Karen Threatens to FIRE Me Because I Named My Baby Ryan! r/entitledpeople

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hello my wonderful beautiful friends welcome back to our slash entitle people where in today's episode you'll get to hear some ridiculous stories guys the first story a woman gets put in her place for trying to use a disabled bathroom the second story a karen gets upset at a baby name the third story a karen beretsop for holding a box of tampons in public and we'll finish up with some petty revenge on a karen my friends do hit that subscribe button for future stories and i will personally send you an autographed karen to your door oh let's dive in my friends so a little background first my church has a finished basement with a huge kitchen and common area usually used for after church coffee and donuts and events underneath the back stairs going into the storage space is a little one person bathroom meant mainly for people with disabilities and injuries so they don't have to go all the way back upstairs so on to the story about 8 months ago i had screwed up my knee pretty bad by landing very wrong on our trampoline and was on crutches with a metal brace for a while so during one of our breakfast fundraisers i was sitting at the end of the food tables handing out silverware this is important because everyone who came through saw me and greeted me including the entitled mother i had decided to use the restroom so i temporarily switched with my god mom and hobbled my tall ass over to the bathroom everything was fine for the first two minutes of me being there until someone knocks on the door the dialogue as follows i said hello i'll be out in a minute the entitled mother said alright mind you i can hear her child whining about having to pee and i recognize his voice this is important later a couple more minutes pass and i'm starting to get up when she knocks again i respond with i'm just getting up one moment please she then said can you hurry up my son has to pee and we've been waiting too long i began to tell her that there's other bathrooms upstairs but she rudely interrupted me and said that she isn't gonna walk up all those stairs to use that filthy bathroom at this point i have my pants on and started to wash my hands and i sigh not really wanting to deal with this any longer apparently washing my hands was a no-no because i hear the child whine again and she says that water is making him have to pee even more you are torturing my child get out here now or i'm getting the father who's my priest i said ma'am like i said earlier when you rudely interrupted me this bathroom is for disabled i know for a fact that you and your child are perfectly mobile she responded with then why are you in here you don't sound disabled in my head i was thinking what does that even mean that was the last thing out of her mouth before i opened the door my crutches back under my armpits and i said well i sure feel disabled the entitled mother's eyes widened seeing my brace and crutches and she grabbed her kid and bolted for the stairs i didn't see her for the rest of the morning and she still avoids me at mass to this day it still makes me laugh oh my freaking goodness guys that is terrible you don't sound disabled is is this the ignorance of some people or is this a karen being a karen guys i'm actually lost for words but opie handled that amazingly though i sure feel disabled i would pay money to see the look on her face after opie dropped that on her stevo can you please throw up that surprised pikachu phase there it is that's probably what she looks like so back in the late 90s when sears wasn't sad and dying my mother was an assistant manager her boss karen was also pregnant and this generally wasn't an issue until it was now my parents spent a long time choosing baby names and when i turned out to be a girl they really wanted my name to be gender neutral to prevent future trouble finding jobs and yes that's the actual reason but my middle name remained the same as when they thought i was a boy which is ryan when they decided on my full name my mom told her friends about it and one of them ended up telling the manager as my mother was on lunch break this lady storms in already rad and furious and said i heard you were naming your baby ryan my mother is of course stunned she stays silent for a few moments before finally answering and says that's her middle name yes the woman exclaims as though this is some sort of a great revelation your baby is a girl this woman snaps her face even more red and said ryan is a boy's name my mom replied with actually it's gender neutral at this point my mother surprises wearing off into a bit of righteous confusion and asked if there's a problem with that name the woman said you can't name your baby that the woman is practically shouting at this point and says i'm naming my son that my mother stares at her trying to work out what kind of mental gymnastics it takes to decide your choice of baby name gives you the authority to veto someone else's baby name she says so karen then says change your baby's middle name or i'm going to fire you she's also drawn a crowd with this whole scene to witness the utter insanity that was her outburst people who could act as witnesses for my mother if she attempted such a thing my mother answers flatly i don't think you can do that karen stops for a moment maybe realizing that my mother was right on that point and once again demands change your baby's name i chose ryan first ah yes calling dibs surely my mother would have to respect a grown woman calling dibs on a very common name my mom finally answers flatly ryan is my maiden name at this the woman stops still furious sputters for a moment and finally stomps off my middle name is orion my mother's boss named her son dylan instead listen guys i think this is a super common thing to happen people secretly hold onto baby names so others won't hear it and name their baby that same name so i've known a few couples to be super protective of their baby name not telling a single soul in the world for the fear of someone in their circle of friends taking that name for their baby it's it's really odd to me a name is just a name if you want to name your kid ryan and i want to name my kid ryan i guess there's going to be two ryans is that just me so i'm in the middle of my monthly visit from mama nature and realized that i'm all out of sanitary products i stopped off at my local supermarket before i commuted to uni so i could stock up and decided to treat myself to a meal so i wouldn't have to eat overpriced campus food later i then paid and left all normal right i decided not to get a carrier bag to save the turtles but definitely overestimated my ability to carry of course i had no pockets because women's clothes don't have any so i find myself juggling my phone my wallet my car keys my sandwich cereal bar bottled water and tampons in my two small hands and of course i parked far far away from the doors as to minimize interacting with people so i'm doing this awkward half walk half jog back to my car and focusing really really hard on not dropping my sandwich so i don't immediately see the karen and her small child walking near me when i do see them it's because i'm almost walking into them the conversation goes like this i said oh hey i'm sorry i didn't see you there the mother begins to tell me that it's fine and no worries until her beady little eyes lock onto my hands and she stops mid-sentence she just stares at my hands now my sandwich did look good so i can't say i blamed her for looking at it first but i was a little weirded out i give her a couple of seconds to find her voice realize she's not going to continue and politely carry on my voyage to my vehicle i don't really look at the mom and her son but i guess at some point they start walking again in the same direction as me well what do you know they're the proud owners of the only other car in my carefully selected deserted corner parked a few spaces away from me she shouts hey hey you you shouldn't wave those around you know there's a boy here i responded with what she then says those those things you're holding they're personal items get a carrier bag i look down and finally realize that she's referring to my tampons now maybe it's just me but i don't really see an issue with carrying my shopping to my car without a bag even if my shopping is sanitary products they aren't exactly dirty megs are they and i have needs i kind of just brush it off and carry on and i hear her say something else with a huff but couldn't make up the words so i just carried on with my morning now i get to my car and realize my dilemma my hands are full plus a locked car and that's a struggle being the bulkiest thing i'm holding i put the tampon box on the roof of my car so i have some room to maneuver my keys and get my door open i'm merely doing so when i feel a presence beside me and then a scrawny clawed arm reaches over my shoulder and snatches my tampons from where they lay i turn around and there she is looking absolutely livid i asked what the hell are you doing she screams at me and says how dare you i told you once already these shouldn't be flaunted around i have my son right here with me and he doesn't need to see that i asked see what exactly a cardboard box she then says you know what these are intimate products and there's children here at this point she shoves the box back in my hands and told me to put them away where they belong her son who can't be more than six starts to tug at her telling her let's go i have school she tells him that they're going but after chatting with this lady i responded chatting you just screamed at me in my face and assaulted me over some tampons the son then asked what tampons were and that's when the mom gave a shriek she grabbed her darling son protectively before fixing me with a glare she says to me see what you did i responded with whatever lady and get into my car fully ready to drive away but the mother just stood there looking at me as if i just booted a puppy something about it really ticked me off so i wound my window down and just as i pulled away i gave her a cheery wave of the tampon box and with a smile i said i'm off to stuff these up my vagina the screeching was unintelligible over the sound of my engine but i did not need to hear the words to know the vibe of what she said guys at least her kid had the sense to realize that he needed to go to school and was late not like the boy would have known what that box was anyways he's 6 years old for crying out loud he's not going to be asking anything about tampons what do you guys think was it an overreaction or should things like that be carried in a bag [Music] here i was thinking that i'd run out of entitled people stories that don't involve my mother but i'm back with yet another one this happened a few days ago and i'm recovering from abdominal surgery 12 days prior to when this happened i was finally filling up for shopping and then there were things i needed from the hardware store i'm a 30 year old disabled female in a wheelchair and i don't have a car so i got a taxi there mr taxi man who we'll call bruce dropped me off and i went to do my thing nothing out of the ordinary when i finished my shopping i called to get the taxi back it would be about a 15 minute wait but it was a nice day and i didn't mind waiting outside as i was waiting i noticed that someone was parked in the disabled parking space but there was no disabled tags on the windscreen it's annoying but honestly i didn't care at that point i just wanted to get home about 10 minutes later i saw middle-aged woman walk out of the store and went straight to the car she opened the boot put her shopping in and went around to the driver's side but instead of getting in though she got out of cigarettes and started to look at her phone a few minutes after that i saw my taxi arrive bruce being the polite and patient man he is waited for the women to drive out of the car space karen knew he was waiting for her and she was damn sure that she was parking illegally in the disabled parking space but do you think she cared she finished her cigarettes and got into the car we waited and waited then waited some more until bruce got rightly fed up and parked the taxi directly behind karen's car blocking her in this is when things got interesting karen began to honk her horn repetitively for a few seconds before she got out of her car she says what the bloody heck do you think you're doing you blocked me in bruce in a mocking apologetic tone said i'm very sorry ma'am but i needed the car space and you seemed to want to stay there just thought i'd do you a favor now if you don't mind i have a job to do bruce gestured in my direction as i gave karen a big smile i hate confrontation so i appreciated bruce doing it for me bruce got into the car and fastened me and my wheelchair into place and all the while karen was yelling profanities and threatening to call police if it were any other day i would have been happy to call the police so karen would get a fine but i just wanted to go home it only took a few minutes before i was secured in the car and we left but i made sure to give karen a smile and a one finger salute through the window as we were leaving which made the encounter all the more sweeter what a way to end an episode of our slash entitled people getting a petty revenge on a karen and that my friends brings us to another end of our slash and title people if you guys enjoyed the stories and aren't subscribed hit that subscribe button if you missed the last episode of our slash entitled people a woman decides that she wants attention and wears her own wedding dress to a friend's wedding oof check it out if you haven't and i'll see you guys in the next one i love you
Channel: DarkFluff
Views: 127,876
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: reddit, entitled people, entitled parents, r/entitledparents, r/entitledpeople, reddit funny stories, reddit fails, entitled parents reddit, entitled people reddit, entitled parents darkfluff, dark fluff, darkfluff, r//, rslash entitled parents, rslash entitled people, entitled people top posts, entitled parents top posts, karen stories, funny karen stories, karen compilation, karen calm down, karen attack, entitled people owned, funny reddit stories, entitled karen
Id: 6SGUejh4c68
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 7sec (847 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 17 2020
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