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hello everybody my name is Stephen and welcome back to the story time channel without wasting any of your time let's get into our stories of the day entitled grandmother thinks it's okay to take my items without my permission back when I was a freshman in high school my grandmother thought it would be a good idea to take my belongings without informing me while I was at school to elaborate I had a small table with cubby holes in it that I kept the belongings in that were important to me I had autographs signed art and awards I had earned over the years in those cubby holes it came home from school to go to my room only to see that the table had been replaced with an enormous dresser confused and concerned for my belongings I went to confront my grandmother about where everything went this was the conversation as follows oh I took it out and put it on the porch for a place to put my shoes I hope you don't mind Opie I thought she was joking cuz why the Freak would anyone use the table as a shoe rack we already had several by the front door and I didn't think she was serious but I went out to the porch and sure enough there it was decorated with shoes potted plants and empty mason jars I then come back inside to ask where my belongings were and what she did with them if you wanted my table you could have asked when I got home also where's my stuff that was in it at this point my entitled grandmother starts to get defensive and tries to avoid my questioning I wasn't going to wait for you all day to come home I have a lot of work to do and you should feel grateful that I replaced your table with a desk yeah she thought that the dresser that she got me was a desk I looked at her still trying to decide if she was serious or not and she was I tried to explain to her that a desk has the lake room and doesn't have the drawer that a dresser has for you to put clothes in she wasn't hearing it however I wasn't either and continued to ask her where my belongings were until she finally gave in and told me why do you care so much about those things it was only several awards and other stuff I had to do something with them in order to move the table so I put them in a box while you were at school and moved them to Oh H what the freak you took my stuff and put it in a box without telling me don't use that type of language in my house Oh P I'm going to smack the head out of you if you use it again I didn't give a freak if you smack me he took my stuff without even letting me look through the box to see if I wanted to keep anything not long after my grandmother and I started arguing my grandfather comes into the room after hearing us argue outside he had been on the phone with a client of his and as soon as the client hung up he came in to see what was going on Oh P an entitled grandmother what are you arguing about this time for context my grandmother and I never got along well and this only tipped that boat even more in the water she took my table and stuff that was inside it to use as a ding shoe rack when she already has three of them by the front door Oh P you shouldn't talk to your entitled grandmother like that I've noticed how disrespectful you've been getting around the house towards her and you need to straighten up your act upon hearing this entitled a grandmother tries to play the victim card and starts tearing up voice cracking in everything avi why are you always so angry at me have I not done enough for you already what did I do to deserve this kind of treatment from you please tell me don't pull that stuff with me entitled grandmother you've been doing it every time I catch you doing something bad just so you don't have to take responsibility my oblivious grandfather gets furious at this point with me he disregards the fact that his wife had stolen my belongings and starts going off at me Oh P look what you've done you need to learn to respect your elders you've always been a good granddaughter but this is unacceptable I can't believe how you're displaying yourself right now this is my household and you are only fifteen fifteen or not she stole stuff that was important to me how would you feel if I went into your room took your clothes and stuff out of it stuck it in a box while you were out of town and told you that I put it in a storage room and replaced your furniture with something else that served no use to you well I would feel grateful that someone would take their time to think of me and spend money on me see entitled grandmother is thankful for things in her life why can't you be Opie you need to learn how to be thankful for what others have done for you in life otherwise you won't get anywhere what do you think your boss would say if you spoke like this to him I think you'd have some common sense to know that you shouldn't steal their people's stuff if they aren't in the room I had ended up storming off and could hear oblivious grandfather and entitled grandmother talking about how rude I was the storage area wasn't too far from my house only down the road so I walked through the next day and couldn't find the box my grandmother was talking about to this day every time I try to go and see if I can find the box I believe that my entitled grandmother threw it away and tried to come up with something that would get me to stop questioning her it wasn't really too bad in my opinion until I heard the fact that they couldn't find the box and then that it be because I would be so livid if stuff was just taken from me like that and I never saw it again because they wanted to use it as a shoe rack what would you have done or what would you have said in this situation let me know what you would have done in the comments below entitled dad fractured my wrist after it was done healing background this happened seven years ago I had fractured my left wrist from falling and had to put on a cast for several months after my wrist completely healed it was all normal but I was still quite paranoid and had anxiety that I might fracture it again as the doctor told me that I still needed to be careful after a month of finally being able to move my left hand normally I got so happy but it did still hurt a little because the doctor said it wasn't fully healed and he just told me to exercise it by moving it around etc but this is where the event happened I was watching TV with my dad and he asked me how my wrist was feeling and I told him that it was fine then he called me over cuz he wanted to check and I wish I never went swords him he grabbed my wrist and squished exactly at the part where it was fractured and I was screaming and crying telling him to stop and he just told me to stop being a baby and that he was playing around he stopped after I screamed even louder in his ear which made him angry after this I just ran straight into my room and isolated myself for my dad for days that straight-up abuse that's terrible to hear about personally I'm wishing the best for Opie in their living situation entitled aunt demands my consoles for my cousin this is the second experience I've had in my 26 years of life and I'm hoping it'll be the last doubtful I have a glass case at home it has all my old consoles and lots of retro ones I bought through the years as well as their games it's my pride and joy and sometimes I will take them out and play on them my cousin 11 year old male thinks they're cool and likes to admire them when he used to come over he knew not to touch them well my aunt the definition of Karin calls and asked what I'm going to give him for his birthday keep in mind I hadn't received a gift from her since I was five yet she insists I need to give her child a gift usually I just toss him a couple bucks when I told her I hadn't thought about it I knew I messed up well how about we do a joint present he really loves those games he keeping that case and he's so bored since the silly flu started to go around surely you can let him have one I told her no that they're not for sale I wasn't asking to buy them he would seriously charge family for something you don't use I didn't know you were so selfish he's been driving me up a wall you can't just give him your switch or something Grammy s will hear about this seriously I'm so tired of your generation being selfish I'm tired of them whining he's bored I need a coffee and nap and I can't even get that she droned on for probably a good five minutes before I hung up she's left me five voicemails but I just don't want to even bother listening to them as I already feel my last brain cells dying I hate that the aunt was trying to use the family angle trying to pressure Opie into giving up something that they truly cherish and don't want to give up just go and buy him a switch yourself I switch light isn't at expensive entitled parents help themselves to the back of a grocery store to look for supplies my husband is a manager at a grocery store and recent events have had him displaced from his department doing things like Manning the door to make sure not too many people are inside stocking shelves running registers and even taking temperatures of employees before they start work normally he runs the bakery he has come home with all kinds of crazy stories but when he told me this particular story I knew I had to share a couple weeks ago he was in the back helping organize stock he said a lady a customer walked into the back sheepishly looking around a co-worker of his spotted her and asked her to leave and she did without a word my husband was shocked as she was clearly trying to see if she could grab something she needed without anyone noticing he shook it off and continued to work but later another guy came into the back for the same reason he wasn't as shy as the first customer and confidently stalked around looking at the pallets of food and health items yet to be unpacked he walked past a few employees until one stopped him and asked him to leave the man then asked if there was any toilet paper back here the employees of course didn't indulge the guy in continued asking him to leave my husband then stopped what he was doing and walked over to help the employees already trying to shoo the man away the guy insisted there must be stuff back there that hadn't been put out that he needed not just tore that paper they kept asking him to leave and the guy kept arguing so my husband threatened to call police the guy still didn't leave another co-worker called the police and the guy finally left before the cops could come my husband is bad at sharing details and stories so I don't know what else the guy said to defend his stance but my husband did say that the man said this to argue his point I have two kids at home and that's the moment I thought of this sob hope you enjoyed like I kind of get it but everybody else is also in the same boat so you can't just walk into the back and expect to get preferential treatment or be able to scoop something up under the noses of every entitled kid accuses me of assault after I refused to give her my gaming PC setup for 40 rupees character guide me is me eeehm is entitled mam ek is entitled kid Emma's mum be his brother younger than me BG F is my brother's girlfriend back story so I am a 21 year old male when I was 16 I decided to earn money here in India the problem was that unlike in the u.s. we don't have the working as kid culture so there weren't many options for me to earn money from after discussing with my friends and reading up articles on the internet I decided to become a freelancer my gig was creating PowerPoint presentations it was a decent gig and I got a good chunk of money coupled with my parents support I bought a gaming PC setup I got all the pieces individually and then assembled them my parents were proud and though they did help me buy the components they said it would be mine to use and owned I spent most of my time on it and kept upgrading with newer components the entire set up plus the games that I bought custome 2,200 USD imported all the components now onto the story my brother three years younger than me was celebrating his 16th birthday at our house it was on a Sunday so I was at home instead of college my college is in my city so I come home every week he invited a bunch of his friends and his girlfriend who in turn got some of her friends together all the friends were boys while the friends 'iz were girls entitled kid was a friend of my brother's girlfriend too the party started at around 10 in the morning since I knew most of my brother's friends I greeted them all as they come one after the other after exchanging pleasantries for a while I went up to my room to work on a project for college on my laptop not BC this is different after about an hour I heard someone knocking on my door I open it and there's my brother with all the guests standing behind him he asks if he could use my gaming setup I flat out refused this setup cost me a lot of money and I was very protective of it my bro pouted and then left I closed my door and went back to my work a couple of moments later I heard knocking again this time it was my mom who requested me to let him play we went back and forth for a while but in the end I relented su was my bro and it was his birthday I set up the PC and told them precisely what games to play he agreed and they all started taking turns and playing there was this one girl entitled kid who was eyeing the setup I assumed that she was just shocked to see it and let her admire it soon after it was her turn and she looked like she was having a blast after her turn was completed she called out to me I looked up and the following conversation ensued hey is this your setup it's mine who else did you think it was oh I liked it thank you there was some awkward silence until she started talking again so how much excuse me how much did the setup cost in total um around $2,200 including all the games and add-ons she proceeds to hand me a couple of 20 RS notes and says that should cover it I couldn't help myself I burst out laughing everyone else in the room joined him because of the sheer absurdity entitled kid looked around slightly confused she then started moving towards the setup and I realized that she was actually being serious I quickly handed the money back and told her to leave my room as I was feeling uncomfortable she refused and continued moving to the setup once she was within arm's reach she tried to lunch for my setup I grabbed her arm and yanked her back I then sent her out of the room and locked the door she banged on it a couple of times but then my mom called out for lunch we all left and headed to the dining area I ate as quickly as I could so that I could be with my laptop in case she tried anything else after I finished I headed up to my room to play for a while I got all of my brother's friends joined and we all tripped up to my room after half an hour entitled akkada came in keeping her hands behind her back I noticed this and told her not to come any closer I got up from the setup as she took yet another step forward I warned her that as she comes any closer I would push her back she then lunged forward and I saw that she was holding a glass I smack her hand and juice spills all over the floor she screamed as I held her arm and put her in an arm lock my mom came into the room followed by my bro and brother's girlfriend brother's girlfriend screamed at me to let her friend go and I reluctantly did so before anyone could say anything she tried to attack the setup once again screaming if I don't get it no one gets it I once again restrained her and I told my brother to call her mom to pick her up after 10 minutes we heard a car pull up an entitled kid broke out of my grasp and headed out the door not more than 20 seconds later a woman bursted into my room screaming profanities and accusing me of assaulting her daughter before I could respond she threatened to call police if I didn't give her the setup for free as my precious angel deserves it and you shouldn't have assaulted her I refused and she ended up calling the police 10 minutes later the cops show up before I could say anything entitled mother accuses me of assault I won't go into detail cos I myself don't remember everything she said but a few lines hurt a lot after her ran was over they asked me to step forward and give myself up my room had a camera in it and a coupled the witnesses who saw everything the police arrested both of them instead after me and family press charges in the end we went to court an entitled kid was sentenced and remember exactly what but one of the charges was assault and another was destruction of private property what a couple of psychos I honestly wasn't expecting it to get so severe trying to kill the computer with juice but with that said that's all the stories we have for today so what I want to know is which of these stories interest you the most and why let me know which one piqued your interest the most in the comments below and thank you all so much for watching and listening to the storytime channel if you haven't yet please consider subscribing and don't forget to turn notifications on so you'll never miss an upcoming video thank you all again for watching and listening to the storytime channel
Channel: Storytime
Views: 33,526
Rating: 4.8745098 out of 5
Keywords: storytime, story time, life stories, r/maliciouscompliance, r/idontworkherelady, r/entitledparents, r/entitled parents, entitled parents, maliciouscompliance, malicious compliance, prorevenge, r/prorevenge, r/pro revenge, reddit stories, funny reddit stories
Id: sNi31IbRDLU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 53sec (1073 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 20 2020
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