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hey there mr reddit here welcome back to another episode of r entitled parents stories today we have a very special episode for you a compilation of some of the greatest entitled parent stories we've read over the past year so sit back relax and enjoy a few hours of the most entitled parents you've ever heard of and by the way karen assured me that if this video gets 1000 likes she won't try to speak to anyone's manager for an entire week so please smash that like button and if you're new subscribe and turn on notifications for new stories from reddit every single day and become an official member of the re-army today and i'll give you a shout out in an upcoming video r slash entitled parents be roommates with my son and give him your games and food update part two hey people of reddit my cousins gave me a second update about a couple of days ago about entitled mom and kid that have been harassing them this semester now they told me this happened about eight days after the new york trip so my cousins told me that they do first year student elections during january to february entitled kid threw a tantrum when he lost the election for class president and his entitled mom howled at my cousin meet everybody we've got my older cousin my little cousin we've got the roommate entitled mom entitled kid entitled kids a roommate student body vice president the nice kid entitled kids nice dad and the dean so the setting my cousin and his roommate were having a council meeting discussing the first year elections now i was told that the meetings are for student council members and prospects only because nice kid was going to be a candidate for president he was allowed in and his dad is a janitor and he works a campus job so he doesn't live on campus the door opens cue entitled kid hi everyone my cousin didn't want to deal with his bs and told him to leave he asked why he couldn't stay and he stated that the meeting was for the student officers and prospects only then entitled kid asks what's a prospect older cousin a prospect is someone who plans to run for office they are then included in the meeting because they are an associate member then entitled kid asked why nice kid was allowed in then older cousins stated nice kid is a prospect that's why entitled kid then said i'm gonna be a prospect now my cousin knew that if you're on disciplinary probation which he was it's impossible for someone to get an appeal the last time an appeal was successful was 1996 and the last time someone tried was 2009 with that in mind older cousin laughed in his head and wished him luck knowing that it would never get approved then his mom called the student council office to try to get information about an appeal now my cousin said that the peer council is in charge of appeals it is comprised of twelve student officers three tenth years three eleventh years and three twelfth years the student body vice president vote counts twice now his mom was there in the parking lot during the day of the vote the vote was six out of five so entitled kids appeal was approved older cousin had this why look on his face and he saw entitled mom was in the parking lot and her boy came and hugged her she then said i told you that mommy would take care of it she then saw older cousin walked up to him and said my son got his appeal approved you have to share that room and be his friend entitled kid yeah older cousin sat there blank for a moment as he realized that he now has to spend time with entitled kid because he has a prospect then entitled mom says excuse me didn't you hear what i said you're going to spend time with my son now older cousin then leans towards the mom and told the mom in an eerie way let it begin but in truth older cousin was scared he realized that if nice kid lost he would be stuck with entitled kid for the rest of the year the election was on february 25th so he had four days to get a game plan he asked nice kid and the rest of the gang to meet at the room to figure out what to do it went like this older cousin okay guys we need to figure something out if entitled kid wins we're going to be stuck with him for the rest of the year nice kid i have a good feeling i can win roommate that's not the point older cousin yeah i can imagine that his mom is going to bribe other students to try and get them to vote for her son little cousin we don't have a lot of money that's the point older cousin so we have very limited cash resources to make you look good nice kid oh i see then entitled kid's roommate called his dad and told him what was going on he stated that his roommate could be class president if he doesn't help them and title kid's roommate's dad agrees to help so getting nice kid exposure was the only thing that was left the gang worked tirelessly to promote nice kids campaign even had a town hall with free pizza alder cousins said that entitled kid really wasn't campaigning older cousin was thinking that maybe he just thought that he was going to win so he didn't put in any effort the eve of the election older cousin had a meeting with the prospects in his room and told them that their parents have been called and they will be at the announcement when the results are in older cousin then proceeded to talk to nice kid and entitled kid about student government nice kid was being cool but entitled kid was demanding to eat sweets and to play games it went like this entitled kid come on let me have a honey bun and turn on the ps4 older cousin that's not what this meeting is about it's to prepare you for what is going to happen tomorrow omg turn it on now roommate he said no entitled kid forget you jerk i'm gonna be your roommate soon when i become president you're gonna have to share eventually so stop holding out everybody just sighs loudly to where it's obvious then entitled kid says what it was time to end things so older cousin dismissed entitled kid and nice kid nice kid left and at that time entitled kid's roommate was coming over entitled kid's roommate hey we're still on for tonight right little cousin little cousin yeah i'll pull out the couch then entitled kid asks can i sleep over to roommate no entitled kid belts why not roommate because you don't live here and you aren't our guest well i'm gonna stay anyway entitled kid then proceeds to sit on the couch and the gang asks him to move but he doesn't the gang isn't having it especially little cousin little cousin stands over him an entitled kid says what the heck do you want little cousin we can either do this the easy way or we can do it my way entitled kid shut up you ain't gonna do nothing the gang then drags him out and he banged on the door for an hour begging to be let in fast forward to tomorrow the parents students and faculty are all there vice was getting ready to read the results vice everybody thank you for coming this is a time where we greet the new class officers our first year students everyone please be quiet and we will be starting at this time vice then proceeds to say the candidate's name and how many votes they received for entitled kid 85 votes because student elections aren't that important to first year 85 was a lot of votes then parents started to chat entitled mom and son were looking smug looking like they had won older cousin admitted to having this oh crap look then vice banged his gavel and said order for nice kid 764 votes nice kid wins little cousin and entitled kid's roommate turned to entitled mom and son and pointed in their face and said booyah nice kid's parents were there and congratulated him and so did the rest of the game entitled mom and son were really upset but my cousin said that entitled kid's dad was just there and he was really polite entitled mom and son pulled her husband away from the crowd and she demands he do something entitled mom you pay this school a lot of tuition our owlboy has to be president entitled kids nice dad well over 700 people decided that they didn't want entitled kid to be president i can't do anything entitled kid having a tantrum i'm supposed to be president now look what you did you made him cry come on mummy will buy you an ice cream she then turned to older cousin you jerk you plotted against my son didn't you older cousin well i didn't help him win you owe my son you didn't take him on the trip with you and you've been bullying him all semester if you don't be his friend you're gonna get an earful from my husband entitled kid yeah you jerk entitled kid then flips the bird to older cousin and leaves with his mom older cousin then had a talk with a nice dad and found out that he had sent him to the school hoping that it would break his son's entitlement older cousin tells the dad what has been going on all semester everything the dad looked shocked he begins to apologize profusely for his wife and son's behavior he stated that he thought he was improving and making friends older cousin had to dispel that and said that entitled kid is being a grade a jerk and was being very rude and disruptive to everyone he gave older cousin his number and said if entitled kid bothers them just call him and put him on speaker nice kid ended up choosing entitled kid's roommate as his vice president as the days went by needless to say entitled kid became even worse when entitled kid's roommate was in student government he said you stole the election from me you have to pay for this entitled kid kept getting worse entitled kid's roommate made a desperate plea and begged the dean to switch his roommate the dean said i'm really sorry but i have to there's nothing left i've asked other kids if they'll switch and nobody wants to entitle kid's roommate can you do something dean well there is one thing what is it well theoretically student officers are allowed to live together entitled kids roommate i'm not following you dean if you can convince the guys to let you move in with them i'll allow it entitled kid's roommate later asked the guys if he could move in my cousins and roommate said he is more than welcome to live in the room with them so they proceeded to go and get his things and it went down like this older cousin just put all your things on the bed and we'll get in and title kid's roommate alrighty entitled kid then says um what are you doing roommate i'm moving in with the guys what roommate yeah cool well then i'm coming too the game gives a very sarcastic sure you can and proceed to move entitled kid's roommate in roommate says in a really smug and sarcastic way oh wait you can't move in with us remember you lost entitled kid throws a tantrum in the hallway and everyone sees the gang gets the rest of his roommate's things and finished moving him in entitled kid's roommate has had the best sleep in weeks entitled kid does still wait by my cousin's door and begs for his roommate to move back in and gives a half-butt apology the game promptly ignores him and says this pizza is so good and it's all ours wow look at these graphics this is such a cool game entitled kid begs to be let in and the gang never does they have woken up to him sleeping at the front of their door on more than one occasion mandatory late night call after you made me hourly yes sir so quick background i work for a big national company which i will not name because i like being employed and we have a big software system that the entire company relies on to wrap stuff up and get it ready for the clients it's that last choke point bottleneck where if it dies literally all the work the rest of the company does is for naught i run this system at the grunt work day-to-day operational level this system also typically has upgrades and fixes installed about every two weeks and they always wait until late night on friday to bring it down and do the install so that it doesn't impact daily business now when these installs occurred they always got a bunch of people on a call to go through everything and make sure it all works before calling it good for monday being the guy who runs the system all the time i was always required to be on these calls i hated them the call started at 10 pm friday night so i couldn't go out and enjoy my weekend would last about two hours while the developers installed stuff and at the very end i pushed one button to kick things off so the suits could see that it was working and everybody was happy this was literally monkey work and everyone on those calls could have done it i volunteered to teach them how but no they wanted me on the call i was salary at the time so not exactly like i could say no and i wasn't getting paid anything extra for it can you see where this is going yet okay so a few years ago guidelines changed at the government level saying anyone who made x amount per year or less couldn't be defined as salary so they had to be hourly to stop companies from abusing glorified part-time workers i made more than that but the company went overboard because i was somewhere in the general ballpark and they didn't want to risk it so bam i'm now hourly roughly two weeks later it's deployment call time i ask if i'm really required to be there or not bossman says yes i don't complain because at least now i get paid for it oh but wait this isn't any normal deployment no this is a big one they tell me i need to be on the calls that will start up at five right as i'd normally be clocking out for the day thinking it would be a quick check in and then back out until 10 i dutifully call in nope this call lasts from 5 until 10 when we got to take all of our 5 minute break and get into the other call now i'm home short so i'm sitting at this call in my underwear and nothing going on requires any input from me at all again i'm not complaining because i'm getting paid for this and i've got netflix on in the background not only am i getting paid since i did my full 40 that week already this was overtime so 10 o'clock deployment stuff starts going on and by midnight we get to my part i push the button i tell them it's going to take about 20 to 30 minutes to process before we even know if it worked half hour of twiddling thumbs later it fails some cursing from developer as they go to try to fix whatever barked and i got to spend another 30 minutes resetting all the data so we can try again once everything is ready i push the button thirty minutes later it fails again fast forward several hours it's now five o'clock saturday morning it still hasn't run properly everyone is cranky except me because baby i got dollar signs in my eyes twelve hours of overtime for watching netflix and doing monkey work is going to be sweet except it was even better than i thought at the time that saturday was technically some minor holiday my company pays time and a half if you work on a holiday so i had 7 hours of overtime and 5 hours of overtime with additional time and a half i ended up making over half a week's pay overnight from that call my boss flipped when he saw the check i was supposed to get i reminded him that i had asked an email with half the team copied if he really needed me on that call and that he said i absolutely had to be unlike some of the bosses i read about on here he swallowed his defeat gracefully i got a huge paycheck that period and oddly enough i have not been required to attend a single one of those calls since then huh i wonder why side note developer worked on it all weekend and got it running by monday morning so we were fine entitled mom screams at me over an item i bought gets kicked out of the store some backstory i have recently been diagnosed with cancer at stage 1 and i would prefer not to say what type but just know that i am currently being treated for it and i am also scheduled for surgery to get it taken out as any cancer patient will tell you the chemo sucks my oncologist told me that i'm not supposed to go out much because she doesn't want me to risk getting sick because my immune system is currently sitting somewhere in the garbage all very reasonable however the pain meds that i am taking are a controlled substance and as such i cannot have it be delivered and i also cannot send someone else to pick it up for me it must be me and i am also required to show id to pick it up also important to note is that my boyfriend has been taking massage therapy classes so that he can help me feel better when the pain becomes unbearable i don't feel like there needs to be a cast mentioned because it was really just me my boyfriend karen a security guard and a male cashier involved and only me karen and the cashier actually spoke alrighty without out of the way let's begin my boyfriend and i had to go out to pick up a prescription for me the pharmacy we'll call hoppers has groceries household items and also the usual stuff you'd find at a pharmacy in it we decided to pick up some groceries and supplies while we were waiting for the pharmacist to fill scent prescription so i took a cart and headed down an aisle to grab some face cleansing stuff after i did that i turned around and headed towards the pharmacy area to check to see how long we had until my meds were ready on my way there i grabbed a bottle of aloe vera gel as it was on sale and just as i do the following happened karen practically screaming at me oh of course look at you grabbing the aloe vera gel right away oh i wonder why i turned around to look at her she didn't have the typical karen haircut but she did have her long blonde hair piled up on top of her head in a messy bun bright pink nails and a lot more makeup than a trip to hoppers called for she scoffed and smirked at me and then stomped off before i could say anything back at her i was stunned and i think my brain actually misfired a couple of neurons or something because i just couldn't believe that some random lady just yelled at me over aloe vera gel after i picked my jaw up off the floor i looked around for her because i was angry i mean what business is it of hers if i'm buying some aloe vera like sure you can use it to make hand sanitizer but i literally grabbed just one bottle of it not even close to the four per customer limit that the store had after a couple of minutes i spotted her two aisles over so i quietly came up behind her and me not yelling but definitely louder than necessary lady i have cancer excuse me for enjoying a massage for my boyfriend every now and then after a grueling day of cancer treatment karen turns bright red stammering i i wasn't talking about you i was talking about someone else me yeah whatever lady the thing is she and i were the only ones in the store besides my boyfriend and the staff due to the store only allowing so many people in at a time and also because this particular hopper's is a little smaller than most so it doesn't seem to get a lot of traffic anyway i walked away to find my boyfriend so that we could continue shopping while we waited for my meds i found him and of course told him what just happened you'd think it was over at this point but oh no after a little while had passed my meds were ready and my boyfriend and i managed to get everything on our shopping list we were done and i was getting pretty tired so we headed towards the front to pay for everything i guess a few more customers had come into the store after all of that happened so there was a bit of a line but we really didn't mind because that's when i saw karen standing directly in front of us in line i pointed her out to my boyfriend he was still fuming about how she had yelled at me and also about how she straight up lied to my face when i called her out on it but then he kind of chuckled then nudged me and gestured towards the karen's shopping cart this crazy karen had the entire cart absolutely full of toilet paper this store has huge signs everywhere about how there's a limit of two packages per customer and karen had an entire shopping cart full boyfriend and i watched in awe as she pulled out her credit card as she gets closer to the front and we got to witness the most glorious thing unfold right in front of us cashier politely i'm sorry ma'am but due to extremely high demand there's a limit of only two packages per customer karen cuts him off yeah i saw but i don't care about your stupid signs i'm a paying customer i have a right to buy whatever the heck i want cashier about the system won't karen screaming now i don't care i am paying for it so i will have what i want insert long loud rant here the cashier must have called for security somehow or maybe they just heard the screeching but whatever the case a security guard materialized out of seemingly nowhere karen lost her mind and was practically frothing at the mouth when she saw the security guard she tried to ram him with her cart but since there was a lot of room he just sidestepped it grabbed her by the arm and frog marched her out of the store my boyfriend and i were quiet all the way back to the car but the second we got in and the doors were closed we looked at each other and cracked up laughing we laughed so long and so hard that both of us had tears running down our faces the whole way home we couldn't even look at each other without starting to laugh again customer berates an employee and doesn't realize i'm the manager about eight years ago i was around 21 years old and the manager of a subway to be fair to this customer i have always looked younger than i am this story is about a very berating customer we can call them bc and a sweet but mildly meek employee we will call essie employee is helping customer through the line and everything seems to be going well i walked out of the back to help a customer that had walked in midway through interaction she's doing her best to accommodate his exacting demands things like only four pickles and two shakes of pepper etc they get to check out and customer lays into employee i'm not paying full price and i want a free drink are you stupid it's not that hard to make a ding sandwich employee had done everything right up to this point to portion both for his request and to corporate standards when not given an amount an employee had been extremely polite during this she gets a deer in the headlights type of look when he begins this shouting and does what i trained her to employee offers to remake the sub if it's not correct see we've had a problem with people coming in regularly trying to get free food so instead the sandwich gets thrown out and we will remake it from scratch which at a busy store like ours my employees could start to finish a sub in two minutes or less if you knew what you wanted on it or they didn't work rush this infuriates him more no i don't want you to remake it are you deaf and dumb you idiot as he smugly looks back in my direction thinking he's going to win this at this point i hold up a finger to the regular i'm helping with a gleam in my eye this customer stifles a chuckle as this isn't the first time she has seen me stand up to a ridiculous customer look my employees are working for barely more than minimum wage at a fast-paced environment they don't deserve to be treated like crap there is a difference between a frustrated customer with a legit complaint and one with a berating attitude i interject sir is there anything i can help you with customer yeah this dumb jerk can't do anything right i want to speak to your manager me well sir you're speaking to him right now you are not the manager you're far too young is everyone here stupid or me done with the situation i am the manager sir and as such i won't have you talking to my employees that way i'm exercising my right as a business to refuse you service and you have 30 seconds to vacate my store before i call the police customer bulks up at this you wouldn't dare you little me our front line has both video and audio recording for both the safety of my employees and my customers i will trespass you and allow my employee to pursue harassment if the police see it fit i pick up the phone i have never seen anyone dart out of the store so quickly my regular nearly kills over laughing my clothes are in the back shouts heck yeah employee who is nearly in tears i like to think out of combination of embarrassment relief and joy needless to say i told her she handled that extremely well and to direct any similar customers to me she also got her lunch apparently comped that day by me for putting up with it as long as she did almost as funny as how a meatball sandwich ended in divorce but that's another story for another time speaking of subway what's your favorite sandwich to get there i'm so hungry right now and i'd love to hear from you karen gets mad for having to respect her free nanny i started spending time with an old friend from school that had two kids now she had just left a difficult situation and turned to me for help as i was her only friend in trade school and since she had left she stayed at my house for a week before getting into a women's shelter that gave her an apartment until she could get section 8. no one was allowed to know she was there and i stood by her this whole process watching her kids for hours on end making sure they were fed and looked after people would tell me i'm such a good person for helping her and honestly it made me feel like crap for not being able to help more but at that time i was having a hard time mentally and had just lost my job so i couldn't support her financially i was allowed to be in her apartment because i was her support for the kids this is where the entitlement comes in she had never thanked me or really even asked for my help rather demanded most of the time i never expected a thank you and was just happy to help but things took a turn a couple weeks in she started to be really nasty towards me making comments on my appearance and pointing out my flaws and insecurities she even started getting her oldest too as well they are well-behaved kids for the most part and really are just typical kids she started dropping her kids on me with no notice and leaving me with them for hours when i was at her apartment she would sleep all day and i took care of her kids keeping them quiet making them breakfast lunch and dinner keeping them entertained and trying to teach the oldest his letters while making sure the youngest stayed out of trouble she would roll out of bed and complain about the dishes being dirty then talk to her kids for a minute before playing on her phone until night time then go back to bed she didn't look for work at all despite my begging her to so she could either one pay me or two find care somewhere else so i could find a job the first time i snapped was over something small her oldest ran up to her wearing a spiderman mask my mom had bought for him because he loved spider-man this boy treasured spider-man wanted to be him his mom's response spider-man is stupid and lame only losers like spider-man now this was significant to me for a couple of reasons she just crapped on her son's hero and my family loves spider-man he's even my favorite superhero something which she knows very well she just did so many weird and awful things we fought but i ended up still watching her kids as she promised to look for work she told me that she will never get a job with her training because it sucked the same exact training i received by the same teacher i just waved it off and resigned myself to forever being these kids caretaker the second time i exploded is when she told me my best friend was just a pathetic [ __ ] my best friend is in prison longer story she was 16. the final straw was actually her oldest son he was acting out pretty heavily and she refused to discipline him she would scream at me if i even suggested thinking about it i just thought a time out at a stern lecture would do him some good i also told her he probably just misses her and is trying to get her attention spending time with him might help she said i was telling her opposite things and i'm not a parent and don't know a single thing about kids i grew up babysitting and spent years taking care of my brother's kids she called a therapist who told her the same thing i did and when she called to tell me she blamed me for taking care of him she told me i should have told her that he was missing her and that she should have spent time with him i was done i told her that she was a horrible mother who put her kids in danger she took her oldest to a concert knowing her crazy husband was there he then tried to follow her home i told her she was verbally abusive i tried to point it out so many times and she told me i was a horrible guest because i snored in my sleep and left dishes in the sink she told me i was unreliable i had a job interview once and that i didn't actually care for her kids i loved them i told her i was done watching her kids for her and i was so sick of her bs towards me i told her that she needed to pick up the stuff she left here for her kids and lose my number when she came to pick it up she tried lying to tell my mom that i threatened to hurt myself if she stopped being my friend using my past against me she tried getting my parents to choose her over me because she has kids my dad told her to just leave she also threatened to call the cops because i refused to hand deliver her stuff to her window she treated me like a slave most days and other days like i owed her it takes a lot for me to walk away from someone especially if that person has kids and does need help karen was just too horrible before she left she told me that no one would love me and i was going to die alone when i found the 80 key fob to her car she left me in case of emergencies i threw it in the trash several years of harassment caused her to lose a job and her kids several years ago my mom was dating this nice man with two kids my younger brother and i liked the boyfriend himself but his kids were another story his kids were entitled jerks that always got what they wanted constantly stole our toys and were generally a nuisance to be around i always tried to be a better person but my brother and i were constantly getting into arguments with them due to their pettiness they weren't even the worst part of the relationship the boyfriend's ex-wife was from my perspective i felt that she was the type of person that if she couldn't have him nobody could she made my mother and our lives heck constantly filing false complaints about our side of the family generally pointed at my brother and i from harassment to claiming i had stolen the son's toys which was the other way around and going after the boyfriend claiming he was an unfit parent several times she'd try and ruin any plans we had come up with for example after spending months planning a trip to new york last minute she blew a fuse and demanded we cancel the trip so that she could take her own trip with them we had already gotten written agreement from her one time she even demanded the oldest son and i visit a family therapist after pointing all the blame on me i told my side of the story it resulted without the therapist fully implying that they agreed i was in the right and them storming out of the room among many other reasons even after my mom and her boyfriend had gotten engaged the ex-wife was one of the biggest reasons why mom had decided to call off the engagement the harassment and drama were just too much for us it broke her heart to do so but she made us the priority and got us out of that situation a few years after the breakup my small family and i were living happily i never saw the kids or the dude again my mom had still kept in touch with the former boyfriend but after some time apart she's seen the faults in him too i was in the eighth grade and living life happily that was until the ex-wife stepped into gym class one day apparently since the breakup she had gotten her teaching degree and became a substitute teacher she was now replacing our normal gym teacher who was on maternity leave as well as acting as the assistant teacher for our health class basically i now had to see her pretty much every day for the rest of the school year at first she didn't recognize me puberty had hit me hard changing my appearance drastically especially for someone who hadn't seen me in like five years eventually she recognized my name and that's when the harassment began anew all of it was snide remarks about my appearance constantly pointing me out as an example as to what puberty can negatively do to you pimples facial hair voice cracking that sort of stuff to the class as if i was the only one dealing with it the main health teacher didn't know about it either basically everyone in the 8th grade was taking this class at the time it was technically one large class but split up into male and female groups and wasn't i lucky that the ex-wife got the male half mine i told my mom about it immediately and she was livid she sent multiple emails to the school requesting that they switched teachers or at least let me take the class online it all fell on deaf ears until with the help of the ex-boyfriend we showed them dozens of emails phone calls and messages all spouting harassment at my family and i this resulted in her being fired from the school and basically being blacklisted from our school district and the surrounding area if she wanted another teaching job she would have to find it elsewhere this resulted in a major legal battle between her and the ex-boyfriend because she had tried to move out of state with the kids without his nor the court's permission apparently she lost custody of the kids and had to go back to her old job don't know what it was all in all it was an interesting experience we cut all ties with that family after the whole ordeal and went on with our lives i'm now a sophomore in college waiting out the lockdown in my state while my mom still hasn't had a long-term relationship since then she's happier than she's been in a long time entitled mom says i don't need my xbox because i'm fat and tries to take it some backstory so the entitled mom of this story was one of my dad's friends she had a great life growing up and got a lot of the things she wanted so she wanted the same for her kid my parents had been great friends with her shared a lot of their life with her five years to be exact and everything was great christmas had come around and i had gotten an xbox one x as a present i have been overweight for several years of my life and have gotten very self-conscious about it to which makes me sensitive to comments and insults about my weight also i would like to mention entitled brat was around 9 to 10 at the time of this story now for the main story so this happened about two months ago my parents invited some friends over and a family for a party they wanted to throw one because they hadn't had one in a while and they felt like getting some stress off their shoulders like the introvert i am i stayed upstairs and played on my xbox my parents had invited over entitled mom and she brought entitled brad because his dad was away for a couple of days because he had to go to an interview after a lot of the people left some people stayed for a little while this included entitled mom and entitled brad my mom told entitled brat that i was upstairs and he could hang out with me because he was very bored from hanging out with the adults he came upstairs and into my room entitled kid what are you doing op me i'm playing some minecraft can i try now me being a softie for kids and being nice to them i offered to let him play he played for an hour or so when i asked him to stop so i could keep playing i'm sorry but i will have to admit i'm kind of addicted to video games so i was a little impatient me hey entitled brad it's my turn now no i want to keep playing me but it's my xbox and if i want to play you have to let me you can't tell me what to do you're not my mom but it's my xbox and i want to play so i'm going to play whether you like it or not now that was a big mistake on my end for saying that that caused entitled brad to start to whine that he wants to play me well it's my turn to play so move it along now i pushed him to the side of me so i could start playing some skywars he started throwing a tantrum saying i want to play it's my turn stuff like that entitled mom heard his whining and came upstairs to see what was happening entitled mom opie what is going on me i'm trying to get entitled brad to move over and let me play on my xbox because he already had a turn he played for an hour oh just let him play op you get to play this every day while he doesn't even have an xbox me it's my xbox and if i want to play i'm going to play oh come on you don't even need that xbox in the first place what you're already fat enough and if you have this xbox every day you'll just get fatter and fatter for the rest of your life now that comment really tilted me off my foundation because i hate any comment or insult that has to do with my weight and i retaliated me then why don't you buy your son his own xbox that thought ever struck your empty mind entitled mom clearly shocked about what i had said how dare you swear in front of my son why can't i i don't have the right to entitled mom listen here punk i am not having any of this crap from you understand now let my son play on your stupid xbox me no entitled brad mommy i want to play on the xbox entitled mom i know honey just give mummy a second ok entitled brad starts fake crying trying to make it as believable as possible because he knows his mother will chew anyone out if he's upset because of them look what you did to my baby you're making him cry just let him play on the xbox you insulin jerk now my mom starts hearing entitled mom screeching and runs upstairs mom what the heck is going on up here your food kid just made my poor boy cry because he won't let him play on the xbox just tell him that he is wrong an entitled brat should play mom look entitled mom it's not my decision on who gets to play on the xbox it's ops but it was a gift you bought it for him and now it's his property got a problem with that entitled mom's size probably one of the loudest and most overly dramatic sighs i've ever heard we all settle down and go downstairs after 30 minutes downstairs entitled mom says that entitled brat has to go to the bathroom and she goes with him me what the heck isn't he like nine he should be able to go on his own sheesh after we play monopoly for 10 minutes we hear a loud thunk from upstairs and whining from entitled bread me oh no i go upstairs and who better to be there than entitled mom with my xbox sitting on the carpet cables ripped out of the outlets tv nearly tilted off my dresser me what the heck are you doing entitled mom you don't deserve this xbox you rude jerk give me my xbox back now while i'm arguing with entitled mom i hear some fast footsteps go down the stairs and clunking of plastic and metal in a paper bag entitled bread just ran off with my controllers my dad notices entitled brat running down the stairs with the bag and stops him dad what you got there a little man nothing let me see that he opens the bag to find all three of my controllers dad and why do you have op's xbox controllers entitled brad because my mommy told me to take them he tries getting past my dad to get out of the house but he stops him what give me that bag and come with me he comes to my room to see my xbox on the ground with the cables on top of it and me and entitled mom arguing dad what's going on in here op me this crazy lady's trying to take my xbox she also insulted me on my way dad entitled mom you know that opie is sensitive i don't care he's a rude and ignorant little jerk who doesn't care about other people my dad is very protective of me for several reasons because of how fragile i am because of how bad my mental health was at the time and also he's very supportive my dad doesn't approve of anyone talking about me like that get out entitled mom no i'm not leaving until i have that ex i said get out my dad is a very intimidating guy even though he isn't over six feet he is a powerhouse when it comes to strength overall entitled mom flees my house empty-handed with her bread dad look opie don't take what entitled mom said to heart okay you're a very smart and caring boy and your weight doesn't matter so don't worry about it me thanks dad i finally snapped on a karen recently found me a job that i really enjoy i worked both my old job at the restaurant and my new one for a while till i was able to fully start the new job it's been a couple of weeks since i quit the restaurant and i went in to pick up my last check they're doing to-go orders only like a lot of places are right now i went up to the cashier station and my friend was the only person working and one cook so i just started talking to her about what had been going on and my new job and stuff while she got my check from under the counter the kitchen yelled order up that echoed through the whole empty restaurant so she went to grab the order and i stayed at the front waiting for her to come back i was standing next to the cashier stand not behind it a car pulled up and parked in front of the restaurant in a handicapped spot and i noticed they didn't have any stickers to park there i recognized the lady from when i used to work there she's a total karen jerk that every single person working here hated her she always had many complaints and almost never tipped she would come in with a group of two to three more karen's and run the waitress around for two hours and then not tip her she even made a new girl cry one day so i started to walk to the back to get my friend and so karen wouldn't say anything to me but she obviously recognized me from when i worked here some of this is paraphrased because i was so angry i don't remember exactly word for word karen screaming red in the face i want a refund i'm so fed up with you all not knowing how to do your job me let me get someone to help no you will give me my money back right this second i'm never coming back here again that girl said she checked the order but it's wrong i was here a few minutes ago and ordered grilled catfish and there's no tartar sauce in it how am i supposed to eat fish with no tartar sauce and i never got the dr pepper i paid for she looked like she's about to explode with anger i was starting to feel angry too karen and then i drove here twice already i want my money for the gas i wasted me okay just let me go get someone to help you i will admit i said it in a snappy way i do not appreciate anyone talking to me like that she noticed and immediately started cussing me out and my friend came out from the back asking what happened karen starts yelling at her and i went to the back i quickly asked the cook for tartar sauce while i made a dr pepper and then walked back up to karen as she was still demanding a refund and fifty dollars for gas there's no way she used fifty dollars of gas she's insulting my friend and saying i was rude to her i just wanna say that what i'm about to do some of you might think is wrong but after working years in customer service and having to put up with little jerks like her i saw this as a once in a lifetime opportunity to finally give them a taste of their own medicine i mean what are they going to do fire me i don't work here anymore me nobody likes you you are the biggest jerk i've ever met she looked at me wide-eyed frozen in shock me you really think it's okay to just come here and not tip and then treat everyone like they are worthless why are you like this always such a nasty attitude thinking you're better than everyone i'm sorry your life is so miserable that you constantly have to put others down here's your stuff and you can shove it i set the tartar sauce and the drink on the counter not going to lie i really thought about throwing it at her then i just walked out with my check before she could say a word to me although i think she was stunned silent no one probably has ever talked to her narcissistic self like that before i went home and started telling my boyfriend about it and before i could even get a few sentences out the owner of the store is calling me he wanted me to apologize and i said no way so now i'm forever banned from going back there my friend said that karen threw the biggest fit after i left screaming for the manager and the owner and she almost called the police really happy i didn't throw that drink at her now i did feel bad for leaving her with that mess but she said she was thoroughly entertained by the situation and she wishes she could have cussed her out too i really wish i said more to karen because on my way home i thought all kinds of stuff i could have said i think this has been building in me for a while and i finally snapped honestly i do not regret a single word i said to her how a meatball sub ended in divorce while at my subway store i'm the manager our franchise general manager comes in to do a review of my employees and i received a call from another nearby store of ours in need of some product so i head out to transfer the product to another store so the first part of this is all second hand from our general manager my big burly closer has a middle-aged karen haircut and all come in she's ordered food for herself and her husband in the car my general manager can see them both from his seat in the lobby he's watching my closer make the sandwich via our cameras while paying attention to his customer service correct questions politeness etc she orders a club for herself and a meatball sandwich for her husband she proceeds to ask for a little extra sauce and then piles it full of toppings he had asked for it's rather demanding as my closer is adding the toppings per subway regulation even for extra making her ask multiple times of course my general manager is in the store and i'm not there to take the heat if he doesn't something i did for my employees especially him since i relied on him to keep my already long work weeks below 80 hours when people called out man's a saint of patience she's rude but nothing abnormal for fast food she takes her food husband and karen proceed to go home to eat i return from the other store and sit with our general manager in the dining area we go over what went down while i was gone how my clothes are dead fantastic of course and he catches me up on the owner's focus for the store and drama from other stores he used to be my manager for a year before we both got promoted then in comes karen's husband the poor divorcee he comes in livid swinging our front door hard enough i thought it was going to slam against the store next door's windows he starts do you know what you've done pointing to my closer who is twice his size by the way and usually a gentle giant closer is there something i can help you with he's obviously confused considering he could not have seen the husband sitting in the car husband yeah you can pay my alimony and buy me a new house she's going to take me for everything and it's all your fault i'm going to sue you the store the owner subway general manager and i stand up to handle it my general manager rests his hand on my shoulder and tells me he has this general manager sir what exactly has happened your employee put too much sauce on my sandwich fell out onto my pants and my wife got angry the argument ended with us getting a divorce you are going to pay for it general manager oh sure i'm sorry to hear about that i'd be happy to give you a free sandwich free sandwich what general manager but holding up a hand to have husband let him finish if meatball sauce on your pants is causing a divorce i hate to tell you that your marriage had problems long before this karen's husband then spills an incoherent set of sounds before storming out and peeling out of our parking lot in the end karen's husband sent in a complaint to corporate our corporate contact came in the next month for his inspection and asked me about it i brought up the cameras and audio of the evening he chuckled and smiled corporate please email this to me too will you me sure may i ask why corporate one proves we have no fault in this divorce in case of suit two and most importantly it's hilarious and my co-workers have to see this so that's how a meatball sub ended a marriage customer tried to get me to hurt myself this happened about six years ago when i was working for a well-known high street fashion retailer as an assistant department manager i was working at the till training a new starter when a woman strolled up placed a shoe box on the counter open the lid took out a boot and asked me to put my hand all the way inside why would you like me to do that was my response just do it she demanded i kept refusing politely all the while asking her why she wanted me to do that she got madder and madder and louder and louder and this attracted the attention of staff and customers alike including my manager she knew i could handle things so she stayed out of it but waited to see what was going on after maybe five to seven minutes of this repetitive back and forth the woman screamed because there was a metal spike in the toe and i wanted you to get hurt like i did so you're telling me that because of a manufacturing defect that caused you pain you thought it was okay to try and bully me into getting hurt too why not it's only right well a normal person would have come in told us about the fault we'd have been deeply apologetic and then tried to make amends in some way but you chose to try and inflict bodily harm on an innocent person she then swung at me trying to claw me with her nails i dodged that just as my manager and another colleague grabbed her from behind and restrained her the police were called and she was carted off sadly i never learned what became of her on later inspection the metal spike turned out to be a small plastic shard or spur of some kind maybe two millimeters long at most it was a bit jacket and slightly sharp entitled mom tries to get me to give my easter basket to her kids i live in an apartment complex with my boyfriend i work overnights so usually i'm asleep during most of the day yesterday my boyfriend went out and bought stuff to make up an easter basket for me something we did for each other last year but hadn't really talked about doing this year because of what's going on he set the basket up and left it in the passenger seat of my car for me to find when i went to work this morning i got home around 7 30 and as i was walking through the parking lot a couple of the neighbor kids were playing outside i'm pretty sure they're brothers as i always see them together and i passed them to go upstairs while carrying my basket the basket itself is a pink wicker basket it had a small pink stuffed bunny a giant lollipop set a chocolate bunny and plenty of colored eggs in it i had just taken a melatonin and put my sleep mask on to try to get to bed when i hear a knock at my door my boyfriend is fast asleep so i figured i might as well look through the peephole to see if it was an amazon delivery or something i peek through and see my neighbor from over the stairs so i open it up the two boys from earlier were by her door watching our conversation entitled mom my boy said you had an easter basket me uh yeah okay so give it to them me i'm sorry give them the easter basket you're an adult why do you even have one me i'm not going to give your kids my easter basket well why not do you not like jesus or something i stood there for a second with a confused look on my face before she snapped give them the basket already me look i've lived here almost a year i see your kids all the time and i've never really interacted with them but they seem like okay kids even if that is true though i don't have to give them anything especially not something that was given to me as a gift if they want easter baskets and you want them to have easter baskets why don't you buy the supplies and make them up yourself why would i have to do that when there's one already made up here because it isn't yours well i'm sure it'll get much better use if my boys have it rather than you and it's over or i'm going to call the police and tell them some girl from my apartment stole their basket me you might think it'll get more use from your kids than it will for me but it's all sweets that i'm going to eat to keep me awake during my 12 hour shift tonight the one i need to go to sleep before if you would leave me be after that i closed the door in her face i could actually hear her through the door give off one of those partial grown partial screams that she actually called the police on speaker right outside of my door so i called the non-emergency line and said if a woman called about someone for my address stealing her kids easter basket police still haven't shown up and now it's time for me to snooze happy easter all it's possible the police did show up after i fell asleep but if so i have no recollection of it melatonin knocks me out and it's hard to wake me up even without it so if anyone would have answered the door it would have been my boyfriend who also used to be a police officer to those of you saying i should have slammed the door in her face right after she asked you're right i wish i had so i wouldn't have had to deal with such stupidity when i was so tired already to those of you saying i shouldn't have opened the door regardless because of what's going on you're also right the only reason i opened the door was because i recognized her as my neighbor and i know she's a single mother with three kids in her home and to my knowledge she isn't working at the moment so i thought she was just coming to ask for something like milk or a couple eggs or something which i would have probably given her if that were the case to those of you saying to report her to my apartment management my boyfriend has been living in this complex for over five years and is very close with management so if anyone would report anything he or i did management would call him and ask hey what happened with so and so but we've reported our upstairs neighbor for things and nothing has been done about it those of you saying just reported for a paper trail i've lived in the apartment almost a year and haven't had an issue with the family until today so i don't think much more will happen with her or at least i hope not her kids are in middle school which starts at around seven something in the morning here so they're used to being awake as early as 7 30. it's possible they haven't stopped their school alarms and are still waking up early in the morning and before the craziness i'd seen them playing in the parking lot as i got home from work multiple mornings nobody usually bothers them when they play and when they see a car coming through the lot they grab whatever they're playing with and move to the side for the car to get through they seem to be very respectful as every time i've been outside to clean out my car or just walk through the lot to get my mail they step aside and stop playing so they don't hit anyone with their ball usually a football or basketball some occasions a soccer ball return of the crazy walmart kieran who ran over my foot so i posted a story ages and ages ago about how a woman ran over my foot at walmart with a motorized card after this happened she was banned from our local walmart and from a few in the area which i forgot to mention i got fed up with the comments first of all gonna update on my injured foot i was just fine lots and lots of bruising and the occasional pain still but i did take a little break and stayed off for a bit i'm all healed now second guess who managed to show her face again crazy lady and i guess she figured out the easy trick of changing her appearance a bit and came with someone else and went back in no issues my walmart is usually good about this kind of stuff but i guess not this time third this was not very recent and of course i just so happened to be there again with my blue lanyard a pair of jeans and a sweatshirt i was shopping around picking up a few unnecessary objects i saw her staring at me at one point and waved earning no reaction other than a scoff i knew she looked familiar but i couldn't place her face i work three jobs and i see about a bazillion different faces a day and have trouble remembering unless i see that person more than a few times what i didn't notice for a while because i'm very unobservant was that she was following me for how long i don't know but i noticed i was seeing her everywhere the auto center office supplies dairy baking supplies even toys i didn't know what she wanted from me she had another woman with her too dark-haired bob-cut dark makeup and a low-cut t-shirt with tight jeans and heels she just had this dark scale on her face as they followed me i didn't recognize her either until i heard crazy lady's voice that horrible shrill sound that haunted my nightmares when my foot hurt and sent chills down my spine and dogs running we were in the craft aisle where i was looking for a specific type of paint i noticed them again and i guess i looked a little too long crazy lady turned to who i will call the entitled lady and grabbed a paintable sign at random crazy lady loudly look at this entitled lady doesn't this just look perfect that made my brain do a 360. dear god why was she here she wasn't supposed to be here entitled lady oh mom it's great she turned to me isn't this just wonderful i gave a quick nod grabbing the next best thing to what i needed needed matte fabric pain if you're curious i grabbed slick instead and started to leave they kept following me and i grabbed a pair of jeans and hid in a changing room it felt like an eternity waiting for the door to be unlocked but luckily crazy lady's scooter got stuck i sat on the bench and waited to see if i lost them but suddenly bang bang i couldn't help but scream as the flimsy door to the changing room nearly fell off its hinge entitled lady get out here we know who you are you owe my mother for what you did bang bang i just sat in the corner and watched in horror as the door fell to the ground i had to put my hands up to catch it and push it away otherwise it would have landed on my head she looks at the ripped apart wall from where the hinges had been ripped off and she shrugged before climbing over and getting in my face entitled lady you will be coming with me you owe my mother compensation for getting her banned me shrinking into the corner no i won't leave me alone your mother shouldn't be here if she's banned i probably shouldn't have said that because it more than likely prompted what happened next but i've never been one to say the right thing entitled lady grabbed me by my hair and pulled me out of the changing room pulling me over to crazy lady who was sitting there looking smug entitled lady literally threw me on the ground by pushing on my head and letting me go apologize now i sat there shaking and both ladies started shouting again screaming that i owed them thankfully this didn't last too long as the associate who was posted at the changing room they never stuck around long once someone was in the change room or if no one was around and another worker came over separating the three of us while the associate was helping me off the floor crazy lady actually got up from her motorized scooter and tried to lunge at me i held my hand out so that it caught her and pushed her back she started screaming about how i assaulted her and one of the associates pretty much told her to shut up and wait for the police well they showed up and since there were a few security cameras nearby of all the things this walmart is concerned with things being stolen via changing room tricks and a few witnesses including the poor lady in the room next to me who was so scared that someone was coming for her next apparently when the door fell the corner of the door cracked the wall to her room and due to what happened last time and even despite how i usually react to these kinds of things i press charges hopefully i won't have to deal with this kind of thing happening again having to re-meet the entitled people in my life might be worse than meeting more treat prank calls seriously okay have fun making 200 extra large pizzas i work in a major pizza delivery chain that has so far been unsuccessful in out pizzaing the hud our store is in a college town and everyone is bored as heck right now for obvious reasons so we've gone from maybe one prank call a day to at least three to five which isn't much but still really annoying with how much more business we've been getting again for obvious reasons the worst part is how uncreative and low effort most of them are at least eighty percent of them are can i get a boneless pizza or is this the krusty krab with the occasional insert gta fast food order copy pasta here this has been going on way too long so i took up the habit of just hanging up whenever someone starts saying something stupid the boss wasn't too happy about this but didn't care enough to see anything until an incident where i hung up on someone who wanted that boneless pizza and he called back upset because he actually wanted to order so i get a stern talking to from bossman and he sends a message to the company's group chat app saying i know we've been getting more prank calls than usual but please don't follow in certain people's footsteps and just hang up on them take the calls as seriously as possible if they order something we can't make calmly explain it to them and offer them something we do actually sell we want to try to make money off of them even if they are acting dumb so the very next call is where the fun starts thank you for calling what can i get you i'm so hungry can i get an extra extra extra extra large pizza with triple every topping i'm sorry ma'am we can only go up to one extra and double each topping okay then can i get 20 extra larges of each meat y'all have like 20 pepperoni 20 sausage etc it's obviously a prank and there's giggling in the background the whole time sure give me a sec to ring it all up okay so that's 180 pizzas the total will be one thousand dollars don't remember the actual price but close enough and it'll take about three hours awesome thanks we'll pay with a check when we get there dial tone so i place the order and not 30 seconds later i hear what the heck from the boss and he runs to the computer how are they paying for this he asks me they said with a check we do still take checks for orders over two hundred dollars right they can't have been serious was this a prank call not sure boss you said take all calls seriously he just grumbles and picks up the phone and calls the customer and all i hear is super loud laughter as he hangs up meanwhile other employees have started actually making the ridiculous order not noticing anything weird about it so by the time the boss finishes the call and cancels the order on the computer there are already five extra-large pepperoni pizzas in the oven so we got free dinner for everyone working that night as well as another message in the group chat app simply saying in regards to my last message please just use good judgment when taking orders entitled mom throws trash when i refuse to let her son ride in my car yesterday i was asked to drive my car in a little easter bunny parade that went past the homes of kids in the community with disabilities the point of this was to bring a little happiness without getting close i wasn't there to give rides we were very clear about this point the car in question is my very loved 1979 corvette c3 that my son and i have been taking pride in restoring she's loud fun and very delicate in places due to age the passenger side door does not lock at the moment and i had the t-tops off there are five cars in our little parade i'm third right in front of the truck with the guy in the bunny suit we were going to drive past seven homes in the community most were sitting outside enjoying the sunshine when we came by and waved laughed at us we had stopped for a minute and move on to the next address it was fun until we pulled up to karen's house and her three kids ran up to the bunny truck and tried to climb in the back they were all screaming for candy which we did not have after several minutes of all of us yelling at karen to get her kids they backed up making unhappy noises and complaining i noticed a kid who was about 11 or 12 looking at my car and then he walked over entitled kid hey i like your car he put his hands on the door me thank you do you remember what we just said no getting close because people are sick it didn't move i need you to move away from my car he didn't entitled kid i wanna ride can i have a ride my mom says that no one's sick i wanna ride he starts trying to get he starts trying to get the door open which isn't easy in that car as the mechanism needs work and you have to push in from the top and pull he gets frustrated and kicks the door panel me hey knock it off do not kick my car he kicks the door again and starts whining that he's bored and wants a ride no way i'm not giving you a ride entitled kid tries yanking on the door again then walks to his mother he pulls her over to my car entitled mom my son wants to ride with you open the door me i don't want anyone riding in my car let alone a kid that just kicked my door move him away stop being a jerk and just let him sit beside you for a minute not like i'm telling you to let him drive he's not old enough yet she tries the handle and the door clicks open i grab the handle inside and slam it back closed me get away from my car do not open the door again entitled mom laughs come here entitled kid she picks up her brat and tries to lift him into the car through the open tops his feet walk up to the door but he doesn't make it in before his mom slips and they both fell backwards naturally it's my fault this happens she gets herself up and starts screaming at me which alerts the others and her i assume husband who comes over husband entitled mom what are you doing me sir would you please get these two away from my car before they cause any damage i do not want entitled kid to ride with me entitled mom says something i don't understand husband entitled kid go back to the house now entitled mom what he just wants a ride she and her son finally walk away husband sorry about that ma'am she gets an idea and she just can't let go of it me it's okay as long as my car isn't damaged he nods and walks off this exchange only took about five minutes or so we were all ready to leave for the next house as i was pulling away something fell into the seat beside me an empty can entitled mom was digging crap out of her trash can and was throwing it at me entitled parent demands we stop eating backstory it was my cousin's birthday she wanted to go out to eat at the texas roadhouse it's kind of like the longhorn steakhouse or if any of you know what that is but it's with country music and sports the one i went to was a private room with no windows other than the one with the view with the city the room had just enough space for one party at a time so we were the only ones there we were eating for a long time because of the birthday but then i saw her enter the entitled parent so we've got me my mom my dad my aunts one in two my uncle the entitled parent the manager my cousin won the birthday girl my cousin too and my big brother i saw the entitled parent walk up to the table briskly she had a bright pink purse and what looked like a clear axe bottle spray bottle filled with something her two kids who seemed about eight to ten walked in tow entitled parent hello are you the people that have been eating for an hour dad yes it's cousin's birthday and we're waiting for dessert entitled parent me and my kids are very hungry please leave now i had a reservation for this room and i've been waiting for an hour we knew this was bs because when we booked the room we said we were going to be there for at least two hours me just wait it's packed today but please leave us alone entitled parent shut up brat you're just selfish you don't want my babies to eat everyone but me my dad my brother and my two cousins started whispering to each other brother just leave us alone so we can celebrate her birthday the entitled parent storms off and the ten-year-old apologized for his mom we thought that was it but right when dessert came to the table is when entitled parents stormed over eat quickly dad leave us alone or i'll get management entitled parent reached for her clear bottle she then stated it was a spray bottle of vinegar and said that if we don't leave at that moment she'll spray us you would think it's not that bad but apple cider vinegar is not that nice dad we're not leaving entitled mom then starts spraying we all got up and ran for management but my dad fought back when the manager came over he saw my dad having entitled parent pinned to the ground and the bottle far away on the floor manager what is happening dad she tried to spray us this man tried to hurt me then he beat me up entitled parent two's kids stepped in kid one no that's not true he looked like he was like ten kid two mommy tried to force them to stop eating manager is this true we all agreed entitled parents started denying it so then the manager brought us to the camera room and she was forced to watch as she was proved wrong the kid's dad was called and he picked them up the cops were called and asked if we wanted to press charges my dad said yes and we went on with the dessert the manager already took the desserts and got us fresh ones the entire meal was free and he apologized for the accident we also saw people leave because of the smell from the bottle of vinegar this may seem fake but i assure you this was not the experience sucked but at the end we got a free meal my family still jokes about it and it's something we'll never forget i still can't believe that happened does it look like i work here backstory i work at a texas roadhouse as a waiter my friend is a papa gino's assistant manager the uniform shirts are alike but my uniform is a black button up with the logo on the chest while theirs is a black t-shirt with a name on the back story time now my friend was in another state for a couple months and i couldn't see her for a while but got word of her coming back today so after work i drove to her work and asked the manager if i could go into the break room and wait for her i got the nod of sure but don't cause trouble while i clock out i'm well known by the casuals in the store and they know i'm not an employee and i don't want to work at a pizza place not a big fan to be honest i'm still in uniform and to keep my purple hair important for later out of the way of my eyes let's get to the juicy part of the story i had walked out and went to pay and grab a drink for myself till i saw my old babysitter an old lady who was a good friend of the family and i walked over to see how she's been doing over the years at this moment a new customer walks into the building and sees the lines full of people employees in the back making and cooking the pizzas lo and behold there was my small comedic expressive self chatting with someone the guy stays in line and before even making his order he complains about me and asks for the manager without thought all of this going down i think it's someone being mad about the pizza not being like domino's or something after a little longer i say my goodbyes to the old woman and clean the table in our waiter instincts and head back to the break room as i walk by a cashier asks me to cover for a little bit while they get a shipment of supplies or something i forget so i sit at the register and have a notepad in hand and took orders i had to take a minute with a register which the casuals found amusing to watch me struggle which i didn't mind entirely because they know i didn't do this once it clears up more the star to the show steps up this man has to be over six feet and i'm about five four to five five so he towers over me we've got angry guy we've got me and we've got my best friend angry guy now you wanna work me now i what don't play dumb i saw you talking to some old lady instead of helping earlier when it was packed and they needed your help this is why i am the best at my job if i was working to do skits i play along to my own idiotic desires and wanted to mess with the man to see how long till it hit him that i didn't work here me sorry to break it to you sir but i am dumb because apparently i work at a pizza shop angry guy listen here you little brat i want to get home and not waste my time with things like you me well that must be horrible to think you can't leave till you get your food i'll take your order what would you like angry guy looks at me with a confused and angered look my uniform is disgustingly different from the shirts the others have and my visor hat was also blatantly saying my job which i thought was pretty obvious i guess i was wrong angry guy can i get something pizza and something breadsticks and blah blah blah me sorry sir but we don't serve pizza or breadsticks how about these items from the menu at texas roadhouse or how about a dessert angry guy was now getting mad i just want a pizza me welcome to texas roadhouse i was now just messing with him this whole me messing with him went on for 10 minutes before my friend came in and almost cried laughing as she calls from the door when did roadhouse become a pizza house me well aren't you clever i sarcastically say and gesture to the man he won't let me take his order you try entitled neighbor called the cops on us for cleaning our home so my boyfriend and i moved into an apartment in august it's older so the floors are super creaky according to our lease we're obligated to cover 90 percent of any room with carpet except bathroom and kitchen to help with the noise it turned out our apartment was previously managed as a dorm by the local college so the floors already have a layer of super thin crappy carpet we also laid down more rugs to help with noise cancellation our downstairs neighbor moves in about a month later and within a month of that starts banging on her ceiling when we get too rowdy the first couple times it happened super late in the living room our apartments have the same plan we were moving around after midnight the first time later she came to talk to us and asked us to keep it down at night sure fair enough the next time was when we walked in from the airport at 10 pm she came up banged on the door and talked over my explanation i told her i was sorry and asked when she was hearing the noise assuming it was just the cat running around at night no she tells me that she knows it's not the cat she knows it's us and she doesn't live alone okay weird but whatever we started going to bed earlier as we settled into the apartment and our jobs but the banging only continued for months she would hit the ceiling slash our floor whenever we walked around bed at 10 bang wake up at 5 30 for work bang sitting on the couch but decide you want snacks bang around christmas she comes up to our door again my boyfriend answered and this time i recorded and i'm so glad i did this woman came up and looked my boyfriend in the eye and said you have to stop following me uh what i know it's not the cat or your dog or your girlfriend because i know your footsteps i don't know how you figured it out but you figured out how to listen to me where i am and you're following me around my apartment and i'm sick of it my boyfriend calmly responded that she sounds crazy and that we don't care about her she again reminded us that she doesn't live alone her boyfriend is a small latino man in his 60s who is very polite and has never said a word to us cool she's insane whatever the banging continued with us stomping every time we heard it she didn't like that but it made it more fun we had already explained the situation to the landlord and the super and they were on our side our town was the first to be locked down so for the first few days the banging gradually increased until one day this woman lost her mind i'll admit that we're early risers on the weekends on this particular sunday we ended up waking up super early but not doing much for the first few hours we drank some coffee and sat on the couch until almost 11. at that point we decided to get up and clean our apartment homegirl went crazy she had to be running from one end of her apartment to the other she's banging her ceiling so hard that we're convinced she's damaging it at one point i hear what sounds like muffled yelling after she's followed me into the bedroom we had plans that day so we ignored her finished cleaning and started to leave she must have been waiting for us to leave because for the first time ever she walked out of her apartment right as we go to her landing i was holding the dog while waiting for my boyfriend to come down as she starts to descend the stairs of course she decides to turn around and say something crazy lady tell your boyfriend to cut it out me cut wood out walking you're hitting the ceiling because of me and the dog moving not him crazy lady continues to spew some other dumb crap as my boyfriend gets down to me she proceeded to stay exactly three steps ahead of him slowing us all the way down the stairs she tried to block us going out the door at the bottom but backed off when he just didn't stop moving she's continuing to yell at him all the way to the parking lot of myself and my boyfriend he's typically the hot hothead while i'm the calm one amazingly he kept his calm the whole time calling her only a crazy lady and ignoring her as he walked past her and her car to the dumpster as i passed her car she decided to continue talking to me and i was just upset so i didn't engage crazy lady i'm serious it's done me okay what do you want us to do crawl i already told you we have a 60 pound dog and we're all just walking around crazy lady talking while i talked so i don't hear everything and you need to remember that i don't live alone me okay jerk neither do i you see my boyfriend right there so what's your point by the way that's the third or fourth time you've said that and that could be taken as a thread you think it's a thread fine it is me cool i'm calling the cops okay me too we both call the cops and they pull up they talk to her first and then come talk to us i don't know what she told them but when they came to talk to us i told them everything she had said and done for the past six months the officer explained that it was a civil matter that would have to be dealt with by the landlord but assured us that they explained to her that it is perfectly acceptable to walk around your apartment at 11am on a sunday they also told her not to knock on our door ever again and that she's not allowed to bang on our floors over footsteps at any point for a couple nights she got back at us by banging at 1 30 am to wake us up we had already reached out to the landlord again and this time he told us he'd see what her problem is that's still not the last of his troubles with her though we ended up talking to the people that lived below her and telling them about the banging it turns out they've heard it this whole time and had no idea what it was now that they know they've also reported her to the landlord the banging has stopped we don't expect our lease to be renewed and we may end up in a better apartment in the next couple of months edit a few comments have tried to paint my neighbor as an innocent in this i want to clarify that she made direct threats to me when i apologized and told her we'd take care of it that was the first time she met me and all i did was apologize and say we'd fix it she was never trying to be friendly and work it out we have never engaged her we have never provoked her have you ever had to deal with a crazy neighbor and if so how did you handle it karen demands i break her son out of jail so some quick background i work in a county jail and i'm the guy you want working the floor housing units and roving i'm pretty good at dealing with and talking to inmates and i'm even better when we're past the point of talking that being said every officer is required to work a guard station at least once a month even me these stations are just dealing with the public answering phones and or opening and closing doors okay cool on one such guard station shift karen storms in she's a southern kind of karen totally unkempt hair ready clothes at least five missing teeth a criminal record that's largely drug related charges you know the type she marches into my lobby and up to my bulletproof window i hit the intercom and the following conversation ensues me can i help you karen my son entitled kid needs to be released right now he served his time and needs to come home me looking up entitled kid on our computer ma'am he's got a hold out of blah blah county he'll have to go to court and serve time there first no he needs to be released now his time here is done he can go to blah blah county after he comes home me already over it ma'am this isn't a hotel the law requires that he's in custody until he answers for all the crimes he's charged with if i release entitled kid i'll be fired and arrested aren't you supposed to serve and protect yes i am entitled kid was charged with domestic assault and has felony charges in blah blah county keeping him in custody serves and protects the public how dare you my son is a good boy and he doesn't deserve this the other inmates are threatening him what are you going to do to surf and protect him me suppressing a grin well ma'am i'll go ahead and make an announcement to the other inmates to leave him alone and that he called his mother and that she's not happy with their behavior i'm sure that won't put him in any danger i demand to speak to your supervisor me knowing that sarge is about the last guy you want to upset it would be my pleasure to let you speak to my supervisor sarge arrives and asks karen what the issue is she runs and raves for about 15 i kid you not minutes about her sweet boy being wrongfully incarcerated my behavior how entitled kid is in danger and he served his time she concluded that if we didn't release entitled kid she would raise heck in the lobby at this point sarge raises his eyebrows in a look i know pretty well it's a look that means i'm genuinely impressed you're this stupid sarge i remember you you've been in jail before wonder where entitled kid got it karen goes to rant again sarge cuts her off so much as fart in my lobby jail cops are going to arrest you on disorderly every officer was deputized and had been through police academy and patrol to boot entitled kid is going to pay for what he's done on our schedule not yours and certainly not his you are going to leave my jail and never come back if you ever come back here again you'll be charged with criminal trespass now why don't you go outside and play hide and go forget yourself karen doesn't even think about mouthing off again she all but runs out of the lobby sarge and i have a laugh about it later amazingly karen never filed any complaints not that this would have got her anywhere this is how the south do entitled shopper demands i pay for her stuff this happened just an hour ago and i'm laughing at the insanity and absurdity at this situation so as everyone is painfully aware there's a little situation going on in the world and we're on lockdown with the exception of going out for essential shopping so some backstory my nan and i are close she's the fifth member of our family my dad me my brother and my nan and she's elderly disabled and asthmatic so she's high risk and vulnerable now i'm also severely asthmatic and i probably shouldn't be going out shopping but for my nan i'm willing to risk it so i go out to do her shopping at morrison's she gives me her shopping list and i get what she needs slash what's available so this entitled shopper started off by ramming me with her trolley while i was waiting to scan my items and pay and was invading my personal space very rude so i begin placing my items on the till and she's just glaring at me for some reason and muttering to herself about me hurrying up i place the divider and go to start bagging my items i'm sorry i didn't realize i had a rush for you so as i'm bagging my items and about to pay the cashier continues scanning strange items that i know i wasn't buying i asked the cashier what's going on those aren't mine and the cashier is confused saying there's no divider i look up and this entitled jerk has removed the divider and now her items were being scanned and added to my bill i tell the cashier and she starts to remove the items and sort the mistake this is when entitled shopper goes in saying excuse me what are you doing i'm confused and tell her that her items were accidentally being scanned and thinking that the divider must have been buried in the shopping and didn't think it was a big deal as the cashier was apologetic and sorted it you need to pay for my shopping i'm just shocked and simply say what she glares at me my items were being scanned on your shopping so you have to pay for them and since you're paying for some now you must buy my whole shopping i give the cashier a look and i'm absolutely gobsmacked what makes you think i'm going to buy your shopping she scoffs and continues on about how a few mistakes mean i have to pay i pay for my items and she still stood there expectantly waiting for me to pay for her shopping i begin to walk away and she screams for me to come back people are now staring so i turn and say lady i don't know you and i don't have to buy your shopping for any reason she then screams for security and feeds them some lie about me having to pay for her stuff he called me over to ask what was happening and i told him she then went on admitting she removed the divider thinking i wouldn't notice and i'd pay for her thankfully the security guard just looked at her and told her the same thing i said that i didn't have to as i began walking away she was screaming at the cashier saying she didn't have any cash or cards on her to pay and was demanding her to honor some expired coupons i left before anything else so i don't know how it ended so this lady thought she was entitled to her shopping and i had to pay for it as she didn't have any way to pay for it honestly how can you be so stupid to not bring a means of pain for groceries i'm wondering if she had tried it before and whether it worked on other people i ain't buying someone else's shopping for no good reason entitled parent breaks glass all over the floor at my work and blames it on me backstory when i was 17 i got a part-time job for the summer working in a restaurant where my mother worked also it was big enough but it was all open planning so you could see everything that was going on this is important later so i'm working one fine summer day and in comes entitled parent and her two brat kids who look to be about eight and ten i set them down with their menus and bring over a glass jug of ice water as most restaurants do as i set the jug down her kids ask if they can have juice instead of water and i tell them that unfortunately we are out of juice we have dispensers in our wall that you can get the juice out of entitled parent calls bs to this and demands that i fill up the glass jug with juice i then point to the empty dispensers and literally show her that we are out at this point her kids are screaming that they want juice and i try to calmly tell them that we don't have any then entitled parent picks up the glass jug and just lets it drop to the ground and it just shatters everywhere then looks me in the eye and goes can i speak to your manager however the manager wasn't in that day and when he's not in my mother is in charge so my mother comes over and asked her what was wrong an entitled parent goes hysterical saying that i threatened her by shattering the glass jug when they asked for juice she then says that she's going to press charges against me and she wants me fired but as i said before this restaurant was all open planning and my mother had seen everything and knew that entitled parent was lying i'm a tall girl nearly 6'1 and i'm 17 so my mother wasn't exactly small either i'd say maybe 5 11 which is pretty tall so my mother literally bends down to entitled parents height and puts on the voice that all mothers put on when someone messes with your kid and says i saw everything that happened and i know that you're lying through your teeth and you better leave before i press charges for putting my daughter at risk by shattering a glass a close proximity that could easily have hurt her so help me god if i decide that i want to press charges let me tell you that you will never be able to show your face in a restaurant in this area again my mother is pretty high up in the restaurant industry in my area as she had been a chef in most of those restaurants i swear when entitled parent heard that i was the manager's daughter her face turned so pale i thought she was going to faint she grabbed her kids and rushed out of the door and thankfully we haven't seen her since entitled woman tried to steal my cart okay now this happened just this morning and it's still making me angry so i thought i'd lay it out here on reddit to vent a little a little bit of backstory is i have myotonic muscular dystrophy i've had this all my life but symptoms do not really start to appear until your early 20s i'm now 35 and my symptoms are quite noticeable to me although looking at me you can't see anything is wrong usually my most common problem is my legs and ankles there are good days and bad days and sometimes really bad days most of the time i can endure the pain been dealing with it for so long i try not to let it interfere with my daily life but sometimes it's just not worth it so i try to minimize it when possible usually when i'm not having a good day i stay home and just try to let my aching muscles recuperate and not agitate them more so sometimes it takes nothing to make them ache sometimes it's just me being on my feet all day it's random and sometimes without reason anyway today was a bad day my ankles are still killing me even as i write this right now regardless of the fact that i really needed to go to the store we finally ran out of food and i figured that since i was driving and could grab a motorized cart at the store i wouldn't agitate my legs and ankles too much so i strapped on my ankle braces and decided to brave to the store i had just recently been given a handicap place card by my neurologist so i was happy to be able to save myself as much walking as i could i was greatly relieved to see one last motorized cart so i snagged it and began shopping i wasn't going to make this a big trip usually my husband comes with me shopping especially on my bad days but he was on an on-call meeting at the time and those can take hours sometimes i was surprised there was toilet paper and paper towels so i grabbed one package of each and continued on my way i went to the soda aisle and stood up to grab a two liter of dr pepper and a small little old lady behind me politely asked if i could grab her some coke on the top shelf she was maybe five feet at most and i'm about five seven so i moved to the side to grab her soda for her when i took a step from my cart and grab the drinks all of the sudden some rather overweight woman sits in my cart and starts to drive away i quickly put the drinks in the old lady's cart and run after my card it still had my purse and everything inside i cringed from having to run even if it was a short distance it still hurt i placed myself in front of her if she wanted to move she would have to run me over hey i say loudly what do you think you're doing this is my card you can't just take it away from me like that it still has all my shopping inside i say looking at her in disbelief at what she has just done she sneered at me you don't need this card i saw you standing up just a moment ago so you can obviously walk i saw you earlier using a handicapped spot too you're just faking it she said i was confused was this lady following me since the parking lot i'm not faking anything get out of my cart right now i said firmly but i need it more than you it hurts to walk and i could use everything in this cart so it'll save me time come on you should be nicer to your elders she said now get out of my way like the conversation was over or something aside from the fact that sure i might look young but i was 35 and she was probably close to my age if not a bit older i'm not moving you will get out of my cart i am not your personal shopper and i don't care if you're hurting has it ever crossed your mind i'm in pain too and you are making it worse by stealing my card and making me stand here i will admit i was screaming at this point i was near tears because i was so angry and hurting thankfully a manager walked up and asked what was going on but for once i spoke before this horrid woman could say anything i stood up and when i was distracted she stole my card it had my purse and all my shopping inside and she won't give it back and i really need it please i said wanting desperately to sit down at this point she's lying this is all my stuff she started yelling now too okay let's all calm down he picked up my purse and asked if the purse was hers of course she said yes of course this is all mine okay then ma'am will you please verify your name then he said pulling out my wallet to look at my id the look on her face was priceless um why don't you ask her instead why are you asking me such a stupid question she was stammering very well ma'am he asked me my name is op i said why she thought asking me was going to do anything but prove this was my card and stuff i have no idea ma'am i'm going to have to ask you to return this card to this lady it's obviously hers and you had no right to take it he said firmly i need it more she began to whine and scream get out of the cart or i will call security and have you removed now do i need to call them i was glad he was remaining so calm she begrudgingly got up kicking the card as she did and waddled away i happily sat back down and thanked the manager for handling the situation so well and apologized if my yelling caused a scene no worries did you need any help with the rest of your shopping today i said i was okay and almost finished but thanked him once more after getting his name i called walmart earlier about how helpful he was i got the last of my stuff without incident and the employees were kind enough to take me to my car load my groceries and take the cart back for me too thanks for being a great walmart and thanks to my fellow redditors for letting me vent i needed that co-workers not doing their part boss caught in the middle this was some years ago when i worked for a small restaurant i started out as a dishwasher and eventually moved to cook slash prep cook ended up working there for a couple of years there came a point where during the busy summer months as a dishwasher still i would be busting my butt to make sure everything ran as smooth as possible throughout the restaurant i'd help the servers with their tables i'd of course clear tables as much as possible i'd help with the kitchen staff restocking things as needed and so on the dishes of course were the job but only so far as we could stretch things before closing time after which the remaining dishes and any other things that needed doing throughout the restaurant would get taken care of sometimes this took some time to complete when the restaurant was super busy and things backed up really bad throughout the place the thing is though that while there are customers serving them their food is the priority so when push comes to shove the thing that falls behind the most is always the dishes my job this led to a string of days more than a week where i was stuck in the restaurant an hour or more after clothes just getting all the dishes cleaned for the next day one day was particularly bad when i was there until 1am several hours after close this was partly because it had been a really busy day but also some customers staying late and so on my boss told me the next day i've noticed you've been closing later and later and yesterday you closed way past midnight what's the deal i need you to close faster i explained to her how the dishwashing took second place to the priority of serving people food so the kitchen staff always got my help when they needed it and the serving staff always got my help when they needed it too however at the end of the night when the last customer left the servers would finish resetting the tables and the kitchen staff would finish restocking things for the next morning and naturally the cleaning that needed doing all around would happen but then everyone else left and i was stuck there washing dishes on my own with nobody helping me well that's your job you should be able to handle it yes but i help them with their jobs so at the end of the day when they're finished they should help me with mine or else i'm going to be here longer and that's just how it goes all right well i need you to leave earlier so figure it out i did i did figure it out the next day as my manager liked to call it we were slammajama crazy busy dishes were even more backed up than ever before at closing time i told the serving staff and kitchen staff that i needed some help cleaning this up because the manager wanted me out of there earlier they said well you can manage and off they went i decided i'd had enough i left about 45 minutes worth of dishes uncleaned and took off at the appropriate time i was supposed to be done by the next morning the kitchen staff were quite upset because they obviously didn't have the things all finished and had to do some extra work to get it clean my manager called me into the office to have a talk when i arrived later that day so you left earlier and left a bunch of stuff dirty in the dish pit is this going to be a problem you told me to leave on time i did the best i could the options were stay later or leave on time and leave some dirty dishes behind for the morning staff to clean manager you can't get those dishes done in that much time me the dishwasher has a limited capacity so that's the limit for some dishes but pots and pans things the kitchen uses mostly can be hand washed more easily the same is true for some of the serving staff stuff in fact a lot of that has to be hand washed regardless here's what happens first the front end gets slammed then the kitchen gets slammed making the orders for all those customers then the customers leave and the serving staff do their thing and the kitchen starts to catch up then the kitchen gets caught up and serving staff starts heading home then the kitchen staff heads home and it's just me in the back still dealing with the original big slam of customers we had earlier in the day here's what i can do i can refuse to help them and 100 focus on making sure dishes are done that may mean you need to have more serving staff come in to handle the load since i won't be helping that also might mean you need to have the line cooks and or prep cook stay longer to make sure the kitchen is kept up to pace through the busiest hours if i'm just sticking to clearing tables and washing dishes i can keep up and maintain everything fine manager okay well do that the rest of the restaurant didn't last a day before they were demanding my help during their rush times clearly upset and it was only a day after that the manager instructed them they needed to help me with washing dishes and we'd all leave together at the end of the night they finally started to understand when they tried to help me get those dishes done it changed everything i of course returned the favor and all was well not long after that i moved over to handling prep work slicing and dicing and all that kind of thing i also started handling food deliveries and so on it was nice and i got paid more but i found out pretty quick that the faster i did my job the less i got paid unlike with dishes there was a bit more fixed amount of work to do so i was happy to help the dishwashers i got so fast at one point that in the middle of the summer rush days i just hang out in the dish pit and the dishwasher would have it so easy the manager tried to have me do both dishwashing and prep work because otherwise i lost too many hours but that situation and how i got past it is another story crazy religious ant throws a statue at me when she finds out i'm an atheist cast we've got me my entitled aunt my cool cousin and my mom background i come from a religious background but i am an atheist mom and cool cousin knew that but entitled ant didn't it was a saturday evening cool cousin an entitled aunt came over to visit us because we just came back from abroad so while mom and entitled ant were chatting me and cool cousin were playing assassin's creed when we are almost done entitled ant barges in the room and begins watching us entitle dan what is the game you are playing about cool cousin it's about taking out targets during the third crusade entitled and but opie you know that these actions are forbidden in our religion she believed that we were going to practice sorcery if we continued playing it me it is in your religion what do you mean your religion i stayed quiet but cool cousin defended me and said people can believe in whatever they want and op here decided to be an atheist entitled and op how dare you believe in the devil me actually being an atheist means shut your mouth crazy cousin mom that's enough just let him be no i'm not going to let that little jerk continue being lost after all the yelling my mom decided to intervene mom enough entitled ant every time you meet up with us you try to convert us would you like it if i did the same to your kids entitled and ob is an atheist mom so what he's my son and i will love him no matter what that's it i've had enough if you're going to let an evil little jack live with you i won't entitle grabbed a wooden statue and hurled it at me it hit me in the eye and i went to the hospital cops were called an entitled ant tried to justify her actions by saying that it was okay because i was an atheist obviously that didn't work and she had to pay us three thousand dollars for medical bills entitled ant never tried that stunt again and of course me and cool cousins stayed close to each other p.s sorry if some phrases are a little bit off i had to translate the argument to english have you ever had an entitled relative that you just couldn't stand boss wanted me to train my replacement but i didn't even work there anymore i used to work in a grocery store back in 2016. i was 16 to 17 at the time i don't work retail anymore but i wanted to share this story i still remember to this day it was a pretty normal night right before the end of my shift i was one of the few closers at my store so it was just me my supervisor and the cashier i worked the self checkout slash customer service desk my supervisor had just collected the tills and was in the back counting and i was starting my rounds to take back the non-perishables that were left at the registers i also might add that our store had terrible camera placement basically it showed all the registers and the supervisor's office door which is where the safe was this is important for later after putting up all of the items that were left at the registers i did my final check of the store to make sure there were no misplaced or damaged items on the floor i find a case of beer that was leaking in our beer slash wine section and since i wasn't sure how damaged the bottom of the cardboard case was i had to drag it to the front so i could inform my supervisor about the damaged item before taking it to the back we kept a cart full of damaged items to be taken out by the morning crew since the supervisor's office is locked while they are counting the tills i call over to her and let her know that there was a damaged case of beer and i was taking it to the back she responds with an absent okay sounds good so i take it to the back and place it with the rest of the damaged items and go back to the front to see if there is anything else my supervisor needs me to do before i clock out there isn't next couple of days are fine as i finish up the week and wait for the next week's schedule to be posted and i find out that i'm not scheduled for the next week i figure there must have been a mistake as there was someone working at the same grocery store who shared my first name i go upstairs to my manager's office and ask him about the schedule and why i wasn't scheduled he responds with oh my bad i forgot to tell you that you are suspended until the investigation is over by the way can you train your replacement today on the self checkout customer service desk me confused and annoyed at the moment don't really pay attention to the second part of his comment i asked him what he was talking about my manager you were caught stealing that case of beer that you took to the back and until the police investigation is complete you won't be working here anymore please turn in your uniform name tag and badge i am furious but i decide that i would just go with a bit of mc in the situation well boss man i took the damaged case of beer to the back to be thrown out in the morning as per procedure but since i won't be working here anymore i guess you will just have to find someone else to train my replacement since i clearly can't be trusted i was the only person who could train someone for the customer service desk other than him his jaw dropped the look on his face was priceless as i took off my uniform and handed him my name tag and override card i then proceeded to walk out get in my car and drive home about two years later i joined the army and i'm going for a job that required a security clearance guess what shows up that suspension with an unfinished police report and the tapes from the security camera i sit there with my interviewer as we watch the tape together clearly showing that i did not steal anything needless to say i was approved for my clearance i ask if i can get a copy of the tape and my interviewer agrees it took two years but i finally had the evidence i needed to sue for wrongful termination but as the time is well over the statute of limitation i am unable to actually do anything about it either way i decide to go pay my old workplace a visit over my christmas block leave and a couple people recognize me including my old boss he tells me that thieves like me aren't welcome in his store and that i need to leave or he would be calling the police i told him to call them and that his claim would surely hold up when i showed them the copy of the video footage of me stealing the store had one of my favorite muffins and honestly i really wanted one since they are only made there the police got called and did nothing and i got three muffins free of charge thanks to my favorite supervisor worth it guy who stole two thousand dollars worth of equipment from our store came back the same day we found out what he looked like i work at a relatively new grocery store in a small town in washington we've only been open for around nine months and our customer count has been going up recently so it gets a bit harder to keep track of customers i usually work as a cashier most of the week on the closing shift but i'll also throw freight in the aisles at least two days a week anyways here's the story so in our stockroom we have four handheld scanners on docks ready to be used by employees and managers to check prices print tags etc on st patrick's day we somehow lost two of them these things are worth a lot of money and at first we thought two managers had just misplaced them for the past month they've been trying to track them with the tile trackers they put on each device and they've always shown to be just outside or even in our parking lot the owners were obviously confused and have been trying to figure out what happened to them yesterday i came in for my shift as the closing cashier i grabbed my uniform from my locker put on my face mask and grab my handset as i'm in the front office getting my radio one of the owners grabs my attention and shows me a printout of the security cameras from now on i'll just put them as owner one and owner two owner one so we just found out who took our handhelds it turns out he just walked straight to the back and just took them off the docks and walked right back out we're pretty sure you were on your break at that point did you see him the break room is just inside of the stock room but there aren't any windows or anything besides a slim one-way window on the door me i didn't see him but he does look familiar i'll keep an eye out for him owner too if you see him let us know that's very valuable equipment he stole me yes sir i'll let you know if i see him i walk out and clock in so i'm going about my normal shift i count in my till i do some facing around the store since there are two cashiers up front currently then it happens 15 minutes after i switch out registers with the opening cashier the guy walks right in and grabs a basket at first i didn't recognize him even on the pitcher he just looked like any ordinary guy luckily our front-end manager has years of experience so she spotted him no problem so she goes and faces the area he's in acting like she's making it look pretty and he's really interested in the chicken the chicken that's right next to the stock room anyways a few minutes later he comes up with a full basket of goodies as he's talking to me i hear the manager telling owner too he's in my line and he's being rung up i freeze for a second because i mean i couldn't say anything luckily i had a mask on so he couldn't see the look of shock come across my face anyways owner 2 comes up and is acting like he's helping me bag then he suddenly starts a conversation with him owner 2. hey have you come into this store before thief yeah a few times i'm a pretty frequent shopper owner too okay cool cool have you been here around march 17th thief immediately starts acting nervous uh not that i know of owner two all stops bagging hang on one second i'll be right back owner 2 went to the front office i'm guessing to grab the printout they showed me earlier and thief is just sputtering suddenly thief just looks up does a 180 and just starts walking out in the middle of my transaction i actually had to shut down my register so i didn't get a line going so i then pull out my radio the mic remote won't work probably from the rain and alert owner 2 he's trying to walk out and he just usain bolts out the door after him probably trying to ask him why he stole the handhelds and then as owner 2 is getting the guy's license plate thief tried to run him over with his car probably in view of the front surveillance camera so the cops are called charges are pressed and now they know who he is he's probably done this before now that i think about it and i'm just in shock afterwards i was profusely apologizing for not noticing it was him in the first place but the manager just reassured me that i just didn't have experience in identifying people like that she had around nine years of experience to boot that's why she was able to spot him anyways let's hope there's an end to that whole deal and we can get our two handhelds back update i forgot to mention that when he stole those handhelds he did it with no hesitation and like he knew what he was doing it was an insane breach of privacy and no one even noticed leave the store open with poo everywhere okay boss so while i was at university i had a side job managing a team at a very popular sandwich branch myself joe and johnny would work the night shift 8pm to 4am and i would work thursday friday and saturday night as the shop was opposite the only nightclub in town very upper-class city during the day but a very trashy nightlife it would get so busy after 2 am with drunks that cues would be out the door and we would have to put away tables and chairs to block the toilets as people would either throw them at us or each other or dash off to the toilets to do things they shouldn't be doing back there this however happened at around 9pm nice and quiet time nothing interesting usually happens during this time and the owner of the restaurant would call in every half hour to see how the shop is doing because he's worried about losing money by requiring three whole employees to prepare for the night rush a group of around 15 girls run in all really drunk cool serve them get rid of them happens occasionally but we still got some time before the mass comes one of the larger girls collapses against the wall on the floor looks passed out her friends don't take any notice but we are all first aid trained i get joe to go check on her she waves him off shouts at him fine back to work 10 minutes later the smell oh lord the smell the store is actually pretty busy but after realizing what had happened we had to stop serving and kick everybody out of the store because of the health hazard i was about to witness we kick out her friends and she's still asleep myself and john lift her to a safe location while jon calls an ambulance in case there's anything wrong the smell gets worse as we lift her i felt sick i turned to look back and i saw the largest pile of literal crap none of us wanted to go anywhere near it but a joint effort between the three of us had it cleaned up within minutes i wasn't going to risk anything so i left the air on full blast and prepared to lock up for the rest of the night incoming phone call it basically went down as how's the store we had an accident so we had to close what under no circumstances are you ever to close early yes but no buts open back up immediately or i'll fire all three of you we throw away anything perishable that wasn't covered we didn't have a lot out but still not risking anything else that could lose me my oh so precious part-time job we then proceed to take a 30-minute break to let the store ventilate and have the smell go like it would huge group of lads come to the store while we're outside and starts a fight with joe because we were closed i tell the lad what happened and why we were closed but he was having none of it said he knew the owner and was a law student and would have me sued for false closure enlighten me i can't get sued for something like this can i he calls the owner and surely enough i immediately get a call back open the store now or i'll fire you on the spot i tell him to wait up a couple of seconds while i deal with the customer i tell joe to start recording the call sorry i didn't catch what you previously said could you repeat open the store or you're fired i repeat our previous conversation explaining why i had closed the store and that it was a critical food hazard until it was cleaned properly most heavy-duty cleaning materials that could have appropriately cleaned up the mess were locked away by the owner until morning because we wouldn't have time i don't think you understood what i said op open the store all right we'll do boss so i continue to open the store customers start flooding in i get all fresh ingredients out to start rushing through the humongous line we were amassing a lot of customers are turning their noses once they walk in but like i said trashy these people are hungry they line up anyway some customers are throwing up from the smell it was really that bad asked me what was up i told them and told them that if i were to close i would lose my job please show up and close up the shop for us thank god i was waiting for something like this to happen we didn't even have to clean up we just got told to go home and they would sort it out with the owner tomorrow because the city had a reputation to uphold i ended up getting fired because i closed the store but instead of just getting fired i ended up taking it to court for unfair dismissal and got a month's payout and the owner had an emergency health inspection the morning after the guy lost his branch he works as a security guard at a grocery store now working for the security guard he previously hired to look after us after 1am pretty sure he ended up losing his house and car too forget that guy entitled mom yells at me for drinking on my own porch this happened yesterday it was really nice out so i thought i'd take a break from writing all my papers to sit out on my porch with a nice glass of wine since i live on the first floor of the complex i have a small green patch where i have a bird feeder set up and some flowers past that is the public sidewalk and there are no fences so it's all pretty open i take a chair out the sliding glass door onto the patio porch leave the screen door closed so my cats can get a bit of the outdoor air and plop down and pour myself a glass of cabernet at that point in the day the sunlight was right on my porch so my cats were laying in the sunbeam right behind me as i'm just watching the day go by seeing the occasional dog on a walk or people just taking a stroll a little kid about five or so came up into my view trying to jump from sidewalk square to square i hear the mom somewhere out of my line of sight say don't go too far ahead so he stops where he is and looks around he sees me and my cats in behind the screen look mom he says those kitties are the same color as s'more i guess his cat is also a calico by this point the mom catches up and glances in my direction to see what he's pointing at oh yeah she says then she looks over to me and her tone quickly changes what the heck are you doing me i said a bit thrown back yes you what do you think you're doing you can drink here these are student dorms these are actually just apartments unaffiliated with the university but since they're across from the campus pretty much only students live here so many think it's another dorm me i'm over 21. no you're not these are student dorms i guess she forgot that students can also be over 21. i'm pretty sure i'm over 21. don't you talk back to me get rid of that drink right now you can't drink in public i guess she decided to switch gears on how to get rid of my drink she starts walking towards me her kid comes to i guess wanting a closer look at my cats lady i'm on my own porch i can drink wine if i want she clearly didn't like me talking back she got angry i said get rid of that drink she continued to approach yelling at me like i'm her kid and i won't put my toys away by that point the kid was on my porch looking at my cats through the porch screen uh no i take a sip get rid of it or i'm taking it by this point she's right in front of me face red hands on her hips looming over me like that's gonna work on a 26 year old no now get off my porch i said standing up with my voice raised by then the cats had run off and the boy was bummed we continue to stare down each other i'm on my own porch i'm not hurting anyone and i'm 26. i'll drink on my porch if i want i take another swig in front of her entitled mom then smacks the wine out of my hand and it nearly lands on her kid as it shatters on the floor what the heck lady i told you to get rid of that drink she yells not at all worried that the drink could have hit him forget you i shoved her and tried to pick up the big pieces so he wouldn't get cut by them he was wearing sandals her kid runs off back to the sidewalk how dare you push me how dare you destroy my property get the heck off my porch or i started waving around the broken glass pieces and she took that as a threat are you threatening me i actually wasn't i just get expressive with my hands when i'm mad and i happen to have the broken glass in them but by this point i'm fed up with this jerk yes now get off my property by this point we had attracted a couple of onlookers which entitled mom finally noticed she looked around and saw a couple on the sidewalk gawking at her as well as my neighbor sitting on his porch nearby she looks around her face which was red with anger was now read with embarrassment she huffs and puffs and spins around grabbing her kid's hand and speed walks away from all of us as fast as she can my neighbor asked if i was okay i said i was fine just annoyed i swept up the broken glass went back inside poured another glass and watched some jojo to get my mind off things weird jerk entitled parent at my work demands that i pay for her and her kids to rock climb back story i work at a rock climbing gym as an employee i get a free membership i get to climb for free and i get two guest passes that are renewed 30 days after being used i had already used both passes to climb with some friends this is relevant later i was working a nice morning shift all the regular early customers had pretty much been signed in and paid for and then karen entitled parent walked in with a few of her kids i actually recognized her i was friends with her oldest son a long time ago but i hadn't seen their family since the 4th grade and she didn't recognize me so i stayed quiet the first register on the right side of the front desk was taken by another customer so i called her over to the register on the left for whatever reason the left register only accepts card no cash just remember that entitled parent walks up tells me what she needs to buy what gear to rent etc when it's time for her to pay she pulls out several twenty dollar bills me oh i'm sorry i forgot to mention it this register doesn't accept cash do you have a card entitled parent looks at me like some pond scum just started speaking to her what what are you even talking about this little sign says pay with cash to support local businesses i'm trying to support local businesses and your sign is totally wrong so i would just take that down looking at her i couldn't help but think oh you poor poor rich woman you have to put your wad of cash back in your nice purse how sad anyway i probably said something epically clever as an apology like uh sorry so she stuffs her money back in her purse and pulls out some coupons but you aren't allowed to combine coupons of the same deal for the same purchase something like that so i told her and then she gave me this talk about customer service and told me all about how my rules were wrong my rules i have the lowest possible position of the employees the rules aren't mine so i just gave her her way and let her use her gift cards but she wasn't done the rest of her rant went something like this listen buddy i've been standing here far too long my kids just want to climb first you trick me with your stupid sign trying to get my cash and then you tell me my coupons aren't valid this customer service is terrible can you give me a cashier who doesn't act stupid did you have a membership here i was getting a little upset it was a weird way to end her little speech but i told her i was a member so that means you have some free passes i read your website for all the trouble you just caused me you need to use your passes on me and my kids and you should also pay for our climbing gear me what well i only have two and they're already used and you can't ask me to pay for you i actually have used my passes to pay for families who were a couple dollars short but again i didn't have any and this lady was just the worst i have the lowest position the job offers and i'm not allowed to ask people to leave the gym what did you say to me you little jerk my kids rock climb all the time they're good enough that you should pay for them how dare you tell me what i can do take me to your manager boy i'm going to get you fired and i'm going to make you pay for us basically her logic in her speech was that i didn't have kids and i'm the one with a job so i should just pay for her i actually didn't know what to say the climbing community is extremely friendly so i have never had a rude customer come in she poked her head behind the desk and grabbed the computers towards her so she could look at it and tell me how to give her my passes and i grabbed the computer and told her to stop assault i'm reporting you me that is an assault you sure can speak to my boss i would love to see what she has to say she kept going on and on and i had kept calm the whole time but i told her to shut up i don't remember what she said she was going crazy yelling we got to my boss i started explaining what happened but she cut me off no first he wouldn't let me pay he assaulted me and made fun of my kids you need to make him pay for me and my kids to climb my boss calmed her down and i told my boss exactly what happened and sure enough my co-worker confirmed i was right and my boss checked the cameras and saw exactly what happened entitled parent was asked to leave was not banned from the facility but was asked to not come back i actually just feel bad about this whole thing like i said i used to be friends with her son and it's a rather bitter memory now for the record they're mostly a very nice family and i even saw one of her kids tell her she was being rude during the whole thing even though she was acting really stupid i don't hate her but i would prefer not to see her again hope you enjoyed this i didn't insane religious ant berates my cousin over her fiance and is shocked when her son sides against her cast we've got my innocent cousin we've got me we've got my cool cousin we've got poor boyfriend and entitled and it was a nice winter evening and titled ant had just come back from dubai i was spending the weekend with innocent cousin and my entire family has greeted her with an open heart but my wounds with her are still fresh innocent cousin was also entitled aunt's niece and cool cousin was her son but innocent cousin saw her as a mother figure because her mother was always at work later during the night innocent cousin decided to introduce her boyfriend to entitle dan but problems began to develop when they started talking about marriage entitled and oh sweetie you are such a lovely person where are you getting married poor boyfriend oh we're getting married at a church excuse me innocent cousin please entitled ant we all know what happened with uno p and we don't want that to happen again for some reason entitled ants started yelling again if you don't want that to happen again don't marry this jerk in a church poor boyfriend ma'am please i really love if you really love her you would leave her alone after i just warned you cool cousin mom that's enough me yeah we don't want to repeat what happened between me and you if he wants to marry her in a church so be it i'm not going to listen to the talk of a pagan worshiper you already cost me my relationship with your mother you little crap you're not gonna do the same thing now cool cousin was getting mad and he started yelling enough mom stop hating other people for what they believe in you have already ruined many relationships with many of our friends and family why can't you keep your mind open and accept the fact that people who are different also exist at this point the tension in the room can be cut with a knife innocent cousin please cool cousin that's enough cool cousin no that isn't enough she already harmed opie and she will be willing to do the same thing to you if you marry him then entitled ant had the guts to smack cool cousin across the mouth for speaking the truth you little jerk i raised you for 18 years and now you are supporting these people me that's enough entitled dan don't you realize that the more you try to push your own agenda on others the more you will be hated even your own son can't stand your actions the son which you raised it's about time someone called you out on your stupid actions poor boyfriend and innocent cousin are getting married whether you like it or not poor boyfriend quietly thanks man entitled aunt and cool cousin have finally calmed down cool cousin mom just please for once open your mind please don't always be opposed to the actions of other people please mom i implore you to work with us this time entitled ant sorry cool cousin i simply can't and if you want to stay with op poor boyfriend and innocent cousin just know that i will never consider you to be my son after entitled and said that she cut off contact with her son who was in college this still remains a very touchy subject and most of my family don't want to talk about it two months after the incident poor boyfriend and innocent cousin got married in a church me and cool cousin remained close with them and we occasionally hang out sometimes entitled aunt went to dubai to live there with her husband the rest of our families accepted the marriage without any problems menu changed i won't be back i used to work in a dine in movie theater like waiters come to your seat and take your order and bring you food menus full meal sort of thing we had a full bar out front in the lobby instead of a concession stand we still had popcorn and candy though mind you while the food is decent it's just standard chain fare and most of it comes frozen i've done every job in that building except for cooking and managing at the point of time in this story i was a bartender our menu had been mostly the same for the first six or so years on this particular chain being open typical menu burgers and pizza chicken tenders and salad sort of thing suddenly corporate stupidly decided to completely change it we had new desserts and completely tossed out our old ones new names for all our burgers got rid of our homemade pizza dough and a lot of pizza favorites etc but the biggest change was that they eradicated the chicken tenders and the kids menu completely now kids had to order adult-sized entrees which we aren't exactly a kid-friendly theater anyways anyone under 18 has to be with a parent more or less at all times and babies under three are just flat out not allowed in the building because we are legally speaking a bar and the tindies were replaced with boneless wing bites you get 8 to 12 of these measly little balls of breaded chicken that are tossed in sauce with fries or a salad naturally some customers were frustrated but hey corporate decision i can't change it anyway as the bartender during the week i was in charge of selling tickets and handing out menus during the weekdays we rarely had a ticket seller on duty out front so people are supposed to just walk in and purchase from me a woman who we will call karen and her 15 or so year old son who will call billy come in i know i've seen them in before so they purchase tickets and karen asks for a menu i ascended and launched into the little spiel management told me to give as i handed out the new menus me no problem just to let you know our menu has changed as of a few days ago there are some awesome new items but unfortunately some of our old items have been replaced karen oh well that's okay as long as i can still get chicken tenders my son and i love them that's the only reason we come here instead of the theater we actually live beside she begins to flip through the menu me cringing well actually the tenders are one of the items that have been replaced we now have boneless wing bites they what do you mean you can take off the tenders billy mom it's cool we can just try the bites they better be as good as the tenders she's grumbling as she stalks towards their assigned theater and her son gives me an apologetic glance as he follows behind her they're the only people who end up in that theater again weekday slow so when the ticket comes through 10 minutes into the movie for a drink in that one i know it's hers to make it up to her that the tinders are gone i make her drink look extra nice garnished all pretty and the color it was a blue raspberry spiked lemonade was fantastic i tried super hard as a newbie bartender to make this thing look epic my manager took a photo of it when i was done i was proud of that drink i'm friends with her waiter too so i tell the waiter to make sure the food comes out perfect i just want to avoid any complaints at this point and give her a good experience since the only reason they came here was for the food specifically the tenders that they both loved so much about 20 minutes into the movie 10 minutes after the drink i see her food come past and go into the theater not even five minutes later this woman comes storming out with a plate in her hand drinking the other and right up to where i am making drinks at the bar she is fuming her son is on her tail and begging her to calm down my little anxious heart jumps into my throat and then falls i hate angry customers she speaks before i can even open my mouth manager now me yes ma'am i walk around the bar and to the manager's office and knock on their door as i'm waiting i glance over my shoulder and see her overturn her plate onto my drink station she has gotten the boneless bites tossed in sauce so now the area and mats on which i mix all cocktails is covered and i mean covered in spicy barbecue sauce and wings and fries she pours her perfect drink on top of it right as the manager is coming out of the office my manager is awesome we'll call her violet she doesn't even look at me just run straight to the woman i follow behind but keep a bit of a distance manager ma'am what seems to be the problem here billy nothing nothing mom and i are just leaving everything's okay karen shut up that stupid bartender told me that the tenders are gone and i had to order boneless wings instead i ordered them and they're gross and she's so incompetent that you can't even make a darn mix to drink right this drink is gross and your standards for good food have dropped i want to speak to corporate manager well here's the hotline number for corporate but my bartender did make that drink correctly i'm sorry it wasn't up to your standards clearly as you've smushed all of it into my bar i just figured since this is her points at me fault she can clean it up because i'm somehow at fault for the entire menu change countrywide sorry i get paid eight dollars an hour not my deal manager the menu change was a corporate decision my bartender didn't take the tenders off and she made that drink perfectly i'm sorry you're this upset and i'll make sure corporate is aware i'm leaving a yelp review too i'm never coming back here everyone will know not to come here anymore my son is so disgusted with your food billy actually i thought it was good mom please it isn't that bad shut up it's not good you should be shut down you don't care about your customers i will never ever come back here forget you she's shrieking at this point she reaches into her mess and picks up one of the bar mats she smeared food and drink unto and chucks it at me before running out of the store luckily i dodged the mad but food and drink dropped onto me and the floor now too her son plus this poor kid grabs a roll of napkins off the nearest rack we have napkins and condiments and racks on the bar and starts trying to clean it up he's crying quietly at this point i don't blame him i was on the brink of tears myself this would have been so embarrassing to be that woman's kid in this situation i get down next to him and gently take the napkins from him telling him it's okay i get it my manager gave him two free tickets and said if him and someone older wanted to come see movies she'd take care of his food too next time but his mom wasn't welcome back we escorted him to the door where his mom had pulled up in her car and was slamming on the horn to get him to hurry up they left i cleaned it up and spent the rest of the day smelling like chicken and spiked lemonade sticky and grumpy karen has tried to come back a few times shockingly billy still shows up with his dad and older brother and is always the absolute sweetest kid to me and the wait staff but the woman has shown up alone and i always alert manager when she appears and she's always told to leave shockingly she never throws a fit just walks out we never heard from corporate about her either we still don't have chicken tenders crazy entitled parents called the cops on me because i refused to give them my car okay a little bit of background where i live there is a car show held in memory of someone in our town who passed of brain cancer and all proceeds go to cancer research the show is held at a raceway nearby where everyone is welcoming and kids get in free while the parents have to pay two dollars to get in while the people entering the car show or are going to go around the track pay a premium now the story i had entered my car into the car show and paid extra for it to go around the track during the time event the car show part was a few hours before the warm up before time trials where everyone entering could do up to three practice laps to get used to the course now this is where the kid came in before the practice lab start entitled kids that he liked my car 1977 leyland mini and started asking me about it and how i got it all was normal my family who was with me said i should let him sit in it and i agreed but thought i could take it a step further and let him sit in the passenger seat during one of my warm-up laps i said to him i would let him go around the track with me on account i have his parents permission when he heard that his face lit up and he went to go get his parents i thought all was normal until this happened i was waiting around for the kid and his parents to show up i hadn't moved from my spot and was doing some pre-checks on my car before i went out 20 minutes had passed and i thought it was taking a little long for him to come back to give me an answer but i thought i would wait a little longer just in case he got lost next thing i know another 20 minutes have passed then another 20 minutes i had waited an hour for him to show back up and needed to get on the track my car was ready half an hour ago and i had already gotten permission from the race organizers to have a passenger for one lap of the practice run i had gotten tired and went to start the car when the kid showed up with his parents they instantly asked me if i was up to something by the way i just turned 18 at the time and had my girlfriend with me at the race keeping track of my times i told them i just wanted to give him a chance to see what it was like in a road race car just like how someone else let me when i was his age after hearing that they took a few steps back and started talking but they took 10 minutes to do so tired of waiting i told them it was final call it's either a yes or a no and i need to get on the track now entitled parents gave me a stink eye and finally said entitled kid could go i had him get in and put the five point on and we headed for the first practice run i told him to hold on and don't scream while i'm driving he seemed to understand but during the lap he did the exact opposite once it was over i had a headache and was still trying to be nice and i asked him if he had fun he said he did and wanted to go again i said from now on i had to be by myself and he started yelling at me and got out of the car slamming the door behind me i had had it at that point and just went to do my last two laps once they were over we stopped for a quick break and this is where everything went down first off i had the entitled parents come up to me and yell at me for not letting him go again i explained to them that i technically wasn't allowed and only got permission to do one lap with him they were livid next thing i know one of the organizers tells them their kid could go around the track in one of the rental track cars with his father but it would cost 300 the entitled kid said no and that he wanted to go around in my car but i said he couldn't next thing i know entitled father is yelling how it's a rip-off and we are wasting the money on cancer research i lost it at that point and told them to leave but the organizers said what they said was fine and we don't need to make this work i left with the organizer after that to avoid more of the confrontation skip forward half an hour and the time trial is about to start and guess who came back entitled mom she said she was sorry and wanted to talk i said later and she yells out four hundred dollars she was offering four hundred dollars for my entire car i told her no and to get out of here next thing i know the other entitled parent rocks up and says 700 for the car i said no and that i have more money in my car than they probably have in their bank the father responded saying that my sad rusted piece of crap is not worth more than a grand and that i would get more from crushing it than selling it i told them to leave as they would not like what would happen next if they get in my way i hopped in my car and drove off right past them once the time trial was over i went to park in my spot to find my girlfriend and grandfather being talked to by the cops while the entitled parents were pointing at me two officers came over and told me to turn off my car and get out of the vehicle i did so and asked what was going on the entitled parents had called the cops claiming i stole their car i told the cops the car was in my name and i have footage inside from a camera in my car that i use for studying my driving techniques they asked to see the footage and i willingly showed them they say i did nothing wrong and i had my parents bring down the proof of sale for my car the entitled parent still tried to do me over until entitled father hit a bystander the cops arrested him for assault and took the wife in as an accomplice i haven't heard anything from them but now one of the officers from the incident is a good friend of mine and we go to races together so at least something good came out of this go ahead and do a charge back but you won't be getting a refund okay i will a couple of years ago i ordered an express parcel delivery from the uk to the usa via one of those third party parcel shipping companies for those who are unfamiliar they are a middle man and they hold huge accounts with ups dhl feta etc they then offer cheaper parcel rates and pass some of this discount on to the customer so i ordered an express 48 hour delivery with one of these delivery companies for my two parcels to the usa this cost me around 100 pounds for the first two boxes and from experience using this delivery company in the past they have a delivery guarantee which offers me a full refund of all carriage charges if any part of the shipment is not delivered within 48 hours a few days later i was told by my customer that the boxes had arrived two days late not a problem i checked the tracking number and it had been held up at the uk-based air freight terminal which entitled me to a full refund of the carriage charges i then contacted the delivery company but i was told that although i was fully entitled to a full refund i'd have to speak to the third party shipping company i contacted them by phone and i was told that they don't issue refunds for delayed parcels i explained that this was a guaranteed service and the delivery company said that i was entitled to a refund at this point i was passed on to a manager by the call center operative without even asking the manager was very obnoxious and wasn't bothered that my parcel had been delayed in his opinion i shouldn't expect it to get there on time when i had paid such a low price so you want a full refund just because your parcel is delayed yes i do because that is what was in the terms and conditions but you didn't buy the extra insurance no i didn't because the delivery already included 1000 pounds of insurance anyway well we don't do refunds for delayed parcels and especially if you haven't paid for the insurance at this point i was getting pretty annoyed because he was making up this idea of buying insurance to cover for delays the insurance only covered total loss and damage anyway so i explained that if i didn't receive a refund i would simply initiate a chargeback on my credit card for the payment at this point he raised his voice and told me fine try to do a charge back then we will fight it and you won't get a refund yeah your parcel was late but that doesn't mean you get a free delivery i ended the call and got straight on the phone to my credit card company they went through a rigorous process with me and asked for a copy of the original invoice the terms and conditions etc within 24 hours they had refunded the full amount back to my card and sent me a letter giving me the reasons they found the chargeback in my favor it also explained that the merchant the shipping company had 30 days to contest the chargeback however 30 days came and went and the money was still showing as refunded six weeks later i received an email from their customer service team telling me that they were willing to give me a partial refund of 10 to compensate me for the delay obviously somebody hadn't realized that i had initiated a chargeback and now it was too late so i replied and politely explained that i was told by the manager stating his name to initiate a chargeback because their company doesn't issue refunds even when their terms and conditions say they do therefore as far as i was concerned the matter was now closed as my credit card company had given them 30 days to reply to the chargeback and they had not replied therefore the chargeback was granted not only did i never hear anything back from them but i haven't used this company since the girl friday with the phd takes over the business from the ungrateful owner my spouse was the second person hired at a consulting company in a very specialized industry in her fifteen years with the firm it grew to a respectable three office eight to ten employees at each location entity she and the owner grew the business on the contacts expertise and presentation of my wife to the extent that my wife's abilities and education were the main reason new business came through the door over the years her scope of responsibility grew so that the owner was basically 75 absent and mostly unaware of day-to-day activity as he got more and more removed from the business he would make overtures that he would eventually retire and sell her the business he was so dependent on her income generating that he took out a life insurance policy on her i did not involve myself too much but at a major industry dinner party i attended with her he introduced my wife to the table as my girl friday basically a secretary which was weird over the years she tried to get an agreement in place to buy the firm even if it was two years away he always delayed and made promises but never followed through i told her this guy doesn't respect you or your contribution he will never sell you the business because there is no reason to he can make more money by stringing you along and essentially you are the business why would he sell it to you one day out of the blue my wife received a raise and bonus a very minor amount of money and a contract that included a non-compete non-disclosure agreement after reading it she realized that the owner was trying to lock her down from leaving for another firm she had been getting feelers from other companies to make things even more suspicious she received a call from a competitor who said they were in final stages of due diligence and they wanted to meet her the jerk was selling the company and didn't think to tell her or ask if she was interested in buying it she ignored the agreement and there were no other agreements in place she was totally free my wife is extremely loyal she has missed so many special days working for this guy stuck around when they were wobbly even skipped paychecks when there were tough financial times she was furious the absolute maddest i've ever seen her we discussed starting her own firm and i asked how much business is contractually obligated to stay there if you leave it turned out that most agreements were either handshakes or a 30 day at will i also asked how many would leave with you she said about 75 including her biggest source of revenue who didn't even know the owner in a very short time my wife took a three-week vacation she had months of unused time during which time she rented an office in the same building and made all the arrangements to set up a new shop she agreed to leave any and all company property behind and do her best to give the old company no obvious ammo for litigation she called her clients and said i'm leaving if you want to look into relocating your account with my new company you'll need to quit the old one before we can discuss it most understood the implication while she was on vacation she received a panic call from her boss we lost xyz company do you know anything about it she said i'm sorry but i just sent you an email i've resigned all my keys and company stuff is on my desk bye bye the new firm took basically 90 of the business and seamlessly transitioned into the same company as it was before but with a new owner even most of the office staff would come aboard within a year her old company closed down except for the small office her old boss ran she sees him once in a while and he just scales at her entitled man calls the cops on me for parking my truck properly so this happened like a year ago i'm doing truck driving in a moving company in the big cities and due to that i have to park in some crappy places due to customers living in crowded areas i had a gig where i had to drive like 150 kilometers to another city to do moving services with a team for a company so once we got there we saw that there was construction work going on right next door which resulted in part of the sidewalk being taken up also because it had only one right lane for safety reasons i had to park my truck partly on the sidewalk so that cars wouldn't run into each other i had made sure that there was enough room for people to go through without having to get too close to the road by the way this is completely legal in my country so it took about 30 minutes and there he was this was around two hour packing job this middle-aged guy on a bike ready to conquer the world entitled biker first he came next to my truck and started taking pictures i don't mind because this kind of behavior is nothing new to me entitled biker hey you have to move your truck me no man i'm in the middle of the work and there was absolutely enough room that you could get through entitled biker what if there comes someone with kids in a carriage cue a woman walking through with a kid carriage looking confused because we both looked at her i give entitled biker a smile never stopped working by the way you know that barking like this is illegal right me no it isn't you can look it up if you want move your truck this is illegal my co-workers come from the inside to bring more stuff to pack co-worker one what's going on me some jerk is trying to make me move my truck so nothing unusual just don't worry about it co-worker too don't you have anything better to do than harass people who are just trying to do their job entitled biker move this truck or i'm going to call the police we all just smile and leave him to his bs and keep working because we know that he can't do anything the guy then proceeds to make a few phone calls i assume to our company and the police and keep spewing his bs we just ignore it because we have a lot of places to go and know we'll be doing at least two hours of overtime without him bothering us another 15 minutes go by entitled biker move your truck or i'll call the police me now smiling who did you just call now then entitled biker goes silent for a minute and keeps on spewing about my illegal parking then i saw a police car drive behind his back they looked at the situation slowed down smiled and kept on driving it was the middle of the day so by now there were a lot of trucks all over the place taking up sidewalks in my area post trucks vehicles bringing food to stores etc so i tell him dude can you just go harass the other truck drivers look around you man i'm not the only one parked like this but either way thanks for the laughs i really enjoyed this entitled biker is fuming at this point so me and my co-workers give up and just tell him to buzz off he finally decides to leave but it isn't over yet entitled biker decided to go and post about this incident to facebook to all his 100 friends and my co-workers spotted the post he basically was rambling how i was a jerk for parking there and we were disrespectful and they just thanked me for the laughs they got out of me at first i didn't pay any mind but then he had also ranted about how he was almost fined for calling the emergency number on us and they warned entitled biker that if he called again he would be fined for disrupting the emergency line or something but yeah happy ending it was a long day but we got a lot of good laughs about it and the construction workers also laughed what the heck was that all about and we even told our boss about it who also laughed how some people can be so stupid no problem i'll print that video for you and while i'm at it i might have you fired as well context this happened a few years ago i was 18 and working as a receptionist for a community nursing center as the youngest in the team by a long shot the average age of employees being around 55 to 60 i was usually the one responsible for the computer stuff mostly just simple things nothing a quick google couldn't solve the other staff members were wonderful and i learned a lot from working with them except for the assistant manager karen this woman was the bane of my existence she was over 75 recently came out of a 15-year retirement as a receptionist and was armed with a certificate in business management from a four-hour online class she refused to learn basic computer skills such as word or email stating that she didn't need to learn them again when she had others to do it for her namely me in a five hour shift i would spend three hours just fielding her tasks needless to say this came along with all the fun personality traits that make a manager from heck at the start of my shift i receive an email from karen asking me to print the attached files one was a pdf and the other was an mp4 so assuming she meant just the pdf i take the printed copy tour this is roughly how the exchange went karen why do you only have one file i sent two me you want me to print an mp4 isn't that what i asked a monkey could do your job and probably better at it here i'm pretty sure she laughed at her own joke me desperate look i don't think you understand don't try and teach me don't forget i did your job for 20 years and now i could have you fired already over it and ready for some malicious compliance me okay well i've never printed this type of file before so it might take a while karen interrupts i don't care how long it takes i'm your boss and i've told you to do this once it's done you can move on to the other jobs i'm grinning ear to ear at this point i get back to my desk and send her an email summarizing our conversation and explicitly clarifying she wanted me to print an mp4 to which i got a snarky reply perfect i spent the next four to five hours pausing the video every two to three frames screenshotting it pasting it to a word document and printing the administrative tasks piled up not that karen noticed because she mostly spent her time reading magazines or talking on the phone i felt bad as this placed an extra load on the other receptionists however since karen was universally hated they gave me their blessing once complete i took about 100 pages carefully held with clips to her desk and sweetly told her that i had printed the file she looked smug until she saw what was in front of her page after page of almost the same picture as the man moved through the video some slightly blurry all in full color she was furious to say the least but i was one hour overtime on my shift and karen knew that would already cause her some issues so she let me leave though i knew it wasn't over yet as expected i get called into hr for a meeting the following week where they accused me of wasting company time and not complying with management i explained the situation in detail and showed them the email including her awful reply i also showed them a few more emails and texts where karen used some particularly descriptive words to insult our staff members including the very hr rep taking my interview turns out this was the straw that broke the camel's back as karen had multiple reports against her from other staff members and she had been driving hr insane with her own complaints she lost her job the following week the best part is that this happened on a sunday where i got double pay i took some of that sweet overtime cash and brought in cupcakes to work once karen was gone i said it was an end-of-week treat but we all knew what we were celebrating the hr rep seemed to particularly enjoy hers so karen what did you think of today's stories they were horrible horrible how dare you these were some of the best we've ever read oh shut up mr reddit it's ridiculous what people like myself have to go through dealing with stupid people like yourself and your subscribers look karen you can say whatever you want about me but don't you talk about my re-army re-army most of your viewers aren't even subscribed to your channel 70 if i'm correct well i can't argue with that that's true most most of my viewers don't actually subscribe for some reason it's because you're stupid mr reddit no i'm not all right guys let's prove karen wrong by making sure you're subscribed to the channel and turn on notifications they're not going to listen to you and if you'd like me or karen what to record a special message for you come visit me on fiverr link pinned in the comments below never and join as a channel member today and karen will give you a special shout out in the next video like heck i will
Channel: r/mr redder
Views: 236,884
Rating: 4.7987304 out of 5
Keywords: r/entitled parents, entitled parents stories, mr reddit, r/mrreddit, reddit stories, reddit stories funny, karen, r/entitledpeople, entitled people
Id: e0KWVwAx_qA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 160min 2sec (9602 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 28 2020
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