r/Entitledparents KAREN GETS KICKED OUT!

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hey there mr reddit here welcome back to another episode of our slash entitled parent stories our first story we'll be reading today karen's sister-in-law tries to get rid of my cat so i kick her out after that despite the will my aunt karen thinks my parents property belongs to her and after that you want proof that i'm actually doing my business if you say so now for every thumbs up this video gets one karen gets kicked out if anyone's getting kicked out it's you read it boy so please smash that like button and if you're new subscribe and turn on notifications for new stories from reddit every single day karen's sister-in-law tries to get rid of my cat so i kick her out i male 27 have a cat named billy he's my best friend and is very funny and adorable he always makes me laugh and comforts me when i need him my fiancee female 26 had her pregnant sister stay with us after her boyfriend kicked her out this cost me to work more since i pay for everything my fiance is currently looking for a job but nothing was found the problem started when her sister started complaining about billy she'd yell at him to get out whenever he's in the kitchen or the living room she'd spray him with water whenever she wants him out and throw his food away once i saw it with my own eyes i asked her to respect billy as a resident of my home and to leave him alone my fiance said her sister never had a cat so she doesn't know how to treat them which is nonsense since animals just want to be left alone but my fiance's sister seemed to be doing it deliberately yesterday i came home at 6 pm and billy wasn't home i went to look for him after my fiancee's sister said he left in the morning i finally saw my neighbor bringing him to me saying that my fiance's sister dropped him off near an auto repair shop far from here i was livid billy was too scared he couldn't even eat i confronted him and she lied about not going anywhere and asked my fiance to back her up but my fiance refused she then admitted it but kept excusing what she did by saying that she was just worried for her baby since cats aren't good to be around pregnant women i blew up at her and told her to leave my fiance said that that's her sister and her niece slash nephew and i should be more graceful i argued with her about how billy felt after what her sister had done but my fiance called me unsupportive and was overreacting and no harm in taking billy to stay with a friend since her sister clearly is scared of him well who do you agree with op or his fiance and her sister please let us know op you need to kick both of them out immediately you better not marry her bra despite the will aunt karen thinks my parents property belongs to her this happened almost five years ago and i just got noticed yesterday that my entitled aunt karen has passed and i got a call from her husband asking me to attend the funeral next weekend and i declined as did my older brother mark for purposes of this story karen was my mother's older sister and she constantly interfered in my mother and her children's lives she never liked my father and always tried to tell my mother that she made a mistake by marrying him she didn't like the name my parents picked out for my older brother and my great-grandmother passed the day before i was born and when karen found out they were going to name me after her karen freaked out and said she wanted to name her potential future kid that so my mother couldn't use it then she tried to talk her out of it by saying it's too old-fashioned and kids would make fun of me which they did but for other reasons she criticized both my brothers and my choice of friends and even complained when i started playing softball because proper ladies didn't play sports and if her daughter ever tried playing a sport she would have her removed from the team spoiler alert she never had kids the day after my 16th birthday my parents drove on a business trip down to california i live in idaho my dad said that when they got back he would drive me to the dmv to get my license he never did because on the drive to california they hit a patch of ice spun out crashed and passed away i was a wreck for some time after that i didn't even want to attend my high school graduation later because my parents wouldn't be there their will split everything evenly between my brother and i at the funeral my parents who owned their own business production manager tim was talking to my brother and my brother told him that in a couple weeks he would step in and take over and he was counting on tim to run things smoothly until then and help him in taking it over and learning the ropes i had no interest in the business other than it was a guaranteed summer job when i was growing up so i stayed out of it and just collected profit checks until i sold my half to mark and he continues to run the business to this day mark told tim that he should assure the employees there that their jobs were safe and that no major changes would be made then one day aunt karen showed up and began putting her stuff in my parents office and when tim confronted her about this she said his services were no longer needed and he was fired tim called mark up and mark went down with the family attorney some police and the necessary paperwork and had her removed while she said the place was now hers because it was her sisters so now she was the owner as long as i've known her she's never had a steady job and has had three husbands not counting the man who called me never met him and milked each one as much as she could get until she divorced him the next day i was leaving for school i walked it was fairly close about 10 minutes and saw her car and a moving van parked outside she said she was moving into her house and then said in a sickly sweet voice that for a reasonable rent she would continue to allow me to stay there until i graduated high school i went in and called my brother and he again showed up with a family attorney police and all the paperwork and had her removed from the property i was at school so i didn't get to see what happened but that night mark gave me a business card for a policeman who i assumed helped deal with all of this and told me that if i ever saw aunt karen on or near the property to call that number and report her immediately don't even try to confront her or give her a warning just call i do know that the movers charged her to move her stuff into the van drive across town get turned away and drive back across town and move her stuff back into her apartment which she hadn't given notice yet i got scared to the point that i didn't like letting our dog into the backyard when i was at school i used to put her out in the yard to let her play in the fenced backyard while i was in school for a while i just put her on the locked and closed garage and then cleaned up her messes when i got home in the afternoon eventually kieran moved to colorado where i assumed she met and married the man who called me and said that she had passed and he couldn't find anyone from her family to attend the funeral i chose not to tell him about her and politely said sorry for your loss but i can't make it from discussions with mark he basically told him the same thing outside of myself mark and mark's infant daughter i don't think she has any living relatives i still own the house mark gave me his half as part of the deal where i sold him my half of the business but still sleep in my bedroom i refused to move into what was once my parents bedroom the master bedroom i go to the local university go broncos and still miss my parents and think about them every day even though i'm 20 21 in less than two weeks own a large home have a lot of money in the bank i would trade it all to have my parents back but i don't care about the how or why of aunt karen's passing thank you for reading and sorry for the length have you ever had a relative that tried to use you if so what did you do about it please let us know not much anyone can use you for reddit boy you want proof that i'm actually doing my business if you say so background i'm an over-the-road truck driver and most of the time it's more convenient for me to do my business on the highway shoulder i don't have to drive around and around just to park to use the restroom just a quick 30 second emergency stop do my business either on the side of the road or empty bottles that i'm saving up got to do what you got to do when you're on the road then off driving again i'm sure i'm not the only over-the-road truck driver who has done this it's very common side note according to fmcsa by law we have to carry logbooks to calculate our driving and on duty time this is relevant to the story on to the story this happened just a few hours ago somewhere in the i-40 wb in new mexico i was suddenly in need to relieve myself badly so as usual i pulled over to a clean wide highway shoulder then i put my log book to off duty note this isn't my first time today doing my business i have a habit of being very meticulous with my driving time which means when i'm not doing anything even for 30 seconds i put my time in off duty i tried to save as much driving time as possible those multiple 30 seconds can add up to a lot to avoid doing 34 hours reset too soon i looked at the passenger side window and seen multiple cars passing by turns out there's a road where cars drive by on the side of the highway doing my business on the highway shoulder nope instead i did the alternate route do it in a bottle seal it and stow it for trash later just as i finished doing my business i heard a knock on my passenger door very weird because this is the highway shoulder where no one should be randomly walking around i stow away the bottle and go look to see who it is and it's a cop i was thinking crap this isn't happening i switched my logbook to on duty inspection and go answer the cop before i could say anything the cop asked me to see my logbook it's part of their job to check whether we comply to the rules or not so i show it to him the graph looks like a heart monitor so i was relieving myself probably four or five times per day tiny bladder problem the cop questioned why i was off duty for 30 seconds to one minute every two hours almost every day electronic logbook can be backtracked up to 14 days i explained to him that i have to relieve myself every two hours give or take the cop didn't believe me and assumed that my truck had a problem that's why i have to stop every two hours i repeated myself about my bladder issue but the cop still didn't believe me instead he said unless you have proof that you're actually relieving yourself i'm afraid i have to give you a ticket for false usage of logbook cue malicious compliance i told the cop to wait a moment and went back inside my cabin i grabbed every single bottle that i'd filled today and the previous day i haven't had the chance to throw it away put it in a plastic bag and for extra measure grab the newest one out of the plastic bag it was still warm i showed the whole bag to the cop plus the warm bottle told him it's the newest one i just did a few seconds ago and asked if he would like to hold it for further inspection the cop had the mixed look of disgust and horror he was literally gagging so i put back the evidence inside of my truck so he could recover then the cop says i was expecting a doctor's note or something like that what you showed me was disgusting me but you asked for proof that i was in fact relieving myself i was holding back my laughter so hard that my cheek started to hurt then he gave me back my log book and told me to have a good day then drives off have a good day indeed i took an extra one minute on the shoulder to laugh until i was satisfied then i'm off the driving again edit for those who asked did i do anything on my logbook during laughter you all have asked the most important question bravo i did set it as off duty but did not put a comment on it i guess in the eyes of my dispatch it looks like i'm doing one minute of silence i did get questioned by my dispatch and after thorough explaining he too did a one minute of silence am i the jerk for making my neighbor remove the eggs he put in my yard for an easter egg hunt since wednesday my neighbor asked if he could hide eggs in my 28 mail yard as part of an easter egg hunt they wanted to do for the kids coming to their barbecue our yards are right next to each other with only the pavement dividing it and no fins which i'm thinking about setting up after what happened he asked three times and each time i said no because i don't like the idea of a bunch of little kids that i don't know coming into my yard besides he wanted to hide most of them in my garden and i wouldn't trust a six-year-old not to step on my flowers or knock over a pot he's been mad since i repeatedly said no and explained why their yards just as big as mine so i didn't see why they needed my space too yesterday i was having some car trouble so i took it to my friend whose mechanic not getting it back until tuesday so guess because my car wasn't in my driveway they assumed i wasn't home because in the morning i'm doing work in my basement and i hear footsteps nearby check my hidden security cam and i see my neighbor walking back to his house from my yard right away i go outside to confront him and he looked panicked honestly no idea why the heck he thought it was a good idea to do that like even if i wasn't home at the time what made him think i wouldn't get there say when the kids were in my yard i was just so upset he told me to please let them do this since the eggs were already spread out and his family was going to be home soon at that moment i was seriously mad so i told him either to take all the eggs back or i'm throwing them out myself then he got mad and was calling me names under his breath but he picked them up and laughed i'm going out to check my yard to make sure that he got all of them and his wife is giving me a dirty look too while he was talking to her they had their little party and easter egg hunt in their one yard i was out there just now watering my plants and they were cleaning up my neighbor was still mad at me he told me he hopes i'm happy with what i did right now that i'm more calm and i'm not mad at him anymore i'm kind of wondering if i was a jerk for making him pick up his eggs and not letting them use my yard honestly i was ticked off in the moment that he went into my yard after telling him no so i'm not sure well who do you think is the jerk op or his neighbor please let us know i would have taken those eggs and put something horrible inside of them karen how could you say something like that what i just mean something no one likes like tootsie rolls that's a boy's name hello my wonderful front desk agents and front desk enthusiasts this happened to me just yesterday at the brand new hotel i'm working at to start i'll give a bit of context i'm a female with what i've been told is a boy's name let's just say it's sky the issue is i've literally never met or even heard of someone that has the same name as me i'll also mention that i'm working at a hotel located in a city dominated by another brand we also just opened a few months ago so often when people stay with us they tend to compare us to the other brand it was around two hours into my shift when the phone rang me hello thank you for calling the fancy hotel brand my name is skye how may i help you karen hi are you actually at the front desk because i want to speak to someone on property me slightly surprised at her bluntness yes ma'am i'm here in the city how can i help you i wanted to book a reservation for my son and daughter-in-law tonight me okay absolutely no problem were you looking to book just for the night karen yes you see i just want to hear your prices i usually stay with your competitor but i didn't like the front desk person's attitude so i'm looking for a new hotel maybe you guys might be it me okay well let's see what we've got here were you looking for just a king bed for tonight of course they're married they're not going to sleep on separate beds me okay i was just checking it looks like that will be this amount for a king bed just for the night that does not include breakfast okay can i just give you the card number to have him check in me actually it's company policy to fill out a credit card authorization form in order for us to use the card for someone other than the listed card holder if you give me a good email address i can send it to you no absolutely not i'm not doing that me at a complete loss at this point well um it's company policy and i unfortunately can't run your card for another guest without the form or your signature can i come in and then book a reservation me yes as long as we're able to swipe your card and have you sign for the room we don't need the form great then i'll be in me perfect if you come in before 3 p.m i'll be the one you're dealing with great what was your name skye sky and i work at the front desk wait skye not skyler me that's correct how do you spell that sky like skyler without the ler and you're a girl me now annoyed and confused about why that matters yes ma'am i am but that's a boy's name and you're spelling it wrong me i'll be sure to let my parents know have a nice day am i the jerk for talking to my parents about getting a lock to keep my brother and his wife from going in my room without permission so for a little context i 21 female i'm still having to live at home with my parents due to lockdown messing up my plans for moving out my parents are happy to still have me at their home and i'm okay living with them until i can earn enough money to move out one of my brothers 26 male and his wife 26 female tend to visit us a lot which i don't mind i enjoy seeing my brother i love him very dearly and his wife is a really sweet lady who we all get along with very well however my brother has a tendency to just walk into my room whether i'm in there or not he did this before to pet our older cat who tended to spend most of her time in my room and i know he loved the cat but i also did not appreciate him just barging in without warning he stopped doing this for a while when our old cat passed away she will forever be missed but i recently got two new kittens from a rescue because i felt like i needed a new cat to help me heal from the loss of my old cat it has been amazing but now my brother's tendency of barging in has gotten worse than it was before i have repeatedly asked him not to barge in and that if he wants to enter my room he needs to ask for permission first and respect my answer if i tell him no he always says sure or okay but it's clearly in a very dismissive way his wife will always follow him after getting an ice cream bar from our freezer and just sit on my bed with them eating it's been six months of this routine by now and i'm sick of it my room is my space to be on my own and recharge and for privacy and they continually disrespect that i got fed up this weekend when i was trying to get ready for a date with my boyfriend and they just barged into my room to pet the kittens who were in there with me i asked him to please leave and that i was trying to get ready and he said that since i am putting makeup on in the bathroom why don't i just change in there too and that he wants to pet the kittens i gave up got ready in the bathroom and once i got home i talked to my mother about getting a lock or something to put on my door so that they won't just go in sit on my bed and eat without my permission anymore my brother heard about this because my dad bless his heart but he is oblivious sometimes saw no issue saying we were going out to look for a lock when my brother asked if we were home brother is now saying that i'm just overreacting that i have the kittens in there a lot of the time they hate being away from me so they usually follow me in there to sit on my bed and watch me as i'm doing anything in there and he just wants to pet them he says i'm being cruel to him and the kittens by not letting him in to pet them whenever he wants and by apparently depriving the kittens of attention and interaction with people i'm just so sick of him and his wife barging in but now i'm starting to wonder am i overreacting over this by looking at getting a lock to keep them out also the sister-in-law never is the one who barges in she usually just follows after brother a few minutes after he barges in himself well what do you think is op overreacting about getting a lock or not please let us know that brother needs to learn some manners you don't just barge into your sister's room like that clearly shopping at petsmart i'm not wearing even similar colors i'd never heard of this sub before now but about two months ago i went into petsmart for dog food crickets and a tank thermometer for my boyfriend's gecko i just grabbed some freeze-dried worms since they were out of small crickets but it seemed unlikely to the worker that large crickets would have been fine for some reason anyways i'm walking down the aisle and this older lady and what seemed like maybe her older son or maybe it was a different type of relationship but it seemed as though it could only be family came up to me and said excuse me do you know where the fishnets are now i understand that by answering her i may have led on that i did work there but i couldn't ignore her because i knew the general area so i said i think in the next aisle she thanked me and left to the other aisle i was picking out a thermometer that wasn't going to break the bank and i was walking towards the dog food but kind of taking my sweet time as i was enjoying the time alone she stopped me before i could get to the dog food section and said they're not here where are they in a snappy tone i'm somewhat of an easily irritated person but i was trying to calm down because she probably thought i worked there for a crazy reason so i said um i'm not really sure you can ask that employee and i pointed out the guy who was adamant on freeze-dried worms for me she turned back around and said i asked you i want to speak to a manager when she said that i actually felt something snap a little because i don't go out of my way to be nice to people ever i'm only ever civil and blunt so because this was a wasted rare occurrence i just said well i don't know where it is but maybe if you actually ask someone who works here you'd be able to figure it out or you can open your eyes in the fish section i stuttered a little bit on the word fish and that bummed me out but i walked away quickly irritated and hoping i didn't see her again not super exciting but it was one of the better moments of being assertive after years of retail my normal response would have been to be polite but i'm through with retail forever if i can help it by the way the petsmart uniform is khakis and a royal blue t-shirt i was wearing a black tank top and jeans with a black bomber's jacket on not even close forward the complaint to the owner okay no problem my wife used to be an apartment manager for 190 unit complex it was a live-in situation so we didn't have to pay utilities or rent we did however have to deal with residents knocking on our door all day and sometimes night despite having clear office hours of 10 to 6 we had a weekend manager who had no authority but could show apartments and help with lockouts the owner of the complex was a dishonest ex-con and to this day i have no idea how he got the money to build the complex this guy was notorious for squeezing every penny out of residence that he could when signing the lease it was clearly explained by my wife that everything must be taken from the apartments when residents moved out there was a strict 100 charge for all larger items that were not removed things like beds furniture televisions etc this would all come out of the deposit made at the time of signing when residents told my wife they were moving she would again remind them to remove everything from the apartment or they would not receive their full deposit one resident who had moved out over the weekend and had a conversation with the weekend manager again the weekend manager had no authority this resident stated that the weekend manager said it was okay to leave a few items and that someone would come claim the items as their own and that the items would be gone before final checks when my wife went to go look over the vacated apartment she found a tv a tv stand and a desk she then checked with the weekend manager who said they never told the prior resident they could leave items behind my wife had maintenance come and dispose of the three large items but rather than charge the typical 300 she only charged 100 my wife then called the prior resident explaining that they had left a few items but only one hundred dollars would come out of their 700 deposit the prior residents were furious with my wife and aggressively claimed that weekend managers said it was okay to leave items my wife explained over and over that the policy is to have everything gone and that she was actually saving them two hundred dollars the prior residents were having none of it and would call over and over yelling at my wife to fix it the prior residents demanded that this be escalated to the owner so my wife forwarded the emails from the prior residence and explained that they had been charged 100 the owner read the emails and thought my wife had mistakenly charged 100 instead of 300 the owner then told my wife to withhold 300 from the 700 instead of the prior 100 charge and the check went out to the prior residence for 400. the prior residents threatened to sue and still called for a while but after a while they gave up and moved on sometimes people should just accept kind gestures rather than throw a temper tantrum can't wait for me to test a lawnmower help yourself grabbed a broken lawnmower from outside of someone's house this morning and was reminded of this story i'm part of a group who keep a community garden and help local people get into gardening too we let people know we will take any old tools and equipment as we can often repair restore or just sharpen stuff and it's as good as new and we just give it back or away in exchange for a small donation it's not uncommon to see mowers trimmers etc outside of houses in the summer for the scrap man and we always snag them easily 75 percent of the electrical stuff we get maybe even as much as ninety percent just needs a fuse or a new plug and it's good to go you leave electrical gear in a damp garage all winter and it'll need some attention but people just chunk it out so a few years ago i'm working on the garden and hear someone say hey hey excuse me someone said i can get a mower here this is already a bad start we're british for crying out loud what's happened to please and thank you and sorry it was a guy who looked like what i can only describe as a big posh sod and as i started into my normal spiel about welcome to our garden he cut me off and asked where he could get a lawnmower as someone said he could get a free one here no problem maybe he's some weirdo who doesn't want to hear about how the broad beans are doing well this year we actually had two lawn mowers that had been dropped off that weekend a little hover mower that i had already fixed rewired plug and a massive overworked model with adjustable cutting lanes automatic compressing grass box etc i hadn't touched it because one they're massively complicated and two they're expensive so no one gives them to us unless they're completely out of warranty i told the guy he could take the small one but the other one was probably broken but he looked it up on his phone and decided he wanted it he tried it it started he took it done glad to see the back of it an hour later my phone rings hi i got your number from your website i picked up a lawn mower about an hour ago but it only runs for a few minutes and cuts out can i bring it back ah sorry mate i literally just got rid of a broken one of those i really don't want another sorry i can't help click am i the jerk for not letting my in-laws see their grandson again so when i was 20 i found out i was pregnant and was living with an unstable family member so three months before i had my baby i moved in with my partner and his family the plan was to live there for a year to save and when the baby was around 10 months old get our own place so my son was born in april and my in-laws became very controlling and tried to act like his parents such as they are renovating the house and said on top of our rent we have to each do four full days of work while they take care of the baby they wouldn't listen to any of our parenting decisions and kept having people over during lockdown to meet him when i wasn't even letting my parents meet him due to trying to keep him safe from getting sick now about a week ago my partner spent the day doing the renovations and they asked him to hose down the driveway when he was done fine he did it for three hours and came in to spend time with our baby after working six days and doing work on the house with every spare minute after so he had hardly seen our son in a week now his mom came in and said he didn't do a good enough job and had him keep going he said no he wanted to be with his son and it was dark he had finished tomorrow his mom went crazy and kicked us out at 8pm said she'd call the cops if we didn't go and we didn't get back the rent we paid two days before okay we leave and have been living in a hotel while we look for a rental also i live in victoria australia where we are in a hard lockdown and have around 500 new cases every day the state is being very strict and things aren't going well here she's now sending me messages saying to leave her son and come back to live with her with my baby saying we don't have to pay rent anymore if i leave him she'll take care of us she misses her grandchild etc i'm so angry that she made my family let alone my three-month-old son homeless during such a risky time or at all to be honest and she thinks we're living in the car not a hotel i'm angry she's trying to get me to leave her son who i love and have a child with i'm ready to block her and her husband and not let them be in our lives anymore they threw us out and even though my son is too young to know what's going on he's been very unsettled being in a new place and not having any of his things it's been hard on him and made us feel like bad parents i don't think she deserves to be in our lives but i do believe my son deserves to know his family and have grandparents so would i be the jerk if i took that away from him after what they have done to us edit to answer a common question yes it was illegal for her to kick us out but my partner works a job that pays cash so our rent was paid in cash and we didn't have a signed agreement meaning we can't prove we paid rent and therefore proved that it was illegal please do us a huge favor and come watch this video next you're not gonna believe what happens in it and want us to make a special video reading your script for you just come visit us on fiverr link pinned in the comments below and why not join as a channel member today and we'll give you a special shout out in our next video
Channel: r/mr reddit
Views: 44,821
Rating: 4.9417591 out of 5
Keywords: r/entitled parents, r/entitled parents rslash, entitled parents, entitledparents, entitled parents stories, entitled parents reddit, entitled parents rslash, entitled parents playlist, entitled parents stories playlist, reddit stories entitledparents rslash, rSlash, mr reddit, r/mrreddit, r/, reddit stories, rSlash entitledparents, rslash entitledparents playlist, funny stories reddit, karen, reddit, reddit stories funny, redditor, Top Posts of All Time, r/entitledparents
Id: HZB7oyGA47A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 27sec (1827 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 06 2021
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