r/EntitledPeople - Karen Thinks My PRIVATE Pool Is for HER Use! Showed Up In a SWIMSUIT!

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hello my wonderful beautiful friends welcome back to another episode of our slash entitled people where you'll hear some great tales about people who believe that the world truly revolves around them like this person right here who leaves a horrendous review of a business that says if you want to hear someone's life story instead of actually receiving assistance this is the place for you otherwise i would recommend anywhere else the service is horrible they think you owe it to them to spend your money there and here is the response from the owner dear person i'm so sorry you were disappointed with your visit to our store i'm the person who asked you if you needed assistance in the lawn and garden aisle i'm the person who carried your bag of fertilizer to the register for you even though i had already told you that i would help out you ordered another worker to carry out part of your purchase the other worker not wanting you to think he was unwilling to help you felt that he should explain to you that he had a weight limit for lifting due to a chemo port in his chest that's when you told him that you didn't care about his cancer seeing your young children exposed to your ensuing profanity-laced verbal tirade was shocking to all who witnessed it i'm sorry if you were having a bad day but your disregard for other people as well as for your own children was truly appalling this lady is absolutely disgusting not only did she not give a care in the world for the person helping her she actually had the audacity to go online and give a one star review talk about entitlement my friends you gotta buckle up for the stories in this episode because they are outrageous i hope you stay for the stories today and do hit that subscribe button for future entitled people stories if you guys are into this kind of stuff let's dive in my friends alright so my mother has some hypochondriac traits she'll have a new disease now and then always self-diagnosed and she'll call for an ambulance if she's so much as constipated a sprained ankle is always broken to her and she's got stomach ulcers that can no way be attributed to all the painkillers that she's self-medicating with anyways she's lactose intolerant when it suits her she's actually had the test and it came back negative so it's my birthday and she wants to go to a nice restaurant where we live it's a weekend and as usual they're very busy we get there and she gives the server a long lesson about her lactose intolerance and how she could die if she accidentally got some with her food and yes she actually told him that a bit of lactose can be the end of her the server takes our orders and her food is taking a bit of time they're panicked and frantic so she's calling the waiter over asking how long we need to wait and the server explains that in order to cook her food they had to pretty much clean the kitchen they had to completely empty the stovetop cleaning every utensil and so on they basically halted the entire service to make sure her food does not have any trace of lactose we get our food and it's amazing and as we finished they asked if we'd like dessert and my mother orders the chocolate truffle the waiter stares at her saying that chocolate truffle is basically made of lactose as it uses heavy cream and my dear mother says well it's okay to cheat for a good dessert the look on that poor waiter's face a mix between wanting to smack my mother and getting teary-eyed she took the order though and came back with our desserts i've never been more ashamed in my life i never went back there let me guess she also left no tip right because the service took way too long imagine cleaning and taking extra precaution only to have the person order the thing they're supposedly deathly allergic to for dessert if i was the waiter i totally would have denied her order at that point ma'am you told us you're deathly allergic to lactose i'll have to refuse your order of that chocolate truffle can you do that can you so this was a few years ago when me and my wife were doing a mini tour as part of our honeymoon and had been really disappointed to find out that the blue lagoon is man made and is basically just a large outdoor swimming pool of water runoff from the geothermal plant so after some light googling we found a place about an hour and a half drive away called the secret lagoon the place is amazing and exactly what i expected from a natural hot spring it's basically a large pond pouring with steam a river running next to it also pouring with steam and then a load of smaller bubbling pools of water and many geysers that would blast water into the air every 10 minutes or so the places on somebody's land and they've built changing rooms and a shower area and charge about 12 pounds to get in between the pond and the river there's a roped off area of small deep pools that has a sign saying warning water is over 90 degrees do not enter at your own risk which is probably a bad translation of no entry we accept no liability anyway me and my wife were leaning against the side of the pond closest to this and notice that an american tourist wanders up he reads the sign and then steps over the rope as he's walking up to one of the small pools the lifeguard's running over and shouting stop you can't go in there the american replies whatever buddy i can do whatever i want by this time the lifeguard has reached him and begins to try to explain that the water's between 90 and 110 degrees and that he walked right past the do not enter sign to which the guy responds no it says enter at my own risk so i am and it's not very risky it's hotter than 90 degrees in nevada every day this utterly perplexes the lifeguard who has absolutely no idea what the hell this guy's talking about so i shout over oy mate it's celsius not fahrenheit the american looks confused and says i don't know what that is i'm going in for reference 90 degrees is 194 degrees fahrenheit what follows about five more minutes of arguing between the american and the lifeguard is the guy thinks screw this and takes the two steps further to the pool and then goes to put his foot in fortunately for him but unfortunately for darwinism he only manages to dip a toe in before screaming in pain and hopping back the lifeguard sighs and goes back to his chair scalding hot water fixes entitlement real quick they should have just let him dip his toes in and then let him go back home to tell everybody that 90 degrees is much hotter in iceland than nevada he possibly can't be that dumb though but you never know you never never ever know i had this rather amazing run-in with a woman last week and boy was it entertaining and infuriating so i'm renting a one-story house with a private swimming pool in the backyard with my wife the house is part of a small neighborhood of six houses in total two of which are slightly bigger than the others and have a private pool each those two are a fair bit more expensive for obvious reasons last week someone knocks on the door and i go to open it outside is a smiling woman with two kids let's call her karen karen says hello i'm woman from next door we thought we'd use the pool me confused and a little bit stunned said oh you did did you i now also notice that they're carrying towels and have swimsuits on ready to swim i said i'm sorry but this is my private pool i don't really like lending it out i'm afraid so i think i'll have to say no and karen says oh but the rent gives me access to your pool when i want she said that in a very smug way as if she's calling me an idiot i told her you're not paying the rent for my house and i know the owner doesn't include use of my private pools in the contract for the houses without private pools karen responds well it's in the lease so you don't really have any choice do you at this point i just asked my wife to call up the owner and he confirms that he hasn't said anything about her being allowed to use the pool and that the contract doesn't even mention it i tell her this but since she has kids i tell her that i'll allow her to come over to use the pool perhaps maybe once a month as long as she gives me one week's notice or so and this is not good enough for the woman who demands immediate access to the pool as well as future use when she feels like it this of course resulted me withdrawing my kind offer and her stomping away screaming about getting me kicked out later the owner shows up and warns her sternly that she will be kicked out if she makes any more trouble i don't think she'll be staying here for long hey at least she was nice enough to ring the doorbell first instead of just hopping in the pool so i gotta give her that but i'm pretty sure opie's gonna come home one day to find her and her kids in the backyard pool i'm pretty certain it's gonna happen you can only hold off those people for so long for context when i was 14 my parents were going through a difficult time and needed me to stay with her mom for a while my grandmother is an anxiety-ridden bull who charges horns forward into every mildly upsetting situation it was very embarrassing for me that she made a fool out of herself everywhere we went together she was delighted to be my guardian for several months because despite being an incredibly toxic selfish inconsiderate person she took pride in being a very faithful mormon who loves jesus and this was her chance to fix my atheism she shoved religion down my throat at every chance i already loved the principles that jesus stood for and i'm so glad that he has so many followers i just want to be left alone about the fact that i don't subscribe to a particular religion myself now for the story we were at the grocery store together and had just finished checking out and i made sure our cart was loaded and ready to go so we could move out of the way of the people behind us she continued to block the checkout counter sorting the change that she just received into segmented pockets of her purse i made apologetic eye contact with several people in the line i may not be able to stop her from blocking the register when she sorted the coins but at least i could move our cart out of the way so i grabbed the front of it and began to walk towards the door clearly very offended my grandmother latched under the handle of the cart she shot me a death glare and declared i'm not finished yet then she went back to sorting her coins i gave another apologetic look to the five customers waiting on her who by this point were all very irritated as we were walking out she huffed me and said you care way too much about what other people think of you i replied no i just care about being a decent christ-like human being and the look on her face was priceless my friends and that brings us to another end of our slash entitled people i hope you guys enjoyed the stories today and if you missed the last episode of our slash entitled people a religious mother denies her son's dying wish to read a fantasy book if you guys missed that one go check it out and i'll see you guys in the next one
Channel: DarkFluff
Views: 242,879
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: reddit, entitled people, r/entitledpeople, entitled people's stories, r/entitledparents rslash, entitled, reddit funny stories, reddit fail, fail, entitled parents reddit, entitled parents reddit dark fluff, r//, rslash entitled people, crazy stories, crazy reddit stories, crazy reddit posts, entitled people top post, karen demands swimming pool, funny karen stories, karen story, entitled mom, entitled stories
Id: YlUvBPIQa9s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 14sec (674 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 17 2020
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