r/EntitledPeople - Karen Refuses to Let an Ambulance "TAKE AWAY" Her Babysitter! Gets Tased!

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hello my wonderful beautiful friends guys welcome back to our slash entitled people where people think that they can do whatever the heck they want whenever they want because they're special and in today's episode guys op is shocked when she finds random strangers at her home because her entitled dad thought that it's a great idea to just give away his daughter's apartment the one that she pays for guys I hope you enjoy the stories today hit subscribe if you haven't and as always you can send or link your post to this email right here let's Dive In so back in college I lived in a six-man apartment-style dorm that shared Living Spaces and three bathrooms some of my roommates had guests over one weekend when I was out of town and when I got back on Sunday nights and went to shave I noticed that my Razor had curly hairs in it with bits of shaving cream now I always clean my razors so I knew someone had used it now I didn't think much of it but it was one of those expensive refill razors and later on one of the guys while laughing hysterically told me that he used my Razor on Saturday nights when he had a hot date with this one girl the guy then went on to say that he hopes I didn't mind and that it was well worth it since he got laid I was really upset at what this idiot had done so I told him I was okay with it but he should probably get checked for hepatitis the guy then asked what I meant and I told him that when I was on vacation in a third world country when I was little I got into an accident requiring a blood transfusion and contracted hepatitis from a dirty needle now of course that was a lie but the entire higher group hearing this just drop silent and the offending a-hole just turned white I then said to him I'm sorry man I didn't expect you to use my Razor you'd better get it checked the guy actually had the nerve to call me an a-hole after this and he asked if I was serious and I said to him I'm dead serious you shouldn't use people's things without their permission a few hours later my roommate pulls me aside and asked if it was true and that he hopes not since the guy's vacation is ruined I told him yes it's 100 true I'm guessing his friend must have had a panic attack and I never did tell anybody it was a joke okay guys I I just want to say that this guy deserved that scare 100 especially after using it to shave his downstairs and then bragging that it was well worth it because he got laid like the guy's a freaking idiot for using a random person's razor like it's common sense right a razor is something that you shouldn't share with anyone for sanitary reasons and honestly I just want to see that guy's browser history for the first few days it was probably like can you get hepatitis from sharing razors is hepatitis curable can you die from hepatitis I use someone's razor is that okay the list probably goes on and on okay so this story doesn't involve me directly but I witnessed my first Karen incident at the gym today so here's a bit of explanation about the layout of the gym swimming pool and locker rooms there's four locker rooms for people that want to go swimming male female disabled and a family room pretty standard in the locker room there was a girl changing and she wasn't indecent she was putting on her bra and she was in underwear the girl was in her locker trying to get her clothes I was almost ready to leave and was maybe four or five lockers down from her usually I don't pay any attention to what happens in the locker room but today I couldn't help but notice one woman our Karen looking horrified now this woman was getting her son a boy who's maybe two or three years old ready to go swimming the woman didn't look like a typical Karen type she didn't give off any indication that she was gonna go off on one but then she did the woman with her horrified expression walks over to the girl and Taps her on the shoulder the girl jumped clearly surprised that someone was talking to door she turned and before she even turned to speak the woman starts talking now let me remind everyone so we're on the same page this is a female locker room for a gym swimming pool it's not uncommon for women to walk around in towels underwear or even stand around naked there's nothing out of the ordinary about a girl in her underwear so the girl startled and says what the Karen just says cover up hearing that the girl didn't say anything she just turns around and tries to get dressed and the Karen did not like this saying excuse me look at me when I'm talking to you at that the girl turns around and gives her a are you serious look but the woman didn't think anything of it and she kept going and said you need to put on some more clothes I don't want my son exposed to the female body when he's so young at this point I'm just looking around making eye contact with other people in the locker room confirming that this was actually happening and I wasn't imagining it I explained looks with three or four women almost all of them accompanied by their own children and no one seemed to agree with the woman's opinion the girl was visibly annoyed saying what the heck are you talking about I'm trying to get dressed so leave me alone and stop being a creep the woman says I'm the creep you're showing off too much body my son doesn't need to see that at such a young age the girl tells her I just want to get dressed in peace lady but Karen wasn't finished she says I should speak to a member of the staff and get you banned in fact you should be arrested public nudity is a crime you know at this point one of the other moms speaks up and says she's allowed to be in her underwear in the change room why are you having a fit about that it's stupid the woman didn't expect that reaction and she says because my son should not be exposed to the female body at such a young age the other mother was in attack mode and she said did you breastfeed your son the Karen says of course the woman then goes on and says then why is it a crime for your son to see a girl in a bra when he fed from your breasts and know what they look like the Karen says because that's different I was feeding my baby he's my son now by this point I'd been ready to leave for about five minutes but I was sticking around for the drama however I was getting tired of Karen and her backwards logic so I pitched in as well saying Miss if you're so against your son seeing women dressed indecently then why did you choose to come into the female locker room instead of the family locker room and that's when a third woman chimes in with why are you taking your child swimming in a place where he can see women in swimsuits which show off their bodies if you don't want him to see women's bodies this threw Karen off her game for a moment before she tried to claw her way back saying While most women just wear one-piece swimsuit and it would be unfair on me to be segregated from the other women by going into the family room at this point I just rolled my eyes said whatever lady and walked out of the locker room now I have no idea how how much longer the women went on with her rats or if anything else even happened it was my first real life experience with a Karen out in full force so it was a bit of a wild ride from start to finish but I hope I never run into another one again honestly guys sometimes I really wish I could understand the logic of some people like it's a freaking locker room how did that Karen expect people to go from wet swimsuits into dry clothes without getting naked in the process I'm just glad Karen got told by The Other Women in that locker room for picking on that poor girl for changing oh NOP does come into the comments saying that she asked staff a few days later if Karen did complain about that girl and she actually complained some people are truly in their own little worlds guys all right so to add some context I'm a female who's 25 years old and my parents are so crazy to the point where me and the majority of my family had to cut them off my dad is no contact and my mom calls on occasion my mom also tries to overstap such as inviting him to family events that he specifically not invited to a little bit about my dad is he's very entitled he always tries to steer every conversation he has with people into talking about himself he also often argues with people threatens their lives Etc so needless to say sane people don't want these issues in their lives an example of how entitled he is is one time he threatened my life because I wouldn't give him my personal information so he could take out loans in my name like that's an obvious no my dad is also delusional and narcissistic to the point where he thinks he's famous and he claims that everybody runs up to him for pictures all the time and he even tells random people about it to try to get his way obviously these are are all lies and a lot of the time people just laugh at him but he thinks it's with him and not at him he also likes to pretend to be a big shot and he's lost all of his friends due to his poor Behavior so back to the story my dad's apparently told people that he owns an apartment my apartment that he lets his daughter me live in so I guess he told some people who needed a place to live that they could stay at his spare apartment my apartment now dad probably got my address from my mom due to the fact that no one I know speaks to him so one day I get a knock on the door from my apartment manager saying there's some people at the gate saying that they're here to move into my unit and is that correct hearing her say that I was just as confused as she was mind you it's my place I pay the bills I pay the rent and I did not even know he knew my address let alone sent people to my place so I go out to meet these said guests and there was so much confusion there were three people three red random sketchy older looking men standing there with bags and I asked what's going on my building manager stayed because she wanted to know what's going on and wanted to help sort it out the three men then proceed to tell me that they're moving into their new place and they were here for the keys one man said oh we know Bob and you're his daughter right he said to just show up at the apartment and ask for you and that you'd give us the keys to our new apartment we all looked and I asked to see what the address was because we thought maybe it was the wrong address and no it was my address the guy then said your dad said he kicked you out because you're freeloading and you refuse to pay him rent and that you're supposed to hand us the keys today by this time all five of us were confused they then tried to call him to sort it out and he's not answering at the moment so I explained to the guys I don't know how you or he got this address because I haven't spoken to my dad in over a year and I don't know how I'm freeloading or what he's told you but this is my apartment that I pay for and I don't know what's going on and I'm sorry but you're not getting my apartment Keys you all need to figure this out with him but I have no place for you I'm sorry they then try to get me to call him and I said no calling won't change anything and this isn't my problem so I can't help you and by the way I want to note that these guys did not seem threatening it was just random and weird for all of us I then hear one guy on the phone talking to my dad and he puts my dad on speakerphone I can hear my dad telling him that she's lying that the place is his and that he needs to tell me to give them the keys to their new apartment at this point one of the guys and my building manager are looking at this like it's odd and he looks embarrassed my manager steps in at this time and she told the man you all must have the wrong place she's on the lease and she's the only one on the lease and you'll have to leave and sort it out now I can say that despite them looking sketchy they were as calm as they could be in their odd situation because in all honesty the only fault they had was believing my dad they they thought they were moving into an apartment and if I was in that situation I would not be happy either after apologizing and before leaving I heard one of them say I knew something was up he's always lying I asked the guy what did he tell you one of the men said well he told me he had a spot for us to all move in all furnished and paid for up to the end of the year he said he kicked you out because you're freeloading and not paying rent I said to him well like your friend said my dad's a liar and I don't know how why or what made him do this and I never gave him my address and I don't even talk to him so I'm sorry but I hope it works out now I don't know what my dad thought would happen but like I said he's delusional and he probably assumed that what he was saying was true and the funny thing is he thought I'd have no say like it's all so crazy that I can't even attempt to understand this I also told my manager thanks and if anyone comes when I'm not home please give me a call or call 911 I have a guest coming I'll be home to greet them my goodness guys like what the heck like how in the world did Dad believe in his mind that this was gonna work as planned oh yeah just just show up to one of my many many apartments that I own and my daughter is just gonna give you the keys and let you in and that's your new home now I just feel bad for those guys like I hope they didn't end their lease or something somewhere else and are now homeless because that would be so unfortunate and guys if I were an Opie shoes I'd be looking to move somewhere where Dad doesn't know because that man is definitely not in his right mind at all [Music] so I work at an unnamed major craft Supply retailer a couple of weeks ago we had the pleasure of meeting a woman who would ruin our night it was five minutes to close and this lady who will call Sandy comes in and she grabs a cart I'm up at the register and I tell her hey just so you know you've got like five minutes before close the woman's on her phone so she ignores me I check out the rest of the customers in the store and it's now five minutes past close my manager another employee and myself can hear the woman talking on the phone in the seasonal area so I approach her and say hey just so you know we're closed I can ring you up at the front she then tells the person on the phone that some employee is complaining because they're closed she then tells me that she's coming to the front right now and that she'll see me up there 10 minutes later she finally comes up to the register with a cart full of merchandise and it takes like 10 minutes to check her out because she wants to know the price of every single item tries to use coupons and changed her mind about specific products multiple times I finally finished and she heads out the door and we switched the door lock we then hear a shatter and we look out the window and the woman drops a glass item in the road between the lot and the store and she just keeps walking my co-worker frustratedly goes outside and she sweeps it up and we're cleaning and getting ready to go and that's when we hear frantic banging on the door mind you it's about 25 minutes past close at this point the other employee opens the door and Sandy's yelling that she thinks she left her keys in the store at this point it's a liability to have a customer in the store the employee tells her this and she screams that she's gonna call the police because her property is in the store and that we're stealing from her the manager then calls the store manager and he instructs that we can let her in if we chaperone her around while she looks for the keys the woman spends about 15 minutes looking in the seasonal section and we're all looking with her desperate to go home the woman's crying and yeah yelling at us for not letting her in right away when she asked so after searching the store she tells us that she's gonna go look in the parking lot so we wait for another 5 to 10 minutes we then look outside and she's sitting in her car with the engine on we asked if she found her keys and she tells us that they were on the ground right next to her car and I'm thinking I wasted 45 minutes of my life for that perhaps it's a stretch to call her an entitled but I'm not sure where else the story fits yeah so she's definitely an entitled B for that guys and honestly I'm surprised she actually lost her keys I was expecting her to bang on the door tell that little lie so she could go back inside the store to buy more merchandise and seriously I feel like the supervisor should have refused service at that point like when she came up to the till 25 minutes past close because if people like her keep getting special treatments you'd better believe it'll keep the entitled mentality going strong but at the same time I've never worked retail so someone please let me know if you encounter someone like this that stays in the store half an hour past clothes can you refuse service or kick them out so this all happened last night and I still can't believe someone would do this I'm 30 years old and a paramedic and I've been in Ems for the past eight years and absolutely love my job last night we were dispatched to a 75 year old female who fell at home the patient stated that she tripped over her carpet and she hit her head when she fell we arrived on scene and noticed that the home was a duplex with our patient's door on the right and her neighbor's door on the left we make our way inside the home and we found her lying on the floor the woman was awake and breathing and we start asking her the standard questions like are you okay does anything hurt do you remember falling etc etc she states that she has a pounding headache and that she remembers walking to bed and then waking up on the floor in my field that's a pretty big red flag and we noticed that she's got a pretty good lump on the side of her head and a pretty big bruise starting to form already noticing the bruise I asked her if she was on blood thinners she said she was on dinners for a previous stroke that she had a few years ago we then urged her to let us take her to the hospital because there's a possibility that the fall could have caused a bleed in her brain and that she should go to the hospital to get some scans done the woman agrees and we begin to package her up we applied a sea collar around her neck just in case of any neck injuries she denied any neck or back pain so we lift her up and placed her on the stair chair a stair chair is exactly what it sounds like it's a chair with tracks that we use to carry patients up and down stairs as we're getting her out of the house her neighbor whips the door open and she starts yelling how she can't sleep with all the lights and noises outside the sound of the stair chair apparently woke her up and she wasn't happy about that my lieutenant walks over to her and apologizes and said that we were dealing with a medical emergency and that we're leaving soon enough the Karen neighbor then noticed that our patient was her neighbor and that's when she starts yelling something totally different the entitled neighbor starts yelling you can't take her to the hospital I have have errands to run tomorrow and she needs to watch my kids my lieutenant then again reiterated that we were here for a medical emergency and that her health is way more important than her errands the entitled neighbor then lets out a loud half and then slams the door in his face now we thought that was the end of it but we were wrong after a few minutes in the back of the ambulance we told our Lieutenant that he could take the engine crew back to the station and that we were going to be heading out in a few minutes after we checked our vitals got an iv going and started the IV fluids my partner gets out of the back and went to the driver's seat five seconds later the back doors of my ambulance flies open and who do I see the entitled Karen of course apparently she needed a few minutes to get dressed before coming outside I then yelled at her saying hey what the heck do you think you're doing the Karen yells back I told you she can't go to the hospital she has to watch my kids tomorrow she then starts trying to pull the cot out of the ambulance with our patient on it now luckily she had no no idea how to unlatch the cot and she could not get her out our patient then says I can't watch your kids tomorrow because I fell and I might be having a stroke the entitled neighbor then yells back at her and says you're fine you don't need to go to the hospital because you're not having a stroke you can talk my partner hears the commotion and he goes to the back of the ambulance and pulls her off the cots I slam and lock the doors and you could tell the entitled neighbor was about to become combative it's also important to know that either the police department or the sheriff's department responds to our calls when it's at night because of where we were it took a few minutes for the sheriff's department to show up on the scene but he got there just in time now I couldn't hear much through the door but I saw the officer get out of his cruiser with his taser drawn my partner then runs back to the driver's seat starts heading to the hospital and the last thing I saw through the back windows was the entitled neighbor stopping towards the officer and then her hitting the ground after being tased it was super satisfying to watch I was talking with my patient and as to what that was all about and she said that the entitled neighbor will just drop off her three young kids off at her house and leave her for several hours at a time with no notice my patient had no idea that she was supposed to watch the kids at all because again the entitled neighbor never gives her a heads up about these things like I said in the beginning this all happened last night so I don't have any updates but I'll post an update when I learn more guys that is some crazy entitlement right there's no way I'm letting you go to the hospital because that's going to inconvenience me who's gonna watch my kids and guys I'm glad the Karen got tased because I don't even know what to say she must have needed that woman to watch her kids pretty badly because she just did the dumbest things that were she charged at a sheriff and she tried to pull that woman back out of the ambulance like people are crazy so wealthy does come back with an update that says that the woman was in the hospital she didn't have a brain bleed she just has a nasty looking bruise on her face and she's most likely going home soon as for the neighbor there's no up date and that my friends brings us to another end of our slash entitled people guys I hope you enjoyed today's crazy crazy stories I hope you didn't shake your heads too hard and if you're not subscribed consider subscribing so you don't miss these crazy Karen stories and guys if you missed the last episode on the channel I'll link it right here it's an r slash Petty Revenge where Opie's Karen neighbor will not stop having loud parties an OP freaking destroys her it's such a funny story so go check it out if you haven't and myself and Stevie boy we'll see you guys in the next one we love you
Channel: DarkFluff
Views: 170,594
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: reddit, entitled people, r/entitledpeople, entitled people's stories, r/entitledparents rslash, entitled, reddit funny stories, rslash entitled people, entitled people top post, funny karen stories, karen story, entitled stories, entitled karen, entitled people reddit, reddit entitled people, entitled karen stories, entitled mom, entitled mom stories, entitled parents, nightmare karen, horrible karen stories, karen freakouts, r/, karen freaks out, crazy karen stories
Id: 1fBw8cPkzdo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 49sec (1309 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 19 2023
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