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how dare you eat that barbecue I'm going to get the master on you power slash entitled parents our first story will be reading today entitled mom freaks out on me for eating non-vegetarian food and drinks at a BBQ place from user PMS one seven one two after that entitled stepmom and step and makes me share my sweet sixteen from user cuddle bear zero two one nine after that entitled mom tries to get a pizza but we are closed from user chance bridge after that entitled mom wants to refund her ice cream after she started to eat it from user crimson Koopa and then we'll be finishing up with I got revenge on my little brother for deleting my future from user Rosalie thank you so much to our authors for letting us freed your stories and if you're an author who would like me to read your stories next please submit them to the are slash mister reddit subreddit and if you're new don't forget to subscribe and turn on notifications for new stories from reddit every single day entitled mom freaks out on me for eating non-vegetarian food and drinks at a BBQ place hi everyone I'm on a phone English is decent yadda yadda yadda background this is a story about my eighteenth birthday celebrations this takes place in India to make my birthday special we decided to dine at barbecue nation a really great place so this is how the place works there are barbecue grills in the middle of each table and a little flag when you raise the flag the staff starts bringing you barbecue on those sticks don't know what they're called and when you put it down they stop and you can have a buffet style main course so since the place is usually full you have to book online in advance and give vegetarian or non-vegetarian preferences for the barbecue you can also book the place for special occasions I my dad mom my and his fiancee were sitting at a table I my uncle and his fiancee are non-vegetarians my dad eats non-vegetarian but prefers vegetarian my mom is pure vegetarian I and my tobe aunt are atheists while mom dad and uncle are Hindus and none of them are zealots and they are very modern and never forced their religion down other's throats we have checked our reservation and settled down and our conversation is multilingual switching between English and Marathi has per convenience the waiter brings in our initial barbecue time to meet the cast we've got me we've got my dad my mom my uncle my uncle spean say and titled mom nice husband nice kid the waiter and the manager the entitled parent nice kid and nice husband were on a table beside us and were fussing over one thing or another since we came as I took the first barbecue chicken I assume she came over to us and tapped my dad on the shoulder is me he is what is that may I ask points towards the mutton barbecue a barbecue can you please not eat non-vegetarian food sitting beside us now I'm trying to ignore the lady and get some food inside me I'm starving when she lunges ahead and knocks it out of my hand what eewan grateful Jaz I just stopped you from sinning you should thank me I tried to say something but she ignores me and speaks to my dad you shouldn't pass your sinning habits to your child you untranslatable no no word he should be raised in a godly way here we go shut up jerk why don't you leave my family alone and buzz off I'd paid to be here and I will eat whatever I want entitled mom turns to my mom as a woman you shouldn't tolerate your husband sinning you should divorce him and raise him yourself lady don't tell me how to raise my kids this is a free country and I'll eat whatever I want my mom the darling she is almost never swears now we had started eating in earnest and very soon the first servings had disappeared despite her objections as the waiter came was second servings she knocked them out of his hand what an outrageous waste of good barbecue now I'm furious one thing you should know about me is that I don't follow any religion but am interested in the mythology and history of all of them and have read not just the Hindu scriptures but also the Bible and the Torah for pleasure reading if you're so into religion why are you spilling food you jerk doesn't your religion say that food is as precious as the God who created the world she has no answer to this now nice husband steps in and takes her back amid renewed shouting he promises to pay us back before leaving and we trust this guy so we get yet another serving of barbecue after which comes the funny part my dad orders drinks for the adults I was not allowed a drinking age is 21 without voting is 18 including uncles fiance the drinks arrived and then the entitled mom looks wide eyed as fiance drinks her alcohol before either nice husband or a nice kid could restrain her she comes over to our table and sweeps the glass from fiance's hand the glass falls and shatters we were lucky that fiance didn't get hurt entitled mom started screaming about how she wasn't old enough and shouldn't be allowed to drink and tries to slap her when my uncle who's a big man catches her hand and pushes her back forcefully they begin a screaming match now fiance does have a baby face and is shorter than I am but she certainly doesn't look like a kid as she's just a year younger than my uncle finally entitled mom says the magic words I want to see your manager my uncle says no I want to see the manager the manager comes and she begins a rant about how my family was corrupting me the health fiance wasn't old enough and how we had thrown a glass at her now fiance is on the verge of tears she's quite faint-hearted fiancee shows manager her ID with shaking hands and the security footage proved that the entitled mom was talking BS so instead of paying only us for our barbecue serving she'd have to pay the hotel for the glass she shattered when she realized this she bolted for the door leaving nice kid and nice husband behind nice husband paid for all the expenses while nice kid apologized manager called mall security and entitled mom was caught we did press charges and the entitled mom is locked up in an institution somewhere while I got a free birthday cake and coupons from the hotel for all my troubles so yay next we've got entitled stepmom and step aunt make me share my sweet sixteen sup mr. reddit I've been watching your videos for a while and thought to share my own story for the cast we've got me the stepchild and therefore black sheep of the family we've got step beast or entitled stepmom we have entitled step aunt entitled cousin one and entitled cousin two nice great aunt nice and and so we begin bit of backstory I moved to Florida with my step family a while ago and the entitled stories are many but I'll stick with this one I was super excited for my 16th birthday because I was all ready to have a big party and friends from school and to be finally like a normal kid stepmom never really let me do normal kid stuff hanging out with friends outside of school nope studying to get my permit definitely not it's not like I was a bad kid but she was just so controlling and so was nearly the rest of her family my father was a puppet parent and did whatever she wanted going with the flow of her nonsense but they had promised this year that I could pick where to have my party and who to invite I was going to pick a skating rink roller not ice because I thought it would be a fun idea I was even all hype about it at school telling all my friends about it and asking how they liked rollerskating I had run the idea by stepmom and she stated that sounded fun and that she would hammer out the details with my father the day of my birthday comes around it's a school day and a Thursday but they had told me it could happen after school they were going to send the invites to their parents on Facebook so that way they would know who would be picking up and dropping off the kids for the party makes sense you know safety is the key but it never happened they never sent those invites because my friends were surprised when I told them that day was the day of the party and their parents wouldn't let them go without advance notice I went home and was upset so I did what any distraught teen would do I hid in my room stepmom came by a bit later to bring me into the kitchen where lo and behold there was entitled cousin one and entitled cousin two already seated at the table with birthday crowns on their heads I was confused I was handed my own crown and was set down at the table a while later a few other step relatives entered the house bearing gifts and all only three of them were for me I'm not selfish and don't care much about presents but this was my 16th birthday a birthday promised to have been thrown at a skate rink I questioned about it and was told to be grateful we were celebrating at all pardon me like seriously the reason I was given was that entitled cousin 1 and 2 wanted to have a shared birthday party with their older cousin which on any other birthday I would have considered sweet not to say the thought wasn't but they weren't very good at skating and their mother entitled aunt wasn't comfortable with them being around a bunch of rowdy teenagers they brought out the cakes and there was two none of which had my name on it they didn't even buy me a cake I don't care if it was just a cupcake or a cookie but the fact that not only did they not let me celebrate with my friends but we're now expecting me to just ignore the fact that it was my special day threw me over the edge wait so it's my 16th birthday we were supposed to have gone skating with my friends invited and now I'm here and I don't have a cake I'll admit it sounded bratty but for one I was a whiny teen and for two I'd had enough of my self-important aunt who had been gloating about her kids birthdays the entire time kids whose birthdays weren't for another month kids who were smugly watching me become more and more upset about being ignored on my 16th birthday we didn't buy one you are sharing with your cousins I was shocked and appalled this obnoxious lady my dad was at work and so could an intervene or stop her madness you should be grateful that your cousin's love you enough to share their birthday their birthday today is my birthday if anything I'm sharing my birthday stepmom look too angry at my attitude eeeww being so selfish right now sweet incited cousin won an entitled cousin to just want to have a birthday with their older cousin I was again astonished because those kids are anything but sweet entitled aunt has four demon spawn offspring that are as entitled and nasty as the rest of them at this point nice great aunt steps in because she saw the commotion and wanted to see what was wrong Opie what's wrong what's wrong is that it's my 16th birthday supposed to be my sweet 16 and we were going to go to the roller rink and my friends were going to be there and now I have no friends here had no cake and it's my birthday I was almost in hysterics because these people had found ways to ruin every other holiday for me for years but until now had been decent about my special day and I was just so over and done with all of their nonsense and lying and attitude towards me is this true stepmom stepmom was silent for a bit basically having been caught by her own aunt in the act of being a witch to a 16 year old who just wanted a nice birthday well yes but you see luckily for you and Opie nice aunt had called me earlier because she heard from you that Opie wasn't going to have a cake so I got one for her now I understand that you might have been trying to save money but it's the girl's sixteenth birthday show some since stepmom nice great aunt then summoned over her husband who hadn't spoken at all during this exchange he walked over with a beautiful ice cream cake with pink rose icing flowers and my name in cursive on top I was happy that she had thought about me and was glad someone was on my side for once she set the cake in front of me and my cousin's automatically started wailing about how my cake was prettier than theirs here's where entitled aunt steps in wait did you get that cake from I bought it for Opie because I was told she didn't have one what do you mean she's sharing entitled cousins cake really you were going to make a girl share someone else's cake on her 16th birthday of course the brat doesn't deserve her own cake anyways nice great aunt looked Stern now of course she does as I remember your kids don't have their birthday until next month so the fact that you are even having her share her sweet 16 with two children is bad enough she's lucky to get to share her birthday with my kids I think she's just being ungrateful in fact I think she doesn't deserve that cake it should be for my boys instead nice great end looking completely done with her nonsense it will not be for your boys it will be for her your boys have cakes already your boys have tons of presents she gets to have her cake insert mr. reddit rehear my boys have been good this year they deserve this cake more than that little witch she used a different word but I'm keeping it clean here she's nothing but a lazy slob who doesn't even help around the house and whines about having to watch my kids for me enough entitles aunt I will not have you insulting this girl on her birthday and if you can't calm down step outside to take a breath you're ruining the party entitled van realizing that the rest of the party is staring at her she stomps off to the front door which she slams shut nice great-aunt apologizes for entitled aunt's behavior to me and cuts me my first slice of cake it wasn't perfect as an ending because I got an earful later from entitled stepmom about causing a scene but that cake was the sweetest I had ever had in my life and the fact that someone had finally put entitled aunt in her place for once made my lecture afterwards worth every second next we've got entitled mom tries to get a pizza but we're closed this is the third time I've had to post this for some reason I don't know why this happened to me last night and I swear I thought entitled parents were just something people make up for fun but no they are real and I met one last night but you're here to hear about the entitled parent so here we go cast we've got the entitled mom the manager and me so I've been working at a pizza restaurant for the past three weeks now and I work in the back cleaning dishes mopping the floor and cleaning the tables etc now it was about 10:20 p.m. or so when the last customers had left with their food if a customer comes in between 9:45 p.m. and 10:00 p.m. they can eat but they have to be gone before 11:00 p.m. and I was washing their dishes I had worked almost a seven and a half hour shift next to a large machine that shoots hot water at you if you're not careful I've burned my hands so many times that I'm used to it now my manager had to come to the back to check that my area was clean and that I hadn't left any of my work unfinished she said that I was good to go but I didn't leave for another 10 minutes because I liked my manager and wanted to talk to her for a bit I eventually left and exited through the front door I had just put my headphones in and was about to head to my car when I hear the most annoying voice in the world think Marge's voice from The Simpsons mixed with Lois's voice from family and here comes entitled mom and her three kids around maybe five or six I take my headphones out and look at her is me if this place open I'm sorry ma'am but we're closed for the night our hours are from 10:30 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. and titled mom stares at me like I just spoke in another language and then one of our kids starts to throw a tantrum saying that he's hungry it will only take a minute all we want is two large pizzas three drinks and some ice cream just a minute I'm pretty sure that the pizza will take about 20 minutes maybe even 30 cuz the oven was off I'm sorry ma'am but we're closed for the night there might be a Pizza Hut still entitled mom cuts me off and she raises her voice and to be honest I wish I could unhear that voice listen to me young man I know the owner of this place and I can have you fired 49 me service here so let us eat before I can answer my manager walks out of the restaurant and walks towards me as she wanted to say goodbye but when she got near entitled mom walks towards my manager sees me he she points to me told me and my kids that we could eat right now so missus in my manager looks at me and I shake my head no it was pretty late and both me and my manager wanted to go home and get some sleep I'm sorry miss but we are closed and I know that he points to me couldn't start the restaurant back up this late at night for anyone and even if we did let you in all the food is put away and we don't want to clean the restaurant again tonight now if you could please leave we need to go home me and my manager turn away and leave but entitled mom screams at us for being disrespectful and how lazy we are for not giving them food I put my headphones back in so I don't have to hear her god-awful voice I get to my car and take my headphones out and start my car I was just about to put my car in reverse my managers car is in front of me and I didn't want to hit it when I hear entitled mom's screaming at me from her Prius that is now blocking me from leaving my parking spot or so she thinks the parking lot doesn't have those stumps that make sure you aren't in two parking spaces if you're confused I'm sorry I don't know how to explain this very well and the only car that is in front of me is like I mentioned before my managers she was about to get out of her car when I texted her telling her to just drive away because I was stuck behind her and this woman didn't deserve the time of day my manager just gives me a thumbs up and drives forward with me behind her leaving entitled mom and her kids in the parking lot alone I don't know what happened to them because I don't work again till Friday and I'll update this if something happens thanks y'all for reading this update so I walked into work today and went and talked to my manager she told me that she didn't work that day cuz she had the day off for her mother's birthday note I posted the original on a Tuesday and all this happening below is on Wednesday morning but one of the waiters told her that a woman and her kids this was entitled mom were waiting outside the door for them to open I don't know if entitled mom had actually stayed the night in the parking lot or she had went home apparently after entitled mom and her kids ate she demanded that they get their food for free because we wasted her time and don't deserve her money as it was silly to waste it on a slob like this after about 20 minutes of arguing she decided that she would finally pay only when me and my manager came out and apologized to her for acting so rude the waiter said that he couldn't do that cuz we both weren't working that day the waiter knew who she was talking about because my manager told everyone to watch out for this woman she lost her mind and said well then I'm going to sit here until they arrived the funny thing was I didn't work til Friday she would have had to wait two whole days for me needless to say she is now banned from the restaurant and if you're wondering if she paid she did next we've got entitled mom wants to refund her ice cream after she started to eat it alright so I work at a chocolate store in a small town that has a mall we are also in Iowa so we don't get too many entitled people all right so like I said I work at a chocolate store but we do also sell ice cream there I was with my coworker let's call her Julia well it was just me and her and it was also a Sunday it was slower than normal and when that happens we take turns with the customers it was her turn to help someone who came in this is where the entitled mom and her kid came in her kid was nice throughout the whole time they were there now Julia was out there helping them and before they went to the chocolate area the mom gets one scoop of strawberry ice cream in a cake cone she and her kid then went and got some chocolates when it came time to pay she got her card out and paid for it we've got entitled mom Julia my coworker me and nice daughter once she paid she looks at Julian says there is not enough ice cream in this scoop note she had been eating it the whole time while getting the chocolates I have only taken one leak and this is how much is left I want a refund okay let me just get my worker out here for you cuz I don't know how to do a refund another note she does not really know how to do stuff with the register so she will get me to help her out crimson Koopa can you come here and help me do this I get up and go out to see them for the first time hi how can I help you guys today yes I don't like how did who ice cream there is on this cone I have already taken one lick off of it and this is how much is left I would like a refund I look at the ice cream and know that she's lying but I still put on a smile and get to the register to do a refund I do the steps that I am supposed to but the register does not work just give me one second ma'am I need to go find the paper to make sure I'm doing this correctly I go to the backroom to try to find the paper and could not find it I then decide to call my manager to see if she could help me I pick up the work phone and put in her number it goes to voicemail and now I just don't know what to do I come back out to my coworker just had enough of this entitled mom to where she says I will just give you some of my money what I did not realize is while I was in the back doing that Julia was up front saying stuff like if you want I could give you another scoop and stuff like that an entitled mom was saying stuff like it's not about the product it's about customer satisfaction she also throughout the rest of her ice cream while I was in the back room like she did not have to do that and eat the rest of it instead of throwing it out I watch as Julia goes to the back room and gets three dollars out of her purse and then comes back up and hands it to entitled mom finally nice daughter says I'm sorry about my mom then they both leave and Julia tells me the missing pieces to the story she rages about it for a while but stops after we closed my manager had also been texting her on the phone and was saying that there was no way to do a refund on the ice-cream and that's why the register did nothing when I tried to give them a refund not the best ending but it's one of my first interactions with an entitled person so it was not so fun for me and my coworker hope you enjoyed this and our final story of the day I got revenge on my little brother for deleting my future hello mister read it first time posting to Reddit I hope I do this right also on mobile cast we've got me rose we've got my adoptive mom I've got my adoptive dad popsicle dad and we have Jerse tan jerk so back story I was taken in by a family at two weeks old with my 13 year old birth mother these people are now adopting me at the age of 17 so my entitled birth mother can't harm me anymore juror stan is also adopted but he was adopted when he was three and I was for about 13 years ago jerk has some mental issues but none that would make him do the things that he does to me mom and popsicle he has broken into my bedroom multiple times and taken extremely valuable items from me about a month before this Jerse Dan was caught with a tablet and a charging cable I knew the cable was mine so I had taken that back but we all had matching tablets at one point and he got his taken away also I want to go to art school possibly become an art teacher which is why this was so detrimental to my future the story I was cleaning my room going through my crystal collection to see what I could sell for some extra college money or turn into art pieces when I find my Kindle Fire case I was excited because I had been looking for my Kindle and all the information that was on it it had my portfolio for art school four years worth of digital art about three drawings per week all my resumes for jobs a lot of my personal pictures of my two baby sisters and the last remaining photos of my first dog Starla who was my best friend since I was three up until I was fifteen when she passed I opened the case and find it missing and I knew exactly who took it I stomp out to the kitchen where jerk was and start interrogating him where's my tablet I don't have a be s give me my tablet I've started shouting at this point and my mom comes out what's wrong rose jerk took my tablet jerk where the heck is her tablet you have it it was the tablet I was caught with why didn't you say it was hers never mind I was already in his room looking for more of my possessions he could have taken which I did my camera tripod and a few of my valuables were hidden in his drawer I go through and take back everything I've given to him books movies computer everything mom helps me and finds some of her stuff too during this I asked him how much of my stuff did he delete from my tablet and he stays silent watching mom and I search his room I go to Mom's room when I'm finished and grab my tablet putting it on the table for mom to look through while she's looking through it finding a ton of bad stuff he had put on there jerk pipe table I wiped the tablet completely I look at him in shock you what jerk stays quiet for years of drawings resumes papers photos gone because he wanted to watch no no stuff I burst out crying my entire college plan is down the drain because of this jerk I have to call a brother I'm done I spend the next four hours crying my eyes out my mom gives up her tablet to me so I don't have to touch something he was nasty on and so she can have a tablet as proof for the judge he was already on probation for stealing a teacher's phone and my dad put a new deadbolt on my bedroom door so I don't have to be scared about trying to hurt me during the night I didn't even eat dinner because I did not want to be in the same room as him I stared at the basement on my mom's bed crying and cuddling a bulldog until I felt met her mom played with my hair and we watched some YouTube to help calm me down the revenge now I am very petty mess with me I'll ruin your day so naturally jerk is no exception to my pettiness I go upstairs after my mom gets me calm it's around 11:00 at night by this point I noticed some crap my puppy left on the training pad and I get a gross and a wicked idea I pick it up with some toilet paper and go to the bathroom with it I turn on the sink and some disney songs so no one can hear what I'm doing I open up half of the cabinet I pop open the lid to his shaving cream and I smear the dog crap all over it grinding it in I decided to make this an art piece so I take his toothbrush to give it some more muddy texture I didn't like that so I took his hairbrush and did it again still not happy I took his razor his body wash his washcloth everything of his that was in the bathroom and used it to work up the art that I was making for the jerk nope not enough I pop open his shampoo and conditioner after liquefying some of it and funnel the liquid into the bottles I rub it all over his acne face pads along with some cat urine in the container I spit into the toothpaste I dunk his chrome into the toilet Ebru at my future so I'm ruining the only thing he cares about himself I feel good at this point sitting on the counter typing this I'll update when I get his reactions edit so mom and popsicle made me clean up the crap in the shaving cream can butt jerk still hasn't noticed any of it he hasn't brushed his hair teeth washed his face nothing he's so disgusting but some good news mom and I got to speak to the parole officer today he broke parole in five different ways one he took my tablet - he took my charger three he erased everything from my tablet destruction of property before he watched bad stuff against House Rules and five threatened to put me in the hospital he's getting some jail time by next Wednesday thank God in congrats to our regionals of the day Micha yarn crafts Corsi husky and Project Max become our next Regenerist by dropping as many reasons you can in the comments below that's all for now but don't be blue I'll be back soon with more stories for you remember to listen to mr. reddit every night so your dreams will be wonderful like you are and bright you
Channel: r/mr reddit
Views: 190,426
Rating: 4.8475771 out of 5
Keywords: r/entitledparents, r/entitled parents rslash, rslash entitledparents, rslash entitledparents playlist, reddit, r/, rslash, sub, subreddit, best of reddit, reddit top posts, top posts, top posts of all times, funny, comedy, funniest reddit posts, funny reddit posts, funny reddit, entitledparents, entitledparents posts, entitledparents funny, entitledparents fails, entitled parents, funny entitled parents, mr reddit, entitled, parents, rslash prorevenge, fresh
Id: cbMm0Vekqk0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 28sec (1948 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 30 2019
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