Repainting Furniture that WON'T SELL!

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hello everybody welcome back to my channel today   we are going to give my  old makeover a new makeover today i got this beautiful desk that i did six  months ago if you want to see how i did this piece   i will leave you a link below in description and  you can see how i created this molding gold leaf   and how i restored this piece but since  this piece is not selling i'm going to do   what i best do and i'm going to paint it i'm  going to paint right over it uh i don't need   to do anything because this piece is clean  uh it has a poly protection so you can put   an island chalk paint directly on it i don't have  to remove any wax you can paint over gold leaf   uh so it's just too pretty of a piece  to be sitting here it needs to go in its   forever home so i will make sure that happens  first thing i'm going to do is to paint it   i'm going to remove the hardware for this  piece for the base color i'm going to use cream   and i will be using medium anisalon chalk  paint brush let's remove the hardware i'm removing the hardware because i'm going  to use some stamps on front drawers later so here i'm going really thick i'm grabbing  a lot of paint on my brush as you can see   and i'm tapping because i want this piece to  be texturized so to get the texturized look   all you have to do is just tap your chalk  paint and you will get that texture we're   going to do two coats of this technique and  we're going to have very nice texture a very   authentic texture that you cannot achieve that  you cannot achieve with any texture additive this color is beautiful i think i used it really  long time ago and i forgot how it really looks so   i really love this one it's going to be a great  base for everything that is going to come uh now   i'm adding the second coat and i'm doing the same  i'm just tapping even more instead of doing this   instead of doing that i'm going  more thicker and closer and   holding my brush straight to create this  beautiful little texture all over the place and even though this feels like a arm  workout i really have fun doing these things it's beautiful my second coat is completely dry  i left it overnight it's very important to leave   uh your first base color to dry overnight because  now we're going to use some water and we're going   to activate the paint so if you don't let it dry  completely you're risking uh or lifting the paint   and you don't want that uh now i'm going to layer  and blend in the same time it's not going to be   your typical blend where you contour or you create  ombre we're going to create a fall look uh so it's   going to be blended and layered and this technique  is so beginner friendly so let me show you   here i got some more colors and i'm going to show  you what i got i got louis blue and i got coco   very nice neutral colors i got cream because  i'm going to add some more of the base color   and i got three brushes for three different  colors and the spray bottle because i'm going to   use a wet technique so let's go so first  i got cocoa i'm grabbing an island brush   i'm going to use different brush for each color  one for cocoa one for louis blue and one for cream   this one is from yesterday i just wrapped it up  and then i have a little brush for the details   so i'm getting very little paint and i'm going to start applying it everywhere   now that i have it on i'm going to spray a  little bit and we're going to spread that around so i'm just applying some paint here and there  spraying with water and just spreading it around   the point is to don't be perfect you don't want  to put it everywhere you just want here and there   some places more some places lighter  and i'm going to cover this area here and this you want to do section by section   so now that i apply cocoa and you can see how  uneven this is and that is supposed to be that way   we are going to add some blue blue and  i'm going to actually add louis blue less here and there and i'm going to spray and blend it in and then add a little bit of more cocoa and then i'm going to add little cream and for that i'm going to use  the brush from cocoa color everything is supposed to be blending  nice and easy if it's not blending nice   and easy you need to spray some more water  don't spray too much just a little bit and   then work your way in and if you feel like  you need more water you can always add more   so that is for this door i actually like how  it looks i just want to add a touch more of   louis blue once everything gets dry and we  put protection uh you're going to see more   uh transition and different colors  around now it's everything is wet so so just play with this this is a lot of going back  and forth uh whatever you feel uh like looks right   do that just go back and forth play as i said this  is very beginner friendly uh you can go wrong with   this i promise you that so for everybody that  wants to try blending and it's afraid of blending   you can try this look and you will love it so  now i'm going to um use my little detail brush   and i'm going to use cocoa and i'm going to  go into the corners to create that age look   and as i said this is you can't really see so much   transition now between colors but once  everything is dry you will be able to see   and if you feel like you went too much  in just tap to stop with the cocoa brush i'm done with the first drawer this is dry  it's going to take probably an hour to dry and   for you to see uh the transition between colors  they're not going to be very strong transitions   but they're more going to be defined in it's now  i already did this side and it's dry completely   so you can see the definition more here is that  nice soft layered blended look and i really love   it i haven't done this technique in a in a very  long time and i forgot how much i love to create   pieces like this we're now going to repeat  the same process on everything every door   every leg the top just repeat the process and  work in sections it's much easier that way we're all done here everything is dry except the  top but it doesn't matter because i'm going to   do some things on the drawers and while i'm doing  things on the drawers the top is going to dry what i got here is a redesign with prima  stamp it's called a botanical encyclopedia it's a beautiful stem and i'm  planning just to use this part here   to stamp the front doors so  this stem comes like this this is what i'm going to do with this stamp  comes in individual stripes so i'm just going to   do this and at the end i'm going to do this one to use the stems you just get some paint on  your roller we're going to apply this on the   raised side of the stamp this side is raised  and that's where you want to apply the paint and you just put a little bit of pressure beautiful and now we're going to repeat the process   beautiful and it's coming out uneven  because we have the texture here   so this is actually fit the  look i'm going for so i love it there we go beautiful i'm going to do this now on every drawer now that i got my stems on everything looks  so pretty i wanted to do one more thing and   that is distressing i'm using a hundred  grid sandpaper and i'm going to go lightly   over some areas this is called two-tone  distressing that is when you have two contrasting   colors on top of each other and then you distress  and you re reveal that color under and you show i'm going lightly over these areas  because i have gold leaf under   so if i keep going too hard i'm going to show  gold and i wanna not i want to stay away from that and i'm going to sand lightly over the stems and i'm going to do the same  on every drawer and everywhere now that everything is nice and dry i'm going  to protect everything using unisloan clearwax   and i'm going to add some more age  to it by using a sloan dark wax so here i'm applying a clear wax   you just want to apply it all over the  place make sure everything is protected this is going to darken up the  color a little bit not too much and then you want to wipe off the extra you can use a microfiber cloth or a  cheesecloth or old t-shirt for this now that this is waxed and protected  i'm going to add some dark wax   brand new so i'm going to start by  applying it around the drawers and i'm going extra so i switched to this brush by design with prima   because this one is pointy here and that is  going to help me get into these corners easier as i said i'm going extra i  want a lot i want it to be aged okay and i'm grabbing another   microfiber cloth to remove all this  extra because now it looks like a mess it's very important to apply clear wax first so  you can move your dark wax around as you want it look at that so pretty and aged now i'm going with a cheaper  brush just adding some more   details i have better control with a little brush okay so now i'm going to repeat this process  to every door and actually everywhere so at any moment if you feel like you apply  too much uh dark wax just get some clear and go over and that is going to get  some off but not completely just a   little bit if you want to get rid of it  completely you have to use mineral spirits so it looks beautiful with this gold leaf hardware  that i already did i really love how it's matching i'm adding a little bit of more  brown wax around the hardware   and adding some on the  hardware to match the edge look and we're done with this piece i really love how it turned out i had  so much fun creating layers blending   distressing i haven't done that in such a  long time and i forgot how fun this is to do i really love how this piece look completely aged  it's totally different from what i did before   before it was like a glam and now it's just   age and full of character and  i know this time it will sell i really hope you like this video if you did give  me a thumbs up leave a comment below and subscribe   if you haven't already i will see you next  time with a new project and more ideas bye guys you
Channel: Kacha
Views: 82,595
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: painted furniture, how to paint furniture, chalk paint, painted furniture ideas, painted furniture techniques, kacha, annie sloan, redesign with prima, how to chalk paint, faux stone, painting stone, old world, vintage, textured paint, gilding wax, gold leaf, annie sloan chalk paint, repainting furniture, furniture makeover, furniture tutorial, diy, selling furniture, furniture wont sell
Id: TiD5tqGPLdA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 46sec (1306 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 02 2022
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