170 Year Old Empire Dresser ~ Furniture EXTREME Makeover

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just a quick announcement i will be doing an  online live class in may with art venture we   will be painting a live it will be three and  a half hour long class start to finish all   products will be provided for you make sure to  check out the comment section to find the link   where you can sign up and i hope to see you there  hello everyone and welcome to my channel today   i got this beautiful but very old empire dresser  when i bought it i didn't realize that that was in   a bad shape uh peeling here and there it deserves  to be saved and it needs to be again beautiful   and it's to have a new home where it's going to  be loved like it used to be 200 years ago okay   so the first thing i have to do is uh go around  and inspect and see if there is some more loose   veneer that it needs to be removed as you can see  the veneer is peeling everywhere here and there so what i do i just go around and check  wherever is loose like this area here this has to go and this has to be filled with wood  filler everywhere patched sanded washed   i'm going to remove the hardware i'm not  sure if i'm going to keep this hardware   or if i'm going to replace it i'm still   debating that in my head but i have to remove it  to clean it anyway and i will decide that later on these top drawers are in the worst  shape the veneer is completely peeling so i will probably have to  remove completely veneer on both   of these drawers so what i'm  going to do is remove the hardware and i'm going to see here so what i'm going to do is i'm going to put a  wet towel and then i'm going to put hot iron on   top of that and that is going to activate  the glue and then i will be able to peel   that veneer off and i'm going to do this on both  top doors because this doesn't want to come off   so here i'm going to put a wet towel  completely wet and put my iron to the hottest   setting this is my uh iron just to for  the projects because it gets very nasty so i'm done with the top doors uh i was able to  get rid of all veneer uh i just had to repeat   put the iron on remove peel it off not having  flat drawers made that much harder but i was   able to remove it very annoying part of the job i  do not like it but i have to do what i have to do   now i'm going to use this plastic wood this one  dries really fast i found it at home depot and i   really like it it dries really fast uh it's kind  of had another that reminds me of bondo uh so and   it's more durable than regular wood filler so i  really like it and i think it's going to be great   i'm going to put that all over wherever the veneer  is missing and then i'm going to sand it once i'm   done sanding i will have to wash everything  good and i will be done with the prep work   and tomorrow we can move on to painting  and bringing this piece back to life so i'm going to start with the top i'm putting so much but i'll rather put so much  and then i have to sand it then not have enough filling everything up so and now for the cleaning i decided i want  to try uh and clean this hardware i shall uh   become all gold so let's see if it's if this is  going to work i'm just going to put it in here and i'm going to pour vinegar white vinegar i'm going to soak it in it and i'm going to add some baking soda  so let's see if this is going to work oh my god what was i thinking oh my goodness it's all right this  piece needs to be washed anyway i wasn't expecting to go this crazy but it's all right you can use  this for cleaning furniture as well what a mess i'm going to leave  this to soak for some time   and i will try to see it later tonight how  it looks okay and now we are going to clean when i was sanding i sanded the outside of all  drawers so it looks nice and fresh but inside   kind of looks sad and poor so i think  i'm just going to paint inside the   drawers but not on the outside i  want to leave this wood uncovered so i'm going to create some molds now to add some  interesting uh things to this dresser it's very   beautiful beautiful but very flat there is nothing  going on and i need something to going on later on   i'm going to use this mold royal emblem and i'm  going to attach it to the dresser i'm going to   mix equal parts of this amazing casting resin  and i'm going to pour the mixture into the   mold i'm going to leave it for 15 minutes  and then i will attach it to the dresser so i made this uh this is the center piece of  mold and i wanted to put it in the middle of   the top drawer but i forgot that that drawer is  curved and this is not bendable i can kind of bend   it with a heat but i'm just going to keep this  for something else and right here i'm creating   a new mold out of modeling material uh this one  that's this is clay and this one is going to bend   as i want it the lions came out great uh they're  going on a flat surface so they don't have to bend beautiful and i'm going to now put it on i'm going to put some glue on the back  of the mold i'm using gorilla glue and i'm just going to put all over it i just have to make sure i cover everything  with this glue because if i don't   that's not going to be good so i'm  going to put it right under the key i'm just going to go over with  a towel and water and remove   this glue while it's still wet it comes out easily all right last step for preparation of this piece  which i'm so over it by now is spraying some   shellac i'm going to spread shellac all over the  areas where i sanded and i'm going to let all this   dry and tomorrow i'm coming back all fresh and  i'm going to have fun because i'm going to paint this is how the water looks this is where the  hardware was all night and look at all these   disgusting things under on the bottom dirt so  now to turn this into this all you have to do   is grab some uh the pink stuff this is  something i use around my house for cleaning   and i'm using a wet towel and i just grab  a little bit of that and i scrub this look at this this is a paste and it  brings this hardware back to life completely so now for painting uh i'm going to  use annie sloane napoleonic blue color and the reason i pick this color is because this  is american empire furniture which was inspired   by french empire furniture which was inspired by  emperor napoleon and this is napoleonic blue color   so you get it all right so i'm using actually  today i'm using a large large paint by annie sloan   i always use medium but i decided to give it  a try too large to see maybe it will go faster   so this is a gorgeous gorgeous  gorgeous blue shade very rich pigmented this is beautiful all right i'm going to go like this in every which  direction but very like small brush strokes   that is going to give me a  nice a little tiny texture this brush makes everything goes faster but  i feel like i prefer to hold a medium handle   that is because my hands are small so this  handle feels a little bit too large for me   but it goes definitely faster with this one this lion is going to look so good in gold i'm putting the second coat on and actually  on this coat i'm going and i'm tapping   because i like to have the texture when i'm  using black or dark wax and i'm planning to   use black wax on this so this is going to  give us a really nice effect just a little   bit nothing too much and the second coat is  going to be enough to cover this completely it's time to add something fun to this piece  and i decided to use this lovely script transfer so we're going to start here so beautiful i love it let's cut this off so i'm just going to touch up here  where i don't want my transfer   and i did apply it so i'm just going to go over  with the color and it's not noticeable anymore perfect it's time for some wax i'm  going to apply clear wax for protection   and then i'm going to play with black wax that is  one of my favorite things to do on furniture just   play add depth shading so i'm just going to have  fun i really love playing that's my favorite part   that's my highlight of the project when i get  to play with a dark or black wax so i'm going   to do section by section uh first i'm going to  do this drawer and then i'm going to move down   this door it's kind of going to guide  me in which direction i want to go   with black wax first uh like always you have  to apply clear wax for protection and to be   able to move your uh black or any colored wax  easier i got here any slow and waxing brush   and i have to admit that waxing with this brush  uh it goes so easy and smooth it makes your job   definitely easier so first we're going with  this lion i love lions i'm lion i'm leo in   horoscope by the way if you're interested and  i love lions i never got a chance to apply this   mold and i always wanted to use it so i think  this is a perfect match so let's just go over   as you can see this brush is allowing me to  go super nice and light and smooth and fast the best time to put any colored wax is  right after the clear wax you should not   wait too long so that's why i always  work in sections and as soon as i'm done   with one area waxing it with clear wax i go  with any colored wax today it's the black one i think i have plenty of wax and now i'm  going to go over with a microfiber cloth   to pick up any extra if it's there  uh i do like this brush because i   can see there is very little extra to be  picked up so brush is working really good just go over now we are going to apply with black wax i'm going  to use a little detail brush for this to go into   around the lion to make it really stand out and  i'm going to use this waxing brush that is bigger   so first let's go focus on this  lion i'm going to go over around it this looks messy and scary if you're a beginner   this will scare you but there is no need to be  scared of wax wax is your friend not your enemy   and then i'm going to go over the lion  because i want to fill up everything in there all right and now i'm going to grab another  microfiber cloth and wipe all this around look at this look at this look how fun  this is and how beautiful this effect is perfect i love this how it's looking  adding so much character to the piece   and wait until you see when i put  gold on it and now i'm going to go over here let me unload this okay i'm going to go over here this piece is very old and i'm not trying  to make it looking brand new i'm actually   trying to help it because it's so aged so  i'm going to make it aged but pretty aged and then just pick up any where you don't want it beautiful beautiful i'm just going to go  over here i'm doing shading on the edges look at this how many times  have i said look at this i'm sorry it just excites me this brown  i mean black wax it's just so beautiful clearwax allows me to play as i want with  these black wax so easily i don't have to worry   about black box being stuck  there where i don't want it to be perfect let's just keep on going so once i'm done with the lion i am going  to move and work drawer by drawer and do   the shading clear wax black wax just  shade around it play with wax have fun and   that's what i will be doing  for probably next two hours and now we are going to add some gold i'm  using eternal decor wax i'm just going to add   it i don't know where wherever i feel like  it's a good idea so let's go with the lion and i'm going over here actually i'm gonna grab a brush  for this it's gonna go faster not really good working conditions  with the blue between my legs just adding on the keyhole a little bit of gold and now we're going to attach the hardware and we shall touch a little bit of this  it's silver i shall touch that with the gold this gilding wax is matching exactly  the color of the hardware perfect perfect usually i don't keep this kind of hardware  i rarely really keep this kind of hardware   but i think maybe i'm wrong but i think that  this hardware came with this dresser and this   dresser is made really long time ago and  i just feel bad separating it so that's it   that is the reason i just decided to go with this  hardware because i think that's where it belongs and we are done we worked really hard we i mean blue and me we  worked really hard to get this piece back to life   i questioned myself when i was repairing it why  i even got it because it was so much work but now   that i'm done i'm so happy because it's just so  beautiful i found it in some garage all dirty and   forgotten from everyone and now it's going to be a  center of attention in somebody's home it brights   it's beautiful it's bold and i love everything  about it and i hope napoleon is proud of me   i really hope you like this video if you did give  me a thumbs up leave a comment below and subscribe   if you haven't already i will see you next  time with a new project and more ideas bye guys you
Channel: Kacha
Views: 87,416
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: extreme furniture makeover, chalk paint, extreme makeover, furniture makeover, furniture flip, trash to treasure, annie sloan, kacha, redesign with prima, empire furniture, empire dresser, blue dresser, gold furniture, how to paint furniture, gold wax, napoleonic blue, french empire furniture, french furniture, royal furniture, lion furniture, old furniture, antique furniture, vintage furniture, old, empire, makeover
Id: Ek_E5UVaaiU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 58sec (1858 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 16 2022
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