r/EntitledParents - ENTITLED AUNT leeches of us for 15 years...

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thank you guys so much for your amazing support while I've been away the good news is I'm back and doing well and ready to make some more awesome videos for you guys your patience shall be rewarded it feels good to be back so let's just jump straight back into it so my aunt my aunt moved in with us sixteen years ago after she divorced her husband and brought her two daughters with her that wasn't the problem we've always been a very close family my cousins are like sisters to me especially the older one who admittedly conceived because my aunt saw my mum with a baby and wanted one too my cousin is 11 months younger than me the problem was we lived in what once was a two-bedroom home me my mom and my grandparents just before my aunt moved in we had some work done on the house and added two more bedrooms but before that I had to share a room with my mum imagine being 15 and still sharing a room with your mum I was so excited to finally have a bedroom all to myself and now that was gone because three more people were moving in and we had turned one of the bedrooms into an office the new plan was for me to continue sharing a bedroom with mum grandparents had one to themselves and my aunt and her daughters would get the master bedroom because three people would be sleeping there it was a huge suite there would be no crowding whatsoever that wasn't good enough for her nope she decided the office would be her bedroom looking back I keep thinking why the heck no one was against that plan I remember being slightly outraged like I lost my own bedroom privileges why did she get to have a room to herself but the respect your elders had been drilled into me and so I never said a word she turned the office into a bedroom and we thought that would be the end of it but it never really is with entitled parents is it cuz you see the office was next to the living room and had frosted glass doors again because that wasn't supposed to be a bedroom so now she wanted everyone to turn off the living room lights and keep the TV volume at a minimum starting 8:00 p.m. this caused arguments every single night my mum and I are both night owls we're usually up till at least 3 a.m. and at the time didn't have a TV in our room sorry the living room was the only place we could be for a while we settled that by doing what she wanted after 10:00 p.m. but eventually that wasn't enough either all suggestions of getting earplugs or sleeping masks were denied and she usually called me entitled saying I wanted to rule the house when she was the one trying to control what happened in a room she wasn't even in we also suggested that she switch rooms with me so she'd share a room with my mom and could go to bed as early as she wanted so one day I suggested she cover up the frosted door glass with something wallpaper a curtain anything she said she couldn't afford it she'd been unemployed for ten years living here rent-free and having her bills paid by her kids which was a lie she spent money every day on cigarettes and we found some contact paper that would do for $10 she still claimed not to have any money I went ahead and paid for it just so she would shut up that settled the light issues and we'd be keeping the noise down and that was that finally I have a ton of other stories involving her like if mom and I were ordering food we would need to order for her and her kids as well but when she wants to eat takeout she actually drives to the place and eats there with her kids so she doesn't have to get it for us too though when we go out for food we need to bring her something how she's allowed to borrow clothes and shoes without asking but if we want something we need to ask how her youngest daughter decided to live in London for six months didn't have enough money to buy her ticket back so her father bought the ticket he could afford which was one coming through France and my aunt couldn't believe he didn't buy her an O layer of a ticket which was the most expensive one when she didn't put in a dime to help she was unemployed for 14 of the 15 years she lived with us and expected her kids to pay for her things phone bill Doug food and vet consultations for her dog cigarettes etc mom me and Grandpa paid for all of the house bills for that time she says no every time we ask her to help out with grandpa regarding taking him to the doctors showers etc he had a stroke back in August last year yet complains he likes us better she suffered from anxiety and says that's why she couldn't go out to the job interviews and I totally understand how anxiety can be crippling yet when I started having panic attacks couldn't sleep at night and slept through the day I just had to focus on other things and not let the anxiety win or I'd never get better sometimes she loses things like lighters hairbrush pain killers etc and the first thing she says is someone stole insert thing it's only us at home so you're saying we took it she goes in our rooms my cousins have since moved out and I finally have my own bedroom and if she finds anything remotely similar to what she's looking for she takes it my other aunt never married and never had kids and she said when she dies everything she owns will go to me her thought process was the house we live in is my mom's aunt won an entitled aunt's name so my mom doesn't have anything to pass down to me which is why I'll be inheriting her stuff entitled aunt took offense to that because when about my kids even though her kids already have enough coming to them from their dad that is two whole houses a car a motorcycle etc a year after my dog died of old age I decided to adopt one my aunt tried to convince me not to get one because she already had a dog and she didn't want her dog to be upset by a new dog as I said grandpa had a stroke last year so we decided to put him up in my aunts room our ex office so he wouldn't have to go up two flights of stairs we also put up another bed downstairs and take turns sleeping on it as to keep an eye on him and she would take his bedroom my aunt being my aunt decided she didn't like my grandpa's old room and she expected me to switch rooms with her which was funny because when I suggested she should sleep there in the main story above she said she didn't like my bedroom except now she wouldn't have to share it she wanted it we had first put the extra bed in the office bedroom to sleep next to Grandpa in case he needed something but my aunt kept saying the room to stuffy so she dragged the bed out into the living room yes we now have a bed in the living room and is now back to demanding we turn off lights and volume down when it's her turn to sleep downstairs we agreed to do so when it's 10:00 p.m. then everyone goes to their own bedrooms and you don't dare come out for a snack in the middle of the night or she'll bite your head off I turned to storing snacks in my room for the night she's the one sleeping downstairs I cannot imagine being in the same house as someone like this for so long for 15 years I know for some people its family and you just sort of have to the man I have a kicked them out if you can I'll get out of there as soon as you can yourself you just know that every day is going to be a stressful situation and home is supposed to be a sanctuary not a war zone with an entitled parent July 4th weekend won't be complete without an entitled parents trip to the beach so as you can expect I signed up for weekend work because well hello double-time all weekend I got to work and was told by my supervisor that parking for the area had filled up fast and I was there at 10 a.m. gates to the beach open at 7 a.m. parking was full at 9:30 a.m. I come in and start working telling people firmly there is no parking here keep moving hearing things from but my French family are inside and they say there's lots of parking - can I drop my kids off or my wife is pregnant can you let me drop her off inside all met with the words no move along basically if you were a bus and had a handicap sticker the residents of camp were kokoa you were not allowed in a lot of annoyed people but they don't pay me along either side of the gated entrance was a long stretch of road both sides of said Road had no parking no stopping signs this is important for later to our story for the most part people paid attention and kept moving also people parked about two kilometers one mile something to walk down and walk though about roughly 20 minutes to get to the beach around 1:30 I had another family come in said the same thing I always do however this was a Karen had the haircut and everything but tiny mean Karen but you were thinking Opie this is entitled parents where are her precious babies give me a bit you know the cast eeehm Karen Edie Todd may her be one Canobie supervisor 1 & 2 sv 1 & 2 excuse me where do we park anywhere but here move along please but where we Stach why is you gate closed you can't be full ready anywhere we are full and yes we are move along about 5 or 10 minutes go by and I have been informed by a few residents that there will be guests coming at 12:30 for lunch and they had pieces of paper to say they were there for that address only hot SUV shows up and he informs me of things going on in the beach and there is still no available parking I confirm and let him in along with the bus but as I close the gate EMS family almost charged the gate in their piece of crap dodge grand caravan hi what's up excuse me but you rude to me I'm like that with everyone yet me finished I have two toddlers in the car plus a ten-month-old then you please let us in plus if there's an issue with the virus why are you letting people walk in no I don't care that you have children back up and please leave excuse me answer my question you heard me I go to the back of the car and help them back up now Karen is out of her car why won't you yeah Jason Parks and Rec won't allow any cars in Todd now gets out of the car starts charging towards me eh bullcrap if the park is full why are people walking in I can't control foot traffic just murder vehicles which is what you are but why don't you just let us get ten cars have come out and they've done sure why don't you let us in I'll check to see if there is a spot for us you are lying you just don't what is in there because you are not paying me to open the gate or count the cars and no I don't care what you do are you going to pay me to count cars and let you in you know why I didn't think so Hey your manager Metro Vancouver no you idiot your boss radio him and ask him if there are any spots we have children and would like to take him to the beach today me radioing in Parks and Rec that we have a situation up a gate one I hear over the radio somebody is coming managers on the way good I want to watch give my questions myself more like Karen's questions over again he kept trying to charge at me SV one shows up about five minutes later and one of the residents is now behind the van already explaining the situation he had nerve problem he can wait Todd is fuming I'm not taking this seriously enough Karen and Todd get an SP ones face right away even with the two meter rule Todd thought he was still in the right why you not getting people in jindo Park even II am almost copied over what he said I'm not gonna talk to you just your wife cuz she asked first and she's nicer to me turns to wife because we have so many spots and even if there is something open we still need to keep it on reserved for first responders and people with disabilities but we've seen people walking in the park and driving out with cars why can't we go in he is yelling at this point sir you're being very rude to me by yelling so I'm just going to answer your wife's questions while you let you put traffic in it doesn't seem fair we should have to walk a long way with our children for about an hour at the beach everyone here is doing it we don't provide special treatment to anybody stops car in front of her hi sir are you getting to the beach today can't hear in the car great thanks see they have children and they're walking from whatever point to the beach with their children well that's not fair I want to speak to your manager I would you see your policy on people walking to the beach for real do you have a smartphone yes I do what kind of question is yet go back to your job yelling at me I am doing my job look up the policy online under our website there is no policy of rules about this stuff and it isn't available to the public anyhow seriously get lost you do your job she is doing her job she is keeping me safe and not getting hit by a car you are the only ones holding up traffic to the residents and to other beachgoers who have or are finding parking also I don't appreciate you yelling at our stuff I'm not yelling at you or your stuff I want to speak to your boss now and I want a tow truck to get your butts out but we can't get what we want yeah freak you say to me you little B me radioing we need backup and police it's best you call the police it is best now to get back in your car and leave there are now two residents here who would like to go home and you're blocking the entrance ad getting more angry until sv2 shows up please remove your vehicle or we will call the police and remove you by force I'll not remove my car until I get a straight answer out of somebody other than that gosh don't flagger me be cell activated the both of you get back into your car right freaking now or I'll whack you over their head with my paddle in front of your gosh-darn kids and I'll have no remorse over it now get the Frick out of here Todd it now starts filming me because I'm now visibly ticked off Taran is now shaking and is pulling Todd back to the car while on the phone to police about the threat in front of her babies not my finest hour but the SV 1 & 2 didn't care anything at this point would have helped I know you're filming me jerk so get out of here what's your name kiss my butt it's French fur get lost your real name that is my real name just shut up we are leaving it didn't have care nog dish you could have let it in no but it did our worker felt threatened by you and she made the call to help because you were not listening to her that's on you that's your fault sv2 offered them a number to call and complain to on Monday but they said no as they were driving away Edie screams he will call our officers to complain to hsv-2 offered the card the residents were grateful but even we're kind of shaking their heads at the two of them screaming at me and my workers also the police did come but by that time they had left we filled in a report on the plus-side because I took a picture of the license plate the officer did find them had their car removed without them from the park permanently I guess they shouldn't have parked on the side of the road with the no parking sign above them don't you just love how entitled parents always make it worse for themselves yes you were inconvenienced but you know what's a lot more inconvenient being permanently banned from that parking spot sir good luck having to walk to the beach every single day of the year not just the busy ones well it's good to see you guys again and it's good to be back like I said I'm doing a lot better so please hit that like button as it really helps me out and I'll see you in the next one submit your story to be read on the channel at voic-- hear stories at gmail.com and join our Boise veteran community at our slash Boise here don't forget to Like subscribe and hit that bell to never miss an episode all right boys a veteran's I'll see you in the next one [Music]
Channel: VoiceyHere
Views: 19,749
Rating: 4.9508672 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, reddit top posts, VoiceyHere, VoiceyHere Stories, reddit cringe, reddit stories, r/entitledparents, entitled parents, entitled parents fresh, entitled parents reddit, entitled parents stories, entitled parents video, r/entitled, top posts of all time, rSlash, r/entitledparents rSlash, funny, funny reddit posts, r/, entitled parents caught on camera, ENTITLED AUNT leeches of us for 15 years...
Id: 3Za2rZ_JFLk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 22sec (982 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 07 2020
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