r/IDontWorkHereLady - Raging Karen ATTACKS Customer For Not Serving Her! Huge Mistake!

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hello my wonderful beautiful friends guys welcome back to our slash I don't work here lady we're Karen's continue to mistake Regular Joe Schmo customers as employees and in today's episode yet another Karen learns the hard way after grabbing a customer who happens to suffer from PTSD oh boy oh boy guys I hope you enjoyed today's stories hit subscribe if you haven't and as always you can send or link your stories to this email right here so I worked at Panda Express my senior year and didn't turn 18 until a few months after graduating high school but my parents allowed me more freedom than most in my circumstance I have a lot of fun stories from this time frame but this one was my absolute favorite so there was a Target next to where I worked and I often stopped by to pick up snacks or sodas before work because my work shirt was red I was often mistaken for a Target employee but nothing like this on one particular summer day I went to Target while on break to buy a new water bottle I had accidentally broken mine during my shift and I wanted to get it replaced while I was wandering the store with plenty of time to spare I noticed that someone was following me now at first I thought it was coincidence but after the fifth detour aisle I realized that she was really following me being only 17 I was actually a bit nervous and I finally mustered up the courage to face her asking uh can I help you with something the woman who happens to be a Karen says it's about time I've been trying to get your attention for forever now I asked her well can I help you or and she says is this how you treat customers talk about poor customer service at that I was genuinely confused until I realized that she like so many people before her had confused me for a Target worker despite the fact that I had a giant panda on the back of my shirt along with the company name that said Panda Express now these types of encounters were normally pretty easy but this lady wasn't having it I say to her ma'am I don't work here to which the Karen says how dumb do you think I am at this point we'd attracted the attention of a few employees who asked if we needed help and they called for their supervisor as I tried to reason with the lady the supervisor shows up and took over the conversation asking is there a problem here Karen says this employee is just walking around ignoring customers she was extremely rude to me and I want her fire third the supervisor looks at me sees the pen Express logo on my shirt and says ma'am she doesn't work here and Karen says to him are you calling me stupid too she then starts towards me and I back away trying to get behind the supervisor while struggling to understand what the heck her problem was the woman then reaches around the supervisor and tries to grab a fistful of my shirt or something and she says see she's wearing a red shirt so she must be an employee I want her fired thankfully one of my mom's friends happened to be shopping that day with her kids and she sees the woman holding me by my shirt at this point my mom's friend immediately walks up to the woman with her kids and proceeded to grab the woman by the arm my mom's friend then says what on Earth do you think you're doing get your hands off that child right now Karen pauses for a moment looks from me to the woman and then back again and says she's not a child she's a young adult I tell the Karen I'm 17 years old lady and for the last time I don't work here hearing me say that you could hear a pin drop from across the room and I thought that Karen was just gonna let go and leave me alone however she Huffs and looks away commenting how being a 17 year old practically makes me an adult and there was no excuse to act so rudely my mom's friend the employees and the supervisor had enough by this point and we're calling the police while I was attempting to calm down my mom's friend wanted to know where my mom was to which I replied that she was likely at home since I had been working my mom's friend actually paid for my water bottle and told me to go back to work so I didn't get in trouble but she also warned me that the police might be coming by to talk to me I didn't think anything of this and did exactly as she said knowing that I was never going to hear the end of it when my mom found out that night as my mom's friend warned the police did show up at work later that day and they asked me a few questions my boss didn't seem to mind as I explained what happened as soon as I got back I never did hear what happened to Karen but my mom told me not to let an adult grab me like that again because they could be arrested for assaulting a minor yeah as if Opie had no choice in that matter right like that's definitely not the reaction I'd expect from a parent who's just found out their kid had been assaulted by a Karen hey don't let people grab you because they could get arrested um okay Mom thanks and listen guys if you don't work somewhere and you're in a situation like this as soon as an employee or supervisor shows up just get out of there you don't have to stay and explain yourself let them deal with it because you know what I've read enough stories to know that sticking around does no good whatsoever foreign so I just found this sub and I figured I'd share one of my few mistaken as an employee story this is by far the worst one so about six years ago I worked as a phone rep for a telecom company they had a security rule that you needed to wear a lanyard with your photo ID tag visible at all times otherwise security could get you in trouble so after a while of working there I totally forget that I was wearing it sometimes after this incident I put myself into the habit of always removing it and putting it in my purse when I leave work to the story so one day after work my husband and I stopped at our local wholesale Cellar Costco I like to go during the week since it's less crowded and noisy and I have PTSD and Borderline Personality Disorder so crowds and loud noises are really hard for me to handle at times my husband is not only my partner in life but he also acts as my emotional Lifeline if I get triggered anywho we've been there for about 10 minutes when my bladder reminds me that having a large tea at about 3 pm might not have been the best idea and that we should probably find the restroom soon I grab my cell phone but leave my jacket and purse with my husband and then head to the restroom he walks me as far as he can and then he waits with a cart in the book section that's about 20 feet or so away from where I duck into the washrooms I usually text him when I'm coming back out and he can meet up with me now I have to admit I was wearing a red dress shirt that day but never in my dreams did I even expect to be mistaken as an employee who wears a red vest I'm on my way back to Hubby who I can see about 20 feet away when a woman a Karen starts talking to me as I'm walking by her the Karen says hey do you know where some item is I'd say to her oh um no I'm sorry and I start along my Merry way to my husband Karen then says excuse me now here's one of my triggers yelling at me yay my heart rate goes up and butterflies start in my stomach I stopped dead in my tracks and turned back and just stare at her giving her the what the heck look she stocks up to me and practically snarls where do you think you're going the woman is less than a foot away from me and she's leaning forward in a very combative stance here's my trigger number two invading my personal space at this point I can feel my face growing hot and red as I get angry scared and panicked and I say excuse me the woman says you need to do your damn job and help me what do they pay you for help me find this item I then realized that she thinks I work there and I should probably defuse the situation and get my triggered butt out of there so I do the stupid thing and speak to her as I'm trying to get away from her to my husband so I can calm down I can see him out of the corner of my eye as I start to turn and he's noticed me and he's coming towards me I say to her oh sorry I don't work here and that's when it happens trigger number three the Karen grabs my lanyard and she pulls on it in effect strangling me and we have a winner folks I'm seeing red now and She-Hulk is now engaged the woman's actually pulling on my lanyard so I couldn't leave and then the world for me disappeared completely I'm told that I froze for a moment shrieked knocked her away from me and then lunged at her with my hands out now fortunately hubby's got the reflexes of a cheetah and he managed to intercept me before I got a chance to rip out her eyes or quite possibly her throat he then gets me onto the floor where I dissolve into tears and the next thing I know is that yes indeed I'm on the floor that I've been crying and not only is there several employees and managers there but also security I flip out and dissolve into sorrys and tears again I can hear the Karen shrieking at the manager for hiring unstable people to work in the store and that she wants to press charges and Sue the store the manager is trying to get a word in edgewise that I actually don't work there my husband however is being awesome and he's helping me calm down once I'm down to the shakes he puts a coat around my shoulders stands up and then he walks calmly towards the lady and the manager now here's a word of notes about my husband he's a goofball he loves to joke and kid around he's the king of dry woods and bad puns and he's always smiling except when he's mad that's when he shuts down and becomes very still and quiet it's creepy and scary and until that day I hadn't really seen it directed to another living human at the time at that point Karen's still screaming I want her arrested and charged for assaulting me just wait until I speak to my lawyer I'm gonna own your ass when I'm through with you my husband tells her go ahead and call the police it won't do you any good the woman then turns to him and practically growls at him saying you stay out of this my husband tells her no you can shut your stupid mouth and listen to someone for once or if you don't shut it I'll finish what my wife started he said this calmly only emphasizing that I'm his wife and Karen's mouth snaps shots and she gets a little bug-eyed my husband says as I was saying call the police I want to press charges on behalf half of my wife against this woman for assaulting her also please call an ambulance she has red marks on her neck from where this woman tried to strangle my wife hearing him say that Karen screeches I did no such thing my husband says yes you did and again Karen's mouth snaps closed and she's even more bug-eyed my husband then says there's what like five or six cameras pointed at this area my wife tried to leave and this woman grabbed her tag holder and pulled her back so hard that she's left marks on her neck my wife who has PTSD was triggered by that and she tried to fight back she's got no control and we have documentation from her doctors in regards to that if you need it Karen is still going off and she says well Costco shouldn't be employing people with mental issues where they can hurt normal people like me she should be locked up my husband tells her listen you need to realize that she doesn't work here and you have criminally assaulted another customer am I getting through now wow and yeah my husband lost his cool completely with her at the end of that now I love this man deeply he's my knight in slightly dented and resting armor he's also my lifeline and my little bit of Sanity when mine takes a brief vacation when my husband gets mad it's time to step back and calm down the woman then went whites as she takes a step back away from us she then looks at him the manager me then back to hubby and then the manager and the manager says I tried to explain that to you now the thing is the woman then dissolves into apologies and she's trying to backpedal out of there before she gets herself into more trouble and she happens to backpedal into the police officers the store called so to make an already long story a little bit shorter we explain our side she explained hers the manager showed the video and took pictures of my neck and Karen gets a nice new pair of stainless steel bracelets me I get a trip to the Hospital X-Rays more pictures and some lovely anti-anxiety meds and I was a zombie for about a week after and a nervous wreck for about three months after the woman made a deal and she got off with probation and we got victims compensation unfortunately I couldn't go into a Costco for a year after that without feeling anxious So reading this post guys I'm not surprised it happened at Costco people who pay for memberships often get a crazy sense of entitlement and I love how the woman screams that Costco shouldn't hire people that might attack normal people like her like yeah lady you're by far not even close to being normal if you're walking around trying to strangle people with their lanyards like it really makes you think how often she does put her hands on actual employees I went into a very large feed store for the very first time and I was a little overwhelmed by the size of the place a clerk directed me to the medications and I was looking through them when two women in their early 30s who I'll call entitled Karen number one and entitled Karen number two spot me and they walk over so Karen number one says excuse me but I'm looking for something for my horse she then proceeds to tell me some sort of problem that I don't remember with some piece of horse Anatomy that's totally unknown to me I say to her oh I'm sorry but I don't work here she then says but you're standing here in front of the medicines I tell her I'm shopping I don't work here I'm sorry and that's when Karen Juan and Karen 2 leaves for a few minutes and then they returned and Karen one says okay so you need to help us anyway Karen two nods and that's when I realized that the situation might turn into a Reddit post I tell her I'm sorry but I don't know anything about horses you're gonna have to find someone who works here here Karen one says to me but I can't find anybody and you're here what's that in your hand does it help horses I exclaim what Karen one then gives aloud science as we need help with our horse will any of these help she then points to the shelf and I say I don't know anything about treating horses maybe call your vet they might be able to help you Karen then says but vets cost money and they probably want us to bring him in Karen too just nods again and says just tell us what you think will help again I say but I don't work here and I don't know anything about treating horses I decide to walk away and come back later like maybe they'll find something for their horse's problem and I'll be able to shop in peace a little while later I returned to the same aisle and it was empty I wanted to get a few things for my chickens but nope they spot me and they're headed back for another round that's when I knew this post would probably happen Karen number one comes up to me again and says look we need something for the horse if you don't know anything about medicines you wouldn't be in this aisle and we don't want to call the vet because it's so expensive we're not taking him in if you don't know why don't you call someone who does Karen do says yeah we can't afford it we're not going to the vet we just need some medicine for him at this point I just look at them and say you want me to call a vet for you it sounds like you need to call your vet maybe they could advise you over the phone because I don't know anything about horses I'm here looking for stuff for my chickens again I know nothing about treating horses now at this point a clerk must have heard me raise my voice because he comes over and Karen wanted to immediately go over to him complaining because their horse needed help and that I would not help them I then head straight for the registers and I could hear the women saying that they don't want to pay for a vet I just hope that poor horse got the help he needed guys I'm a little bit worried for that horse too especially since they said taking it to the vet was too expensive and with the way those two were just asking any random stranger if this or that medicine is good for treating a horse you know it's probably not getting the treatment it needs don't get the pets if you can't afford the vet so this is one of my few quite fond memories from working in retail I worked in a kids clothing store in a mall that's local to me and we have no real set in uniform except for a baby blue lanyard that's around our necks that says ask about rewards my manager also said nothing about not putting pins on them so naturally I put a couple of my favorite pins on mine I had a skeleton cat pin Bob Ross and a pin that says multilingual the last pin was very important and helpful to me because I have a lot of customers that don't speak English primarily and at times they don't have a translator or a family member to help I'm also the only employee at this place that can speak another language other than English and I'm glad I can use it to help others who don't understand it I speak Spanish a bit of native Hawaiian and a fair bit of Japanese so one day as I got off my shift I decided to muck around a bit so I go shopping at a store that I get my jeans from I walk in and then feel a slight tap on my shoulder I turn to see a sweet gentle face Grandma looking at me like she needed help she looks at me like she was trying so hard to find the right words but kind of stopped herself like she was nervous I then asked her do you need help finding something I immediately went into customer service mode even though I'm off the clock and this isn't my start the woman gives me a blank shake of her head and she says Ah no no English naturally I spring into action I then ask if she speaks Spanish it's always good to make sure because I don't want to embarrass her the woman says yes and I carry on asking her in Spanish what she's looking for the woman smiles and tells me how she's shopping for her grandkids but she has no idea where to look I seized my shopping and help the sweet woman who carried on telling me about her family how she's visiting from Mexico and how excited she was to see her babies I help her find a good sum of items and even offer to help pay for some of it I had gotten a good paycheck that week and I was gladly going to pay for some of it the woman wouldn't let me but she gave me a sweet hug and then asked me to follow her to the register I help her there Translate for her as she asked the lady at the registered questions and then she asked me to tell the lady this she says to me in Spanish tell this lady to get your manager for helping a poor Grandma you're a good employee I smile a bit and told her I would now I didn't want to embarrass her by telling her that I don't work at the store but I still hold this memory close to my heart the woman bought her things waved me goodbye and I went on my shopping with a smile on my face she was such a sweetheart and I really hope her visit with her grandkids was fun guys I love wholesome interactions like this and I know many of you guys do too like a wholesome story once in a while is always a nice one to read right with all the crazy ones out there and now my friends brings us to another end of our slash I don't work here lady guys I hope you enjoyed today's stories if you did hit that like button and if you're not subscribed consider subscribing so you don't miss these crazy Karen stories and if you guys missed the last episode on the channel I'll link it right here a crazy Karen tries to harass Opie over a cat and she gets taught a lesson she won't forget guys if you haven't heard it go go check it out and myself and Stevie boy will see you guys in the next one we love you
Channel: DarkFluff
Views: 144,534
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: reddit IDWHL, r/idontworkherelady, reddit i dont work here lady, i dont work here, mistaken for employee, idwhl reddit, funny reddit stories, mistaken employee, darkfluff idwhl, darkfluff, entitled women, karma stories, instant karma, entitled people reddit, entitled karen, reddit, entitled people, karen freakout, karen story, funny karen stories, reddit funny stories, entitled, racist karen, instant karma on karen, i dont work here lady stories, karen store freakout
Id: qd9IyVomr1k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 0sec (1140 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 22 2023
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