r/EntitledPeople - Neighbor Karen HARASSES Me Over My "Violent" Video Game! I'm an ADULT!

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hello my wonderful beautiful friends guys welcome back to our slash entitled people where people truly believe that they can do whatever the heck they want because they're special and in today's episode an entitled family threatens to call police on op for such a ridiculous reason guys i hope you enjoyed the other stories as well hit that subscribe button if you haven't already and as always story submissions can be sent to this email right here okay so i have this rescue map that i adopted after witnessing how a car just abandoned her on the street while still a pupper now because of the circumstances i have no way of knowing how her life was before i adopted her but she seemed to be pretty happy living with me so i let her roam around the house and even sleep on my bed usually she's pretty social whenever someone comes to visit she's a pretty good dog overall so i was at the vet one day i had an appointment just for a bi-monthly checkup to see if she's growing healthy etc so while i was in the waiting room this kid comes up and shoves a small car toy into my dog's ear the kid jammed it right in there now this scares her so much that she pees so naturally i carried my dog to comfort her and she was still pretty young at this moment the kid then starts whining about how i won't let him play with my dog and i explained as patiently as i could hey the way you use your toy with my dog made her feel uneasy you have to be respectful and kind to other dogs because they're just like us now as soon as i finish this enter the entitled karen the mom starts complaining about how i was being selfish not letting the mutt play with her kit now she said it as if the fact my dog was a mud somehow lowered her value as a living being i then explained to the mom that the kid shoved a toy car into my dog's ear to which the entitled mother just replied so what dogs should be able to withstand anything kids do to them young kids just think of dogs as toys so let my son play with your dog at this point i was gonna say something when the vet comes out of the office to see what's going on apparently the woman and her son came to adopt a rescue dog from the vet the vet then replies unless i see a commitment from your part to educate your son on respecting animals i'm afraid i can't let you adopt any pet most of the pets we have for adoption here come from abusive households and we won't let them be adopted by someone who sees them as objects for her child to toy with at this point the woman was just furious she says i promised my son that i would get him a dog for his birthday to which the vet replied no pet deserves to be treated like a toy by a kid while the parents failed to educate their kid about respecting animals my decision is final you can't adopt any pet from here hearing that the kid was crying but neither the vats or any employee or myself cared at all it was clear the mother just wanted to give the dog to her kid as if it was a new toy the mother complained about how we ruined her kids day and she left extremely extremely upset guys unfortunately i'm pretty sure the woman ended up with a dog one way or another like if it wasn't this adoption center it was probably another one and ob does post a picture of their adorable dog and here is that beautiful beautiful puppy look at that smile so a little bit of backstory this story happened about two years ago when i used to work for a big very well-known shelter that's all about prevention of cruelty to animals this is in florida mind you and i won't be naming my shelter i worked there for about five years now i love that job so much but i had to leave once i moved far away however i do always try to make donations often during and after that job i always kept a lead food toys cat carrier etc in my car at all times in case i come across a loose animal so i can help contain them while finding the pet parent it made me realize how many pets actually do get out and not even at the fault of the pet parents i've also realized just how often people leave their pets in their car for shopping most of the time they do have the car on with a person inside but a handful of times i've had people leaving their car with the windows cracked so i always tell them about the laws in florida when leaving the pets in the car and you'd be surprised at how many people don't know about this law now this was the most extreme i've yet to experience to this day encountering this carrot so on to the story so on this day it was in the 90s but the temperature felt more in the hundreds welcome to florida i was heading to my local supermarket to get a case of water after getting off my shift when i spot a small puppy in the back seat of an suv the puppy looked to be a pit lab mix and about a few months old very much tired and panting heavily there was also no one in the car and the windows were open just a crack so i rushed inside to the customer service desk i told them about the dog that i would call the cops if they didn't come out soon and they spoke over the loudspeaker calling for the owner the associate then gave me a bottle of water to give the pup when we get him out of the car i then went to my car getting the lead bowl and toys with keys in hand now i want to note that i do carry a device that allows me to punch out the window in emergencies i also called the police to tell them about the dog and told them if the owner still hasn't come out then i was gonna punch out the window when they gave me approval and i asked to stay on the phone for when it happened at this point a crowd had started to gather all concerned about the puppy after another eight minutes i had enough i told the operator that i was punching out the window and handed my phone to a passerby i then go to the front passenger window and use the device to punch out the window i then crawled in unlocked the door as another person opened the door grabbing the dog the dog was clearly in heavy distress so we brought him into my cold air-conditioned car i was helping him drink water as the cops pull up about five minutes later the entitled mother and her child in tow come out with a cart full of groceries as soon as she sees the busted window she freaks out screaming yelling about her property being damaged and she was screaming i will sue whoever did this the cops then go to her tried to calm her down and explained how the dog was in distress and needed to be removed from the car the woman screaming that's ridiculous we were only in there for a few minutes the puppy's fine we need to go home now so give us back the dog i was really pissed to hear this i said are you stupid in 15 minutes the inside of a car at this temperature can get up to 115 degrees which is 45 to 50 degrees celsius which can kill any animal and any kind it's like a damn oven i'm taking this dog to the vet now the woman was so shocked that someone dared talk back to her and the kid starts crying she then points at me screaming that i hope i'm happy taking a dog away from a child as i settle the dog into the front seat the child was screaming why is this strange lady taking rusty the woman then starts making her way to me but the cop stepped in the way her tears then turn into anger as she turned to me and screamed who the heck do you think you are you're stealing my dog you effing c-word you can't let her get away with this i will sue you at this point one of the officers gets behind her and cuffed her hands explained her rights to her while another was on the phone next to the crying kid the dad then comes later to pick them up from what i heard i turned as i went to the driver's side of the car and turned my back to her showing the big well-known shelter staff logo in big letters across my back i then got in the car taking the dog to the local vet now thankfully rusty was fine he was heavily dehydrated but if i hadn't done what i did he would have had bad internal damage or he possibly could have died the mom was arrested for animal cruelty and the judge awarded the dog to my shelter the mom was registered to not have any other animals in her care or anyone else who lived with her apparently this was the last straw for the court as she's already had a case against her for abusing another dog before rusty rusty is now named percy he made a full recovery and was adopted by a wonderful family with two kids who had another dog in their home named rocco they got along as thick as thieves it was hard to see him go and i would have adopted him myself but my apartment at the time doesn't allow pets i was happy to see him off into his new life now i do feel bad for the kid he was probably like five years old and didn't understand what was happening at the time but i have no sympathy for the mom at all yeah guys some people definitely don't deserve to have pants and i'm so happy to hear that opie most likely saved that dog's life that day and the woman got what she deserved like guys i've read so many stories on this channel where people have smashed car windows to save an animal's life only to have the owner come out threatening to sue for damages to their property like what in the world like what about your animal friend that's dying and all you care about is replacing a stupid freaking broken glass window okay so for context my apartment is at street level look out my front windows and i can see cars and people going about their day i'm right by the traffic lights anyways saturday afternoon i was chilling on minecraft mining away with my freshly made diamond pickaxe after a while i decided that i wanted to play some grand theft auto with mods to see what other chaos i could unleash i was soon running around los santos blowing stuff up etc etc having such good fun i sometimes do this as a way of anger management and it really does work so there i am killing not real people with overpowered weapons when my doorbell goes off i then pause my game and go to the door it's a woman with her son and her husband the woman looks at me and says so my son was watching you play that game and i want you to stop playing it please hearing that i say wait i'm i'm sorry what i then turned to my window and this kid who's about seven years old had his face pressed up right against the window she then says to me that's a really violent game you should play something nicer i then say to her why the heck are you letting your kid get that close to my house to be able to see into my window you're lucky i don't call police for trespassing please go away or i will now with this the father says are you deaf she asked you to play a nicer game i then roll my eyes at what he says and say this is my house i can do whatever the heck i want if you look in and happen to see that that's your issue you don't get to decide what i do in my house the dad then says my son doesn't want to watch that violent game can't you play a different game instead i tell him no stop looking through my windows and go away please this is stupid you can't dictate what games i'm allowed to play at this point the karen says i'm calling police you're being very rude and you're not cooperating i tell her to go ahead so i go back to my game and make a fuss of turning my screen a little more to the window because it's more comfortable for me and carry on blowing stuff up and the family are still at my damn window so i leave the game running get my camera take their photo and pick up my landline all while standing in the window so they can see me i then dial the non-emergency police line i say hello there's like three strangers that trespass on my property and they're now outside my window and they won't go away please send someone over the police say they'll send someone over and a little while later a cop pulls up outside my house the family are still on my property anyway the officers in the car start talking to the entitled parents and the kid outside i can hear the father saying he was letting my son watch a violent game through his windows and the officer responding right he was talking through an open window the second officer then knocked on my door and talked to me i showed her the photo i took of them watching me and she laughed both parents were fine for harassment and they were told if they didn't leave right now they would be arrested for trespassing as well then both of them were yelling and shouting how my video games were inappropriate for kids and then i say to them so why were you letting your snotty-nosed red-faced goblin child stare through my window for 20 minutes and then spend the next hour laughing and giggling to myself while keeping one eye on the front window just in case they came back they never did guys this pose is absolutely absurd imagine that just watching tv or playing video games in your home only to have people complain about what you're playing and getting the police involved [Music] okay so i have a distant friend she's a friend of a friend of a friend type deal and she has three kids and i have three cats her kids are enrolled in a camp very close to my house the pickup for camp is 4pm the line for pick up for the kids is 3pm and yes it can take a really long time to pick up kids at that camp a big line of cars forms every day to get the kitties it's a bit chaotic now here's the story so the friend of a friend has been using her lunch breaks to fetch the kitties from camp sometimes the traffic is so bad that she's late getting back to work now i'm not sure if she takes the kids with her to work or she drops them off someplace but the situation at work is getting dicey her boss is sick of her coming back late now i live very close to the camp my house is on the pick up your kid parade route these parents are on so the friend of a friend has come up with a brilliant idea in her eyes anyways she's asked me to go get her kids for her all three of them she would like me to take them back to my house give them a snack or something and wait for her to pick them up she thinks it'll be much easier to fetch them from my house than the camp since she has to drive to the camp and i can merely walk so i told her no i'm not a babysitter and i'm not a nanny i'm an artist and i have a job i work from home and i have a job i told her i'm not watching three kids under the age of 10 for unknown hours and have to provide snacks for them as well she said that she would pay me 20 bucks to fetch the kids i tell her no i have 20 bucks so i'm good she doesn't find this funny but i sure did she then tells me that she's a single mom trying to do her best and it takes a village that i'm so close to the camp and why can't i do this favor for her i say because it's not a favor it's a job i already have a job i work from home i'm an artist also i don't know your kids i barely know you i'm not watching three stranger kids for anyone that's just how the cookie crumbles while hearing that she's unhappy very very unhappy her next plan is set into motion send in the mommy group so she gets my friend and a few other friends to email and call me trying to guilt-trip me nothing like a good mommy wagon train to circle around with except that doesn't work either you see i am not in high school so the whole peer pressure thing no longer applies to my life i don't care if they like me or not also i'm not a human mommy i'm a fur baby mommy other fur baby mommies don't care about such things we're a super laid back group in general so mommy group has made some big points with me number one how easy it would be for me to get the kids from the camp number two i could do arts and crafts with the kids until mom comes to get them number three i would not be lonely during the day because i would have kids to play with and number four it would be such a nice thing to do for a single mom who's struggling with the situation right now now i will admit those are all really interesting points that have absolutely no impact on me arts and crafts with the kids i don't do arts and crafts i sell art for a living i'm not a freaking michaels the kids can't help i don't want them to and my studio some days are a full-on wreck i don't even let the cats in there on those days plus single mommy with three kids is driving a nice new bmw perhaps she should have gotten a more economic car and a professional nanny i reminded them all that if it was such an easy thing to do then they too can get the kids from camp hell you can park in my dang driveway if you need it ladies then they can walk and grab the kids take them home to do arts and crafts plus a friend of a friend would pay them 20 bucks for their trouble now i'm not sure if that's for the week or per day but who cares it's like printing money at that point all they have to do is provide the snacks and wait for her to claim the kids also that's a funny reply but still not getting a laugh from the mommy group in fact i only got stunned silent and i think cricket sounds i'm not hitting my target audience with my humor well it took a while for a friend of a friend to see that i'm not willing to provide child care for free for 20 bucks or for the sake of the village i also pointed out that my idea of juice boxes is a franzia refreshing white carton and that my idea of a snack is waiting until dinner all points she finds to be unhelpful and not practical sadly friend of a friend mommy is still racing to get her kids from camp it turns out the mommy group folks are just too busy to fetch the kitties for her too it's a bummer i know i thought it would be so easy for them since they had made such good points about picking them up so life moves on camp is still swinging and the parade of cars grows longer and slower every day and then today it happens so i'm inside my house sitting on my couch binging the good and bad and ugly of street food vendors on youtube i hurt my back so i'm leaning on a heating pad you can see me from my living room window if you're on the parade of cars picking up their kids from camp my feet are up on the coffee table my cats are on the porch and my juice box is right in front of me just then i get an angry text on the phone the text said i thought you said you were working you said you were too busy to get kids it looks like you're sitting there doing nothing but watching tv what the hell is the matter with you why can't you be a better friend well it's the friend of a friend and i'm thinking neato so i answer i am working i'm on my ipad drawing i'm an artist i can do that isn't my work grand i'm too busy to get your kids it looks like i'm watching tv because i am watching tv you should youtube dancing bacon's street fair in malaysia it's cool i highly recommend it if you ever get a second to yourself also i hurt my back so that's what the hell is wrong with me so thanks for asking and i can't be a better friend because i don't want to pick up your kids i feel if we got closer and communicated more i would be obligated to fetch your babies you do see how my way is much more convenient for me i then asked her are you sitting in the car outside of my house right now she then takes a slight pause and then replies yes i then turn around slowly with a big old wine glass in my hand smile wink lift the glass and i text cheers with a bunch of e's r's and s's and she wasn't a muse there was still no laughs i think i'm losing my touch but are you laughing dear reader yeah definitely laughing at that situation i could never do that for a friend of a friend of a friend talk about entitlement though right like the way she got her friends to like try to guilt trip opie into picking up her kids lady it's your responsibility and opie clearly said no so go find other options guys how many of you would have helped her out [Music] so i've been student teaching this spring in a 6th grade class it's been a stressful semester but a good one since day one i've been treated like a colleague and an equal by my teacher and her grade level partners i'm also very babyfaced so i don't always look like i'm in my 20s but i know the kids very well so they already have respect for me and we have a decent relationship so this week we're on a camping trip with a total of four classes i finished student teaching but my teacher invited me on as a teacher to get the experience we mostly hung out at the medical lodge and make sure kids get their meds each day easy gig after months of teaching the kids are happy to see me anyways we arrive at camp and i rode on the bus with my teacher two of the other teachers drove their cars with student luggage and so did some parrots so i got off the bus and start to head down to the lodge with the other teachers for the meeting with the camp director and counselors i stopped to fill up my water bottle before heading down as i was finishing up a mom comes up to me and i smiled and was about to greet her when she says hey you can't wear that i say to her excuse me she then says to me young lady that is so inappropriate for a school setting you're gonna distract my son and all the other boys i'm gonna have to ask you to change as soon as we get to our cabins now for reference i was wearing jeans a black undershirt and a tank top with thick straps that covered my bra you literally only saw my black undershirt that kept my bra from being seen through my shirt oh and it was a hundred degrees fahrenheit at that i let out a small chuckle i thought it was a silly mix up that we could laugh about later but that set her off the woman then yells at me and says don't you dare laugh i'm serious who's your teacher you are so disrespectful no wonder you're dressed like that you're trying to get the boy's attention i bet at this i put on my best polite teacher dealing with parents smile and say whose parent are you she then told me and her kid was a troublemaker from another class i then say to her mrs karen i don't know if you're aware of this but i'm not a student i'm a teacher and the camp's dress code allows my students to wear tank tops so do not ask them to change as soon as i finish saying that she says now you're lying to me where's your teacher i'm getting you sent home at this point one of my teachers partners mrs a overheard the yelling and she comes over also in a tank top she then says is there something you need mrs op and then shook my head i say no i was just introducing myself to mrs karen and she didn't know mrs t had a student teacher this year mrs a then nodded earnestly she says miss op has been such an asset to us all semester your son actually got a few science lessons from her this year she's gonna be a great teacher and the karen was absolutely red in the face later that afternoon we brought all the parents down to our air-conditioned lodge to talk to them about the week ahead mrs t who's kind of our grade team's captain introduced me to the parents everybody except karen was happy to meet me and a few even said their kids loved having me as one of the teachers the best part of the week so far was when her son runs up to me at dinner and asked me in front of his mom miss op can you teach seventh grade next year so you can be one of my teachers i'm really going to miss you guys i love how that woman mixed opi up and didn't even apologize or anything but hey that's our slash entitled people guys i hope you enjoyed the stories today if you did hit that thumbs up and if you missed the last episode on the channel i'll link it right here it's an r slash i don't work here lady and karen gets freaking tasered because she assaults a correctional officer in such a crazy story so go check it out if you haven't and myself and stevie boy we'll see you guys in the next one we love you
Channel: DarkFluff
Views: 263,561
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: reddit, entitled people, r/entitledpeople, entitled people's stories, r/entitledparents rslash, entitled, reddit funny stories, rslash entitled people, entitled people top post, funny karen stories, karen story, entitled stories, entitled karen, entitled people reddit, reddit entitled people, entitled karen stories, entitled mom, entitled mom stories, entitled parents, nightmare karen, horrible karen stories, karen freakouts, r/, r//, entitled family stories, karen freaks out
Id: OJwGisgBp6Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 45sec (1305 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 01 2022
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