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hey there mr reddit here welcome back to another episode of r slash entitled parent stories our first story we'll be reading today karen wants to put the non-father on child support after that check your facts or have your career ended and after that hair too long for the dress code we'll see about that now for every thumbs up this video gets one karen loses in court oh no i won't so please smash that like button and if you're new subscribe and turn on notifications for new stories from reddit every single day karen wants to put the non-father on child support my sister who's 20 got pregnant when she was 19 and she was with her then boyfriend at the time her now ex was an old friend of mine we weren't close but we had a few classes together in high school and college so we talked every now and then my parents did not have enough to support my sister and the baby the baby was from cheating and the other guy left her now obviously i think what she did was bad but i don't think anything is the fault of the baby so i decided to let her live with me until she could get on her feet again we had an agreement where she would stay and study slash work but she would most definitely have to have her own apartment by the time she was near or around giving birth she's one month along right now we were on the couch watching a show and my sister started up a conversation she mentioned how she's thinking of taking her ex to court for child support since she was already a month pregnant and they were technically still together i was confused and asked her if her ex was the father and she said no but admitted that she's worried about money now i'm sure we all know how it goes with a guy having to pay child support for a kid that's not even his just because they were still together when the pregnancy happened as a guy this made me angry and i asked if she was serious she said yes and that she needs the money badly as she doesn't think she can support herself once moving out i told her that i think what she's going to do is messed up and that since that's the case i don't want her living with me she was confused and asked what the heck i told her that if she's going to make a random guy pay for her kid then she can live on her own i feel personal to this as this is seriously one of the worst things to happen to a man in my opinion and the fact that my sister is willing to do that makes me not want to support her i told her i won or gone in two days and that i'll pay for a week at a hotel for her but after that she's on her own she says i'm taking this way too personally and that she won't pursue the court chasing then i told her no as i don't know if she'll do it after moving out so i can't trust her where i think i might be the jerk is telling my sister to leave if she's going to make a guy pay child support unfairly slash not letting her stay even if she says she won't do it then where i think i might not be the jerk i don't know if she'll press the charges after she moves out so she could be lying and if she's going to force a guy to start paying then she can definitely find her own rent i feel like she's going to do this regardless well what do you think should op kick out his sister or let her stay please let us know if i was her i'd get my ex to think i loved him still then once the baby's born get him to sign the birth certificate then she's guaranteed to get his money and she never has to see him again oh karen you are evil check your facts or have your career ended the internet has evolved quite a lot over the years some people may remember usenet groups i know i do used to have a lot of fun reading them kind of similar in a way to today's reddit in a way no matter what the subject was someone would have a usenet news group for it but unlike today's reddit it was strictly text you could download images but they would take forever to download and could often be across several different messages just one of the messages missing and you wouldn't get the image things then improved download speed slowly got faster and there was irc that came about irc saw the same thing there was a chat room for anything and everything and if there wasn't you could clearly create it if you were to try to watch a video over the internet back then it would take you a couple of hours to download a music video you get the idea this is important for the context of the story i was a writer on a couple of wrestling newsletters back in the mid to late 90s we only published our newsletters online you could have it emailed to you or go to a website to read it think we hosted on geocities or tripod both wrestling newsletters were independent of each other and i used different nicknames on each one was more of a review and preview newsletter where we would post reviews of the most recent shows and events talk about current feuds and talk about what we may think will happen in the next big event the other newsletter was a news and rumors newsletter with a few fun puzzles and competitions thrown in to keep things interesting at the time you had a few big name wrestling news and rumors websites and a handful of small ones i was a writer on one of the small ones sometimes we would get news and rumors from the big name websites giving them credit where appropriate sometimes we would hear things from people in the business everyone had their sources of information and sometimes we would make an educated guess on possible scenarios based on current trends in the industry it did get a bit cutthroat at times with some newsletters claiming that they broke the news first when it had already been published in another newsletter first and you'd even have some newsletters devote all of their time to trying to rubbish the other newsletters for publishing false and misleading information it was rumors we did not always get it right through a couple of readers of my first wrestling newsletter i learned of a huge surprise in the works for one organization which could potentially lead to something happening at a big event coming up i won't mention the surprise but it involved a person from another sport no other wrestling newsletter had reported it so i included it as a rumor on the second wrestling newsletter i was instantly rubbished by one of the major wrestling newsletters at the time publishing a clearly nonsense rumor that would never happen only for that very same newsletter to publish the exact same rumor two or three days later and claimed to be the first one to publish it this sort of stuff happened all the time it did not bother me at all anyway i happen to have a few wrestlers who actually read my first newsletter no big names as such but a couple of lesser-known wrestlers in the big organizations i knew who they were but refused to reveal their identities back then and refuse to reveal them now one of them let me know of an unknown fact from a major match a couple of years earlier it was to do with an injury that happened during a part of the match this fact had never been published anywhere else at the time i mentioned that i wrote for another wrestling newsletter that dealt with news and rumors and asked if i could repeat the information the wrestler said sure but not to credit him so i go ahead and publish the rumor straight away i had another of the smaller wrestling newsletters say that it was nonsense they said that it was impossible for the match to have continued had the injury happened then they started a smear campaign on the second newsletter i was getting spam emails constantly virus attempts originating from the competition the competition even went so far as to claim that they had the full story of my wife of 10 years working the streets don't ask they were trying to find anything to smear me with there was more sinister and disgusting stuff but i won't write it here why it got so personal i don't know but the funny thing was that at the time i was a 22 year old single university student and if i had a wife of 10 years who was working the streets i would have had to have married her when i was 12. but his smear campaign was working our readership dropped by nearly 50 percent it was time to get some revenge although i had no idea just how far the revenge would end up reaching firstly i approached one of the bigger wrestling newsletters they would often run ads at the bottom or rear of their newsletter for affiliated newsletters i organized a new affiliation with them removing an affiliation they had with the competition small potatoes i started promoting the second newsletter heavily on usenet and some of the wrestling groups which ultimately led to an increase in our email subscription base greater than what it was before his smear campaign this negated any effect that his smear campaign had but i was hungry for more i wanted to shove it where the sun don't shine so i contacted those wrestlers who read my first newsletter i explained the situation to them and they were happy to help out it took a couple of weeks but eventually i was able to post a link to a 15 second video posted on a geocities webpage as well as on a wrestling usenet group where the wrestler at the center of the injury rumor not only confirmed it but gave a shout out to my second newsletter while it validated me and my information it still didn't shut the other guy up finally a break while the guy used an alias for his newsletter he did actually mention his name a couple of times and where in the us he attended university using this information i was able to get a friend in the u.s to do some searching for me attended that very same university and discovered that the guy had actually completed a journalism degree several years earlier further research indicated that he was now working as a reporter for a regional newspaper in the u.s his wrestling newsletter might just be a hobby so i decided to send all of the information i had his smear campaign etc to the newspaper office i didn't know what if anything it would do but it was worth a shot about a month later i got an email back from the newspaper thanking me for the information they discovered that he was using the newspaper system to run the wrestling newsletter which was against their policy so they fired him and because the newspaper was part of a chain of regional newspapers across the u.s he was going to struggle to find another journalism job the newsletter got shut down as well because without the newspaper system to run it the guy had no way of continuing with the newsletter side note i ended up finishing with my newsletter not long after anyway the first newsletter as i was just a writer for it i finished up with it when the owner of the newsletter decided to close it down he didn't have the time to devote to it due to work commitments the second one i started off as just a writer contributor then took over their competitions then eventually over the whole newsletter original owner didn't want to do it anymore but in the end i was finishing up at university i had to move on with my career so i closed it down hair too long for the dress code we'll see about that a few years ago i was a department manager for a large conference center i ran the top performing department as determined by guest feedback surveys for a large margin like no other department out of 1200 employees was even close and my dress style was always nice and professional dresco didn't say we needed to have on button up shirts and ties but i did anyway because i looked great and professional and i met with the leaders of large conferences multiple times per day i dressed to impress they were my clients and whatever their problem was i was going to fix it my demeanor and professional attire did great things to alleviate their concerns my bosses got on a dress code kick for some reason they made me and my small department six people total start wearing lame colorful standardized shirts with a logo on the front the rationale was that the clients should be able to identify me as a staff member i get the logic but that was what my lanyard and name badge were for plus the bright slash colorful dress code shirt was actually detrimental to my work as i often worked backstage as a tech during band performances industry standard color for texas black but they wanted me to wear bright yellow okay i tell them my concerns for my shirts bright colors being a distraction for the audience as i do work backstage my bosses don't care they made up a new dress code and want me to follow it fine so i wear the shirt but then i also wear a nice sweater vest or just a vest on top of it still got my tie on i like ties but to make it explicitly clear i'm staff i get my own hat made at my own expense too that shows the company's name on it again my badge and lanyard are always visible but now i can do my backstage work without being a distraction to the audience that might glimpse my movement as i go about doing scene changes etc but then my bosses tell me that the company's logo has to be visible on my shirt and i therefore can't wear a vest so then i get the company's logo embroidered on my shirt sleeve also at personal expense problem solved right i'm wearing the shirt they gave me and the company's logo is visible at this point my boss is upset with me and is trying to write me up for any possible infringement of company policies i know how to read a room and i immediately start going to the hr director to approve of my new and evolving malicious compliances of this ever-changing dress code policy my boss says that we can't wear hats ok fine my hair is visible for all to see and i quickly become aware of the next thing my boss is going to tell me to fix my hair they're going to cite some vague language in the employee handbook about hair length so i go to the hr director preemptively and ask for clarification for hair length after a 10 minute conversation we both agree that i am perfectly fine with nothing to worry about my hair is nice in a bun and looks good it's well kept and stylish and my specific clientele actually really like it because they're mostly hipsters anyway but my bosses don't see it that way they say that my hair is too long and it needs to be cut i ask them how long is too long i am after all a rule follower and will obey the rules one of my bosses a lady with long hair hair that is actually against dress code because it's not put up into a bun says that my hair should be less than shoulder length my hair was in a man bun i asked her if that policy extends to ladies as well she says no obviously that this dress code only applies to men apologetically and feigning ignorance i ask her to show me where it says that in the employee handbook she shows me the section the section where it says that if the hair is longer than shoulder length regardless of gender it should be kept in a bun i tell her that my hair is in a bun as opposed to hers oh man now it's getting real i just called them out they're not happy my other boss a guy with super short hair less than a quarter of an inch long tells me that as a guy my hair shouldn't touch my shirt's collar he tells me that a few stray hairs of mine are touching my collar i pull out my phone and take a picture of him i show him that even his 1 4th inch hairs are touching the collar his head was leaned back and his hair was touching his collar i asked them again to clarify how long is too long because his 1 4 inch hair is too long for their standards side note i love my thick hair someone telling me to cut it arbitrarily speaks fighting words then they tell me that i just need to do what i'm told because it's company policy and if i don't do it they'll get hr involved i tell them i already got hr involved and the hr director explicitly told me that my hair was perfectly fine but these two bosses of mine just wouldn't let it go they had to go after my hair they told me that since i'm a manager and meet with group leaders i have to go above and beyond what the dress code says and i have to act professional in order for us to receive good guest feedback regarding professionalism i tell them that me and my department are already the most professional and highest rated department according to guest feedback surveys i take the printout of the survey results out from my bag because i anticipated my lack of professionalism was going to be questioned and had it printed in advance and i show them the survey they read it toss the paper aside and tell me to cut my hair or be written up fine the next day i come into work with a shaved head they never told me to cut my hair again because i look far worse with no hair coincidentally they also let me wear my hat again but only because my shaved head was a sore sight as a point of interest when i resigned for my position a year later i submitted to hr my 80 point paper why my two bosses caused me to leave the organization how they stifled me and my department from doing legitimately good and quality work and how i felt that under their leadership i was incapable of ever winning a month after i left i heard from a friend and previous co-worker who was still at the company that my direct boss was forced to retire and my other boss was fired my friend told me that they were privy to a conversation held between the ceo and my female boss the one who was fired and my friend overheard the ceo say your time at this company is over and i want you to know that when you're gone your position will not be filled consider you and your position eliminated lastly i haven't cut my hair since i left apart from occasional trims it's now almost three feet long and i plan on giving my gorgeous lion's mane away to some charity that deals with making wigs for kids well what do you think should dress codes be allowed to keep men from having long hair please let us know maybe the people who make these rules are just mad because they're bold am i the jerk for taking away and returning thousands of dollars given to my teenage kids my husband and i are really disagreeing on this and i would really like a third opinion my parents are very wealthy since i was a kid they would use money and material possessions to control and manipulate my siblings and me an example would be when i went to college they paid for it and all of my expenses they used that as a tool to completely control my life anything i did that they didn't approve of they would empty my account i went completely no contact with them 15 years ago my husband knows this and knows that they are not allowed any access into my life i have two teenagers 115 and 114 both my kids have bank accounts that are in my name last weekend i noticed my eldest had a game in their room that i knew to be about 80 dollars that i didn't buy them i asked them about it and they claimed a friend had got it for them my eldest is a terrible liar and i knew immediately something suspicious was happening long story short i got the truth out of my kids my parents had gotten in contact with my kids through my brother they sent about ten thousand dollars in cash to my brother which he gave to my kids five thousand each i assume during one of these times he babysat them he put them on the phone with my parents and they told my kids who they were and lied to them about why they never met they claimed to love them despite never meeting and wanted to support them the arrangement was that my parents would send one thousand dollars every month to the kids as long as they kept it a secret from me they made grandiose claims about taking them on vacations as well my brother is dead to me now i have completely cut him from my life where i am being told i'm being unreasonable is when it comes to the money each kid had accumulated about eight thousand dollars my husband thought that we should just keep it and put it away for the kids i said no and sent the money to my parents address with a strongly worded letter obviously my kids are super upset which i will deal with i am surprised though that my husband isn't supporting me my reasoning is that if my kids keep the money my parents will find a way to use it against them they are master manipulators i have no doubt that they had some grand scheme to try to turn my kids against me my husband disagrees and thinks that i'm being unfair we are well enough off financially to pay for our kids education and support them if need be so i don't really see the point am i being the jerk for returning the money well what do you think should op let her kids keep the money or not please let us know she could always just send it to me i wouldn't mind having ten thousand dollars i'm not your caterer i'm your colleague this happened in the first few months of my career starting right out of college i was a 21 year old woman at the time doing my hardest as a new engineer in a company that has about 30 percent of its workforce within five years of retirement eligibility i was being trained on a new materials management procurement software that the company was rolling out this was an all morning training in our computer lab so the office catered in a light breakfast available in the room next door to the lab i was early to the training and getting myself set up at a desk when i headed in to get some tea and a muffin you the old guy i've never met before we say good morning and he makes some comments to me about not liking the lid style of the coffee cups they're the flat ones where you pull the tab back instead of the raised ones with a lip i politely agree while i'm pouring water and making tea a few other people come in and at this point i've got my plate fixed up and i'm walking out of the room when excuse me i turn around to see what's going on when i see the older man looking right at me do you know which one of these is decaf i'm confused no i don't drink coffee actually sorry he straightens up and looks at me frustrated well how am i supposed to know everyone else at the refreshment table is now looking at me confused i'm halfway out the door and there are like five other people who he can ask aren't you from the caterer and i suddenly realize that this man thinks i'm a college student sent here to help because i couldn't possibly look like the kind of person who could need to know the same software as him i'll admit i was dressed in a very college quality business casual but it was a cardigan in black slacks i definitely wasn't in the t-shirt and jeans of a catering employee cue all of my insecurity at being a young female in a senior male-dominated profession and company i respond no i'm actually here for the same training as you he looks at me somewhat surprised oh he said no apology no laughter no introduction nothing i left the room settled into my training and never saw that man again in the eight years i built my career there woman assumes i was helping a customer but i was helping my mom i was making some homemade sheet candy and before i started cooking i noticed that i was out of cooking spray so my mom and i head for the nearest grocery store the employees at the store which i worked at for a short time wear a blue apron with a store name on the front i was wearing a black apron covered in powdered sugar from the last batch i had made a couple of weeks prior i had forgotten to take the apron off before heading out while we were there we decided to pick up a few extra things instead of just the cooking spray my mom can't bend over due to having had a knee replacement surgery a while back so i was helping her out by grabbing items off the lower shelf my mom shuffled forwards a bit when i hear it i turned around and faced a woman with a typical karen haircut i couldn't really see much of her face but her mask definitely screamed to me i demand attention with how brightly colored it was but it was the eyes she was glaring at me for some reason and i couldn't figure out quite why oh sorry am i in your way this has not been the first time i've been confronted by someone for being in the way while looking for something or waiting for my mom to move forward you should be helping other customers uh oh i knew what this was the second she said that there was no way she could recognize me as a former employee since i wasn't wearing my work wig and was only wearing a black bandana i don't work here ma'am i stood up for my crouched position and straightened my apron since it had gotten up on my back a bit yes you do you're wearing an apron and helping that jerk get her groceries that woman is my mother and i don't work here maybe instead of being what you called my mom you should think before you speak i went to turn and walk away from her when she screeched at me check me your manager you want me to get you my manager okay i have a bit of a temper when people insult my family but insulting my mom directly had majorly put me in a bad mood what you may not know is that i'm the kind of person who becomes quite the smarty when confronted angrily so i went and got my manager my mother here's your manager this woman has managed me for 24 years why don't you tell her what your complaint is my mom looked so confused but the karen just huffed and stormed out of the aisle i thought that would be the end of it we continued shopping when that same bright beacon of a mask came wheeling around the corner with a real employee in tow that's her that's the employee that refused to help me me mom you need my help in here nope i'm good meet you back at the car the karen stomped over to me pointing and screeching at me and the employee she was demanding i be fired for refusing to help her and instead favoring another customer i just stared at her scratched my nose through my mask and waited for her to stop shrieking before i pointed at my apron black not blue lady i don't work here i was shopping with my mom leave me alone the employee looked so confused only managing out a week she doesn't work here the second that karen started yelling at the employee i just booked it out of there i feel bad for leaving the guy with that crazy lady but i wasn't about to deal with her crap or risk completely snapping and doing something crazy after she had insulted my mother i must have a retail face or something or rather retail eyes with all of us having to wear masks but really lady insulting a customer and demanding a person wearing a sugar-covered apron to help you i ain't no sugary sweet maid that bends to your every will speaking of sugary sweets what's your favorite kind of candy of all time please let us know take five for the win bruh give me an undeserving bad grade on a project enjoy my final exam i was in grade 11 and i was taking a class that had basic web design at the beginning of the year things were fine until about midway where a teacher seemed to be going through some personal issues and would mark us even more harshly than before i was usually getting straight 85s to 90s and now i'm barely getting 60s i even asked my fellow classmates if they thought i deserved that grade and no one agreed so we're getting close to summer and our final exam was coming up worth 30 percent of our final grade and the project we had to do was to create a company and sell a board game he handed out his checklist of things that are needed and added at the bottom that if we can play the game in class with others he would give us extra points me being a teenager at the time decided it's time for some malicious compliance i spent two weeks meticulously putting this website together i think we were using adobe dreamweaver at the time i had a big flashy intro that i made in flash and even had the website in different languages wasn't asked but i added it for flair the game i decided to make for this was very unique i called it are you bored yet inside this game was a single board with 10 spaces 2 sorry tokens and a single dice the object of this game was if you can roll the same number 10 times in a row you get a point and the first one to 10 points wins however if you can't you lose a point and go back down to the bottom so around this time i got sick and i had to miss about two to three weeks of school this means i had to miss the presentation date however i had gotten a doctor's note and a note from the hospital stating that i had to miss due to illness all my other classes allowed me to make up the exams and i had to give my presentation to the teacher so i stand up in front of the empty class and i start giving my presentation and all things are going well at the end of it he says thank you for your time and starts to walk me out i say hold on teacher according to your rules we must play a game if i want extra marks you could see the oh crap look in his eyes note that the teacher put that in there because he wanted it to be played with other students but since there were no other students left in the class he was forced to play it with me i sat there for a good 45 minutes he didn't want to stop and i wasn't gonna stop him playing this game none of us being able to score a point frustrated he turns to me and says i'll give you bonus marks if you just say we completed the game i agreed and went my way about two weeks later we go back in to get our final marks and i see how he did to my shock and smile i had received a 105 on the exam i like to believe he stopped being so grouchy with his markings afterwards i'm the comedian but you're the joke i do stand up comedy sometimes i was performing at a bar restaurant deal and was sitting in the back taking care of some emails waiting for my set time i went to the bar to get a drink had a chat with the bartender for a few minutes then got the signal i had five minutes till show so went back when i got to the back room i realized i'd left my phone on the bar so ran out again to collect it enter karen not her real name of course at a table just left of dead center facing the stage right by the back entrance i'd been popping in and out of all night and a big group of six or seven people but even in my brief forays out i could hear her shrill voice dominating their conversation i guess here's a good place as any to mention i was wearing a yellow sweatshirt and cargo shorts the servers were all black karen sir sir excuse me sir me what's up can you check on our food please all we ordered were some wings and it's been like half an hour already me your server can help you with that i'm not a waiter what oh dish boy line cook whatever you work here so just when you go back there ask about my food me oh no you see i no i get it you aren't a waiter but do you work here kind of let me explain someone in her party i don't think he's a waiter shut it okay i've got this you work here you can bring me my food just a quick little you know chop-chop trot carry carry boom done me i can't do that karen ungodly shriek why not others in her party karen oh my gosh quiet down they tried to wave me away i was weighing in my mind whether walking away had the higher chance of getting me fired from future gigs there or staying and getting into it with her dead i was just going down the stay and get into it with her track when the mc gets up there and goes now a special treat for our patrons tonight local comedian so i just stopped myself lock eyes with karen walk backwards to the stage unflinching i grabbed the microphone her table is cracking up realizing what's happened and i say well i'd hoped to do a show for you tonight folks but looks like that won't be possible apparently i've been reassigned i start riffing about people who think you work there when you don't and accuse you of lying and how absurd a concept that is but then it's too perfect the waitress is coming out with wings and headed straight for her table i know the waitress i've performed here before so i transition and i'm just like you caught me lady can't hide anymore and i grab the wings from the waitress and i'm like oh donna i see you trying to hone in on my section can you see this is my table and all throughout the rest of the bit i would go over and fill their water glasses bust their plates whenever i hit a dry spot i was like alright hold on gotta check in with my customers can i interest you in any dessert how are we doing over here speaking to the mic please karen hated it but the others at her table were dying laughing and would even sometimes flag me down for water or appetizers the set ends and karen goes to file a complaint her friends or co-workers whoever try to stop her from doing so and some leave the venue because of her a couple stayed back to try and defend me and i told them not to worry because the manager and i were cool but they got to see for themselves the manager is an old school armenian guy and he has no tolerance for this bs this particular venue was a biker bar before the area got gentrified so he's used to dealing with way rowdier customers than karen so she's going off about mistreatment at the hands of his employees and how i'm probably not licensed to be a food server and that she wanted something done the manager plays dumb just to see her get worked up and goes who this guy even though the entire floor saw me give her a hard time manager he doesn't work for me karen what the heck are you talking about manager it's 11 30 p.m he worked for me from 10 p.m till 11 pm that's what i paid him for as a freelancer that's over now he's just some guy karen well when he was working for you he was rude and abstinent me what on stage of course i was abstinent it's not that kind of show karen you know what i mean see he's making fun of how i talk manager he's a comedian that's what i paid for karen i was a customer treated poorly in your establishment he was acting as a server here when he served me and i want a refund on my meal or at the very least turning dramatically to me gollum voice an apology me alright i might have been a little rude towards the end there but in my defense she didn't tip manager is that true did you not tip karen why would i have tipped the comedian manager i thought you said he was acting as a surfer karen was a little tipsy at this point so somehow drunk logic convinced her smashing a glass would get her point across all it did was get the manager to have her bounced her remaining friends apologized to the manager and said they barely knew her and they hoped this wouldn't mean they couldn't come in there anymore without her and he was super nice about it i told them i hoped i hadn't put a damper on their night and they said they can't wait to tell everyone else about karen's outburst so i don't have a career as a waiter in my future kudos to all you service workers who put up with these insufferable people day in and day out please come watch this video next you will love it and join as a channel member today and we'll give you a special shout out in our next video and to have us make any kind of video you'd like us to just come visit us on fiverr link pinned in the comments below
Channel: r/mr reddit
Views: 108,800
Rating: 4.9096742 out of 5
Keywords: r/entitled parents, r/entitled parents rslash, entitled parents, entitledparents, entitled parents stories, entitled parents reddit, entitled parents rslash, entitled parents playlist, entitled parents stories playlist, reddit stories entitledparents rslash, rSlash, mr reddit, r/mrreddit, r/, reddit stories, rSlash entitledparents, rslash entitledparents playlist, funny stories reddit, karen, reddit, reddit stories funny, redditor, Top Posts of All Time, r/entitledparents
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 8sec (1988 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 21 2020
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