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hey there mr reddit here welcome back to another episode of r entitled parents stories today we have a very special episode for you a compilation of some of the greatest entitled parent stories we've read over the past year so sit back relax and enjoy a few hours of the most entitled parents you've ever heard of and by the way karen assured me that if this video gets 1000 likes she won't try to speak to anyone's manager for an entire week so please smash that like button and if you're new subscribe and turn on notifications for new stories from reddit every single day and become an official member of the re-army today and i'll give you a shout out in an upcoming video r slash entitled parents karen gets instant karma for messing with a tree that isn't hers so some brief backstory is necessary to understand the direness of karen's situation karen along with her daughter owns a house on our street seven other people including me live on this street this street is somewhat private although it isn't gated it shares many resources and services that sets it apart from the rest of the community basically it was originally empty land in the middle of an already existing neighborhood bought privately by a group who built houses and sold them for these reasons this street has an hoa representative homeowners association and they share things like lawn maintenance and street repair costs for example the street splits the cost for repairing stuff like street lights and people that mow the lawns do the entire street at a time karen and her daughter are rarely seen in this small street and they instead rent their house out to newcomers every few months or so i've only seen them in person a few times since i moved here on their most recent return a few days ago they decided to have the tree in the front of their yard trimmed down before the next tenant arrives unfortunately this tree belongs to the street and she has no jurisdiction tampering with it and she knew it she made an attempt to call the hoa board and when they did not reply right away she took the initiative to cut the tree to her desires this morning a group of workers came in a truck and allowed power tools to cut several branches of this large tree this dude came out first to complain and later came the old lady they've both been living here for a long time and understand the rules clearly the conversation was distant from my house especially since i chose not to go outside and join the argument but it went along the lines of the following dude hey you can't cut that tree karen well it's on my property dude actually it's not tell them to stop cutting it you need to contact the hoa first i did and they didn't respond so it's not a big deal if i just trim it okay old lady any change affects the value of the entire street and every house on it you have to stop kieran oh my god it's just a tree give me a break okay for those that don't understand the entire street sort of has a common theme to it where every house has a similar design and each having a tree is part of said design stripping this mature tree down to a couple of branches completely ruins the look of the street the dude walks up to the workers who are basically already finished guys please stop for now karen steps in front of the dude hey back off the dude puts his hand on her shoulder to push her away stop being aggressive this goes on for about 30 minutes the entire time karen is being extremely rude interrupting people and basically whining incessantly the dude the old lady and the other neighbors watching knew they couldn't do anything without contacting the hoa first they certainly didn't want to touch her and they couldn't do anything with the workers because they were hired by karen this entire time her daughter didn't say anything and stood at the doorway of her house the workers continued with the tree and in no time it was finished about an hour passes when the dude and the old lady returned with news from the hoa it was true that karen couldn't touch the tree and everyone knew that but what karen didn't know was that the consequences were extremely straightforward and relentless when they began to explain to karen her remaining options she had a smirk of victory on her face but it didn't take long for it to be completely wiped away hoa policies dictate that she has to completely replace the tree which means that she needs to hire people to come dig the tree out pay for a new tree pay for it to be planted and pay for the lawn that will be inevitably torn up as the tree is being replaced if she does not comply her house will be put on lean and be no longer considered an extension of our private street for those that aren't fluent in real estate terms this means that karen cannot sell rent or refinance her property until said conditions are met even if she complies right away her new tenant will be delayed for at least a week or more while the tree is being dug up this is just such a sweet and fitting end to her entitled attitude in total she will be set back thousands of dollars for essentially nothing except lacking consideration of those around her i'm not entirely clear on the costs but i expect it to be at least ten thousand dollars moral of the story don't mess around with trees they have countless lawsuits and hoa strings attached to them and don't be a jerk to your neighbors edit i reread my post and decided that i didn't do as good a job as i wanted to explain why this karen deserved her justice i forgot to mention that she did flip everyone off and threatened to call a lawyer she acted really childish overall and kept repeating the same phrase of something like you can't touch me i did nothing wrong over and over while interrupting people her daughter wasn't too much better but you can't really blame her for trying to defend her mother a little bit she probably just didn't understand what her mother really did her daughter was like stop shouting don't get aggressive etc i'd also like to mention that the trees yes trees i realized after looking closer at her yard she cut down were two cypress trees and a deciduous tree that grows red seeds and hard pods that i forgot the name of the cypress trees she cut were towering and magnificent she trimmed them down halfway and they will never regrow because both are at least 20 years old well what do you think was it wrong of karen to cut down the tree or not please let us know oh how i love a good hoa story the little old couple from heck my hotel has had a lot of crazy happenings that i've shared before but holy cow this has to win an award for one of the most insane things to happen first off i want to say take a seat grab a drink a snack maybe a beer because holy cow this is a long one this little old couple very well mannered and seemingly just cheeky came to check in mid-evening the wife will call karen and the man we'll call ken they were celebrating karen's diagnosis as melanoma free and decided to take a vacation to our property using karen's membership points they made a joke that i would get to know them by the end of their stay not wrong there and immediately asked where the bar was so they could get a few glasses of wine they went out for dinner after scoping out the bar for about 10 minutes and come back a good two to three hours later they ordered two glasses of chardonnay one glass per person then sat down in the lobby spending about 15 minutes on those glasses just chatting i had a few check-ins and was standing at my front desk station around the corner from the bar when karen started shouting waiter requesting another glass obviously i'm not a waiter and it's annoying when people act like we're a full service or i'm a dog but nonetheless i went and got them a second round i'd say another 10 minutes passed before they asked for a second round they started joking around about their marriage and being cheeky old people i didn't think much of it going back to my pod and going back about 15 minutes later with their third round they started getting really inappropriate around that time so i told my coworker i was going to cut them off on their fourth and final round ken blatantly states we're thinking of getting it on tonight and then proceeds to go on a big spout of nonsense which gets karen pretty angry at him telling him to shut up i made sure to make them both aware they were not receiving any more drinks about a good 20 minutes pass and my co-worker will call him b and i were on the phones at the desk working on two separate guest issues i happened to turn around and saw karen lying on the floor i immediately went over to ask what happened and if she was okay she laughingly explained she fell over one of the lobby chairs b goes and grabs her water before asking her if she needed medical assistance while i grabbed the hotel wheelchair she declined assistance but accepted the wheelchair and out of instinct i handed b an incident report to get filled out as its corporate policy now ken did not like the idea of his wife answering questions or filling out an incident form without his consent like it's still the 50s or something he starts yelling up a storm about nobody talks to my wife but me or we ain't signing no bs because we've done nothing wrong now b who had been understanding as heck and professional as could be was understandably upset by ken's ranting seeing the proverbial crap show about to go down b starts giving ken the verbal smackdown about i will have the cops escort you and your stuff out if you do not keep a nice mouth around me i opted to call the local non-emergency as a precaution boy was i glad i did right as i get off the phone with the cops ken begins to go on the craziest rant of the century he straight up grabs b and says i bet you like that don't you to which b straight up hit his hand with the clipboard and declared we were going to have to ask them to leave as soon as the cops got here b comes back to the desk while i'm calling corporate to report the issue and flag their account as a dnr ken's still going on his rant for a good 10 minutes at this time people are starting to come back from dinner and are passing through watching this old man screaming crazy things that be while trying to hold me back i noticed that karen's ankle is very swollen she tries to get out of the chair while screaming at her husband to shut up and ends up falling again b tries to go help her up but ken starts screaming at him to not come near them and tries to lift his wife himself ending up falling on top of her a guest passing through who's a retired firefighter came to help pick karen up and put her back in the wheelchair he advised we call fire rescue just as a precaution should either guest be heard i get on the phone to call 9-1-1 and tell them that the guest's ankle is very swollen b decides to go over and ask if the injury was from the fall or not while alerting karen that we called fire rescue anyway as a precaution she blatantly states the swollen ankle was a pre-existing injury which i wrote down immediately on my own play-by-play witness report ken starts getting agitated with b asking questions and gets up pushing b into the lobby column while shouting more craziness bee immediately walks away and says to call the cops again because ken is now drunkenly coming towards the desk and screaming at us i call 9-1-1 to cancel the paramedics and get the police out immediately but the cops are stuck on a high priority call lo and behold the paramedics still show up and thank god they did because honestly they calmed ken down with some light conversation and confirmed karen was okay right behind the paramedics an hour after calling the police show off they are the two most built female and male cops i've ever seen like honestly body goals and thank god cause the nonsense that goes down next ken and karen are upset because the cops are there the cops are having none of that bs today karen gets out of the wheelchair and wobbles her way to the elevator alongside ken who's glaring at b the entire way and still ranting these two numb skulls don't press the floor button and end up back on all sorts of floors before finally getting off on the right one i awkwardly ride in the elevator with the cops and lead them and a stumbling ken to the room with a key however karen's nowhere to be found which makes everyone start panicking ken refuses to listen to the cops and takes off down the hallway saying he needs to find karen and the cops now have to wrangle two drunk people while i stand there with the door open feeling useless as heck they find karen wandering back onto the elevator and went back down to the lobby where b sent her back to the elevator and ken was hiding in the stairwell finally about 30 minutes into the cops being here they get ken and karen into the room to start packing karen's starting to argue with ken saying it's his fault for convincing her to come to our hotel and she starts calling him names she tries to push kin into the sofa which causes him to start yelling at her the cops are at the end of their patience telling them to get out or get arrested karen and ken keep on stalling for a near 20 minutes before finally getting their stuff into the hallway around this time ken decides it's a great time to threaten a cop kinz got his back against another occupied room's door banging on it with his fist and yelling this is america i can do whatever i want to which the cop continues to say he will arrest ken if he doesn't stop moving the female officer starts to coax ken towards the elevator and attempts to give them both a chance to comply karen starts following the female officer but ken grabs her by the shirt and starts yanking her back dragging her across the floor so you have them bumping into all the guest room doors and walls screaming let go of me and the cops shouting for kin to let her go or get tased the cops finally get kin and karen to the elevator i decide to take the stairs and meet up with b at the front desk just in time for another officer to come in be speaking to that officer about pressing charges against kin just to be interrupted by a screaming match in the corridor leading from the elevator to the lobby ken's starting up a screaming rant against the cops trying to grab a taser the male cop grabs him and tries to cuff him but this late 70s year old kin is holding his own and it takes three cops to get him in cuffs and out the front door on the way out ken shoves a girl with his shoulder which then causes the girl's mom to start yelling and talking to the cops outside karen ends up wobbling into the lobby with the female cop and parks herself in a chair where she then has the audacity to say if i paid for the room why can't i stay here i had nothing to do with this mess to which i proudly stayed by state law i'm refusing you service about another hour passes i get trespass letters for both guests from the local pd and karen again asks why she can't stay the female cop has to repeat what i said in the layman's terms of the managers want you to leave the property asap mind you i was nice enough to find her lodging at a hotel down the street and called her a cab so brownie points for me i guess by the time this show was over it was 1205 am an hour past my shift's end time b and myself stayed almost another hour writing reports and recalling every time possible the most handwritten reports i've ever made i'll update once i go in and see the amount of trouble or reward i'm in for update i'm currently at work not fired my gm didn't even look at the report but my agm did praise bni for our professionalism ken did try to come back to the property to get some shoes he left ignoring the trespass letter and claiming he had no idea why he was arrested to which my gm basically told him to get the heck out have you ever seen a karen or a kin get arrested if so what were they doing please let us know it's been almost two months since i've been arrested i can't wait till lockdown is over corrupt manager wants me to reject crucial supplies okay about a couple of decades ago i used to work at a concrete production plant for a reputable construction company our company like several other construction companies were awarded a portion of a larger project a large portion of land was earmarked for setting up temporary office buildings and concrete plants for the different construction companies the sites were separated by temporary barriers and had separate entrances as many of you may or may not know concrete is produced by mixing cement water sand and stone grits along with special admixtures in a specific ratio our recipe also contained a special ingredient stone dust turns out only our company used stone dust in our concrete and the neighbors did not so a special truckload full of stone dust was specially shipped for us this is important later my job entailed orchestrating concrete delivery to our project sites apart from regular quality control tasks like checking incoming materials for quality etc only after i had signed the delivery receipts our store's personnel would unload the trucks at designated areas a log of all trucks entering and leaving the concrete batching plant would be kept by security at gate relevant later since my job entailed checking incoming material before accepting the suppliers would usually try to offer some petty bribes from cash to booze to flesh if you know what i mean i always decline such offers as once accepted you become their dog and lose all respect in their eyes moreover bad material also impacted the quality of concrete produced strength consistency and setting time to name a few since concrete delivery was also part of my job it was in my best interest to only accept good material otherwise the client would chew me up during casting one night a supplier truck entered the premises with 20 millimeter stone chips upon testing i found them to be undersized for 20 millimeters and oversized for 10 millimeters i went ahead and rejected the load the driver and supplier started pestering me offering bribes and whatnot when i didn't budge they called my boss who asked me what was going on i explained that the quality of the material was unacceptable and i have rejected this when i mention it's too small for 20 millimeter he ordered me to dump it in 10 millimeter bin anyway i knew what that meant my boss was on the supplier's payroll a couple of weeks passed by and my boss asked me to reject a truckload of material from a very reliable supplier he knew that the supplier was only delivering stone dust that day and should we reject material the entire load would be a waste and a loss to the supplier once the stone chips or stone dust has left the quarry they for some reason can't bring it back hence my boss wanted to hit the supplier where it hurt most especially stone dust as there was no other company that would take it cue malicious compliance i called the supplier who would become a friend by now and told him that i was under orders to reject a truck he panicked and told me that my boss was putting pressure on him for bribes this particular supplier believed in providing quality material and always visited my lab to understand how i tested the material and what my requirements were he would then go back to his quarry and adjust the equipment to deliver the best quality materials because he put so much effort in improving the quality of his product he did not budge and bow down to my boss's demands i asked the supplier friend to route a truckload of 20 millimeter stone chips meant for some other company to my plant first i would let the gate security log the truck's entry and then promptly reject the material he was then supposed to send the stone dust which i would accept and be done with my task everything happened as planned i completed my remaining activities for the night and went home when i came back to work in the evening my boss was waiting for me at the door as expected he had checked the entry exit log as well as material receipt history he had noticed that i had accepted the stone dust and was chewing his anger waiting for me to explain he very casually asked me if i had rejected a truckload i acted dumb and answered an affirmation i told him that the very first truck a 20 millimeter was rejected now usually 20 millimeter is never rejected especially from this supplier so he asked me what reason did i give while rejecting the truckload i said flakiness index a test we never do as a field test but is mandated by the client to be done once a quarter he knew that i was playing him but he couldn't do anything i had done exactly what he had asked me to reject a truckload i had covered my bases with a security log as well as a material receipt so he just muttered something under his breath and never mentioned this to me again or asked me to do anything similar two months later he was transferred to a different site and i became the overall in charge same designation and pay just more responsibilities am i the jerk for telling my brother he wasn't invited to support my friend because he's a creep since we were kids my younger brother kenny 22 was super obnoxious and a bully think cause my parents spoiled him too much so he would get mean when other kids didn't want to do exactly what he wanted so he had zero friends our entire childhood when we were in high school he was the odd guy nobody wanted to talk to because the way he'd behave and pull pranks my parents forced me to bring him wherever i 23 male was going with my friends literally forced me like i would get grounded if i didn't everyone in my group hated him especially my friend sandra since 10th grade kenny had a crush on her can't buy her gifts or wait outside every one of her classes to talk to her every valentine's day he'd send her those grams that they do at school and leave her notes about how they're going to spend their lives together i told kenny a million times to leave her alone and got my parents involved but they never did anything sandra came out in our senior year and turned out she was already secretly going out with another girl in our class kenny was upset and kept asking her for a chance so maybe he could turn her back by then i kept kenny away from her by lying to my parents about seeing my friends whenever i was forced to bring kenny we would tell her so she wouldn't show up because she'd say he scares her which i felt really bad for they haven't seen each other in years but i'm still really close with her and everyone in our group sandra recently found out she has cancer and told us during a zoom call we all felt bad we couldn't be there for her because of lockdown so we all decided we were gonna drive by her apartment with we love you signs to show support we let her wife know when we were going we all parked outside her house all inside our own cars of course with our signs she saw us from the window and took pics she posted on instagram and said she's grateful i didn't know that kenny followed her and he was really upset i didn't tell him so he could have gone to show his support too i told him no way as he's the last person she'd want to see right now he asked me why and i told him cause you were a creep i reminded him of everything he did and how much he made her uncomfortable so of course she wouldn't want to see him or him to know where she lives he called me a jerk and hung up on me my parents are saying he's upset and i need to apologize for hurting his feelings my mom says i didn't have to say why he wasn't invited and could have said i forgot to tell him we were doing that instead of making him feel bad over a crush this shouldn't even be a surprise to him because i always told him how creepy his behavior with her was since we were in high school but i guess now it's a bad thing that i told him they want me to apologize but i don't think i should and it's turning into a whole thing just to be clear from my own peace of mind was i the jerk for telling him this well who do you think is the jerk op or his brother kenny please let us know i could never even tell what kenny was saying that big jacket he wore made him sound muffled am i the jerk for not giving my son the ps4 we bought him for christmas i have a 14 year old son junior he's a pretty great kid who is normally very kind helpful and is just a joy this year has been rough due to the state of the world so my husband and i decided for christmas we were going to update his phone and get him a ps4 pro with a couple of games he really likes we already have a few game systems but he's been begging for a game system for his room that's solely his we hid it with all of the kids presents in our locked closet that the kids know not to go into because it has our gun safe so major no-no in our home a few nights ago my husband and i went to the store leaving the kids at home and when we got home junior was mad i asked him what was wrong and he started going off about how he found the gifts he was beyond angry that it was the four and not the five and that the four was for losers i told him he knew he wasn't to go in our closet no idea how he got in we have the key on our keychains and that a game system was a privilege not a right he wasn't happy with this and said he didn't want a stupid ps4 i sent him to his room to calm down and grounded him after some discussion with my husband and no attitude change over the next few days we decided that he would no longer be getting it we told junior and he stormed off and called his grandparents if you guessed i received an angry call you would be 100 correct my parents are furious with me they think since i already bought it i have no choice but to give it to him and teenagers are just moody i told them our minds had already been made up that we raised the kids better than this i was called a horrible parent who doesn't care about my kids am i the jerk edit well guys junior has found my post and has came in apologized asked for a second chance and is asked if he can work for the ps4 he told me he used his school id to get the door open because he knew the presents were in there his dad and i are proud of him for apologizing and owning up to it so he will be doing extra chores to earn his gift back well what do you think should junior still get the ps4 or not please let us know i'd return the ps4 and just buy him an empty ps5 box instead imagine junior's face on christmas morning when he opens it oh karen you are evil am i the jerk for being livid after my husband invited his whole family to celebrate christmas at our house i've been with my husband for four years we've always celebrated christmas at his parents house he never let me go celebrate with my family even though his family lives in another town he's always complained about wanting his family to come to us instead of going to them his sister and her husband live near my in-laws and so they usually host a number of events and this upsets my husband for no reason he says his brother-in-law isn't better than him and doesn't even have a big house to invite people there clearly he's jealous of the time his family spends with his brother-in-law a few days ago he started calling his family a lot but didn't tell me why he's been acting strange spending his time making lists and buying stuff like blankets cups towels even though it's just him me and our son i kept asking him but he just said those were for us he kept asking me to reschedule my shifts i'm a nurse working in the local hospital and it's different from a clinic it's always busy and requires more shifts yesterday i got a call from my mother-in-law and she surprised me by saying that they decided to come on tuesday her father-in-law sister-in-law brother-in-law and their kids then my husband's aunt and her husband and step kids will come on friday i was shocked i had no idea what she was talking about i was able to find out from her that my husband decided to invite his whole family for christmas at our house i didn't tell her that i didn't know once i finished the call i went to ask my husband and he confirmed it i was livid this means they will be spending weeks at our house and cooking cleaning groceries will be taking up so much time i have a strict schedule i can't have any guests he said they wanted this but i doubt it after he brought up how brother-in-law keeps inviting them i told him to call and tell them we can't have them to our house and he refused he said this will make him look bad and will upset them he told me to calm down and think about it but it's more people than i can handle it's crazy he said if brother-in-law has no issue inviting his family to his small place then why can't we i left the room and couldn't help but feel a lot of anger i called my mom and she said it was better than having to go to them but my house will be crowded and i will be so busy that i won't even be able to work shifts and earn money did i overreact here well how would you feel if you were in op shoes please let us know one giant head is enough around this house we're never inviting your relatives mr reddit am i the jerk for telling my nieces that how they look is important and something that they should care about this has caused such an uproar in my family and i feel like i'm going crazy over here like don't come to christmas uproar about three weeks ago i was babysitting my nieces they're 9 and 11. i was playing dress-up with them and the older one mentioned that she thought the game was silly because it doesn't matter what you look like it's what's on the inside that counts i told her that we didn't have to play anymore and asked her to tell me more about thee it doesn't matter what you look like because i would like to learn she happily told me all about how caring about your appearance is vain and people shouldn't care about what you wear how much you weigh what color your hair is etc that girls who are really into fashion or makeup had bad parents who should care more about making sure they're smart and do well in school then she asked me why i cared about these things like that because she always thought i was too smart for that maybe this is where i messed up but i had to be honest with her i told her that i care what i look like because i want to be respected by others i want others to be attracted to me and that no matter what we tell ourselves society does care and does judge men and women for how we look i try to explain that sometimes society cares too much but that grooming ourselves wearing well fitting and clean clothes etc are things we should all care about i also said that being interested in fashion and makeup doesn't make anyone less intelligent that they're both ways of expressing ourselves and can be very artsy as well eleven-year-old seemed very bothered by this and told me that she couldn't believe i was one of them and then made a weird comment about how her mom said that's why i don't have any books my sister called me furious about how i was poisoning them by forcing unobtainable beauty ideals on them at no point did i say that they had to maintain a size two figure shave have long hair spend thousands on designer clothes etc but she's making it out to seem like i babysat her kids and now they're destined to become serena vanderwoodsen am i the jerk here my family sure as heck thinks i am well who do you agree with op or her sister please let us know you should really start caring what you look like mr reddit you wear the same thing every day it's disgusting am i the jerk for demanding my husband talk to a therapist after he typed the word boundaries like this in case anyone isn't fluent in internet slang the weird random capitalization means to read it in a whiny voice my husband and i have been having some problems in regards to how he parents our eight-year-old son my husband likes to play rough tickling wrestling poking at someone after being told to stop and my son is a quiet introverted kid who hates that type of play my husband also likes to do little pranks mostly popping out and scaring people but our son has asked him to stop he also doesn't respect our son's limits in terms of social interaction when we visit my in-laws the house is very loud the other kids play too hard and our son does not enjoy it he is asked to bring his switch and play upstairs my husband said his mom would freak out over how rude that was so i tried to compromise on a book my husband said no and that it's his job to put him in uncomfortable decisions so he can grow i think it hurts his feelings that our son doesn't like his grandparents but i find them to be difficult to like so i can't blame him my in-laws have complained not in front of him that our son is too weak and wimpy and we are ruining him i texted my husband the other day that i want to talk about our differences in parenting because i'm not okay with him continuing to disregard boundaries he replied that he has been depressed lately because of how joyless me and our son are and he wrote back fine we can talk about our boundaries i said that he sounds just like his crappy parents and i'm not okay with that i said he needs to talk to a therapist because i can't make him see how important boundaries are or maybe take parenting classes now he's really mad at me and feels like i'm saying he is totally horrible and the worst father i kicked my daughter-in-law out on thanksgiving after her vegan feast fiasco my daughter who's 21 lives with us while finishing college my son who's 27 lives in the same city and i babysit his kids who are three and four so we are all bubbled my sister who drove three hours with her husband and son who's 16 to come and see us have been taking extra precautions prior to this event everyone was safe daughter-in-law and i don't get along for many reasons i won't go into she's also just one of those condescending people who constantly looks down on others especially because of her veganism last thanksgiving she raised heck over me making a turkey and claimed there weren't really any vegan options there were last week daughter-in-law contacts me on facebook asking me for the menu and then telling me what will and won't work she also sent me many replication recipes to make for her with expensive specialty items in all of them many i didn't even know what they were this annoyed me because i had already made sure to give my son her and her kids vegan options for the day but it wasn't good enough i finally just told her to go pound sand and that she can bring her own dish for her family if she's gonna be that picky thanksgiving happens they arrive late with a ton of food dishes parading them in all with this vindictive grin on her face turns out she out of spite took the exact menu and made her own version of every single dish needless to say i was livid but i held my tongue my sister and daughter in particular did try the food and enjoy it every time they complimented her she would give me this look as she received her thanks before tacking on something like i just wanted to make a thanksgiving meal that everyone could enjoy the part where i finally snapped was at dessert we have a family tradition where right before we sit down we say what we're thankful for it's usually for family or being able to gather when it was her turn she got the same smug vindictive grin on her face and in the most condescending way said i'm thankful for starting the new tradition of a cruelty-free inclusive thanksgiving and i hope it continues next year reddit i saw red i waited until my turn and then said as calmly as i could that i was thankful that this would be the last thanksgiving i'd be spending with her it took them a moment to catch on and soon enough nasty words were being exchanged on both sides i finally kicked them out i didn't think about it until this evening when my son sent me a text telling me that he would not be letting his kids come over until i personally apologized to his wife he said that while he sees my side she didn't mean it and that i took it way too far by publicly embarrassing her when she spent so much time making food for everyone my husband is telling me i should just apologize because it was rude of me and it wasn't worth it he doesn't really get why it hurt me so much that she copied my meal to one up me and thinks the more food the merrier am i the jerk here let me know edit i absolutely had vegan options for them to begin with i had an entree for them plus some backup nuggets for the kids a few side dishes most were vegan with non-vegan add-ons and a dessert that i had made she told me that those were fine but the other entrees wouldn't work and that i needed to make them all vegan it wasn't a request to make something in particular it was a demand that i redo everything my son let it slip that she spent hundreds of dollars on the food to make what she did and he seemed to blame me for that another note is that although the threat of the grandkids hurts every time it isn't the first time last time she made it two weeks and gave in because they rely on the free child care four times a week while she's working i did not literally tell her to go pound san that's an exaggeration i told her that this was the menu and it was not going to be changed but she was welcome to bring her own dish for her family another edit wow this really blew up i have a mini update i've spoken with my husband and i've told him that i flat out feel unappreciated i spent days making this meal and for him who watched me struggle to blow it off as nothing was honestly hurtful i additionally reminded him of the other issues we've had and have informed him that i'm no longer going to be taking this from her or my son he's welcome to talk to them if he likes but i personally am done i'm done being their free labor i'm done being her punching bag in powerstep i'm done just all around we talked about it a bit more and he respects my choice and has apologized for his part in this next i told my son that if he wants to continue to try and manipulate me with his kids then i think it's best we cut contact for a while because i'm beyond hurt i've explained my side to him in tears and it was met with him i know but i just told him to stop he gets free child care it's manipulative he claims he isn't a part of it and it's just his wife and i know how she is but i'm realizing that he's actually a huge part of it for enabling i've told him that i'm always there for his kids but that for now i'd rather not have contact with them unless there's a diary emergency with no other options or they both apologize and that includes the consistent free labor his response was that i'm making it difficult because his wife would be upset if he apologized to me that solidified my decision and i've cut contact my daughter is aware of what's happening and she's taken my side on this well who do you agree with op or her daughter-in-law please let us know that daughter-in-law has got to be one of the rudest people i've ever heard of this story honestly breaks my heart am i the jerk for not liking to play video games with my girlfriend i 24 male don't really think i'm in the wrong here but my girlfriend 23 female isn't speaking to me currently and my buddy says i'm being a big jerk baby so i thought i'd put this out there i'm a gamer i enjoy playing several different games and my girlfriend plays a few games too i've never played with her but my buddy said he and his girlfriend were going to play the friday the 13th game and asked if i and my girlfriend want to play i said i would and my girlfriend said she would too i really didn't want her to because i wasn't sure how good she actually was and i didn't want her slowing us down but i didn't say anything so if you've never played it before the game generates which one of you is jason and the rest of you are counselors trying to get away if you get picked off you might respond as another character tommy if someone calls him you can try and escape if you gather the items you need or call the police we played three rounds she was a counselor for two and escaped both times and was jason the third time and beat the rest of us i was kind of upset because i knew she gamed but she wasn't as into it as i was you know after the third round my buddy commented on how good she was she said thanks and that she enjoyed the game i said it felt kind of unfair that she was a ringer apparently my buddy's girlfriend jokingly said i was just upset that i got beat by a girl i said that wasn't it but i didn't think i would like to play with my girlfriend again as it hadn't been as fun as i thought it would be my girlfriend said that was fine she didn't like playing with sore losers anyhow i got mad but she thanked my buddy for inviting her and left the game my buddy said i was being a jerk and that i should be happy my girlfriend is a gamer like me because girl gamers are awesome i said maybe he was okay with his girlfriend not telling him she was really good at a game but i wasn't he said i was being ridiculous and he didn't want to play with me when i was acting like this i said whatever and left the game then i texted my girlfriend telling her she embarrassed me by not telling me she played and she told me i embarrassed myself by acting the way i did i really don't think i'm wrong for being upset that i feel like my girlfriend intentionally misled me with how good she was but she and my buddy don't see it that way at all am i overreacting and being the jerk here well what do you think is op the jerk or not please let us know bruh i officially don't want to live on this planet anymore my sister calls me rude and disrespectful for sleeping hey mr reddit i know you probably don't check this one as often but i do hope you find this post and show it to youtube someday this is my first ever encounter with an entitled person that's been worth posting a little bit of backstory i joined the military back in 2014 since then it has been very difficult for me to go home up until this past thanksgiving i hadn't been home since 2016. now to the story the cast we've got me we've got mom dad entitled sister and the nice kids i had gotten home from a 10-hour flight for reasons i will not go into i had not slept for two days prior and i had let my family know this before i even landed they were all understanding great i thought my mom picked me up at the airport we grabbed food and went home i decided to try and stay awake with my mom until she had to go to work this was futile as my lack of sleep was rapidly catching up on me my mom informed me that my sister would be over after she left i nodded and told her i was going to bed my mom called my sister and told me that i would be sleeping by the time she got there i heard my mother tell her to use the back door fast forward about an hour and a half my mom had left to work and i'm fast asleep i was starting to feel feverish because of how little sleep i had and it was hard to fall asleep i was awoken suddenly by loud banging at the door i assumed this was my sister i remembered what my mom had said and tried to go back to sleep she walks to the bedroom window and begins to bang on this as well very annoyed i get up and unlock the front door and open it i then immediately go back to bed without saying anything because i literally can barely see straight let alone stand about five minutes pass an entitled sister enters the room entitled sister why didn't you wait by the door for us me because i'm tired and it's making me sick and i came over here to see you and brought my fiance and step kids too me well that's good if you hang around a while i'll be up in a few hours and we can hang out then and title sister didn't hear me apparently because i turn over to look and there are the nice kids me oh hello i'm op nice kids hello we are insert names here i managed to smile at them while entitled sister huffed angrily and walked out of the bedroom with the kids i assumed she got the picture so i rolled over and fell asleep immediately about 10 minutes later i'm woken up again suddenly from entitled sister yelling at me do you know how rude and disrespectful you are being what me what are you talking about i brought everyone over to meet you and you think it's more important to sleep me i told you i haven't slept i don't care you're being a child about it me okay entitled sister i stopped listening to her as she continued her rant eventually she stormed out of the house slamming the door behind her of course since she had no keys she couldn't lock the doors to the house so i had to my mom returned home from work late that night when she got home this conversation ensued mom what happened with your sister today i explained to her exactly what happened sparing no details she sighed mom i think you should apologize to her you're kidding right now for sleeping mom she came out here to see you me and she knew i hadn't slept in two days she didn't know me i told her before i got here you told her earlier before you left to work what do you mean she didn't know silence mom well she's your sister and you should still apologize okay mom the next morning i message entitled sister apologizing for sleeping while she was there i tried calling but it went straight to voicemail thinking that was the end of it i decided to let it go i get a phone call from dad later on in the day with a conversation that went pretty much the same as it did with my mom the previous night at this point i'm upset everyone knew i hadn't slept and needed to sleep yet here i am completely in the wrong i've been gone for four years and i'm being treated rather horribly by my own family i later find out that entitled sister will not come to thanksgiving unless i apologize for being a rude jerk that pushed me over the edge and i decide that if she wants to act like a spoiled brat like she always had then she can i wasn't going to apologize again for sleeping true to her word entitled sister did not show up for thanksgiving the entire week both of my parents urged me to apologize to her and be the bigger person i told them i had already apologized and refused to do so again i returned home this past sunday without seeing my sister or dad my dad lived over an hour away from my mom's house and due to unfortunate circumstances was unable to make it for thanksgiving i wish this had a happy ending but it never does with my sister should i have handled it differently well who do you agree with op or their family please let us know i'm really sorry this happened to you op they really sound like a bunch of jerks except for her kids they seemed all right chick-fil-a vs target so i have two stories right after i got hired at chick-fil-a i worked a few shifts and my mom and i went to target being in my red polo and dress pants with a name tag that says chick-fil-a i thought i wouldn't be mistaken for an employee who would be in a t-shirt and jeans but of course i went in and it happened one important detail i'm half hispanic but having been born in america and having been homeschooled i only speak spanish to tell people that i don't know spanish well this lady walked up to me and she just started talking she was however behind me so i assumed she was speaking to someone else until i felt a tap on my shoulder she just started pointing at his shirt and looking really confused and in english i said i don't speak spanish so in very broken english she asked me how much the shirt was and asked about sizes and i responded oh i don't work here either and she rolled her eyes and muttered as she walked off to find an actual employee several minutes later i'm in the pokemon card aisle and these two guys start asking questions and at this point i'm hoping they aren't trying to talk to me because i don't feel like explaining again that i don't work here so they specifically get my attention and i as politely as i could muster motion to my name tag and say guys i don't work here and they responded with geez you could have just said that you don't have to be rude my mom looked at me like what was their problem you didn't do anything about a week later i was at a different target and a mom and her daughter walk up and say ma'am where is at which point i cut them off which yes was rude but i'd had a long day and i said i don't work here and the daughter saw my name tag and said mom she works at chick-fil-a and her mom starts laughing and apologizing towards the end of my trip the same mother and daughter duo spot me again but i had my back to them so they start to ask about some items until i turned around and the mom says something about sorry and how we keep running into each other bonus story my restaurant happens to be in a mall and we deliver to other employees throughout said mall on several occasions i've delivered to macy's and been stopped by people looking for various items i deliver there so often that i know my way around pretty well so i usually give some sort of direction but once in a while the person asking for help isn't satisfied with just directions they want to be shown where everything is and they ask about sizes and one time i looked at a lady and in front of employees i said sorry i don't work here and she says well then why are you dressed like that who comes to a store dressed like an employee when they don't work there so i showed her my name tag and said i work at the chick-fil-a in the food court i'm just delivering food ma'am and she turned around and huffed her way to the employees who had been watching one of them who didn't end up helping her gave me a look of sorry you have to deal with that kind of stuff thanks for the food though i've also been stopped in jcpenney and been mistaken for an employee but no real stories there was told i had an eight and a half hour shift and not to leave early so i started working for only eight and a half hours i work as a supervisor at a manufacturing plant and i was hired for an eight-hour shift as the nighttime supervisor as soon as i started they changed and said they really considered the shift to be from 11 pm to 7 30 so they would need it to be eight and a half hours i'm salaried there wasn't much i could do and it wasn't a big deal so i said okay as i get into a groove working there i find out that the second shift supervisor is a train wreck no one would describe him to me just saying i had to meet him he leaves an hour or two early from his shift two to three times a week friday nights he leaves the plant at 5 30 and tells them to call him if there are any problems he calls out at a minimum once a week it's crazy every time he's out i come in at around 8 pm to cover the last 3 hours of his shift and my full shift at least once a week i just do it i figure the company is going to deal with it but as time passes they obviously aren't structurally the company is just as bad as him infighting rivalries backstabbing all of that but i stay on nights so i don't see it much then sarah starts as my boss i actually have two bosses which is how every successful employee works sarah is a nightmare sarah wants me to work 11 to 11 on monday tuesday wednesday and 11 to 10 on friday i dig in my heels document like crazy and after a couple months of harassment hr actually backs me up and she has to stop but now sarah is angry and sees me leaving at 7 15 one morning after coming in two hours early she sends an email clarifying our time expectations second shift train wreck calls in that night so i come in at eight and the next morning sarah sees me leave at 7 10. i get an email saying she's coming in early to talk to me and when she shows up i'm getting a formal warning for my early departures going into my personal file i've never been written up in my life during the meeting with hr in attendance she said i'm expected to be there for my eight and a half hour shift i made sure that the expectation was on record for an eight and a half hour shift which hr documented the next week the second shift supervisor is out two days after the first day sarah asks me the next morning why i didn't come in early as there were problems on his shift and i said i fulfilled my eight and a half hour shift and i'm not responsible for his they had to hire a contractor at 125 an hour to cover all of his missed time which amounted to 19 weeks this past year eventually they hired a fourth supervisor at 85k per year to cover his gaps sarah got demoted and i only ever work eight and a half hours don't get angry with my kid when he does what you challenged him to do many years ago my oldest kid was in junior high he took a computer class his first year in junior high his teacher was interesting on parent-teacher night she announced to all the students and parents that if a kid in her class could hack the school's filters net nanny they would get an automatic a for the entire year in the class she even had this printed up on handouts she gave us parents my oldest kid can be a challenge i never wanted to be one of his school teachers he just thinks of the most random things to do and then does them without thinking of consequences thankfully he's mostly grown out of this i could tell that my son was going to take her up on this offer slash challenge he was good enough with computers that i was pretty sure he could do it so i warned her that the school district did not want students hacking the net nanny especially not my son who knows what he would find that i didn't want to know about less than two weeks later i'm called up to the school on very little notice my son was going to be expelled that was all the info i had before i got to the school i had a feeling it was about the computer class so i brought in the handout the teacher gave out on parent teacher night i was right he hacked the net nanny successfully and because of this the school is going to expel him permanently i had quite the chat with the principal he was completely shocked that the teacher had challenged the students this way but claimed it didn't matter because the school had rules that my son should have known he was flabbergasted when i called the superintendent of schools for our city he was more shocked when i chatted with him on a first name basis it might have been a caring thing to do but messing with my kids brings out my mama bear son did not get expelled he didn't get punished in any way mostly because the teacher was an absolute idiot i later learned that this was not the first time she issued this challenge or the first time a student was able to do it she had been warned not to do it ever again and she ignored that they had a new teacher in under a week because you are just not smart enough to teach school if you openly challenge kids to hack the school's filters speaking of computer class what was your favorite class you ever took in school please let us know i always liked those electives where we just watched movies every day don't go in the house with your muddy shoes okay i've been sitting on this story for a long time and i'd like to share it with you even if this seems like a minor incident it satisfied my years-long appetite for revenge i can't list all of the things she said to me and my family but take my word for it this story comes from a few years back before my grandmother was bedridden because of severe alzheimer's you see after my grandfather died in the early 80s my grandmother and her youngest sister moved in together the youngest sister was and is an unpleasant woman in my humble opinion i doubt she is well loved among the family either my dad thinks her behavior to my grandma somewhat sped up the process of her alzheimer's i'm fuzzy on the details of when this took place but my dad decided as a family we should take my grandma on a holiday on the greek islands to give her some breathing room from her sister's shenanigans we spent about a week there and went back to my grandmother's summer house there was an infrastructural work of some kind just outside the garden gates which meant there was a big trench with the dirt shoveled on either end since my dad had back problems i had to carry a significant chunk of the suitcases so i picked up two big suitcases in my backpack and walked up to the garden gates where my grandmother's sister greeted us the first thing she told me not even a proper greeting and i quote as well as i can don't walk into the house with your muddy shoes i just swept up we packed up and drove all day i was exhausted and angsty and this gave me a chance to have my small but fair revenge so i complied i walked up to the trench took off my shoes and threw them over the trench in front of her and hopped over the trench and my socks covered in mud with two heavy suitcases in my hands and a bag on my back and went inside the house i put the luggage inside and went for a second run all the while she watched with her mouth a gap in shock my dad questioned me before bedtime and i told him i did what i was told i didn't go in with my muddy shoes just muddy socks he agreed but told me not to do it again i wasn't grounded i could tell from his voice my dad was as amused as me not to mention my mother was standing beside my dad and giggling during the conversation as for my grandmother's sister she didn't talk to me for weeks which i thoroughly enjoyed edit some of you guys concluded on me being a jerk on this particular occasion and i have to agree i'm normally a soft-spoken and respectful guy i was raised that way i guess i just sort of snapped after years of bottling my anger off i can't say i'm proud of this but i don't regret it either i'm just proud of how i handled my blowing up moment i blew up without even raising my voice the event that forced my manager to respect me and stop treating me as dirt a couple of years ago i had a part-time job with almost full-time hours and a local restaurant who had a sister restaurant in the city about 20 minutes drive from where our restaurant was located normally you were hired for only one restaurant but if the sister property was low on staff or needed help then we would work in the opposite restaurant they were run by two different family members and both of whom had slightly different ways of doing things one friday evening i come in for my four to close shift normally around 11 but can differ depending on how busy or quiet we were and was put on the cash desk i had been working there for about one and a half years at this stage and i was pretty good at keeping the float certain amount of money always left in the till at the correct amount or maybe one to two euros off which was normal and expected side note i was not allowed to count the cash slash visas etc to check this float though that was a manager supervisor's job and was done when we come in in the morning around 6 pm and at close one of the managers took an instant disliking to me due to my at the time bubbly happy-go-lucky attitude and tried to make things difficult for me let's call her mary before six that day kaye a manager from the sister restaurant was filling in for a supervisor and counted the cash float which was correct once mary came in kaye hopped straight on the bus and headed home later that evening once we were closed and all of our cleaning jobs were done i was sitting down with the owner having a cup of tea while mary was counting the float out of nowhere mary calls me over and starts berating and screaming at me that i lost 100 euros as her float was down by that much i asked had she checked all the visa receipts vouchers human error can lead to miscounting the cash in the safe and underneath the coin holder in the till as kay tends to put money under there instead of the safe got yelled at even more by mary because i know nothing and can't even manage to do one simple thing right and got told by the owner to just head on home no harm done as these things happen and to tell my coworker to double check the float in the morning as i was opening saturday morning turned to saturday morning and once we had all our morning jobs done prior to opening i asked my co-worker was the float correct she said she saw that mary was down last night but that she was correct this morning she goes on to say that his kay was there yesterday she checked underneath the coins in the till and lo and behold there were two 50 euro notes sitting pretty i explained the full story to a co-worker and got her to ring the owner and tell him that it was correct and we waited until mary came back in at six that evening i made a passing remark to her once she started working along the lines of oh mary by the way co-worker found that 100 euro that you couldn't find last night it was underneath the coin holder in the till as kate was here yesterday just so you know where to look if she's done the float before you in the future it was the most satisfying thing in my life as with the way i phrased it it seemed to come across as if i was just keeping her up to date on what happened the previous night but she and i both knew that i was suddenly pointing out that had she listened to me and would have been correct after that she learned that i actually pay attention to what's going on and knew how to handle things so she lost her contemptuous attitude towards me made my life much easier for the last one and a half years i worked there woman lies about being with a convention to try to get a room doesn't expect convention chairman to be standing right there i worked at a hotel that had a lot of conventions one weekend we were at capacity with no rooms to spare for one big company cue the entitled jerk who didn't have a reservation i'll call her karen karen asks to check in and gives me her name i look her up find nothing she claims she has a reservation but can't give me a confirmation number or any other information about it i tell her it ain't happening no reservation no room she demands the manager where i happily smile and reply that's me she scuffles off angry an hour or so later my manager shows up and asks about the woman karen had gone to the hotel restaurant and demanded my manager to complain about me turns out she's with the convention she never told me that and there is some kind of misunderstanding with her reservation as we're looking at the computer karen comes back up smug to see my manager standing over me she asks if we found her reservation we say no we're trying to locate a room for her she starts to give us crap saying we're unprofessional and she'd be recommending another hotel to her company for the future then she goes off to find the bathroom while she's gone another woman comes to the front desk she's the chairman i can't recall her official title of the convention group she wanted to go over the list of people checking in that day and the rooms they are assigned me perfect timing we have one person with your group that doesn't have a reservation her name is karen chairman karen she flips through the paperwork i don't have anyone named karen listed and i know pretty much everyone i see karen come out of the bathroom i wave her over and she looks happy like she's got in her way she approaches the desk my manager karen i assume you know chairman she's not finding your name on the list for rooms chairman i'm sorry we've never met you're with the company karen's eyes got all wide she says oh no not that company the other convention this weekend me we only have one convention here this weekend karen knowing she's caught karen goes ballistic she demands are you calling me a liar um yeah but we all just stand there and look at her my manager karen i'm sorry but if you aren't with the convention we can't offer you a room this evening we are booked solid karen turns around and walks away doesn't say another word i guess when you're caught lying there really isn't much more to say am i the jerk for demanding my aunt buy me a new phone after my cousin broke it i'm 16 female so my phone used to be really bad it was an iphone 5s that barely worked anymore so i spent the past few months doing anything i could to make money non-stop until i had the eleven hundred dollars i would need to get myself the iphone 12 pro max i know i don't need that i could obviously just go with the mini and be fine but i decided that if i was gonna buy myself a new phone that i wanted it to be as good as i could make it so i pre-ordered it and got it all set up it was so much of an improvement over my old phone i feel like i did get my money's worth even though it was quite expensive well when thanksgiving came around my aunt decided to come over just for dinner and such she brought my little cousin who is four years old well when we all sat down for dinner guess who began begging for my phone he saw that it was something new and wanted it i obviously was against this idea because it was brand new and it's a four year old but she assured me it would be fine as she does this all the time so i reluctantly handed it over and we ate our dinner after the hour and a half it took us this kid was nowhere to be seen well after dinner i go look for him and i find him in a guest bedroom smashing my phone on the corner of a nightstand i took it from him and lo and behold the thing is destroyed not just the screen is cracked but it's bent and won't turn on obviously i told her that she was going to buy me a replacement or get that one fixed and she refused and she did that for the next 24 hours before caving and doing it then she told facebook and a few of my family are telling me i should have just accepted it and had my parents pay like no jerk you broke it you pay for it what the heck i'm being told this by a lot of adults though so maybe i'm wrong am i the jerk well what do you think is op the jerk or not please let us know of course not but her aunt most definitely is karen gets evicted without a warning i've evicted multiple guests from my property but never had an issue with a noise complaint get to this point until tonight our cast is me nice lady and the mega karen phone rings me front desk this is eat more unicorns how can i help you nice lady hi sorry to bother you but we're trying to sleep and the people next to us are talking really loud could you ask them to quiet down me of course just give me a few minutes and i'll take care of it if they don't quiet down within 15 minutes call me back and let me know nice lady thank you she hangs up i go down the hall and listen to see who it is then go back to the front desk to make the call management doesn't want us knocking on doors at night i call the room karen hello me hi this is the front desk i'm sorry to bother you but i got a noise complaint and was just calling to ask you to she interrupts me seriously she hangs up well forget me then right 20 minutes later nice lady hi sorry to bother you again but they're still being really loud me i'm sorry about that i'll ask them again nice lady thank you she hangs up i call the room again karen hello me hi this is the front desk i she interrupts me again if you call again i'm going to come down to the desk and kick your butt she hangs up oh is that a threat guess it's time to call the police i call the police and tell them what happened they send someone down officer gets here i tell them her room number first floor right down the hall so i can hear some of the things they're saying the officers knock on the door and start talking to her i'm not 100 sure what they said at that point but i do hear her say she's full of crap and why do i have to leave eventually she agrees to leave and come storming into the lobby with all of her stuff saying you better not try to charge me for the night she's been in-house for seven hours already she's getting charged i smile and say that she can call the manager tomorrow and ask him about getting her money back i already know that's not going to happen officers escort her out the door i decide to call my manager and let him know what's happening manager laughs and confirms she won't be getting a refund and he'll deal with her tomorrow when she calls i mean technically she had warnings about quieting down but i didn't warn her i was going to evict her that's the first and hopefully last time i've ever evicted someone without telling them you have 10 minutes to pack your stuff and leave before i call the police speaking of hotels what's your favorite hotel to stay at please let us know i prefer motel 6. they leave the lights on for you teacher gets exactly what she asked for when i turn on my camera background i am currently in high school and we have zoom meetings in almost every class every day for online school i dislike it especially having to have our cameras on i get super self-conscious that anyone in the class could be looking at me and i wouldn't know a user in the comments pointed out that it could be paranoia which i think it is being paranoid is the best way to describe the feeling my english teacher who we will call miss stevens is super extroverted and loves to see her students this is all fine and dandy but she obsesses over it she yells at kids all the time for not having their cameras on as she wants to see you participating in the class i personally don't think that students should have to invite their class into their personal life for a grade after a while she got fed up with people ignoring her demands so she started docking points for the day's assignment if you didn't have your camera on i joined a meeting recently without my camera on as per usual and i began working on the assignment she stayed completely silent about my camera for some reason which i loved for that class i could work in peace later that evening i get a notification on my phone that i got a 75 on today's assignment this was terrible for me because it took my grade and her class down to a b and i lost my 4.0 gpa i emailed miss stevens and asked if it was a mistake or anything she said something along the lines of i need to see you participating in the class and because i couldn't i felt it was necessary to deduct 25 from your grade i don't have the email right in front of me at the moment i told her that i didn't feel comfortable turning my camera on which i feel is totally reasonable she gave me a hard no and said nobody is watching you in class they're watching me because i am the teacher you will get used to it eventually i was upset all i want is a little bit of privacy sure not all of the kids stare but we all have moments where we get lost staring i decided i would turn my camera on but i wanted her to regret it i downloaded a super glitchy flashy bright and disgusting glitch effect that i could put over my camera using a plug-in for obs that i found online it lets you use obs as your camera so i could add whatever i wanted the next day i show up for the meeting and turn my camera on a few minutes into the lesson i turn on the glitch effect and lower the frame rate of my camera to make it look like i was just lagging miss stevens asked what was happening so i replied that i think my wifi is being slow or something she moved on with a lesson but you could tell that she was starting to get annoyed by this constant flashing on her screen while she was talking there aren't enough kids in the class for her to simply put me on another page and i don't think she knows how to turn my camera off herself i began to enjoy seeing her reaction so after i finished my assignment i started messing around with it a little i started flashing random things on my camera like pictures of shrek memes whatever came to my mind pretty much she pulled me aside after class keep in mind my camera still had the glitch effect going on and she lectured me on how having my camera on like that was distracting even though i finished my assignment after only 15 minutes or so i just said you wanted me to turn my camera on so i did you never told me what i had to have on my camera she kind of rolled her eyes a little and just gave in i don't have to have my camera on in that class anymore she also apparently emailed my parents about me being distracting and when i showed the plug-in to my parents they found it hilarious and didn't care all that much i wasn't distracting any of the other students and i was already done no problems here edit a lot of people in the comments are asking if my grade got fixed and if i contacted the principal both of these things happened and i am sure my teacher got a talking to from the principal my grade is fixed and i'm back to having all a's well what do you think should students have to turn on their cameras if the teachers demand it or not please let us know am i the jerk for stealing my sister's inheritance my parents are both living healthy and relatively young both in their 40s but they recently redrafted their will due to everything going on my sister is 25 living at home and i'm 20 living in an apartment so honestly i feel this point is moot however my sister is extremely upset with me since my parents redrafted their wills my mother decided to sit down with my sister and me separately to discuss things my sister wanted everything to be split down the middle but did not want to liquidate the property she was wanting my mother to allow us to buy each other out so whoever had the funds would be able to have our family farm my mother did not agree with this prospect due to the inability for us to have the assets to purchase such a property especially at this age she sat down with me separately and i told her i'd rather have my sister be given all the liquid assets if i was able to keep the farm my mother agreed with this since it was fair and allowed for the land to stay in the family when talking to both of my parents they wanted to give me most of the sentimental items while my sister got first pick of particular family heirlooms while we both are getting items and they are relatively similar value-wise financially split down the middle more or less most of mine have family ties to them as well my parents know my sister is less responsible with money has difficulty keeping a job and does not treat her or others property well due to some of her medical history this belief supported their reasoning well my parents told my sister the new arrangement so it will not come as a surprise and she is utterly furious that i coerced my parents into giving me the land and more family heirlooms when she read the will the anger doubled because it was listed in the event they passed she would have six months to move out of the family home now she's claiming i not only stole her inheritance but i am rendering her essentially homeless in the instance of our parents passing my sister and i have always been civil but she's been coming after me calling me all sorts of names and telling people that i have stolen her rightful inheritance am i the jerk for negotiating inheritance with my parents i honestly feel somewhat guilty for pushing her to this point especially during christmas time when we're supposed to spend time together edit some people have been asking if the assets are similar in value which financially they are i have lots of sentimental value for the farm hence why i would rather have the property than money edit too someone asked about the disabilities so i'll copy that response here my sister has bipolar depression and memory loss due to adolescent epilepsy i also have ptsd adhd cerebral palsy and other neurological conditions that are progressing therefore i do not take the difficulties we have into a high account in this particular situation since our disabilities do not directly correlate with the situation my parents have already set up a system for their passing that would provide her long-term insurance and have a plan in place the money she would be receiving would be approximately five thousand dollars in addition to her monthly ssi my mother has worked to get her that would also be after the initial sum of money unbeknownst to me and life insurance this money would be dispersed for more or less the rest of her life in the event they pass in addition my sister has been able to live on her own but has since came back home due to being unable to manage money well and the inability to stay in a job my disability makes me unable to live independently but my boyfriend is able to assist me in that regard while i work towards raising money for a service dog curse insurance i didn't really find this relevant but i guess it's important well who do you agree with op or her sister please let us know entitled driver wrecks his brand new dodge charger injures and then blames me a pedestrian for his wreck so backstory i work for a subcontracting company that does really niche it work for various municipal governments and my truck is loaded with equipment for computer repair and road work like i said it's niche but this becomes important later as such i currently have a two hour commute and while i do use the interstate during the day i usually head home closer to midnight and prefer to take the state highways and back roads due to the lower speed limits so now for the cast we have me op and we've got brad the entitled driver a fake name we've got renee my fiance and co-worker fake name we've got nice girlfriend brad's female companion and we've got chad brad's absolutely chill father fake name now for the story so as renee and i were driving home tonight we had noticed that a large rotted popular tree had become uprooted and fallen into the road covering both lanes normally i would have called local officials and then either waited for the tree to be removed or simply waited for them to arrive and then take a different route unfortunately i had no cell reception in this area and rerouting would have added an extra hour to my already long commute as such i figured i'd try to use my demolition hammer the best thing available to me to try and at least weaken it until someone came by with cell reception that we could flag down and get to call local authorities so i turned on our hazards turned on our beacon and renee and i both put on our reflective vests and hard hats with built-in lamps while rene brought the tools over to the tree i began grabbing the traffic cones to block off the road enter brad as i finished setting up the cones behind the truck rene began handing me the cones to put in front of the fallen tree no sooner had i begun reaching for them when we heard the roar of a brand new sunrise orange dodge charger rt flying up the back road with a 30 mile per hour speed limit at highway speeds i ran in front of the fallen tree shining my flashlight on the already well illuminated tree and tried to flag down the charger it was no use he never even hit the brakes i dove out of the way at the last second as the charger plowed into the tree turning it into a horizontal fulcrum and me into a baseball as the tree struck my shoulder and launched me about 10 feet i got up extreme pain throughout my left side and unable to raise my arm up adrenaline coursing through me i ran hobbled quickly to the remains of the poor obliterated charger now smoking and leaking fluids all over the road miraculously brad and his nice girlfriend both about my age early 20s got out and were completely unharmed though understandably shaken renee who miraculously found the one spot with coverage called emergency services and nice girlfriend called chad that's when i heard it brad oh god my car how could this happen why does this always happen to me what would and that was when he looked at me looked at the clearly uprooted tree and proceeded to have a unique reaction one that i never thought really ever happened one that sounded like me thinking maybe he's injured too dude are you okay brad no idiot because of you my car is completely totaled what kind of cuts down a tree in the middle of the road me actually the tree was already here we only got here maybe two or three yes you blinded me with that flashing strobe light pointing at the yellow hazard beacon on my truck which i've used for years nice girlfriend actually i think that brad shut up all of you i'm gonna sue you for failing to illuminate the tree properly this is irrelevant me trying to be nice well actually that's if you open your mouth one more time i'm gonna renee and all of her four and a half foot glory enough it's not his fault that you clearly acquired your driver's license in a happy meal that tree is very well illuminated you clearly weren't paying any attention and you hurt him look at him he's limping idiot you're the one who ought to be apologizing for that stunt you pulled and the mess you made silence deathly unnerving silence as brad stood slack-jawed and making a strange coral noise suddenly brad goes on an absolute rampage kicking and throwing my cones tools and various other items from and around my truck into the forest and off the roads 15 foot embankment i wish i could tell you more but it was about that time that chad arrived along with first responders we gave statements and i spent the rest of the time being checked out by ems i'll update you tomorrow after his insurance company calls me am i the jerk for throwing away a whole pot of chili out of spite i'm extremely sensitive to the taste of salt nothing will happen to me health-wise if i do eat a lot but i absolutely cannot stand it and salted food is inedible to me my boyfriend on the other hand is a salt fiend he adds extra salt to everything which is fine everybody has their own taste palette i don't care what he does with his own food i got up yesterday and decided to do chili in the crock pot 5 pm rolls around chili is done we bowl up for dinner i'm not very hungry so i just make a tiny bowl with the plan to go back later i made 10 quarts with the idea of leftovers for at least two days i go back a few hours later make another small bowl and shrivel into a raisin upon taking the first bite he didn't just salt his bowl he salted the entire pot now i'm aware that 99 of the population would probably have to season their bowl i expect people to when i have someone over to eat i tell them i don't use much salt and direct them to the shaker so they can do up their own portion however they like it but i do expect people to have some consideration for others eating and limit it to their own plate this isn't the first time he's done this and we've talked about it before he swears he won't do it again but it's a 50 50 chance next time we'll eat he'll salt the main dish before putting it on his plate instead of just salting what's on his plate it ruins leftovers for me which upsets me because i'm the sole buyer of groceries and i usually cook in bulk i didn't say anything i just dumped my bowl i was upset feeling disrespected and uncared for and in the heat of the moment i dumped the rest of the pot my thought process was if i can't eat neither can he he has a habit of getting up at around 1am and digging into leftovers so like clockwork he goes downstairs digs around in the fridge then stomps back up to our room and asks where the heck the chili went i told him i threw it out because it was inedible and he lost it about wasting food saying it's not his fault i have no sense of taste and didn't think i wanted anymore 10 quarts of chili and he thought nine of it was solely his apparently this is the first time i've actually thrown out basically a whole dish normally i just complained to him about it remind him to stop doing it and move on this time i just snapped i guess i'm tired of only getting to eat a tiny portion of food that i pay for and cook it's costing me money because i'm having to make separate food for myself when there's perfectly good leftovers i can't touch it seems like a dumb thing to fight over and now that i've thought about it i wonder if i did overreact i'm still upset but it does feel petty and wasteful i've vented in my group chat and it's been a mix of your food your choice and it's just salt get over it am i the jerk for throwing it away purely out of spite well what do you think as op the jerk for what she did or not please let us know desperate times call for desperate measures but can we please get some f's in the comments for that chili chad are you slow or something me yes actually i am quick preface i was in an accident a little over a year ago this left me some brain damage nerve damage etc throughout many days i have episodes where i get disoriented forget where i am what i'm doing what's going on around me i used to do heavy manual labor but i'm now working at a well-known department store with aprons of a certain citrus variety a couple days ago i was shopping at our store with a friend and a black and orange hooded flannel i love flannels and have this exact one in multiple colors but this one was the only clean one at the time i'm approached by a middle aged man carrying a small metal piece related to light bulbs well at this certain point of our trip i was starting to have an episode my body got really hot i zoned out quite a bit and was just overall not there 100 percent he asks me where he could find a replacement for this piece and i point toward the hardware department even though i was off duty not in uniform and clearly shopping for myself where i pointed seemed to confuse him and he muttered something under his breath while giving a really puzzled look but goes anyway we go to the water fountains near the bathrooms in the back so i can get some fluids in my system and chill out a bit when we continue shopping a few minutes later who passes us none other than puzzled looking man complaining about stupid employees and blah blah blah oh no it's about to go down at first he stops a few feet away from me looking around clearly searching for the stupid guy who sent him over to the hardware department until he realizes i'm standing right by him he locks eyes with me and the conversation goes as followed chad are you the one who sent me all over the store looking like an idiot me oh i'm sorry i was confused by what you showed me chad it's a blank i forget the exact name of the piece why the heck would you send me to the hardware aisle are you slow or something is this one of those programs me while customers are starting to notice the commotion i'm sorry man i'm not even working right now i'm just trying to enjoy my day off i didn't mean to send you to the wrong place at this point another employee walks up and tries to defuse the situation seeing me their subpar mental capacity co-worker and a fuming customer in a situation co-worker to chat what seems to be the problem chad thank god are you slow too or do you think you can show me where i can find this gestures to the small piece in his hand me sir i understand you can't know this but i am a bit slow at times i have fairly severe brain damage and also as i said before it's my day off gesturing at co-workers apron when i say this guy turned white as a ghost i kid you not white as a ghost mouth a gabe it was glorious after this everything dies down a bit and i bask in the small win i know this isn't as eventful as most stories and will most likely get buried or taken down as i technically do work here but nonetheless this subreddit is the first place i thought of as it all unfolded one last note sympathy is never something i seek i'm very high functioning and work with someone who truly has a rough condition so i don't take advantage of it but i couldn't stand this man talking to anyone like this i just imagined him saying it to someone much more emotional than i and it broke my heart am i the jerk for allowing my cats to be cats to give a little background i just moved into a pet friendly apartment two days ago i have two cats one is five pounds and the other is eight pounds this apartment is on the second floor and all of the floors are hardwood there's also no verbiage on the least requiring tenants to put down carpets in these units when i was looking at this apartment the landlord stated that the downstairs tenant can be a bit sensitive to noise at the time i thought he was being a little extreme but i've since learned that's not the case on the day i moved in the neighbor from downstairs decided to introduce himself during his introduction he mentioned that in the past he's had a lot of issues with noise from the unit i'm moving into and that he hoped we'd be good upstairs neighbors i told him that i'm generally a quiet person and that noise shouldn't be an issue well today when i got home from work i found a notice on my apartment door from management stating that i was reported for having dogs in the apartment which is against the lease and that if i don't correct the situation immediately i'll be evicted i find this shocking because one i don't have dogs and two the landlord knows i have two cats i immediately sent an email to my landlord stating that i don't have dogs and that i believe he put the notice on the wrong unit i'm still waiting for his response cats being cats they tend to get the zoomies every now and then which basically amounts to them running up and down the hall and jumping up and down from the couches along with this there's also jumping from the couches to the cat tree to the floor during the non-zoomy time and playing with their toys which have bells and such but should not be audible from the lower floor to me this is all reasonable noise considering this is a pet-friendly apartment it's not like i have two obese cats either they're both under 10 pounds and i keep their claws trimmed to limit the clacking and to save my furniture yesterday before i received this complaint i bought a 16 foot runner to go down the hallway so that the cats don't make as much noise while running but regardless of the carpet which will arrive next week i feel that he's being unreasonable and has a warped perspective on what apartment living is like especially for someone on the first floor there will always be noise and that's just a fact i shouldn't have to feel like i'm walking on eggshells in my own apartment am i the jerk well who do you agree with op or her neighbor please let us know i think we need to get some pro revenge on this guy who's with me a guy thinks he owns me now because he has money this happened almost four months ago i was dealing with a really bad breakup still and of course a lot of guys started to message me but i didn't answer or accept friend requests a guy messaged me on instagram just a simple hi i answered because he seemed so familiar to me i had that feeling that i knew him i just messaged him a hi do i know you and we started talking we found out that my uncle is his dad's friend and we had seen each other before this guy is rich and when i say rich i mean he lives in a mansion in the most expensive and luxurious part of guadalajara he flexed his money in every way possible he had several cars expensive sneakers new phone every other month designer clothes crap like that first red flag i told him that i wanted to start doing cosplay but i couldn't spend my money since i was saving up for a new laptop he told me that he could buy it for me he wanted to buy the entire cosplay including wig contacts eels dress props everything in exchange for pictures of me wearing it of course i denied second red flag it was really pushy like he wanted pictures of me doing anime girl poses and just certain things in general at this point he was saying some really disgusting things to me so i stopped talking to him because i was done with his bs he didn't stop messaging me i had almost 30 plus messages daily from him i messaged him saying that i was done with him and that if he didn't stop i would block him he told me and i quote you're mine so shut up i have money and you want pretty stuff so why not make an exchange and i told him that having money didn't make him entitled to talk to me like i was an object and he told me you should consider it i can buy you anything again i told him that i didn't care about money and he told me you're stupid you have to send me pics i can buy them off of you i'll pay you at that point i had enough i blocked him i have to mention that he tried several times to buy me stuff and he wanted my address so he could send them no thank you i can't imagine what the guy could have done with my address update a lot of you said that i should tell my uncle i did tell him but since we don't live in the same city i don't know what came of it my uncle is over 60 and he doesn't use social media i called my uncle and here's some exciting news my uncle said that when i told him he called the guy's dad a few hours later telling him what his son did to me with details basically the whole story and telling him i was his niece and the guy's dad was furious and so angry at his son he was even angrier when he found out that he did it to his friend's niece he took away his credit card and his cars i don't know if he got them back or what i also asked him what the guy's dad's job was because people were speculating that they were in the mafia and the guy's dad owns a hospital and some pharmacies am i the jerk my sister wants me to adopt her baby but i want a different kid my husband had bad birth parents so he and his siblings were removed and put into the adoption system they tried to keep the siblings together but at the time they were put in my husband and his full brother were far older than their younger half-siblings the younger two a baby and a toddler were adopted almost immediately then my husband was adopted at 10 and his older brother aged out at 18. the oldest three reunited but they're still looking for their youngest my husband and i want to adopt ideally we want to adopt siblings so we can keep them together and preferably older kids at least 10 as we know it's harder for older kids to get adopted obviously it totally depends on the kids we meet and who we work with as a potential family but we feel very strongly about adopting older siblings and keeping them together so if we were to really click with older but unrelated kids or found a set of siblings that included kids younger than 10 we'd adapt that plan for them the process takes a while but we're nearly at the end of it we've been approved as adoptive parents and were matched with two siblings recently but something happened with their birth family so the adoption was denied we've been told that they'll rematch us very soon but we've been waiting to hear back for a while now there was meant to be an open day at a local home but it's been postponed due to current events enter my youngest sister she's 19 in university and pregnant she was going to terminate but couldn't bring herself to do it she reached out to us asking us to adopt her child we approved as adoptive parents we have a decently sized house with more than enough room she and the father would willingly allow us to adopt the baby and it would be a very short process for us because we are basically good to go here however due to the reasons stated above this isn't exactly what we had in mind in terms of adopting we're open to changing that plan but there's also the issue of my sister being the bio mom she says she can handle watching me potentially raise her baby but i can't see this not causing issues and feel like if she's going to adopt out she should do it with a couple who aren't so close to her we explained this and refused since then various relatives none of whom can take the baby for various reasons have contacted us asking why we can't take the baby we've explained and re-explained everything but we're getting called selfish and mean and cruel for being picky because we're at a place in our lives where we can have a baby and we're turning it down we thought about asking our friends who are also trying to adopt what they think but saying my sister offered me a baby but we don't want it would be pretty tone deaf when some of them have been waiting for years for one and that whole sentiment combined with my family's arguments have made us feel incredibly guilty so we're turning to the internet are we the jerks info we're in the uk and my husband and i have both been in our current employment for over two years meaning we both have full access to paternity slash maternity leave and we both took adoptive parenting classes that included baby stuff so we're able to look after a baby both in terms of competency and finances but we do feel we'd prefer an older kid and we don't know if having a baby could affect our current adoption attempts we want multiple kids as we're both from big families and a baby in the house could cause an issue as we're trying to adopt older kids they might think we just want a free babysitter update i told my sister about our friends mentioned earlier how they're a great couple who have been trying to adopt a baby for five years now how they fostered babies and taken all the classes and know what they're doing how they live locally and are willing to have an open adoption and again repeated that myself and my husband don't want to adopt a baby my sister said that open adoption to a couple of strangers wouldn't work for her and a couple hours later said that mum and dad are going to help her out so it looks like the baby will live with them for the next few years and my sister and her boyfriend will take over when they can everyone now feels like i am somehow at fault for my parents not getting to enjoy the beginning of their retirement but i no longer feel guilty as it's clear that what my sister wanted all along was someone to raise the baby for a few years so she could step in as the mother whenever it suited her am i the jerk for continuing to sit on my porch like usual even though my neighbor is having yoga classes in our shared backyard so when i get home from work i go and sit on my back porch and drink a beer or two i just enjoy the sun and fresh air while i stare off into space i actually share the backyard with another unit duplex situation the couple that lives there got permission from our landlord to use the yard to have yoga and other exercise sessions since their indoor studio space is being closed again they have these classes around the same time because it's a convenient time for a lot of other people too two times a week wednesday and friday the lesson is women's only one of my neighbors came over after their lesson last friday she was very non-confrontational when she approached me she acknowledged that i had every right to sit there and it wasn't a problem on their co-ed class days but said that the women felt uncomfortable with my presence during the women's only classes and are no longer wanting to attend she explained that these are their most popular classes and the ones where they make most of their money and they can't afford to lose more clients while i understand that i really didn't want to give up my little outdoor time two days a week so i continued to chill on the porch like i always do on wednesday the class was already setting up and the women were all chatting not long after i sat down my other neighbor not the same one that talked to me the first time came over she was a lot more stern than the first one when she asked me to wait to come out till they're done i get a little nervous when people are mad at me so i apologized and told her i really needed this time to unwind she asked me if i didn't think that these ladies needed this time too that they live just as stressful lives and need to be able to feel safe here and not like some drunk guy is gawking at them i'm really not trying to stare at them though i usually just stare off into space and they're right in front of my porch so i guess it looks like i am i also don't drink enough to get drunk usually just one beer although sometimes more on fridays like i said i'm not really good at dealing with people when they're mad at me so i ended up just apologizing again she just stared at me eventually she said i just don't get it and walked away i could hear both of them apologizing to the women there in the end most of them left though while they continued the class with the two people that remained i could just feel them both glaring at me so i ended up getting up a little early and going inside anyway just a little while ago i got an email from my landlord in it he was reminding me that the backyard was a shared space and that i need to be respectful of others when they are using it now i'm unsure how i should handle today because i'm already tired and looking forward to relaxing on my porch but today is another women's only day edit okay so i just noticed the email from my landlord was actually sent to both me and the couple in the other unit so maybe he's not just talking specifically about me edit too someone suggested i hold a book or magazine while i'm out there so i'm going to try that today and see if it makes everyone more comfortable edit three someone else suggested maybe splitting the hour i think i could work with half an hour a day and i'd be willing to let them pick their start and end time in case they prefer to start their class half an hour earlier or ended half an hour later than usual i'm going to email that suggestion to both them and our landlord just so we're all on the same page because i am kind of worried he's only getting part of the story also a different person suggested maybe introducing myself to their clients so they can learn i'm not a total weirdo i'm going to ask my neighbors and see if they think that might also help edit 4 also might get a hammock to chill on instead edit 5. thank you guys for all the suggestions for angling my chair screens using my front yard don't have one going for a walk staying inside unfortunately i don't think any of those work for my situation for the reasons i have explained in the comments i'm just going to stick with the suggestions i've already mentioned in my previous edits thanks again though well who do you agree with op or his neighbor please let us know put up a fence problem solved next i did to my neighbor what they did to others to start i bought a house with the intention of doing a flip when i moved in the self-appointed block captain let me know who they were the first day sadly they were my next-door neighbors i tried to be friendly but listening to them i realized how horrible they were and tried to keep still being civil my significant other kept saying just wait for it to be our turn they bragged about through their contacts with the city forcing people to make improvements on their houses getting undesirable renters out of the house and just harassing people in general as i worked on flipping my house the wife became a worst thorn in my side to start she demanded i put up a fence so people would quit cutting through my yard and scaring her then her and the husband demanded i take care of the weeds in the yard or they would do it and bill me after that a storm caused a tree to scrape their shingles and they asked for twelve hundred dollars to replace them the tree was there before i moved in and by coed they are responsible to cut back the branches to the property line when i wouldn't pay they had a relative jump my fence and cut the trees down needless to say i began to ignore them so she became a constant gnat and moved on to another target then one day as i was tearing down my deck for a patio i realized she put a feral cat colony on a section of my property i had wondered why all the stray cats were around and i finally found out i reached out to the city and demanded it to be removed but they said she followed the law on getting it in place as i tried to get it shut down she began unhinged behavior from standing in her window staring at me yelling out the window at me to hitting the fence with items to scare my dog here is where my revenge started i started by filing an hro harassment restraining order against the wife and had it granted ex-party with the evidence i provided of course she contested as it was defamatory to her character before the hearing the husband tried to physically intimidate me so i filed one against him and it was also granted ex-party in the hearing it came up that there was an hro against the husband as well they dodged being served until i had it published as a means of service i started to make complaints about them and their house also i made police calls when necessary as i did this the other neighbors began to realize they could do to them what they had done to them and others for example as i was having my front door replaced needing a building work permit i knew they were doing internal remodeling so i called a city inspector and they were fine for not having a permit as she ranted at the inspector he looked at my window and saw i had mine displayed their back porch became hoarded so i made another call to a city inspector and they had to clear it out then they had a broken window on the porch door so i called an inspector and they had to replace the door next the paint on their house was peeling so i called an inspector and they had to repaint the inspector also found the wood underneath was rotted along with their front porch was sloping so they needed to fix the front porch sections of wood and repaint through all this they had up cameras to prove they were not doing the things i said like hitting the fins they also pointed a camera at my backyard as it was legal to point a camera into my yard and a part of my hro was her intrusive watching behaviors i gave the camera the finger on my way to and from the garage when she complained with the city tiring of her their response was she was admitting to intrusively watching me the fight over the cat colony came to an end when i realized one of the cats had a serious disease and i began to capture them and turn them into animal control don't worry animal control was part of the feral cat program so they would not be put down but the neighbor would have to pay a fine to get each cat out or have the colony closed finally i caught the sick one and it had rabies part of the program was for her to capture each new cat and have it vaccinated something she admitted to willingly not doing on her gofundme for the colony i soon had the gofundme shut down when i provided the evidence she was not using the funds as she stated they were going to be sued the city now had to act to close the colony the person at animal control who wouldn't respond to my complaints was fired the neighbors called in a city mediator who we met with and presented all the evidence and said we would not meet with them and provided really mean tweets that they made about the neighbors the city cut ties with them as community leaders with their power to bully gone and having spent what i can only imagine in fines and repairs like they did to numerous other neighbors after 14 years they sold their house and moved out way out to the suburbs where they only have one neighbor about 50 yards away they knew i was wrapping up my flip and would be out in less than a year without being able to bully their neighbors with people having their back they seem to have no further reason to stay needless to say i did several more things to wear them down finally when i listed my house it was sold while theirs was still on the market as a final forget you to them i reported to the county they had both the new and old house listed as their homestead meaning they were paying less in property taxes so they got hit with more fines on my way out have you ever had a neighbor that you just couldn't stand if so why not please let us know i can't stand when my neighbor forgets to smash that like button hint hint regular from my work thinks i work everywhere apparently sorry for how long this is but i literally still think about this all the time mostly because i still see this woman and she pretends like this never happened i live in a fairly big city so it's kind of unfortunate that i keep bumping into this woman who i have to say i'm not too fond of i work in a gift slash curiosity shop think candles and tarot cards and fancy overpriced bars of soap in an older affluent neighborhood in my city customer x comes into the gift shop quite regularly and always has a million questions and is the kind of customer that no matter how busy you are demands all of the attention beyond her now our shop is fairly small so literally everywhere you turn there's this woman fine whatever she's kind of rude but manageable and she always spends a decent amount of money now it's important to note that customer x has a small dog we'll call this dog pickles that is the cutest dog the second customer ex enters the store she drops pickles leash and goes about her business leaving pickles to do whatever pickles little heart desires sometimes it's just come and sit next to me and get pets sometimes it's not again it's not a big store it doesn't really matter pickles can't really get into too much trouble i like the dog flash forward to our i don't work here story one day i'm shopping at a well-known clothing store the kind with levels and elevators a real unit of a clothing store clear across the city while i'm looking at some sweaters i feel a cold little nose press up against my leg and when i look down guess who i see you got it it was pickles tail wagging leash trailing behind him customer x nowhere to be seen i think to myself i know this dog i don't really want to bump into customer x i'm certain she will recognize me we have interacted multiple times at this point but pickles is old and this was a big store so i scooped the dog up and i set off to find customer x after too much searching it turns out customer x was on a completely other level than we were meaning either a this old springer spaniel somehow went up two escalators by herself or b this woman straight up does not give a hoot and left her dog on a random floor of a clothing store who does that i tried to say a friendly hello to customer x something along the lines of hey i was shopping and i recognized your dog and before i could even remind her where she knew me from and that it's not weird i brought her her dog customer eggs hits me with do you have this shirt in another size i hate this color why don't you have any different styles of this pant i was so taken back by what i can only describe as the audacity of this jerk that i could only muster a polite i actually don't work here i work at the other store to which she responded well can you go ask somebody for a different size i was more than happy to say no entitled mom's brat embarrasses herself in front of everybody there was this girl in my grade who was a daughter of the vice principal i'll call her brad she would always try to use her mom's position to get what she wanted if she got a bad grade on her test she would tell the teacher to change it or else her mom would fire them if she ran out of money on her lunch account she would tell somebody to buy food for her or else she would look up their password on her mom's computer and take it herself of course these are things the vp couldn't actually do but brad seemed to think her mom was a god and we all had to bow down to her because they were related now brat seemed to be terrible at everything however with the help of her mom calling in some favors and sweet talking the coach brat got on the volleyball team i was on the photography club and i worked a few of the volleyball games oh my god i had never seen somebody so uncoordinated and terrible at volleyball the ball was coming straight towards her and was impossible to miss but somehow brat tripped over her feet and fell onto another team member knocking her over as well i took joy in taking pictures of the whole thing needless to say i never saw her on the court again now here's where my story begins my school is very serious about marching band and show choir the school's first and only state championship came from band while i was a freshman and guess who wanted to be on the band now none other than brad she begged and begged her mom to get the band conductor to let her in which he eventually did this was a huge slap in the face to everybody who worked hard to get in the school's elite program remember how i said brat was terrible at everything well that applies to music as well she showed up to the first practice not even knowing what instruments she wanted to play after looking around for a bit she decided on flute saying how hard could it be now let me tell you something about flutes they are hard to play or even just blow into i play mini instruments and flute is arguably one of the hardest ones if you blow slightly too hard it doesn't sound good at all you think this is easy brad yeah good luck the next practice brad showed up with a fancy expensive flute and started bragging about the lessons she had taken she tried showing off her new skills but all that came out was a loud screech brat always reminded us that she had just started and she was going to be better than all of us soon she struggled through a few more practices and would not stop complaining this was ironic considering i had heard her make fun of marching band many times before that and it was her idea to join after all weeks later we finally start working on our show the director then announces that there will be a flute solo to open the show and of course i want it but i'm not the only one i'm staying after school one day practicing the solo and brat walks up to my room listen op you better not try out for the solo or else my mom will expel you i would love to see how that would work i can just imagine me standing in front of the school board and brat's mom saying this is op i want to permanently ban her from this school for trying out for a solo i told brad that there was no way i was quitting and unlike her i actually had to work hard to get into band and i had always wanted a solo brett just stormed off and said my mom's gonna kick you out and i won't be sad one bit the day for the tryout is around the corner and i sprained my wrist in some dumb gymnastics project in gym i couldn't really hold a flute and my doctor said it would take a while to heal i was sad because i missed one of the only chances i would ever get to play a solo in band but then it occurred to me that i didn't even know who else was trying out maybe brat was the only one and it's not like they would just give it to her when i would be just fine in a week or two so i decided to show up to the auditorium where people were auditioning for various parts i took a seat and i noticed brat's mom and some other teachers were there i was in the back row so nobody noticed me it was brat's turn and she walked on the stage across from the band conductor and some upperclassmen who would be judging she put down her music stand and started playing once she started everybody went silent i don't think awful is a strong enough word to describe it the judges didn't want to be rude and cover their ears but i did when she was done everyone was silent except for brat's mom who stood up and clapped while yelling yes that's my girl brat smiled and turned to the judges and said so did i get this solo all of the judges looked at each other and loudly whispered among each other they turned to brat and told her that they had a lot to consider this infuriated brat's mom who walked up to the judges and started yelling what do you have to consider brett was the only one to try out which means she automatically gets the solo i think op still wanted to try out as well we will pick the winner when she recovers one of the judges tells brat's mom what so you're picking a over my daughter this should be a no-brainer come on brats mom it's only a sprained wrist it's not like i was going to be in a cast for the rest of my life brat left the auditorium her mom following behind her while praising her before auditions for the next thing started i went up and told the conductor that i would be healed in about two weeks this worked out okay because it would be in time for the first competition but however the band was going to perform at half time for the football game the next week he was going to consider cutting out the flute solo for that performance or having some other instrument cover it for the time being brat's mom heard about this and was livid she tried threatening sweet talking bribing guilt tripping and just about every other trick in the book to get the conductor to let brat play the solo eventually he let her know just what would happen i got a front row seat to brat standing front center at the football field with a microphone in front of her while she absolutely destroyed the hearing of anyone unfortunate enough to hear it i even got a recording and kept it for myself usually people clap at the end of a solo but instead it was silent the rest of the band couldn't start playing any faster the rest of the performance was great but brat's terrible opening solo ruined the whole mood brat was shocked she had no idea why nobody clapped for her one of the band members walked up to her and said i'm just going to put it blunt you're not good this caused brat to break out into tears in front of the whole crowd her mom rushed down from the stands and tried to comfort her the next day she quit banned and good riddance to her i eventually got the solo for myself everybody was glad that i did i don't think i could have listened to brat play the flute one more time even to save my life after that brat was quiet and never made fun of band ever again this just goes to show you that your mommy's position and money can buy a lot but it can't buy talent or personality thanks for reading my story and if you would like to hear more stories about brat or her mom let me know am i the jerk for medically tattooing my kid under the recommendation of a doctor hear me out i 31 female and my husband tried for five years to get pregnant testing eventually revealed i have eggs of steel and without medical help i'll never get pregnant so that's what we did gave our samples one petri dish and nine months later i have two beautiful fraternal twins jack and adam fake names thing is jack has a condition without going into detail requires a shot once a week once he's older he can take pills i went back to work and mother-in-law offered to watch the babies she's wonderful i trust her 100 percent they were 9 months now 16 months during this time she would give his injection as we had a schedule 10 am before snack and nap worked very well until a month ago when she gave the shot to the wrong kid now they may be fraternal but they look identical i'll be honest my husband and i even mix them up sometimes everyone does she immediately noticed her mistake called 9-1-1 and they were transferred to the hospital by the time i got there adam had been given the reversal agent and they were both happily sipping on juice loving the attention we went home the same night told to push fluids he was never in danger it was a very slow-acting medication that at worst would have upset his stomach in a few days mother-in-law was beside herself i tried to ease her worry but she refused to babysit so to daycare they went this daycare has a nurse cause some of the kids have medications so she knew what to do but the worry of mixing up the kids was a valid concern and they would not keep name tags on doctor recommended a medical tattoo explain the tattoo is a freckle no bigger than the end of a pencil eraser on an area of skin that's easily seen while a kid is under mild sedation similar to a dental office because of the area it usually fades in two to three years but by then they should have developed more personal features and may not need it redone so after discussion with my husband we did it he has a two millimeter brown freckle on his earlobe from entering the office to leaving it took 30 minutes never felt a thing mother-in-law lost her crap the second i mentioned a medical tattoo i tried to explain but she just freaked out so i put both kids on the floor and told her to pick up jack and find the tattoo she picked up adam so i handed her jack and after 20 minutes she still couldn't find it i finally pointed it out and she went that's just a freckle i just said my point exactly adam doesn't have a freckle there so that's how daycare can tell them apart she's still upset in ranting once i explain to others and they fail to find it they understand but they still think i went too far in tattooing my kid and altering him i believe i took the necessary precautions recommended by the doctor and the tattoo will fade with sun exposure as he grows by the time he's five it probably won't even be visible or it'll just look like a faded freckle so am i the jerk well what do you think is opie the jerk or not please let us know of course not mother-in-law's kind of being one though you have the wrong email address which means i'm going to make some bad business decisions last year i started receiving emails from a building owner affectionately known as jezza by me anyway and property manager for some building in the uk i'm in australia it soon became apparent that they were under the impression that i was a business partner of jezza i tried to make it clear that they had the wrong email but they just laughed it off for ages i was not really a fan of the approach that jezza took to hiring and paying cleaning staff particularly when one of the staff had some family emergency that interfered with her work and jezza just called her a time waster so i decided to mess with him until they got the point the property manager was cc'd on all of these emails when the property manager said the cleaner would work for 15 pounds per clean i said we should pay 20 pounds instead when jezza said no i responded with the following i just thought after the conversation that me and jezza wobbles had over a couple of tinnies last weekend that we agreed we no longer wanted to support a capitalist economy that entrenches the working poor let's actually start paying people living wages so that they can enjoy the pleasantries of life instead of wondering if they can make rent that's what you said wasn't it jessiepools when jezza ordered a sign for the bin store i responded with this can we also arrange a sign for the back of the door at the main entrance encouraging people to have a really lovely day maybe another one in the bin store telling them to follow their dreams and can we install signs over the phone socket in each flat asking them when they called their mom last and finally when jezza called the cleaner a time waster for having the audacity to have a family i responded with this time wasters are just the worst which is why we've decided to let you go jezza you've been filling our inboxes with a drivel for months and we're sick of it please clear out your desk by the end of the day there were a couple more emails back and forth where jezza actually said that if i didn't want to be included in emails then there was a better way of saying it i haven't heard from him since then but i don't know if that's because he worked out i was not the person he thought i was or because he thought his business partner no longer wanted to be cc'd but i need formula for my baby are you sure i've worked in a supermarket for 10 years you get your share of cairns and the only thing you can do is smile politely but what i even hated more after an 8 hour shift and having to close up the supermarket were the customers who came in 5-10 minutes before closing and just do their shopping like no one wants to go home there was a time that i was scheduled every friday closing shift and pretty much every saturday closing shift the store closed at eight we weren't open on sundays then also on saturday we had to take out all the cash drawers and manually count all the money we would start doing this when all the customers had left and the front and back doors were locked so customers coming in five to ten minutes before closing time and taking their sweet time to shop were hated hated with a passion my job had a procedure we would barricade our entrance and turn our front door on only opening when people wanted to leave the store at about five minutes before closing we would remind customers at a quarter to ten and five to closing time that the store was going to close and please go and pay for your groceries normally we had very few incidents this one however is burned in my memory we've got colleague and we've got formula man it was a saturday as head of the cashier for that night i had the honor to make or break the day of our beloved customers i had to deal with my fair share of karen's male and female and i just wanted to go home so i followed the procedure and asked one of my fellow money handlers to set the front door and stay there to handle any customers at two minutes before closing time a man comes running to the door my colleague asks what he needs and reminds him that the store is going to close and he won't have much time he says he just needs formula since i was busy with a customer she let him in guy gets a basket and goes into the shop since he said he needed formula we thought he would be in and out like road runner nope no because he didn't need formula at 805 formula man is seen at the cheese section in our store 8 15 at our wine section what the heck does he need that for what kind of baby does he have several of my colleagues have gone to this man to get him to go to the counter he scoffs huffs and says that he's a paying customer my fellow money handler was the last one to go to him and that's when he went too far he yelled at her making a high school student cry now i'm upset so i do what i always do in these situations i take off my store shirt pull out a neat jacket i keep in case of emergencies and put it on you see when you have the story outfit on you are often seen as a lesser bean but behold i change my outfit and suddenly i look like management and my word is all powerful the real manager sees this happening pops out a huge grin and goes to the back and watches from the security cameras so i don the magical outfit and go to the formula man i tell him in no uncertain terms that the store has been closed for 15 minutes and he's been asked multiple times to go and pay for his things he starts to huff and puff himself up like the big bad wolf i'm a five foot two woman and people think they can intimidate me i told him that he was only allowed entrance since he said he needed formula so i gave him a choice he could go now and pay for the things in his basket or i would take the basket from him grab the formula he claimed to need so much and he could pay for that he could choose not to do either and in that case security would love to make his acquaintance either way he would leave now he tried oh boy he tried to threaten and intimidate me he failed he left with his cheese and wine and many threats to call corporate the next week he came again this time encounters me at the door what did he need formula so i brought him to our service desk went inside and brought out a single pack of every kind of formula we had asked him which one he needed he didn't say a word and left don't mess with our closing times am i the jerk for flipping out on my daughter's teacher after she made the comment well life isn't fair to my daughter so my daughter who's 8 goes to a school system that just recently jumped on board with remote learning as in we literally just got tablets set up through the school last friday prior to this my daughter was going to school twice a week and was never sent home with any sort of school homework instead of easing their way into the remote learning like most schools have done they decided to slam my daughter with 137 assignments the same day that the students were given the tablets i'm sure you can see my frustration on top of this the assignments are due today all 137 of them not to mention the six mandatory zoom meetings throughout the day which leaves very little time to do the actual assignments and you can't access the assignments past 4 pm or on the weekends my daughter and i have been working our butts off literally from 5am my daughter is an early bird until 4pm in the evening we are on that dang tablet trying to complete these assignments which literally leaves my 9 year old my other kid with no help on his homework at all this morning during a mandatory meeting my daughter's teacher asked how everyone was doing her teacher is one of those teachers who should have retired 20 years ago and is still a jerk to all of the students and cuts them off mid-sentence every single time they speak so when it came time for my daughter to answer my daughter said i'm feeling really overwhelmed and her teacher said well life isn't fair is it and then went to move on to another student before she did i said excuse me and popped my head into view of the camera her teacher instantly started saying that came out worse than intended my response was yeah i think not actually i will be in contact with the school since you feel it's necessary to instantly shoot down students that you're supposed to be helping i then logged my daughter off of her meeting and called the school my husband said i'm being a karen and that the teacher is probably just overwhelmed i told him that i truly don't give a hoot if she is overwhelmed she chose this career and it's hard on everyone currently but that gives her no right to be a raging jerk to students who were just slapped with 137 assignments whom barely even know how to work the school's pages because there was no training or overview my daughter originally had 137 assignments this morning she had 46 left to do after busting her butt all week to complete them the assignments just went back up to 101 like a half hour after i posted this well what do you think is op being a jerk or not please let us know 137 assignments thank god i'm not in that class am i the jerk for losing it on my wife after she promised my stepson a ps5 and asked me to use my daughter's emergency fund hear me out alright i male 42 have been dealing with so much my daughter has a chronic disease asthma and on top of all of that she's now dealing with pneumonia it's been incredibly difficult it's taking so long to recover and it made things worse that we had to get more medical equipment and medication to help her get better she's 12 years old and i feel bad whenever i see her suffer like that she doesn't get to do a lot of things like normal kids do she plays video games since they don't require running and jumping i feel helpless but i try to do all i can to make her feel more comfortable i got a 15 year old stepson i'm not gonna lie he's been nothing but disrespectful towards me even though i'm the one handling his education health and other things he always throws the you're not my dad in my face whenever i ask him something that's his attitude and his mom does nothing to make the situation any better her response is just a kid you know how boys are last week my wife said that my stepson told her his friend got a ps5 and that he too wanted one and that it would be nice if i could get him one this christmas i said no because first of all i work in a stressful field with a bad back and it barely covers for daily needs as well as my daughter's needs and she suggested i use the money i have for my daughter emergency fund and without it i can't help my daughter in the future she looked at me not liking what i said one bit she said that this way my stepson will resent me since she already promised him that she had talked to me about getting him the ps5 i blew up on her for promising him without talking to me first and putting me under a ton of pressure and implying that a ps5 will get my stepson to respect me she lashed out at me for how i reacted and said that i should make efforts to mend the relationship between me and my stepson but there are other ways than to buy his respect with money after arguing back and forth i told her i will be getting him something but not a ps5 i have other commitments including my daughter who can't even sleep because of her condition my wife called me selfish even though i'm doing all i can after i got delt a bad hand in life my wife then went to sleep in the guest room and ignored me completely my stepson has no idea he'd usually make a backhanded comment in the morning but he's remained quiet for whatever reason well who do you agree with ob or his wife please let us know this is why you never marry a karen lady i really don't care if you want to order get your hands off me so a bit of backstory this happened about two years back when i was still in high school it was summer break and a few friends my uncle and i went out for ice cream at one of our local shops to celebrate me receiving an invite to a very prestigious military school here in the states that i'll just refer to as wp since it was summer there was a pretty long line at this tiny place and they had only had outdoor seating being that we were in a pretty big group i had my friends go save us a table and i made a list on my phone with my friends and my uncle's orders so only one of us had to wait in the line as i turned to head into the line i heard it you know the noise someone makes when they think they're high and mighty that condescending clearing of the throat now mind you i'm pretty weirdly built for a female i'm pretty short like under five feet but i'm bulky from being a wrestler and doing weightlifting at the time i think i just had some standard jean shorts and a random shirt with my school's logo on it nothing that would have made me seem like an employee at the shop not that the actual workers ever would have come outside to take orders or anything at first i kind of tried to ignore the lady and keep heading towards the line but she kept making her throat clearing noise again and being me i decided to see what she wanted now i really didn't want to say anything to some random lady so i sort of just made eye contact and raised my eyebrow at her she had that pretty stereotypical karen look mid-30s with that shortcut fake blonde hair and tacky acrylic nails when she realized i acknowledged her she huffed before talking to me karen well it took you long enough i want to order like i sort sorta knew this jerk was gonna be loud and really irritating but i wanted to keep my cool and just explain the situation me miss i don't work here i'm just grabbing what me and my group want so we don't have to stand and i don't care if you want to help your friends first i watched you write down their order you work here and now you will help me as well okay so clearly i was dealing with a crazy lady great me miss i just told you that i don't work here i'm just doing my group's order after that i turned to walk away turns out that apparently like most karen's sudden movement upsets them as i turn i felt those fake acrylic nails pressed into my wrist this jerk actually decided to grab me i quickly ripped my arm from her grip as i turn around to face her this mere fact that she had the audacity to grab me even if i was an employee there's no reason to place your hands on someone me look lady even if i worked here which i don't you have absolutely no reason to ever lay your hands on me through this shouting my uncle grabbed the manager to come help me out they came out just to see me wrench my wrist from this karen's grasp uncle what are you doing to my niece he grabbed my arm to check over my wrist i knew i was bleeding a bit from when she had dug her nails in but i didn't really notice it too much the manager was trying to ask karen about what happened as karen rants about how i was rude didn't want to take her order and how i had assaulted them now obviously i was the one with the nail marks on my wrist the manager calmly explained that i didn't work there nor do the workers come around to take orders my uncle told the manager while i was okay the lady needed to go needless to say i got my ice cream and had a pretty nice time after that edit since a good amount of people have been asking yes i am currently enrolled at wp and on my second year speaking of ice cream what's your favorite flavor ice cream of all time please let us know rocky road for the win this is a ranch not a gas station but please wait here until the sheriff arrives to set the scene the area i grew up in was very sparsely populated cattle ranching country often with more than a mile between houses and dozens of miles between anything that might even superficially resemble a town this story takes place well before the era of cell phones the remoteness of the area meant that if anyone should have car trouble they would be forced to go to the nearest ranch house for help keep in mind these were ranches that ran cattle not businesses open to the public but people were friendly and would invariably go out of their way to help anyone who was reasonable and polite unfortunately not everyone qualifies for that description late one night when i was about 15 my family was awoken by the sound of a car horn extremely close to the house we got up and stumbled outside to see what was happening we were greeted by the sight of a trashy car right at our back door given the layout of the yard this should have been darn near impossible an older lady staggered out of the car drunk as could be and began to yell at us about our terrible service my dad tried to calm her down enough for her to explain what she was going on about it seems that she was driving along realized that she was running low on fuel and needed to find a gas station miracle of miracles this gem of humanity saw the lights on our property from the highway and made her way all the way down our driveway towards us and saints be praised there were tanks of fuel all about the garage and shops and her drunken stupor she somehow looked onto an assortment of ordinary ranch buildings and thought ah yes gas station she went to several of the pumps and tanks but was flummoxed to discover that they were all either locked or wouldn't turn on because gas theft is a thing enraged she went in search of the office so she could scream at the manager for this terrible service but rather than simply stagger around on her own two feet until she found that office she chose to drive around finally she found the back door of our house assumed that she'd hit the jackpot and started in on the horn no matter how many times we told her that we were not a gas station and we did not sell gas she continued to yell and scream incoherently at us that we were ever try to reason with a raging drunk yeah my father instructed her to call the sheriff while he stalled for time knowing the drill from tv i took note of the car make and model and license plate and relayed that when i called the dispatcher ran the number and told me my information couldn't possibly be right i went back out to verify and came back to dell dispatch that i was correct oh boy it turned out that our lady of the perpetual inebriation had switched plates on the car and this really fired up dispatch i got the impression there were links to other offenses i was right dispatch told me that they were sending a deputy immediately and he would be out to our place in about 25 minutes i discreetly relayed this to my dad who proceeded to put on a master class in time wasting after about 10 minutes however this drunk woman was flustered and wanted to drive out my dad didn't like the idea of this insensate lunatic doing any more driving around our breakable stuff so he got behind the wheel and slow as can be imagined steered the old heap through the hazards of the yard and back out to the driveway see her initial entry into the yard was fraught with peril looking at her tire tracks we saw that she came just inches from hitting the house twice and miraculously missed plowing into our well head by what could only have been millimeters any of those impacts would have been ridiculously expensive to fix and as it turned out this old jerk didn't have insurance talk about dodging the bullet the old deer was screeching endlessly about still needing gas so my dad pulled in front of one of the pumps and pretended to pump gas in the slowest way possible i was still on the phone with dispatch running outside for stuff like getting a better description of her and then coming back to report finally dispatch said their officer was just about to our place my dad and i were pretty upset at this point if the officer arrived while she was still on our property there likely wasn't much for him to do other than escort her off but if they were to catch her on the highway driving drunk our highway was so deserted that one could sit by it for an hour or more and not see anyone on it and there was literally nothing for her to hit near the road even if she careened off at 100 miles an hour the only person she was likely to hurt from heading out again was herself so my dad told her he'd filled her up at no charge he hadn't given her a drop of fuel and sent her on her way i told dispatch which way she went and in under two minutes the deputy had her pulled over our involvement in the case stopped there but between the court notices in the paper and the small town gossip wire we found out that the lady got into a mess of trouble in addition to the drunk driving charge which stuck and not having insurance and the license plate thing she was wanted for a number of previous offenses the whole thing snowballed into one big pile and the courts decided to give her a nice long vacation behind bars maybe if she had listened the first time we told her that our home wasn't a gas station and we couldn't sell her gas things would have turned out differently for her as it turned out there was one less drunk driver on the road for a while let's call it a win am i the jerk for arguing with my husband after he said i should buy expensive gifts since i'm a doctor my husband and i have been married for three years he has a large family he always likes to be invited by his family for dinners birthdays anniversaries he's always there he's a police officer but always make sure to spend time with his family as much as possible i'm a doctor my schedule is always busy and it's not like i can swap shifts like he always does because of lack of people working at the hospital this past week he insisted that we visit his family and he started asking what they wanted to have as gifts this year for christmas he started putting together a list of family members and what gifts they wanted i should point out that they didn't want to do this because they felt they shouldn't ask for specific gifts but he told them it was okay and that he can afford those gifts no problem his mom talked about a new kitchen set his sister said she needed a hair straightener not to mention her three kids her husband and also his aunt and her three daughters and their husbands the list was long and i knew there was no way he could afford half of it so i had no idea how he was going to get the money we get home and he told me i needed to pay x amount of money to help get everything on the list for his family i told him no thank you i'm getting them other gifts that i can afford k threw a fit and was shocked by what i said he said that i must have been trying to make him look bad in front of his family and that he was counting on me to pitch in and pay for the stuff i'm taking care of two kids and their needs also the rent and the bills and whatnot when i told him i had other responsibilities he compared his salary to mine saying it wasn't fair and that i should pay since i'm a doctor and can afford expensive things i told him i'm not obligated to buy his mom an expensive kitchen set nor inexpensive hair straightener for his sister who doesn't even treat me well he didn't like that and called me bitter and negative for feeling that way told me i shouldn't work long hours if i can't afford to buy decent gifts we argued back and forth and he kept bringing up that i'm being bitter and resentful towards his family he refused to talk to me after this and is now acting like he was wronged and hurt by what i said his words hurt me because i work hard to earn money but he thinks otherwise just to be clear no we don't have a joint account why would i since i'm taking care of almost everything besides i don't get to save money when i'm constantly spending money on things he does sometimes throw in my face that i'm a doctor and should be able to cover all expenses since i work long hours well who do you agree with op or her husband please let us know i guess police officers can be karen's too steal my bed lose your stuff my uni had a dorm for foreign exchange students it was intended for short-term residency and lacked many of the amenities of other dorms the dorm was divided into pods each with four or so rooms attached to a common kitchen and bathroom it was four plus people to a room no privacy no locks no real rules you were assigned to a pod but they didn't bother assigning beds so you just took one and worked it out among yourselves but rent was cheap 150 euros or so so local students also took advantage quarters were tight but people more or less got along however there was one girl who is just the definition of entitled she would buy enough groceries for a family of four stuff the communal fridges full of her food then leave it to rot and freak out at anyone who dared move her things or throw out her rotten food she would shamelessly take someone else's laundry out of running machines put her stuff in the machine instead and leave the other person's wet laundry in a heap on the floor or wherever to make matters worse she apparently felt entitled to the best room or bed or whatever and would routinely move to another student's bunk dumping their stuff in the hall why this behavior was permitted to continue is beyond me but whatever it was uni each pod had a resident advisor essentially a student mentor responsible for ordering repairs and babysitting the ra got their own room with a locking door our ra graduated at the end of my third year and vacated her room over the summer and titled jerk immediately moved in unfortunately for me i was assigned as the new ra i got the news less than a week before the end of my summer session i told entitled jerk to move out the resident manager told her to move out other people warned her her response don't any of you dare touch my stuff she decided to go for a long weekend with some friends to get away from the hostile environment thing is my classes were over and i was going home to my parents for the rest of the summer my parents lived about 10 hours away by train and i wasn't about to drag my stuff home with me when i had a perfectly good locking room i texted entitled jerk one last time asked her what she wanted me to do with her things don't you dare my stuff stays okay well that seems reasonable to me so i got a couple of boxes from the resident manager gently packed up her things stowed them under my bed moved my stuff in and locked up i got a furious text message a few days later demanding to know if i had locked her room reminded her that this was my room she demanded to know where her things were well you told me to leave them so i did told her that she was welcome to pay for a train ticket for me to come back unlock my room let her collect her things and get the heck out she declined told me that if i wanted to come back i'd need to pay for my own ticket well given that i did not want to come back i passed on her offer and stayed gone for the next four weeks she had to wrap up her studies with four days worth of clothes her computer was locked in my room and as far as i know she didn't even have a blanket in pillow never saw her again her parents got her stuff when i returned am i the jerk for not giving a high school ex closure i dated a guy in high school almost 25 years ago for about six months as far as high school relationships go it was relatively serious and i can't remember the exact reason i broke up with him normal teenager stuff probably but it was definitely the right call as he became vaguely stalkerish afterwards calls after being told not to contact me anymore gifts dropped off at my doorstep threats to my next boyfriend many months later etc this behavior went on intermittently for longer than our relationship actually lasted and ended after he graduated the following year it was creepy and weird and made me feel very unsettled however i haven't thought about this guy in years until a mutual friend posted some high school photos on facebook a few months ago and tagged everyone in them i was sort of taken aback by the photo so clearly i still feel unsettled by the situation all these years later a couple of days ago my ex reached out on facebook messenger with a lengthy message about his life now married has a kid saying the facebook photo highlighted the fact that i still consume a lot of his thoughts seeing his name in my inbox made my guts churn and i'm extra creeped out because it sounds like he's been obsessing over the end of our relationship since our friend posted that picture months ago evidently his therapist has suggested he attempted to gain some closure by contacting me and asking for an explanation of why i cut him off so completely i don't think it's my responsibility to explain anything and presumably absolve this guy of his behavior and i think his therapist is crap for suggesting he gain closure by contacting me rather than giving him the tools to accept that not every situation gives people the closure they want i ignored the original message but received another one today saying that he needs to hear from me so he can get closure and move on am i the jerk for ignoring him or should i be helping this guy with his mental health by giving him the closure he says he needs i don't think i'm the jerk here but my husband and best friend think i might be because what harm comes from giving him closure eta okay messages received loud and clear i'm going to block without engaging at all i owe him nothing and while i feel for him if he's actually struggling i'd prefer to look like the jerk despite the overwhelming comments that i'm not rather than give him the thin edge of the wedge to engage further thank you for your comments and well wishes well what would you do in this situation would you respond to their message or just ignore them please let us know when my exes from high school message me i just send them a picture of mr reddit and they back off you need to be out of the store within 15 minutes of closing so i used to work as a manager for a very large pizza chain that is franchised and the franchisee at my particular store happened to be a supreme penny pincher to the point where our broom broke a year ago and they're still using it so generally after we close it takes us anywhere from 10 minutes to 90 minutes to get the store cleaned up and all the next day prep done depending on how busy we've been that day it's always busy now the franchisee who runs our store is not happy with how long it takes us to do all this it costs him too much he says and has been complaining to me incessantly about how we all need to be done with our work and clocked out within 15 minutes of closing something that is completely impossible 99 of the time my record is 10 minutes for the quickest time and two and a half hours for the longest if anyone wanted to know one day after hearing him complain for the umpteenth time about how long we take to close and how he could easily get it all done alone far faster than my team i decided okay we'll be out within 15 minutes from closing this particular day however was christmas eve this is one of our most chaotic days of the year due to the combination of people who want pizza for the occasion which is a ton and lack of staff due to most of them saying they can't work over christmas us managers usually have to double our hours over christmas to keep the place running so as expected we have an absolutely chaotic day with everything running behind all while being understaffed and swamped in orders and then closing time comes the franchisee has long gone home leaving me with my two co-workers to close up and our store is an utter mess usually i get most stuff done before we even close but there hadn't been a single opportunity that day so the floor is littered with food and rubbish and the stack of dishes to do is four people high literally four piles a person high each i tell my co-workers to sweep and mop the floor while i blitz through all the cash counting and end of day paperwork and we get all that done in about 10 minutes now we're standing there with a pile of dishes and all the next day prep to be done and i look at them and say well guys the boss wants us out within 15 minutes so i guess we don't have time to do all this and with that we leave so the next day which is of course christmas we are closed and can't work but the boss decided to go in that morning and check that everything was done correctly i of course get a message from him wanting to know why nothing is done and i just gave him my professional reply i made sure we were out of there within 15 minutes just like you wanted i found out a couple of days later from a co-worker that he had spent his entire christmas day there doing all of the cleaning and prep work on his own to get the store ready for boxing day something me and my team could have done in a couple of hours all because he wanted us out of the store quickly at night to save money he never complained about how long we took again edit just want to say that the boss is a nice guy overall he's just really cheap and has no business sense am i the jerk for saying how i'd choose my adoptive family over my biological one any day when i was born my biological family had given me up for adoption as they had no desire to be a mother and father to me i don't have any memory of them and even though i've never met them in person or got to know them i still despise them for giving me up so easily i grew up in an orphanage and the kids there would constantly harass and ridicule me and it wasn't very pleasant it took a while to find an adoptive family for me as most people in my country prefer adopting newborns instead of grown-ups i was losing hope and i've started to think that nobody would take me in not stay there forever however a very lovely couple met me while i was there in the orphanage and seemed to like me and i liked them back they were honestly so kind to me and praised me for my art that i had drew it didn't take long for them until they decided they'd adopt me and it was the happiest moment of my life i was so glad to be a part of their family about a week ago i got a call from my adoptive mother saying that she had just got contacted by people who claimed to be my biological mother and father and that they'd like to meet up with me sometime and i agreed once i met up with them they were talking about general stuff but then it began to turn really awkward as they were ignoring some personal questions i'd asked them later they started speaking about my adoptive family they said how they seemed like boring people and asked me how i could even stand to be in the same room as them for a minute my biological mother criticized the way my adoptive mother dressed and my biological father said how my adoptive father seemed like someone i'd be ashamed to be related to and that i'm lucky i'm actually not the second they said that i lost it i told them that i'd choose my adoptive family over them any day and that they were cruel and horrible people who do not have the authority to say anything about them because they were the people who saw me as a burden and got rid of me my biological mother was crying and my biological father was silent but i couldn't care less i put on my jacket got out of the shop and called my adoptive father to come get me i think i'm in the right here but a part of me is saying that i'm the jerk in this situation so reddit am i the jerk well what do you think was ob the jerk or not please let us know not at all but his biological parents sure are refuse my help enjoy your weight obligatory this happened years ago when i worked at a big box furniture store this store was massive with a marketplace warehouse and two restaurants it had dozens of departments and every employee had specific tasks mine happened to be cart retrieval and helping customers load their flat-packed furniture into their vehicles one random weekday my co-worker called in sick so i'm carrying double the workload when my radio goes off customer at the exit needs help loading got it i was finishing up with another customer not too far away so i was there within minutes me hi i'm here to assist you where's your vehicle customer it's about time i've been waiting here for 15 minutes she hadn't been i had just walked by there five minutes beforehand me sorry about that i was with another customer i came within a few minutes of being told you needed help where's your vehicle customer are you saying i haven't been waiting that long me no i'm just saying i came within a few minutes of finding out you needed help i don't like your attitude after waiting so long i want an apology me ma'am i already apologize to you where's your vehicle forget it i'll find someone else me i'm literally the only person here that can help you i'll find someone else in such a way that every syllable was its own sentence me okay i walked away and continued working since i was incredibly busy loading other vehicles and retrieving shopping carts from everywhere including the occasional card corral 30 minutes later my radio goes off with a slightly annoyed tone that customer by the exit still needs help i offered to help her told her i was the only one to help her and she refused so i don't know what to tell you okay 20 minutes later i see my manager the cashier manager who was on the other side of the radio and the warehouse manager talking to her the cashier manager had called my manager and went to meet with the customer the two of them are middle aged women who then had to call the warehouse manager to load this large box containing a dresser i walked past them and leaned against a post and watched she was irate yelling and complaining about customer service she spotted me and scowled at me before getting in her car and driving away i approached the managers and explained what happened one of them said we get it before we all separated and went back to work she had to wait over 45 minutes because she was too entitled to wait for five minutes i'd like to think she learned a valuable lesson but she probably tells a very different version of the story never assume what languages a person can or cannot speak so this is an old story for me happened back in 08 when i was a stock person at a big box all-purpose store including a grocery section i had a working knowledge of where pretty much everything was in the store because i was all over the place but the grocery department had its own stock team specifically so i wasn't as knowledgeable there now two things to note here i am of lebanese descent and i was working in south florida at the time for those that don't know south florida has a significant cuban population but not so much middle eastern folks i got confused for cuban all the time because i had darker skin tone similar to a lot of cuban folks i also speak fluent english arabic and french but i was born and raised in the midwest so my accent gives no indication that i might be of middle eastern heritage on this fine afternoon i was wheeling back an empty tub back to the stock room after having emptied out one department over walking through the main aisle next to grocery i hear an excuse me not rude but definitely not polite either i turned to find the arab equivalent of icaron let's call her khadija khadija is a 30-something looking woman wearing yoga pants and a tight shirt and a really fancy hijab and jewelry because that makes sense standing with her husband i grew up in a predominantly lebanese community in southeast michigan so i definitely know the type the conversation goes as follows me how can i help you miss khadija i'm looking for a specific item but i can't find it me oh i'm sorry i'm not as familiar with the grocery section so i'm not sure where that is let me grab one of my colleagues for you one moment i could see one of the other customer service guys in the grocery section so i radioed him to come over and help her out me he'll be with you shortly miss karija thank you but i'm in a hurry i thought you worked here and knew your store me i'm sorry miss i don't really work in this section colleague is coming right down the aisle now khadijah to her husband in arabic they always get these stupid kids to work in these places but they don't know how to do their job this jerk doesn't know his head from his butt the husband gave khadija a look probably because he saw my expression turn from my customer service smile to a frown i had an internal debate about what to do next when her husband spoke husband in arabic stop talking i think he understood what you said khadijah in arabic of course he didn't he's an idiot he doesn't know his hands from his feet it's an arabic idiom doesn't translate the best me in arabic actually i understood every word you said i don't appreciate being called fat and stupid an older lady like you should know better than to insult people trying to help you worse you wear your hijab like a hypocrite pretending to be devout yet you abuse your perceived social lessers you should have some respect for yourself khadijah looked like she had been hit by a truck her olive skin turned ghost white and she sputtered at me you you speak arabic me and arabic obviously i do maybe next time you'll think before you insult people who help you when you think they can't understand khadijah grabbed her husband's arm and dragged him out of the store completely mortified i could hear her husband yelling at her in arabic that he warned her not to be a jerk all the time especially when she doesn't know who understands her i wasn't personally that offended but i won't deny it was satisfying to scare some sins into her my ex karen lied about me on social media i got revenge so background info i dated the same girl since i was a senior in high school to my second year of university we are both the same age we broke up plenty of times and got back together but she officially broke up with me for the last time in my second year of uni it's been two years since then and i'm in fourth year i still care about her dearly to be deathly honest and she knows it she has made countless youtube videos with her friends talking about embarrassing things about our relationship but giving me an alias so that people don't know who she's talking about or has made these cryptic tweets about me that i can clearly tell are about me but when i message her to take it down or delete it she says it has nothing to do with me i'm acting like a weirdo and that i need to leave her alone honestly for a while i thought maybe i was just going crazy or just blinded by the fact that i still cared about her and that she really isn't thinking about me and it's just my own self-pity that is making me think that she's doing these things to get a rise out of me i told my friends about this and they told me that people are starting to read it as if i'm not over her and that i'm deluded and it's starting to get stalkerish i listen to their advice because it's depressing enough as it is and tried to move on with my life a year went by and one day my sister told me that she had gotten a follow request on instagram from my ex i left it alone and didn't make a big deal out of it probably at like 3 am i got 2 notifications that said i had got a message from her and she had tagged me and my sister in her recent post i thought i was dreaming so i closed my phone and went to bed i checked my phone the next morning and the notification was still there so i screenshotted it and clicked on it for evidence just in case i told myself i clicked on the notification but she must have deleted it because it sent me to the instagram equivalent of like a 404 error page i asked her why she tagged me and my sister and she went off on me telling me that it's been two years since we broke up and that i've become a stalker or something to that degree she posted our conversation on twitter and cut out my name she made a bunch of tweets like seriously you need to leave me alone and stuff like that i was getting messages from mutual friends that i'm losing my mind and need to see a therapist that was the last straw for me i posted the screenshots of the notifications then took screenshots of every cryptic tweet i felt was about me and explained why and i called her a jerk because she knows exactly what she's doing and it's evil i was very satisfied with myself because it seems that a lot of people are a lot more understanding of me but there are also a lot of people who are telling me what i did was extremely mean and out of spite i don't know she honestly made me feel like a psychopath and it just feels like this was the right thing to do am i the jerk well what do you think is ob the jerk or not please let us know it might not be easy but i think he needs to block her and call it a day am i the jerk for not participating in christmas activities with my wife and kids my wife has always been more into holidays than me because she didn't have much of a family and they were dysfunctional i grew up in a huge family and have already experienced as many big christmases as i need it wasn't a big deal but since we have kids ages 2 5 and 12 she is obsessed with making it special over the years she started a lot of new traditions that include decorating the tree and a bookshelf with the kids she knows that i don't like to bother with any of that i mean i let her do it but i don't want to be involved since weekends are my only days off and that's just unnecessary work the thing is she keeps asking me if i want to help or go with them to see lights which takes forever or do gingerbread houses i could not have been clearer so today when she put up the tree i just avoided all of that by staying in the bedroom with the door closed she says that i'm the jerk for refusing to participate and that i'm acting like i have holiday related trauma when really it's the weekend it's my time and i just want to relax i don't see what the big deal is i get that she's trying to give the kids what she didn't have but it's not my fault that she had a hard childhood it seems like something she needs to get over instead of trying to play ketchup wife wants to make a big deal out of christmas when i just want to break am i the jerk for wanting to scale back well what do you think is o.p the jerk or not please let us know you're a mean one mr o.p seriously though who grabbed in this guy's eggnog am i the jerk for telling my boyfriend he's a bad person so recently my boyfriend got some dental trays for his teeth done molds of your teeth which can be used to put product in to whiten your teeth he's done this before but lost his last set of trays so went somewhere new to get some new trays done my boyfriend told me that when going to pick up his dental trays the receptionist just gave him the trace without asking for the payment of them he then took the trays and left knowing he had not paid for them the receptionist called shortly after he left and explained that a mistake was made and could he please either come back and pay for the trays or pay over the phone my boyfriend lied saying he was adamant he had already paid before picking the trays up and it wasn't his fault that they had no record of him paying and that he didn't keep his receipt to prove it to them he was pretty vocal to me about not wanting to pay for the dental traits if he didn't have to and that it was the receptionist's mistake and on her what sparked our argument about this was a car journey where he answered the phone to the manager of the dental practice who was following up the call with the receptionist my boyfriend continued with his lie that he had already paid and it was not his problem that they could not provide proof of this now something about witnessing him lie so easily to this man really bothered me and it bothered me that he didn't care if the receptionist may get into serious trouble or even lose her job over this mistake or that he wasn't losing out by paying as he would have paid for the product in normal circumstances after the call which didn't reach any resolution i told him that was very uncomfortable for me to hear and witness and he's a bad person for lying like that when he knows full well it was likely an honest mistake by the receptionist and he got a product he didn't pay for my boyfriend is now giving me the silent treatment and seems really hurt that i called him a bad person he says most people would avoid paying for something if they didn't have to am i the jerk should i apologize update thanks for the rewards a lot has happened since my original post i spoke to the manager of the dental practice i explained that my boyfriend had been open to me about not paying and that he doesn't plan to the manager said a letter was already on the way demanding the payment and if boyfriend fails to pay then court proceedings will begin it was thankful i called and knew it was their mistake but was surprised by my boyfriend's attempts to argue with him that's a good result for now i didn't plan on telling my boyfriend as i wanted to end it there's been too many red flags so i decided i couldn't ever really trust him and i didn't want to add fuel to the fire but before i got to end our relationship in person i learned another painful lesson recently my boyfriend's laptop broke this was fine as it was old and he can't work from home anyway he sells cars so he's used mine earlier this week i'm on my laptop working and go to check my personal emails except my boyfriend's email was still logged in when i open the webpage i go to log out but saw the most recent 30ish emails were all from the same person a girl this was weird as who emails like that to converse anymore i knew it was an invasion of privacy but i clicked onto the emails i deduced this was a girl from his work they were emailing because her mobile phone was broken and emailing him from her work email during the day was an easy way for them to still talk the emails were flirtatious they mentioned dates they had gone on he had clearly been to her house they spent lunch breaks together and she thought he was single the more i read the more enraged i became what if i'd never clicked the email after considering where i could bury him i decided to remain calm i called my manager to tell her what i just learned she's super cool and said to take the afternoon i then called an emergency locksmith and packed up my boyfriend's stuff he alternates between staying at mine and at his mom's except for his ps5 i bought for his 25th birthday last month when this purge of my boyfriend from my life was ready i text him i know about s our relationship is over your things are on the doorstep you must transfer me the money for xyz please don't ever contact me again and i blocked him on everything 20 minutes later a barrage of knocks are at my door as he's pleading to be let in to talk about it i can see him but stay silent where he can't see me he was on his knees crying begging and pleading for me not to leave him whether they were crocodile tears or not my heart ached after some time he left with his stuff i felt relief and had a good cry but i doubt that's the last i'll hear from him i feel heartbroken and stupid an enormous thank you to all of the people who said his behavior was revealing of his character and what he's capable of i will apply the same vigilance to future partners i know this is a dodged bullet but it hurts like heck edit i just wanted to clarify some things i kicked him out of my house i own it he's never paid anything towards it and has no documentation linking him to my house he alternates between staying at mine and his mother's with his mother's being his official and primary residency weirdly some of you were really focused on the fact i kept the ps5 but i paid for it have the receipts and it never left my home i feel like retracting this gift he's had a little over a week as a jerk tax is morally justified after he's been a five-star jerk i think they'd be very different comments if this was the other way around and he had just given me an engagement ring and then found out i was cheating not even two weeks later yeah it'd be mine under the jurisdiction of a gift but is it morally right i get to keep the ring probably not i get to sense half of these comments come from the fact the console is hard to find at the moment but i just pre-ordered it like everyone else who got one some are interested in whether i'm selling it i'm undecided because on top of everything my ex owes me a sizable amount of money so it depends on whether he decides to be a jerk with a cherry on top and not pay me back i noted down the email of the girl my ex was cheating with in case i wanted to contact her directly i was thinking of constructing a message explaining everything and assuring her i'm not bitter towards her then it's up to her what she decides to do with that info thanks so much for all the supportive messages and comments i'm reading every single one i'm honestly shocked at the amount of kindness from strangers if you got something for free that you were supposed to have paid for would you go back and try to pay for it or not please let us know i sure wouldn't that's god's way of telling me that i deserve it why are you illegally searching my guest's car this happened many years ago when i was first in hotels i've been in various positions left hotels and gone back over 15 years it's worth noting this was just barely before smartphones back in the good old days our hotel was mostly a suburban business and government hotel it was extremely rare we got anything else other than tourists off business season rates were high we were somewhat busy and had four to five people waiting to check in all in varying levels of business attire i'm about to check in a guy in a suit mid-50s when someone interrupts his check-in um hey just so you know the police are searching someone's car in your driveway not sure what's going on no one is there with them i look around at all these professionals with most people arriving by shuttle and ask if anyone is in the driveway the guy i'm checking in says he is i ask what kind of car he has if it's his or a rental and ask him to wait to check in so i can see what's going on i walk out there and there's an officer with his back kind of slanted to me watching another officer go through the car it definitely matches the description the one in the car is going through the glove box leaning over from the open driver's side i'm young and had a few stupid run-ins where i was searched for no reason with nothing found we have significantly good relations with our local pd now but i was like what the heck and feeling bold i walk up to the officer watching he doesn't realize i'm there and i say hi he turns startled takes a step back eyes kind of wide why are you illegally searching my guest's car actually looking nervous as heck um well the car was left unlocked and we were trying to see if anything said information about whose car it was you know this neighborhood and all don't want the car getting stolen the townhouses next to my hotel cost like 1.5 million the apartments like 900 000. there can be some foot traffic as it's a suburban city but this is utter bs it's in the driveway of a hotel along with other cars how did you know it was unlocked are you just walking around checking all the cars in our driveway um well the person whose car you're searching parked here and is in line waiting to check in i will let them know they left it unlocked i don't remember what he replied at that time the other officer had come out to see what was going on with something like okay we're good just trying to look out for people i know this sounds like r slash that happened but they actually burned rubber out of our driveway like tires screeching onto a 25 mile per hour suburban street i went back in told the guy they were searching his car as i checked him in he was confused as heck it was a rental car from the airport two miles away he was on an l r at a local major business i just told them sorry they're a little aggressive here sometimes i really don't want this to be a political post but i do want to say i have seen this specific force improve and be a good example in our area working in hotels i've had them take people to rehab shelters food kitchens etc that they could have just arrested this post isn't meant to be positive or negative towards the police just a story of a random thing at my hotel speaking of hotels what was the last hotel you stayed at please let us know best question for the win am i the jerk for returning all the presents i got and buying my own because i'm tired of receiving what i feel are thoughtless gifts from everyone i try to not be spoiled but my whole life i haven't felt thought of in the gifts i receive i never show it and always act thankful to be polite the gifts i give others are always personalized if i haven't been asked for specific items i listen and use their hobbies and interests to make sure they're a hit one of my favorite things was the shot of euphoria when they opened their present and were speechless then it comes time for me to open my gifts and it's a generic set of headphones much worse than the ones i own and colors i hate a face wash and a candle set that i can never use with sensitive skin and allergies a mug with a weird meme on it that is no inside joke between us that won't fit in my cabinet with a matching set already inside i'm tired of feeling like the co-worker you don't know that you picked for office secret santa i stopped hoping they finally listened or got me something from a list i specifically gave in case they couldn't be asked to put thought and effort into it i can't think of a gift i've received that wasn't donated or stuffed in a box in storage yet every gift i've given others is still on display used talked about or complimented when seen why don't i deserve that effort my friends are so great in every other way my husband loves me endlessly and there's no other area i feel we're lacking so why don't they try and get me something from my interests why am i unwrapping a clearance tea set when i'm a coffee drinker we all sent out lists again weeks back and my husband said he had already done his shopping and was excited to wrap my gifts i was hopeful this time he got me something from my list while tidying i found a stash with candy a pair of cheap slippers and a pattern i'd never wear a makeup travel bag with a tacky slogan slay all day on it i despise quotes on anything and it's well known and a pair of gloves i just felt deflated i felt sunken in on myself i realized i'd never get the joy of opening a gift and being blown away by its thoughtfulness i cracked i told everyone i wasn't doing gifts this year and to return anything they got me because i didn't have the money and wanted to be fair it's true i don't have the money to waste one thousand dollars plus on personalized gifts for everyone just to feel disappointment i cancelled all my orders returned all the items i got and bought things off my own list using those funds i wrapped them and put them under the tree to me from me husband is hurt friends are disappointed family has told me of how spoiled entitled and petulant i'm being i think they're just mad that they aren't going to get gifts from me this year that they boast about and post online and get tons of comments about how cool it is this year i'm getting what i want and going forward this may even be my tradition forever so i finally get things i'd like but as christmas gets closer i'm starting to feel guilty and ashamed for what i've done am i the jerk edit few things i should clear up one all i said to my family was that i wouldn't be participating in gift exchange this year due to my budget i didn't mention that it's because i don't like their gifts my own parents are the ones assuming that is why because they have the largest track record for being the worst at gifts for me and have been called out on it example being last year they got me a bunch of tea when i hate tea and love coffee i left the tea behind and nicely said i wouldn't drink it but my mother would and should keep it i was told i'm being ungrateful and expect to be catered to 2. no one knows about the gifts i got myself or will see them except my husband due to lockdown we won't be seeing family in person this year three while i did return everyone's gifts this year that does exclude all of my husbands i usually get him quite a few but i cancelled about half of them he'll still get five to seven or so and i made sure i didn't get myself more than i got him to unwrap well what do you think is opie the jerk or not please let us know you better get me something good this year mr reddit last year was unforgivable i wasn't worth her attention until suddenly i was i worked at a bookstore that has gone the way of the dinosaurs a woman comes up to the register with two of her friends they're gabbing non-stop and the lady in question doesn't even pause as she plops an arm full of books on my counter okay i can live with this i don't have to make small talk so i ring up her books i don't remember the total now so i'll just throw one in there me okay ma'am your total is eleven fifty woman to her friends blah blah blah she absently pulls out a 10 bill and sort of limpy tosses it in my direction me ma'am the total is 11.50 do you have another dollar and 50 cents she barely breaks eye contact with her friend to tilt her head a tiny smidge in my direction no so anyway the equity schmackady me um okay then ma'am will you please choose which of these books you are not buying today record scratch i suddenly have her full and complete attention lady what me please choose which of these books you want me to take off your total and put away since you're not buying it today what are you talking about i want to buy them all me speaking with infinite patience well ma'am your total is 11.50 you only gave me a 10. i asked you if you had more money to cover the full amount of your total and you told me you didn't so i need to ask you to choose which books you're not going home with today i pick up a random book at random shake it gently in the air and make as if to go put it back on the bookshelves lady oh wait a minute i um she turns a bit red promptly fishes in her purse pulls out a five dollar bill and hands it over me smiling my retail smile thank you ma'am here's your change have a nice day no apology but she clearly felt at least a little bit ashamed or guilty for not paying attention because she wouldn't look me in the eye as her friends make fake snickering sounds i don't think she was being malicious or trying to lie about not having money until she was called out i just think she wasn't paying attention at all she just fired off a no at random to what she thought was a generic retail question so she could get back to her all-important conversation she had no reason to give an anonymous retail person the time of day until she suddenly discovered that something important was actually happening we can all hope that this incident taught her a small lesson but i'm not taking any actual bets on that am i the jerk for being angry at my fiance's family and telling them to grow up i 27 male have been with my fiance 27 female for two years six months ago i proposed her family has always gotten along with me in her culture it was forbidden for younger sisters to marry before their older ones siblings had to marry in birth order i had no idea about that she's third generation canadian her parents don't have any siblings so it wasn't a problem one of her grandparents has a younger brother but he's never been married and is more of a scholar so it wasn't a problem she has one sibling 30 female last year her sister's boyfriend of seven years left the relationship because of her putting on him pressure to marry he always said marriage wasn't for him but he was okay with a committed relationship without it they had lived together for almost five years my fiance did feel for her but at the same time her sister didn't listen to what he said and she thought she could change his mind her family was not happy about the engagement they said she shouldn't have gotten engaged before her sister was married and she should have said not yet to my proposal now they want us to wait until her sister gets married she's completely single now and her getting married would take years this never came up before they always got along with me fine her sister was especially upset at hearing the news her four grandparents great uncle and parents are on her sister's side we've decided not to wait to get married because there's no end to this lockdown in sight we're getting married friday on our two-year anniversary we will do it outdoors the only people there will be the officiant and two friends to be witnesses and take pictures and video the three of them work with us we work in a hospital i'm a histologist and my fiance is a respiratory therapist so we won't be around any new people we'll stream it for any family and friends and colleagues who want to watch and we'll mail slash email the video and photos to anyone who asks we won't have a reception or a honeymoon until things are better her parents sisters grandparents and great uncle say they will not watch the wedding i'm angry at them we live in modern canada people don't get married young as in past times her sister is an adult with a college degree and a full-time job but she is being so petty and my family is supporting her it's not like we got engaged the day her sister's boyfriend left her more than a year has passed am i the jerk for being angry with her family and telling them to knock it off she's hurt to have no family support work has been heck for both of us due to what's going on and either of us getting a day off has been like pulling teeth no one's fault just what's going on we both have to work the day after our wedding too besides work we haven't left our home for anything since march we are working extra hours we just want one nice thing i'm also wondering if they will be angry if my fiance gets pregnant before her sister i don't like seeing her hurt well who do you agree with op or his soon-to-be in-laws please let us know some traditions really need to be thrown out the window am i the jerk for refusing to give my brother money for surgery on his nose so he can breathe out of it again i'm 31 female and my brother who's 29 needs surgery to fix his nose because he can't breathe out of it in the last 11 years he's had four nose jobs and now his nose is so small he cannot breathe the nose jobs are not the only plastic surgery he's had he's had lip injections to the point where he can't close his mouth and lips all the way i can't even remember everything else he was turned down by several doctors because they said going smaller like he wanted would interfere with his breathing he eventually went to mexico and paid a doctor in cash it ended up smaller but just like the other doctors said he can barely breathe out of it the only doctor who will touch his nose with a 10-foot pole because of the damage doesn't do payment plans we have public health care here but it doesn't cover anything cosmetic or procedures like this in other developed countries he's in debt on all of his credit cards that i know of in personal loans is at least 20 000. he tried getting another loan from the bank but was turned down everywhere he went our dad died unexpectedly two and a half years ago after he passed our moms sold the house and their vehicles she kept one third of the money from the sales and gave my brother and i each one third he spent his one third on leg lengthening surgery abroad and has none left i haven't spent any of mine yet i was in the military and served for 10 years i was badly injured on deployment six months before our dad passed and was discharged after my injury between my money i saved while serving and for my mom i almost have enough for a down payment for a house our mom lives in a retirement apartment the complex takes care of things like repairs and snow removal and stuff all her money from the sale and her savings is in a special kind of investment it pays for the complex rent and her credit card her card only has a small limit because it is for incidentals she can't access the special account to get money from my brother he asked her but she can't access it that way i'm his only other family he says i should be a good sister and sacrifice so he can breathe out of his nose again if i give him the money it will take at least an extra two years for me to save it back up he's asked for it outright rather than giving him a loan but he would never pay me back his nose will be bigger after the surgery and i know he won't like it and will get another procedure to make it smaller again this happened with his lips they almost burst and a doctor reduced them and he didn't like them being smaller so he got them injected huge again he said even though he can't breathe he wants his nose to be smaller given that he brought this on himself we'll keep having procedures after this is atrocious with money and won't ever pay me back am i the jerk for refusing to gift him five figures from my down payment savings to have the surgery that will help him breathe better or do i owe him like he says well what do you think should opie give her brother the money or not please let us know heck no but how about to kick in the pens or in the nose take the money i give for bills and squander it hope you like the court system i lived with a group of people who i thought were my friends they were two couples and we all lived in the same house for almost two years until i recently moved out there was david and tina and brittany and aj i was the only single person there there was a debate on how we should pay the bills but we all decided to give the money to the person whose name was on the bill david paid the mortgage tinan paid the water and electric slash gas and i paid the internet it came to the point where i was paying close to eighty percent of the mortgage by myself the entire water bill and about seventy five percent of the gas in the electric and i was paying the internet bill by myself i was giving the money still to the person in charge of the bill but came to find out about 10 days before i moved out that the mortgage was defaulted on and the house was in foreclosure also the water gas and electric bills were a constant threat of being shut off and that the only up-to-date bill was the internet while they all saw me struggle to pay these off they were mindlessly spending money during the day which is when i sleep due to working third shift so i never saw the mindless things they spent money on nor did i ever see the mail since they grabbed it before i woke up brittany never paid anything as she was having her check garnished due to unpaid student loans but she always had expensive makeup aj never held a job for more than two weeks david and tina were always calling in to work knowing that i wouldn't allow them to go without a home due to our history one day i woke up while they were all out and about doing something or other so i went to go check the mail as i was expecting a package when i saw the bills in the mail so i decided to investigate i opened up the gas and electric bill as they are by the same company to see a total amount of almost four hundred dollars and in risk of being shut off i was shocked and upset i knew right then and there what was going on and i vowed to do them over as hard as i could i had just interviewed for a new job that paid almost double what i was making and i knew that i interviewed well with them so i told myself that if i got the job i would give them a 30-day notice and move out and as it was close to the end of the month and i had already paid them i would be moving out before the 1st of february i got the call with the job offer the next day which i happily accepted i did the paperwork for the background check and it all came back clean the same day i accepted the offer i typed out a 30-day notice and recorded myself with my phone in my pocket handing it to them explaining that i was moving out i started my job and my hunt for an apartment close to my new job which i found within a week of starting i took almost the entirety of my checks set them aside for rent deposit and basic things that i would need i was asked several times to help with the next month's bills to which i said no as i was saving for my own place and that they had plenty of time to come up with the money between the four of them because i was doing it all by myself pretty much on a meager pay rate of eleven dollars an hour before my new job there were a lot of scowls passive aggressive behavior and flat-out attempts to take or use my things or foods without my permission the day came when i finally went and got my u-haul and had a few friends help me move free beer and free lunch are the best payment ever as they shared it all with me i was determined to get it all in one go so i got the biggest one they had and we got everything packed up i took everything that was mine down to my pizza stone which they loved my expensive kitchen knives which they would use and never clean even my toilet paper that i had bought three days prior to because i needed it a few rolls went missing very quick after moving everything i sat down on my couch looked around my cat at my lap and breathed a sigh of relief i happened to be good friends with my previous neighbors and ask them to keep an eye out for anything out of the ordinary four days go by and i come to find out that the gas electric and water have all been turned off and they were asking to fill up some buckets to manually flush the toilets bathen etc now both couples have dogs which my cat hated as they were both hyperactive as heck but i loved them so i decided that those dogs were in a dangerous situation as they had no water no heat in the middle of winter and probably no food as i had bought the last bag about two weeks prior i hate to see an animal hungry so i called the local humane society and left an anonymous tip about the dogs and how i was worried about them the next day my neighbor todd texted me telling me that the dogs were removed from the home that my previous housemates were being charged with neglect and because of the lack of utilities that these were not civil but criminal charges this was enough for me to smile but i wanted more i knew that david was divorced and had a kid i also knew that he wasn't paying child support i then contacted the local courts and made them aware of the flagrant non-support and that maybe they could help the agency looking for him i provided the address that we lived at and the homeowner was the one who was being looked for from there it came to light that he was almost twenty five thousand dollars behind which is a felony in the state where i live he's now living with someone on their couch as tina left him the house has been foreclosed on and he has nothing to his name while facing multiple criminal charges moral of the story don't take advantage of a friend who knows all your dirty secrets so karen what did you think of today's stories they were horrible horrible how dare you these were some of the best we've ever read oh shut up mr reddit it's ridiculous what people like myself have to go through dealing with stupid people like yourself and your subscribers look karen you can say whatever you want about me but don't you talk about my re-army re-army most of your viewers aren't even subscribed to your channel 70 if i'm correct well i can't argue with that that's true most most of my viewers don't actually subscribe for some reason it's because you're stupid mr reddit no i'm not all right guys let's prove karen wrong by making sure you're subscribed to the channel and turn on notifications they're not going to listen to you and if you'd like me or karen what to record a special message for you come visit me on fiverr link pinned in the comments below never and join as a channel member today and karen will give you a special shout out in the next video like heck i will
Channel: r/mr redder
Views: 426,607
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: r/entitled parents, entitled parents stories, mr reddit, r/mrreddit, reddit stories, reddit stories funny, karen, r/entitledpeople, entitled people
Id: 2UuLiDouuyk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 187min 24sec (11244 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 28 2021
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