r/EntitledParents - She threatened to QUIT... He called her bluff...

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this entitled mum threatens to quit her job when she doesn't get her way but the employer is about to call her bluff and em's response is more than priceless happy birthday today's your birthday and on with the show okay a little bit of backstory my godfather moved in with us at the beginning of the pandemic and this started shortly after my godfather owns a small hair salon that his daughter works at important later he tries to be fair and she usually ends up with the worst shifts even though she just had a baby because she has the least seniority and my godfather lets the senior stylists pick their shifts to an extent this is where the entitled mother comes in she worked maybe seven hours a week before the pandemic started and it needed to be a specific day shift because she needed to be home taking care of her kids she texted my godfather to ask for different hours once the salon opened again i asked him to send me screenshots but he just turned around and handed me a printed copy of the transcript because he had to type it up for the court anyway this will be word for word except names obviously and i bleeped out cursing side note at this point my godfather's daughter was expecting to move across the country in may okay so uncle equals godfather daughter equals uncle's daughter and er michael's entitled mother the following is a text exchange and really it speaks for itself april 24th so are we for sure opening back on may 1st and what is our schedule going to be may 4th unless the county extends the order for us to close same schedule as before i'll be closing at 4 on fridays though no one to cover that shift well i have to work the night shift while my kids are out of school what night shifts will you need covered other employee 1 is covering them ok so where does that leave me i don't have anyone to watch my kids i was working thursday and friday night before my kids were in school and i was hoping i could work those shifts again i've had you wednesday day and thursday night you are welcome to work friday nights saturday has hours available also i can have daughter do thursday all day i can work wednesday thursday and friday night if need be but i can't do the morning while my kids are out at school we had discussed this when i got the morning shift that i would alternate between the summer and school year did you forget i'm sure i did okay so are you going to be able to work with me sure three to seven or four to seven 47 april 25th so i take it you gave other employees too her same schedule even though other employee 1 suggested you can now give her night shifts also when the school year starts again i will need to have mornings again which you're now aware of right first of all it is not your concern when and where other employee 2 is scheduled i am done hearing about it you are the most difficult to schedule as you always need things changed i have done my best to accommodate you i just accommodated you again and your concern in other employees to schedule so you cannot work days and you're concerned that other employee 2 is if i put employee 2 on nights who covers the day i cannot guarantee anything as far as moving around constantly as business and employees constantly change i am down to four employees and it will be three by the end of may can you find me employees and inform me of what shifts you will allow them to work i have enough stress in my life to keep worrying about my seven hours a week employees needs and her concerns about everyone else's schedule on a constant basis i will do what i can when i can and what works best for my business okay first of all uncle my only intentions of working for you is to help you and your business thrive i don't give a freak about anyone else's schedule but what i do care about is the fact that you let people that you don't give a crap about run the show and tell you how it's gonna be why is that my concern let me tell you why cause it affects my livelihood when i give my employer the utmost respect and take care of my clients as well as being there for my kids i deserve the same respect so your seven hour week employee that sells your products doesn't milk your clock who has your back is worth more than that i've always come through to help you when you're in need and i mention other employees too because she does not but you want to stick up for her and let her do whatever she wants even at the expense of turning away business from your shop i simply asked you what date we were going to open because i already got clients hitting me up and have been the entire time and all you have to say is other employee 1 is working those shifts wtf okay so apparently she's changed her schedule which you're okay with need i say more than the fact you've always been a jerk to me attempting to fire me believing the lies of a freak when you yourself went to court dealing with the same thing and saying that i'm constantly changing the schedule no i initially changed to help you guys which of course you don't remember i had already asked for it to change two times a year but of course you forget about that too you just said it yourself that things constantly change right yeah so you need to accept that fact and do what works for your employees it doesn't take a genius to figure it out you signed up for this drama driven occupation so deal i was offering to work three nights instead of the two i normally work just to help you and this is how you respond wow you're the one that makes it complicated you've never valued me you just don't see a good thing when it's right in front of you it's sad by the way fyi you never did tell me what it is i'm working that's how much you respect me so what are you accommodating for me exactly what you asked for so i take it you're giving other employees to her same schedule even though other employee one suggested you can now give her night shifts also when the school year starts again i will need to have mornings again which you're now aware of right where in this last text you sent me does it state any of the crap you just blew up at all i see is it says what you stated what about other employees too go back and start at the beginning of the convo i guess i should just fire other employees too and have you work days to better my business oh darn you can't and won't i should fire her and be down to two employees that would work i guess you and other employee won covering all the shifts you can work every night if you'd like i prefer two people per shift other employee one gave me one per shift by working the entire day i had not talked to you yet to see if you'd like to be the second i also knew you wanted days and not nights first when i told you what i needed and then asked you what nights do you need covered you said other play 1 is covering them them meaning all the nights then you said daughter will work all day thursday which means the night i always work thursday and friday nights and in the summer you said i could work friday nights so i offered thursday night friday night and wednesday night to help you look uncle it's very simple during the school year when my kids are in school it does them no good for me to be home all day and then go to work when they get home so during the school year i need mornings with the exception of a morning off to help at the school and no fridays for school activities then in the summer time while my kids are out of school i'm with them all day and that's why i can spare my nights also because i have no one to watch them in the morning while my husband is at work and he doesn't get home until 4 hence why i can't come until 4. when school started i came to you and you could only give me one morning so i had to change my friday night for the wednesday morning so when someone like myself needs to change their schedule to accommodate kids then everybody should not have a problem with that other employee too did mornings when her child was young but her schedule hasn't changed i know it's better for other employee 1 to do mornings because she also has a young child in school she also has daycare for her at night so she can work i don't give a crap what nights i work in the summer or what mornings i work during the school year but until i know what day is available for me at the school i have to be able to arrange that with you when the time comes it may also be different but it's twice a year you will do it for your own daughter schedules change and always will if i didn't have kids i would be your puppet do you not understand that give me an all day in the summer if you need i don't freaking care does it make sense to you yet i understand why you do what you do just because you have changing needs does not mean i need to rearrange my business no i do not make exceptions for my daughter i make her take the remaining shifts and she has a newborn she did not and does not tell me when she can and can't work i do my best to work around what she needs but it does not change in most cases you think everyone needs to move around to accommodate your few hours when they work four times more hours than you if i can accommodate you i have and will it is not summer so i did not know you were changing already i do not have kids so i do not pay attention to those things i had you at your regular schedule you had been on i know you did not want to work nights so other employee one offered i took her up on it i had two other thoughts also will there be enough business to maintain the same hours we had prior to the virus or do i not need a second person for each shift so i am not exactly sure what is the best plan so that is why i told you other employee 1 had it covered how would i know you needed to switch earlier than normal and now needed nights then you tell me you need nights and then complain other employee 2 has days hence my frustration let alone trying to manage all of this find a way to pay all the bills for the salon with zero income coming in finalizing a divorce trying to find a new place to live trying to get state and federal help so i can stay afloat losing 90 of my personal income and doing it all while having emergency back surgery and being unable to do anything can't walk can't leave the house and i'm on lots of medication that makes it hard to accomplish anything you don't got a clue mr uncle but if that's how you feel then you're ignorant and you need to remember we don't need you you need us you got it all backwards you wouldn't have a business if it weren't for us because you don't do our job and i know daughter so don't talk to me about that crap daddy sorry you feel that way as an employer i need employees i can choose which ones employees need to respect the employer we obviously do not and will not get along that being said take your clients and find a new salon you can take care of them at hopefully that salon will let you decide your schedule you are not welcome to come back to mine i'll find more help at some point with all due respect reading your text to my husband i did not see the rest of your text when i responded back i only read it to the part that you were talking about daughter but i do feel bad for you and you know as well as i do that a stylist don't come a dime a dozen so unfortunately you don't get to pick and choose who you hire and you obviously don't listen to me because i never said i want mornings i prefer nights but i have to do what's best for my kids and because of the virus the summer is here and the kids are done with school for the year so duh i wasn't planning on changing my schedule this early either i'm very easy to get along with and i'm a devoted valuable worker who is great with the customers and i'm good at what i do if you're already struggling now then you will continue to struggle because of this epidemic so if you feel the need to not have me work for you and help you then peace emoji and i don't have to work for anybody because i have a salon in my house and believe me a lot of my clients will gladly follow now is probably not the time to make rash decisions since you're all joked up so talk to me when you're better i am perfectly alert at the moment best of luck at your home salon you're a good stylist i know you will do fine i don't have to work i was only doing it for the people and you so if that's the way you want it then you're making a bad decision how dare you treat me this way you're so freaking unappreciative best of luck owning a salon you're a phony and lied about not wanting to change what former owner had you're heartless when i was always good to you you'll be frowned upon by a lot of people in the community april 28th good morning uncle please give me another chance i'm so sorry for the other day someone came and took my body hijacked it from me it wasn't my intention to act like that i'm sorry please forgive me i promise i won't say another word about anything ever again let me make it up to you i'll do anything i'm locked up in a cage like the rest of the world with two little girls that want to rip their heads off each other and they are rubbing off on me please i'm begging you to give me another chance i'm on my knees please please please praying hands emoji just one more chance i'm sorry crying emoji i'm in a really good mood today please let that continue please don't say no crying emoji april 30th have you given any thoughts to my plea and tax but wait there's more the lady filed for unemployment and obviously uncle turned it down she took him to court i was at work so sadly i didn't get to hear the session but my partner was home and uncle had them on speaker so he got to hear the whole thing apparently she spent the whole time crying and the judge had to tell her to shut up several times i'm sure the audio is in the utah public record somewhere or the transcript at the very least i'm not sure how to access it though they ruled in favor of uncle clearly oh man you just knew that whole time that she was faking it she was way too aggressive you could just sense there was some sort of insecurity there i don't need you i've got my own home salon blah blah blah okay if that was the case then why are you even working there apparently you're just doing it out of the kindness of your heart yes most working conditions suck because work itself sucks everyone has to do it to survive but here's the thing that this entitled parent doesn't understand when you're working at a job it's your job to serve others that's why the boss will try and accommodate you as much as he can but he's not actually in control of it either his job is to serve the customers if the boss set the schedule based on the workers needs rather than the customer's needs it's not going to survive as a business so what's hidden beneath it that she really won't admit is the fact that she doesn't want to serve others needs she wants others to serve her needs that's the whole premise for our society you sacrifice when you do your job and you work and then you get served when you're the customer submit your story to be read on the channel at voiceyherestories gmail.com and join our boise veteran community at our slash voicey here don't forget to like subscribe and hit that bell to never miss an episode alright boise veterans i'll see you in the next one
Channel: VoiceyHere
Views: 16,084
Rating: 4.9098082 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, reddit top posts, VoiceyHere, VoiceyHere Stories, reddit cringe, reddit stories, r/entitledparents, entitled parents, entitled parents fresh, entitled parents reddit, entitled parents stories, entitled parents video, r/entitled, top posts of all time, rSlash, r/entitledparents rSlash, funny, funny reddit posts, r/, entitled parents caught on camera
Id: -MVXdQYasZg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 50sec (950 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 30 2020
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