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hey there mr reddit here welcome back to another  episode of r slash entitled parent stories our   first story we'll be reading today karen roommate  demands i do her taxes after that am i the jerk   for preventing my neighbor from getting high speed  internet and after that entitled mom demands i   invite her kids to a party that's not even a party  now for every thumbs up this video gets one karen   has to do her own taxes how about i claim you as  a dependent reddit boy so please smash that like   button and if you're new subscribe and turn on  notifications for new stories from reddit every   single day karen roommate demands i do her taxes  my roommate 29 female and i also 29 female have   been living together for nine years this whole  time i filed her taxes every year until last year   every year she'd hand me her w-2 social security  card and id and i'd go to my sister's place to   file her taxes online i get my sister's  help because i'm dyslexic and don't want   to accidentally mix up any numbers while filing  i would always ask my roommate if she wanted to   go with us and she would refuse choosing to stay  home and watch shows instead whenever my sister   helps me with taxes i treat her out for lunch as  a thank you whether this is going to a restaurant   fast food or getting delivery of her choice this  is where my frustration with my roommate comes in   she would never go with me to file her taxes  saying that she trusted me i'd take screenshots of   everything to show her what was filed how much she  would get etc when she'd get her tax return she'd   accuse me of stealing some of it though i could  always prove that i didn't she never pitched in   any money toward treating my sister out for lunch  as thanks for help but would also get mad if we   didn't bring back food for her so last year i told  her that i wasn't going to do her taxes anymore   she whined about not knowing how to do it  and being too anxious to go to a professional   i told her that she should have been more involved  before and i don't want to do everything for her   she never went to a professional to get her taxes  done and didn't do it herself she didn't file at   all last year this year she asked me to do her  taxes and i refused she started crying and said   that i'm ruining everything by not helping her she  complained to her friends at work about this who   all told me that i'm being unnecessarily mean  and i should help her out because she clearly   isn't responsible enough to do this on her own  they told me that she's still young and shouldn't   have to worry about it so much but she and i  are literally only three months apart in age   she has not filed yet this year and i'm being  told that i'm the jerk for not helping her   because she's too anxious to get her taxes done  professionally and too insecure to do it herself   at this rate she may not file this year too and  only my sister is on my side in this i have really   bad social anxiety about seeing a professional and  that's partially why i do my taxes myself with my   sister's help so i understand being anxious  but am i really the jerk for not helping her   well who do you think is the jerk op or her  roommate please let us know i hope you're able   to find a new roommate op one who hopefully you  won't have to babysit am i the jerk for preventing   my neighbor from getting high-speed internet so  i recently got high-speed internet to my house   after not having it for nearly a decade i live in  an area that has multiple options for broadband   but my house sits back about a mile off the public  road so most utilities need to be hardline to work   despite living in a large piece of property my one  and only neighbor is about 800 feet away from me   due to the original owners being family members  and wanting their homes to be semi-close   we get along but don't interact much they  have done some things that i consider rude   but they seem like generally okay people when i  first moved in i worked out a deal with our local   internet provider to run a main line to my home  if i could get the neighbor to sign up as well   reason for that is they allow a certain  allowance per customer per construction cost   and with two of us the total was high enough to  cover everything now there is no contract so they   could cancel after the first month and i offered  to pay for their services for the first three   months as a thank you they declined and said that  they were happy with dsl i explained that they   didn't have to get rid of anything i just needed  them to allow the line to be ran underground and   sign on for a month minimum and i'd cover it still  no we planned on buying a new house eventually   so i never had it installed as i didn't want to  pay with everything going on and working from home   i finally worked a deal out that if i did some  of the construction they would cover any extra   costs for the installation now my neighbor sees  what's going on and comes to ask about our new   internet provider i explained what i had to go  through and that he could do the same if he wanted   next thing i know an installer is knocking  on my door letting me know he's going to   lay cable across my driveway temporarily and that  they'll need to dig it up to go across permanently   i asked what he was talking about and he  said he was installing cable for the neighbor   i said no you're not not for my property anyway  now the neighbor is begging me to give them an   easement for his cable drop i said no for two  reasons one you did me over years ago when i   wanted the cable originally two i really don't  want them digging into the driveway or having to   mow around a wire on the yard all summer i admit  i'm being petty but i don't think i'm the jerk   i mentioned it to a friend and they went off about  how everyone is struggling and that i should be a   good neighbor and to stop being a spiteful jerk  so just to add a couple of things because i've   gotten so many questions under the original deal  10 years ago i approached the neighbors about a   year after moving in i explained that i noticed  we weren't serviceable by the cable company   so i approached them to find out what had to  be done i explained that the cable company   had to agree to doing the work and that i  would let them do everything on my property   the cable company required me to put a deposit of  ten thousand dollars down which would be returned   after we both got service to our homes i explained  that they didn't have to sign or do anything to   proceed but that i just needed them to sign up  for service for a month once it was done so that   i could get my deposit back i offered to pay for  that and also offered to pay for their first three   months of service if they chose to permanently  switch they had zero interest in helping out   this alone has cost me eighteen thousand dollars  over the last ten years that deal no longer exists   and with rising costs of everything i reached out  to the cable company again to see what we could do   they agreed to cover above and beyond their normal  allowance if i handled excavation construction   costs were around seventy thousand dollars sixty  thousand of that was installing the hard line back   to the ped where the services hook up so i saved  sixty thousand dollars by doing the work myself   and the cable company covered the remainder well  who do you think is the jerk op or their neighbor   please let us know thank goodness we have a  t fiber ain't that right reddit boy entitled   mom demands i invite her kids to a party that's  not even a party so some backstory my brother   is an er doctor and his husband an er nurse so  they both work long hours throughout the week   they have twins we will call them ann and ken not  their real names just the first to pop in my head   now because of their workload me and my sister  help throughout the week by taking the kids after   school a few days a week i have them on mondays  wednesdays and fridays well friday happens to be   my niece and nephew's birthday now due to lockdown  we can't have a big party that they're used to   but i still wanted to make it special my niece  and nephew had become friends with two kids in the   building sarah and blake again fake names their  mother we will call nice neighbor i had become   friends with her now every time my niece and  nephew are over they play with sarah and blake so   i told the twins that sarah and blake could come  over on friday for a little birthday sleep over   i worked it out with sarah and blake's mom and  got everything ready now here's where entitled mom   comes in as i was coming in the building entitled  mom ran up to me so you are having a party tonight   me what no sarah and blake told my kids that they  were going to your niece's party at your apartment   me it's not a party it's my niece and nephew's  birthday so i told them they could have sarah   and blake over to watch movies well my kids are  upset that they weren't invited me sorry but like   i said it's not a party just my niece and nephew  having friends over my kids would love a sleepover   me oh well then maybe you should throw one you  could be nice and invite them it's not nice to   leave kids out me i don't even know your kids  sarah and blake have been friends with my niece   and nephew for going on three years well they  can always get to know each other at the party   no my niece doesn't like strange people i'm  your neighbor i'm not strange you tried to   break into my apartment a few days ago you're  being overly dramatic and you're being crazy   well that's rude i rolled my eyes and walked  away before she could say anything else   am i the jerk for ignoring my nephew after he  stole an important 50 bill for me there's a   story behind that bill and it mattered a lot to me  my best friend henry and i knew each other since   we were in middle school in high school we were  pretty adamant about being child free and swore   that we'd never have kids he decided to make a  little bit though first guy to have a kid owed   the other fifty dollars it was a dumb bed that  i didn't really take seriously and i completely   forgot about it until nine years later i was with  henry at a diner once for lunch and he slips me a   50 bill it took me a minute but when it clicked i  was so ecstatic still one of my fondest memories   with him two grown men hugging it out at a diner  in tears after giving me the news that he's going   to be a dad for the first time his daughter was  born after that i was honored to be her godfather   then unfortunately we lost him all too  soon when his daughter was just five   it's been three years since then and i still miss  him we were like brothers and i kept that bill as   a memento i see my goddaughter all the time so  the bill is also a reminder of the first time i   learned of her existence kept it in a small box  with other sentimental things of mine on top of   a dresser in my room my sister is staying with  my wife and i along with my 16 year old nephew   they all know about this story by the way i've  told them before many times a few days ago i   noticed the box was in a different spot than  where i left it and that's when i discovered   that the bill was gone he eventually confessed  what he did because i was frantically looking   for it all over the place my nephew needed the  money because he wanted to take his girlfriend   out to eat but my sister wouldn't give him any  cash since he spent all his allowance money   honestly i was so furious and had asked him how he  could do that knowing that it was one of the few   things i have of my best friend and he stole it my  nephew kept apologizing but i couldn't look at him   my emotions were a little too strong and  i just wanted to get away from him before   i started yelling my sister offered to pay me  back but she darn well knows that's not the same   however she's saying i'm being too harsh on him  because i've been ignoring him the past couple   of days and he's feeling ashamed enough she's  apologized on his behalf but does think i'm taking   it too far right now it's still all too fresh for  me that bill wasn't important to me because of a   memory that it holds now it's lost and i'll never  get it back i'm not at a place where i want to   talk to him yet but my sister feels like i'm being  somewhat of a jerk by punishing him like this as   he's already learned his lesson i'd just like to  know if i am well who do you think is the jerk op   or his nephew please let us know i'd kick out that  nephew asap and his mom for making excuses for him   am i the jerk for telling my sister to leave  because of her fear i'm 22 male and my sister 17   female is afraid of snakes she hates them  can't be near them my boyfriend 21 male   is the opposite he loves them and we actually have  one who's too female because of this we normally   go see her or if she comes to our place my  boyfriend's sister will take our girl for the day   so we have a pool and it's been really hot where  we live so we invited my sister and my parents   around like normal my boyfriend's sister came and  took our snake when they arrived everything was   fine until we got in the pool my boyfriend has a  tattoo of a snake it's a blacked out silhouette   that wraps around both of his arms and his back  when my sister saw it she freaked out and told me   to tell him to cover it she knew about his tattoo  she just expected him to cover it which he can't   do without putting on a long sleeve t-shirt i told  her no she then went over to him and asked him to   leave because he knows about her fear this annoyed  me and i told her that if she has an issue with it   then she should leave this is his house not hers  she got upset and just sat inside the whole time   when they left my mom told me that i was rude to  my sister and we know about her fear and that we   ruined her day now i'm starting to think that i  could have handled the situation better so am i   the jerk edit i've been talking to someone in dms  and they said i should add some stuff we talked   about to my post my boyfriend's tattoo is very  important to him we got our current baby after his   old snake past the tattoo is based on a picture  of his old snake wrapped over his arm and his back   also self-expression is very important to my  boyfriend he grew up in a very restrictive   household his mother controlled what he did and  how he acted and what he wore we didn't just move   our snake because her enclosure is built into a  large bookcase in our living room also this only   happens once every month or so we normally visit  her also my boyfriend's sister is a huge reptile   nerd and loves our girl almost as much as we do my  boyfriend actually has an irrational animal fear   of his own butterflies he knows not all phobias  work the same but he thinks that her asking him   to leave is ridiculous also when i say that it's  his house i mean it's his house not ours old lady   forgets her bank card nice lady saves the day hi  all first time posting but i've been lurking for a   while i currently work as a cashier at a major  grocery store chain in the pacific northwest   believe it or not i had just been hired the  previous week and this happened yesterday   on my first shift on the registers after the  mandatory training on the computers in the office   so this happened towards the end of my shift it  was fairly slow and i was the only cashier at   the time somehow this sweet old lady walked up  and informed me that she'd have to pay by check   because she left her bank card at home i told her  that was perfectly fine but i'd need to call my   supervisor over to show me how to use the check  scanner since i'd never done it before she agreed   and i rang her up uneventfully my supervisor comes  over and they get the check made out to the right   company for the right amount and she shows me how  to scan it into the system a message pops up on   the register informing me that i need to check her  id and input the driver's license number i inform   her of such and she seems upset but not angry  dialogue is paraphrased but as close to what was   said as i can remember old lady but i left it at  home with my bank card i remember i keep them in   a small plastic box so they're together supervisor  i'm sorry to hear that ma'am unfortunately there's   no way to bypass this on the computer do you  remember your driver's license number by chance   old lady shakes her head seeming sad i'm just sort  of standing back with my best sympathetic smile my   manager seems to have things handled even though  there's not much we can do it's at this point that   the customer in line behind old lady speaks up  nice lady if you want to make the check out to me   i can pay with my bank card old lady cheers  up would you that would be wonderful nice lady   yeah i don't want you to go all the way back home  and have to come back just to buy some groceries   old lady thank you so much old lady steps to the  side to let nice lady put her card in the pin pad   meanwhile she makes out the check to nice lady  once the payment goes through i hand old lady   the receipt wish her a pleasant evening and start  scanning nice lady stuff old lady hands nice lady   the finished check thanks her again and leaves  supervisor and i both thank nice lady and she   says something along the lines of she seemed  like a safe bet i compliment nice lady on her   good deed for the day and the rest of the shift  goes by smoothly supervisor tells me as i clock   out that i did really well for a first day i'd  worked as a cashier before just never at a grocery   store and asked if i'm coming in tomorrow i tell  her my next shift grab some groceries of my own   wish supervisor a good night on my way out and  head home i feel like we could all use a break   from the kierans of the world and this felt  like a good story that deserved to be shared   thanks for reading am i the jerk for reporting  a family for not telling me that their son was   in the house while i was babysitting where i  am there's a babysitting service where people   around the ages of 16 to 18 who can't get a  real job work for i have the app on my phone   and i get notified if the customer selects me  for a babysitting session i got a notification a   couple of days ago and everything seemed fine they  had a fourth grader and they just wanted me to   keep an eye on him their profile said that the kid  was a bit unruly and talkative but i was fine with   that what they didn't say on the app was that they  had a son not sure about his age but young adult   maybe 19 to 21-ish in the house i was going to  be babysitting in i wasn't allowed on the second   floor so i was in the living room with the kid i  was on my phone and i had a heart attack when i   saw some random adult man about six feet tall and  big just come from the stairwell to where i was   he didn't acknowledge me and he walked by and got  some food from the kitchen and went back upstairs   i genuinely thought he was a home invader before  realizing he came from upstairs and he was wearing   homeware so he had to be family he didn't do  anything to me but i was freaked out i was   literally in a bad situation because i'm 5'3 and  i'm 16 and i was in an unfamiliar house with a   fully grown big dude like it's a classic get out  of their situation i had about four hours left   and i didn't want a bad review so i stayed there  against all gut feelings about 20 minutes or so   later i bumped into him again and he asked me are  you the babysitter i said yes and he said i was   allowed to use the second floor because the only  reason i wasn't was because his parents didn't   want me bumping into him which already happened  i thanked him but stayed on the first floor   after the session i was furious for the situation  i was put in i wanted to call them and tell them   that was not okay but i needed their review so  i kept quiet later on after they reviewed me   i reported them for not being clear  with me about this situation at home   i told my friends about this because i don't know  why they chose a 16 year old girl to babysit their   kid when they had a full-grown man in the house  who seemed capable and they told me reporting them   was kind of a jerky thing to do because one they  would be permanently banned and so i was denying   the kid ever getting a babysitter two i waited  for a review then i reported them three the guy   didn't do anything to me and was harmless now i'm  conflicted but i have 48 hours to call back for a   report so i need to know am i the jerk well what  do you think is opie the jerk for reporting this   family or not please let us know my neighbor is  bringing dangerous animals into our neighborhood   for some context i live in pennsylvania one mile  outside of a major city my neighbor 65 female and   her husband are from california they purchased  the house behind me online without ever visiting   the area or apparently google mapping the area  because the house is surrounded by trees and   we just love wildlife we live on a soon-to-be  five-lane road that people use as an alternative   to the interstate there's two shopping malls in  a major grocery store one-fourth mile down the   road basically we are not in the wilderness  and live in an extended neighborhood amongst   businesses and strip malls across the busy road is  a mountain that is virtually untouched by humans   this woman is a huge activist environmentalist  and vegan and thinks the game commission is meant   to hurt animals for fun she has lived here in a  residential neighborhood right outside of a city   in a huge pro hunting state for three  years when they moved in they had termites   and asked the exterminator to trap and release  the termites she also has not left her property   in two years because i just can't bear to  see roadkill this is my neighbor two years   ago we noticed a massive influx of squirrels i had  grandma confirmed this not only was there a lot of   squirrels but they were also fat and not afraid of  humans that's when we noticed that two times a day   this psycho is throwing about five pounds  of bird seed and nuts on the ground because   the squirrels depend on me to survive we've  had squirrels hiding nuts in our house walls   squirrels took over my husband's workshop and they  rip up all the flower beds hiding their nuts my   husband kindly asked her to stop since what is not  eaten will bring rats and mice plus encouraging   squirrels rabbits etc to the immediate area will  eventually bring dangerous animals as well and   he reminded her that squirrels will lose their  instinct to forage the longer they have a human   food source to replace the need to look for food  he was right about the dangerous animals last year   we had four separate bears reported within a three  square mile area of residential neighborhoods as   well as bobcats making a weekly appearance  that we could hear we ended up reporting her   to the game commission three times last year and  they found multiple bear poop piles in her yard   game commission told her that she was responsible  for the bears and ended up sending her a certified   letter banning her from feeding any wildlife  within our state she didn't listen and all   winter i watched this lunatic sweep away snow in  the grass to scatter her pounds of seed and nuts   on the ground now spring is here and we have a  mama bear with three cubs roaming the area as   well as two other lone bears i love wildlife but  if i wanted to live among it i would have bought   a house on the other side of the mountain like she  should have my issue with her is these animals are   coming down from the mountain and crossing a very  busy road to get to her daily slash nightly buffet   it's not safe for the animals to be inadvertently  luring them off the mountain last year we had two   bears hit by cars within a half mile of our house  one of them was relocated by the game commission   an hour away came all the way back to the area  and was hit crossing the road in front of my house   at this point i don't know what to do with this  whack job clearly reporting her does not help   she's so consumed with helping wildlife that  she refuses to see that she's harming it instead   on top of it we are all only living in this house  until it's rezoned commercial and can sell it   she's so concerned for the wildlife environment  and is raising heck at township meetings about   any major projects moving forward i want  her gone or at the least be told to shut up   well what would you do in this situation please  let us know maybe we can get one of the bears to   eat her am i the jerk for kicking my three sisters  out of my wedding after they came with their kids   my wife and i got married two weeks ago we wanted  a child free wedding so we've let everyone know   my family in-laws and friends and relatives and  everyone was okay with it except for my family   i have three sisters all with kids from two to  ten my mom said it was illogical to not allow kids   since one this never happened in the family and  two my sisters live towns away so the kids can't   be left alone after a lot of arguing and others  getting involved i stood my ground and they agreed   to not bring kids at the wedding no one brought  kids my parents and aunts were already there   but then i saw my two sisters arriving with their  kids i immediately went to ask what's the deal   they began arguing with me when i said i won't  be letting them in with the kids i saw my older   sister come with her kids in the car i was upset  i asked why they decided to go against the rule   and bring kids my mom started yelling at me when i  told my sisters they weren't allowed in with them   everyone was yelling at me i had to get the  security involved to make them leave my parents   and aunt left shortly after they were so upset  with me i got nasty texts and a letter and my   cousin posted about my crappy wedding on facebook  days later i've gathered the family and explained   that what they did was wrong i asked if i allowed  my sisters with their kids what message does that   send to my in-laws and friends who wanted to bring  kids but they couldn't my sisters argued with me   and it turned out my mom told them to bring their  kids and she'd deal with me later i told them they   could have arranged for a babysitter but my mom  said they wanted to celebrate as a whole family   said that i ruined my own wedding by making a  scene and everyone will always remember my wedding   as a disaster a crap show because of mine and my  wife's child free bull they said the only way to   fix it is to have another wedding slash party and  include everyone especially the kids i called them   unreasonable i asked mom where the heck she got  the nerve to even demand that they blamed my   wife and claimed it was deliberate i left they  started talking to my wife trying to convince   her that they don't approve of what happened  and that they're giving us the chance to fix   the situation otherwise the relationship is  damaged this caused me a headache and i don't   think what i did was wrong i just wanted them  to have some respect for my wife and her family   well who do you agree with op or his mom and  his sisters please let us know i can't believe   how disrespectful they were to you entitled mom  loses it when i block her daughter on social media   so this was this morning and i am a bit upset my  ex-friend decided to block me on all social media   because of a text message stream we had back  in november of last year i'll try to rewrite it   here also we're both 14 if that clarifies anything  friend so i like other friend's name how about you   me i like you friend blocks me now i'm confused  and i asked her friends why she did that they all   say it's because she hates me for putting her on  the spot like that for the rest of middle school   she bullied me and got her friends too as well  whenever they saw me during quarantine i guess she   unblocked me because i got a text from her saying  hey i'm sorry about what i did can we be friends   i thought about this for a bit and i hate being  rude to people so i just said sure now her friends   at golf think we're dating she calls me names like  boo and babe even though i have asked her not to   this was my final text message with her me i  don't understand why you're calling me this   we aren't dating friend yes we are you asked  me out when you accepted my friendship again   me i never meant it that way and if you  think that then i'm breaking up with you   friend you can't do that i'll choose when we're  over me alright bye i block her a few days later   or this morning i get a knock on my door i open it  to see friend balling with her mother entitled mom   me may i ask why you're here entitled mom how dare  you break up with my daughter me we weren't even   dating yes you were you little jerk you're such a  jerk for ruining my daughter's life at this point   i start to close the door knowing i won't get  anywhere by talking to them when the entitled   mom juts her foot out to keep the door open she  is significantly larger than me so she can easily   overpower me and manages to get into the house  me get out of my house entitled mom i won't leave   until you agree to date my daughter again i pull  out my phone and call the cops while trying to   make sure entitled mom doesn't go anywhere i was  home alone so my parents couldn't exactly help   considering they were at work about 15 minutes  later of arguing the police arrive and start   asking questions officer what seems to be the  problem entitled mom he attacked me me actually   she broke into the house and demanded i date  her daughter officer ma'am please step outside   no this little jerk needs to date my daughter  the police officer was chill the whole time and   eventually got her off my property i still have  friend blocked and haven't heard from them yet   i haven't pressed charges and it seems to have  mellowed out i'll update if anything happens   edit for everyone saying to press charges we  decided against it she doesn't have a great   life the dad is out of the picture and we don't  want to make it worse thanks for all the support   though most of you all have given positive  feedback and i thank the nice people for that   we are however going for a restraining order and  i'll update when that happens am i the jerk for   taking my son to a plastic surgeon without his mom  knowing we have a 12 year old son who spends 50 50   with me and his mother he had these two moles on  his face one on his left cheek and the other on   the corner of his nose he's become quite sensitive  about it lately and wanted them removed he's been   very vocal about it i took him to the doctor  for something unrelated and asked him about it   he gave me a number of another doctor who happens  to be a plastic surgeon we had a consultation   with a plastic surgeon who said it was no problem  removing them with a scalpel in fact he offered to   do it right then and there because it would take  less than 10 minutes otherwise we would have to   schedule something and the next appointment would  be in october i asked my son if he wanted to and   he said yes my son just needed one stitch and  his healing quickly he's quite happy with the   results i dropped him off today at his mom's and  she went nuclear over his moles being removed she   said that i should have asked her before getting  the procedure done and that our son had plastic   surgery i explained to her that he's old enough  to make his own choices on the matter and that the   doctor offered to do it at the consultation plus  that's not really a big deal we're talking about   two moles that's why i didn't call her it's like  a parent getting mad at another parent for not   consulting them over their 12 year old nail polish  color edit mole removal is a simple procedure edit   for people asking why i didn't wait until october  he has school pictures next thursday he didn't   want to take a picture with the moles on his face  so the opportunity came to remove his moles and i   took it if i had stopped and consulted my ex then  she would have gotten all riled up over two moles   i still would have signed off even if she said no  that would have upset her even more well what do   you think should he have gotten permission  from his mother before he did this or not   please let us know do us a huge favor and come  watch this one next you're not gonna believe what   happens join as a channel member today and we'll  give you a special shout out in our next video   and to have us make a video for you come visit  us on fiverr link pinned in the comments below
Channel: r/mr redder
Views: 37,687
Rating: 4.9008479 out of 5
Keywords: r/entitled parents, entitled parents stories, mr reddit, r/mrreddit, reddit stories, reddit stories funny, karen, r/entitledpeople, entitled people
Id: EkcPerhVBlA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 27sec (1827 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 08 2021
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