r/EntitledParents | Drawing Mega Man IS A SIN!!

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it's our /and title parents time what do you do when some entitled kid doesn't respect your property set up your property to defend itself what interesting thing does this person do to scare untitled kids away from taking things from their garden you'll find out in this episode of voice he hears and title parents this story was called e/m angry after her son surgery gets cancelled because she didn't follow any protocol this happened about a month and a half ago I work in a Children's Hospital and I register kiddos for surgery we get a lot of people from different ethnicities and backgrounds all around I love my job but occasionally there's an e/m that just isn't too much fun so it's been a good day and as usual we get a few phone calls from mothers panicking because they'll be a few minutes late to their check-in time but I get a phone call from an e/m and it goes something like this same day surgery this is me hi yeah I'm letting you know that we're not gonna be there until 11:00 I'm not waiting an hour for my kid to go back to surgery I failed to mention they have patients check in about an hour and 30 minutes before their surgery for the pre-op nurses to get vitals doctors and anesthetics to come and talk to them beforehand and also the kids are supposed to be NPO nothing by mouth so as not to put them at any risk with the anesthesia and such okay let me transfer you to the pre-op team and you can let them know I thought nothing of it really and figured the pre-op team would explain everything as they usually do but I was wrong apparently the e/m yelled at the pre-op team over the phone when they told her about the reason they have to check in an hour and 30 minutes before anyway fast forward to when the kiddo surgery is supposed to happen they walk in and the e/m has her chin held high as most EMS do my coworker checks them in and tells them to sit by the doors by the pre-op so they can hear when they get called in the entitled mum instead takes her kid to the waiting room where there's snacks and drinks for the parents while their kids are in surgery and proceeds to give him water and ice a big no-no they get called back and when the nurse is discovered that she has been giving him water and such they said we'll have to cancel the procedure and reschedule due to him eating the e/m went ape on them yelling at them saying that I'm not going to leave until the surgeon himself comes in here and tells me it's canceled so she and her kid were just sitting there on the room for hours so much for not wanting to wait waiting for the surgeon who has other procedures he needs to do they got canceled and rescheduled for a couple weeks out fast forward a few weeks to their next scheduled surgery they don't show up for this one and get rescheduled again then today a month and a half later they finally show up 20 minutes before their scheduled procedure not check-in time chin still suck up but finally she wasn't an idiot and didn't feed her kid anything and he got his procedure I don't know if these entitled mothers think they're better than the whole process nobody likes waiting in a waiting room everybody feels like it's pointless you're not alone in that that's how everybody feels but unfortunately most of the time there's some sort of good reason for it if you were in a meeting or if you are having a procedure and there was something that caused your procedure to take longer you know to maybe save your life or something you wouldn't want the doctors to be like all right well we gotta get you out of here because there's people waiting that waiting room and you know we don't wanna keep them for too long this story was called e/m is bad because neighbor put thorned bushes in yard after her kid constantly picked her flowers a little bit of backstory this happened around May and I live next to a married couple where the wife has a garden which from what I've heard she's had for years you might think it's just a few pretty blossoms and bushes but nope her entire front left side of her yard and front yard those patches of dirt you'd see next to the stairs leading to the door was covered on various plants flowers and shrubs of all different sizes shapes and colors etc enter our eks both male with the oldest being 11 and the youngest 9 these two live across the street on the right from us and had a nasty habit of crossing the street to pick neighbors flowers with amazing skill making bouquets for various reasons like special occasions events and sometimes just to make mama happy the worst part is that eeehm would tell them to do it neighbor has repeatedly told the two to stop to the point where she went over to talk to their mother about it from what I've heard it didn't go well apparently e/m didn't want to buy bouquets at the store because they were too expensive and the drive is just a waste of gas plus it's not fair you have all those flowers and you weren't sure how greedy she would call the cops but she knew they'd just give her a warning or take a em side since around here the cops are pretty easy to lie to instead she decided to take matters into her own hands a week later when I left with my brother for vacation from the house I found thorny bushes scattered around her guard mostly in the areas that made it extremely difficult to get through without getting pricked or cut a few hundred times I found out she planted fire thorns black thorn and my favorite creeping juniper bushes when I asked she simply said I wish them good luck not even a week later I hear banging on the neighbor's door looking out the window I see the e/m fuming and rage while her kids were next to her equally upset some even had bandages on their arm leg or face she looks less of a Karen and more of a semi fat tsukumo with quite a bit of cash to her name haircut wasn't the being your manager but instead the my son earns insert friend of unrelated company that isn't even that serious may I help am cuts a rough how dare you hurt my children explain to me how I hurt your children I did nothing wrong nothing wrong nothing wrong look presenting her kids to her full of bandages very upset and possibly on the verge of crying let me guess hurt while playing know your death garden did this my kids are scared of your yard because those plants were hurting them do you know how much money it costs to buy their me cloths because their stuff is getting ripped and torn from the thorns well why were they in my garden in the first place if they stayed away and stopped picking at my yard this wouldn't have happened and you wouldn't be yelling like you have no brain at me right now I planted them because I thought they were beautiful not only that but burglary exists everywhere so it's perfect protection after a little bit of back and forth the e/m leaves not without the threat of suing her and demanding the thorny bushes be taken away luckily the kids stopped picking at her yard while e/m gave death glares neighbors way whenever the opportunity shows now this is entitlement and it's choiced for the e/m doesn't want to put the money or the time or the effort into planting her own flowers in her own yard instead she's very happy for a neighbor to do all that work for her and then she doesn't even pick the flowers herself she sends her kids on to do it so they take all the risk including hurting themselves in thorny bushes which was a clever self-defense might add this story was called switch equals entitled parent magnet so I got a new switch a bit after it came out and got part c'mon let's go for it because I love the series knowing that I was going to be on a short flight I thought to myself hey why don't I bring it along homeboy not one but two entitled parent kid combos came my way encounter one I'm sitting in Heathrow under the big departure announcement boards already past security my gate isn't announced yet and I'm SHINee chaining I lost the chain because I didn't pay attention when suddenly a tiny voice behind me pipes up you have to throw the ball into the yellow wing it was ek I half turn smile at the maybe six-year-old boy and nod yep I know thinking that's it I go to the next Meowth and catch that as well ek again no you already have dead you need to catch something out now not wanting to argue with the kid I shake my head and tell him that I want lots of me outs the kid goes away and I chain maybe another five or so before a rather large lady steps like uncomfortably close to me and leans down into my space the entitled mom are you the one who told my son to go away bad American accent by the way southern I think no praying that this isn't an entitled parents story I hope that's the end of the conversation it's not he's good at games you know he could play professionally I bite my tongue at her bullcrap I'm not sure her kid is out of diapers and she wants him to play a non eSport professionally sure she seems to wait for me to say something else but thankfully when I dart she sighs dramatically and waddles off great I think time for a nice relaxed flight haha encounter - I'm comfy in my window seat belt buckled tray up and relaxed the seats next to me seem to be empty it wasn't a full flight being an afternoon trip to Ireland then at the last moment a pretty normal looking lady with two young kids 7 and 9 may be practically Sprint's onto the plane and drags the kids down the rows behind her she slows down near my row and I start getting a bit nervous and then disaster strikes she shoves the two kids into the seats next to me and sits across the aisle on the other side I immediately offered to switch seats with her so she can sit with her kids and I well don't have to so she doesn't even acknowledge that I spoke to her oh hell whatever I think I connect my headphones to my phone put on some music and pull out my switch again I fly too much to still listen to the safety announcements I start a new chain this time to spam Candy's aka Rattata we take off and maybe ten minutes later a small hand reaches over to try and touch my switch let's go doesn't use the touchscreen so the boy wouldn't have been able to do anything but I don't want my stuff touched sorry that's mine please don't touch it I tried to be nice even though the kid was a tad too old to not know this isn't my turn yet the entitled brat goes I actually thought I misheard him through my headphones so I took them off and asked him to repeat himself nope still the same what do you mean turn the other kid turns to me and goes mommy kids we just share toys and games everyone gets a toy that's nice but this is mine and I don't want to share it I'm doing something the girl seems content enough with this the boy is not but you have to ludos prom no I freaking Dart temp is starting to rise I shift it even further away from him he starts to sniffle like he's gonna cry but it's very obviously fake so I just ignore it blessed silence for a minute then the EP who's ignored me earlier gets up and actually waves her hand in front of my face even though my headphones weren't even in and I could have heard her I want you to share that with my kids she pretty much borders sorry but no it's mine and I want to use it come on we're on a plane it getting run off with it or anything that thought hadn't actually occurred to me but it sure did then doesn't matter I'm still doing something please leave me be one exaggerated Iroh later she sits back down fine when you're done they can play again not even a request just an order I play a bit more and then accidentally put it in sleep mode I pack it away quickly are you done now the EP asks as soon as I put it away sorry battery is dead I quickly put my headphones on and stared out the window I know she said something else but I didn't bother listening I was just glad she left me alone after that tense rest of the flight and some glass from her but nothing much else the kids didn't even care anymore by the way oh and when we landed I walk straight out with my hand luggage and EP and kids were in the conveyer belt waiting for their bags I heard they lost them you know and all of our switch stories I don't think we've heard that one before just to pretend the battery ran out I mean they can't play the switch if it doesn't have power then again you're still gonna get the insane ep's that do something crazy like try and take it off you anyway this fan submitted story was called entitled mum gets annoyed at me for drawing Megaman this happened roughly November ish back when smash ultimate was super new so some details are missing and or hazy so here's the cast entitled mum cool dad innocent kids 1 & 2 and me so it started on a fairly cloudy morning I'm sitting on a bench with my switch playing Smash Bros ultimate when I want to draw Megaman my favorite fighter in the game so I put my switch back in my bag get my drawing stuff and stop my drawing on the robot boy it's going pretty well when a kid roughly 4 to 5 years old and what appeared to be his twin brother came up to me hello what are you drawing yeah what are you drawing oh hi there little guys I'm drawing a character called make a man want to see yo I flip the page in my sketchbook round so they can see at this point I finished the basic line work and I'm starting to shade whoa that's good can we get mummy Denny to see now me being a big softy two kids says sure the kids run off and get this super tall typical Karen about her late 20s possibly early 30s and a fairly short stocky guy who looks about 30 himself hi there look at this art I showed the artwork to the adults cool dad seems impressed but the untitled mom has a scowl on her face this is how our convo went wrap it out I don't like it me mortally offended by her tone or what no I spent an hour and a half on this I don't care it's bad and shouldn't exist I flipped my page background maybe there's a mistake or something PS the Perez I'd drawn mega man in was one with his arm cannon pointed upwards his other hand on it and doing a cute smirk I see nothing wrong with this cool dad sensing my concern and awkwardness honey we need to go now cool dad is cut off by e/m destroy this route crap or I'll get the security I realize what she's going on about and snore loudly good you dare laugh at me I'm your elder miss do you have a problem with his characters waist armor e/m scales so hard she looks like she has an hourglass for a face yes get rid of that arch sorry I didn't design him go whine at Capcom not me cool dad sniggers a little at my comment and p.m. turns bright red kids awake going come on her and the two kids turned to leave as cool dad approaches me sorry about a yem she's really picky about clothing designs it's alright cool dad hands me a two-pound coin for your trouble keep drawing okay thanks I will not everyone is going to approve of the different types of artwork of everyone else whether it's because they aesthetically don't like it or they think it's inappropriate for whatever reason what I don't understand is why make a big fuss over it you're not gonna stop that person from liking the art style and effectively you're not gonna have made any difference of change in the world except for just ticking other people off so often it's best to just keep your own opinions to yourself this story was called p.m. calls me heartless because I won't let her child play with my hamster after she dropped him so this just happened and I am mad my mother's friend was over and she brought her ten year old kid my mother mentions I just got a hamster so ek wants to see him I bring ek to my room where the hamster is and I explained to her that I only got him on Sunday so he's still shy and not used to people yet I tell her she can't pick him up but give her a sunflower seed and tell her she can put that on her hand to see if he'll come up on to it I had put a lot of emphasis on how she shouldn't try to pick him up or touch him forcibly because he's not tamed yet and still not used to people he K ignored this and started chasing him around the cage and trying to grab him my hamster was visibly stressed please don't do that you're scaring him and he might bite you I can do this with my friend hamster I only got him a few days ago he's not used to people yet so he burnt let you pick him up or grab him he's scared of you he KN Gary's in a huff and I decide to do the teacup method of picking him up because this child would not be happy unless she sees him do something my hamster readily goes into the teacup and I lift it this gets him used to being picked up don't reach in and try and touch him he's still getting used to it ek immediately tries to grab him out of the cup and drops him luckily he fell into his cage and I hadn't lifted him too high so he was fine and not hurt however he was very scared and went to hide he cape recedes to knock over his hideout just to see him I fix it and close up his cage right that's enough you scared him too much and you've dropped him you should have listened to me but I can do all these with my friends hamster you're just not letting me have fun I explained he hadn't been tamed yet and you were scaring him I specifically told you not to try and pick him up and you did if he dropped him on the floor he could have died he can't runs off to her mother I then started fixing the mess ek made when e/m comes in to speak to me you were very rude to my child I'm sorry but I'd explained to her how she should behave around the hamster and she ignored everything she even dropped him she was lucky he fell in the cage because he would have died if he fell on the floor she's just a child she didn't understand she's ten she's old enough to understand basic instructions on how to treat a hamster well she's learned her lesson let her play with him a bit more nah he's stressed enough as it is and he's sleeping anyway she'll be better around him please just let her play with him no he needs time to de-stress and sleep you're so heartless I'm telling your mother about this go ahead I'm sure she'll agree the well-being of my pet comes before the whims of your child in the end my mother agreed with me and e/m ended up storming out in a bad temper I'm still very mad about it I'm not going to endanger my pet because your child can't behave or follow basic instructions you know that's the sort of mother that no matter what age her child's going to be she's going to make some excuse like if she's making this excuse when she's 10 even when she's 15 and does something wrong would be like well she's still a child she's still a teen if kids don't learn that personal responsibility early they're never going to learn it especially if the parents always make excuses for them if you'd like your story to be narrated by me don't forget to visit the subreddit ah slash Boise here linked below don't forget to like this video and subscribe if you'd like to see more all right I'll see you in the next one [Music]
Channel: VoiceyHere
Views: 132,764
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: reddit, reddit top posts, VoiceyHere, VoiceyHere Stories, reddit cringe, reddit stories, r/entitledparents, r/entitled parents giofilms, r/entitled parents stories, entitled parents, entitled parents fresh, entitled parents reddit, entitled parents stories, entitled parents video, r/entitled, top posts of all time, rSlash, r/entitledparents rSlash, funny, funny reddit posts, r/EntitledParents 110, best of reddit, ask reddit, r/
Id: hqlM2uwmfgY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 35sec (1115 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 13 2019
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