what they originally had   that water runoff just beat it up that's  okay now that we match the finish and this   Friday evening quiet evening the aerophobia  so beautiful don't miss something oh man all right Friday evening, we could sit  in sharp it for an hour and a half,   or we can go right here and have a drink I'm buying we'll go in here and have a pint like  we used to say in England you're on Mike you've   been so helpful you got yourself some whiskey  we'll see when we show you how to do the - the   color - that is not just the this is just for  strength because we got to give it more strength   than they originally had otherwise we're the bad  guys so when we get ready to do the color we'll   show you that - okay guys been a couple weeks  since we've been back here now we're applying   a primer and then we're going to use a hand hopper  and spray on a - finish we are using stucco flecks   why because I'm responsible for this product  and this is going to get cascaded with waterfall   infinite pull so we have to have one of the best  products known to man sold worldwide and it's   actually architects engineers and developers use  this on many high-rises you guys see a building at   30 stories high two blocks long more likely it's  stucco flexo this stucco flex product here like   all of them you've got to use the primer that's  recommended by it and so because this is new right   here we just shot this on a couple weeks we are  applying it heavy and then we're going to apply   the primer over the entire thing once this is done  and when we are done with that we're going to show   you how we apply this stucco flex and again the  stucco flex there's a lot if you go online and you   type in stucco flexure see a lot of videos where  the guys have sheets like this and they'll flex   them like this this is not stucco flex you see  how that cracked stucco flex will Bend because   it's a hundred percent acrylic a lot of a lot  of companies put silica sand and polymers they   don't do that they use marble aggregate and so it  doesn't rust there's so many benefits I couldn't   even fill this video with why we're using this  I've got to guarantee this for or 20-30 years so   I'm going with the best there is anyway what Dan  and I Lou and other buddy over there are doing is   we are priming this this is just stage one we're  in the hot Sun so this primer is sucking up quick   and when we get to everything prime can you see  it all when we get everything prime then we're   going to dash it now we're going to come back  and we're going to do these half rounds here with   another stucco flex product we'll show you that  part when we get to it okay guys we'll show you   how to do the - now Dan is going to give you some  mud and earlier I said this was a 100% acrylic jay   corrected me because he's a licensed local guide -  yeah it's 100% acrylic polymer I forgot about the   polymer it has about a third more polymers than  anybody else okay so what we're doing is dashing this you cannot stay clean guys it will say it  cooks you said pretty clean everybody stayed   clean dashing - it is messy work - whole houses  by hand - whole houses with a hopper so this   right here sees the cake and when I start to go  high is when I the hopper starts to go down is   the tip guys now that the hopper is going down  and you want to burn all your strength out now   you can do the top this is hardly any severe  left in it there is no finish on the world I   look more like traditional stucco then this  sucker flex it is bigger elastomeric finish   there is now this works guys pretty simple  just generally I'll do three clips, but because   I've already got my color coverage blending  one into another I'm going to do two coats again now it's almost empty that's what I'm  gonna do my top here I don't want to lift up   a whole hopper for like 80 pounds all right  then because more mud I'm going to go ahead   and finish most of this side off then I'll come  back and show you the second coat all right guys   easy peasy lemon squeezy no bigger is the second  coat now done first one is for color cover is   mainly and for strength now I'm just giving it  at the exact same texture so we're going to rip   off the plastic and do the red all right guys  we have this is our fifth bucket of mud Jana   had a little inside bet there he said I'd use  for I said I'm going to use five hey well how   else are you going to go right here and I thought  water is going to be cascading down here and just   pulling this out it pulled out the last product  I don't know if it lasted 30 years I doubt it   probably 10 and then had to redo it my stuff's  going to last 30 because this stucco Fleck is   some hard stuff so I'm going to finish this out  we're going to allow this to dry take this off   we'll finish this inside and we are almost done  all right guys let's say what we've done here   we've done the reverse we covered the outside and  dashed on the inside this terracotta is what they   originally had we just spruced it all up don't  go away guys because Jase and I are going to   come back here and show you the pond by the way  guys Jason makes a couple bucks on these video   but me I don't make any money but I got something  that far beyond measurement and money and that's   recognition anyhow Jason signed us up for Amazon  affiliates now which means you've gone either one   of our websites and or the description of all  the videos a little pop-up thing there and he   has put links all the tools we purchased I do  this actually because I love doing this stuff   I know the answers to almost all those 25,000 or  30,000 questions folks from YouTube has asked me   we want to share where we get all the tools with  you folks and hopefully I can make a couple bucks   on that too by the way folks my dad and I are now  members of Amazon affiliate so if you're looking   to buy any of the plastering or construction  tools you've seen in our videos and you want to   support us in the process you can check the links  below our video or you can go to our website and   get them there if you have any other questions  for tools we don't have linked email us direct   and we'll respond to you then once again folks we  thank you for watching and I really enjoy all your   comments if you guys like this video please click  the like button down below and also if you enjoy   what we do subscribe to our channel so we can  keep making these videos for you my name is Kirk   and Jay we thank you for watching and from the  entire giordano family we'll see on the next one
Channel: Kirk Giordano plastering Inc.
Views: 79,374
Rating: 4.8841872 out of 5
Keywords: Repair stucco styrofoam molds, repairing stucco styrofoam and acrylic stucco repairs, How to repair architectural foam repair, how to install stucco over styrofoam, repair Stucco styrofoam repairs, applying acrylic stucco, how to fix styrofoam stucco repairs, Repairing stucco styrofoam and stucco coverings with an acrylic finish a MUST watch for learning, How to repair stucco styrofoam with an acrylic finish, How to repair stucco styrofoam with an acrylic stucco finish.
Id: clWt12riwJU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 46sec (1846 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 05 2017
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