r/ProRevenge - Smug Lawyer Robs Then Blackmails My Family! Gets Destroyed!

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hello my wonderful beautiful friends guys welcome back to our slpr revenge where people get wronged and they destroy people for messing with them and in this episode Opie tells a story about the time her boyfriend destroys a smug crooked lawyer guys so strap yourselves in and grab a drink because these stories are so satisfying so this is the story of how my boyfriend landed a crooked attorney in jail looking up this guy's information he really was a piece of crap a local paper described him as these con artists are Cutthroats and they will do anything to get their money they pray on unsuspecting victims and take out loans and falsify information they take off with most of the money the con artists are very skilled and few of them are ever sent to prison that is until my boyfriend came along my boyfriend moved from New York City to a state in the South freshly out of law school and riddled with debt he found a low paying personal injury firm and he settled in since money was tied he found a roommate on Craigslist named Julie Julie is a feisty Latina and my boyfriend is pretty much wonderbrad but they hit it off very well my boyfriend would go to Julie's job after work as she was a bartender and they developed a very strong friendship during the time Julie meets a server named Louise they hit it off and they began dating my boyfriend clicks with Louise and they became a trio drunk in Tequila nights peeing on the subway platform my boyfriend being taken to Latin clubs they became the best best of friends now before I go on something that'll play a role in this tale is that both Julie and Louise and their families are in the USA undocumented and please don't turn this into a political post so with that said Julie and Louise are getting serious but they don't have a lot of money so they move in with Louis's parents my boyfriend finds another place to live in and they all still keep in touch during all of this Louis's dad had suffered an injury at work he lost part of his finger and he hires a personal injury attorney AKA piece of crap apparently he was supposed to receive a $100,000 settlement but some time had passed and still no update that's when Julie since neither Louise or his dad spoke English called Louis's father's insurance and asked about the status of the settlement the insurance said oh the settlement's been paid out and that's when Julie calls my boyfriend freaking out apparently this personal injury attorney has had a history of being an ambulance Chaser and he sought out clients here legally he held that over them and took their settlement money by forging documents while there had been reports the guy had been getting away with fraud for years decades even so my boyfriend tells Julie to tell the piece of crap lawyer that she knows what's up apparently this guy thought his clients were too stupid to seek retribution piece of crap told Julie that he would return the money if she dropped her complaints against him my boyfriend was livid at this lawyer who's taking advantage of immigrants that he decides to get some payback he told Julie to record all of her conversations with him and keep records of any type of contact apparently piece of crap was using other embezzled funds to hush clients like Julie Julie met up with him a few times always recording interactions and getting money from him like a lot of money the guy was loaded from scamming people so with the evidence in place my boyfriend takes all the evidence to the New York Supreme Court who investigates and then told them that he was representing Louis's dad apparently reports had happened for years but nobody ever gave a damn until an attorney became involved it turns out that piece of crap had stolen over $400,000 from clients for years it was a long trial with my boyfriend representing Louis's dad and he having to testify piece of crap knew that my boyfriend reported him and he would glare at him from the stand so long story short piece of crap pleaded guilty to charges of identity theft fraud Grand Larsen Etc he was stripped of his ability to practice law and he was sentenced to 7 years in jail Louis's dad gave my boyfriend $11,000 and now my boyfriend is the Godfather to juli and Louis's son Louis's dad moved back to his native country and bought a beautiful house and all of pie of crap's victims got their money back so yeah there's the happy ending that people thought they would never get guys stories like this make me so angry but at the same time the justice that comes with it also makes me really really happy like the fact that the lawyer specifically prayed on immigrants who barely spoke the language and stole their money by blackmailing them makes him such a scummy person guys and he deserves all that jail time with that said though I'm actually surprised that he didn't turn them into immigration right after stealing their money like maybe he was a horrible person but he didn't want to cross that line into like being super duper horrible I don't know this opinion is crap my boss told me my boss had been a lawyer for 3 years and the firm assigned me to him for training to show me Junior counsil how to be a litigator now I disliked my boss for a number of reasons the guy knew no law and he expressed himself badly in writing and for a litigator that's like strike one and strike two right there and strike three was this the guy had no balls like he was actually scared of going to court I noticed this when he took me to assignment Court one day and when it was his turn to speak his hands were shaking the guy was scared in effing assignment Court where all you do is set a trial date the guy would do his best to make my life miserable what's wrong with what I wrote I said not what I asked for he said turning away but when I checked the memo he emailed me 2 weeks earlier I saw that the opinion I wrote was exactly what he asked for I knew what was up he was going to delete my dockets for writing the memo and then claim he did it himself thus leaving me quite a bit short of my docketing quota for the month now I knew he would do this to me because he had done this before and I knew that my memo would wind up on a partner's desk without my name on it I knew that for a fact because the firm I worked at was one of the first in the city to have a really good internal Network we were using email for internal Communications before the internet became a thing so the firm was way ahead in terms of Technology but not in terms of security and not long after I joined the firm I learned how to surf away on the firm's hard drive to find interesting things like evidence that my boss was plagiarizing my work my boss was the very model of the young downtown lawyer his perfect shoes always gleamed and he wore bespoke suits because he came from money everyone just took it for granted that he was on the partner track I on the other hand was well on my way to Nowhere special so maybe he thought it was okay to F with me if so that was a big mistake on his part I didn't like having my billable hours messed with I seriously resented it because I was already being t targeted as one of the Juniors who doesn't dock it as much as he should and I was getting pushed back from the partner who headed our team I told the partner what was going on but he didn't care it was like being back in middle school showing up in the office with bruises on my face and the principal saying boys will be boys and then sending me on my way you'll just have to work harder or smarter the partner said when I reported my latest BS thing that my boss did to me and the thing is I couldn't work harder because I was doing the usual six days a week but I could work smarter and that night I thought up a plan Christmas was coming and I thought I'd give my boss a little present the present lands on his desk December 24th in the form of a memo purporting to be from the partner that my boss reported to the partner was an old guy and not really on board with emails and computers so he did everything old school on paper so when my boss came in on December 24th and he saw a memo on his desk from the partner with a legal research assignment that that wasn't unusual the memo was drafted in the usual form that the partner used because of course I had taken great pain to make sure that it looked authentic my boss then walked over to the cubicles where the Juniors worked and gave me the same memo except his secretary had retyped it so now the assignment was from him to me instead of from the partner to my boss and the assignment was difficult like really difficult I whed but this is a huge assignment and I'm going to be a way can't you get someone else to do it is it really urgent the memo I had forged to my boss stressed how totally urgent the situation was but there's no way my boss could double check with the partner because the partner left the day before on vacation that's why I waited till December 24th no can do my boss said this is a big deal just let HR know maybe they'll give you time and a half or something just get the work done he then turns his back and walked away thinking he had ruined my holidays but he was mistaken you see I had written a paper for a third-year course that was basically the same thing as the research assignment in the memo so the only work I had to do was find the old floppy disc with a draft on it then fiddle with it a bit and voila a very detailed and very long memo on an obscure point of admiralty law with references starting back to Lord C's day so with that I put the memo together and took my holidays as planned I wasn't traveling any where because I had no money but I saw my family and stayed in town and I made a point of dropping by the office during the holidays sending an email or two establishing that I was around and docketing all my time for the huge amount of research I was allegedly doing so the holidays end and I'm sitting in my cubicle with a huge stack of work to do and my boss comes up to me in one of his bespoke suits with a gold tie pin and cuff links to match looking smug he was wearing a gold watch too he was dressed up even for him trying to make an impression of some kind he then says to me where's that memo you were supposed to have it on my desk when I got back I'm going into a meeting at noon just finished it this morning I said handing him the lengthy memo that was still warm from the printer my boss took the memo in his hands and felt its hefted and he smiled he then turned walked away without saying a word just before lunch I hear a commotion down the hall it was a pretty loud commotion and then I hear a loud F and then a door was flung open it was the partner and he was screaming for my boss to get into his office now right now as in immediately I then had the pleasure of watching my boss scramble down the hall and I hear just what the effing hell is this the partner said he was holding my handiwork at arms length with his thumb and index finger as if he were afraid that handling it would soil him my boss then mumbles something and the partner ush him inside I then heard more shouting and then the sound of muffled excuses and then more shouting from the partner and that's when the door flung open again op get your ass in here too the partner said and I got my ass in there Pronto he then said to me did you write this effing memo I take it from him and looked it over and I said I wrote it the cover page has been changed to remove my name but other than that it's mine I spent all Christmas on it is there something wrong with it hearing me say that the partner exploded is there something wrong with it I'll tell you what's wrong with it it's effing useless totally useless that's when I explained that I had followed my boss's instruction to the letter and that I docketed more than 100 hours on this at this the partner really went nuts he then told me to go back to my desk and fetch him the memo from my boss I brought it to him and when he read it his face went red he told me I could leave and I just haul my ass out of the there from my little cubicle I wasn't close enough to hear the full chewing out that my boss got but I did hear all the details through the grape vine the next few days and how the partners were seriously pissed that my boss had wasted over a 100 hours of a Junior's time on a useless task that was obviously a prank and how had my boss not realized that he was being pranked was he an idiot I wasn't blamed at all of course I had been working under my boss's close supervision my boss didn't get fired but there were were some good outcomes for me for one thing the partner told me to send him a copy of any memos I wrote for my boss and that ended him taking credit for all my work my boss also stopped deleting my dockets for my research plus I got a belated Christmas bonus for having to give up my alleged vacation to write this stupid memo I really hated working in that place but whenever times were tough I would think back to the case of the forged memo and that always brings a smile to my face oh my goodness guys what Opie did to his boss was absolutely brilliant and the best part was that Opie Got Away With It guys while his boss got destroyed and this person asked how did they not figure out it was you who forged the memo wouldn't the partners want to find the person responsible for the prank that cost them over a 100 billable hours and op responds I'm sure they did but there's no way for them to find out whatever list of suspects they had I would have been at the bottom of it so let's call him Joe I have to call him something this man I ruined but I can't call him by his real name so let's call him Joe and Joe was a wife beater I was hired by Joe's brother-in-law the brother of the wife that Joe beat my client was also Joe's ex- bus partner aside from the whole you beat up my sister thing the client had another beef with Joe a serious business beef my client took it to court and gave me the case to handle Joe and his lawyers fought me Joe is confident that his BS and outright Pur y would carry the day it's always worked before his BS and his fist had won him a good settlement with his ex-wife free of Child Support so maybe he thought that threats and lies would carry the day once more but he was wrong and after the trial I had a judgment against him a big judgment far bigger than he could pay Joe twisted and he turned and he shimmed and shaked but after a while i' located and taken all of his assets it was easy really Joe had no thought of consequences so he didn't lawyer up until it was too late I went through Joe's assets like a meat grinder and after a while Joe had but one property left a house and he clung to that house for it was rented out and that was his sole source of income Joe lived in the unfinished basement and he survived on what the upstairs tenants paid him he cashed their rent checks at Payday Loan places paying Hefty fees but it was worth it because he knew that I would garnish any bank account that he opened Joe managed to hide his rental place for me for a while because he owned it through a a numbered company but my investigator found him one day and followed him home Joe self- wrapped his way through the next stage which did take a couple of years but in the end I had his last house the house where he lived in the unfinished basement Joe stepped out one day to get a pack of cigarettes and when he came back the sheriff had changed the locks can my client at least live in the basement Joe's lawyer said to me pro bono because by this point Joe had nothing to pay lawyers I knew the pro bono guy because he practiced law nearby as I was talking to him I could see pro bono guy's office window across the parking lot from my office tower window ask the purchaser I said it's out of my hands and it was I told Joe's lawyer that the new owner would not let him back into his basement apartment Joe a man who had owned this and that here and there and all over town had just lost the last thing he owned on earth except for his truck he still had his truck left Joe's truck was a big gas guzzling Beast that he drove around in it was too to old and too frail to be worth seizing so I let Joe keep it and I was glad I did that because now the truck was where Joe slept until he made a mistake and he lost his truck too he lost his truck the day I got a phone call from the tenants at the house that Joe used to own the tenants told me he came back and he parked his truck across the driveway adding that Joe had gone nuts he had parked his truck in a rage out of spite and then walked into town saying he'd be back later that day to sleep in his truck can can you get around the truck I asked the tenant could not as the driveway was blocked that's when I called one of the tow truck guys that I used to defend back in my criminal lawyer days and in a couple of hours that truck was gone and it was parked somewhere else somewhere special in accordance with my Specific Instructions next day pro bono lawyer calls me and he says my guy wants his truck back I tell him that's not happening but you have no right to the truck he said he has no right to block a man's driveway I replied it was terrible really standing up high pronouncing words that took away a man's final asset the last thing he owned on Earth I imagined that this must be what God feels like before he strips a man of everything and sends him to hell are you really going to make me go to court over this said the pro bono guy do what you got to do I said and pro bono guy said that his client was coming the next day to sign an affidavit and then they were going to court to get the truck back the next day was bright and the Sun was shining it was 9:00 a.m. and I looked out the window sipping on my coffee that's when my phone rang I picked it up and it was pro bono man he says to me why didn't you tell me that Joe's truck was parked right outside my office his voice was tight and I could tell that he must have been shaking with anger is that so I said how careless of my bayith to leave the truck where your client could easily take it back I must really speak to him pro bono guy says very funny my client is going to SU do I tell him no he's not he's going to get in that truck and drive away right now I told my toe guy to fill up the tank and he gave it an oil change too tell your client to get in his truck and drive off and if I ever see that truck again I'll seize it to satisfy the rest of my client's judgment pro bono guy tried to argue but I was firm I then put the phone down and picked up my coffee a few minutes later Joe walks out of his lawyer's office and over to his truck as he walked I saw that there was no longer a bounce to a step The Joy had gone out of him and Joe wasn't the first guy I ruined and he won't be the last but he is the only one whose final ruin that I witnessed from up high from my office and it was one of the most powerful experiences of my life just watching a man walk to his truck knowing that I stripped him of everything else he had and that he owed his possession of his last asset his truck to my Mercy Joe drove away his big ass ancient truck spilling clouds of smoke from the exhaust I was pretty sure I'd never hear from him again and I never did man that's a bad day to be that pro bono lawyer representing Joe and even a worse day to be Joe like getting all of your assets taken away from you Joe must have mucked up big time with his business partner to have all that happening to him and while we're on the topic of suing people listen to this post guys so my ex and I divorced 3 years ago she was cheating but at this point I don't care about the relationship anymore the pending lawsuit has nothing to do with her or him but rather their actions my ex and I have a son 13 that we split time with 550 one thing that my son was heavily into at some point was Legos he used to play with them all the time and personally I think they're a great toy for different reasons I used to love playing them with him and to this day I still collect boxes I leave unopened as a collection when my ex and I divorced she got with someone who loved Legos more than I I guess from what I know he loves making creations and building the sets in I don't care seems cool but he does one thing that I think is very weird he uses Crazy Glue so the sets can't break or the pieces can't be lost it seems weird to me the issue is I was out of town for 3 days last week for medical reasons and my son wanted to get his PlayStation so he could play it at Mom's now this isn't out of the ordinary at all and he has a key so he let me know that he would be stopping over for it I told him to have fun when I saw him on the entryway camera my wife's husband was also with him which was a no no I told him via speaker to not go inside and to wait on the porch he flinched but he walked inside anyway I then sent my ex a text telling her to call him and to tell him he's 1 minute away from a cop call he left my home with a bag in hand which I didn't think much of because my son had games too well my son texted me later that evening and he said he didn't know at the time but he's pretty sure stepdad took some of my sets these are all old sets and they're worth big money when I got home I confirmed the missing sets and I called my ex she had no idea but he admitted he took them but it was so son could have the sets to complete his collection my son doesn't even like Legos anymore and told his mom he wouldn't steal from me my wife then asked how much it would cost to replace them and unfortunately it's more than their savings actually it would take their house down payment plus more I told them if they didn't pay in 2 weeks I was suing and pressing charges the price of the sets makes it a felony my ex and her husband are saving for a house which would give my son more space when he's there but those SS were going to help pay for his education someday or a Home of his own I filed the police reports and I've talked to a lawyer and we're moving forward with the suit everybody's calling me a joke because they're just toys but I don't get it they're worth real money I needed those sets to help with my son's future but again taking this money does deny my son things at his mom's house so am I the a-hole here you know what I personally don't think Opie is the a-hole for wanting the value of his stolen items back and honestly op's friends who say it's childish for op to want to take it to court probably don't see the monetary value of the Lego sets like let's just say the Lego sets were worth $110,000 and could be sold for that amount I would totally want to be compensated for sure like wouldn't you especially if someone went into my home without my permission and took it from me the boyfriend broke the law and in my opinion he's got to face the consequences of his actions it's simple as that and this person comments you might want to consider going for full custody you don't want your son spending 50% of his time with a felon and someone enabling a felon and this person said he denied your son a bigger living space by committing a crime this is the only answer you should give to anyone who blames you had he done this to a stranger it wouldn't even be a question he stole and as a person who's really into Legos he can't even claim to be ignorant of the value I haven't played with Legos in years and I know some sets are worth a ton and for all who are wondering the boyfriend stole two of op's Lego sets that are a part of a five part Lego set that's valued at $20,000 and that my friends brings us to another NFR slpro Revenge guys I hope you enjoyed today's stories if you did hit that thumbs up and if you're not subscribed consider subscribing so you don't miss these crazy stories and if you missed the last episode on the channel is an r/ entitled people episode where a Karen lets her son's d destroy a store and then she attacks op for stopping her kids it's a wild story so go check it out and myself and Stevie boy will see you guys in the next one we love you
Channel: DarkFluff
Views: 71,184
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: R/prorevenge, Reddit revenge, Reddit revenge stories, DarkFluff revenge, reddit pro revenge stories, best pro revenge stories, reddit pro revenge, darkfluff revenge, r/, reddit posts funny, reddit posts revenge, funny revenge stories, pro revenge, best of reddit, subreddit, r///, reddit, reddit top posts, best reddit stories, karma revenge, instant karma, work revenge, retail stories from hell, family stories, entitled karen, revenge boss
Id: 7x5bMtXJSHk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 40sec (1420 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 11 2024
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