r/Entitledparents “ENTITLED FAMILY STORIES EP 40"

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hey there mr reddit here welcome back to another episode of r entitled parents stories today we have a very special episode for you a compilation of some of the greatest entitled parent stories we've read over the past year so sit back relax and enjoy a few hours of the most entitled parents you've ever heard of and by the way karen assured me that if this video gets 1000 likes she won't try to speak to anyone's manager for an entire week so please smash that like button and if you're new subscribe and turn on notifications for new stories from reddit every single day and become an official member of the re-army today and i'll give you a shout out in an upcoming video r slash entitled parents karen refuses to pay for textbooks my kid has just started high school and since it's the beginning of the school year in australia there's plenty of parents who are adjusting to how high school works their specific rules about pickup zones no stopping zones parking zones etc mainly to keep the kids safe when crossing the busy road outside the school enter entitled mom who for the last few days has decided the rules don't apply to her entitled mom has a very large suv and parks it squarely in the two minute drop off zone over two spaces i might add at approximately 2 45 pm waiting there until her kid comes out after 3 pm i tend to arrive early and park off to the side and read a book so i've been observing her arguing with the duty teacher every afternoon with amusement yesterday i saw entitled mom's kid clearly not new to high school in the senior uniform so i'm guessing that entitled mom is just a pain in the butt about parking in general until today that is i went into the office at 2 30 pm to pay some school fees and sort out some admin stuff i was less than impressed when i saw that entitled mom was already at the counter so i just sat down and waited a side note here we pay something called the resource scheme annually which means the kids get up to date textbooks and reference material this is non-negotiable and a student really can't participate in school work without this in place entitled mom was not shy about her displeasure about having to pay it it seems that the scheme has gone up to 15 this year to allow for newer textbooks to be purchased but entitled mom wasn't just upset about the extra 15 we've got entitled mother we've got office lady and we've got deputy principal entitled mom this is extortion my daughter is taking the same subjects as last year why does she have to pay again office lady the resource scheme is payable as part of the school fees to ensure your daughter gets access to the best reference material she doesn't need it she got senior textbooks from the student who graduated last year and she can just use those i'm not paying it office lady those textbooks were supposed to be returned the student who sold them to her will be billed for those textbooks and some of them are not being used this year we have upgraded to new science textbook extortion there is nothing wrong with the old textbooks you just want to make more money office lady mrs entitled mom the new science textbook covers certain subjects in greater detail than the old one your daughter won't be able to complete classwork with an outdated textbook and will have the old ones confiscated entitled mom you'll steal them from her to get more money this is disgusting entitled mom continues to rant about things that are only barely related to textbooks until the deputy principal overhears and comes out of his office at the other end of the building deputy principal mrs entitled mom what's the problem this criminal is threatening to steal my daughter's textbooks principal looks at office lady who just shrugs mrs entitled mom the school participates in the resource scheme where the students return textbooks at the end of the year and are issued curriculum appropriate texts for the new year this ensures that all our students have access to oh so i'm paying for other students entitled mom breaks off into another rant about how if parents can't afford books for their kids they shouldn't be allowed into the school it was at this point that the principal suggested they go and talk in his office my transaction took about 10 minutes all up and throughout it all i could hear entitled mom tearing into the principal after completing my business i wander back out to my car to wait for my kid at about 2 55 pm entitled mom comes storming out of the office and discovers a parking flyer under her windshield not an actual ticket just a flyer that advises safe parking zones etc the duty teacher has a stash to give to new parents who aren't sure where to park when picking up slash dropping off i had the delightful opportunity to watch entitled mom lose her crap over a piece of paper until her daughter appeared and then drove off exceeding the 40 kilometer per hour speed limit alas if only the local police had been on patrol it would have been the cherry on top of a very entitled sunday do you think it's necessary to have an updated textbook every single year that students have to pay for please leave a comment letting me know next we've got entitled couple threatens us with a lawsuit me again from the good old animal shelter this one may take some of you off but i just want to preface by saying all i'm doing is reporting on what happened as i've said before animal shelters are magnets for the entitled and this story is no different now this happened towards the end of last december our shelter got in what we refer to as a unicorn that means we got a young french bulldog puppy to a county animal shelter this is extremely rare as these dogs usually come from breeders or puppy stores and will go for up to four thousand dollars a pop it's like finding a brand new ferrari in a thrift store of course the moment this dog is in our system we have a line of people already wanting to adopt it now our county shelter has a policy where we hold any stray animals for 72 hours to give any owners a chance to reclaim their lost pet before the pet becomes property of the county and we looked to re-home them the first day this frenchie was in our shelter we had eight different families put their names on a list to adopt our shelter is a first-come first-served shelter so we would call the first name on the list and if they didn't want the pup or couldn't take them we would call the second and so on and so on pretty much these people were in a line to adopt this one pupper now this story happened the last day of the stray hold period before the dog was even ours to adopt out two men walk in together they are the entitled couple eager to adopt a new pup for their new apartment they just moved into so we've got the entitled couple and we've got me me hey there how y'all doing entitled couple good we are looking to adopt me awesome dog or cat entitled couple a dog please me okay and what kind of dog are you looking for we would like a small dog please well i'll let you know we don't have any small dogs available but i'll take you all through the kennels and we'll see if any of our dogs catch your eye i take them through the kennels and of course what we have the most of are pits and bully breeds that are usually not allowed in an apartment i keep trying to ask them questions and show them dogs but at this point they're just ignoring me and talking to each other of course as we walk through the kennel they see the frenchie and that's when they lose it entitled couple oh my god that's the one we want me oh well this little guy has a pretty long waiting list on him i point to the sign on his kennel saying he already has adopters lined up for him entitled couple uh no we want him now me well i can put your names on the list in case the other adopters aren't able to take him or don't want him entitled couples scoffs and one rolls their eyes no we are not going on a list we want him now me well even if he didn't have adopters lined up already he's still on the stray hold period so he can't actually adopt him i get cut off entitled couple we want him now me i can't give him to you he's not ours yet cut off again i don't care give him to us now me no at this point i figure they are not gonna let me explain anything so i just flat out say no they both go quiet look at each other one smugly smiles and says he will be leaving with us by the end of the day at that point they walk out and leave the shelter i walk back into the front office and tell the office staff what happened as they heard the yelling even over the dogs barking we all kind of shrug it off as empty threats from crazy entitled people stuff we're used to by now an hour later we get a call from the county's human resources office entitled couple called them and threw a fit told them we are refusing to adopt to them because of discrimination and that if they don't get the dog they are suing and contacting the news the higher-ups lose their crap and immediately give in to their demands they tell us to give them the dog and not even charge an adoption fee shortly after that in walks entitled couple with smug grins we will be taking our baby as the office staff hand over the french bulldog they turn to me told you they walk out with a dog in their arms now here's where the karma kicks in french bulldogs while cute have extreme separation anxiety among some other not so favorable habits they are great dogs if you take care of them entitled couple did not take care of the dog super bowl weekend and we are hosting a big adoption party for the shelter dogs basically a come in and adopt them please for the love of god we have no kennel space party in walks entitled couple upset and ranting and raving about how we adopted a monster out to them basically both of them work so the dog is left alone most of the day and made the most of his time destroying their apartment they showed us pictures of the carpet that the landlord is now demanding they pay to replace furniture ripped to pieces stains in an expensive mattress they had to throw out they demanded we take the dog back and reimburse them for the damage to their property we take the dog back and tell them they are not getting reimbursed for anything they scoff again and threaten to sue us until our front desk lady pulls out the adoption paperwork they signed at the time of the original adoption and said they are 100 responsible for the dog and the shelter is no longer responsible for the animal at the time of adoption so even if they took us to court they would have a bad time they start losing their crap and say they'll call human resources again i tell them that won't do them any good as they signed a legal contract but they are welcome to try they give me the smug smile again call hr and proceed to scream at the phone when they don't get their way hr told them the same thing we did they signed a contract they took ownership of the dog they're not getting crap and the county has a lawyer on hand should they want to take this to court at this point they are completely defeated i smile as they turn to walk out and say told you two days later the pupper got adopted by an old lady who has two other frenchies and spends all day of her retirement spoiling them speaking of dogs what's your favorite dog breed of all time please leave a comment right now letting me know next we've got entitled mom calls me a liar when i tell her i don't work here man can't people just mind their own business well for starters i was wearing an all-black outfit and the staff outfit of that particular grocery store was red and white so there's really no way to confuse me for an employee there but anyways i was a student at that time and didn't have a lot of money to spare but i still loved snacks so every time i went to buy some i'd spend quite a while on deciding which options i would go for this time i decided to go for some bags of nachos with dip so i took them and carried them towards the register but on my way there i saw another aisle that had a lot of different sugary snacks on sale and of course being able to save money i decided to put back the nachos and buy more snacks for the same price as i walked back into the salty snacks aisle i looked through it to find the nachos i chose before so i could put them back where i found them i'm just not the type to put things back where they don't belong but then i start contemplating again i initially came for the nachos but the gummies are less expensive so i'm standing there and evaluating my options yes i am that serious about snacks then this lady walks up to me and asks me where she can find something or whatever i didn't really hear her because i was listening to music and also i thought maybe she was talking to someone else in the aisle because why would she talk to a six foot tall goth dressed teen with headphones over my ears when suddenly she grabbed my arm and shook me a little to get my attention she startled me so i yanked off my headphones from my head and said what well not in the most polite way but it was because she startled me she then asked me why i ignored her i was confused because i didn't know why i should be obligated to talk to her me sorry i couldn't hear you gestured towards my headphones that were now in my hands still being polite because i didn't know what she was going to ask me her you should not be listening to music while you're working in the most disgusted snobbish voice me little confused and already annoyed well good thing i'm not working with that i proceeded to put my headphones back on but she grabbed my wrist and dragged it away from my head how dare you ignore me me i'm not obligated to listen or to talk to you now don't touch me again mind you i don't like talking to strangers it makes me nervous and annoys me i can manage if you're polite but dragging my arm oh no no her i'm going to tell your boss you'll get fired for such behavior me being an unemployed teen lady i don't work here would you leave me alone now her don't lie to me i saw you put the chips back on the shelf me looking visibly confused by her after a pause so her so you work here i saw you restock the shelves i want to speak to your manager now me shaking my head in disbelief what so am i not allowed to put my groceries back on the shelf if i change my mind i don't work here her you wouldn't be putting it back on the shelf it belongs on if you didn't work here me well not everyone is a jerk unlike you dear okay i didn't say unlike you but god i wanted to her go and get me your manager you rude brat they should stop hiring kids me good thing they don't with that i took the nachos back into my hands and walked off back towards the register she still screamed after me about how rude i am and that i should stop right there and listen to her called me a bratty kid and a nosy jerk and then dragged some employee towards her telling the poor dude to get my manager the dude looks at me and then looks at her and goes she doesn't work here man she stared at him in disbelief and then looked back at me standing at the register getting ready to pay she was fuming but i just looked back at her threw her a peace sign and went home with my nachos she probably still believes i work there speaking of nachos what's your favorite flavor of doritos please leave a comment right now letting me know next we've got i do work here now go wash the dishes i managed three restaurants i started as a dishwasher and worked my way up the totem pole the owner recently retired and just pays the bills the rest of the operation is on me i joke around and say the chain of command is god the owner me and then there is everyone else a year or two ago a new shift manager had been hired and when you run three restaurants it's impossible to immediately meet every employee but anyway i was in one of the restaurants sitting at my favorite booth and i heard the new manager talking rather loudly he was standing next to a server trying to take an order now this server has a slight learning disability but is highly functional jerk was standing there in front of the customers saying things like you have to be patient she's slow i'm helping her as much as i can oh look at you your uniform is a mess you need help he was talking about her apron you could get caught and hurt yourself we don't want you to do that would we be rating her when she asked a customer to repeat their order i leaned out of the booth i was sitting in and looked at mary the server she saw me and i put a finger to my lips to signal her not to say anything mary gave a slight knot indicating she saw me i got out of my booth and walked around the kitchen the cooks and dishwashers said hello mr h decided to pay us a visit not right now tony knew by me just saying that something was wrong because we usually exchange banter between each other tony do me a favor tell jerk manager there's a phone call in the office and tell mary her order is up i walked into the office sat down and waited jerk came into the office and i saw mary told her i need to talk to her next and to sit in the break room jerk manager looked at me in my street clothes and look payday isn't till monday no advances i'm not here for my paycheck oh you must be here for stock he said me no i'm not here for stock either i said then why the heck are you in here if you don't work here he huffed oh i work here all right i am your manager i only answer to the owner the penny dropped oh hi mr h it's a please to close the door now i interrupted i heard what you were saying and saw what you were doing to marry you call yourself a manager how the heck did you get this job he said well mary is a little me a sweetheart who doesn't deserve to be treated like that yes she has a slight problem but she is one of my best employees and has more heart than you ever will i am going to give you three options one i fire you two you quit three you take a demotion it's your choice jerk said how do i know you really work here i picked up the phone and made a call to the owner yeah hey how are you yeah i'm fine look could you tell jerk who works for you he doesn't seem to believe me yeah i know have a great day i handed the phone to jerk and watched as the color drained from his face he handed the phone back to me now about those three options choose now or i will decide for you i'll take the demotion he said in a low voice good choice grab an apron and get on the dish tank dishes you're making me a dishwasher yeah i am do you honestly think i would put you in a position over others if you work hard enough i might make you a bus boy he stormed out of the office and headed to the dish tank the dishwashers who were back there were brutal they considered him as a new hire i started as a dishwasher and when i started i got the worst jobs jerk was back washing dishes and tried giving them orders okay boss we got it and the snickering began what you believe me we have more seniority now go get the garbage can and clean the filters in the dish tank i heard mike say who's a dishwasher i called mary and said mary are you okay honey and that's when the damn broke mary broke down sobbing he does that to me all the time he said if i ever told anyone no one would believe me because i am a no no you are not don't let anyone tell you that you are different and don't ever let anyone make you feel like less of a human you are just as needed as everyone else we are all your friends here and we love you okay a slight smile came from her face as she looked at me nodding her head yes alrighty now go clean yourself off your mascara is running all over then go get your stuff and clock out am i being fired did i do something wrong mr h no mary you just had a rough day you will be paid for a full day's work and i want you here tomorrow and until your father comes to pick you up sit back and listen you might like what you hear now go wash your face okay mary went to clean herself up and returned to the office we sat and talked then heard a loud crash of dishes watch this mary i yield from the office that's coming out of your paycheck and i heard more dishes crashing and heard jerks screaming forget you forget these dishes forget these guys forget this restaurant forget everyone i quit this job i looked at mary and said i don't think he will be back he seems a bit upset or is it just me mary's dad arrived i told him the situation and i expect to see her tomorrow she is a very good hard worker i don't want to lose her and mary go home and relax and think about the jerk all sweaty dirty wearing an apron washing dishes and laugh and remember you are needed here now show up tomorrow or i will come and get you and if a manager gives you a hard time you call me mary left with a smile and as i left i walked past the dish tank and the dishwashers were sweeping up the broken dishes and laughing hysterically i don't know what happened to jerk and don't care speaking of first jobs what was the first job you ever had please leave a comment letting me know next we've got karen orders salad tells me she doesn't like it wants a free meal i manage at a counter service place a reasonably nice cafe within a park customers order and pay and then we bring the food out to them weekends get very busy but there are plenty of staff to manage those shifts so today i'm walking the floor and get called over by a lady who has just been served her food a chicken and avocado salad she indicates to her plate and tells me that there is a lot of rocket there now the salad is listed as containing chicken avocado rocket pomegranate and pancetta it's a nice salad i have it a lot myself so i politely point out to the lady that yes the salad is indeed made with rocket i thought she might say that she read the menu incorrectly but she then told me that she read that it came with rocket but assumed it would be a mixed salad this was quite hard to respond to because what more can a place do than list the ingredients in a dish she certainly didn't ask while ordering so i tried to explain that as the meal was exactly as advertised and of good quality and that it came out in a timely manner that unfortunately i would neither refund her meal or swap it for something else but i would take her comments as feedback for a potential menu change in the future she then told me i had poor customer service and that i could have at least offered her a new meal at this point i really started to believe she was entitled as she was essentially suggesting i should replace her perfectly good meal as well as offer her more so i stuck to my guns and explained again my position at this point she cut me off and took out her phone to start writing what turned out to be a bad review i actually really pride myself on customer service and get a fair amount of praise from my regulars i will go the extra mile to help someone find a dish they can eat or fix something that's not quite right but everyone has to draw a line somewhere i won't start giving free food out to anyone that won't read i do have a business to run just ugh been stewing all evening and trying to shake it off i think the fact that she called me condescending in her review has really got to me because i did my absolute best to be polite and honest with her edit thanks for the support and some opposing opinions i will stick by how i handled it as i believed it is fair for the venue and the country in which i work i appreciate that at other places it's better to suck it up and give the customer anything they need but they're not the kind of places i want to work if you were in this position how would you have handled the situation please leave a comment letting me know does this look medium well to you context i'm a teenager that works at a multi-floor restaurant because it's usually very busy we only have a kitchen on the first floor and waiters are generally assigned to a ton of tables we have waiters and servers waiters take the order of the customers and generally handle most of the upfront contact with them and servers carry the food usually up flights of stairs on a tray to the table that ordered it i am a server meet your stunning cast we've got me random girl who probably enjoyed this exchange way too much we've got karen entitled lady probably around 40. can i speak to your manager hairdo we've got brenda assumingly the mother of karen around 60-70 reeks of way too much lavender perfume we've got steve my co-worker a waiter with a totally awesome looking man bun not his actual name we've got jimmy my other co-worker a server good friend of mine once again not his actual name and we've got poor dude karen's significant other so i was working a normal saturday evening shift and we've hit the dinner rush that usually starts around five and runs until eight this basically means that us servers are running food practically non-stop up staircases and sometimes have to carry a larger tray with the food for anywhere between two and four tables so yeah it's hectic anyways i'm sent to the second floor with three tables orders and as we aren't really supposed to have the slips of paper with the specific orders out as it's considered unprofessional i was somewhat struggling to remember which table ordered which burger who had the nachos etc i set my massive tray onto one of the foldable mini tables we carry around when we have a large tray and i set to work picking up foods and announcing what each one was so the customers could let me know where to set it i'm in the middle of doing this for a second table when i hear somebody clear their throat loudly i glance over at them to see a woman karen waving me over clearly mad about something i smile at her and say i'll be over in just a minute and i get back to work i finally reached the third table and was starting to help them when i heard that sound that causes you to just know you're gonna deal with entitled people karen i nod in her direction and wave shortly to let her know i haven't forgotten her karen me rolling my eyes but keeping up my customer service face and voice thanks for your patience this far i'll help you as soon as i finish here karen i need service over here me okay i'll only be a minute karen rolls her eyes and makes some snide remark to brenda who shakes her head at me i finished serving these really nice customers their food and they were both pretty loud when thanking me for my awesome service as they can tell as well as i can what i'm about to deal with i thank them and one lady mouthed good luck to me oh boy i walk over to their table and put on my best customer service grin mind you as i spoke i was trying so hard to sound ecstatic to help them that i'm sure i sounded like a disney princess or something me hello how may i help you karen there's something extremely wrong with my food me oh i'm sorry what seems to be the issue karen points at her completely untouched burger this is the issue me i'm sorry i don't fully understand could you possibly elaborate so i can help more karen rolling her eyes fine she cuts her burger in half with a knife opens it and points out a tiny spot of pink does this look medium well to you for the record medium well cooked burgers mean there is a little pink in it me laughing internally and trying to keep a straight face oh sorry for the confusion i'm pretty sure that medium well means there is a little pink in it i understand how no you are wrong and clearly know nothing about how food is cooked there should not be any pink whatsoever i'm not paying for this abomination poor dude honey karen don't interrupt me at this point i glance at brenda and poor dude brenda is giving me a death glare for whatever reason and poor dude is just sitting there pretty pale and obviously uncomfortable so i decided to try to end it as soon as possible for his sake me i apologize for any confusion i'm afraid i don't have my tablet with me so i can't enter your order but would you like me to grab your waiter karen is that even a question me okay do you know what their name is i can try to find them for you no at this point brenda finally chimes in acting all high and mighty brenda oh i didn't catch his name but i know what he looks like me okay i can try to work with that what does he look like brenda well he is kind of tall and he's not that good looking i internally roll my eyes brenda smug as heck oh right i remember he had not even kidding she paused for dramatic effect she then said the next part like she was disgusted a ponytail me practically wheezing as i was not expecting that oh i think i know who you're talking about brenda gives a smug grin okay i'll grab him for you so i go and find my co-worker steve the only guy on the floor with a man bun and tell him what's going on not gonna lie we laughed about it for a minute straight before he went out to deal with them and i ran back to the kitchen to serve more food anyways steve ended up re-entering her order this time as a well-done burger for free sadly i was not the one that ran that order but the good news is my friend jimmy got it and told me about it after the rush was over this isn't word for word in any way because i heard it about two hours after it happened jimmy hi i have your classic cheeseburger cooked well done thanks for your patience we do apologize for the previous confusion karen jimmy um sorry i didn't hear what you said where would you like me to set this you may as well throw it away i'm not going to eat it okay well the chefs made it for you for free so would you like me to get you a to-go box you teenagers never listen do you what i said i don't want it go throw it away you get paid to do stuff for customers right jimmy pretty shocked look i don't want to get in trouble for throwing away food if you suddenly decide you want it so i'm gonna just leave it here and you can feel free to throw it away if you really don't want it he walked away ignoring how upset karen was at that anyways us servers didn't hear from them again as we were busy and they didn't order anything else however i did manage to pass by their table after they left and they left it a mess they literally dumped their leftover sodas and drinks onto the plates and pulled the lining out of their nacho chip basket that burger the chefs had remade it was looking like a horse trampled the food in old mcdonald's barn with the bun over here the meat over there pure lettuce there are lettuce everywhere lettuce lettuce the only clean area was where poor guy said and i felt bad for the man i mean he has to constantly deal with karen and possibly brenda too oh and guess what no tip for the poor waiter but don't worry because those nice people at the third table i helped left a 40 tip for the waiter to compensate and jimmy and i got this story so all's well that ends well speaking of burgers how do you like yours cooked please leave a comment letting me know next we've got entitled mom demands i send a wedding gift so i did my family and i immigrated to the u.s when i was seven and for the first three months we were here we lived with a relative of my moms who immigrated a few years before us the dad helped my dad going to interviews helped him buy a car and helped us find our bearings in the us my family and i are buddhists and this family are christian when we lived with them they strongly encouraged us to go to the church with them every sunday and they tried to keep us going to church with them when my family found a temple and started attending it they started treating us like crap their sons would pick on me and make fun of my english and told me i won't go to college and probably just end up being a repairman the mom and their daughter would make fun of my sister for her weight loss and gains when we found out later that this was due to lupus and she had to be hospitalized they told my mom the reason my sister is sick is because of our religion about 15 years ago the dad lost his job my parents who were now doing well needed to retile the house so they hired the dad to do it and when i asked how much they were charged i was floored thinking they miscalculated i told them they were way overpaying but my dad just said we're paying them back this happened again every home improvement project my dad did he would always hire the dad and would always be overcharged the crappy thing is the work was beyond subpar like the retiling work i had to regrout the entire job when i visited one holiday on top of this they would always ask to borrow money and never paid my dad back at this point i figured my parents paid them back and then some frankly i was completely done with them when i heard what they said about my sister one day i got a wedding invitation their middle son is getting married not wanting to have anything to do with them by rsvp no about a month later i got a call from their mom asking why i haven't sent a gift yet she demanded i send a gift despite my protest i am not obligated to then she mentioned how my family owed them and she knew i could afford to send gifts because i had a well-paying job and how she always prayed for us to be saved when she said this it triggered the wheels in my brain to turn and i told her she's right i was being rude and i will send a gift when i hung up i immediately looked up every non-christian house of worship in their area and made a donation in the happy couple's name about two to three weeks later i got a call from the mom i answered as politely as i could oh hi did you enjoy the gift this was met with a barrage of yelling screeching and a torrent of insults i was barely able to make anything out the daughter called my sister and the middle son called me later demanding an explanation i flat out told him everything and was 100 percent non-apologetic about it actually i did say i was sorry for not being there to see the whole thing go down when i spoke to my sister later this is what we're able to piece together they had the wedding shower at their church after services and they were opening their gifts then well they got to my gift everyone was uncomfortable seeing all the donations to the houses of worship with definitely non-christian names made in the couple's names then the bride's parents flipped out when they saw the membership cards and certificates with the family's name on it the bride's parents demanded she break off the engagement and she did everyone in their church apparently thinks the whole family are trying to corrupt their church and they are now treated as pariahs i ran into the mom and dad a few weeks ago at the market and i looked at them they scurried away from me was i a jerk for doing this yeah no debate there but i figure with how much i donated i don't think anyone can call me ungrateful or say it's a cheap wedding gift but really i am sorry i wasn't there to see the whole thing go down next we've got lady got mad i didn't help her and spills my coffee all over me so this was like two years ago i was at the grocery store in the water aisle picking up a bottle of soda for a party later when i noticed an older man struggling with a gallon of water i offered to help and put the water jug into his card i asked if he needed help lifting it when he got to his car but he declined and said his son and wife were in another aisle he thanked me and left so i went back to the soda deciding which one to get once my back is turned i hear it those dreaded words you never want to hear when you just want to pick up one thing and leave excuse me i turn around and i see her typical karen fake tan skin obnoxiously large sunglasses wearing a neon pink two sizes too small t-shirt jean shorts and flip-flops me yes karen now that you're finally done with that old man you can pick up this water pointing at the 36 bottle package of water and carry it to the front with me her cart was packed full of different foods the bottom of it also had stuff on it me i'm sorry but i don't work here but i can get an employee to help i was wearing a plain t-shirt and shorts nothing that indicated i worked there she looks me over i don't care if it's your day off or whatever you will lift that water and you will come with me to the front me no i won't if that's the attitude you're going to have when asking for help you can do it yourself i turn around grab a mountain dew and walk away jack she screamed at full volume i ignored her and kept walking i was about to head to the checkout when i saw they had a starbucks next to it i ordered an iced coffee without a lid or a straw because i wanted to try and save the environment i get to the cell service and just wait in the line when it's my turn to scan i hear a familiar voice right behind me that's him i turn around and i see her again with a confused manager intel this is the one who refused to help me confuse manager points to me him yes she said with glee that's him confused manager ma'am he doesn't work here karen interrupts him yes he does her every word dropping with venom and oh look he's drinking coffee instead of helping me i just glared at her and said nothing put down that coffee and help me with my groceries she slapped the coffee out of my hand which caused it to spill all over me before it hit the floor the heck the manager becoming less confused and turns to me sir do you want me to call the police i'm wiping my shirt no i just want her gone now manager you heard him ma'am karen stumbling but but manager you have two options you can either leave willingly or i'll call the police and they'll drag you out in handcuffs karen turns and spits at me jack she storms right out at the front door with none of her stuff i clean up in the bathroom and they even give me two bottles of soda for free the sad part of all this was i would have helped her if she just minded her manners speaking of soda what's your favorite flavor of soda please leave a comment right now letting me know next we've got you stole my car i will make you homeless this story happened approximately four years ago to a friend of mine he and his wife girlfriend back then took a house loan bought a new chevrolet camaro and in general they were preparing for a life together he had proposed to her because of their lack of free time due to their hard working to pay off the loan they didn't have much time for themselves nor for the abnormal amount of other things such as the housework so they hired a maid his first impressions about her were good and they decided that she's the person they would trust and they handed her their house keys because they were at work most of the time she came around to clean their house first few weeks she worked hard and always paid attention to detail and nicely cleaned their house from the bottom to the very top she was also instructed not to let anyone in and to always lock the door when she left after six months of working there strange things began to happen not in any anomalous way but things started to disappear being stolen it all started with small things like double a batteries which are barely noticeable missing but soon things graduated as phone chargers perfumes the more expensive ones and some electrical gadgets went missing my friend thought that he simply lost them but soon the maid raised suspicion as the things went missing when my friend wasn't present when she was detailing their house but without any evidence blaming her wasn't in place also he found out on some social media that she has got some serious debts at least in thousands of dollars ailments divorce court settlements etc so he decided to install security cameras and he didn't tell the maid five weeks forward and he had enough evidence to press charges on her as the things she stole were valued at 250 plus dollars in my country anything stolen above 250 is considered a crime he got furious when his flash disk containing private documents as well as some of his billing and his official work documents was stolen but he wanted her to get even more into the stealing so he could squish even the last scent out of her so he came up with a plan he told the maid that he and his girlfriend will be gone for a week for a honeymoon and that he will be going by a taxi not to pay the extra money that airports charge for the parking that means his brand new chevrolet camaro would stay parked in the house the maid has keys off they rented an apartment through airbnb just a few blocks away from his place and he placed a gps tracking keychain into his car so he could see where his car is through the phone app he then placed the car keys in a visible spot in the house so the maid would notice all that was left was to wait for the magic to happen and his intuition was right after two days of almost constant watching the gps tracker's location the car left the garage all of the sudden the car was cruising at 90 miles per hour on the highway my friend immediately called the cops they caught the maid something like 20 miles away and now the revenge can take place he decided to press charges on the maid at the court the maid told the judges my friend told her to drive the car to some untold location she acted like she forgot where it was and the one that should go to jail is him because he wrongly accused her and he just wants to get money from her to pay his loan but the tables turned my friend and his lawyer showed the court all of the video evidence of her stealing his stuff valued highly above two hundred fifty dollars it was like forty thousand including the car so it was a crime she started telling every single lie she could think of the security had to calm her down she is facing five years in jail and she was charged five thousand dollars including all the stolen property but the car his lawyer and some other court stuff the price was excluding the car because it was returned almost immediately few days later police did a house check on her and most of the stolen stuff was there there were also some other things reported missing from other customers of hers due to her previous debts and her new ones she owes she will very likely become homeless when she gets out of jail speaking of cars what's your dream car please leave a comment letting me know next we've got entitled old ladies want to see my id so i showed it to them my grandma's favorite pastime is playing bingo on our 18th birthday she would take us with her for a little birthday treat dinner then bingo on my 18th birthday my mom also tagged along with us too dinner was great and then we went to the bingo hall my grandma let me buy the tickets for her as i could legally do that now the lady behind the desk asked for my id which i showed her she wished me a happy birthday and good luck all the old ladies sitting around us kept saying how cute i was and were wishing me luck there was a claw machine there and if you didn't win a prize it gave you a ticket if you collected five tickets you could take it to the front desk and they would give you a prize i kept forgetting my tickets and a few of the ladies came over and gave them to me letting me know i had forgotten them and again saying how cute i was to be playing bingo with my mom and grandma the first game started if you've never been to a bingo hall basically they have a camera set up so you can see the next ball on a big tv screen you can mark that number on your card as soon as it appears on the tv but it doesn't officially count until the caller calls that number we played and lost a few games but then it came time for the first big prize game of the night a full card for one thousand dollars about 15 or so minutes into the game my last number comes up on the screen i turned to my grandma and said as calmly as if i was telling her what i had for breakfast that morning hmm i think i got a full card my grandma starts flipping out he's got a full card oh he's got a full card they finally call the number so i stand up and yell bingo all of the old ladies look at me and if looks could kill i would have died 100 times over the worker comes over and takes my card how they verify the cards are each card has a number in the middle that is the computer the worker reads that number off to a caller they punch it in and it comes up on a big tv screen showing your card and how many numbers you have slash don't have when they punched in mine it showed that i had about five numbers missing a false bingo everyone that was already staring daggers at me fired more daggers dumb kid can't play properly what an idiot etc but the worker yells to the caller no it's four five not five four they punch in the proper number and there it is clear as day a full card she takes my card into the back and comes out with one thousand dollars cash all the old ladies are yelling at her as she walks past hey he can't play he is too young you need to card him the worker walks over and says hey i know he carded you before you bought the tickets but i just need to check it again just to keep everyone happy i gladly pulled out my id and gave it to her she looked at it said yep looks good happy birthday and she handed me the one thousand dollars i had never seen that much money in my life so i instantly gave it to my mom to hold on to we had agreed that anything we won we would split three ways anyways the game continued but the people dabbing around me seemed to dab just a bit harder than normal i went to the washroom and i could hear their snarky comments as i walked past them all the ladies that were calling me cute earlier were now looking at me like i was a horrible person time for the final game of the night the second big prize game another full card game for one thousand dollars as luck would have it about 15 minutes or so i see my last number on the screen i laughed this time i have a full card again again my grandma yelled like she did the first time oh my god he's got it again they call my number and i once again stand up and say bingo i can hear audible bangs on the tables and people yelling come on this is not fair etc the worker comes over and sure enough it's a full card again i swear the place was going to riot i didn't feel safe walking to my car afterwards people were getting in the workers face yelling at her saying there is no way he is 18 he is not allowed to play we are going to get this place closed down for allowing him to play bingo etc the worker walks over to me one thousand dollars in hand and says hey sorry i know i already carded you but they're asking me to do it again i said no problem and i pulled it out and gave it to her again the old lady still yelled how do we know he is 18 he could be in cahoots with them so the worker asked if she could borrow my id for a second i said sure and she took it over to the caller's booth she put it in front of the ball camera and there it was on all the tvs my id with my birthday on it she yelled to everyone clearly annoyed see he is 18 he's allowed to play the room went quiet they knew there was nothing they could say now she came back over to me and handed me my id with 1 000 and once again with a smile said happy birthday i'm now the favorite grandson and i got a new computer with my share so happy birthday to me karen demands benefits and insurance i work on an it help desk that's phone number is one off from a military benefits help desk number we tend to get the other help desk's calls several times a week which makes it often enough to include in the initial training for new employees normally the person on the other end has misdialed we provide the right phone number and we go our separate ways amicably on one particular occasion sergeant karen called and would not believe me that she had dialed the wrong number while i appreciate that she was trying to get her family the benefits her military service more than deserved i could not help her to get them we've got sergeant karen and we've got me we've got awesome supervisor phone rings me thank you for calling my help desk this is op how may i help you sergeant karen this is sergeant karen i need to get this string of benefits insurance etc for myself and my family me i'm sorry you have called the incorrect help desk for that let me get the number for the other help no this is the number for my help desk and you will help me now i have kids and they need to be covered on my insurance me i'm sorry ma'am but this is not your help desk this help desk is for reporting i.t issues from employees of my organization our number is one off from that one it is possible you misdialed it happens all the time i did not miss dial i know i called the right number this is the number i have and you will help me now me ma'am i am telling you this is not your help desk if i could help i would but i do not work there and have no way of accessing their systems let me speak to your supervisor yes ma'am transfer the call to awesome supervisor who sits in the next cubicle over supervisor this is the help desk supervisor here how may i no ma'am this is not the other help desk well be that way then jerk sergeant karen had hung up abruptly when my supervisor confirmed that this was indeed not the number for the other help desk next we've got we close in just a few minutes and you want what so this just happened moments ago and now that i'm home i can tell the tale my store closes at 10 pm sometime within the last 15 to 20 minutes before we shut those doors for the night i noticed an order in our photo lab that had just come through to be processed went back printed the labels read what they were started the order and left over the span of not even two minutes more orders came through making a total of six orders for one person people forget things to add last minute and don't want to lose progress in making something online it's understandable 13 posters 2 canvases and a handful of 8x10 prints wouldn't be done tonight but it is normal to receive large orders a few minutes later the phones are ringing from an incoming call me thank you for calling the store my name's op how can i help you this evening customer hi i just placed an order a few minutes ago and was wondering when they would be ready me alrighty what's your last name so i can check the status customer's name proceed to check the bins with completed orders then looking at the computer screen her name was the big order me you had the posters canvases and the eight by tens correct yes four posters have been printed and the eight by tens are still printing canvases are not able to start until the posters finish your order should be complete before eight tomorrow morning customer but i need them first thing tomorrow can i pick them up tonight cue me checking the time real quick before answering her question me i'm sorry ma'am but we will be closing in seven minutes our staff in the morning can put together your canvases and the rest of the order can print throughout the night we open at 7am if you wanted to ask for a more accurate time frame customer angrily your website says one hour how long does it take for you to do your job me tired but trying to keep up the cheerful voice normally it is one hour yes but our machines can only go so fast ma'am the posters and the canvas products print from the same machine and the printing time can vary depending on the size of just one image it can vary anywhere from 5 to 10 minutes to print one thing and that's if there isn't a mechanical malfunction that can make the image streak or if ink needs to be changed then it might need to be reprinted it takes almost half an hour to put together a canvas while making sure it's crisp and correctly done we now close in five minutes the pickup time on your order automatically says that they should be ready between 9 45 am and 10 05 am 8 is the earliest we can get these ready for you now end that with a dial tone cause she just hung up on me if it was someone who needed pictures for court a classroom anything else so long as they were in the store before closing and it wasn't going to take long at all both the manager and i would have stayed to help and get it ready we've done it in the past there's no way that would have been done before 11 30. who's to say she would even show up sometimes people say they need stuff immediately and never walk into the store or come back until days later would you have stayed and completed the order or just told her to come back tomorrow please leave a comment letting me know next we've got just another customer who refuses to take no for an answer i had the pleasure of fielding a phone call from a customer who refused to understand that what he was asking for simply wasn't possible customer hi i was in your store yesterday and saw this hat i liked but you didn't have it in black i was wondering if you could order it into the store so i could buy it me let me check our inventory system right now if we have it in one of our distribution centers or another store we could absolutely place an order for you and have you pick it up at our store i checked and we didn't carry the hat in black at all to be clear it wasn't that it was sold out or currently unavailable or anything like that we just didn't carry that product in black never had and had no plans to do so me hi there i just checked and it looks like we don't carry that style in black so unfortunately i can't order it into the store for you am really but black is such a popular color why don't you have it in black me i agree it is a very popular color but we just don't sell that style in black at all very sorry about that em but the company that makes the hat sells it in black on their website me i understand we don't sell that hat in black but if you want to you could buy it from that company directly him your store had a better price for it i'd really prefer to buy it from you if you could order it in so not only does he want us to order this item in for him and him alone he also wants us to sell it to him at a discounted price me right the thing is if we as a store were out of stock but we carried it as a chain i could order it in for you but since we don't carry it at all i have no way to order it for you him you couldn't just order one in for me i'm a loyal customer i bought something the last time i was in me unfortunately we just don't have that style in black in our system at all there's no way to order it in and in terms of distribution we can't place orders for just one item here's where i started getting really frustrated with his refusal to accept that what he was asking for just wasn't possible him well what if you order a few in me i'm sorry there's nothing i can do for you i don't control our distribution or what products we stock him well then can i speak to your manager i'm sure he'd be happy to order in a product for a loyal customer at this point i'm happy to have an out from this conversation even if it means potentially annoying my manager with a frivolous phone call me sure thing i'll put your call through to him it'll just be a moment him actually can you put me on hold and lay some groundwork with your manager let him know i'm a loyal customer i just bought something recently i really want to buy this hat through you and then when you have him on my side then can you put the call through me i'm going to connect you to my manager now what i didn't tell him was this i'm definitely going to lay some groundwork with my manager in terms of apologizing for sending him this call and letting him know how persistent and annoying you've been up until now my manager took the call came up a few minutes later and just said don't worry about it he understands he's not getting the hat through us if i had to do over i would have been more brief and just let him know it wasn't possible and then hung up on him it's still crazy just how far people will push it to get things exactly how they want them if you were handling a customer like this what exactly would you tell them please let me know in the comments next we've got entitled dad takes my 3 000 euro guitar march 2019 i used to play guitar for many years i started when i was about six or seven and had to quit after my third year of university since italian law school is extremely hard now that i finally graduated i decided to start playing again when i quit i sold or gave away many of my guitars keeping just my first one as a memory of my grandad who i lost two years ago so first things first i looked for a good instrument since i couldn't find one i wanted an 8 string guitar since i usually play really heavy stuff i ended up with a luthier custom made beast since i also found a really well-paying job i decided to treat myself as i never had good instruments and this is the very first one i've ever bought that cost more than 200 or 300 it was a dream come true fast forward a bit january 2020 i was at the shop which is also renowned for being really good with setups and of course i brought my guitar with me so that they could take a closer look and inspect it i was at the shop's counter for maybe over an hour since most of the employees are my friends and we started talking about stuff like how we were doing news albums etc also it took them some time to give me an answer about my setup since i had really specific requests introduce poor kid and entitled dad while the kid started looking around with his eyes shining his dad immediately started complaining about where the heck is everyone here i have a job and i can't waste my time like this i was minding my own business on my phone when i felt someone tapping at my back it was poor kid excuse me sir can i look at your guitar i put away my phone and said of course and took a step back he was amazed and started asking questions about it like why does it have eight strings what do i play what's my favorite band etc he then thanks me and gets back to the guitars he was looking at as the kid goes away his father comes to me with an annoyed face hey there that's a nice guitar you have thanks sir so is your son buying his first one his son was probably about 10. yeah but these ones cost too much and i saw he liked yours how much did you pay for it well i won't be suggesting you to buy an instrument like this as his first one this guitar is a custom handmade one it was pretty expensive like 400 euro no actually i paid a bit more like 3 000 euro don't lie there is no way a piece of wood can cost that much money i'll give you 90 for it i'm sorry what you heard me i said 90 euro for your guitar i was shocked i never had to face an entitled dad before and i was literally speechless okay i'll give you 100 euro but nothing more than that sorry but it's not for sale and even if it was i could never sell it for what 1 30 of its price now you're just being mean it's for my kid can't you do something nice and sell it to him no this is my first good guitar and there are literally hundreds of them here i'm sure you can find something he likes that you can afford but he likes yours and as he said that he started trying to reach for it i blocked his arm without hurting him my guitar has a really thin neck and it can be damaged or even snapped if handled carelessly what are you doing come on be a grown man if you bought it once you can buy it another time absolutely no please sir stop harassing me or i'll call the owners he burst into a laugh before starting screaming how i was supposed to give it to him that he knew the owner of the shop who was one of his closest friends and that he would call the police because i assaulted him when i grabbed his arm the poor kid came close to us looking deluded at his father saying that he was embarrassing him and stopped doing what he was trying to do and that he always did that the entitled dad looked at his son with anger and yelled to him go away and look at those stupid guitars by that time the cashier and the owner were back since they probably heard the commotion is there something wrong here as i was saying no the entitled father started ranting about me being mean to both him and his son that i had assaulted him and that now he demanded me give him my instrument otherwise he would have to call the cops on both me and the owner i was so confused that i couldn't even understand how furious i was at that point the owner looked at him and when entitled dad finally finished with his nonsense turned to me was he really trying to take your instrument op well yes but i stopped him because i was worried he would have taken it from the neck damaging it sir we have cameras everywhere i know op and he would never do such things i ask you and your son to leave or we'll have to call the police you can't do that i was assaulted the owner clearly had enough of that so he took out his phone and started dialing for help the dad went to grab his kid and stormed out of the shop yelling how incompetent the owner was how i had been a horrible person and many other funny things i can't report i felt bad for his son though he was really kind and i saw how he would have liked a brand new guitar to start playing so i run after them and ignoring the father i asked the kid if he wanted an instrument he was crying but as i asked him that he gave me a smile as bright as the sun he went back spent a good hour while his dad was waiting by the entrance trying different guitars and he ended up choosing a fender all in one pack since he would have needed an amp as well i understood that his father was not going to be able to afford it and i decided to buy it for him myself he was the happiest kid i've ever seen he and his dad got out of the shop and i was finally able to get all the details about the work i wanted to be done on my rig paid my deposit and of course bought some picks when i finally got out from the shop 10 minutes later i noticed that the dad was waiting outside his eyes were red and he started apologizing for his behavior he explained to me how he used to work for a construction company but he eventually got fired as the company declared bankruptcy my granddad runs his own construction company so i knew the one he was talking about pretty nasty stuff manager caught stealing profits unpaid shifts and work days forced closure no liquidation whatsoever judges even took some money from the workers to pay for the debts the managers made there were no doubts why this man was having his way more than fair share of bs he kept thanking me for what i had done but he was feeling horrible and how his son was absolutely loving his brand new instrument the three of us went to a bar and had a coffee and chatted for a bit at the end of the day the entitled dad was really just a parent struggling to get by month to month i know what it feels like i've been through some stuff myself and i know how you can end up being a total jerk when you see no way out of your situation i'm glad that it all sorted itself out in the end they were genuine and good people just having a rough time and i couldn't be happier knowing that maybe i bought the next steve vi's first guitar speaking of guitars do you play any instruments yourself please leave a comment letting me know next we've got we don't discriminate here ma'am first post here but i never thought i'd have to since karen's are uncommon in our poor country this was just a few hours ago and it didn't happen to me but i was there when it did there's this small supermarket i pass by on my daily commute it's a small two cashier lane higher priced store that's located right beside a rich gated community anyways i frequent this store just to get their imported sodas that aren't commonly found elsewhere it was a slow day and there were two people in front of me in the payout while the other lane was closed understandable as there were only three paying customers here enters the cast we've got me we've got poor guy we've got karen we've got the store clerk here i was just waiting for my turn and looking out the window and when i look back a karen had somehow teleported beside me as if to take my spot i look at her directly and step back in line as the guy before me moves i was now second in line with only two bottles to buy but i hear an irritated huffing noise poor guy walks by wearing an electrician's overalls colored orange and gray all the store employees wore black pants a white shirt and a black apron vicarin grabs his arm and complains why are you people not opening the other cashier it's a big lane and you're making us wait she spoke english but we're in asia everybody here speaks english fine but it's kind of snobbish in a casual setting poor guy says in our language sorry ma'am but i'm also just a customer karen oh sorry sorry she sounded sincere poor guy bows his head twice and walks away to get stuff meanwhile she looks back irritated and finds store clerk to question hey why is there only one lane open we're waiting here and besides points with her lips to poor guy why do you let people like that in here i turn back as i hear this the store clerk with dead eyes as if having to put up with this regularly speaks in a solid and clear monotone store clerk in our language ma'am we don't discriminate against selling to less fortunate people here everybody stops for a bit and i stifle a laugh i turn around to see the second lane open up i start paying for my two bottles but i hear the carrot and place her things sheepishly behind me i turn around and give her a deadpan luck i take my stuff with a chuckle and walk out kudos to you store clerk next we've got entitled teacher takes my laptop and accuses me of cheating so it's exam season and i'm in the extra care group this group requires a bit of a boosty during an exam and for me i require a laptop and a loan space i have a few psychological issues and my hands are incredibly shaky constantly so i use a laptop for all of my exams rather than handwriting it i have been since year 9 and i'm currently year 13. one major issue with me is i can't think straight unless i talk out loud i can do this in a hushed whisper but it's why i have to be alone i'm seated at the back of a large hall with my computer far away from everyone else so i can freely explain my thoughts to myself while tapping away before i get on with this story i should explain mr m mr m is a high-end teacher with two students in this school neither are important for this story mr m prioritizes those students heavily and puts them in the best classes whenever he could the classes i was in they always got the top marks and were always winners in some sort of contest i being the quiet-minded kid who focused much more on daydreaming about hulk fantasies didn't care too much about these brats i just kept on keeping on well until today i was in my history exam quietly tapping away i was also whispering to myself as i did it telling myself what to write as i typed but i felt something a very sharp tap i looked up to see mr m glaring at me sharply i didn't understand what i did wrong so went back to silently tapping struggling much more as i'm still very anxious about my thinking issue another hard tap i turn back to him and he hisses some sort of nonsense about me cheating i remain silent i would never cheat in an exam even if i was struggling so bad why would he accuse me of it now the silence persisted until he muttered something about having special treatment and his son requiring the laptop and before i could respond he had picked it up and began walking away now all of this was done in a very quick and quiet movement i couldn't react i just said in stunned silence my work was gone i had been working on this exam for an hour i wanted to break down and cry this was all too much for me i was lucky mrs d the one who was in charge of the exams quickly noticed my lack of a computer mrs d was the one who gave me the computer in the first place so she knew something was up she told me to go with her as she took me outside where i explained everything the lack of computer mr m accusing me of cheating being kicked out of the exam hall everything she listened contently then told me to stay there and went off somewhere from what i was told from a teacher who heard the commotion mrs d had tore him a new one she berated him for ruining my exam and stealing my property without any knowledge of my conditions she eventually returned to me with the laptop and my memory drive luckily he hadn't removed it and gave me an extra time slip for 15 minutes luckily i was able to get the exam completed even though it left me a bit shaken up i haven't seen mr m for the rest of the day and i noticed his class was taken by a sub for this lesson maybe some action was taken against him update i got information oh boy have i got a story for you turns out he's been confiscating work off others and giving it to his kids to hand in mr m has been removed from the college and is not allowed to teach anywhere in my country's region or the regions nearby his kids have also been expelled due to constant cheating he's been replaced on the exam board by a very sweet lady who i had watch over me in my media exam i need an invigilator near me while working due to some of my issues i'm very happy i have friends in high places so i know about all of this and can tell you all and hopefully i'll not see him ever again next we've got other coffee shops work like this so yours should too i worked at a gourmet coffee shop a few years ago if you wanted a coffee you would order pay then i would hand you a cup and you would pour the coffee and add the cream slash sugar yourself other than having to do the odd sandwich espresso it was a pretty easy job a group of four people came in they're dressed in suits and just give off that aura of i'm better than you three of them sit at the table and the fourth comes up to the register me hi can i help you him hi i would like four coffees please me sure what size grande we are not starbucks oh do you mean large sure whatever the first will be decaf three cream the second me actually the coffee and cream is on the table right behind you i put the cups on the counter me you just pour it yourself him you don't pour it for us nope but this way you can make it just the way you like it not the first time i've said this and you can even get a free refill em can you just do it for us please sorry that's not how we work here unfortunately he huffs ah well i guess we'll just have to do it ourselves then he grabs the cups and starts to walk back to his table me hey sorry that's actually going to be six dollars oh we'll just pay you afterwards we actually ask for it up front if you don't mind him we go to that other place up the street all the time they don't charge us until afterwards me unfortunately we're not them if we get busy you could easily just walk out without pain ah fine he slams down exactly six dollars there are you happy now yep thank you very much but we are probably never coming back here again he heads to his table and i can hear them loudly talking we have to pour it ourselves are they going to pay us to do it let's go to the other place next time as they filled up their coffees one of them quirked i guess i'm going to be the employee of the month here now they stayed for about half an hour and made sure they all refilled their coffees before they left i quit shortly after that not because of them so not sure if they ever came back or not speaking of coffee do you drink coffee yourself if so how do you take it please leave a comment letting me know karen tries to take my 10 000 euro telescope i am into star gazing and deep sky photography like the andromeda galaxy since i was about eight years old and acquired quite a bit of hardware over the years my most expensive setup is my deep sky photography setup which cost around 10 000 to twelve thousand euro to buy new it is also my smallest setup as i picked it to be mobile and lightweight so it looks rather unimpressive also important it can only be used for photography you cannot look through it by yourself so it's useless without a very decent camera usually i carry two other setups with me one with a high focal length and one with a short one both are doppler telescopes which mainly means they are very stable but heavy as heck 43 and 54 kilograms in total both all in all roughly 2 000 year old once a year i go on a camping trip with my best friend to finland we enjoy the low light pollution and the cold weather a lot we usually set up the telescopes right at the start and leave the two big ones outside for the whole duration of the stay and have the expensive one out only when we need it it is quite normal that people are very interested and we are more than happy to show and explain to them the basics even though most are disappointed by the huge quality difference between what you see on a photo and with the naked eye on to the story we had all telescopes out hoping to stack some nice m31 images and get a few good looks just as we started a mother and her daughter came up to us she asked us what we were doing and my friend happily explained it to them and showed them some closer stuff in one of the telescopes while i was preparing the photography setup and programming everything this went on for a few minutes and after a while the mother jokingly not really suggested that we should give our daughter one of our telescopes as we are only two people and do not need three telescopes we explained to her that the different body types are for different applications thus we need all we also told her that our telescopes are quite expensive but that she could buy her daughter some beginner ones for around 200 to 400 year old of course she was not gonna have that and told her daughter to test the small expensive and just set up telescope i could luckily stop her before she did any harm to my aim and explained the price of the setup and that our time actually runs short and we need to start soon of course she did not believe a single word i said and claimed it would be a 50 year old toy and perfect for her daughter but we eventually got rid of her just a little bit after schedule which is fine for such objects we went on with our night had some successful shots and somewhere around 1am decided it's time to go to sleep so i quickly took the photography set up in the car and blocked the doppler mounting to its corresponding telescope so it cannot be moved anymore unless you move it all at once self-made locking mechanism very proud we went to our tents and while my friend was probably already sleeping i was still on my phone for an hour or so until i heard some noise outside hoping it would either be people seeing the northern lights or some wild animal like a fox i got my shoes and sneaked outside just to see a small person in the dark desperately trying to carry our biggest 54 kilogram telescope away it took me a second to understand what was going on and as i realized it the person saw me as well and just went off as if nothing ever happened in a fast pace sadly i was not fast enough in my thinking to follow the person but i am still absolutely certain it was the mother who was trying to steal one of our telescopes and as we would not give her the small one which she thought is cheap she decided she would take the biggest one which was actually the cheapest but looks the most expensive due to its size we have been very lucky that no calibrations were needed after the rough handling as every single screw has to be perfectly accurately set which can take hours without the right equipment and we also have been very lucky to never see that woman and her daughter ever again for our next holiday i am getting us a long stainless steel chain so we can lock the two big telescopes together for some extra security thank you for reading my first ever bad camping experience may this never happen to any of you do you have a telescope or have you ever looked through one please leave a comment letting me know next we've got karen thinks i work there loses it when i help her anyway so i don't know why but for some reason it seems like everywhere i go i get asked if i work there for reference i'm a dress comfy type of person and i live in southern florida so on normal days when i'm just out doing whatever and not working you can usually find me in capri workout yoga pants and a t-shirt of some sort and flip-flops maybe it's because i keep my phone on a clip on my side since those kinds of pants usually don't have pockets heck i don't know most of the time when people ask and i smile and politely say i'm sorry no and they apologize sheepishly and walk away except this lady cast we've got entitled woman we've got entitled woman's husband and we've got me so i was out shopping at a thrift store because i like to go find things to buy and fix up or use to make other things as a side gig for some extra money i'm minding my own business looking through clothing that i could use as fabric for a project when this lady walks up to me i should mention that this particular thrift store has another thrift store literally next door there's just a fence that separates the two parking lots and buildings entitled woman excuse me you i turn and look at her questioningly i'm sure she's probably in her 60s or 70s well-dressed typical south florida snowbird from the looks of it her husband is half following her half looking at stuff along the way as she's coming towards me entitled woman do you work here before i can even answer do you know is today we all close our one dollar day that lady over there gesturing to nobody in particular said it was me actually i don't work here but this store doesn't do that that's the store next door i think they do have that going on today because it's this day of the week but i haven't been over there yet she doesn't even acknowledge that i've spoken to her no thank yous sorry for bothering you nothing and walks away i let it go no big deal i just answered her question whatever well that should have been the end of it and aside from being a bit irritating that she couldn't be bothered to acknowledge that i'd spoken to her or anything else again no big deal about 15 minutes later her husband walks over to where she's at about three racks away from me still looking through clothes entitled woman's husband what the heck entitled woman what in sham heck are you doing with all those clothes i see she has a cart literally overflowing with clothing items what they're only a dollar that girl that works here just told me that points at me entitled woman's husband like heck she did you must be deaf that girl told you that the dollar clothes were next door i was standing right there when she said it they don't do that here entitled woman well she's the one that said they were i don't want all this stuff at regular price she pushes her cart pretty hard at me since you told me they were a dollar and they're not you can put them all back me i didn't and i still don't work here i told you that as well when you clearly weren't listening she turned on her heel and stomped out her husband just kind of looked at me like what the heck before i could see his expression turn to anger and he quickly went after her she didn't come back in but i did see them outside in the parking lot when he went out after her and it looked like she was getting a pretty good earful from him i felt bad and asked the lady that did work there if she wanted help putting the stuff up her response no you don't work here we laughed a bit as she rang me out and i went on my way but seriously where are these people raised to think that behavior like that is acceptable i really want to know do you have any idea where people like this are raised if so please leave a comment letting me know next we've got karen causes me extra hours of work because the sound was too loud for her little angel a little bit of backstory i do the projection in the church and occasionally the lights i am 15 years old and i love tech i use a mac to do the projections of the songs in the church and have had a few encounters with entitled people but this one is the cream of the crop there are two places where we have services one is for the kids about 200 of them and the other for the adults about 1 000 while there are always three techies present in the services for the adults but mostly one techie for the kids i do the light there when i'm alone and the projection and someone sets up the sound and then leaves that person is the sound guy this day there was just a service for the kids and that's why i was alone there's a cable that goes from the mac straight up for seven meters and it's attached to the ceiling it has never been an issue before we've got me we've got entitled daughter we've got entitled mother the techies people who do sound and projection and lights have a podium with two openings on the side and a large desk where all equipment needed stands on the mac is in the middle so that's where i sat let's get on with the story shall we the sound techie already set up all the audio and everything was good to go i don't know anything about the sound i set up the lights different colors etc and the projection first encounter entitled daughter comes up to the podium and says turn the lights down really entitled i say no she says why and i say well the lights are not too bright and it looks better this way she was disappointed but she sat down second encounter entitled daughter comes up to me again and she says the music is too loud really loudly when she was only two meters away from me the sound wasn't really that loud so i said no it's perfectly fine she said you're annoying really loudly and went angrily back to her seat then after 10 minutes she got up and left i thought nothing of it as she probably had to go to the bathroom but she came back with her mom enter entitled mom she was rocking the caron haircut and had this angry expression on her face and she was coming straight towards me she said turn the volume and the lights down i said no i'm not allowed to touch the sound mixer and even if i was i still wouldn't do it and i won't turn the lights down then entitled mom said fine i'll do it myself she came up to the podium and i said you can't come here and i guarded the tech by standing in front of her when she was trying to get past me the singers were still singing but i couldn't do the text because i had to stop entitled mom the text is really important because it's what allows everyone to sing along but i heard the kids not singing anymore because they didn't know what to sing the mac requires my constant focus to do the projection and this entitled daughter came from the other opening while i was holding her mom back and trying to calm her down she was screaming and saying let me turn it down let me turn it down for my little angel and she was making quite a scene now i saw the entitled daughter from the corner of my eye tugging a rope that went all the way to the ceiling my brain took 10 seconds to process this but it was too late the entitled daughter tugged so hard the whole cable came down with the projector and it fell seven meters i ran to entitled daughter and said what did you do now the entitled mom was pulling the cables out of the back of the audio mixer and screaming at me for not listening to my elders while i was focusing on the entitled daughter and heard a loud screech from all boxes i had to run behind the podium to flip the main electric switch from that hall to not let the horrible sound continue now some of the people went to entitled mom and entitled daughter while they were trying to steal the mack and held them while someone else called the police afterwards me and five other techies had to hire a platform to get everything to the ceiling again and we were busy for hours trying to get the software for the audio and lights and mac back into working order speaking of mac what do you prefer mac or pc please leave a comment right now letting me know next we've got couldn't be any more obvious i had received my paycheck this thursday and since my father was out of town for the week for work i decided to help him out a bit more and buy his part of the groceries for the week along with my own we usually go grocery shopping together on the weekends but we each buy our own things since we eat different foods me saving up my money by getting basic ready to eat food like ramen noodles potatoes bread eggs stuff i know i can last a week with 10 bucks or so while he spends a bit more for meat vegetables certain ingredients etc since he'd be spending a bit more money on gas for the trip back home this sunday i figured he probably wouldn't have too much to spend for his groceries once he got back so i wrote down a list on my phone of the things he usually gets when we shop luckily he always buys pretty much the same stuff every week so i know what to get fast forward to today friday morning i get up pretty early to cash my check and head to the store near my house before the lines get pretty long as it would get colder later during the day when i'd have to return home i make it to the store and it seems like it's about to start filling up so i grab a cart and start making my way through the aisles and get what we need i fill my cart pretty quick with what i need walking along picking things off the shelf when i turn to the next aisle and see a woman with her cart parked sideways blocking the area off as she looks up at an employee on a ladder reaching things off a high shelf presumably for her she's huffing and looking around impatiently seemingly annoyed i figure poor guy having to deal with entitled stuck up karen which was odd since she didn't look like a karen i turned my cart to go to the next aisle hoping she wouldn't be blocking off the area once i returned but because my cart was getting full it was quite heavy and i slowly reversed and turned around unfortunately i wasn't fast enough to leave and might have either made eye contact she read my mind and noticed i called her karen or was annoyed that i sympathized with the employee and not her because he was just an employee while she needed him to hurry up because she needed to pick up jeffrey from soccer practice anyway she noticed me and my turning my card around as she turned and began speed walking towards me at first i didn't think anything of it she probably saw something on a lower shelf she needed and went to pick it out it was only when i was halfway in the next aisle when i heard her footsteps jog up next to me and grabbing my card actually calling out in a quite polite tone excuse me i was surprised at first wondering why she'd go out of her way to stop a complete stranger in a polite manner especially from seeing her from afar looking peeved and annoyed at an employee mere seconds ago i quickly stopped my cart before i accidentally hit her or run over her foot as after grabbing my card she stood in front of it i thought maybe it's an emergency but again why go up to a stranger when the store associate was right there either way i'm always polite to everyone i meet and thus the conversation begins me cut off guard oh yes what's wrong can i help you karen still sounding polite yes i need your help me what is it come with me as she begins to walk away me okay i start slowly turning my cardigan to follow her no no leave the cart there me confused but still thinking she may need actual help with something leave my cart to the side so i don't block the aisle and follow her oh okay karen leads me to the previous aisle she was blocking and her tone of voice changes go get another ladder and help out your fellow associate here he's having trouble taking items off the shelf quickly and i want to get to the checkout line before it gets too long you can finish stalking things later me letting out a small chuckle oh sorry i don't actually work here i'm actually doing my own shopping karen oh please i'm sure you can spare a bit of your time helping me out just get a ladder and help me with the things i need off those high shelves stalking everything doesn't take so long i'm sure you've been here all morning putting things away anyway me i can't help you with that sorry i don't work here like i said i'm actually just a customer just like you maybe you can find an actual employee or i can walk around shopping and if i see someone i can tell them someone needs assistance in your aisle karen look i really don't have time for this either get another ladder or leave if you don't want to help the actual employee that was up on the ladder must have finally looked down as i'm sure he was still picking her items or moving some stuff around and pointed out to karen excuse me ma'am he's not an employee karen looked up at him then back at me and finally noticed that i in fact wasn't an employee the employee uniform at this store is a blue collar shirt with black dress pants and black dress shoes i was wearing black jeans with a tear in the knee white sneakers a black t-shirt with a tuxedo design and a gray hoodie and a beanie i understand me walking around quickly with a cart full of stuff may look like i'm a stalker trying to work quietly but as for the uniform i have no idea karen looking a bit embarrassed oh sorry me no no it's okay it's all right i make my way back to my cart and proceed to finish up my list and head to checkout pay and head on home it was nice in a way to see a karen quickly turn from snobby and stuck up to genuinely apologetic for making a mistake and owning up to it although rare not the first time i've seen karen but definitely my first interaction with one next we've got undercut me on a job by doing poor work okay just wait and see i was an observer in this whole affair but to say i didn't enjoy the heck out of it would be a lie company a did fencing walls barriers etc company a was run by bob bob was a real upstanding guy took over the business from his father and really grew it into something big bob had an employee jake jake had been with company a for quite a few years but bob and jake always rubbed off on each other in the wrong ways bob always felt like jake was the king of shortcuts and shoddy workmanship when bob took over the company from his dad bob applied more pressure on jake to bring up the quality of his work or be let go eventually jake got tired of the increased pressure and quit and formed his own fencing company called company b here is where i come in i started a job in a company providing business services to small to medium-sized businesses in the area and both company a and company b became my clients this was several years after company b had formed from my outside viewpoint company a was that local company that's been around forever that does good quality work that you can trust but they aren't going cheap they never try to be cheap but you can trust them company b was the young startup who is cutting corners and being competitive in every way possible often by lying or misleading its customers that's when company c comes in company c was building a production facility in the area and wanted a wall with gates around its new production facility this was going to be a big contract and really the only two players in the area that could possibly do this job was company a or company b this contract was worth a lot if my memory serves me correctly the job was somewhere near seven figures company a and company b went to go bid company b came in at like a 30 percent lower price point and even though bob tried to explain it wasn't possible for company b to do the work that was promised at the price point that was given of course money talks and company b got the contract i remember bob was furious in his eyes he felt what jake was doing was wrong he didn't mind fair competition but jake's mo has always been way under bid over promise rely on cost overruns to make a profit bob's opinion on business was a price as a price and if he says he's going x for y he's going to do x for y even if he loses money it's how he was raised some time goes by and bob gets a call from company c they've apparently fired jake and his company due to not being able to do the work required and ask bob if he can come in and fix the mistakes bob agrees and gets the job done at this point bob starts thinking he's got to take jake out jake is taking too much money out of his pocket bob comes up with the idea of buying jake out but bob knows if he approaches jake regardless of what he offers to pay jake is going to say no so bob has got to be smart bob is talking to me about this during one of our meetings we had become quite close and i tell bob i bet there are lawyers out there who specialize in helping other companies acquire other companies bob asks me if i know of any i don't but i did have a client who specialized in business law who would be more familiar with this whole thing i give bob his contact info and bob thanks me bob contacts the lawyer and tells the lawyer what he would like to do the lawyer tells bob a lawyer who used to work for him now works for a firm that specializes in mergers and acquisitions and if bob wanted to buy out jake's company he's confident this firm could get it done also this firm was in the big city far away from the small community so it's unlikely jake would know what's truly going on bob contacts the firm and says he wants to buy out his competitor and would like to enlist their services now this is already getting a bit longer so i'll get to the point this firm ended up buying jake's company lock stock and barrel and gave the company to bob all the while jake was completely oblivious to the fact that his arch enemy had just acquired his very own company i recall bob describing to me the day he walked into jake's company with such delight bob was told he owned the company jake had been paid and was expecting to meet the new owner of the company that pleasant monday morning jake was given the title of general manager and was considered second in command now so bob walked into the building that once belonged to jake with his documents and the lawyer that had helped him acquire the firm who jake was familiar with bob walked into jake's office to jake's surprise jake hi bob bob hi jake how are you i'm good what are you doing here oh nothing much just thought i'd come check out my newly acquired business jake uh bob jake you sold your company to me i did what no i didn't i sold it to xyz xyz is the law firm i hired to organize the transaction i am now the owner jake that's bs bob here's your documents lawyer who jake was familiar with confirmed this was all true so you're now my boss yes now get up that's my chair and i'm tired i want to sit down for a minute jake this is my office bob this is my company and i have decided that this office is now my office so i'm going to need you to get out of my chair jake gets out of the chair great well have a seat jake jake thanks bob jake i think the first order of business today is getting rid of redundancies what do you mean well you see jake whenever a company acquires another company you get overlap redundancies two hr departments two secretaries two accountants etc but now it's all one company so now you got redundancies overlaps which is quite frankly a waste of money jake yeah bob and i don't need two owners working for one company and he laughs and told me he had the biggest grin on his face jake it's become apparent that your services are no longer required and effective immediately you are terminated jake protested bob the decision is final you may collect your personal belongings and leave the premises what time did you get into work this morning seven am great so you've been here for two hours i'll make sure payroll pays you for two hours on the agreed-upon rate and the buyout agreement have a nice day jake so you're just firing me just like that yep should have done this long ago what about my family jake i just bought your company from you and paid you a lot of money you'll be fine now get out of my office and out of my building and that is how bob acquired and fired an employee he should have fired long before some background i remember the day vividly when bob scheduled an appointment with me to go over company b services and negotiate a new service contract with us it was the day bob had fired jake bob was in a great mood one of the best moods ever we did the business we needed to handle and bob said pj you helped me a lot get this all done i'd like to invite you out to dinner and drinks and let's watch monday night football together i really hadn't i said bob i really didn't do much he said oh yes you did you pointed me in the right direction i go well that's the least i could do he said very well still i'd like to take you out to dinner and drinks if that's all right with you now i'm not one to turn down free beer and food so i agreed and that night bob and i went to a local hangout and watched monday night football and ate and drank as bob recounted this whole experience with such joy bob later rebranded jake's company as a commercial-only enterprise and refocused his main company on residential and both companies still exist today and are run by bob and his son now do you feel sorry for jake at all if so why or why not please leave a comment right now letting me know karen was my principal so my high school reunion is coming up this year and i've already received my invitation to rsvp ahead of time in the mail i didn't really enjoy high school so i might not go that is a story for another subreddit this is the story about how an entitled woman became our principal and made everyone miserable so my sophomore year an old principal finally retired he had been there for years it was just time for him to retire now we all thought the job would go to the assistant principal he was qualified for the job well liked by the students and he also had been there for years for this story i'll call him mr cool mr cool was liked by everyone he would loan students lunch money if they needed it sign permission slips give us a pass if we were running late for class for a reason like we couldn't get our locker open or we got held up in another class and would even perform magic tricks we thought he would be the new principal nope somehow our entitled woman snatched the job i will call her karen karen was just a horrible person we don't even know how she got the job rumor had it she used her husband's position as member of the school board to get the job possible this is true but i'm not sure my little town does do some shady stuff karen immediately started enacting strict and harsh rules on us here are some that i remember 1. if you were late to lunch you didn't eat in her words you should have been here before the doors closed if you were hungry 2. no more vending machines we had a small area by the auditorium that had a couple soda machines and three snack machines we were only allowed in the area during free time between lunch and our fourth hour class or after school she had the machines removed saying the reason was we don't need to be eating that junk food instead she set up a table with things like bottled water and fresh fruit no one really bought it since a bottle of water was three dollars and fifty cents when at the machine it would have only cost us 75 cents drinks now had to be inspected by teachers it was a very stupid rule she claimed that students had been sneaking things in and pretending it was water if you had a drink with you first you showed it to your teacher they all got tiny plastic cups to take a small sample and drink it to test it you then got a small note to show other teachers the drink passed the rule was ridiculous many of the teachers didn't do it they knew we were good kids seniors could no longer wear their class letterman jacket this rule upset everyone as a senior if you had bought a class jacket or earned a letterman from sports or clubs you were allowed to wear it as part of your school uniform she banned this you got sent to the office if you were caught wearing it on school grounds the jackets could even be confiscated the list goes on i could go on all day listing the crazy things this lady did it was that bad school became miserable she even had cameras set up near the bathrooms to catch us smoking no one smoked since all the bathrooms had smoke detectors if you smoked you went behind the music building like everyone else anyway my senior year karen went full-on crazy there were cameras everywhere now new rules like no talking between classes and no backpacks i couldn't wait to graduate now while i was a sophomore a girl in the freshman class was in a boating accident my senior year a group of students including myself got together to make shirts to remember her they wanted to wear them to school so of course we needed karen's permission the shirts weren't crazy mind you they were black with the girl's picture on it saying something along the lines of that she hasn't been forgotten we only wanted to wear them for one day one day we go to karen's office explain what we want to do and ask if we can she explodes on us i'll cut her rant short karen this is not part of the school uniform anyone caught with one of these shirts will be suspended for three days student we just want to remember her she would be a junior this year we'll tuck them in as part of the uniform and they are black our uniform was black white or green shirts karen i said no do not bring them on school property honestly you need to move on several students including myself left her office in tears over this i even called my mom to pick me up because i couldn't stop crying the next day i found out that many students just walked out their classes and laughed they performed a walkout in protest karen was furious she gave some students like a month of detention for this furthermore she doubled down on disrespecting students who had passed when a member of the senior class passed due to cancer she made an announcement saying anyone caught leaving flowers notes or idling around students lockers will be sent to detention this is a place of learning you can mourn at home teachers were even told to send crying students to the office they did not other members of staff tried to reason with her including mr cool she threatens to have him fired anyone who tried to stand up to her was threatened with losing their jobs or being written up not even her own son was safe she kicked her son out of the house when she learned he was dating a girl she didn't like i wish i was making this up his father divorced her her son was 16 and she kicked him out of her house because he refused to break up with the girl finally by some grace of every god known to man it's time for graduation now at my school seniors got out of school two weeks early to handle our affairs in those two weeks we cleaned out our lockers turned in books got yearbooks and there was a small ceremony for those who got scholarships we also had to practice for the actual graduation ceremony this meant spending hours in the hot louisiana sun while we marched up and down the football field everything had to be perfect for karen oh and we already had been warned not to throw our hats anyone caught throwing their caps after the ceremony will not be given their high school diploma and i'll be calling your parents karen was at every practice one of the students was heavily pregnant and asked to sit down once to rest karen not my fault you got pregnant if you don't practice you will not be walking come the ceremony i better not see you sitting or slowing down everyone else how are blood boiled at this oh no hold on it gets even worse you've read this much so let me put the cherry on top of her entitlement cake our class valedictorian had cerebral palsy now he had the highest gpa in the whole school a perfect gpa smart is a whip and super nice sweet and everyone loved him every girl said he was their boyfriend the valedictorian always gives the speech and helps hand out the fake paper diplomas for the ceremony now he was in a wheelchair as he could no longer walk on his own and had an assistant to help him get back and forth from classes karen told everyone that he would not be allowed to give his speech or allowed on the stage why he doesn't speak very loudly no one in the crowd will be able to understand what he says because of his disorder someone else will have to read the speech and assist in handing out diplomas everyone and i do mean everyone including members of the staff and my senior class refused to read the speech or take his place he had earned being valedictorian we told our parents who went to the school board i wish i could say karen was fired but she wasn't instead she was just forced to allow him on the stage to hand out the diplomas but she didn't let him give his speech instead she read it which was heartbreaking for him i was so happy to get away from that woman as a last form of protest when everyone had gotten their diplomas we all threw our caps caps everywhere we still got our diplomas today karen is no longer at the school the story i heard was that she was fired after she humiliated a group of students in a school assembly over their wade parents got lawyers involved and the school board didn't want a lawsuit mr cool is acting principal sorry this is such a long story but this woman was the one reason i didn't enjoy school she was miserable and entitled who in turn forced everyone else to be miserable just like her a monster of a karen junk on the power of being able to control the lives of high school students how messed up can you be edit since some people are messaging with questions as to how this all went on for a whole year and even beyond when i graduated i decided to make an update first keep in mind that this town is small our population peaked when we reached 6 000. that makes us only number 57 in large cities in louisiana we are known for some shady shady backroom local politics this is how karen was able to do the things she did to us with little to no consequences on her actions she knew someone who knows someone who knows someone who can sweep this under the rug the school board was known for letting things slide until they got enough angry phone calls from parents to try and do something to calm them down plus my parents didn't believe some of the things that i had told them about your principal isn't denying students food op don't lie i know high school is hard but we have all been there before blah blah they didn't believe a lot of stuff that is possibly why it took so long for her to finally be fired my niece is now a junior karen got fired when she was a freshman i believe because a few of the students were military and thanks to the military base our town gets extra income they apparently got money for every military kid in the school the last thing the school or town wanted was for the military to pull all those kids out of the school and send them to schools only on their base they had threatened this before the general at the time made it very clear he could have a high school built staffed and pull every military kid out of that school in a heartbeat i know this story might not sound true but i promise it is karen was bitter entitled and self-centered she just hated everyone and everything have you ever had a teacher or a principal who is entitled please leave a comment letting me know next we've got i've given you my money now do your job sir you're not our customer i work for one of the largest scandinavian airlines at the check-in desks i encounter some of humanity's worst on a daily basis but this one in particular stood out to me it started when i noticed that my co-worker at the desk next to me was being berated by this older man there were no passengers waiting to be checked in at the time so i ended up listening in on the conversation in a strangely calm tone this man was letting out a steady stream of accusations mixed in with total nonsense man i will be contacting all the newspapers to let them know about how you are scamming people out of their money this is your responsibility to fix so you will have to fix it co-worker i'm very sorry however due to this ticket i gave you my money so are you going to fix this this conversation kept looping pretty much exactly like this over and over without my co-worker ever getting enough time to explain the problem to the passenger without being cut off i quietly ask co-worker if he needs me to call for a supervisor but to my surprise he responded that everything was going great with a grin on his face with me butting in into the conversation it finally created enough room for my co-worker to finally explain to the passenger what the problem was co-worker sir you are traveling with our air established irish low budget airline we work for s air what do you want us to do without hesitation the older man continues to tell co-worker off it is essaire that got my money so it's your people who are going to fix my ticket co-worker there's nothing we can do with this ticket as it's for a different airline that we have no affiliation with if you want our help you will have to visit our ticket office he points in the direction of the ticket office man i've already given you my money why would i give you even more at this point it's been over 20 minutes of this and both me and co-worker are starting to get fed up by this man's antics and i walk around the corner to stand next to the man i gesture towards the ticket office and as politely yet forcibly as i possibly could i shut down the conversation by telling him that there is nothing we can do for him at the check-in counter and that he will have to go to the ticket office for help he grumply starts walking towards the office while continuously telling us how bad at our job we are and that was the end of it or so i thought about an hour passes by and i've switched over to helping people out with the self-check-in machines i'm having a conversation with my supervisor about nothing of any importance when suddenly the man returns he immediately makes a beeline to my supervisor and starts his rambling again with the only addition from the previous ramble being him telling her how we had apparently managed to talk to the boss he made air quotes as he said this about something he started to become illegible at this point but he pretty much regurgitated the conversation we had earlier my supervisor immediately realizes what kind of situation it was and pretty much ended up ignoring him helping another passenger who was an actual customer of ours leaving him to continue complaining to the only other worker there me man this is nothing personal towards you but and the previous beratements continues on loop again with another addition that airlines should not be allowed to sell tickets through mobile apps and that he is going to contact politicians about it to change the rules and that he is going to speak to the president of the essaire so that he the president of essaire can talk to the president of our air so that he the president of our air had to speak to his employees about how to treat their customers again everyone he's spoken to up until this point works for essaire turns out this man had bought a ticket with our air through a travel agency without checking which airport the departure was from the airport i work at does not have any r air departures or arrivals at all this man was at the wrong airport demanding us to check him in at a different airline refusing to believe us when we told him he's not our customer in the end he ended up just leaving the funny thing is he was only going to copenhagen which there are many very easy ways to get to he ended up spending almost two hours at the wrong airport telling us to do someone else's job even if he had just bought another plane ticket or gotten on a much cheaper train he would have been well on his way by then speaking of airlines what was the last airline you flew on please leave a comment letting me know next we've got entitled dad tries to date the teacher cast we've got entitled dad we've got poor kid who was most likely just doing what his dad told him we've got awesome teacher we've got cool principal we've got my boyfriend and me on to the story this started at the beginning of the school year i started as the english teacher's assistant we had classes from fourth grade to sixth grade plus junior and senior year obviously not every grade every day but rather usually two grades per day long story short we had classes with fourth grade mondays and thursdays my first monday working starts and the english teacher awesome teacher the lovely old lady that helped me get the job made it clear that just because i was young didn't mean that they wouldn't respect me and that i was going to also be helping them with school surprisingly they are really nice and well behaved it's usually from 6th grade up that i've seen kids start acting up i tried to bond with all the students since i feel that it's better to gain their trust rather than just forcing them to work and then watch them struggle here is where i met poor kid a week goes by and that's usually when we do a parent teacher meeting to discuss how kids have adapted this is for kids from first to sixth grade awesome teacher wanted me to be in the meeting to learn how the dynamics work here is where we met entitled dad taken counts he was in his early 40s and i had recently turned 18. awesome teacher had gone to the bathroom when he came in and the conversation went somewhat like this entitled dad hi so are you poor kids teacher me oh no sorry she will be back in a second entitled dad wait by any chance are you my name yeah that's me no way poor kid was talking about this cool new teacher that he had by the way he was talking about how it would be nice if you could hang out with us sometime me visibly uncomfortable sorry i'm just a teacher's assistant here and it's my job to help students finally awesome teacher walked in and talked to the entitled dad about poor kids progress next day rolls by and some students brought gifts for awesome teacher and me very common where we live and most of them were small candies or chocolates so safe to say kids at least liked me everything was okay until i saw the entitled dad again english was the last class of their school schedule 3 pm awesome teacher stays with the class until they get picked up but since i had the study group at 3 30 i usually left before most of the students this day however entitled dad came to pick up poor kid early entitled dad so did you get my number me what my number it was in the chocolates i sent me sorry but having that type of contact with the parents is unprofessional and i'd rather you not continue with that attitude oh no i was just wondering if you could tutor poor kid he's been having trouble with english it's barely week two and no poor kid was good at english me i'm sorry but i'm busy all week if you would like a tutor you have to discuss it with awesome teacher but if you are free on weekends you can come to our house quickly i said i couldn't and left for the next couple of weeks he would pick up poor kid early and tried to talk to me with the excuse of it being about poor kids progress but he would try to bring up my personal life fast forward the second week of february i get a friend request from none other than entitled dad i have two accounts one that i have pretty much anyone that i like to keep in contact with and uh finsta where i only have close friends he tried to add me on my more open account and before i denied it i saw a dm that basically gave me a sob story about him going through a tough divorce and that he only wanted to be in contact with me to discuss about poor kid and make sure the divorce didn't affect him me being dumb and naive i accepted the request it started more innocent like how was poor kid today but he quickly brought up my personal life and started questioning about my boyfriend now that's another story on itself but i'll write it for you to have context boyfriend and i officially started dating december 1st 2018 but i was still working with improving my self-esteem and learning how not to normalize toxic behaviors boyfriend basically told me that he loved me but wanted me to love myself first and if that meant me wanting to be with other or not having to rely on a relationship he would understand so we went on a break before i started working but still kept hanging out and occasionally cuddling we officially got back together on february 14 2019 but during the first weeks of february we were quite flirty irl and online everything was normal with the entitled dad until he started asking if the messages i posted on social media were about him i should have just blocked him but every day he would bring up the sob story these messages were random i love yous and i wish you were here on my insta story yeah i was that annoying jerk but stopped asking when i started uploading photos with my boyfriend i just ignored him until one day boyfriend came to my house and randomly asked if i knew a guy named entitled dad i was like yeah that's the father from a kid in my class then he showed me all the threatening texts he had from him most of them telling boyfriend to get away from me instantly i confronted entitled dad by sending him the screenshots of his messages to boyfriend and finally blocked him from social media and told him that any further contact would be at school only the only reason i didn't report him this time was that he gave me this sob story that he was still hurt by his ex and boyfriend's name was similar to the name of the guy his wife left him for and he sent the messages while drunk me still being naive and believing that people always tell the truth i just left him on scene but the next incident was what set everything off a couple of days go by and february 14th comes around i was officially back with boyfriend and posted it on social media i don't know how but he still saw the picture and the next day i saw that i had texts from an unknown number they were from entitled dad basically he was saying how could i have cheated on him and that i was supposed to be with him and that i was a good motherly figure to poor kid instantly i blocked him monday morning comes around i printed all the conversations and showed them to principal she was equally disgusted with this entitled dad and told me she would deal with the matter two days go by and i got called to principal's office there was a woman i didn't know turns out this was poor kid's mom the entitled dad wasn't divorced and from this brief meeting i could tell the woman was really nice principal made sure to tell her that this incident was started by entitled dad and that i had blocked him and reported the incident but i felt bad for this woman because she said that entitled dad had cheated on her multiple times but she didn't leave him because of poor kid and because he was their main source of income after they left principal told me what happened she threatened to call the cops on untitled dead if he still tried to contact me outside of school and told his wife of the problem he stormed out furious and took poor kid out of school the first week of march apparently they were moving to a safer part of the country that's the last thing i knew about them i just hope that poor kid and his mother are in a better place right now next we've got entitled jerk calls cops on us during a fishing tournament this happened a few years ago when me and one of my close friends were in a fishing tournament that my mom had recommended for us to compete in everything was going good we sat through the briefing had a small breakfast and set up for the big launch after the ear horn went off i floored it while we were jamming out to katy perry and ac dc we get to the spot that we had scoped out the week before it was a sunken boat near laying about 10 feet down and it was sitting on an edge so it was prime territory for big bass the tournament had allowed us to catch all bass even stripes and me and my friend were excited we unbuckled our life vest and i throw my friend his pole and grabbed mine our plan was for me to fish the edge with a jig and my friend would fish with a jerkbait on top well two hours pass and we've caught our limit and we're now just fishing to replace the smaller ones in the tank we're still jamming out to music when i hear the roar of a boat engine behind us and my friend heard it as well we looked to see if it was one of our friends who were also in the tournament and we would regularly check on each other to see if we're doing good but it was this younger guy probably late 20s speeding towards us and we're waving at him thinking he didn't see us he's speeding closer and closer then turns off his engine and turned his boat as quickly as possible and is now only about 20 feet from us i didn't say anything because i was focused on fishing my friend asked what's his deal speeding up to us like that and the guy and i quote says you're fishing in my water i was confused because we're a good one-half mile from any docks or houses and my friend says your water it's a public lake no says entitled person that's my boat under you so it makes this my water at this point i was a little annoyed because i couldn't hear my music because of this guy yelling and he was probably scaring away the fish i jokingly told him you must be a few screws short to think that's a law entitled guy is now mad saying you're a few screw short you brat entitled guy keeps saying more insults and my friend finally got annoyed and said hey you jerk if you don't leave now i'm swimming over to that boat and shoving your teeth down your throat my friend was a linebacker for our school at the time and he was pretty ripped and had a short temper so i knew he was willing to swim over there at this point my friend was red with anger because he was mad this guy was messing with our spot and annoying us my other friend who was in the boat with his girlfriend at the point saw our boat from across the way and pulled up to ask what was going on i said nothing much except for miley over here ruining our time as i pointed over my shoulder well entitled guy heard this and started yelling i'll have you know i graduated at my high school top of my class and got a full ride because of it we all started laughing because it was the first time hearing an insult like that before he was super confused and finally said i'm calling the cops my friend says for what because we're fishing over your boat then we all laughed again about 20 minutes later of arguing the cops show up an entitled guy said y'all will get what y'all deserve for laughing at me we're not worried because we really haven't done anything wrong except for my friend threatening him i look over at the boat to see which cop it is because my buddy's girlfriend's dad was a cop that patrolled the lake and sure enough it's him me and the cop were already pretty good friends because he volunteered at the soap kitchen my friends and i volunteered at as well and we became good friends he jokingly said what trouble y'all getting into now disturbing the fishies we all laughed even his partner is in the boat except for entitled guy who looked more upset than ever and screamed arrest them the cops stayed pretty calm and so did his partners he calmly asked what for entitled guy's stupid response because i'll pay your paycheck and they're fishing over my boat and i kid you not pointed at the water the cop looked confused at first and said sir that's not a crime they're not fishing near a public dock or fishing near a public swimming area they're not doing anything wrong now entitled parent is furious and is saying i don't care it's my boat and now my water arrest them or i'll call my dad still staying calm the cops said well we can't arrest them because you think so an entitled guy said fine forget all of you and was about to drive off when one of the cops says why do you have beer bottles in your boat entitled guy responds none of your business the cop tells him to stay there and pull over to his boat and told him to come on board surprisingly he obliged entitled is now yelling this is against the law to hold somebody in a boat without their permission and the og said not unless we have suspicions of what's on the boat entitled guy's face went blush and the cops gave him a breathalyzer test and then you hear the clicking of the handcuffs and the cops saying he's under arrest and they set him on the seat and search the boat to find eight empty bottles we're all just sitting there trying not to laugh an entitled guy just bursts out forget you all and started kicking he kicked the cop and the other cops wrestled him and put him in ankle cuffs and something else that made it impossible for him to move the cops politely asked if we could please go fish somewhere else while this is handled we obliged since the cop was one of our friends and they were just doing their job so we headed our separate ways and ended up winning the tournament that day speaking of fishing have you ever gone fishing or do you like to please leave a comment letting me know karen's behavior ends up getting her fired to set the scene this restaurant is a local upscale sushi bar with dim lighting and high booths working as a server here we also act as hosts busers and bartenders it's also important to note that the owner is also the manager and is at the restaurant 24 7. literally he lives there and that these ladies all worked for a local business in which they had their work shirts on this particular day we were dead for lunch and both me and my co-worker were in the office talking to the owner three ladies walk in and seat themselves ignoring the please wait to be seated sign the phone rings so my co-worker leaves the office to answer and it happens to be the three ladies sitting at the booth calling to get someone's attention which is fair enough a little annoying but effective co-worker apologizes for the wait takes their order and goes about business these ladies call her over to complain that they are on lunch and the food is taking too long she apologizes and assured them it shouldn't be much longer they then made a remark about having to call to get anyone's attention this particular co-worker is not someone who messes around she has worked at the restaurant for years and is not the type to kiss someone's butt in these situations still she kept her cool and walked off the ladies got their food then proceeded to walk up to the sushi bar to talk with the owner about how rude co-worker is co-worker overheard and walks over to join the conversation which ends in yelling and two of the ladies asking her to go outside i eventually am asked to bring them the bill they pay stay and talk for a second and then leave when we went to clean the table these ladies had crushed up sushi rolls left noodles and meat all over the table covered in teriyaki sauce with a note on the receipt that said dumb jerk the owner then proceeds to call their work and explain to the manager what they had done the best part was they all paid separately and with debit cards so we knew all of their names a couple of hours later a woman walks in hands my co-worker fifty dollars apologizes for their behavior and explains that she is the business owner who had worked her way through college as a server she then lets her know that she did not want these kinds of people representing her company and they had all been let go this is one of my favorite stories from this crazy job and i have an enormous amount of respect for the owners of both businesses involved if anyone is interested in more stories from this place i have a book's worth of tales if you had employees who worked for you and they acted like this in a restaurant would you fire them for it please leave a comment letting me know next we've got entitled parents try to kick me out of my room i'm currently taking classes away from home and since i don't like the idea of living out of my car i rented a room at a nearby bed and breakfast that houses students great owners amazing rooms with private bathrooms fast wifi free use of state-of-the-art kitchen and above all else affordable of course because the place i'm staying at is a bnb first the owners request that i stay flexible during tourist seasons which means i keep things at a ready to move status tourist patrons pay way more to stay here so they take priority over room choice thankfully tourist season only lasts from september 1st to october 22nd and from february 1st to the 18th and doesn't come without compensation the owners have temporary rooms in their private residence they call it the retreat set up for students who have to move for tourists as well as a contract stating that if any items left in our rooms are damaged or stolen by tourists it will be fixed slash replaced well it's tourist season again thanks to the nearby towns winter and valentine's festivals that happen every february i've been moved once so far but it wasn't too bad the owners called all the students into the common room to explain the room situation for the coming days alrighty then housemate 1 and housemate 2 you're gonna stay the night up at the retreat op you're the lucky one who gets to stay this time mind your manners and just do what you do later that day i'm playing on my xbox when i'm caught off guard as my door swings open and a family of three pour in the lady sets down a couple of luggage bags while the kid starts running around the room the mother takes one look at me and says i was told that you'd be moved out by now why are you still here i politely tell her that they may have the wrong room and that mine wasn't selected for patron use that's ridiculous i specifically requested this room you better leave now or i'll be having a strongly worded conversation with the owner i ask her to give me a second as i call up the owner she gives me a whatever the owner picks up and i double check with him about my room he confirms that they have the wrong room and that he'll be there shortly to work it out i relay this information to the mother who just doesn't accept this this is stupid i asked for this room and i paid the fee so you got to leave now the kid finally notices my xbox awesome we have an xbox while we stay here can i play it mom please the mom agrees totally ignoring the fact that she has no right to allow her kid to use someone else's things i keep the controller away from the kid and say that if i'm leaving i'll be taking my xbox with me her brat did not like that answer and began to wail like a banshee now look what you've done you've made my baby cry he's going to be in a bad mood for the rest of our stay now you better hope the owner is forgiving cause he's getting an earful when he shows up all this is going on and not a word has been breathed from the dad he just stands behind his wife arms crossed and with a mildly discomforted look on his face the owner finally shows up and it goes like this hello folks sorry for the mix-up your room is taken up by this punk we know but this is the room i asked for and it's the room we're getting or we'll find somewhere else ma'am your bill states that you asked for room number four this is room number five i've already made the arrangements for room for to be used so if you could just please follow me we'll get your family set up no this room has an xbox video game entertainer yes she called it that and my son wants to use it while we stay here it's this room or nothing you'll be hard-pressed to find another place with vacancy during the festival besides it's just down the hall and it's just as nice of a room does it have an xbox i don't think then it's this room or we take the xbox with us i interject saying that no one is taking or using my xbox without my permission why do you even have that thing anyways you look like an adult act like one and quit playing childish video games ma'am it's room four or nothing and i can assure you it's not gonna be easy to find a new place to stay even if you did it won't be as nice as here fine i'll take it but don't expect a review over three stars she stomps out of the room whaling brat and pac-mule husband in tow the owner gives me a yeesh look before apologizing and closing the door that was two days ago and they're still down the hall for me for another two days the kid has had at least four very audible temper tantrums since then god have mercy speaking of xbox what do you prefer xbox or playstation please leave a comment letting me know next we've got do you check everyone's cart like that i work at a warehouse chain that requires a membership to shop and i'm trained in a variety of departments one of them is front door asset protection we check receipts at the door of the store this is not so much to prevent theft as it is to prevent shrink from cashier error 99 of people are cooperative even when there is a mistake on their receipt cast we've got me we've got customer service desk employee one a close friend of mine we've got customer service desk employee too we've got rude lady and rude lady's friend the story today i was scheduled the closing shift checking receipts at the front door i should mention that the industrial heater we have near the front door of the store is broken at the moment so it was around 45 degrees fahrenheit 7 degrees celsius at the door all day barely warmer than the current temperature outside i was bundled in three layers a hat and gloves to barely stay warm for five hours so i wasn't in the best mood rude lady and rude lady's friend come up to me from the cashier service desk with a receipt and a carriage with three items in it a case of water and two bunches of bananas they hand me a receipt which clearly says non-member where the membership number and info would usually be this means they don't have a membership with the chain and aren't supposed to be shopping at all but someone made an exception and let them purchase a few items they hand me the receipt and i start to look it over there's only one item on it the water so i ask very nicely do you have another receipt this actually happens quite a bit people forget they did two separate transactions and only hand me one receipt also if we suspect theft which i never did throughout this entire exchange we are required to ask if they have another receipt as a neutral way to start a conversation about a missed item rude lady nope why me it looks like only your water was charged on this transaction but not the bananas rude lady yelling out of nowhere well i paid for them do you check everyone's receipt like this me yes i do i show her the receipt trying to indicate that only the water is on there oh so you count all the items and all the cards go ahead ask the lady at customer service she knows i paid i page customer service to the front door they're only about 20 feet away so it doesn't take long customer service one comes over hi can i help you rude ladies friend she didn't help us that other girl did customer service 2 was with another customer at the moment so she couldn't come over i quickly explained the situation to customer service 1 who relays the information to her colleague at the desk and awaits an answer customer service too op she paid for those she must have lost her receipt but i did ring her up for them rude lady's friend see rude lady this is ridiculous do you really count everyone's card like this me yes no you don't you know how i know the guy in front of me had a full carriage of items and you definitely didn't count all of them at this point i don't even know how to respond obviously three items is a different situation than fifty when she had cut me off i was actually about to explain how we are trained if it's a small order try to count everything for larger orders it's more common sense look for big items or items hidden underneath the carriage and verify a few smaller items in the carriage the exception is large business orders which we do have to check pretty much everything no matter how long it takes especially if tobacco is involved rude lady glaring at me you can give my receipt back now and help the next person me starting to lose my patience ma'am i'm just doing my job rude lady and her friend glare at me one last time and leave the store later i found out from customer service too that rude lady had the receipt for the bananas on her as in it wasn't left at customer service when she checked out but for some reason lied to me and said she didn't she made a giant scene at the front of the store and backed up the line to get out for quite a while above all else it's pretty simple if i can clearly see that there are three items in front of me and the receipt only shows one of course i'll ask if i let her go without verifying i could have been in huge trouble with the asset protection manager i wasn't trying to accuse anyone of theft like i said most of the time mistakes like this are cashier error does it bother you when an employee stops you and asks to see your receipt please leave a comment letting me know next we've got entitled father tries to kick me out of university my freshman year i was roommates with a guy who had fairly well-off parents let's call him john john was a child actor and although he isn't one you'd recognize immediately he's played side characters on big sitcoms and did some voice acting on some pretty popular shows his parents hold him to very high expectations and were very strict with him and his acting so when he got into our university which is considered a top 10 university globally his parents held him to that same standard which for a now liberated young adult with almost no maturity he did the exact opposite of everything he should have done he slept all day partied all night never studied didn't go to class etc yet when his parents would call him to check up on him i would always be mentioned in the conversations they needed to make sure that i was a good influence on their son they would consistently ask if i was partying often or bringing girls over pretty much everything he was doing they wanted to ensure that i wasn't doing it to keep their son safe this goes on for months whenever his parents would call him during his midday nap and i'd be in between classes i'd always hear him defending me to his parents and he'd go beat red whenever i'd walk in and hear what they were saying about me over the phone so i'd leave and wait until his call ended since i knew he already felt embarrassed enough i didn't really think of what they were saying either i just thought it was ironic and told john afterwards that he didn't need to apologize since they weren't his thoughts around the end of the semester john is told by his major department that he would likely flunk out of college if he did not ace the final exams in at least two of four of his classes and that he would have to retake the other two regardless of how he did moreover that he would lose a scholarship that paid a substantial amount of his tuition he had to call his dad to tell him the bad news while i was on the top bunk of the bed studying and his father is shouting so loud that i can hear him through john's phone with my earbuds in eventually the question is asked if i had anything to do with john's bad grades and before john can say anything his dad determines that john was covering for me because i was a bad influence and that since i was around him all the time i was the reason he failed he demanded to speak to me and wanted me to tell him everything i did to his son and how i corrupted him and when john said that i didn't do anything it only made him angrier and after telling me that i would pay he hung up he already knew my name and of course where i lived but i didn't think he would do anything with that information until i got a call from the university's student affairs center telling me that john's father had requested access to my personal information through the student portal basically a website with financial aid and enrollment info and to change my passwords in case i thought that my data was at risk i tell john that his dad tried to access my info and of course he called his dad to ask him what the heck he was doing dad said that because john was failing he was pulling john out of college and that he was coming in a few days to talk to me about my part in all of this john asks him again why he asked the school for my info and john's dad just hung up on him i couldn't focus on all this at the time since i had my own exams to prep for but as he said he would he showed up as this fairly skinny balding guy desperately trying to cover up his receding hairline by brushing up as much stringy blond hair of his to the front of his head i came down with the flu right before exams so sadly i was forced to be in the room while jon moved out with his dad berating the both of us while i have my earbuds in and feel like i'm going to puke john looks like he's going to cry because he doesn't want to leave and i peek over my laptop to see his dad putting books and notes in the garbage and repeatedly asking john if he officially withdrew from the university until john just barked yes at him john's dad then turns to me and says something along the lines of all right now you again i insist that i didn't do anything to jon except live with him and the dad demanded that because i turned his kid from an accomplished actor to a college dropout i should withdraw from the university too john is now yelling at his dad to leave me alone and i'm telling him that there's no way i'm dropping out for his ego he demands my laptop and portal login info and i tell him that if he even so much as touches my laptop or me i'm calling the police this escalates to a straight up shouting match among the three of us until the ra knocks on the door warning us that if we don't quiet down he will get campus security to come up and settle the issue the dad quiets himself again and calmly asks me to withdraw again because it's only fair i say no because again i didn't do anything there's a silence in the room as he approaches the edge of my bunk and he's glaring at me i'm putting my earbuds in because chemistry won't study itself and he asks again gripping the railing and almost hissing the question i say no again didn't do anything he finally decides that i'm not worth talking to anymore and says that he'll tell my parents everything i did and that they would make me leave college if he couldn't and with that he left with john i got a text from my dad about a day later and that both he and my mom basically told him and his wife to buzz off and never contact me again in far more eloquent terms i then got a barrage of emails and texts and facebook posts from the parents pretty much saying that i was at fault for ruining their son's life and that i don't deserve that seat at my university so i block them every now and then my parents would get facebook messages or emails they were ignored john angry reacted my graduation picks on facebook a few months ago so out of paranoia that they were spying on me through his account i blocked him too i hope he understands next we've got how many more times will i need to quit a few years ago i started a job with a temp agency unfortunately i had five days of work over the space of five months at minimum wage it doesn't take a genius to know this wasn't enough to get by i found myself another job with guaranteed minimum hours a week as soon as i got this new job i quit the temp agency about a month later the temp agency calls me out of the blue and asks if i can do another shift i tell them i already quit and they said they had no record of this so i quit again a few months later i had another call from them and went through the same thing again this time i asked them to remove my contact details from their files over the space of 18 months i had to quit about six times asking for my contact info to be removed five times and a friend decided to try and put a stop to the nuisance calls messages by emailing them the same thing i also blocked their number about three months ago i received a call from a withheld number i answer and as you guessed it it was the temp agency the conversation goes as follows me hello temp agent hello is this op me it is who am i speaking to hi this is temp agent from temp agency oh hi temp agent i believe i spoke to you last time yes it's always me you speak to we have a few shifts available do you want to take any me as i told you last time no i quit ta interrupts me oh may i ask why not as i was about to say i already quit really when why as i tell you every time you call me i quit over two years ago because i have another job can i speak to your superior sure can i ask why because i want to tell them the same is what i tell you every time take me off your calling list temp agent gets her boss and i explain the situation and tell her if i get one more call from them i'll take legal action as they have emails telling them i quit and to no longer contact me dating back two years the boss asked if i knew anyone else who was interested in a job with them as a replacement the first person who came to mind is well-knowledged when it comes to legal stuff surrounding things like this i said oh i know someone oh wait he quit too you want his number to harass him i know he won't tolerate it edit forgot a part in the last call also i haven't heard from them since but judging by how they've been these past few years i'm guessing i'm do another call soon and we'll keep this updated as and when i do so karen what did you think of today's stories they were horrible horrible how dare you these were some of the best we've ever read oh shut up mr reddit it's ridiculous what people like myself have to go through dealing with stupid people like yourself and your subscribers look karen you can say whatever you want about me but don't you talk about my re-army re-army most of your viewers aren't even subscribed to your channel 70 if i'm correct well i can't argue with that that's true most most of my viewers don't actually subscribe for some reason it's because you're stupid mr reddit no i'm not all right guys let's prove karen wrong by making sure you're subscribed to the channel and turn on notifications they're not going to listen to you and if you'd like me or karen what to record a special message for you come visit me on fiverr link pinned in the comments below never and join as a channel member today and karen will give you a special shout out in the next video like heck i will
Channel: r/mr reddit
Views: 173,736
Rating: 4.8078499 out of 5
Keywords: r/entitled parents, r/entitled parents rslash, entitled parents, entitledparents, entitled parents stories, entitled parents reddit, entitled parents rslash, entitled parents playlist, entitled parents stories playlist, reddit stories entitledparents rslash, rSlash, mr reddit, r/mrreddit, r/, reddit stories, rSlash entitledparents, rslash entitledparents playlist, funny stories reddit, karen, reddit, reddit stories funny, redditor, Top Posts of All Time, r/entitledparents
Id: 8VS2DjHFku0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 153min 33sec (9213 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 26 2020
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