r/EntitledPeople Karen MOTHER Sneaks on my Property, I CALL THE COPS!

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hey there mr reddit here welcome back to another episode of r entitled parent stories our first story we'll be reading today entitled karen thinks my parents land is hers after that getting revenge by pouring a pint of coke on a customer and after that entitled parent left their kid at the airport now for every thumbs up this video gets one karen gets a pint of coke poured on her i'd prefer pepsi to be honest so please smash that like button and if you're new subscribe and turn on notifications for new stories from reddit every single day entitled karen thinks my parents land is hers so a little backstory as it'll be much needed in this story my parents live in a gated community and got their house custom built they purchased the land separately as originally they were selling it all together and all they needed was three acres not five for the house so they purchased one plot for the house and the other plot next to it and left it empty for privacy since if they bought it all together they would have had to pay double the property tax now on to the story it was about 7 pm and 25 minutes until sundown so i was in my room texting when i saw flashlights on the land we have next to the house so i told my dad and we both went out there thinking it was the hoa as they usually check to see if the trees aren't overgrown so we went out there and see what we'll know as karen in this story her her husband and her son which looked to be about 14 to 16 with a bb gun and traps this is where it starts dad hey can we help you karen no we're just hunting this is a really nice neighborhood first off how did she even get in unless she had a code or knew someone who lived here she couldn't even get in dad sorry but we own this land and you can't hunt here also no animals come through here except squirrels or some occasional deer karen no this is public land and okay we will set traps for the deer this is where the kevin aka the father comes in kevin is there a problem karen they say they own this land but i doubt that i went into the house and called the community security they were obviously trespassing as even when my dad said it was private owned land they set traps i didn't hear the rest of the conversation but when the security came this is what happened karen this man is bullying my son for hunting security this is private owned property even if it wasn't you can't hunt in a community you don't live in turns out they were already looking for her as when they were looking over the community gate footage they followed behind another car that put in the code long story short they were kicked out of the neighborhood and if they ever come back without a valid reason they would get trespassed and the police will be called the whole time the son just looked embarrassed and looked like he didn't even want to go hunting i'll update this when i get the full story on what happened when i went inside update this is what happened when i went inside karen's husband even if you do own this land you obviously don't use it come on we drove an hour to come here and you seriously can't let us hunt dear dad no i'm sorry but karen plus it'll be good for the community less deer is less noise in the middle of the night it can also stop accidents from the deer getting run over dad that's up to the community if you can hunt deer and i might use the land in the future i don't want a deer on the land from what my dad said they didn't have a car big enough to put the deer meat in so most likely they were going to leave it there karen exactly by us getting the deer it'll stop them from being on the land when you build it and you can just take the deer it should be easy dad i'm going to call security if you don't leave how did you get in here do you live here karen's husband it's not up to you we will wait for security my dad was walking to come in and call security but he didn't know i went inside to call them they came around a minute later getting revenge by pouring a pint of coke on a customer just to set the scene of how much of a jerk this regular customer was two weeks before this story takes place this particular customer walked into the restaurant on a wednesday night with about 40 people the restaurant was only about 120 covers and we rarely filled more than 70 of them midweek so only had two-thirds servers on unless we had large bookings demanding a table for all of them being a regular the host already knew he was a piece of work but the horror on her face when he revealed that he didn't have a booking still haunts me to this day the host calls the general manager over who's delighted at the opportunity to up our sales for the night and sits them in an area of the restaurant that's kept closed unless we're particularly busy unfortunately i was the server with the most experience that night so i ended up serving them along with a few other tables while the other servers picked up the empty tables in my area long story short they were all generally jerks all night got far too drunk made far too much noise mistreated the runners because they couldn't carry out 40 plates of food in one go etc i gave them the best darn service i could have given only to receive a 25 cent tip and when the general manager questioned him he responded i'm a regular here and i never tip because i don't believe in it so count yourself lucky that you're getting anything manager is not happy back to the story jerk customer returns for his bi-weekly meal with his family and much to my dismay ends up set in my area i go over to the table and i'm greeted with oh for goodness sake not you again the effort it took not to say i was thinking the same thing was unreal i ignored it and carried on his wife and daughter being visibly irritated and embarrassed by his behavior at least made me feel a little bit better orders taken starters are done main course is out i go to do a check back and offer another round of drinks along with a few other drinks around the table his son orders a pint of coke when i get back to the table with the drinks being the jerk that he is jerk refuses my polite request to move slightly so that i can pass drinks around and ignores me when i ask if he can pass the drinks over for me leaving me no option but to lean over the table restaurant is pretty cramped they were in a corner of the room it's unfortunate but it happens i pass the first drink over to his daughter leaving only the pint of coke on the tray i'm carefully balancing in my other hand as i return to standing to get the pint of coke i mess up the pint glass has fallen on my tray in the direction of jerk customer and literally rained down an entire pint of coke and ice all over the guy i'm holding back laughter his wife and daughter are losing their crap laughing his son only seems concerned that he isn't getting the pint of coke he wanted i look up to see neighboring tables who i can only presume heard him being a jerk chuckling and then in the distance across the room manager's face has contorted into some bizarre display of both amusement and fear now comes the expected bad treatment from angry customer manager literally runs to my defense jerk customer stands up picks up his wife and announces that they are leaving and won't be coming back much to the dismay of his son who is literally cramming spaghetti into his mouth as fast as he can kid was clearly hungry can't really blame him the guy looks like he's been involved in some kind of coke and mentos experiment gone wrong manager apologizes profusely and doesn't charge them every front of house employee in the restaurant thanked me when it became clear in the following weeks that he really wasn't coming back surprisingly the cleanup wasn't that bad his hair and clothes seemed to have absorbed the majority of the liquid and it was pretty much just ice on the floor the neighboring table said as they were leaving we'll definitely be coming back and we hope the entertainment is just as good next time manager didn't mention it until i handed in my notice and all he wanted to say was it was the best thing he's ever witnessed a server do to a customer messing up never felt so good speaking of soda what's better coke or pepsi please let us know definitely not rc i can't stand that stuff entitled parent left their kid at the airport back when i used to work at an airport i often dealt with kids traveling without parents this was a paid service called unaccompanied minors available to everyone under 18 but mandatory to kids under the age of 12 who traveled alone the rule is that the parent or guardian or whoever escorts them for the sake of clarity i'll just refer to them all as parents from this point has to stay at the airport until the plane is in the air this was in case the flight was canceled because the paid service did not cover anyone staying with the kid until the next flight the most extreme case would obviously be that there'd be no flight available that day anymore in which case the kid would have to go home and come back the next day obviously most parents were fine with going to the gate with their kids and staying until the very last minute and all my years i only had trouble with one entitled dad he came to the business counter with his kid which was already a big no-no as checking in unsupervised kids takes longer than average and the business counter was well supposed to be a fast lane for business class and high-tier passengers the dad chose his own gold card so i bit back my annoyance and asked the person next to me to check in my queue until i was done i gave the dad all the forms he had to fill which already annoyed him the kid was obviously under 10 and seemed very sweet she looked relaxed and i guessed she had done this plenty of times over the years you learn to spot the ones who are not accustomed to traveling alone the dad gave me back the forms and asked so where do i leave her i got a bit confused but told him like always that he had to stay at the airport until the plane was in the air entitled dad what no i paid for her to be accompanied me well yeah from the gate to the plane and from the plane to her rivals entitled dad i have a meeting in a town three hours away i can't stay with her me sir what if the flight is canceled we'd have to call you back she'd stay here with you wouldn't she me that's not a possibility sir you agree to the terms when you pay i didn't pay for this her mother did and she told me i could just leave the kid with you at this point the kids started crying daddy please come with me don't start you like flying don't you kid mom always comes with me i don't care i don't have the time i want to speak to your manager while we waited for my supervisor we heard an announcement through the loudspeakers about a car in the no parking zone the entitled dad went crap and ran away leaving his daughter at my counter she started crying in earnest and i panicked that the dad was taking this opportunity to bail my supervisor came we closed my counter completely the queue was almost empty at this point and took the kid aside to talk over our options hoping that the dad would come back after five minutes and no dad later we tried to call him his number was on the papers he had signed no answer then we tried the mom whose contact info was also on the papers she said she had called the dad and asked if there was any way we could take the kid to the gate if he didn't appear if she promised she'd be there in about 30 minutes we told her that there was still plenty of time before the flight left and that they could skip the security queue so we could make a little exception and wait for her at the check-in with the kid but that we wouldn't let the kid go to the gate without the parent the mother was understanding and told us that either she or the dad would be there soon a few minutes later the dad did come back arguing over the phone with who we assumed was the mom he yanked the daughter away and took her through security we felt bad but thought that was that nope i went back to my counter to finish the check-in and then got a call from the gate telling me that the dad had left the kid with them obviously there's a lot to do before a flight leaves so they couldn't really look after her and they asked if i could try to see him and tell him to come back i didn't manage to spot him and my supervisor told me to go sit with a kid while she again called the mom my shift was about to end so i didn't have to hurry anywhere except home and i agreed to work a little overtime the kid was in tears and my shift manager had to get involved while my supervisor called the mom the shift manager called the airline asking if we can allow the kid on the flight if there's no parent present when the flight leaves we were a ground handling company and did not directly work for any airline they told us straight up that no fortunately i then got a call from my supervisor telling me the mom had arrived to make things easier at the security me and the kid went back to check in the mom signed new forms and escorted the kid through security again the kid made the flight fine and it left on time the mom was so embarrassed about the whole incident but didn't really stay to explain the dad's behavior and well it wasn't really our business anymore she did say this was the first and last time the dad would ever escort the kid and thanked us for doing all we could she was obviously upset and overwhelmed but we're not a country where we share more than we have to so it was not surprising that she just left after the thank you i had to stay a while longer to write an incident report and got home absolutely exhausted my appointment was cancelled for being five minutes late i guess i have to reschedule this happened about four years ago when i got a summer job at my university the job was working for professors that i had worked with before so they asked me last minute to teach a summer workshop to ninth and tenth graders so with less than two weeks before the camp starts i have a bunch of paperwork to do first including clearances that say i can work with kids one of these is an official fbi check for which they need fingerprints well i needed to do the physical fingerprinting right away in order to get the result in time luckily i was able to book a fingerprinting appointment for that friday booked 24 hours in advance as required which would be just barely enough time to get the result that friday i catch the subway to campus and it's atrociously slow i'll admit i should have planned for this the subway here is always behind anyway i end up slightly late getting to campus so i literally run to the police station and enter the front room at exactly five minutes after my appointment time i know this because as i stepped through the door i felt my phone buzz with what turned out to be a your appointment has been cancelled email i speak to the security slash cop behind bulletproof glass inside and i learned the appointment was cancelled after he checks my confirmation number apparently they are automatically cancelled if you're not checked in within five minutes obviously this is outrageous but i'm usually a patient guy i ask if i can book a new appointment that's no good since it would have to be monday or later so i grab a coffee from across the street and return to sit inside the police station to try and solve this with some googling while i slip into a more and more frantic state of frustration i can't find anywhere in the city that can fingerprint me before monday but here's what really pushed me over the edge while i'm sitting there at this point 30 minutes past my appointment time someone else comes in for fingerprints she shows up five minutes early they take her in immediately and she's out before her appointment was even scheduled to begin the entire thing took her about two minutes i point out to the cop behind the glass as politely as i can that clearly someone could see me right now because her appointment is already over why can't i have the current slot but the cop insists that my appointment was canceled my registration info was no longer in the system and i can't be seen today that's when the idea comes to me and i confirm with him that showing up early is not a problem because they would have my appointment and registration info in the system you see where i'm going with this so i quietly set back down and take out my phone about 10 minutes later i calmly approach him again and say hello i have a new appointment to be fingerprinted i'm about 72 hours early i have never seen such an exasperated sigh in my life but he checked my new confirmation number and everything was in order within 10 minutes i was walking back out after getting fingerprinted overtime is no longer allowed okay the players fake names we've got the owner jack direct supervisor will colleague paula and myself backstory i began working payroll at 16 years old i'm incredibly good with numbers as well as dealing with clients suffice it to say i am wonderful at what i do many years ago i began working with a very small payroll company with only four workers i really liked the owner jack and honestly still do he is a decent dude i also really liked the work and the clients however i was not fond of paulo or will paula missed so much work and i'm pretty sure no one has five grandfathers that passed within three years she doesn't figure much into this story other than to showcase that she was not a good employee will was the worst supervisor i have ever had he took smoke breaks every 30 minutes he always thought he was right he was very hateful and boy he loved to talk there were times where he was monologuing to a client who had hung up 30 minutes prior no i'm not exaggerating however he was the owner's father-in-law whose prior business went bankrupt basically he was never going to be fired in that work setting i absolutely shined i was the best employee by a huge margin the malicious compliance will calls me into his office and lets me know that i'm getting too much overtime this was a small business and i needed to be careful now i never took much overtime overall i usually had around two to five minutes by the end of the week simply because i lived five minutes away and clocked in when i got in and settled even if it was a minute early i agreed to the new rule with a bit of glee from then on if i got in early i would get ready to clock in and then play on my phone or read for one minute before clocking in this drove will absolutely crazy after i did this for a few days he called me back into his office he told me about the good old days when people would work even without pay in order to excel at life i politely reminded him that we were a payroll company so he should be aware that it is illegal to not pay workers for time worked from that point on he would simply mutter under his breath and glare at me the aftermath after three to four weeks the owner jack calls me into his office apparently will had been complaining about me about how i wasn't working hard and was being disrespectful i explained the situation to him and pointed out that no clients had ever been unhappy with me that i showed up to work every day on time and that i had the most duties with the least problems basically i reminded him i was his only good employee jack was a little shocked and annoyed that my tiny amount of overtime was the reason i was sitting in his office he told me that if i needed it i could have up to 30 minutes of overtime without needing it to be approved and he also gave me a small raise for being such a hard worker finally he told me that if will ever gave me another rule that i disagreed with i should go directly to him jack then called will into his office and i heard quite a bit of yelling when will came back out he looked like he had just sucked a lemon it's my fondest memory of will am i the jerk for refusing to ground my daughter for taking the job her brother wanted my son 16 and my daughter 18 both decided to get a job because our current financial situation isn't good my son's been looking for some time so far he lost two jobs and couldn't complete two months working i decided to help them and i found a restaurant looking to hire waiters i told my wife and she said perfect this is the kind of job our son needs i asked what about our daughter she argued when i told her that i will be telling both kids to go and apply for the job she said i was being unreasonable and shouldn't let our daughter know about this job opportunity i ended up talking to both kids and told them to go see if they could get hired the manager decided to test their skills for two days our son got rejected it made him upset two days after our daughter came home and told us that she got hired both my wife and my son threw a fit saying that the manager was being a jerk to hire just our daughter i told her maybe our son wasn't focusing on work since he was already kicked out of his previous job my wife went on about him having experience unlike our daughter that his sister must have done something because she stole the job he wanted i told her to stop making excuses for him she said our daughter should quit right away because whether she meant it or not she took his job and he feels awful about it i disagreed that's when she had a talk with our daughter demanding she quit because the work environment there must be toxic and her brother was supposed to get the job and she took it our daughter refused after her mother insisted my wife and i had an argument last night she demanded that i crown my daughter for stealing her brother's job after she refused to quit that it's the right thing to do or he'll resent her i called her ridiculous and said that our son obviously wasn't qualified and his sister was more deserving she called me unfair that i'm playing favorites that the kids will hate each other i got fed up and i blew up telling her to go find him a job instead of getting our daughter to quit hers and trying to ruin it for her instead of encouraging her to be independent and be happy for her my wife isn't talking to either me nor our daughter my daughter started asking if she did something wrong am i the jerk here well what do you think should opie ground his daughter or not please let us know something tells me the son takes after his mom she doesn't work there anymore lady we've got me and we've got hr my wife's replacement my wife used to be a corporate travel agent she handled large companies like microsoft the software company and boeing the airplane company she had done this for over a decade and was really good at this one day out of the blue she's let go apparently she was talking to someone on the phone and let out a sigh the bigwig on the other end took this as a slight and asked that she'd be fired my wife was the only person who handled these accounts for years so there were no notes or guides on how to handle these clients i noticed that day after day she would get a call and be instructing the person on the other end of the call on how to do her job i asked her what was up and she said they keep asking for help because they don't know what to do at the end of the week i guess she put in at least 20 hours talking to her replacement trying to help them out following week monday rolls around and she gets another call my wife was away from the phone and i pick up as i suspected it was her old employer i can be a nice guy but this had been upsetting me when they asked for my wife and i confirmed that it was her old employer the conversation pretty much went like this me she doesn't work there anymore hr i just needed to ask her a few questions me your company fired her for sighing hr i'm sorry about that but we have a few questions me she spent over half her week last week talking to you she doesn't work there anymore if you want her to train your staff you will need to bring her in as a consultant hr silence me the hourly fee for her consulting will cost you 45 dollars an hour i'll be sending your company an invoice for the 20 hours she's already spent with you after receipt of the 900 from your company we can talk about further training any further communication will also be billed at forty five dollars an hour hr okay thank you hangs up i could have been nicer but having worked many contract jobs in my past i found that if you keep helping them after you're let go out of a sense of loyalty they will keep using you at no cost the best thing is that my wife wound up getting a job at that software company testing a travel agency app they were designing she got a substantial raise as well edit people have asked if i sent the invoice i didn't just having them not call us gave us a sense of freedom and peace worth way more than the 900 am i the jerk for forcing my boyfriend to buy me a new blanket after he allowed a random dog he was sitting to use mine i'm 28 female i have a pet dander allergy nothing severe i just break out in small itchy painful hives that usually only last like 24 hours max but regardless it's incredibly uncomfortable and i'm a royal jerk in the event of flare-ups due to how uncomfortable it is my boyfriend is fully aware of this because we've been together for six years and when moving in with me he had dog hair all over his belongings which caused me to break out continuously for days i went for an overnight business trip two days ago he dropped me off at the airport and where it was three a.m in the morning i brought along my blanket leaving it in the front seat when we got there i was aware that when i was gone he was going to be dog sitting his best friend's golden retriever i made a point to tell him to bring a change of clothing so he could change prior to coming home because of the dog hair and me not wanting to have an episode well he came to pick me up from the airport last night and all i could smell was dog mind you this is my vehicle so i asked him why my car smelled like dog and he said my car ran out of gas so i had to use yours i questioned it because he was going to their house and there was no need for the animal to be in my car he claims the dog jumped into the car when he opened the door and he hadn't meant for it to happen no big deal but there was an outrageous amount of dog hair all over my blanket here's where i may be the jerk so his buddy came over this morning and said to my boyfriend tucker really needed that car ride yesterday thank you for bringing him with you turns out he took the dog for a hike using my car to transport he immediately started trying to explain himself to me saying he vacuumed the car afterwards and cleaned it as much as he could etc so i asked about my blanket he tells me that the dog loved the blanket and every time he took it away the dog kept finding a way to grab it and lay down with it so he just allowed it at that point prior to this i was fine thinking the dog just jumped in after finding out he lied to my face i told him to go buy me a new blanket he said that wasn't necessary and that i could use his blanket i told him that he caused this knowing i would break out lied to my face and that since he doesn't care about my allergy then he can buy me a new one he says i'm being unfair am i the jerk eta left out an important detail prior to asking him to purchase me a new blanket i had asked him to bring my blanket to the laundromat and he said he didn't have time he has the next four days off so that's a lie i touched the blanket when getting in my vehicle and broke out almost immediately and that's why i asked him to wash it instead of myself when he said no this is when i told him he had to buy me a new one especially considering he washed his clothing after hanging out with a dog but failed to wash a blanket that i used daily well what do you think is op the jerk or is her boyfriend please let us know we need to find out what he's allergic to so we can get some pro revenge we don't need refills but we're going to complain that we needed them 60 seconds after you asked this happened almost 4 years ago and even though i'm not a server anymore it still annoys me occasionally when i think about it so this was my first serving job ever it was with a locally owned chain mexican restaurant more americanized i had retail experience so i wasn't new to customer service or dealing with rude customers this was during lunch hour it was more of a slower day so i only had two tables at any time four customers total this couple comes in and it's my turn in rotation so i go over to greet them take their drink orders give them time to look at the menu the usual they seem very nice i eventually bring their food out and then ask if they need any refills they assure me that no they're fine i had just checked on my other table before them had nothing else on my to-do list at the moment so i step over by the drink point of sale station about six feet from the couple's table important info and just chill for a minute all while casually glancing over at my tables to see if they need anything in the meantime i kid you not literally 60 seconds later i see the couple pulling another server over and talking to her and they all glance over at me i'm like oh crap what did i do the server comes over to me and says your table over there is complaining that they need drink refills while you're just standing over here doing nothing and completely ignoring them i was literally in shock 1. i had just been at their table two minutes prior and asked if they needed refills which they said they didn't two they never even tried to signal me or get my attention that they needed something which i would have seen because i was six feet away and kept visual tabs on them for exactly that reason even making eye contact and smiling the other server ended up getting their drinks and i went over to the table and tried to apologize even though i knew i didn't do anything wrong and they were just very short and pulled the it's fine even though it clearly wasn't they weren't as friendly the rest of their time there and i was expecting to get stiffed they actually left an average tip which left me even more confused in the end if anything i thought they would try to create some imaginary problem to get out of leaving a tip but this wasn't the case i still don't fully understand what happened that day you definitely haven't seen this video yet so please come watch it next and we'll see when you get there and huge thank you to robert buttery our newest official channel member thank you so much for supporting the channel join us a channel member today and we'll give you a special shout out in our next video and to have us make any kind of video you'd like us to just come visit us on our fiverr link 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Channel: r/mr redder
Views: 84,870
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: r/entitled parents, entitled parents stories, mr reddit, r/mrreddit, reddit stories, reddit stories funny, karen, r/entitledpeople, entitled people
Id: yEZvvRJ46wY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 56sec (1736 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 24 2021
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