r/IDontWorkHereLady - Mega Karen LIES to Get ME FIRED! I Destroy Her Career!

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hello my wonderful beautiful friends guys welcome back to our slash i don't work here lady we're in today's episode a raging karen goes ballistic on op in a walmart thinking he's an employee but little does she know he works in the same company as her and it doesn't end well guys i hope you enjoyed today's awesome stories hit that subscribe button if you haven't and hey your crazy karen stories can be sent to this email right here so this story happened many years ago when there was a supercuts in my hometown now for those who don't know what supercuts is it's a chain store offering haircuts their phone number and hours were almost exactly alike except their last digit was different from ours now our phone number had the same three digits in a row at the end think like 333 777 etc well theirs was two of the same digits and then a zero so three three zero seven seven zero you get the idea so this means it was very easy to accidentally dial our numbers instead of theirs if you were dialing too fast at the time answering machines weren't as prevalent as they were a few years later so when i was forced by my parents to answer the phone instead of hello i used to say so-and-so's residence now that always seemed to get people who meant to call supercuts to realize that they dialed the wrong number and i just say oh yeah there was ends in a zero just dial a little slower they'd laugh thank me and hang up now my mom for some reason though still insisted on saying hello instead of answering my way which meant she often got people trying to make appointments for supercuts now i'd say 99 of the time they'd accept from her oh you've got the wrong phone number this is so-and-so's residence to which they'd apologize and hang up but one lady did not get it so this karen kept calling and calling and calling mom was the one who answered the first time and every time after the first time the woman angrily hangs up then she hung up instantly every time mom answered the phone and said hello so finally after what must have been a good 10 or 15 minutes of calling our house she then yells at my mom hey would you stop picking up the damn phone i'm trying to call super cuts so we got an answering machine not long after and a couple of years later supercuts shut down that location so we stopped getting calls for them i know not the most dramatic story compared to some on here but i thought i'd share this old childhood memory i hope you all have a nice care and free day like what in the world guys stop picking up the phone i'm trying to call super cuts like does this woman know how dialing a phone number works okay so a lot of people are wondering if this woman was like 90 years old or something because a lot of people are saying in the comments that she might have been around when party lines were a thing back then and she just got super confused so for all of you that don't know what a party line is it was basically an internet chat room but you used your landline phone and basically hoped that someone was on the other line to talk to you what a crazy concept so i blew out a tire while driving this afternoon i pulled off the busy road to the side street to assess the damage and start working on replacing the flat with the spare from the trunk so it turns out that the lug wrench provided in this particular car was absolutely tiny and thus provided very little leverage try as i might i only managed to loosen one of the five lug nuts holding the tire on no problem i thought as i have roadside assistance coverage on my auto insurance a short call later my insurance has dispatched a local service provider and i receive a text stating that daryl from the local provider will be arriving at my location by 2 34 pm that's less than half an hour wait so i'm pretty happy so at about 2 33 pm a van approaches the driver waves at me and pulls over the driver immediately hops out with a toolkit in hand and we exchange brief pleasantries and i explained my problem the driver smiles and tells me the same thing happened to him last month and he says not to worry about it the guy then takes out a proper wrench i hand him the jack and spare and he has my car back in operation in about six minutes flat it was at this point when the conversation gets a bit muddled i asked him if he needs anything from me like a signature or something to ensure he gets paid and he responds oh no money's not necessary now i tried to clarify my question and i explained that i have roadside assistance on my policy and that the insurer got him dispatched to me and i think they'll pay his employer for the service call and his response was oh no no one dispatched me i was just driving by and thought you could use some help and then look at him and say uh so you're not daryl he then says nope i'm brian now i can't believe that i handed the guy my jack and just watched him crank up my car while lying on the frozen pavement now i don't even remember how many times i apologized and the guy wouldn't even let me hand him cash the guy just left in full chair and he told me to pay it forward saying next time you see someone in need stop and help them out consider that my payment so the aftermath i waited another 10 minutes for daryl but i gave up and left after finding his employer's phone number and cancelling the help request flying sure has been sending me automated texts all day along the lines of has your service provider arrived yet reply why if yes and if no has your service been completed yet and how likely are you to recommend this service provider from 1 to 10. i can't figure out how to respond in such a way that no one gets in trouble or over or underpaid anyway thanks brian guys i absolutely love the stories where humans help other humans so nice right like in a world where you never ever know what's gonna happen and with all the crazy people out there a lot of people often think twice about lending a helping hand guys we definitely need more brian's in this world and a lot less karen's so this person says i actually work in roadside assistance this happens very often and it's shocking how many times it happens while people are on the phone with me one of the few things that actually restores my faith in humanity rather than depleting it love it every time i get a chance to cancel an order because a random stranger helps out another random stranger ain't that the truth guys so a little bit of background i've been working at a large company for a little over a year this company offers an online service to anyone willing to pay i started off in the customer service department and i was taking calls from non-military and non-business customers so while my department didn't deal with any sensitive information my call center was still located in the company's secure facility located in the middle of nowhere the daily commute was long but there was never any traffic so it wasn't bad the nearest town is about 30 minutes away along the highway which is where i live and while it's not a huge town it's big enough to contain a balmart so at the time of the story i had just moved over to the information security department in an entry level position now unfortunately i had to wear a uniform any days i worked from the office which was twice a week this uniform was designed to look very similar to our physical security staff with some noticeable differences like the words information security plastered on the back my name's stenciled on the front so one day after driving home from work i decide to stop by walmart to get something for dinner while looking at some rice i hear a screech from the other aisle along with some incoherent yelling out of curiosity i wander over now this was a mistake as the moment i laid eyes on her the woman turns and starts stomping in my direction while making direct eye contact with me she'll be known as karen and she was furious i didn't have long but i managed to size up the situation the last thing i noticed before the yelling was the id around her neck it was a very unique id which contained her name a photo a unique number assigned to her and a dumb looking anti-photocopy holographic security animal thing i had an almost identical one in my pocket only with my information so karen with dilated pupils slightly shaky hands and a punctuation less vocabulary attempted to explain to me that store employee so and so was extremely rude he threatened to harm her and refused to get her cigarettes karen further explained at about 90 decibels that she wants the store employee fired and arrested for assault without missing a beat she then starts demanding that i pay attention to her i was in fact looking around us first trying to see if we were in line of sight of the store cameras also trying to see if there were any witnesses down the aisle and trying to keep track of store employees movements i then take a deep breath i then put both hands in my pockets and then stare down at karen with as much anger as i can muster which causes her to freeze momentarily with one hand i grab my phone in my pocket double tap the power button very carefully swiping across the screen and then pressing the volume down button those who are familiar with android will recognize that i just started recording a video on my phone so after i hear my phone beep i take both hands out of my pocket leaving the phone behind with a placating gesture i beg forgiveness of karen and ask her to calmly repeat what she said to me karen as if she was swimming through a sea of stupidity sighs deeply and regales her tale of woe this time with minor differences to details such as the store employee really assaulting her instead of just threatening to do so at this point the store employee leaves the isle and i lose track of her the following conversation ensues karen looks at me and says well what are you going to do about it i say to her i apologize however i'm not going to do anything about this i highly recommend you go talk to the store manager hearing this karen gets angry and says what i demand you arrest that store employee now i want to press charges i tell her unfortunately i am not law enforcement i can't arrest anyone i recommend you speak to the store manager or go to the security out front karen then tells me fine go get your manager and bring him to me i say to her ma'am i feel like there's been some sort of miscommunication here i'd like to take this moment to inform you that i do not work here i work at the same company you do actually now please she then interrupts me and says that's a load of crap i recognize your uniform you are security it says right there she then points to the word security just above my name on the front of my shirt she then screams at me to get the manager or she'll have me fired too i then say to her ma'am may i please have your name and your id number now at this point i've already memorized her id number it's only six digits long and i've seen her first name however her last name was obscenely long likely a foreign name karen then looks confused she takes her id and stuffs it into her blouse hiding it from my view she starts to sputter in confusion and rage and that's when i feel a tap on my shoulder i turn around to see an older gentleman with a store employee behind him a quick glance tells me that he's the store manager who shall be known as store manager he asked me what's going on here karen screams i want both of them fired and arrested they both assaulted me at this point karen then goes on an incomprehensible tirade suggesting that i and the store employee had teamed up on her and did something to her while she was yelling i could see the store manager wanting to interject i put up my hand to stop him made a motion indicating that we should let karen finish when there was a noticeable gap in the auditory assault i took the opportunity to ask the store manager to speak with him and also the store employee alone the store manager then nods he then turns to address karen and says i'm very sorry you had such a horrible experience i can assure you we will sort this out immediately please follow me to my office karen then says it's about damn time i demand compensation i want them arrested we follow the store manager with karen making comments how she's enjoying this something about court and something about being able to retire with the money she'll get from suing the store etc etc once we reach the office he asks karen to wait outside while he interviews me in the store employee we're quickly ushered into his office and the door closes just as karen starts to object i immediately apologize to the store manager explaining that karen works at the same company i do and i fully plan on reporting her to hr for this although what she does off the clock is her business i personally think i could make a case against her for verbally assaulting me i then asked the store manager for details around the event so i can explain in detail to hr it turns out that the store employee was returning something to the shelf when karen corners her and starts demanding a specific brand of cigarettes the brand was no longer being sold and the store constantly receives complaints about this and apparently when this was explained to karen she blew up at the employee i suspected that was the screech i heard the store manager in turn asked me about my conversation with karen i then pull out my phone stop the recording and play back the video for them to hear after exchanging information on my way out karen saw fit to harass me one final time screeching about how cops are on their way that i'm gonna be arrested and so on and so on i just ignored her and continued to walk out i figured the store manager could handle that from there so the next day i look up karen in our database she's the call center employee doing similar work as i did except she works on military contracts only on average she speaks to about 50 customers a day i type out my interaction with karen and shoot it to her manager who shall be known as manager i then send off a similar email to hr only this time i included a copy of my own recording while waiting for a response i received an email from the store manager he outlined events that took place after my departure it turns out karen called the cops while waiting outside the manager's office when they arrived they spoke to karen outside and spoke to the store manager they didn't really explain to the store manager as he was quick to show them the surveillance video which appears to have answered all their questions the cops then left the store and the store manager didn't see karen again that night so he was unsure what happened later on karen's manager responds to my email explaining that this does not surprise her karen's been one of those trouble employees for a little while now multiple write-ups documented recordings where karen starts yelling at customers unprovoked and the most recent event was only a few days prior i send an updated email to hr with my new findings given my role and the scope of my position i can no longer do any more digging into karen without approval from hr i then voice my concerns to hr about the potential risk that karen poses to the company i don't hear back from hr until the end of the workday where i'm invited to a meeting with them that day i'm working from home so i have to join the meeting remotely we have three conference rooms with large tvs and cameras one of which was reserved by hr for this incident i joined the meeting knowing my face is plastered all over the wall every time i speak the meeting starts with hr clarifying some facts with me and the manager we go over my own recordings and review the written statement from the store employee hr then determines that karen's employment needs to be terminated the manager is in agreement given karen's history however the manager would like additional time to find a replacement hr and my manager ask for my input for which i have none this is not within scope of my job however i feel the need to stay involved to cut off her access at a moment's notice to limit retaliation opportunities the manager and hr go back and forth for a while until the meeting's almost over when the manager agrees to let karen go immediately karen's then called into the meeting she's silent and meek as she takes her seat the manager asked if she knows why she's here all of a sudden karen burst into tears exclaiming that that guy was so rude and obscene to her that she just couldn't take it anymore and that's why she yelled at him now hearing that i'm confused and i see the same thing on hr's face however the manager appears to understand the manager asks some questions and it becomes clear that karen's talking about a bad phone call that she received earlier that morning now i'm not in any hurry so i just sit back and let the manager run the show the manager plays a phone recording where we can clearly hear a very rude customer cussing out karen karen is immediately rude back and the call ends with karen hanging up on the customer saying get a life the manager then explains that due to her anger issues and a history of not improving that she's so sorry she has to let karen go now that was my sign to turn off all of her access the good news is karen didn't have access to a whole lot so kicking her out of our systems was quick and easy while i was working on this hr manager explained the severance package and so on but then something happened to grab karen's attention now i'm honestly not sure what happened but i think i unmuted my microphone or something because all of a sudden karen was staring up at the tv where i can only assume she saw my face i then hear a halt in conversation and i turn to look at the screen which is when i see karen staring right at me at first she looked confused and then that quickly turned into a smirk which was rapidly replaced with a look of horror she then stands up points at the screen and demands that i be arrested claiming that i assaulted her at walmart the night prior and that it wasn't her fault breaking down into tears she starts repeating keep him away from me i then speak up and ask if hr or manager would like me to call physical security hr thanks me and tells me they can handle it and then asked me to leave the meeting unfortunately i don't know what happened after i left the meeting so i don't have a juicy ending here just that karen lost her job and she might have been escorted to the gates of the complex guys what a crazy story and honestly it sounds like she would have lost her job sooner or later now i don't know where op works but a lot of people are saying that many companies do have clauses in their employment contract that state if you're displaying anything that marks you as an employee of that company that that company can hold you responsible for any actions you do outside of work because you'd still be representing that company so what can we take away from this story if you're gonna throw a tantrum in walmart or anywhere else in public at least hide where you work [Music] okay so this story happened years ago so some of the details are a bit fuzzy to me i figured i'd post it anyway since i'm sure someone will enjoy it so i'll just tell it how i remember it my family lived in texas at the time and here's the setup of what happened i was a 15 year old boy at the time in the police explorers now if you don't know what that is it's pretty much the scouts except geared towards helping youth learn about police and eventually getting a career in law enforcement my father was a patrol sergeant at the local constable office so he was a supervisor the constable was close with most of his officers and he was a family friend he had known me since i was around six years old on this day i was in an explorer's uniform so i did kind of look like an officer but i was obviously too young we had just gotten back from the explorers and stopped by the station so dad could take care of something real fast i don't remember what so i was just sitting there waiting for him so i sit down put in a pair of earbuds to kill some time waiting for my father about three minutes in i feel that uncomfortable feeling you get when someone stares at you for a while so i look up to see her it was the dreaded karen i then take out my earbuds and ask her hey do you need something from me miss at that karen scoffs at me and says finally hey you shouldn't be on your phone while on the job she then stops to look at my name on the uniform and she says hey i'm gonna have a chat with your supervisor after this now i was a little confused seeing as i'm obviously too young to be a cop but i felt like i could clear this up pretty fast i make the mistake of stopping her and saying ma'am i'm a police explorer not a she then snaps back at me and says don't you interrupt me i want to file a report is this what my tax dollars are being spent on just cops sitting on their phones go behind the desk and do your job i then look at her and give her a you've gotta be kidding me look and decide i don't wanna deal with this and wait outside for my dad instead so i get up and start to walk off now this was another mistake on my part now karen is a bit taken aback at first but she recovers fast and she follows me yelling and screaming about how i'm so rude for walking away from her she then starts demanding to know who i am wanting my badge number and says she's gonna have my badge for treating her this way the whole time i'm thinking yeah sure lady take my explorer's badge right before i get out one of my dad's friends walks in and he says hey opie where's your dad i need to talk to him so of course the instant he shows up karen jumps on the poor cop and starts going off about how i wasn't doing my job how i was rude to her blah blah blah blah the cop then stops her and says ma'am this young man isn't an officer he's a police explorer hearing that karen stops and tries to process what he says and she fails to do so maybe she doesn't know what an explorer is she then says it's his job to help me do you know who i am i need to file a police report the cop decided to drop trying to explain what a police explorer was and just decided to defuse the situation he then tells karen no no i don't know who you are ma'am look if you have a problem or concern you should go to the front desk they should be able to help you better at this point this is obviously causing a scene and another one of my dad's co-workers pulls beside me as cop one tries to deal with her he says to me op what's going on here i tell her well i was sitting here waiting for my dad and this lady gesturing towards karen starts going off on me for being rude and not doing my job she then looks at me then back over to karen and she says opie i'm sure he'll take care of this do you want to wait in the back for your dad i say yes and follow her to the back a few minutes later my dad comes out and sees me sitting in the back waiting for him with cop number two he then says hey cop2 what's op doing back here did something happen she tells him yeah there's a woman up front harassing him so i took him back here to wait my father then talked to her and says he'll take care of it he then walks off to let the constable know about the disturbance up front and to not worry about it he then comes back a few minutes later he took me up front to leave and the woman saw me and my father about to walk out and she makes a beeline towards us completely blowing off the first cop as she did karen then marches up to my dad and says excuse me are you a supervisor now my father who literally towers over her looks down at karen and says yes do you need something miss karen says yes i would like to have a talk with you about this officer's attitude my father looked down to me and i nod to him as if to say yeah this is her my dad was about to have a talk with her but then the commanding officer comes up front the commanding officer then said in a booming voice op come to my office now at this point i look up at my dad a little bit worried now and he says go ahead he gently pushed me in the commanding officer's direction so i walk over to him and follow him to his office karen then looks pleased thinking i was in trouble and then she turns back to my dad meanwhile the commanding officer and i sit down in his office and i looked at him confused he then says to me your dad told me what's going on i don't want you to have to deal with her my wife made some cookies would you like some i tell him sure i went ahead and took a few thanking him we sat in the office for a few minutes and then the commanding officer takes me out front at this point karen seemed pretty upset obviously because my dad talked her down so i walk over to my father and he went to talk with cop number one for a bit now as this was happening karen decides to go talk to the commanding officer to start to complain the commanding officer interrupts her and tells her how i was clearly a teenager and not a police officer and even if i was an officer that she was way out of line for treating his officers and me the way she did and if she needed something she should have gone to the front desk like everybody else now i'm not sure what happened to her after that as we left the station pretty quickly oh silly karen guys i will admit i'm very impressed that entitled carrots don't discriminate when it comes to giving out tongue lashings like nobody is safe i would never ever ever dare talk to an officer like that officer is this where my tax dollars are going so you can sit on your phone and be useless and not do your job like yeah harassing an officer is definitely never on my list of things to do and guys i bet she was in there to file a false police report too right like guys if you know you know you know how these cairns are and that my friends brings us to another end of our slash i don't work here lady guys i hope you enjoyed today's stories if you did hit that thumbs up and if you missed the last episode on the channel i'll link it right here it's an r slash entitled people story where a guy basically sells opia's land and decides to steal it back so go check it out if you haven't and myself and stevie boy we'll see you guys in the next one we love you
Channel: DarkFluff
Views: 238,910
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: reddit IDWHL, r/idontworkherelady, reddit i dont work here lady, i dont work here, mistaken for employee, idwhl reddit, funny reddit stories, mistaken employee, darkfluff idwhl, darkfluff, entitled women, instant karma, entitled people reddit, entitled karen, reddit, entitled people, karen freakout, karen story, funny karen stories, reddit funny stories, entitled, instant karma on karen, i dont work here lady stories, karen freakouts, karens in the wild
Id: ilLci2uZaeI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 35sec (1415 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 22 2022
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