4 Ways to Make MONEY Selling Furniture ~ The Kacha Podcast 49

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let's do this are you ready to learn how to make money by selling and painting furniture you're in the right place let's get started [Music] before we dive in i would love to tell you that this is my experience i'm sure there's a hundred other ways to do it but today i'm going to tell you all about what i learned and my experience for these five years that i've been dealing with furniture business so the first way to do this is to sell used furniture i don't know so much about it i learned a lot but i'm not doing it myself so this is just what i observed what i learned through buying furniture and um making connections and friends with people who sell uh used furniture so to sell your furniture you need to have a truck that is like a must you have a you have to have a truck and a trailer if you're going to do this as a full time uh making uh income uh uh making money out of this you need a trailer as well because uh you are going to be moving a lot of furniture and you just can feed so much in a truck so you definitely need a trailer as well um you are going to be all the time on the go uh you need to be ready to go get a piece of furniture uh be prepared uh so yeah having a car definitely won't do it you need to have two people to do this uh do one person is just impossible it's possible but it's so difficult there is some pieces that you just have to have two bodies two more furniture around um moving furniture around i want to tell you regardless if you are in this as a reseller you're looking to resell furniture or buy furniture in paint or whatever you are going to lift some heavy furniture and lifting furniture is very hard who says it's easy i don't believe them it's very hard uh you have to learn number one in my book is that you have to learn how to live furniture properly because you can injure yourself and the person that is lifting furniture with you ask anybody that works with furniture they will tell you how much it's difficult for them when somebody who has no experience and doesn't know how to live furniture comes to pick up a piece and they're supposed to uh load that piece with an unexperienced person a person that doesn't know how to lift they will tell you that it's a very hard task to do because uh they put you in danger and they put themselves in danger there are certain ways that you need to lift to carry and a load and unload so i definitely uh you know suggest you educate yourself on how to lift furniture uh even it sounds easy it's very important uh it took me forever to learn how to properly lift furniture i'm actually now just looking for the guidance of my husband i was asking how are we doing this uh he is just a pro he became a pro uh through our business he became a pro or a lifting furniture and i know uh from him his experience it's very hard for him when the person other person don't know what they're doing uh so you're going to be lifting a lot of furniture a lot of heavy furniture so just uh prepare yourself for that as well uh you are also going to uh as i said you need two people because there are still pieces that are just extremely heavy and it has to be handled with two people a minimum team people some pieces require more people but so far whatever we came across two people uh did it you will need to find good sources there is a lot of sources i uh i i know my sources as a furniture painter where i go to get furniture where i go to get used furniture so places where i go they have their own sources where they go i don't know i'm not very familiar with that but i know there is warehouses big warehouses with used furniture for very affordable very cheap prices it's that affordable that a person buying furniture can make profit by buying it and reselling it for two furniture painters as myself uh so they're all over the united states it's definitely something that um that it can be done uh you just have to find sources uh facebook marketplace in my opinion is not a real real it's not good source uh because you never know what you're gonna find there there is ups and downs on facebook marketplace where there is so much to buy uh in certain months of the year and then there is nothing to get uh it's always good thing to keep on eye because you can find some really good deals sometimes people put things for free and they will uh announce that on facebook they will put it on facebook marketplace but you just have to i will definitely be checking that constantly but not really really relaying not relying on that as a furniture as a business like i i will never put my business uh relying on furniture uh buying rusher on facebook marketplace i will never do that because it's very unstable you just never know what you're gonna find everything all this i'm talking about it's less or more a little different all around united states uh so i'm sure in the bigger city i actually know in the bigger city there's way more things for uh for sale where in smaller cities way less things for sale so wholesale state sale i went to a few state sales definitely there's people who know this who've been doing who does nothing but go to a state sale they buy a beautiful good quality furniture they resell uh action auction it's really good also source that's where you actually uh get really really really affordable prices i've been to few of those and kind of it's fun uh you know it's it's just fun experience all together to me i had a fun experience sometimes i left without anything and sometimes i left with 10 pieces uh also you never know kind of what you're gonna find but uh it's definitely a fun experience for me all these places where you will be going to wholesale to a state sale to action auction it's going to uh you are going to meet other people who are in this who are in the same industry as you you need to make connections you need to make friends with people uh but believe me you're going to figure out a much more that way it's always good to have friends to make friends uh you're going to share experience they're going to tell you for the spot where they go where you don't know about you're going to tell them about your spot so it's always good to make friends uh wherever you go you're going to meet a lot a lot of people um i as i said don't flip furniture unpainted furniture uh it's nothing it's not something that interests me uh but i uh i i wanted to tell you once um i think last summer no last summer summer before this i came across mid-century modern uh set it was a very large long dresser nine drawer dresser with a towel with a tall dresser and i bought that for two hundred dollars and sold for 750 dollars uh that was i i have to say that i was pretty lucky to come across something like that it was a walnut in beautiful shape i did minimum work which is clean and i just flipped that piece of course as i said you don't come across those deals every day uh mid-century modern heritage is very hot at the moment all across the world it's very hard to uh to get it for affordable for cheap prices but uh you can definitely you know beyond look for that because that brings a lot of value uh if you're going to flip that uh piece of furniture uh when i uh was flipping that set i uh talk really good pictures of it so one thing you're going to have to learn to do and it's a must it's taking good pictures regardless if you are flipping a piece unpainted piece refurbishing restoring whatever you're going to do you have to learn to take good pictures good picture is the one that is going to make people to click on your ad because you are of course going to be advertised now will live in this world where you advertise everything online so you need good pictures um it doesn't have to be staged uh it just have to be a good picture it doesn't have to have if you don't have a wall or you don't have where to take pictures outside just make sure there's a nice nature behind the piece like trees or something uh try not to be to not have a messy background that takes away from the piece uh good angle is everything it's worth a million dollars good angle it's much more more worth than any staging any staging decor on top of your pieces next to your pieces it's if you uh if you know how to stage that is going to be a big plus in in the in the book uh that is going to help you but if you don't know how to stage uh you know i know that aesthetically it needs to look really good and balanced to for your staging to end up being really good in the picture so if you don't know how to do that maybe until you don't learn how to do that just try taking pictures without anything just good angle pictures you need one good picture that is going to sell that people are going to click on one good from a whole piece uh picture uh and you need top sides um inside uh if there is a tag of the of the brand if there is dovetails i definitely suggest you take picture of dovetails because that is something that people really love and appreciate because that means that it's really good quality somebody took time to put those drawers together and they're going to break as easily as something that doesn't have dovetails so if you have that definitely put in your ad try to describe your piece the best you can if there is a scratch say there is a scratch people need to know if i know there is a scratch i'm i am prepared for scratch if the need is missing i don't even want to bother to look at the piece but so i will really appreciate if the ad said that uh if you're selling online uh if the ad said that there is a screw there is a missing veneer uh because that i don't want to waste my time if i will be very disappointed to go get a piece that is missing veneer that it doesn't set in ad that has imperfections as those and then i go there and i end up seeing missing veneer i just wasted my time uh because the missing veneer is something i will absolutely pass on as a furniture artist i know plenty of other artists who don't pass on that who by missing veneer and they fix that so i'm just saying from my experience it's always good to describe your pieces to the maximum what is made of and in what condition is so now that we cover that there is another way to make money it's by painting furniture painting furniture it's another way to make income to make money um for this you will have to hustle a lot you have to hustle and try to make the more to produce the more pieces the better uh i don't say just slap some paint on there and call it a day and post it for sale always take a pride in your work always always cleaning is very important good cleaning good uh adhesive from paint to the piece it's always important protection but you have to try to work a lot like i did those are my beginnings i started as a buying furniture at the goodwill uh outlet goodwill uh definitely suggest you check those out all across the united states i bought those for three dollars painted them sold them for forty fifty dollars made profit uh that led me into um that led me into selling furniture from home and i really fast learned that i don't like all kind of people coming to my home uh sometimes just didn't feel right uh giving my address to some people sometimes people that will show up uh who didn't give me good vibes so i really uh fast learned that i don't want to do that then i moved by selling furniture by meeting people in the parking lot at that point i was just still selling smaller pieces so it was easier to put in the car take it take it to the first grocery store i will usually meet there and half of the people will not show up they will be like yeah i'm on my way and they will just not show up waste of time a lot of waste of time and people will do that i don't know why i don't know why so hard cancelling on somebody but people will just do that over and over and over that led me really fast into looking to rent a booth so renting a boot is a really good option if you paint furniture and you're sell furniture and you don't want to do from home and you don't want to waste your time meeting them in the parking spot renting a boot is a really good option if you have uh possibilities uh opening a store with painted furniture is the amazing way to go you can put your furniture in there you can maybe rent a space to other furniture painters you can sell all kind of decor paint and all kind of things in there but that also require you signing a lease for a long time it's you're obligated you have uh you know you just it's just more serious on another level uh and it's expensive starting uh that uh where if you rent a booth you just rent a boot you are there next month you can just cancel you can leave like nothing ever happen it's much cheaper so but it's definitely amazing way to go when i rented a boot i was not counting on foot traffic i was counting on myself posting my work on social media posting my work on social media and on facebook craigslist facebook marketplace craigslist offer up and uh let go those are the apps that i used to use a lot i will post all across those platforms i will uh in the ad i will put the first come first serve stories open from this time to this time this is the address you're more than welcome and go so i will advertise my pieces uh i don't hold my suggestion is don't hold pieces for anybody until only unless they give you deposit down how much deposit it's up it's definitely up to you i don't suggest less than twenty percent deposit down without twenty percent deposit down i don't suggest you hold pieces because from uh a hundred people from a hundred percent from a hundred people that you're going to hold pieces uh i i think that sixty percent of sixty people will not show up uh they will not buy so i don't like holding there is no more uh holding pieces for anybody unless i know a person it's a customer repeat customer that i know they will come i will hold for them that's not a problem um so you definitely want to continue advertising your pieces advertise your pieces but send them instead of making appointments you send them to the store the store will deal with them sell them they can take a look they can touch they can do whatever they want they can buy or not buy they don't have to come to your home and they don't have to waste your time meeting them and they possibly not meet up there is plenty of nice people i don't want to scare you and i don't want to make it sound like people it's all bad there's beautiful people that i met honest people that i met people who honored her word it's just there is another side i want you to know for about this business but it's not all that scary and bad when you're painting and you have a store or a boot the faster you paint the more money you're gonna make per hour the simple as that you want to make sure the furniture you buy is good in good condition it's i don't like buying junk furniture i like passing on that i love good quality solid wood because when a customer come to buy my piece i like to uh be proudly say that my piece is made out of solid wood uh so always try to get good quality pieces and make sure another thing to make sure is to keep on look know the game look what is happening in your market every market is different so look what is happening in your market is a white collar trending white color is always trending but look if the gray color is trending in your area if the farmhouse is trending in your area or that is mid-century mother or that is maybe bohemian style look what is trending and try to do more of those because you know every as i said every area is different so uh just give people what they want that way you're going to sell your pieces much faster and you don't have to repaint them re repaint them usually you have to repaint them if you did something that you it's just not selling in your area you don't have to lower the price very low or repaint them which i'm always for repainting uh that's always my option unless the piece is not worth your time if you already invested so much time and you are just sick of that piece and it's not selling just lower the price get rid of it and move on with your life it's much worth it then dealing it with it all over again but i'm always for repainting repainting if you're going to repaint the piece repaint it white and it's going to be sold both ways are really great way to make money uh flipping furniture for unpainted furniture selling furniture to furniture artist so take and paint it or you paint furniture it's a great way to make money i know people who do this as a hobby votings i know uh people who do this as a side job i know people who do this because they have passion for it and i also know people who uh do this um as a full-time job and that is their family business so you just need to figure out what do you want to do where which way you want to go and what works for you definitely a great way to make extra money on the weekends uh if you are if you just want extra money you can go hustle one weekend get some furniture next weekend you uh you resell it or you can go get some furniture or one weekend next weekend you paint it and then you sell it definitely you're gonna make that nice extra income i promise you that that is going to happen so it's a good opportunity one more thing that i forgot to say is try as i said look what is trending in your area but try to stay on top of the trends like meat entry modern as i said it's trending so much now uh it doesn't have to be mid-century modern at the moment uh very sharp straight lines uh modern kind of looking furniture is selling fast very fast furniture where you can add me century modern legs new hardware uh pieces like that are very trending solid colors definitely 2021 is going to be full of neutral colors very nice neutral colors so you just have to follow the trends i definitely suggest follow the trends because that is going to make your business more successful uh there is another way uh also to sell furniture and that is selling on etsy selling uh furniture onitsi i am not pro in this i do not sell my furniture on itsy but i do know a lot of people who successfully ship uh ter furniture all around united states uh i definitely you suggest look for those people they also put content out there so you can go listen to them learn uh from them uh from there experience i know that you the first number thing number one thing that you have to figure out when you're selling on itsy is how to ship your furniture it sounds hard kind of ease i heard from people who do it but they say it's definitely worth it you uh selling on etsy uh it's going to bring you a good income it's not going to have your your you know you're not going to say quantity but you're going to definitely sell probably more quality pieces where you're going to make way more money than selling on facebook marketplace if i was going to sell on itsy personally right now i will just put extraordinary pieces on there i will put extraordinary pieces uh in amazing condition solid wood something very unusual because most likely the buyer that you're waiting for to come on facebook marketplace is going to come on itsy because a person really knows what they wanted they want something extra under extraordinary and something special i've seen people sell unpainted furniture as well on etsy good high quality maybe some very valuable antiques mid-century modern is being sold on all over uh all over itsy peacock chairs you know those big uh weaker uh chairs are being uh so trendy at the moment so a lot of people are finding them for fifty to a hundred dollars locally selling on etsy that's definitely uh good income and um i know people uh successfully do business on etsy i'm just saying if i was going to do that i was not going to put a white dresser that is not solid wood uh uh on itsy because i think i will look for those uh special uh clients special customer on etsy but i'm not saying that you cannot put white dress underneath it i'm sure there is plenty of white dresser nothing's wrong with that you do what you think you need to do so when i say also selling on itsy.com i almost forgot to mention that almo almost also comes with actually selling online in general if you have a uh social media and following there if you have a website you don't have to post on itsy you can post online but again the same thing apply you need to figure out shipping you're definitely going to make a maximum the the profit on your pieces over there uh and you just have to as i said you just have to figure out shipping part and i don't ship furniture maybe i will in the future at the moment i do not have time for it and the last one and the favorite one my favorite one uh is creating content making money off creating content of your furniture uh that it's just what we've been doing and we've been doing successfully and this is the most uh way where i'm the most experienced uh i feel actually i am very experienced in selling furniture as well i've been doing that for years uh just selling furniture but this is something that i feel the most comfortable uh and that is creating a bunch of content you can in my opinion you make the most amount of money uh when you create content of your furniture uh when you show people have you paid furniture have you refurbished furniture it doesn't have to be painted it can be restored furniture restoring and just in general showing the creating content of furniture a cleaning for a cleaning part whatever that is you make the most amount of money you uh make a monthly income of adsense on youtube if you are uploading your videos on youtube uh the one thing that i noticed that people don't realize how much time it takes to create content so when you have a furniture let's say when you when i used to paint furniture i as i said i had a booth i was uh selling furniture and making quantity bunch of furniture i will sell i will paint through one week now that i create content i am uh creating i work on one piece of the week and that takes much more time because you still have to go get furniture clean furniture uh paint furniture and then you have to create you have to create content out of all of it so as i said you make money in multiple ways out of one dresser not only that you sell the dresser you still make money of selling that piece once you done creating content all my pieces people ask me what do i do with my pieces do you keep them how can i keep a hundred 150 pieces in my house how big of a house i need to have to keep all those pieces i keep just you pieces majority of my pieces i sell i sell immediately or i sell in few months it depends on the size and the price i'm asking for so you still sell that piece you still sell furniture you're just not selling as much as as you used to when where before you create content but you do sell that furniture you maximize on one dresser you maximize money on the addresser so you you can create content on youtube and you get paid for it you get sponsors uh sometimes sponsor reach to you sometimes you need to reach the sponsors and they uh pay you for you to do a sponsored video so you uh get paid that way then you get affiliate links you get paid through affiliate links you make money through that you get by you get paid by companies once you gain following i just want you to know that first you need to grow some more some you need to grow some following all across the social media and then you are going to start getting sponsored by company once you have that following in front of you uh if you're going to create content you are going to have to be all over platforms on every single platform that you can think you have to create content for every platform uh you can also be monetized on facebook i know i heard that people are uh putting their content on facebook and they're being monetized there so there there is a way to make money you can get paid by uh creating sponsor posts on instagram or facebook or tik tok or any social media uh simple you will find sponsor who will pay you to use their product and you take a picture you post there uh it sounds so easy it takes more work than that but there that's definitely a way uh to to make money to through creating sponsored posts not only sponsored video but sponsored posts as well sponsor stories uh and now the fresh one is tick-tock this one requires the most work uh and people don't think that but i promise you this one requires the most work uh it takes a lot of time to create content to create good quality content um this is something when you start doing you have to be willing to learn there is a learning process you're going to have to learn how to use all these platforms all the social media all these apps all these programs uh it can be very confusing uh it can be very frustrating especially if there's something new that you've never done before but you can definitely definitely figure it out the thing that you're going to have to um you have to start doing when you start doing it you need to know that you're going to be create uh creating content for free uh without being paid without being monetized because we all have to start from zero so at that point nobody's going to sponsor you and nobody's going to monetize you but you have to keep on putting time and be okay with not being paid at first uh you're going to start being paid later on but at first you're not going to be paid except you're going to sell that piece of furniture and you're going gonna make money through that but at first you're not going to be paid by any sponsors or any monetization uh and you have to be okay with that that is going actually to give you a great it's you should actually use that time to learn the programs to get better because we all start as you know you not everybody is so knowledgeable about how to use editing programs for videos so you should use that as learning process and by the time you learn uh you are going to grow following and sponsor will come and um you are going uh you know you're going to be monetized as well uh it does take a lot of time we are constantly working on our content uh we're two people working on a lot of content it's a constant filming with a camera for youtube filming with the phone for for uh social media uh taking pictures a bunch of pictures uploading answering people engaging with your community very important it's all the day process as soon as i start until i go to bed it's a it keeps on going so there is a lot of hours going to creating content but i love it i love every step of it and uh you just need to be uh prepared that at the beginning it's not going to be so profitable when you start uh and you need to know that you go going to that dresser that you paint and that you sell uh when you create content out of it you are going to keep getting paid uh for years not months years because i do have a few videos that are just keep bringing income constantly every month for two years now to just keep bringing income and uh so if you look the big picture i sold one dresser for a big amount of money for actually i sold it for a very small amount of money if you compare to uh making money or that adsense so you just have to be willing to put work into creating content and one thing that i wanted to add for all of these things is that all people that i know that are into furniture industry business if if it's flipping unpainted pieces flipping or used furniture restoring painting creating art whatever that it is it gets under your skin and you don't want to stop doing it all people that i made they should always say it get regardless of being hard and heavy and there is times when you want to quit because i'm not a furniture lifter i'm a furniture painter why should i be lifting these heavy pieces but you don't want to stop it so once you start doing it you just want to keep on doing and it gets under your skin it's very interesting and it's just you love it uh you need to be happy with what you're doing uh i always say that um if you're doing something that you love you are going to uh you're going to succeed much more than if you're doing something something first personally so if let's say you want to create contact just to make money uh but you hate every step out of it it's going to show on your content it's going to show on your face it's going to show it's just going to show and it's just not going to just not going you're just not going to succeed as much as if you do something what you truly love so you first need to love to do what you do to succeed especially if you're you know starting your own business you can do all these things as a hobby you can just do as a side a part-time job site job you can do this for whichever reason as a business with with you know uh multiple people work into it so it's possible you just have to work definitely one thing that is the same for all of these all these four different ways to make money working with furniture is that you're going to hustle uh i i everybody i know that worked with furniture to hustle everybody put a lot of work effort into it but we all love it and that's why we are doing it as i said at the beginning this is my experience this is what i learned for doing this for five years i'm sure there is other ways maybe better ways or these ways but this is my way i just wanted to share all this with you and hope it helps you uh make money by working with furniture i really hope you found this podcast helpful if you did i will appreciate if you leave a comment below and let me know what you think about this podcast give me a thumbs up and subscribe if you haven't already and i will see you next time when i come back with a new episode of the katja podcast bye guys you
Channel: Kacha
Views: 28,346
Rating: 4.9541283 out of 5
Keywords: making money with used furniture, flipping furniture, chalk paint, how to chalk paint, chalk paint tutorial, kacha, kacha furniture, the kacha podcast, paint talk, how to, tutorial, making money online, how to make money, make money, furniture flip, how to paint, painted furniture, selling furniture
Id: L9n7n9EOwZk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 29sec (2249 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 16 2021
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