Karen Fires Me WRONGFULLY! Gets Taught a Lesson! r/EntitledPeople

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hey there mr redder here welcome back to another episode of our slash entitled people stories today we have a very special episode for you a compilation of some of the best entitled people stories we've read over the past year so sit back relax and enjoy a few hours of the most entitled people you've ever heard of and by the way karen assured me that for every thumbs up this video gets she won't try to get anyone fired for an entire week so please smash that like button and subscribe and turn on notifications for new stories from reddit every single day karen fired me wrongfully so i ended her company hey everyone i decided to share my story it all took place 17 years ago but i feel like it belongs here at that time i was 20 years old and dated my first true love we'd been together for one and a half years already and everything was great her mother really liked me and she had her own company which traded fashion clothes for kids she made a ton of money they needed someone to drive one of their three five ton trucks and she came up to me with the idea to hire me because i was unhappy with the job that i had so as a win-win situation i accepted her offer and we started working together job was okay even though i had to work a huge amount of overtime because she thoroughly introduced me to how the whole company worked she had a huge storage facility a store and two trucks one that i drove and a big one i worked for her for like one year and in that time i knew every single thing about the company because she trusted me with also the dirty secrets this later came in handy this is where things took a huge turn i found out that my girlfriend cheated on me with her ex and as a result i broke up with her instantly it was an ugly situation and after it went down i called her mother and told her what was going on and that i don't want to mix things with business so i will still be there for work even though i don't want to see her daughter again she said everything is all right but of course she sided with her daughter and i felt that she's mad at me because of a breakup i went to work and acted as a professional should took all the drama aside however soon after she singled me out and started looking for mistakes so she could discipline me this had been going on for months and i realized she was just waiting for an excuse to fire me but i wasn't gonna give her that reason easily she was upset that she couldn't find big mistakes and the small ones she often just made up were not enough to terminate me so she came up with a plan on the truck we had a power generator which provided a light and a power for laptop a printer and so on it worked in two ways with fuel when we were on the road and with a cable in case we were at the storage but it was not made by a company they just hired an electrician for that and he made an error so we had to flip a switch all the time if we used it with a cable connection otherwise it would burn out as i loaded the truck she convinced the co-worker to flip the switch back and after a few minutes the lights were gone and i noticed something was wrong it burned out of course but i knew i didn't forget the switch because i had loaded the truck for an hour and it only took five minutes tops to burn out so it couldn't have been me she didn't even hear me out she just started yelling and fired me on the spot and stated that she was gonna pay the repairs out of my last salary so don't expect any money from her i didn't take that lightly and i told her i don't think you want to go this way with me but she refused to listen it took a few days for me to cool down but i wanted to give her a last chance i called her and told her even though i knew what was going on and that she did set me up if i get my money i will call it an end and we don't have to see each other again she told me to buzz off so i came up with a plan first because i knew that the store she had didn't have a bathroom which was illegal in my country the shop assistants had an agreement with a restaurant on the opposite side to go there if they needed i reported this to the authorities and the next day they closed the shop because of this violation and told her that she can't open up until they have a bathroom she called me right away and asked me if i had anything to do with this i laughed and told her didn't i tell you that you don't want to go this way with me and i hung up i knew that we worked so much over time that me and the other driver had so much overtime on the cards it records how many hours you drive and how fast and when you stopped so i called the authorities again and told them everything they went and checked all the records and gave the company a brutal find she sent me text messages all day long after that i replied ain't done yet then silence few hours went by and my phone rang she called and asked me if we can talk it over she even said she'd send my last paycheck but i shut her down immediately and told her too late for that then i called the fire department and told them the wires that they had in the walls of the storage were outdated which caused short circuits daily and that they only had two fire extinguishers for the whole place when they should have had like 12 to 15. on that very day they had to close the storage as well so she lost the last place where she could make money for months until they got everything up to date and renewed all of the wires which cost a huge amount of money because of the fines she got from the different authorities she couldn't afford these renovations of course few months later she filed for bankruptcy i know because my ex-girlfriend called me with i hope you're happy jerk you made my family bankrupt i never got my paycheck but at that point i didn't even care anymore i was happy with the outcome i hope you enjoyed my story have you ever gotten sweet revenge on a boss who did you wrong if so how did you do it please let us know i got revenge on my co-host just wait till you find out what i put in your coffee this morning move your car okay i'm the 19 female daughter of my normally very nice parents we had new neighbors move in about two years ago and for the most part we've just let them be they're a little annoying sometimes and there were a couple instances where we had to complain about the overwhelming noise of their weekend parties at night but other than that they're pretty okay neighbors we've never had a problem with them until recently after several strikes against my family strike one destructive dogs so our neighbors family and our family own dogs my dogs are very gentle and spend most of their time indoors we live in southern california and when this incident happened it was in the middle of summer so we let our dogs stay inside to keep cool their dogs are very aggressive and are raised as outside dogs every time i let my dogs out in the backyard for some fresh air my neighbor's dogs will attempt to break through the wooden fence dividing our properties via digging climbing scratching etc the digging was easy to stop we just filled in the holes with dirt but at some point their dog managed to create a hole in the wall large enough for their dog to squeeze their face in so about the size of a dinner plate we have cameras so we caught everything on tape my parents are pretty understanding so my dad went and talked to my neighbors offering to pay half of the damage since it's our shared property line the neighbor's wife who we're going to call lying sally for this story called my dad a liar and accused our dogs of damaging the fence which we knew wasn't true and my dad told her we had proof it was her dogs and demanded that my family pay for the damages they fought over it and nothing got solved so eventually my dad conceded and nailed some plywood over the gaping hole problem solved but this was only the first strike strike two just why the next incident is honestly really stupid and i don't even know why lying sally bothered lying so this incident happened about a few days after we had to call our third noise complaint on one of their parties again like seriously who blasts let it go at 10 30 pm at night i wish i was making this up my mom is getting out of her car in our driveway when lying sally walks right up to her and accuses her of yelling at their lawn mowing guy to not mow their lawn so loudly at 7 30 am my mom was very confused she's never talked to the guy who comes over to mow their lawn we've never cared about any of our neighborhood's business in general we have a neighbor across the street who revs his motorcycle at 6 00 am and another neighbor who does construction stuff in his garage for a hobby my family has been living here for almost 20 years we're very chill with our neighbor's noise and noisy hobbies normally long story short my mom confronted the lawnmower guy one morning and asked him if she's ever talked to him before and he told her no lying sally saw this and ran out of the house to confront my mom she screams why are you talking to him and so my mom replies because you're a lying jerk and so that's the gist of it i don't know why lion sally even bothered lying about that at this point we were convinced lying sally was a nut case strike three the point where i finally stepped in for the past month my neighbors have stooped to a new low by hogging all of the parking space in front of our house whenever they get the opportunity my family has three cars two usually sit in our driveway and the third is parked curbside in front of our house my neighbors have two cars both of which they park alongside the curb in front of both of our houses the curb our house's share is only big enough for two cars they've stopped using their driveway entirely just to park their two cars on the curb which forces us to park our third car further down the street it's not a big deal but what they were doing was petty so my parents became petty too the moment they would move their cars to go to work my parents would move our third car back into its spot on our half of the curb this went on for almost an entire year until at some point an unspoken truce was made and they stopped their petty scheme things returned back to normal until i accidentally messed it up in my defense i was driving home with a third car late at night it's dark i accidentally back up way too far and parked the car smack dab in the middle of the curb so my car is literally in the middle between our houses i'm tired from working all day so i don't think much of it since our neighbor still has a whole entire driveway to themselves trust me their driveway is just like ours it's made to fit two cars the next morning i wake up to the sound of my parents arguing downstairs turns out our neighbors have parked one of their cars in their driveway and the other is parked in front of our third car on the side of the curb this wouldn't be a problem if half of the hood of their car wasn't sticking out into our driveway the problem with this is that if we tried to back out the car the one closest to their car in our driveway we might hit their car and i'm pretty sure that was on purpose i was done with their games so i marched over next door and rang their doorbell the husband will call him pig for this story opens the door and he's recording me as if i'm going to attack him which is ridiculous i'm five foot two and he's close to six foot if anything i should be the scared one the conversation goes like this me is it okay if you can move your car jerk no the police told me i can park anywhere i want because it's the public road and they even told me i can record you me i don't even care about you recording me i just need you to move your car you have an entire driveway to yourself it's just common courtesy to not block your neighbor's car in their driveway jerk you guys can still get out it's not that bad me uh yeah but we just don't want to hit your car by accident while backing out is that a threat uh no i'm just saying that we don't want to pay for the damages of your car because you didn't want to move it and i can't guarantee that we won't hit it it's pretty darn close i don't care i shouldn't have to move my car you move your car i realized i wasn't going to get anywhere so i let him slam the door in my face and i walked away i went back inside my house and got on my laptop to make sure that yes it is indeed illegal to park in front of someone's driveway even partially so my neighbor does have to move by law however i wanted to be a petty jerk so i moved my car i grabbed my car keys and carefully backed up the car again the one closest to his poorly parked car so that the back half is inches away from the front of jerk's car so my car is now blocking pig's car from pulling out into the street and leaving my car is also blocking the sidewalk which i know is illegal but i already had this planned out basically i caged in his car and held it hostage for a couple of days either jerk or lying sally would have to come and apologize to make me move the car which i knew was very unlikely or part 4 victory sure enough as i predicted jerk called the cops a few days later and reported me his face was so smug as the officer told him that i can't legally box in someone's car like that and block the sideway with my vehicle i told the officer that i understood and that i'll move my car but i immediately pointed out that it's illegal to partially block the entrance point to someone's driveway as well and that jerk's car is crossing that line by over two feet the smile on jerk's face vanishes and his face turns red while the officer tells him that he's going to have to move his car as well so i back up my car and i'm grinning like a cat who's caught its prey while jerk has to move his car into his driveway i also made sure to move our third car back into its rightful spot as well have you ever had a neighbor who you just couldn't stand if so what was wrong with them please let us know now that's what i call a game of cars from am i the jerk for not going to my mom's birthday after her husband got rid of my cat my mom remarried when i 29 male was 14. my sister and brother were 12 and 9. from the beginning none of us liked ben and didn't consider him our stepdad it was obvious he didn't like us either he literally divided our fridge between stuff that was ours and what was his separate milk cereal eggs soda etc everything he paid for we weren't allowed to touch even if it was the same brand it was weird but whatever our mom bought us food and what we needed ben was super controlling too always told us our friends weren't allowed in his house he's the one who moved in with us even if my mom said it was okay we weren't allowed to sit on his couches so we always said on the living room floor expected us to be silent in the house 24 7 never let us go outside etc i was a stubborn little jerk so i butted heads with him the most while my mom played mediator between us even now that we're all older we still dislike him only tolerate ben for our mom when we visit my brother in particular hates him and sometimes they have screaming matches last month when we met up at their house craft got out of hand with their argument and my brother revealed he knows ben was the one who got rid of my cat when he went missing this caught me off guard but i got on ben's case and told him to tell me the truth and it was true after all my brother saw ben with a cat in his car driving off once ben confessed he was tired of all the hair and my cat roaming around everywhere so he took my cat to a shelter an hour away i almost lost it right then and there and my mom tried to calm me down she had known about it too back then but never told me because my cat had already been gone for months but according to her she made sure men knew how horrible that was then i took off and told them i'm not speaking to them anymore and she shouldn't expect me at her birthday which was a few days ago my heart was pounding and i cried a little in my car it felt like i lost my cat all over again i had spent months looking for him and all that time he was at a shelter who knows if he was even adopted because he was an older cat my brother's the only one who apologized for never telling me and for bringing it up like that everyone else is telling me to let it go already because ben made that mistake years ago they said my mom was extremely hurt that i didn't show up to her birthday so this was very immature of me to be angry over something done a long time ago i spoke to her and she apologized for what happened back then but it didn't make it right for me to shut them out on an important day so she also feels i was in the wrong for refusing to go when every birthday i've been there and it means a lot to have all of her kids there celebrating i'm caught in the middle still feeling emotionally raw over this whole thing and not really sure if i was the jerk for not going well who do you think is the jerk ob or bitten please let us know mom's the biggest jerk of them all why would you be with someone like that and have them around your family i'm seldom at a loss for words but bruh all she had to do was nothing context names and some details change for privacy i'm on mobile etc players we've got me we've got the manager lady catherine who's in her 60s we've got managing partner bennett male in his 50s we've got my partner gardner male 47 we've got partner i'm babysitting bingley male 44 we've got my friend slash co-worker charlotte who's in her 30s i'm a professional attorney wrangler for a big legal firm if you've watched suits i'm donna if she was wound tighter than a child's music box as a legal admin i have to keep a tremendous amount of information straight every county and every u.s state has their own court system their own rules and their own idiosyncrasies i have five attorneys on my team despite the tv shows it's pretty unusual for a lawyer to have a special secretary all their own unless they are very important so 5 is a solid number because of the lockdown that took over the world last year a secretary that left in january of 2020 has not been replaced yet and i've been babysitting one of the partners bingley in the meantime it's been a fun learning opportunity as bingley works for an entirely different region and type of law than the rest of my team also he has a case where a truck exploded was empty which is awesome story my manager lady catherine is the worst you know the type she plays favorites her best loved word is no she must be involved in everyone's conversation because she is just that important and necessary we don't get along because i'm a stubborn know-it-all who's been proven right a few too many times highlights include forbidding me from using the same resources other admins had access to on her orders including backup admins when my workload was too big and then denying my overtime requests i literally had no way to do my job some days it's worth noting that the reason bingley's secretary left was specifically because of lady catherine in fact four additional admins quit over the year explicitly because of her anyway at this point i'd been working with bingley for almost a year it was november 2020 and we had settled into a pretty good routine i'd gotten used to filing pleadings in a different state and no longer needed to double check all my work for nuance because law still operates in the stone ages a few u.s states still require hard copy filing anything we want the judge to read has to be sent by actual mail on actual paper to arrive in the judge's actual hands it's a pain most states let you file electronically but whatever bingley mostly only has cases in one of the hard copy states lady catherine and her excessive wisdom butted in uninvited and instructed me to include a cover letter when mailing a new filing this confused me as i had been filing for almost a year and no one including the admin who originally trained me had mentioned a cover letter i told her this and she basically told me to suck it up i called the court admin to make sure i wasn't crazy and that i hadn't ruined a year's worth of filings and the court admin literally laughed and said to please not include a cover letter so i didn't imagine my surprise when lady catherine called me writing me up for insubordination even knowing the court rules and the judge and the court admin explicitly said to not send a darn letter she was right because she is always right and i am and i quote a disrespectful little jerk and she was tired of me a warning went into my employee file pending disciplinary measures the next day she emailed my team telling them to reduce my score on my yearly review as she knew i had been rated too highly for what my abilities really are it felt to me like she was preparing to fire me by creating a history of poor performance well if you're so tired of me madam manager i can leave within a week of looking i found a new position now here's the issue i love my team this is the best work team i've ever been on we take each other seriously and we genuinely love each other a lot of times admins get pushed around because we don't have fancy degrees but not here calling in to quit i cried i cried a lot i cried to the point that one of my partners bennett asked if i wanted a counteroffer i said no because that wouldn't solve anything he asked what i meant i told him i told him about the write-up i told him how she was trying to falsify my employee review after it had been submitted i told him the reason five admins had left i told him about how i wasn't allowed to ask for help at this point i had given myself hiccups from weeping and one of the partners on my team gardner was calling him asking if he and his workload were the reasons i was leaving so bennett let me go do other things like daydream and create a shrine out of legal forms i thought it was the end of it until a friend in another office charlotte called me asking what i was doing she doesn't have time to train someone into being the new me and i was the only admin she actually trusts in my office so why was i leaving her all alone i told her and she told gardner and together they plotted first charlotte is the manager in her office so she is on equal footing with lady catherine they also report to the same person charlotte called the district manager and told him that lady catherine was driving admins away and that the most recent quitter me was the only person who knows how to do a lot of the work on my teams and my loss was a serious blow apparently this is true which is both heartwarming and terrifying meanwhile gardner called up a fellow partner and told her that his world would collapse in on itself if i left he would go to the nearest bridge and jump off of it which was pretty impressive in a landlocked state they had to do something i got a call the next day from bennett saying they had a counteroffer they were really hoping i'd take basically instead of lady catherine i would report directly to gardner lady catherine would be forbidden from interfering with me without first asking garner for his permission this solved the issue and i got to stay with my team so i happily accepted i thought the debacle was over the debacle was not over unbeknownst to me after looking at the evidence exit interviews emails memos bennett put lady catherine on a performance improvement plan and she did not get an end-of-year bonus or raise turns out i had been absolutely correct lady catherine's behavior and treatment had been the explicit cause that six secretaries quit in less than a year i got a call last week from charlotte i figured she wanted to gossip about co-workers a rant about how a shared client is a big ol headache but it was actually to give me a heads up lady catherine had been stripped of her management duties i no longer had any contact with her which was great but it also meant i didn't see that her behavior had actually doubled down on the admins unfortunate enough to still be under her thumb she had missed every single one on the benchmarks of her performance improvement plan charlotte had called me to ask my opinion on who should be the new manager as i know everyone and she was helping cover some things as an outside manager now i know some of you are thinking yes become the manager and fire lady catherine but i am not a sadist i want to stay on my team and do what i do best which is being a cheerfully annoying respectful little jerk i told her one of the more senior admins would probably need some guidance but would be amazing at it no one has to deal with lady catherine anymore she's now a mere paralegal and not anyone's manager at all if she had just left me alone and not interfered where she wasn't needed none of this would have had to have happened all she had to do was nothing a driver hits my truck and refused to get insurance involved enjoy the jerk tax this happened just a week ago i'm an over-the-road truck driver and i was in off duty mode since the day before so i was stationary the whole time while i was in my bed trying to sleep i suddenly heard a loud crunch followed by a pretty rough rocking of my truck when i got out to check i saw a truck trying to park in the left spot and struck me on his blind side right side of my trailer the damage was my driver's side mirror was folded and there are cracks in my left quarter fender the driver got out checked the damage for both my truck and his trailer i told him that i will need his registration driver's license and insurance the whole nine yards at first he was a little hesitant to give the information but ended up following the rules i did the same for him then he proceeded to tell me that he would prefer to pay the damage in cash or check the reason was if insurance was involved his company would charge him 2500 automatically so it's a huge loss for him even though i don't agree with that and still think insurance is better i comply and talk to my manager about the whole situation at first he wanted to claim through insurance too but after seeing the damage it was very minor he settled and told me to charge the driver twelve hundred dollars if he wants to pay cash or check i told the driver what my manager thinks the cost of the repair is he was more hesitant than when i asked for his information so i told him it's either twelve hundred dollars or insurance then he got this bright idea to try to get evaluations from the professional in the nearby shop for the cost of parts and labor he even tried to fix my side mirror which to my surprise was fixed okay so no need to replace the side mirror but the fender is still cracked so that needed to be fixed his reason to get professional evaluation is so that he can get a receipt for tax purposes so it's understandable i told him that i will need to leave in four hours which is true so i won't have all day to sit around in the mechanic shop not to mention i didn't get much sleep since i need to take care of the damage he was very assuring that it will be very quick it won't shortest time i've ever been in a shop is 8 hours so i comply we drove to the nearest shop which is 30 minutes away inside the truck he kept saying that twelve hundred dollars is too much to fix a fender i didn't say anything in retaliation because i actually do not know how much it cost to fix a fender i just trusted my manager when we arrived the tech said that he can't fix the truck within three hours it was fairly busy so we asked if we can just get an evaluation for the cost of labor and parts which the tech said that he can do after one hour the tech came out and gave us a piece of paper for the evaluation the total came out to be 1440 for parts and labor not including the paint job which is around 400 he was shocked thinking that he got ripped off by the evaluation he complained a whole bunch to the tech but there's nothing the tech could do about it he asked for their evaluation he got it then he went back to me and asked if it can still go back to the 1200 cost i told him but i thought you wanted to get a receipt for evaluation done by a professional to say he was stunned was an understatement he kept making up excuses about the cost but again i repeated either this or insurance he finally complied and wrote me a check for 1440. after we parted ways i mentioned to him remember to keep your words for the paint job if not my manager will claim the damages as a hit and run he looked at me with the dirtiest look he could muster but he couldn't do anything about it oh well at least he got his receipt edit one for those who mentioned that i might get burned with cash or check i actually didn't think of this at first but that was a very good lesson nonetheless the driver paid me with money order because he couldn't withdraw 1440 in cash from an atm and he doesn't bring his checkbook i guess it's more secure since there's no way money order could bounce also i have all of his information and proof of accident from the parking lot camera in case he tried to pull anything funny we can just dial insurance and reveal everything don't mess with sandra this tale was told to me as a warning when i started on my first post-college job i am relating it exactly as it was told to me this occurred in the early 80s so those of you who've grown up with the internet may not understand how we did things in the olden days there were no smartphone apps to show cue codes for airline tickets they were paper with red carbon mess reservations were done by phone it was primitive by today's standards players names have been changed of course we've got sandra super sweet secretary loved by all true i worked with her she was amazing we've got fred sandra's boss tom local vp big shot incoming senior manager from back east and al lead engineer on the team this occurred in salt lake city which if you don't know family was a huge part of culture even at work family matters took precedence and local management knew this and allowed for it well big shots office minions noticed some slight irregularities in time cards like days off without pre-approved vacation requests so he got himself transferred to the salt lake city office to straighten things out naturally he was quickly hated one morning sandra got a call from her daughter that she was unexpectedly in town and wanted to have lunch naturally fred and tom said okay but the big shot stuck his nose in rather than just saying no he dropped a travel request on sandra's desk and it had to be done because he expected to fly out that afternoon sandra was heartbroken that she wouldn't get to see her daughter but she had her work responsibilities stopping by to drop off some paperwork al noticed that sandra looked a little down a huge change from her normal chipper mood he naturally asked her why and sandra explained al told her he had no authority by the way to go have lunch and we'll take care of it bigshot got his travel packets got on the plane that afternoon and flew off to his meeting that's when things started to go wrong the rental car reservation was invalid and there were no cars available at any of the agencies all had a hold on them pending confirmation from some big clients so big shot ended up getting a rent-a-wreck for those two young or not in the u.s there really was a discount auto rental agency by that name quality was not job number one when big shot got to the hotel he found that his reservation was no good he had to wait around until after the tentative reservations expired which was after 6 pm getting suspicious big shot looked at his tickets and found that they were one way he had no flight home the next morning tom flew in to join him and to say big shot was incensed was probably an understatement he gave big shot a packet that was marked extremely urgent that had been left on his desk with a note to take it to big shot it was bigshot's return ticket on the way back big shot stopped by the corporate office and got a very senior executive to come with him because of some very serious personnel problems the next morning big shot led the senior executive and tom into a meeting with all of fred's department and began publicly berating sandra for incompetence and so on when he got to the part about the tickets fred interrupted and told the senior executive that sandra couldn't have done that she was on approved time off having lunch with her daughter this raised the senior executive's eyebrows and got big shot even angrier the senior executive said if sandra didn't mess up the tickets who did fred stepped forward then al and one by one every single member of fred's team stepped forward to take responsibility to protect sandra from big shots wrath tom and the senior executive knew instantly what had happened everyone on fred's team had burned up the phones making tentative reservations for rental cars and hotel rooms leaving big shots stuck with worthless reservations and no alternates within the hour bigshot's desk was empty and his badges had been turned in the senior executive stuck around to get to know the team he was very impressed with how the whole team stuck together and protected their own after he finished the tale the engineer said bluntly don't mess with sandra we love her and we will make you pay if you upset her message received loud and clear as i worked with fred's team i got to understand why everyone loves sandra she was an absolute gym in the organization efficient super friendly just an all-around wonderful person entitled parents lose it when boyfriend gives me a ride home i'll try to keep it short but i'm still getting crap for this for my family so i figured i'd share it here and get some opinions basically my church was having a game night and we were told we could bring some friends i asked my parents to invite the people from my friends group chat and they said if the leaders at church agreed then it was no problem we have a big group chat with my boyfriend and all of our friends so i texted the group chat and asked if anyone wanted to come with me and explain that it was a chill game night a few had plans and others said maybe but not for sure my boyfriend and only one other person said they were free to go the day came and my boyfriend showed up but the other person cancelled due to a family emergency no one else could go everything was good and i introduced him to everyone and the leaders as a friend because i like to keep my life private my boyfriend is very understanding of that we kept it cool and didn't even hold hands or go off somewhere by ourselves we were just behaving as friends we all had a great time at the end of the night i called my parents and they couldn't pick me up due to them working night shift so they asked me to find someone who would be able to take me home or if absolutely necessary call my aunt who just came back from work that was almost two hours away to pick me up i asked around if anyone was able to take me home and everyone either had a full car or was going the opposite way my boyfriend offered to drive me because he was heading in the same direction and i said okay he dropped me off and i said thank you and i called my parents to let them know i found a ride and we moved on with our life a couple of days later during service my dad asked one of my leaders at church who drove me home so he could say thank you and they told him that a friend i had brought with me was nice enough to drive me when they all couldn't their exact words my parents got really mad that a person of the opposite gender drove me home and i didn't tell them i didn't because i didn't think it was a big deal i don't understand why it was such a big deal anyway i'm not the only person who literally gets rides from people of the opposite gender most of the people there have boyfriends and girlfriends and they came together all the time we literally drove straight home and he knew where i lived because he's come over a few times before they said i embarrassed them by doing that and i was completely wrong and forced me to apologize my mom cried for a few days saying that she doesn't know who i am because i'm not the daughter she raised i don't think i did anything wrong in the situation but it's been a few months and it's still being brought up by literally my parents cousins and aunt so now i'm not too sure edit i'm 18 and my boyfriend is 19 about to be 20. also my parents have met him and he's been over to our house a few times edit two i'm a woman well who do you agree with op or her parents please let us know i hope you're able to move out of there soon op at 18 years old they shouldn't be treating you like this if you want a refund you have to buy the product from us first the day was like any average retail day the store i work at is run relatively well so the day passes by smoothly that is until about an hour before my shift ended when a teenager comes up to my desk hoping to return some computer parts this includes ram a motherboard and a cpu he doesn't have the receipts however receipts are not required as long as i can find the transactions in my point of sale system thankfully he has an account and i'm able to find the ram and motherboard the ram i was able to give him a refund on no issue however the motherboard was about 50 days old our return policy is 30 days but i was feeling nice he is a kid after all and i remember how confusing i found the world when i was his age which was not that long ago but feels like a lifetime i told him i couldn't give him his money back but he could exchange it for a new one or get a gift card which was standard practice for returns outside of 30 days but within 60. teen well i can't have a gift card my dad will get mad me okay but i can't give you money back you are well over the return period so it's either gift card or an exchange kid i guess i'll get a new motherboard then me which one do you want the same one i guess at this point i realized that i had forgotten why he wanted to return it it wasn't required anymore as any open product at this point would be sent back to the distributor for inspection anyway turns out his computer wasn't working after he put it all together so he needed new stuff kid yeah i don't know why it's not working me okay did you want to go look around for other stuff or did you want me to call a salesman over to grab you another board just give me a new one now are you going to refund me for the cpu i hadn't gotten to the cpu yet as i was still pretty new to returns and i was doing them one at a time to make sure i didn't mess up now of course i have to be extra careful about returns making sure the item is the correct one and all of that now i have to be extra careful with cpu returns so i open up the package to do my checks and i instantly realized why this customer's computer wasn't working for those not in the know the cpu is a small square chip that essentially acts as a computer's brain super important and extremely fragile piece of equipment depending on the brand of cpu there may or may not be pins on the bottom that are essential for the functionality of both the cpu and the rest of the computer they are extremely easy to bend and break however it's also extremely easy to not bend and break them so there really isn't a good reason for someone to damage a cpu this kid's cpu looked like he had taken a hammer to it me well this is why your computer isn't working what the pins are smashed nothing at the computer can work with damage like this oh well can i return it i didn't want to say anything yet because i felt bad for the kid but we were unlikely to take it back due to the damage and that he clearly bought it over 30 days ago as i had yet to find the receipt for the cpu it was a pretty expensive cpu so i was hoping that management would make an exception and let him exchange it so i kept looking for his receipt for the cpu he didn't have a lot of transactions so i figured i could just brute force it and go through them one at a time and yet i couldn't find it it wasn't on any of his receipts me i'm not finding the cpu under your account is there another name it could be under kid we could try my dad's his name is dad i look up his name and no account shows up me uh there's no account under your father's name oh he doesn't have an account i'm the only one who shops here it's at this point that i realize that i'm dealing with a teen who is slightly stupider than your average teenager however i keep my composure and keep moving forward i try not to treat people differently based on their intelligence in a last-ditch effort i check the transactions based on the cpu serial number we have to manually attach transactions to accounts and sometimes the cashiers neglect to do that for any number of reasons however when i scanned the serial number nothing popped up that was weird me did you buy this at this location or a different location different location i admit i should have asked that sooner so i could have pulled up the remote search window from the get-go however when i pulled it up it showed that he had never made any purchase at any of our other locations he had only ever shopped at my store's location me thinking that it could be a glitch in my system and hoping that i could access the more complete central server database which computer store location did you buy this from oh i didn't buy this from computer store i bought this from amazon i just looked at him silently i didn't know how i got to this point why did he think we would take his cpu that he bought from amazon so i asked me why are you trying to get a refund for a product you didn't even buy from here what do you mean you didn't give us the money for this you gave it to amazon therefore we don't have money to give back to you that's amazon so i want my money back your money isn't here your money is at amazon if you want your money you need to go to amazon so you can't take care of it no you didn't give us money for that cpu that cpu has no monetary value here that i can give back to you can i exchange it i'm afraid not we don't do trade-ins i assumed he was talking about a trade-in no i want to exchange it internally i'm banging my head against a wall how could a teen not understand the concept that a return can only go back to where he originally bought it from me in order to do an exchange you would have needed to buy the product here or at one of our other locations but you didn't you bought it at amazon there's nothing here that i can do for you you need to send this back to amazon so you're not going to help me no at this point he leaves and i'm relieved that he eventually understood or so i thought because not even a minute later he comes back with my manager he wouldn't let me return this and was mean to me i want a refund manager i'm sorry about that sir do you have the receipt no but i bought it last month on amazon i kid you not that's what he said manager why would i give you money for something that you didn't even buy from us are you saying you won't give me a refund manager there is no refund to give and nothing i can do for you the team then storms off to a salesman and says to them they were mean to me called me names and would give me a refund for my item salesman that's not my department it's their decision when it comes to refunds the teen then storms off and tries this routine over and over again each time getting more and more upset over the next 20 minutes until he is quite literally ugly crying to the store's general manager about how horrible everyone there was to him and how we won't give him a refund for his cpu the general manager then asked him to wait and came to me general manager why won't you give him a refund for his cpu at this point i don't really care how old he is me he didn't buy it from here he bought it from amazon ask him the general manager did just that when he heard that the team did in fact buy the cpu from amazon the general manager essentially asked him why he thought that we'd take it and give him a refund the teen said someone in the repairs department said that we'd take care of him this turned out to be a misunderstanding or a lie as the technician was only saying that i was the one who handled returns not that i definitely for sure give him a refund eventually the kid left tears in his eyes and without a refund he later left me a survey review that i made fun of him threw his items on the floor and refused to give him a refund we have cameras my general manager had that review dismissed it's insanely annoying to get a survey review dismissed so it shows just how ridiculous the general manager thought this situation was have you ever tried to return something but you weren't able to if so what was it please let us know wish i could return you reddit boy haven't had any luck so far am i the jerk for telling my brother-in-law i'm not his kid's mother my brother-in-law's connor wife passed over a year ago i had a good relationship with her and their two kids this loss affected everyone the family got together to help connor with the kids he used to live in an apartment he hasn't worked in a year and my in-laws were unable to pay for rent anymore my husband asked if conor and the kids could stay with us temporarily i immediately agreed and found time to get everything ready once conor arrived he did little to nothing when it came to the kids i started taking care of the kids needs because he asked i handled feeding cleaning and playing activities but kids are in constant need of care and attention every time his three-year-old asks him to make a sandwich or help with the bathroom or wearing clothes or anything connor just points at me and says auntie will do it i end up taking care of it even though he's got nothing to do he's either on his laptop or sleeping one time his five-year-old was calling for him to help with something and conor asked me to go instead i got annoyed then he shrugged his shoulders and said he'd just ignore him then resulting in me handling it i couldn't ignore it my husband's a dentist and he's not home always i work from home but i too am not always available i made this clear to connor and he said no problem and he would handle it yesterday i was in an important meeting i was in the office and suddenly my three-year-old nephew was knocking on the door wanting me to help him and daddy told him to come to me i had to pause i ran out and found my nephew sitting on the floor i cleaned him up and took him to the bathroom i was kicked out of the meeting since it wasn't the first time i left i was mad and i went to see what connor was busy with he was busy playing an online game and talking to a lady i asked him and he just brushed me off i unplugged the device and told him his neglect cost me a meeting and that i already told him my work can't be interrupted to take care of his kids while he ignores them and avoids responsibility he criticized me saying a few minutes won't hurt and brought up how overwhelmed he was and needing help i snapped yelled at him that i'm not his kid's mother he was staggered clearly what i said made him too upset to react he argued with me and then he left the house my in-laws took an issue with what i said calling it ghastly callous treatment towards someone that lost his wife so recently they offer to help but then they make excuses saying i need someone to give me a talking to to learn some empathy for those poor kids my husband said i was right to be upset but i hurt conor by what i said and i shouldn't have handled it like that making him feel like he and his kids are a burden they're expecting me to apologize to him what gets me is that conor posed pictures of them on facebook talking about how he's making so much effort to keep them healthy and happy while i'm the one doing the work he basically lies and pretends to be a caring parent on facebook this makes me upset no idea why he does this my in-laws don't understand that working from home is also stressful they claimed it's not real work but i was just making excuses and causing arguments well who do you think is the jerk ob or conor please let us know connor sounds very unfit to be a parent if those in-laws have such strong opinions about this maybe they should be the ones taking care of his kids his high employee turnover stopped being a problem after i quit you're welcome boss this happened in about 2013. i had been offered a job as an assistant at a small fashion e-commerce i was so excited there were red flags from the beginning the existing assistant sat next to me was a little hesitant when i asked if the company was good to work for and she told me that a lot of employees had come and gone for various undisclosed reasons but i was too naive and enthusiastic to really pay attention i came to find out that our boss the business co-owner along with his wife was not quite the easygoing fun boss he painted himself to be he constantly reminded us how lucky we were to be working there how we could easily be stacking shelves in a supermarket for the same wage my fellow assistant truly did far too much for the company given her title and my boss also constantly compared my work ethic to hers even though i was working through my legal breaks and lunches along with her never knowing what my finishing time would be etc during a period of a couple of months i witnessed at least three other employees quit or be fired one was let go because she fell ill one quit on the spot after seeing that we were selling on broken products or simply wouldn't put up with the unreasonable scheduling it was coming up to christmas and the business was incredibly busy with orders in addition to giving up my breaks lunches and sad finishing times the boss decided that we would all start coming into the office an hour earlier from tomorrow not a request i had taken this on as a part-time job so i was already struggling to cope and had confided in him about my mental health problems now he took my concerns and laughed in my face asked if i just didn't want to get up early said that he could easily replace me anyway that he was thinking about firing me and that he would enjoy seeing me stacking shelves when he next went to the supermarket that was the final straw for me i called his bluff at the end of the workday i went to his office and quit surely before he could gloatingly fire me in front of everyone now it must have been a big inconvenience for him to lose an employee two or three weeks before christmas but oh well he could just hire someone else right not quite so easily now that i wasn't working i needed to claim job seekers allowance uk unemployment benefits and they wouldn't award it if i had just quit a job on a whim so i typed up a long detailed list of everything that was going on in that office the law breaking the bullying and handed it to my job center advisor she was not happy and i was informed that the company would no longer be allowed to advertise job openings with them this was where they were getting all their hires from additional nail in the coffin the boss and his wife had just bought a new bigger premises to cope with the increased demand for their products demand that now couldn't be met because they couldn't hire and keep enough people to pack the orders a few years after all of this i looked up the company out of curiosity it was dissolved in 2016. of course i do not believe nor want to believe that i brought down this e-commerce all by myself but it does make me happy that by calling my bosses bluff i prevented at least some prospective employees from an awful experience am i the jerk for firing a long-term employee for blatant insubordination i 34 male was promoted to a mid-level management position at my job about four months with a path towards the executive level i had worked at this company for almost a decade and the promotion was given to me after i completed my master's degree however my new position is slightly different than the work i was previously doing for the company so i'm still learning a lot every day and trying my best to catch up to the workers i now supervise i will admit there has been a bit of a learning curve for me but for the most part the people i have working underneath me have been helpful and supportive except for james james is in his 50s and has been with the company for over 20 years he is stubborn thinks he knows the job better than anyone else is very outspoken and absolutely hates that a person 20 years younger than him is his new boss from day one james has questioned almost every decision i've made not in a supportive or helpful way either he will undermine me and make a point of calling me out in front of other employees i admit that he has a wealth of knowledge that i do not yet possess i have talked with him privately on a couple occasions about how he has behaved since i became his boss i told him that a lot of what he's doing is unacceptable and i gave him a written warning after a particularly bad incident where he called me a name loudly enough that i had multiple other employees tell me about it this was maybe two months ago and he's been better since but last week he again openly criticized my decision making in front of other employees and refused to go along with my plan because it's dumb so i called him into my office and fired him on the spot he yelled and pointed his finger in my face so i told him he either quietly leaves or i have security escort him out of the building and parade him in front of everyone he shut up and left but gave me a few parting words on his way out i tried to address my employees before the rumor mill got too out of hand and i told them all why i made the decision i did and what i expect of everyone moving forward pretty much all of them agreed that i made the right choice but there are a few older guys who worked with james for a long time that i know don't agree i can just tell by the way they interact with me now i asked a guy i trust if there's been a lot of talk amongst the workers and he said there's only a few guys who side with james he agrees i did the right thing to remove james toxicity from the workplace but there are a few guys who share some of james views on having a younger boss and think i purposely made an example of him i think i was pretty tolerant of james probably for too long but he was the first person i have ever fired and i'm still questioning myself over it well what would you have done in this situation would you fire james or not please let us know heck yes i would have fired him i don't care how long he's been working for the company that guy needs to go watch some fishing shows and take a nap trying to pay with fake cash and then tell me to do my job you got it this happened about seven years ago i male 29 used to work in a store whose name sounds a lot like those cops that ride in planes this particular day i was in the register when a well-dressed guy and three women walk in each takes a card start walking around and picking things out i was known for my no bs attitude on the register you throw money at me give me attitude whatever i'll do it right back at you so when a coordinator comes to me 30 minutes later and asks me to take the dude and his girls on my register i already know we're in for a fun time they rolled up with these three cards full of clothes and not just any stuff we're talking shoes and boots that cost 300 to 800 expensive handbags coats and more i'm just thinking oh crap so they walk up i start scanning all the while these ladies are being unpleasant finally i get through it all and the total comes up to about three thousand dollars dude reaches into his coat and pulls out a wad of cash all crisp 100 bills and immediately i knew something was off so i take the money and go to the machine to check it first bill doesn't pass neither does the second so i turn back around and tell the dude that i can't take the money before i even get a chance to fully explain one of the chicks cuts me off and tells me take the money and do your job cue the malicious compliance i say you know what you got it let me get the manager so he can help see at our discretion we can decline a form of payment say if two of your cards get declined gotta use cash your cash doesn't pass gotta use a card or we can just tell you to buzz off but if we suspect you're using fake money we gotta try and keep you there while we get the cops so i got to my manager cash in hand and tell him what's up he goes to the office and checks the money now the dude is nervous but just imagine his pants when the two cops walk in and head straight for us his horrified face made my day cops take my statement and the next thing you know all four of them are getting arrested while one of the ladies is screaming at me while i tell her in the most innocent voice i can pull off you told me to do my job edit because so many people have been asking i believe the shop op is referencing is marshalls in the u.s am i the jerk for telling my brother-in-law that he won't be staying with us forever my fiance 30 female and i 23 female have been together a little over five years we moved states back in december when her grandmother that she had been taking care of for the past four years passed she lived with her little brother 25 male he dropped out of high school in 10th grade had one job that he had for maybe a couple months and was never taught any domestic skills like cooking cleaning laundry etc his grandmother believed that men shouldn't have to learn those things since he had nowhere else to go he ended up coming with us when we moved we're currently staying at mother-in-law's house brother-in-law is trying to get a job and he has put in applications at a lot of places now initially i had no problem with him we were friends for a while in high school living with him now hasn't been the best us three share a room slash bathroom slash tiny kitchen and a part of mother-in-law's house he's always putting the expectations of cleaning and cooking on me as my fiance works all day i work too just not as long as he just sits on his computer playing loudly with his online friends all day if i don't cook something he'll spend the rest of the night complaining i'm starving even if there's plenty in the cupboards and fridge to make he just has to do it whenever laundry needs to get done he'll complain about none of his clothes being clean and he'll just mix his dirty laundry with ours giving me more work to do dishes aren't done he'll complain you get the picture while me and my fiance were discussing apartments and houses to move into to get the heck out of her mom's house we were talking about potentially finding a place with an extra room so we can have a kid in the near future he was apparently eavesdropping and asked where would i sleep if you guys did that and that there would be no room for a kid he apparently assumed he was moving with us i said you can sleep on the couch then and that made him angry that kid can sleep on the couch and which an argument ensued where i got angry and said i will not let my kid grow up on a dang couch then said you're not staying with us forever you'll be fully expected to get a job find your own place whether by yourself or with friends and live your own dang life i want to be able to get married have a family and live a life without a grown man expecting me to do everything for him he said what i said was uncalled for and that if i hate him so much he'll just leave called me a jerk and he ran off to his mother my fiance says she agrees with the message but that i should not have said it during an argument i said i shouldn't have been an argument to begin with but he made it one and needed to be told what it was his mother now berates me whenever i see her about hurting her son and that i should apologize and tell him i didn't mean it but i did mean it 100 am i the jerk well who do you think is the jerk op or her brother-in-law please let us know he doesn't want you to have a kid because he wants to be the kid seriously though this guy makes me want to throw up karen keys our car because it's too loud characters we've got me my brother-in-law my sister karen my mom person one and person two so it all started when i decided i wanted to start learning stick since my brother-in-law is the only person i know with a manual car i had him come over and teach me when the car starts up it does make a rather loud rev we make sure to do it in the afternoon as to not wake people up and trying to be considerate anyways it was about the third or fourth day of him teaching me when she first appeared karen nice car bit too loud for my taste but it's still nice me oh thanks mind trying to keep it down a bit my baby doesn't really seem to like it that much me yeah sure we've been driving in the day so it doesn't wake people up i didn't know anyone around here had a baby so i'm sorry about that it's not a problem just be quieter okay and with that condescending tone and a smile on her face she walked off which kinda made me mad because i just thought it was a friendly chat it wouldn't be the first time people have talked to me about brother-in-law's car thinking it's mine i've grown to accept that people will think whatever so i play along and just tell brother-in-law about it later two days go by with no sign of her i wake up get ready and wait for brother-in-law to come over so we can start my lesson i walk outside and lo and behold she was there karen i thought i told you to keep it down me sorry i can't control it it's just how the car starts and we're not going to leave it running while we're not in it that's a waste of gas karen i don't care stop being so loud with that she was gone it always annoys me when people complain about cars being loud a car is a motor vehicle with a combustion engine in it of course it's going to make noise brother-in-law got to my place and off we went we came back to my house to eat lunch about two or so hours later my sister and mom came over and told brother-in-law and i to go look at the car the entire driver's side was scratched up and even a tire was puffed only one person came to mind when i saw it karen we meaning me and brother-in-law walked down to her house which was only a few houses down and knocked on her door all we hear come from the other side is i'm not apologizing so this led brother-in-law to say then you better have a good case in court you jerk that's gonna cost a lot to fix and i'm suing you for every cent karen maybe keep it down then you jerk brother-in-law maybe don't go keying cars and popping tires and you won't get sued you jerk this went on for about 20 minutes we head back call the police and get everything ready for what was about to come as soon as they got there we started to explain what had happened how i was learning stick how the car was showed them the damages told them what the karen had said etc we were making sure our side was accurate so we made sure our timeline was correct after a while we walked with the police to her house and it went down about as well as you'd expect officer one excuse me ma'am can you come out here for a minute this is the police wanting to speak to you about the car karen i'm not apologizing i told them to keep it down and they didn't they deserve it officer 2 ma'am what you did is against the law and they're pressing charges you have five minutes to get out here or we will get a warrant for your arrest and come back karen nice try but i'm not stupid i know my rights and you're not allowed to enter my home without my consent or a search warrant officer 1 that's only partially true we can't search your home without a warrant however if we have a warrant for your arrest we can legally enter your home and place you into custody she was stubborn again they went back and forth a bit after the allotted time set we went back to my house the cops left to get a warrant and we waited currently the lawsuit is in order and the trial is in a few days she is in police custody i have never found it easier to drive a stick shift knowing i won't have to deal with her condescending ways and tones edit first off stop calling us rude because we couldn't keep it down we tried to be quiet but either way she overreacted and we also did go to a parking lot to practice like i said we went back to my house for lunch the day she keyed the car where do you think we were all day also thanks for all the awards i really don't post on reddit in general so it feels weird having them on a post also we won the case we got the money the car is being fixed and she is moving her choice not the judges attitude so i keep seeing some bits talking about the case i want to apologize for me wording it poorly we've basically won is what i meant we have two cops that can confirm she admitted to doing it we have pictures and we've been looking around the neighborhood asking if anyone saw her actually do it and so far no one has i apologize for me being an idiot and having improper wording karen demands to cut my hair i've only had my hair professionally done one time in my life i know the snarky response is yeah and everyone can tell or something like that i learned to do my own hair as a teen i'm 36 and struggling have four roommates to help pay rent and just don't have the extra money for luxuries outside of getting a bottle of three buck chuck every other paycheck sure i wish my life was glamorous getting my hair did and nails with the girls sipping eight dollar cocktails but that's not the lot i was given so be it kathy married into my family and she does hair for a living last time at a family get-together she zeroed in on me and made a joke like time for a haircut and i said oh yeah i need to trim the end soon she gasped dramatically and put her hand on my chest and was like you need to oh sweetie that's what i'm here for let's get you in okay i shook my head no and said no thanks i cut my own hair she looked appalled and said honey it's okay i'll be gentle i just said no thanks again and went on with the gathering my cousin announced that kathy's happy to cut hair for us for a discounted raid and that we need to support one another kathy just looked at me and smiled knowingly i was annoyed but just ignored it until like a week later my cousin texted me to ask if i was interested in using kathy's services and that she had some openings this weekend i said no thanks he pushed the issue saying come on support a family member who has had a rough year with the shutdowns i just responded it's out of my budget he responded with wow okay i guess it's too much to ask you to support us i wrote back i have fifteen dollars to last me until my next paycheck are you going to support me and then waited 10 seconds and sent didn't think so mom called me later and said that kathy was just trying to get me to break out of a rut and was trying to be helpful and that getting my hair done in a new way might be empowering for me then she said that maybe i can adjust my budget and drop a few things to make room to support someone in the family going through a hard time i asked her bluntly why no one in the family has ever pushed everyone around to help me and she just got quiet and said oh sweetie and hung up am i the jerk well who do you think is the jerk op or pretty much everyone else please let us know there's no reason on earth they should be pressuring you like this workplace gets robbed for thousands of pounds of stock after new boss tells me i'm not the supervisor and i must comply with my contract bit of background to this so around 10 years ago i worked for a small independent construction supply store we sold various things from measuring tapes to power drills plumbing fittings to sheet timber and paint to roof tiles i had been there for three years at this point and got on well with the whole team there were around 12 employees in total and everyone helped everyone the atmosphere was always happy and cheerful the boss let's call him jeff was a star i loved him he was laid back as heck and we had a lot of mutual interests sports teams bands movies etc he would bring in stacks of donuts every friday for the team jeff was just the best boss ever we had this supervisor lynn who had been with the company a good while lynn would come in early and open up in the morning before anyone else arrived and would stay back at night to lock up and close the gates when lynn left the company to move to his wife's home country about two years into my being there i agreed with jeff that i would take over from lynn for regards to opening in the morning and closing at night the verbal agreement with jeff and hr payroll was that i was not promoted as supervisor i was happy with that as i didn't want the extra hassle plus the soup had to work every third saturday where i didn't jeff took on the extra duties that went with the roll but i was to be paid an extra two hours per day for the added duties in the morning and at night things were normal for a good while until jeff went on long-term sick leave he was a huge loss in and around the place and naturally we were all worried about him i visited him regularly while he was absent and kept him up to date with the goings-on and gossip in the meantime the firm hired a temporary replacement manager rick the jerk to fill in for jeff this guy was a complete jerk of the highest order no one liked him he was smug and arrogant he would say crude things to us and had this top dog tough guy attitude mess with me at your peril kind of guy it was to the point where the donuts on a friday were ordered to be stopped signs up the lot with the extra ot money i had taken over the buying of the friday donuts as to keep morale high but no it had to stop soon enough rick was assessing the timesheets and noticed my daily two hours overtime claim he called me in to speak about it and i informed him that as per the agreement with jeff and hr payroll he asked if i had it in writing and i said no it was a verbal agreement that people from hr slash payroll would back me up on rick was his typical arrogant smarty self and told me i don't give a hoot what you've agreed it ain't in writing so you ain't getting the ot i know it doesn't take two hours per day to lock and unlock a door or two i have good reason to write you up for falsifying timesheets for this it stops now you work your stated hours and you do only the stated duties as per your contract thing is the silly jerk confirmed what he said to me by way of an email just so i had it in writing so i was perfectly clear as to what my place in the company was find by me rick that evening i hung the shop keys in the key cabinet and went to wash up i wasn't the last out but i left at 505 instead of my usual 545 or thereabouts i walked out while all the lights were left on the doors were unlocked and the gates were left open even the roller shutter door in the warehouse was left half open the next morning i arrived a little after 7 15 instead of my usual 6 30. some colleagues had already turned up by this point the place had been done over good style all the power tools were gone loads of woodstock gone pipes all gone paint all gone it had been ransacked good and proper an estimated thirty thousand to forty thousand pounds of stock was gone and as the store was now a crime scene we were all sent home until further notice we all had to give statements to the police and a few days later i was called into a meeting with hr and rick the jerk i was well aware of what was coming and was well prepared he went to town on me he accused me of being in on it as i was the only key holder i wasn't and that i was facing years in prison i sat in silence as he fired me six times in that meeting dereliction of duties breach of a verbal contract apparently that's a thing the lot he was coming after me like wildfire because i had failed to ensure that the building was secured as was the ongoing agreement put in place by my previous boss after what seemed like forever having this irate lunatic scream at me i asked hr if i could log into my emails on her computer surprisingly sarah agreed imagine the absolute crap eating grin as i pulled up the three day old email from rick reminding me of our conversation and confirming that i was to stick to the duties and times as stated in my contract and smugly and innocently told sarah i just did what my boss told me to do and the best part was the sheer horror on rick's face when i pulled out five printouts of that email and handed them to him and said i have more of these at home just in case you feel like destroying these ones and removing emails from the system now is there anything else can i get back to work or am i still fired rick resigned that day update wow so much activity on this post for all those who gave me awards thank you so much you magnificent people one comment in particular to address where someone said i purposefully left the building vulnerable to thieves i did not i had no idea the building was going to be left open i left in good spirits as i was on my way to a football game soccer that evening and was happy that i would be able to leave earlier and would be able to park closer to the stadium it's the simple things eh i complied with a direct verbal and written order for my supervisor as we officially didn't have a supervisor after lynn left i took on the opening and closing duties as agreed with jeff i was told to stop this by rick which i did on the evening in question i was not the last one to leave and the others who left after me assumed i was still inside somewhere as i was always last out prior to this happening they had no reason to think i wasn't going to be locking up as usual i didn't ask rick who would be locking up at night from now on because well he wasn't a guy with whom i wanted to spend any more time or converse with any more than was absolutely necessary i thought he would have done it and claimed the extra two hours a day of ot for himself he was that kind of guy he failed to put in place any directive to anyone in terms of locking up at night the incident was in my opinion entirely his fault as for the person slash people who suggested rick could have been in on it the police tracked down who was responsible and after a few days there were no connections discovered to anyone in the company yeah rick was a jerk but i honestly don't think he would have done something that could get him jail time one of the guys arrested and charged admitted it and said it was an opportunist deal they were driving around and spotted the lights on and no cars in the car park so took the chance and got away with loads of equipment and materials total of three people jailed for a couple of years each the business was located fairly close to one of the shadier parts of town not the worst area but certainly not beverly hills jeff had insurance to cover every possibility including loss fire or theft as a direct result of non-criminal mismanagement so the only cost to the company was a slightly higher insurance premium for the next couple of years jeff returned to work two months after the incident 2011 and two of us were promoted into the supervisor and general manager roles i was the new official soup so got a raise as well as the ot for opening and locking up in 2013 jeff sold out to a huge national building supplies firm and retired he now plays golf four times a week and keeps good health i left in 2015 due to the family feel of the business no longer being there and the atmosphere was just different not bad in any way just different it wasn't the same and i wanted a new challenge i still see jeff from time to time and we remain good friends just construction supplies is the only place i have ever worked where i kept in touch with colleagues since leaving i saw rick in a supermarket grocery store in a neighboring town maybe 18 months or so ago we made eye contact and i smiled at him but he never acknowledged me i don't know what he's up to these days nor do i particularly care have you ever had a boss that you just absolutely loved or what about one that you couldn't stand please let us know you've got a co-host i can't stand i know that much self-entitled substitute teacher thinks it's her classroom back in 2008 i once had a sub teacher try to prevent me from leaving class after i had finished my work for the day class was an hour and i had finished my work in 25 minutes i had been reading up on everything literally up until the class started so everything was quite literally fresh in my mind so i soared through it at the time our principal had set up something called productivity week which was trying to promote productivity in students by rewarding extra hard studying by allowing them to leave early if they had completed their work for the class early i got up walked up to the desk put my answers into the in tray walked back to my desk grabbed my bag silently and started to walk out the door the teacher stops me and says where are you going me to the library to read up for the next class no you're not class isn't over yet sit down me yes i am we're allowed to leave early if we finish our work before the end of class it's part of productivity week me points to the giant banner over the desk that explains it all sub this is my classroom and i don't believe in that sit down quietly until the end of class me starts laughing and walks out sub try to reprimand me and have me sign a thing that pretty much said i would have to stick to a pre-approved plan to change my attitude and behavior they were called bcp behavioral contingency plan and were very common at my school i picked it up walked out again and straight to the principal's office with her in tow to the front desk and asked the lady if i could speak with the principal very politely might i add and she said she'd buzz him out principal comes out from his office me hello sir could i get your opinion on this bcp principle scarmex what's this about sub scarmex walked out of my class when we weren't even halfway through the class hour me after i had finished my work to principal this is still productivity week isn't it principal yes of course it is sub i told you about this when you came in this morning i don't care it's my classroom and i don't want that hogwash making my students think they can leave whenever they like principal sub that's enough i don't care if you don't agree with it this is what's happening and it's not your classroom it's the regular teachers we'll continue this in my office to me mix go to lunge me yes sir bye i don't know what happened after that but i never saw her again in the remaining two years i was there take my tips and pay me below minimum wage see what happens so this all happened years ago when i was still in college i worked for a delivery joint the company seemed super cool because they provided vehicles instead of forcing you to beat down your own car huge perk right well in this case no the owner of the company used this as justification to take a percentage of the driver's tips often this would result in an employee making below minimum wage if you made below minimum wage you would have to come and pick up your check in person and sign a document attesting that you did make minimum wage due to undocumented cash tips or some such nonsense now this was a problem for two reasons number one in the state i was in employee tips belong to the employee unless part of an employee tipped pooling agreement this was plain as day on the department of labor website so that twenty percent gouge was already crossing a line number two you cannot just hand wave and or force employees to say they made above minimum wage so pretty shady stuff right now most people would see this situation and run for the hills which probably explained the delivery driver turnover being so high i on the other hand saw the potential see i'm pretty well versed in labor law and decided that i was gonna ride it out i wanted to see how long they would keep this up here and there i would make comments to the managers about the legality of their practices and was often told our lawyers said it's okay so it's okay would love to meet these lawyers one day so i patiently waited for a year documenting every red cent they took from me and encouraging the other drivers to do so every new driver that came through that door got a little pow-wow with me and i would give them the skinny unfortunately my plan must have leaked because sooner than later the joint decided to fire me after making up three bogus infractions if you're interested in those ask and i'll explain in an edit this wasn't a problem though as my plan was already in action see in this state unpaid wages collect interest so what was twenty to forty dollars a night five nights a week over one year quickly became a decent sum so i began collecting the names of current and previous employees whom had been done over by the company and collected their documented data then sent it off to the department of labor at the end of the day it took a couple of months but the company was eventually required to pay a decent chunk of change to all parties and a pretty hefty fine on top overall i believe it came out to be a little under one hundred thousand dollars i wasn't done though see those shady little documents they had to sign claiming that we made over minimum wage affected how the company was reporting its payroll tax the irs eventually came in and hit them for a ton of back taxes and i received a small portion of the settlement the irs used to pay people who tipped them off don't know if they still do finally i was increasingly aware of the companies under the table agreement with their health inspector which i decided to go ahead and tip off to the health department this resulted in even more fines and as a temporary closure for the joint altogether it ended up costing this dumb little delivery joint a ton of money just to stay open all cause they wanted twenty percent of the driver's tips the moral here is this know your labor laws it's jerks like these whom profit off the ignorance or fear of a workforce the more you know about your rights the less idiots like these will be able to survive in the wild thanks for coming to my ted talk edit i wanted to address something i saw in the comments quite a bit if you're in a situation that does not seem right document everything keep a little black notebook and write down everything the most important thing you can do to protect yourself from nonsense in the workplace is document document document if you are ever in question of something be it disability rights at work or earnings you can always contact your state eeoc branch or dol branch they will gladly help you figure out what is and isn't proper don't be a person who gets taken advantage of by bad employers only by fighting back will they ever learn their lesson am i the jerk for refusing to take my nieces and nephews out to fun places anymore because my sister won't help pay the bill my little sister has six kids who are ten seven six six four and two so i love and babysit when i can i'm child free and my husband and i have a decent amount of fun money saved for us to spend on whatever we want and i'd use mine sometimes to take them fun places i still take them all out somewhere at least two to three times a month now when it was just the oldest i'd take him for a day to give my sister and brother-in-law a break i'd take him to museums fairs play places chuck e cheese amusement parks etc with just one kid it was pretty easy to do then the second oldest came along and i was still able to swing it but with the addition of the twins it became harder to afford not to mention watching four kids is way harder than watching one by the time the four-year-old came around i couldn't afford to take them all to the same places anymore it cost too much so i started taking them cheaper free places like the park free kids days at the museum the mall swimming in my house etc now with a two-year-old i've totally stopped taking them anywhere that cost more than a couple dollars each but last week when i was dropping the kids off at my sister's place the oldest asked if we could go to the fair next month i didn't think i'd be able to afford that but didn't want to outright say no so i told them i wasn't sure but we'd see after the kids ran off my sister asked why i wasn't sure about the fair and i told her i didn't think i'd be able to afford tickets and food for seven people she said it couldn't cost that much so i told her that each ticket was about 10 the last time we had gone and that wasn't counting the money spent on food i said i'd be happy to take them all to the fair if she paid for at least the tickets she went off saying that she and brother-in-law didn't have that kind of money how they had eight miles to feed and clothes to buy and she couldn't waste money on the fair i asked why she thought i was made of money and she said i had more money than them and it's not like i have six kids to care for i told her i loved taking them out but if she couldn't help with paying for the expensive places then the kids would have to be content with going to the park or swimming at my house sister said i'm a huge jerk and when i told our parents they said i was sort of a jerk since i only take them out a couple times a month instead of caring for them 24 7 like my sister so now i don't know hubbs says i'm not the jerk but i don't know i mean yeah i could swing taking them all to the fair but it's just so expensive am i the jerk for asking for help paying well who do you think is the jerk op or her sister please let us know you're already babysitting six kids for free if sister can't afford things for her kids maybe she should stop having so many we deliver but not for the supermarket i work as a delivery driver for a store that sells plumbing supplies bathroom supplies and tiles our usual attire for the delivery guys at least is jeans in a blue shirt with a store logo on the left if it's cold we wear dark blue jackets with a store name on the back we drive dark blue minivans with the name of the business on the side our boss is a really cool guy that likes to help other people at least once a month he will place a big order of food at a local supermarket and bring it to the local food bank usually one of the delivery guys would go by the supermarket pick the order up and deliver it at the food bank a couple of days ago it was my turn to do the pickup as the supermarket was on my route back to the city there i was in the parking lot playing tetris with the boxes and bags of stuff my boss had ordered and waiting on at least two more carts full of stuff when i notice a woman pushing a cart overflowing with bags towards me i know she's not a store employee because a one employee is responsible for one delivery meaning the person that starts the process has to finish it and b the employees wear black pants and orange shirts she stops right next to the card i'm unloading and waits i continue to unload my cart and can see she's getting impatient as i grab the last bag she speaks finally i look at her admittedly kind of confused i want a delivery she says are you waiting for tiles or toilets i ask checking my mental list for a delivery we forgot no and if you continue to be like this there will be no tip i want this delivered pointing dismissively at her cart sorry madam i can't do that i reply what she shouts you decline a client i will have a word with your supervisor then i can give you his number but i don't think he will let me deliver your groceries either i said all this time she's getting angrier and ready to unleash a tirade when two things happen one a van from the supermarket passes by turning around the corner two the guy in charge of my order comes back with another cart he sees us and asks what's happening she goes off how this unhelpful employee doesn't want to deliver her groceries he looks at me looks at the van and then hit her madam this guy doesn't work here first he isn't wearing our uniform second our vans as you just saw are white with orange letters three if you haven't placed an online order you have to go next to the help desk to arrange a delivery she stood there looking at him for a couple of seconds and then huffing and puffing took her cart and left the guy just chick his head and went to get the other card you don't want me to organize our documents cool i won't do it then i used to work as a legal assistant and a big electric energy company they're owners of a lot of wind energy plants here in my country and to say that they're a strong competitor in this market is an understatement at best we initially used microsoft sharepoint as a server for all of our functional systems and to save all of our documents but the ceo decided to change it to the box system the difference between them was so huge that it was shocking i was usually in charge of saving all of our documents and data in the system so when the change was announced i expected orders coming from the legal counselor the final boss of my department obviously to give me that direct order during a team call via teams she started to talk about box and how we must organize our stuff since a big part of them were the company's contracts we needed everything in check as ridiculous as this sounds the legal department wasn't liked by at least five other departments and truth being told our document server was a mess each person had their own way to save stuff and nothing made sense even the legal counselor said it herself our server looked like some kid's room when they have a lot of fun and they don't tidy it up of course this was extremely bad as he mentioned the organization of the system i immediately proposed to be the one to create a routine for us to save stuff such as the archive naming folder distribution etc the paralegal she was great also offered to help me since the workload was immense we practically would start from scratch and do our best without a basis my direct boss one of the legal analysts immediately interrupted us and said she was going to do it i told her she wouldn't have enough time since she's mostly busy analyzing contracts and other incidents she said for me not to worry because i also had a truckload of things to do and that i wouldn't do a great job anyway really fine i won't do it then fast forward to a month we were entering the archive transferring phase of the project every single department in the company must have their server organized because they would do a direct transfer without any sort of checking guess what our server was still a mess and to top it all off the vp came towards the legal counselor and ordered her to have everything organized in 48 hours yes 48 hours to organize a completely complicated and messy server in an emergency team call she questioned my boss why nothing had been done regarding the server my boss trying to keep her own slave clean threw me under the bus saying that she shifted the responsibility to me luckily the paralegal backed me up and saved me she reminded us of the call where my boss strictly told me to not do anything since i wouldn't do a good job despite the hassle the counselor told me to stop everything i was previously doing and just organize our system and so i did i cleaned up the server and the allotted time had to reorganize everything on my own didn't eat sleep just to make sure everything was in check when the day came the vp checked on us again and saw what i did she said for the counselor to not let things go out this way again and that i had done a miracle and a half for my department boy what a day am i the jerk for firing an employee for not complying with my views okay the title sounds horrible and i really don't know how else to put it so i'll leave it like that but hear me out i own a medium-sized company in my country roughly 180 employees i'll keep it vague so the chance of recognition is kept to a minimum currently most of our employees are working in home office and we've been having an increase in productivity which is awesome regardless at the start of 2021 we needed more people to work with us in our it department i put in a request of hr to make an opening and post it to the usual channels it's been three months and we still haven't hired anyone that was very strange since i actually believe our company would be an attractive place for people to work regardless i scheduled a meeting with the head of hr to discuss what was happening and what we could do to improve the situation he said they had a few applicants but no one filled the requirements now i must explain that this is an entry-level position it's not something that should have a lot of requirements to be honest it shouldn't have a requirement at all we already have an i.t department established we just needed more personnel i asked to take a look at the opening i'm not someone with a lot of knowledge in i.t but the requirements posted for an entry level job were out of this world it actually said we required three years of experience i was horrified and questioned them the second i saw that there were a lot of excuses of the likes it's what the market asks well it didn't end well and i immediately told them to take that offering off i already was pretty upset and went on our server to check the records of hr behavior especially with the openings they have posted most of them for all areas had been outrageous i was barely holding my own anger at the sight of that i immediately went to talk to the hr department head again and they actually argued with me that they were doing what was best for the company i never asked them to do that i asked them to hire good people who are looking to learn experience shouldn't be a requirement for an entry level position or internship after a lot of arguing i ended up firing them all within the terms of their contract and it's being handled by our lawyers regardless this person has been bad mouthing me and my company through the four corners of the city not only that even to some of my current workers jerk was the least of the names i have been called now i don't think i'm in the wrong but i might have overreacted in my anger especially since we're in a very delicate situation and finding a job is very hard currently so i thought i would ask for peace of mind at least am i the jerk karen has lived in my house rent-free for one and a half years my friend broke up with her long-time boyfriend who she lived with she had trouble finding a place to live i have a second home no i'm not rich i'm just in a fortunate situation that i stay at when i'm working and offered to let her live with my kids and i in our second home for a while until she figured out what she wanted to do and save some money off because i had the space she got her own room that was more than a year and a half ago for the first six months we all lived together and she was a considerate houseguest i did not ask her to pay rent or contribute to utilities she did help pay for groceries however and occasionally help me with my kids then in march 2020 we all know what happened and i began working from home my kids and i moved back to our other home to be with my husband and because we have more land to roam around my friend has continued to live in our second home rent free until january we also paid all of the utilities though we weren't using them since january she has contributed a total of 500 toward utilities monthly cost is somewhere in the range of 300 to 550. well my daughter is going back into hybrid mode for school so we need to go back to the second house my friend regularly hosts her horrible boyfriend and his kids at my home which i've asked her not to do she has not altered her behavior as a result of the situation that started in march of 2020 and she has no intention of getting inoculated my youngest has a condition that makes him particularly vulnerable to illness i am unwilling to place my family especially my kids at unnecessary risk by allowing her to live with us so i explained my reasons and asked her to move out i gave her one and a half months notice and told her that if necessary she could have another month now she's upset am i the jerk well who do you think is the jerk opie or karen please let us know she's mooched off you long enough get ready to evict her am i the jerk for telling my mom you get what you get and you don't throw a fit i female24 live with my parents with my kid i pay my own way in terms of rent and bills support my kid work full time they do not provide for me or my little family on to the issue my mom expects dinner to be ready when she gets home my dad is indifferent he'll ask if i've planned anything and if i haven't he will pick something up on his way the other night i made tilapia and the conversation went like this mom what's for dinner me tilapia tater tots and corn i don't like fish me okay i'm sorry i thought tilapia was one you'd like no i don't like fish i've never liked fish me okay noted so what are you gonna do me um nothing i don't make separate meals for everybody's tastes at this point my kid is paying attention and i struggle getting kiddo to eat what i make i didn't see this going somewhere that would be helpful mom wow seriously me when we were kids you did not cater to everybody's taste you can make something else if you don't want fish i worked all day so did i you get what you get and you don't throw a fit you are welcome to make a pb and j if you don't like what's served this is the rule for my kid don't like what's being served try a bite still not a fan feel free to make a quick bbnj and join me at the table mom how dare you don't treat me like a child me then stop acting like one at this point i left and went to the table to eat with my kid she tried to follow me and was stopped by my dad i didn't think i did anything wrong but she glares at me every time i walk through the house and refuses to talk to me my dad said he doesn't think i was wrong but wants me to apologize to keep the peace i've since stopped making dinner for anybody except my kid which honestly seems to upset her even more am i the jerk edit since it came up a lot this is not my parents house we rent the home 50 50 and i'm on the lease with my father we both have good reason for the arrangement my only obligation moving together with them was that i take care of my responsibilities such as my kids making dinner for them every night was not a condition of the agreement well who do you agree with ob or her mom please let us know i think op's mom needs to be put in a time out teacher claims i faked an injury so my mom ruins her career i 15 female have had a long and elaborate history with injuries especially breaking my arm starting from literally the day i was born my health has been complicated i have a few conditions but none serious enough to impact my daily life as i know it i have a very weak immune system and somewhat easy to break bones on top of that i am the definition of clumsy and i'm also a huge idiot who gets herself into dangerous situations for fun my mom four day female has obviously known me from birth and knows just the extent of my weird bad luck and health issues i've broken my arms a collective 13 times over my entire life and almost every time i got injured or sick it seemed somebody had something to say about it i don't know why but teachers just love to say that students that get hurt often are attention seeking fakers and a lot of relationships with authority figures have been harmful because of this every time it's the same for some reason the teacher doesn't believe me they call me a liar in front of everyone i get bullied for a while and then i have to try and prove that i'm not faking i could pose so many stories about teachers doing this but this is a story about the time my mom actually managed to get revenge this all took place around 7th grade i was 12 at the time and i had broken my wrist by climbing on top of something i wasn't supposed to and then falling off like an idiot my wrist was in a velcro cast since i'm very allergic to the regular cast material as they figured out through many cases of trial and error my teacher let's call her mrs tablet since this took place while we were learning about egyptian tablets she taught history and our personalities clashed a bit i'm more of a creative adventurous free thinker type and she was very conservative by the book and proper we hadn't had any real issues before this but we just didn't mesh well she was absent one day and we had a sub in i knew the sub as one of my teacher's friends and one of my bully's mom i didn't like her but i was still respectful in class and just tried to get my work done she got me in trouble for doodling on my paper once or twice but other than that everything was fine or so i thought the next day i went into class like usual we were working on an assignment about egypt and their tablets and when mrs tablet called me over to her desk i went over thinking she'd just get onto me for drawing on the back of my homework or something only to get bombarded with a bunch of really weird questions the interaction went something like this teacher so fire do you know why i've called you up here i know fire isn't my reddit name but it's my in real life nickname so i'm using it here no ma'am i can't say that i do how long have you had that cast me about a week now why do you really need that cast uh yes teacher well the substitute told me she saw you take it off me it's a cast i can't take it off it would hurt so if i asked the class they'd say you need the cast me yes and if i called your parents right now they'd say the same thing yes they were the ones that took me to the hospital and she did this in front of the whole class i was eventually dismissed and people looked at me weird for the rest of the class as i later learned apparently the substitute had told mrs tablet that i had taken off my cast as soon as i left class i didn't and that i threw it in my locker like hahaha i'm getting away with doing less work so basically she pretended i was a bad guy in a crappy high school movie i don't know why she said this but it had my teacher convinced that i was a liar and a fake i technically could remove my cast since it was velcro but that would have been extremely painful and it's not like i could just walk around without it i wasn't going to make a big deal about it at the time but it turns out she was serious about calling my parents but she made the mistake of calling my mom now me and my mother don't have a perfect relationship she has anger issues so we don't always get along but she loves me very much and doesn't let people like this mess with me if she can stop it according to my mom mrs tablet called her all upset and said things like apparently your daughter is wearing a cast did you know that and well we all know how dramatic teenagers can be especially unique kids like her she apparently even threatened to have me suspended before my mom stopped her and tore her to shreds for talking about her kid like that i don't think i'm allowed to repeat what was said but by the end mrs tablet had to retreat with her tail tucked she started being even more cold to me after that day and started giving me unfair detentions for not sitting still and doodling on the side of my worksheets even then outside of the school we went to the same art studio sometimes weird that someone who hates art so much likes to paint and poisoned the art director against me and got me put into a lower class when my mom found out about this she started the real revenge my mom has never been a pta mom she honestly can't stand most of the pta members and their kids are chosen as favorites at my school and they use this power to bully others including me and my friends my mom is however friends with a very lovely woman on the county school board which has more power than the pta she told her friend everything that had happened and supplied all the doctors notes needed to prove i needed the cast her friend managed to convince the rest of the board that mrs tablet was discriminating against an impaired student given her comments about me being slower at work and just wearing the cast to slack off along with detentions related to me not sitting still when she knew i had nervous movements and slight adhd at the art studio my mother pulled me from the classes i took it upon myself to inform the fellow kids about why and rumors spread quickly soon enough kids were getting pulled left and right and my art teacher was pulling at strings to try and get the situation under control i actually think the studio went into temporary closure before reopening again she was suspended for a week to go under investigation and it turns out she treated a lot of the unique as she put it students in a similar way she was verbally reprimanded by two different departments and instead of getting her standard raise over the next three years she'll only get half of that not only that but she had to retake a course on how to properly treat students and if she's ever caught to cross this line again she'll lose tenure she'll just be getting her bonus back at the start of next school year and i'd just like to say that i hope she learned her lesson have you ever had a teacher treat you unfairly if so what did they do please let us know i've got a co-host who treats me unfairly i know that much this is false advertisement this story spans over a week it ended today we've got mom we've got sun we've got clipper me so last monday i was working and a lady and her son came in with a bag of our store they approached me and tell me how they went to our discount store within the major city and bought a suit jacket the tag labels it as a tuxedo jacket but that isn't that important they say that they would like to exchange the jacket they have for a bigger jacket after sizing up the new jacket on the sun we take it over to the counter and start to scan the jacket for the exchange and i see that they have bought this at a discounted price as we no longer stock that jacket anymore and haven't for at least two seasons now because the jackets are two different prices i let them know of the situation me so the jacket you want to exchange is coming under a discounted price of 50. if i'm going to exchange the jacket you will have to pay the difference because i can't do a straight away swap for an older and a discounted product mom that's fine how much does it come to me so the difference you would have to pay is still 110 dollars as the price of the jacket you want to exchange is 40. she gasps that is too much is there anything you can do me if you can bring the pants you bought and the docket they didn't have the docket for the exchange at the time as they wanted to see what they could exchange it for by the end of the week i can lower the cost of the exchange down to 40. for context we had a deal last week where if you buy the jacket you get the pants with it for 150 instead of the full 200. if they exchanged both their suit pants and the jacket they would only need to pay forty dollars instead of one hundred ten dollars and that would give them both the jacket and the pants for the same price as the jacket by itself outside the deal mom okay that sounds good we will come back either tomorrow or the day after me too easy i will put it aside for you so it's an easy exchange they both leave this store and i put the things aside along with a note stating their name number and what they're doing with it a couple of days pass and it's now friday they've not come in so i take the suit from out of the back and put it back as it has been more than the time i am allowed to keep something aside especially in a busy sale based on sad suits cut to today a week and a half after they originally came in since the deals have changed and we no longer have sales on suits and they have gone back to full price me hello again mom hello again we came to exchange the suit and pants for the full suit me of course let me go get the suits and get you the things you were after i go and luckily find that the suit and pants haven't been bought since i put them back they are the only ones in those sizes left in the entire state i begin to start the exchange and remember that the sales have changed and now for the exchange they have to pay forty dollars if they exchange their jacket and pants for just the jacket without the pants if they were to get the pants with a new jacket they would need to pay ninety dollars now like mentioned above the full jacket and pants are back at the full price of two hundred dollars me so because the deal we had with our suits has now finished i can only give you the jacket for 150 without the pants as adding the pants takes it up to 200 this means if you exchange both your pants and jacket you have to pay forty dollars for the jacket or ninety dollars for both the new jacket and pants mom and the sun are confused last time you said you could do it for forty this is false advertising me i assure you it isn't our sale last week was a discount on full price suits and at the time i could have done the exchange with you and you would have only had to pay 40 dollars but because they have gone up to full price again you have to pay more now you said you would be in the following day or two which is why i said it would come to forty dollars the sale has ended and this week we have a new sale on which is why the price went back up mom and son clearly not understanding how sales work and ignoring what i said you still said it would be forty dollars so this is false advertising me again it can't be because we're no longer doing any discounted sales on the suits so the price has gone up i'm truly sorry but there's nothing i can do about it well can we speak to your manager me my manager has gone home but i can call them and ask them how we go about this i knew how this would go i would either need to give them a refund in full or they would have to shell out the money we couldn't discount a product down to a price it is no longer advertised at as it was only for a weekly sale i ring my manager and they confirm my thinking me so i just got off the phone with my manager and they said that because we no longer do the suit discount you either have to pay the increased remaining amount after you exchange your suit or i can give you a full refund yes we'll go with the refund me did you want that in store credit or just straight back on your card back on my card so i put through the refund they walk out and i've now been continuing with my shift i don't understand what's so difficult about weekly flash sales and understanding that when the price goes back to full we cannot sell them at their sale prices as they're no longer on sale this is my first time ever having an experience like this in retail and i've been in it for months so it sent me it back a bit after all my pleasant experiences in retail i never expected that one of those classic retail moments would or could be so intense and stressful when you're talking to a brick wall am i the jerk for wanting to pay for my niece's college against my fiance's wishes both my brother and his ex-girlfriend are total deadbeat parents to my niece and they've never been in the picture they dumped her on my mom the second she was born so she practically raised my niece since she was a baby i started helping out more after my dad passed not my niece's grandpa since my brother and i had different dads and was left with a huge sum of inheritance i put some of it aside and decided that would be her college fund in the future my niece is bright and she has a lot of goals career-wise she's about to become a senior in high school this year so next year will be college my fiance is four months pregnant and something that came up recently was my niece's college fund i was always upfront about my involvement in my niece's life and i do provide financial support because i have the means to do it and i know my mom needs the help every now and then she feels that with a baby on the way that fun should be used for our future expenses and our own kids college instead my fiance isn't happy that i still want to use this money for my niece to go to college and we've had a couple of fights about it 1. i promised my niece her college expenses would be taken care of as long as she maintained good grades which she has two my fiance and i both make good money right now enough to start up a new college fund and to get by with all the added child expenses we literally looked at our finances to make sure we were financially ready before trying to have a baby three this money has been set aside long before my fiance was even in the picture but she says this lockdown has shown that there could be a time in the future where we won't be financially stable and why risk our kids well-being when there's that money for us to save now i don't see it that way and don't feel it's fair to my niece when i promised her this i'm being accused of not caring about our future child and preferring my niece over them and being made into the bad guy for not wanting to keep that money so i'd like to know what others think am i being a jerk for wanting to use this money for what i always intended instead of saving it for my kid edit i know it's late since i've posted this but i'd like to add that this is out of character for my fiance because she's done a lot to help my niece too this is mostly a financial anxiety for her given the lockdown and that there could be a time where we are both unemployed i'm taking steps to try to ease that anxiety so that we're both more secure about the well-being of our kid in the future well who do you agree with op or his fiance please let us know the end to a free decade of netflix between 8 and 10 years ago i received an email welcoming me to netflix that was a bit concerning since i hadn't signed up so i contacted the company they told me someone must have accidentally used my email when they created an account our last names were the same and our first initial i said oh no problem you must have additional contact information for them besides my email could you please remove my email from the account and let them know so that they can fix it well immediately that was a big problem for netflix and well no they couldn't remove the email because it was the only one they had for the account and how did they even know that it was mine i said give me your email address and start talking i will email you the words as they come out of your mouth that wasn't good enough for proof somehow more likely i was in the other person's gmail account asking to not have netflix what they finally ended up doing was changing the account password so that when the customer went to log back in they wouldn't be able to and would need to do a password reset by calling netflix and then they could confirm the email address i kept getting netflix emails so that didn't work i called again and again it didn't work i changed the password several times myself because i could use the forgot password function and get an email to reset it that didn't work i don't know how they kept getting the new password without updating an email address and i don't really care at this point for the last eight to ten years i have had netflix on everything that i own i've signed in on hotel televisions used it on my phone my xboxes my kid uses it i only ever signed in under family and told him to do the same the entire history in family is us the other logins fred softie and lyla accumulated history i would occasionally look because curious never did a single new show appear in the family watch history that wasn't because of me well i woke up this morning to an email from netflix telling me that this email address was no longer associated with that account and if i had any questions etc thank you softy it has been an amazing run and i'm not sure why you gave me free netflix for the last decade but i think you are amazing do you know who i am worked military law enforcement in a former life the best part of this over civilian law enforcement is that we can usually get your boss your boss's boss or someone else who will crush you for being a doofus on the phone very quickly however we also have spouses that have no rank or authority but act as if they do it's a busy day on a larger base i pulled a woman over for running a very red light that was not even close to formerly being yellow she almost caused a multi-vehicle accident which forced several cars to swerve out of the way we always had to call up info and wait for a response prior to approaching their car sometimes if the dispatcher was slow or if it was a busy day you could sit for five minutes before getting that response this always irritated unbearable people even further i finally walked up to her car after sitting for several minutes as i waited for this information me hi i need your license registration insurance and id card need those for base access her why did you pull me over this is harassment me ma'am if you give me those items i'll be happy to discuss this further this went on for a few more tries me asking and her yelling finally she angrily and forcefully handed the documents to me i already knew where this was going while i normally didn't entertain this stuff i was bored so i figured why not her do you know who i am who my husband is me no ma'am i don't her with calm sense of victory captain doofus with so and so unit me well i'm very sorry for this if you want to get him on the phone we'll clear this up and you'll be on your way now we have this thing called a blotter it's a report that goes to the commanding general of every negative thing that happened and he reviews it with those unit commanders usually it's a bad day for you if you're on it all ready for whatever it was and then because it makes the unit look bad and blah blah blah also comical is the fact that he's just a captain if you have a pulse you'll get promoted to that as an officer her honey some cop pulled me over for nothing he wants to talk to you she handed her phone to me and i gave her back her documents it was a purple motorola razor i don't know why i remember that specifically but it stood out me captain doofus this is op your wife ran a red light at the intersection almost causing an accident she's about to be apprehended for obstruction your vehicle will be towed and your name will end up on the blotter there is no way she was about to be apprehended for just yelling at me and refusing to hand me these documents for maybe 20 seconds i wasn't even going to write her a ticket i didn't like paperwork captain doofus will you please give my wife the phone back her jaw dropped and her eyes already started to water as i gave her the phone back from a few feet away with cars passing by on a fairly busy road i heard him yelling at her my job was done and i went back to my car am i the jerk for telling my daughter that being a social media influencer isn't a real job i'm a father of two sam 25 male and kate 24 female sam is currently working as a business analyst i'm a single dad and i've raised both of them since birth their mother passed unfortunately when they were young kate graduated high school six years ago when kate was 18 she didn't know what she wanted to do professionally and i told her that she's free to go into any field she desires so then she decided that she would become a social media influencer and when she told me that i said um okay as i didn't want to discourage her and at the time she was in university pursuing an english degree later she decided to drop out and focus on another career path and she worked as an hr intern to gain some experience to start an hr career as she was interested in because i did it i'm an hr director and have worked in hr for 20 years she worked as an hr intern for a few months paid and then suddenly she decided to quit and work on social media influencing now i'm not going to stop her from pursuing what she wants to do and i said sure so she starts posting on instagram and the only followers she has are her 1000 followers all from high school from there it's been about a few years and she's still at 1 000 followers yesterday night i'm sitting on the sofa watching tv and kate sits next to me and she tells me dad i'm not getting any followers on instagram and nor am i earning any money why is this happening what's going on what will i do in life how do tick tock instagram celebrities become so successful what are they doing that i'm not and then she just puts on a sad face i tell her kate social media influencer isn't a real job kiddo if you want to make actual money you should work a job it's quite difficult to earn a living off of social media what those tick tock and instagram celebrities did took them years of work and effort to make themselves successful and to the point they can make a living off of it what you should have tried to do is work a job and on this side continue on with the instagram tick tock like a side hustle and once your side hustle makes more than your actual job you can make your side hustle your income now kate lives with me under my roof i pay for her food and basic necessities i don't have a problem with paying that she's my kid and as a father it's my responsibility to take care of her regardless of her age etc now my father grandfather and so on all pass during their mid-60s it runs in the family because all of us have a congenital heart condition i'm not in my 60s yet but will be in a few years and along with the condition it means that my body weakens with age and there will be an increase in disability for me and eventually passing on kate ended up sobbing and she went to her room and called her aunt while crying and then her aunt called me a jerk for telling kate that social media influencer is not a real job her aunt then yelled at me for an hour on the phone and called me a couple of not so nice words and said i'm being a bad father am i the jerk edit when i wrote kate social media influencer isn't a real job kiddo i did not intend to mean that it is not a job and it's bad i didn't mean that i implied that it's a difficult profession to actually make a living off of it i do understand that it's not an easy job slash work to do working as a social media influencer it isn't easy and for the last few years she's been ranting and complaining to me about how she's not earning any money from it which is why i explained to her that it's not a real profession in that sense as it's a career that isn't that stable example with the app of vine it was quite popular and people were earning well but then when vine wasn't able to sustain numerous stars and influencers they fell off and now what well what do you think is opie a jerk for what he said to his daughter or not please let us know repeat the question as many times as you want my answer isn't changing cast we've got me and we've got the rude dude hi i've never posted before but i follow this sub and thought some of you might enjoy this i work in a small chain family restaurant that serves a lot of home style cooked food lately there's only a hostess on weekend morning shifts my manager desperately needs to hire multiple front-end staff but just hasn't gotten around to it so it gets pretty hectic having to serve and hostess when it gets busy at night i usually end up serving my section and hostessing for both me and our other waitress tonight friday the busiest night of the week my boss had just myself 20 and the youngest server 17. she's actually really amazing at her job manning the restaurant we work great together but both being and looking very young makes rude and entitled people not want to listen to us as soon as i started my shift at 3 pm i covered the whole floor 12 tables full capacity as half are closed off for an hour until the other server arrived then the floor was split to be clear first hour was quite busy but it just got busier and busier after she arrived until we had to start up a waitlist hugh the rude dude i noticed a new customer at the front as i was bringing out a table's food important to note that when he walked through the glass doors he had passed a lady who was next on the list as soon as i walked up to him and was in the middle of saying hello he looked straight ahead at the one dirty table in the joint and said i'll take that booth go clean it me i'm sorry but we are full and actually have a waiting list going there's one person ahead of you and it should be around 10 to 15 minutes for a table rude dude just give me that table i'm in a hurry and i have places to be me that table is actually for that lady behind you and our only available one but i can add you to the list and the next available table will be yours rude dude points to closed tables what about those empty tables don't want to sit me there or what me those are actually closed for social distancing isn't there tables around the corner in the back there they're all full as well everything's occupied would you like to be added to the list or not at this point i'm getting impatient as i have about a dozen other tasks that would be much more useful than this conversation show me the list there's one person ahead of you show me the list there is only one person ahead of you you dude getting increasingly angrier show me the list me that lady is the only person ahead of you the next table will be yours give me the list i want to see how long the weight is myself me kind of in shock because this guy's literally trying to snatch the paper right out of my hand i'm not going to show you the list it has people's private numbers on it rude dude what's your name i tell him my name well um introduces himself and you're in trouble i don't mean to be short but people's time is important and you are wasting it he turns to walk out me i know it is and so are you i doubt he heard the last part but really hope he did pretty sure he called my head office as soon as he was out of the doors but i couldn't care less honestly i just had an exhausting night and that was just the cherry on top i've been fuming hard about it since i got home so decided i might as well write it down also i'm not necessarily even mad he was rude slash left more the fact that while i was clearly as busy as can be he wasted multiple minutes of my important time as he calls it also just thought before anyone asks no he could hear perfectly fine i suppose he just wasn't getting the answer he wanted and believed repeating it would change the answer karen gets busted for plagiarizing a piece of artwork in class i've been doing art in multiple forms since i was really young i've never been interested in art as a career or a job it's something i started doing to express myself and to help my anxiety i've been posting my drawings on instagram just for fun and through this i became friends with a somewhat popular artist we will call her dana by popular i don't mean millions of followers i mean she has a little over 25 000 followers not an extreme amount but still a good following we became rather close through instagram now dana is an amazing artist this girl can make a drawing look like a photo now back to the main point it all happened in art class we previously had an assignment to do an art piece that shows how the world has changed due to what's going on when first given the assignment our art teacher we will call her mrs g told us that she would pick five pieces of work to enter into an art contest being held by the local arts center anyone interested in being picked should tell her after class the prize was a 100 gift card to the local michael's store which is the best art store around here now i'm perfectly content with my cheap dollar store art supplies as i said i don't take my art too seriously it's just for fun so i didn't enter now comes wednesday mr g had picked the drawings and they were posted outside of the art room now when i looked at one of the winners drawings it completely stuck out to me it was an art piece submitted by a girl who we will call candy i knew i had seen that exact piece before on dana's page she had done it about a month back i even pulled up the post on dana's page and held them side by side completely copied now here's where i might be the jerk i ratted her out to mrs g going as far as showing her dana's instagram page namely the piece candy copied now mrs g has a rule no tracing and or copying art original pieces only unless the assignment mentioned otherwise so mrs g was not happy she confronted candy who tried denying it at first but admits she copied it once presented with proof she also went back and looked at candy's previous works and saw that she copied most of those as well candy was sent to the office and didn't come back for the rest of the day from what i heard her punishment was having her piece taken down and being disqualified from the competition obviously she was given a failing grade on the assignment and she was given three days out of school suspension now her and her friend are harassing me for turning her in calling me a rat saying i shouldn't have butted my nose where it doesn't belong saying it's not my business but isn't it my business dana is my friend and candy was going to enter dana's hard work into a competition claiming it was hers if she had won the piece would hang in the art center with her name on it that just doesn't sit well with me am i the jerk for ratting on a girl for plagiarizing a piece of artwork in class well who do you think is the jerk op or candy please let us know now that's what i call sour candy yes entitled mom wants her kid to be artist of the month every month i work in a small art studio and we run art clubs for kids usually around an hour at a time where i am the assistant art teacher the age range is quite large though we do have classes for younger kids and older ones separately in one of the younger classes there's a girl probably around seven or eight and not to be harsh but she is one of the brattiest kids i've ever met she always throws massive tantrums whenever she has to share paint with the other kids which is necessary because resources are expensive and she always says she hates her pictures to get attention and throws an even bigger tantrum crying and shouting the entire lesson we know she does this for attention because she's a completely different kid around her mother as soon as the art class is over she runs out all happy and says look at my beautiful picture mommy or something along those lines so for context we have this thing in our classes where each month we pick one kid from one of the groups and ask them to bring in some of their previous artwork so that we can hang them up on our artist of the month wall we give them back when the month is over one day after a long lesson of entitled kid throwing tantrums and crying as she always does her mother picks her up but this time she actually comes into the studio for a moment entitled mom notices the artist of the month wall and upon closer inspection realizes that the artwork on the wall doesn't belong to entitled kid she then turns to untitled kid and goes look darling have you been the artist of the month yet entitled kid no some of the other kids in the class have though entitled mom turns to me and asks why her daughter hasn't had her work up yet i explained that every single kid will get a chance and that we try to alternate between the classes to make it fair with a slightly annoyed tone she says well i sure hope entitled kids will be on the wall next month i explain again that we've already picked the artist of the month for next month because we try to alternate between the classes but these other kids artworks aren't even good my daughter is the only one with real talent here she should be the artist of the month every month me well that just isn't how we do things around here there are plenty of other kids in the class whose artwork is all unique and who all deserve a chance to be artist of the month me either your daughter can wait for her turn or i don't know how else to help you at this point entitled mom looked very annoyed ah doesn't matter her artwork is still a lot better than all those other kids me i'm sure that to you as a parent it is at this point entitled mom just huffed and left with her daughter needless to say they still came back to the next class and didn't say anything else since entitled kids still occasionally throws tantrums and it's not as bad nowadays boss told me to choose between the military or my job so i quit i was active duty in the army for three years and following that shifted into the reserves for another three years i was moving from one state back to my home state during the transition from active duty and needed a truck scale to weigh the moving truck before returning it so i could be reimbursed for the move the army pays you to move between duty stations and when you ets from active duty while looking for a truck scale i found a place that i thought would have one but it turned out to be a company that installed and certified scales the branch manager and i hit it off as i was explaining what i was there for and he said he would like to interview me for a job sweet i needed something anyway to support my family and the job sounded pretty exciting within a couple of weeks they had hired me and i got started learning the ropes and getting the necessary certifications things went well and i became one of the go-to guys when they needed some of the more intricate work done i had several job sites i would go to on a regular basis where the customers loved me you might be surprised at all the places where scales are used to measure products and sell things from labs with tiny scales weighing to the hundredths of a gram to big truck scales installed at job sites to weigh debris from various construction projects the job was tough physically at times but i actually really enjoyed traveling all over the state and getting to meet some really awesome people fast forward a little over a year after i started at the company things had been going really good and i was going to school in the evenings to get some education and further my career now sometimes the job required all hands on deck on the weekends for some of the bigger jobs like truck scale installs at customer sites for one reason or another normally this was fine and there had never been any issue for me working the weekend unless i had drill with my reserve unit but the company was fine with that as long as i got the needed paperwork from my unit listing the dates i would be drilling this all changed at the end of may after i had been at the company for over a year i had requested time off over the memorial day holiday weekend to take my wife to myrtle beach as a late honeymoon the weekend before that i had drill and so was also unavailable for work the thursday before those back-to-back weekends which had been understood to be my weekends i would not be available my boss called me after i had left the shop for my jobs for the day boss hey i need you to tell me which of the next two weekends you will be able to work we have two big jobs and we need everyone available me um you know i have drill this weekend and you already approved me being off next weekend to go out of town boss well i need you at least one of these jobs so which will you be in for me i can't this weekend because drill is mandatory and if i cancel the hotel that i have booked next weekend it's going to cost me money in cancellation fees boss look we work in customer service if you can't be available to work then maybe you should look for a job not in customer service call me back or let me know when you get back to the office which weekend you will be working this call was at like 8 30 in the morning and i still had several jobs to do for the day i called my wife and told her what happened and that i might just quit she said i should do what i thought was best and maybe it would be good to be able to focus on school more and try to find something where they were not going to treat me like that i spent the rest of the day contemplating what to do and by the time i got back to the office that afternoon i had made up my mind i walked into the boss's office me i thought about what you said this morning and you were absolutely right i quit boss whoa don't be hasty i can work it out so you're good the next couple of weekends and don't have to worry about the jobs me i already made up my mind you tried to hold the fact that i have drill over my head and make me work the weekend you knew i was taking my wife out of town boss well go home tonight and think about it and let me know in the morning after you've had some time to think i went home and gathered all my uniforms up washed them and removed my name tags i think he thought i was going to come back the next day and change my mind because he had me scheduled for several jobs solo that day when i arrived at the office he was sorely mistaken i turned in my uniforms collected my tools and left after he and the branch manager both begged me to stay saying that they didn't have anyone to take my jobs and i would be hurting the company if i didn't stay i focused on school the next few months and wound up getting a job in it where i was making a lot more money with a lot less stress on my mind and body edit thank you for all the kind words and awards i wanted to clarify that this has been a few years ago and was not informed at the time about how the laws worked in regards to employers and military service so i didn't know just how bad the way they were acting was since then i've learned a lot and would probably have handled things much differently if i knew what i know now it's all worked out in the end and i know of at least one customer that stopped suing them after i left because the guy they had coming out to the site to replace me was not up to the standard they expected when i was out there have you ever had trouble getting time off from work that you needed if so what did you do about it please let us know i need a break from this thing to you read all day we've done this every single day for the past two years straight would i be the jerk if i took my former landlord to small claims court knowing she doesn't have the money and has a kid to preface i'm 22 finishing my bachelor's about to start my master's program in the fall despite working nearly full time i don't have much money so in august i found myself in a situation where i had to move out of my house immediately and found a room being rented out on craigslist for 800 a month it was in a house with a mom and her six-year-old daughter and another college student who was barely ever there i paid a 500 deposit i quickly found out that this lady was a bit wacky she was in the midst of divorce and had some weird ideas about money she told me many times that she hated working and wanted to get as much child support as she could even if that meant her ex would never see the kid he was a good dad and very involved she didn't have a degree or much work experience besides the occasional part-time thing she's 40. i ended up being able to stay with other family for free so i gave her my 30-day notice and moved out at the beginning of january she said she was going to deduct a 50 cleaning fee but the rest of my deposit was good when i was packing though i heard her talking to a friend in the other room saying i was gullible and she was thinking about not returning it i texted her in february a month after i moved out and she said she didn't have it but she would get it to me asap i texted again two days ago and she didn't even reply i know she doesn't have it but i have things that i need that money for plus i left the place spotless i'm seriously thinking about small claims court but i feel bad because i know she has a kid and our kid is awesome so i wouldn't want it to affect them in california if the deposit was retained in bad faith i'm entitled to up to three times the value of the deposit so i'm thinking of threatening that i don't like being put in this position at all update thank you guys i don't know why i have so much guilt about this i texted her saying that while i sympathize legally she is not fulfilling her obligation to return my deposit within three weeks i told her it's been three months and that she has one week to return the deposit in full or i would pursue legal action and go for three times the amount of the deposit i reiterated that i don't want to do that i just want my deposit back no reply yet but we will see update 2 she said she didn't have it and said she would get it to me as soon as she could and that was our agreement not the 21 days thing she also said you're acting really stupid right now and if you do this you of all people know it's going to come back to you someone will eventually threaten legal action upon you and if you file you will be filed against by someone but on a much worse terms if you sue me i was just gonna let it go and settle for the minimum but now i want to go for the max amount well what would you do in this situation would you sue the landlady or not please let us know atsua for everything then again i just love suing people double booked seats with an entitled couple on a 12 hour flight this happened back when i was a kid but there are other stories here that reminded me of this cast of characters we've got me we've got brother and sister we've got parents we've got flight attendant we've got entitled wife and entitled husband the situation we were on a flight from miami to bolivia as a family of five with three kids under 12. we're getting on the flight sat down when entitled wife and entitled husband come up to my row i'm sitting in the same row with brother and sister entitled wife excuse me yo in our seats me brother and sister have all been well versed in kid travel by this time so we pull out our individual boarding passes and show her we're also assigned these seats entitled husband no you're wrong let me see those we don't give them over my dad comes over to see why strangers are talking to us excuse me why are you talking to my kids entitled husband they're in our seats look dad that's their assigned seat they know how to read a boarding pass by this time we have attracted the attention of the flight attendant who confirms that indeed these seats have been double booked entitled wife and entitled husband are irate demanding their assigned seats flight attendant leaves to go see what she can do for us this whole time entitled wife is making a big show of trying to store her bag in front of ours in the overhead bins and complaining loudly flight attendant returns and says thank you so much for your patience it was double booked but it looks like we have enough seats in first class available for your party if you could please follow me entitled wife and entitled husband psy relieved that finally someone will see reason entitled wife gathers her bag and as entitled husband steps forward flight attendant holds up her hand no sir not you if you three looking at me brother and sister will please join us up in first class we'll make sure you're taken care of the look on entitled wife's face as we politely grabbed our bags and moved to the coziest laps of luxury our young selves had the fortune of lucking out on i remember the meal making me have a headache but the reclining seats warm blankets and sleep masks sure helped with all that suffering am i the jerk for not wanting to take our niece on vacation in 2022 my husband and i do not have kids but we have many nieces and nephews a number of years ago when we were in our late 20s and finally financially secure our oldest niece was in senior year of high school and we decided to take her on a beach vacation for a week this has since become a tradition where we take our nibbling on a vacation during their senior year since this began there has always been one nibbling each year then in 2020 to 2023 there are no nibblings graduating high school so we won't be taking one on vacation until 2024. we've always made it clear it's a senior trip and not just us working our way through them we intentionally want to do it this way as we do not want to travel with them when they're younger they're 17 or 18 when we take them which means we can give them their own room we keep a key and do adjoining rooms but that gives all of us privacy they can do more excursions and we can meet them for breakfast or leave them unsupervised if we want to get a drink or a snack we don't need to actively monitor them by water and it's so much easier to airport travel with them if they're 17 or 18. a couple weeks ago our sister-in-law said jess was looking forward to planning her trip with us jess is next in line currently in grade nine husband said she's rather eager since her trip is in 2024 but so great she's excited sister-in-law gave us death glares as i asked if we had misaged her and sister-in-law said no jess is grade 9 but assumed she would be going in 2022 since she's next in line sister-in-law had ordered her travel books to help her plan which we found odd as we involve the nibbling in the planning but we give them limited choices we usually give them a choice of three locations then from there a choice of resort we told her that the trip is for senior year so she needs to wait until 2024. sister-in-law was angry and jess had had a hard time with the lockdown so we offered to fly her out to visit us for a week we live in a major city for a change of scenery but the major trip isn't until 2024. sister-in-law is furious jess is disappointed but seems to get it the older nibblings are on our side and said it was a fun thing for them in senior year while other adults are conflicted with some thinking we should just go through the list taking one nibbling a year regardless of the age we are not parents so may not be as empathetic as we should be so are we the jerks for wanting to wait until our nibblings are in senior year to take them on vacation edit nibbling is a gender-neutral term for a niece or nephew did not realize it was weird until now edit the first kid we did this for with jess's older half-sister their biological dad husband's brother was widowed and had our oldest niece then remarried to jess's mother and had jess and two more kids this might be a factor in sister-in-law's reaction i have no idea edit we've talked to jess directly she is not upset she was disappointed that her big trip wasn't next year but understood the purpose of the trip we've given her some location ideas as her mother had suggestions that are on the opposite side of the world well what do you think is opie a jerk for wanting to wait until their nibbling is in senior year to take them on a trip or not please let us know bruh i'm still trying to get over the fact y'all be talking about nibbling am i the jerk for walking out on dinner when friends ask me to leave my group of friends made a reservation for dinner at a popular restaurant for six people but when we got to the restaurant one of my friends let's call her person a brought along her boyfriend without advance notice to any of us hence making the total number of people seven we all know her boyfriend well and are pretty chill with him so we thought to ask the restaurant if seven people is possible unfortunately the restaurant was unable to accommodate seven people as our reservation was stated for six this was also understandable as the restaurant was a popular one and packed during the night so fair enough at this point person a who's kind of the leader of our friend group turns to me and says okay then i think you should leave so that we'll have six people i was flabbergasted and shocked when i heard that my other friends kept silent and no one really spoke so there was this awkward silence i almost wanted to propose that perhaps we could have gone to a different restaurant down the street instead that could actually accommodate seven people for example but i felt a surge of emotions and called her a heartless jerk my friends all looked at me in horror and person a clearly looked shocked as well the next day my friend let's call her person b texted me and said that i overreacted and i was a jerk for calling person a a name like that in public i was confused by this as i thought that i wasn't the jerk in this situation but maybe i was i'm not sure am i the jerk edit someone in the comments raised a valid point the rest of the friends were couples aka three couples in this group and i'm the only single person in the group person a's boyfriend said he couldn't make it when we made the reservation long ago but he suddenly showed up at the restaurant last minute maybe me being the only single person in the group made me instantly the odd one out edit 2 update this thread is now locked and i wanted to give some sense of closure and update thank you all for your insights and comments i shared this thread with my friends and they told me off and scolded me for actually sharing this in a public community however one of the couples who i'm closest to in this group reached out to me privately over text and told me that they felt bad and apologized for not speaking up but that's it i've had enough and will walk away to emulate the example of michael jordan in the last dance i would say okay you want to ask me to leave okay fine no problem that's all i needed i took it personal from then on well who do you think is the jerk op or her friend please let us know sounds like op needs to get some new friends all of our staff can't be thieves can they the very first hotel i worked at the one with the half a sun on their sign back in the 90s still had the old brass keys for room access at one point we started to get an increasing number of complaints from guests that money and items were being missing out of their rooms in any hotel you expect the occasional complaint but this went from one every blue moon to several a week we of course look into it but can't find a pattern it's not just rooms cleaned by a specific housekeeper no staff member was on property every day we had a report nothing added up all of our master keys are accounted for so it's not due to a lost master several months go by with this happening and it's to the point our gm is basically begging corporate to let us replace all of the locks for a 400 room property this is an insanely expensive undertaking so they're not too keen with spending the money one day one of our maintenance guys remarks to the front desk with as much money as that one guest must have spent to stay here so long they could have rented a place cheaper this was odd as we had no long-term guests being near the house of mouse most of our guests stayed a max of two weeks so the desk clerk asks them what room they saw this person go into maintenance guy gives a room number and that room had actually checked out with a clerk earlier that morning our gm and a few of the maintenance guys go up to the room to prevent whomever it was from getting away while the desk clerk calls the police once the police show up and take the person into custody we finally found out what was going on this guest lived locally they had trained as a locksmith but due to being caught driving drunk numerous times in short periods they were a felon and could not get bonded to actually work as a locksmith so they decided to check into a hotel and in the middle of the night take apart the lock from the inside of the room and use their training and tools to make a master key for the property the police ended up searching this jerk's place looking for the tools he used and any items we could identify found a few items but what really caught their attention was the stack of receipts from pawn shops in the area we speak to them and we recover quite a few more items when the police asked this person why they kept coming back to us he said it was because all the other hotels in the area were switching over to the new at the time electronic locks we were one of the few decent hotels still using metal keys and all of our cameras pointed towards the parking lots and not the rooms our gm goes to corporate with this info and asks for lock upgrades and more cameras of course corporate says no apparently an anonymous person contacted our insurance carrier shortly afterwards they spoke to corporate and threatened to pull our insurance unless these deficiencies were fixed soon afterwards we were being trained on the new electronic locks and camera system okay to clear up some speculation i was the anonymous person my gm and i had a conversation and he was frustrated and thinking of quitting he was too good of a boss for me to have to hope we get another just as good so i went to the one computer we had which had a moda minute fired up the old throwaway compuserve account and sent off an anonymous email describing the problems we had my hoa complaint broke up an entitled mom's marriage this happened a few years ago but i still think about it after being blessed with great neighbors over the years i started taking it for granted then luna her four dogs all the same breed and family two teens and her husband moved in the house next door it started off well enough luna was friendly and the kids and husbands seemed nice but she soon decided that the best place for her dogs to go potty was my backyard i didn't agree and after suffering in silence for a few weeks i'm not very confrontational i finally told her that my backyard wasn't her personal dog park when they got home from work they would let their dogs loose to go running in my backyard to play and go potty one day i happened to catch them and came out on my patio to tell them to cut it out the dogs turned around and started running towards me while barking aggressively fortunately her husband called them off before the little ankle biters got to me and it wasn't just the dog that liked to hang out in my backyard luna liked to walk around my backyard while talking on her phone one of the things i like about my house is the privacy it backs to the woods so i don't have a lot of curtains on my back windows and doors but since luna liked walking around my yard i was forced to curtail my habit of cleaning while not dressed and it was creepy once after it had snowed i realized that someone had walked up to my back patio and had been peeping in my french doors not long after someone left a gift of poo on my front porch welcome matt geez i wonder who did that but then luna seemed to want to repair our rather rocky relationship and asked me what time i got off work we could do drinks and hang out i thought whatever so i told her but no get together ever materialized i realized later that she just wanted to know what time i got home from work what she didn't know was that i sometimes worked at home on one of those days i caught her once again letting her dogs loosen my yard so i took a photo and sent it to the hoa i think she was also sneaking her dogs into my other neighbor's fenced backyard the ramifications were swift that complaint was the straw that broke the camel's back the marriage was already on shaky ground and the husband was tired of her and her dog hoarding i only saw four dogs at a time but there were more i didn't notice because they all looked alike the next thing i knew she and the dogs had moved back to south america the kids went to live with relatives college and the husband was acting like someone who won the lottery he always seemed somewhat grumpy before but after she left he was smiling and friendly then he bought a harley got a girlfriend and proceeded to rid the house of copious amounts of urine stained carpets he was eventually evicted from the house yes they were renters because owners were sick of the complaints and fines and decided to move back in luna apparently had a gift for upsetting the neighbors on my block the weird thing is that there were a couple of vacant lots and a dog park less than a block away but apparently her neighbor's yards were the best place to take her dogs students pranked me i had the last laugh i spent about 10 years teaching high school humanities at a small private school for my first two years i didn't have a classroom just a small office i would bring what i needed for each class on a cart and go from room to room depending on which teacher had a prep at any given time this was incredibly inconvenient and not being the most organized of teachers to begin with made things difficult to keep track of there were a group of 11th grade boys who decided to make things a little more difficult for me they were good kids we got along well i coached several of them on the school soccer team but they decided that since my office would often be empty it was a great place to prank it would never be anything too serious things falling over when i opened the door or things disappearing for a day and then turning up in a different place the next day nothing was ever damaged and i could never prove who it was even though i knew my school had mandatory final exams in each academic course i didn't really think they were necessary so i would generally make them pretty easy with a lot of preparation i would give out study sheets and play review games for a couple of weeks before the test and there was no reason the students wouldn't do well on them i had approval of admin to do this as they weren't particularly fond of the final exam rule either it was a school board policy a few nights before the offending boys had their exam i had a brain wave i created a second exam gone were the multiple choice questions and obvious things from the review sheets in their place came detailed questions about concepts that were briefly mentioned in class essay question after essay question ambiguous questions with no clear answers definitions of words that there was no way they knew it took a couple of hours but i laughed the whole time when the test came i had the special exams at the bottom of the pile and handed them out to each of the four or five boys i told my vice principal what was happening and he insisted on being present i started the timer and watched as the boys flipped over their papers it was all i could do to keep a straight face eyes went wide heads were shaking panic was setting in especially as they saw all their classmates flying through their exams one of the boys raised their hand sorry no questions during the final you should be prepared based on your study sheets i let them go for about five or ten minutes of terror before i gathered the fake tests and gave them the real ones they all passed with flying colors and never pranked my office again it was glorious karen's sister demands to live with me my sister 22 married her boyfriend 24 of five months a year ago he doesn't have a romantic bone in his body and is a dense football player type i asked my sister before she got married if she was sure about this as they hadn't known each other very long and i really wanted her to go to college she had a family member offer to pay off her complete schooling i offered to buy her a laptop and help with a car if she went to school i thought her boyfriend was kind of meh and told her on many occasions so but she chose her boyfriend and wanted to get away from our parents which i understood and i did too but by going to college six weeks after getting married she got pregnant she didn't know it could happen that fast i blame our parents and christian education she was thrilled though and i tried to be happy for her i worried for her financially and support her emotionally throughout the process i threw the shower for her bought her hundreds of dollars in gifts and helped with anything i could i moved about nine hours away after the baby was born due to my husband's work we bought our first home and we're finally financially secure i'm a teacher with a masters he's a software guy my sister has been calling me night after night crying about how unhelpful and unromantic her husband is he's a cabinet guy and she works at a daycare so she can't afford a house like me at the moment and she's upset about that with him she doesn't want to be around him or let him touch her he's a good loyal guy but unromantic didn't buy her a birthday gift but took her for dinner he takes care of his son and works but doesn't make a lot at his job she keeps comparing her husband to mine because he really treats me well and is quite romantic and because he can afford to buy the things i want not that i ask for a lot but we really had to work for our house and are in our late 20s i've offered to pay for marriage counseling and personal counseling as i feel like she may have some post-birth depression she says because of the baby she feels trapped i told her that if things got bad she could stay with me because she doesn't have a car i'd have to do the 18 hour round trip with her after i said that she said she wanted to come for two weeks to scare her husband into doing better like to me that's childish and i said no my house is for if you are done done she got upset and said i'm not being here for her but like i'm not going to expel my time and energy to teach her husband a lesson she called me back and said she's putting her husband on a 30-day trial and will live with me if he doesn't change i just don't see what's so wrong with him she's told me everything and i'm just not wanting her to live with me now i have four cats who are my babies and she hates cats and i feel like she's being childish and i don't want to be a part of her game and waste my time update when my sister called me tonight she's been with a realtor looking at houses with her husband i don't know how they're ready for that i told my sister that i was not going with her 30-day trial and that she can't be playing games like this in her marriage it's not healthy and the same bsr parents pulled and that i wanted no part in it i will pay for counseling if she needs it i offered again but stated that living with me was off limits i told her she has a good man and that she needed to talk to him about her issues more and they can make compromises together i also talked to her about how crappy taking their son away from her husband would be she was a bit short with me but i think she understands i love my sister but i can't be the grown-up for her i have my own life i just want to say thanks guys for the advice it's really helped me well what would you do in this situation would you let your sister move in with you or not please let us know i kind of feel bad for her husband to be honest entitled mom demands that i let her kid use my expensive binoculars my lockdown hobby to get me out of the house and maybe learn something has been bird watching i usually go out with binoculars a bird guide and a field notebook to write down what i've seen that day it's a good solitary activity that gets me in the fresh air communing with nature i had a pair of small not so great binoculars when i started but decided to upgrade to a much better pair with all the money i'm saving not going out or seeing people or doing things fyi good binoculars are pretty pricey so i'm at a nearby bird sanctuary with a pond the railings are extra wide which is nice for balancing your guide and notebook easily and i'm leaning on it checking out the waterfowl checking the guide and making notes a mom and her kid come down the boardwalk and the boy comes over to me what are you looking at these birds and i name a few species that i see and point he's around seven or eight can i see sure they're just right there pointing again no do those oh crap this kid wants my new expensive binoculars during lockdown i'm sorry but no i cheerfully tell him now i don't know if in non-lockdown time strangers ask to share binoculars with strangers but i'm completely uncomfortable with this i also have zero problem with the word no meanwhile this kid looks like i've just spoken to him in a foreign language i just go back to what i'm doing and the kid goes away of course i hear the throat clearing of the entitled mom little johnny says that you won't let him use those binoculars to see the birds i do note that she said those and not your which graded her mask is hanging from one ear super useful why that's correct i won't thank you for understanding well how will he learn if you won't let him use those binoculars um maybe you can get the equipment and guides and you can learn together but we are here now and he wants to see the birds yeah still not gonna happen that's not fair lady it's completely inappropriate for you to demand for me to share my expensive gear especially during lockdown no amount of your growling is going to change my mind also you are standing way too close to me so please back away and i went back to what i was doing but my peaceful pastime is now kinda gir i quickly got over it because i saw a wood duck also there are so many birds i had no idea speaking of birds i wonder if birds 3214 is here today we always appreciate our loyal listeners who tune in day after day 35 people walk into a pub sadly this isn't the setup for a joke so this happened a couple of years back in a pub i was working at i worked the bar at this pub which was pretty popular especially on sunny days as we had a lot of outdoor seating and a pretty huge beer garden now the story takes place one exceptionally hot summer sunday for those of you who have the joy of not being all that familiar with our tea and crumpet society i'll enlighten you as to why this is a pain for working in a pub firstly the moment the sun blesses our sodden grey land with its presence we british come out of our thatched caves to bask in its glow like the lizard people our royal family is this subsequently also means everyone had the exact same thought of let's go have a pint at the pub and sit in the sun yay for bartending the other noteworthy point here is that on sunday a roast is had beef lamb chicken or pork with roasted potatoes veggies gravy and yorkshire puddings all of which is wonderful unless you have to spend two hours cooking it with that out of the way this particular sunday we were full and i mean full bar four or five people deep the 100 plus tables all double booked for turnover and i found myself without a moment's respite between pouring drinks and telling people we were fully booked during this manic rush i spot a bit of commotion outside and see a group of roughly 30 to 35 people including screaming kids walking through the courtyard ignoring everyone and into the beer garden once my colleague and i had thinned down the numbers at the bar substantially i told him i was going to walk past to see what the huge group was doing anyone that's worked with real life people of course knows that people suck hence why i just wanted to walk past and avoid interaction also it's a pet peeve of mine when people just sit themselves down ignoring all the staff and expecting us to accommodate them without even the courtesy of mentioning to someone that they're here so i take a step past the threshold of the bar always dangerous and that day a choice i regretted and walked through the beer garden collecting empty glasses as i go as i near the area the group has settled in as far away from the building as possible i might add i avoid eye contact at all costs you're not going to come say hi then i can't see you walking past the group i'm spotted by a very angry woman the alpha karen if you will snapping her fingers at me to try and get my attention as i tried to get away she stormed up to me and stared me dead in the face excuse me we've been waiting here for the last 15 minutes and no one has come to give us the menus what the heck are you all doing i'll admit i was momentarily in shock as the group had to walk through the courtyard and must have seen the crowds of people and stressed waiters everywhere i'm sorry madam but i had no idea you were here did you speak with anyone to let us know then what i saw was a rage bill just below her plasticized skin yes i spoke with the redhead no one that worked there was a redhead well anyway i want some menus we are starving i looked past her and asked how many there were we are 36 people that's not a problem is it she said without so much as a hint of understanding why this was ridiculous well yes actually that's quite a lot for a walk-in and you probably saw on your way in we're extremely busy i'm afraid we have no tables available and we don't serve food in the beer garden you'll have to try your luck at getting a table in the courtyard but i can't imagine you'll be able to find enough seating for the 36 of you and i simply can't hold tables for you turning other guests away the reality is that i could but simply didn't want to she stared at me for a moment and then said you don't serve food in the beer garden or you won't serve me food in the beer garden no madam the establishment does not serve food in the beer garden oh fine look can we just have chips then for the kids they're starving i thought about it for a moment deciding if i was really willing to put up with this or if i should just say no and send them on their way against my better judgment i said okay but they would have to sit in the courtyard once the tables were available and asked roughly how many portions of chips they would be wanting she replied six and i said that's probably fine but she'll have to go inside to order this did not sit well with her and she started to get very cross on my way back in i swung by the kitchen to let them know what's up and to expect six chip orders but not to rush them because the woman was in enormous pain i get back to the bar and it's busy again three to four people deep so i immediately jump in and start pouring pints a few minutes later i hear oh for god's sake this is ridiculous and immediately know who it is this tiny angry woman pushes her way through the crowd and snaps her fingers at me to get my attention ew i want to order my chips and hurry it up the kids are hungry okay i'll put them on now six portions correct no 17. sufficient to say i was bewildered madam that's not what we discussed i'll have to see if the kitchen can even do that we're very busy well go on then run along to the kitchen she barked as i was about to i hear actually can you make it 35 madam i'll be honest with you there's no way you'll get them all at once it's simply too many for the friar it'll have to be in batches and it's going to take a while as there are more pressing orders ahead of you you will also need to pay up front i don't care bring them one by one if you have to as soon as one is ready bring it out bingo i went and spoke with the chef explaining what was going on rude woman mini chips one by one he laughed and we decided to do exactly as she asked bring on the malicious compliance so despite being very very busy as soon as one portion of chips was ready i took it out one portion only one she was not pleased what the heck is this i said 35 portions not one as i explained to you inside madam 35 portions is simply far too many for our friars to handle and there's a substantial number of other orders ahead of you i had to try very hard to hide my grin at this point but but what the heck do you expect me to do with this perhaps you could have one chip each per portion and i swiftly turned and walked away following this every 10 to 15 minutes i would take out one more and only one more portion of chips to the group by about portion 12 they had been there several hours and were fed up they tried to complain to the manager but she was so rude and disrespectful to myself my manager and other staff members that he dismissed her stating that i had explained clearly to her that we were very busy had told me to bring them out one portion at a time if need be they left very angry and we had 23 portions of chips paid for that the staff got to enjoy later on edit also a few people have mentioned they feel bad for the rest of the group well don't i didn't mention it because it wasn't really relevant to the malicious compliance but they were all pretty rude and finger snappy for anyone worried about the kids they got the first bowl of chips covered most of the table in ketchup smashed three or four chips into the table and left at least one third of the chips i don't think they were nearly as hungry as alpha kiran tried to preach also thanks for the awards everyone my mother thinks she's entitled to child support forever for context i'm a 25 year old female i've moved out from my mother's place a year ago to live with my boyfriend i live in another country even i have two younger brothers who are 23 and 21 years old my mother just recently called me and informed me that my father had sent her a document and signed letter saying he would be cutting off child support completely very soon she was absolutely outraged by it and told me that he probably did it rubbing his hands and laughing about it as usual she's acting like she's the poor victim and things are being done against her with malicious intent and it upsets me she has always been this way nothing is ever her fault so i did tell her mom you're not the victim here child support is like its name implies to support the kids but it's all the income i have that's your problem with only you to blame for she did not like that response of course i've told my mother to get a darn job for years not so long ago she was leeching off of my salary then she kept whining to me about her money issues when i moved out and hopes that i would be giving her money i don't know what i'm gonna do she'd say and i know get a job was usually my reply she's the laziest person i know all day every day she sits on her butt and browses the internet that's all she does my brother and i would bring her job opportunities on a platter she always found an excuse not to take it it's only now that my father is actually going to stop paying child support that she's actively looking for a real job why because until now she was comfortable resting on that but what really drove me nuts is when she said he's asking for all of your situations maybe since your brother is disabled he'll keep paying for him and i can probably get him to keep pain for the others as well since he's struggling to find work but he will cut yours off for sure knowing what a jerk he is so one way to use my blind brother as a money cow two what the heck do you mean knowing what a jerky is i'm 25 and i don't live with you anymore there's zero reasons why you should keep getting child support for me in fact since we're all adults you shouldn't be getting any more child support at all you shouldn't have for the past three years did you seriously think you could just demand child support forever and live the rest of your life getting free money instead of working for it like everyone else what the actual heck am i the jerk for choosing my dog over my mom and her fiance my dad passed when i was 15 and i'm now 17 male last year my mom started going out with anthony and they just got engaged anthony wanted to move in but the problem is he's severely allergic to dogs my mom told me we had to get rid of dax my dog like not even as a question just straight up said that's what we're gonna do i fought with my mom over this because he's my family and that's what helped me get through losing my dad dax was my dad's dog that he rescued from a shelter when he was still a puppy and we've had him since i was 11. so he means a lot to me but my mom was like nope he has to go we fought so much about it that i actually cried nobody wanted to adopt dax though and i had to beg my grandpa from my dad's side to take him or else my mom was going to take him to a shelter the problem was my grandpa lives an hour away and he can't do much physical stuff like take him out for walks feed him take him to vets etc and no one around to help him take care of a dog my grandpa suggested i could move here with him since all of my classes are on zoom and i'm graduating in june anyways i told my mom i want to move in with my grandpa so i can be with dax she got really mad about that and she says that they her and anthony are my family and i need to be with them but i told her one anthony's not my family i have my own problems with him because he kept talking about being my new dad and i don't like that crap but he doesn't listen when i tell him to stop saying he's my new dad because he's not and two dax is my family and she made me get rid of him just like that my grandpa's my family too anyways last week i got my stuff and my uncle helped me move to my grandpa's house my mom's still been mad she's not gonna force me to come back but she's still saying i'm being a really crappy son that i'm choosing to be with my dog instead of with them but it hurt too much being without him he was taken to my grandpa's a week before i left and all that time i was up crying missing him and i know he missed me too because he lost it when i got there my mom keeps telling me to come back and stop being cruel with her but i'm happy here with my dog i get she's got someone new to be happy with and that's cool it's her life but why can't i be happy too with my dog living with me does it make me a jerk that i basically did choose dax over her well who do you think is the juror op or his mom please let us know definitely the mom i'd choose dax overheard too any day i defeated a karen with witchcraft i'm not even sure how to start this one so i'll just tell you the cast of major characters we've got me we've got sentry a crow and we've got karen a pompous weirdo this happened around a year ago but i kept hesitating on whether or not it was worth being told and then i had to think of a sufficiently quick baby title so since moving into the apartment i'd lost the ability to walk and needed a wheelchair but my landlord wouldn't let me have a ramp so since i didn't have any friends or family and disability services in kansas or disability services in kansas i had to do something else for social interaction i started throwing torn up pieces of stale bread and potato chip crumbs outside which attracted a few types of birds one time a hawk came by and ate one of the sparrows i was watching but if you love nature you have to love all of it not just the passive grazing animals so i didn't chase it off the hawk made eye contact with me through the window and gave me a little like what you gonna do later some crows started coming by so to feed the crows i started getting popcorn and bird seed in my grocery deliveries one of the crows usually perched in the tree overlooking my front door if i didn't put popcorn out that day she'd fly down and knock on the window next to my bed in the winter i'd see her footprints on my patio going up to the front door before she knocked on the screen it wasn't just her either once she saw that i had food for her she'd summoned the rest of her friends my neighbors saw this and one of the neighbors came to talk to me through my window her cat was very much enjoying the show we became friends and she let me know that the car that kept parking in front of her apartment had a woman that gave her the creeps karen enter stage left your other left you know what we'll just move the stage over to where you're already standing i had seen the car enough times but didn't really pay attention but after what i was told i started to when my neighbor brought her dog out to go potty karen would glare at her karen didn't even live in our complex my neighbor would park right in front of her own apartment and she worked two full-time jobs and people would speed down our road all the time it made sense she'd park where she did but karen would show up and park there and refuse to move if asked so the neighbor had to park across the street at the school parking lot instead and walk back what was karen even doing she showed up parked outside the neighbor's yard sat there smoking an entire pack of cigarettes then drove away glaring at anyone that was anywhere near her while she was around even if it was their own home i brought this up with a landlord who said that the road our front doors faced wasn't part of the complex so they didn't care the police said she wasn't doing anything illegal so they didn't care i thought it was creepy and stocky and so did my neighbor but i guess our opinions don't count well by this time i had become pretty good friends with sentry i had a particular bad fall one day i fall down and hurt myself every day due to my lack of any kind of home help but i'm used to it one day it was worse than usual and i had to call the paramedics karen had since chosen slightly further back spots to park along our curb and was now choosing to not get out of the way for the ambulance that was trying to get me to the emergency room when i got home i decided that that was the last straw if no human was going to help us against karen i knew who would i would definitely rely on her she came to check on me far more often than a human ever did i popped two bags of popcorn and as soon as i saw karen light up a cigarette i walked outside i held up one of the bags of popcorn shaking it century was already there in the tree looking at me but i liked going the extra mile for her just like she did for me i walked right up to karen's car she wasn't even looking at me she was busy looking down at something and smoking i opened the bag and dumped it all over the hood of her car then i did the other one and walked inside alfred hitchcock would have been proud of you sentry i know my neighbor and i were since karen never came back am i the jerk for blowing up at my wife after what she did at my workplace i male37 started working at my dad's friend's restaurant in 2016. started off small but was able to gain my employer's trust and after seeing how i've been managing the restaurant on days he wasn't available he decided to assign me to handle restaurant management that means overseeing day-to-day operations handling customer complaints providing service managing shifts and putting together schedules and so on i'm not really the manager but the staff thinks i am my relationship and interaction with the staff have changed a bit but it's got nothing to do with my behavior my wife is my biggest supporter she was thrilled after i told her i'm directly handling management but i made it clear i'm not the manager so i have limited authority i'm not the ultimate decision maker in this establishment still she went to tell everyone that her husband is now the manager of his workplace even posted about it but i told her to take it down immediately she showed up at the restaurant doesn't normally eat there and brought her friends with her there were five of them she invited them for lunch and ordered plenty of dishes then she embarrassed the waitress by refusing to pay telling everyone she's the wife of the manager and she shouldn't pay she started arguing with the waitress then went home in two hours i got a call from the waitress wanting to talk about what happened and why i fired her i was shocked i had no clue she showed me the message that was sent from my facebook but i swore i didn't do it i didn't even know my wife came to the restaurant turned out my wife sent the message on my behalf and fired the waitress claiming her behavior was rude and unprofessional i was livid i got berated by the manager after he found out and i begged and explained that it was a mistake a misunderstanding and was able to give an alibi as to when this message was sent thankfully he was patient and graceful i got home and i confronted her she confirmed everything even the message i blew up told her she almost caused me my entire job with her unacceptable behavior for the millionth time i told her i'm not the manager and she needed to stop using this as an excuse to behave like this she started crying after i told her to apologize to the waitress after this packed her stuff and left i was so angry i smoked a cigarette even though i've been trying to quit her parents my in-laws called demanding to know what their daughter did other than be excited for my new position and that i was wrong to cause her to cry when all she's ever been is supportive and encouraging after they insisted i mishandled this argument i just stopped talking to them i'm now required to visit as soon as possible and bring flowers and apologize to my wife for yelling but i haven't done anything yet well who do you think is the jerk ob or his wife please let us know hey if she packed her bags and left it sounds like the problem is already solved guests are mad over more than one person with the same name for the purpose of this post my name is sarah the hotel i work at has three of us with this name myself and another girl are regular fdas the third one is operations manager after about a month i noticed guests started realizing there are three of us with the same name and as with the staff this creates some confusion someone will call or come in saying they spoke to me i would stare blankly and try to figure it out before i realized oh i'm sorry there's more than one sarah here would you please give me your name and guests will always just look confused and sometimes offended less than often when people notice they just laugh and brush it off more often than not people get confused or offended yesterday's call was a prime example me thank you for calling our hotel this is sarah how may i help you him yeah i'm calling about my comp stay which you gave me to accommodate me from a bad experience first of all we don't comp future stays and i'm so glad my last hotel did that all the time and all it did was elicit unnecessary issues if you had a bad experience we will comp your stay and or find another way to accommodate you for that stay more points free gift shop items late checkout etc not a future one me oh okay i was confused as heck trying to handle this because he was so abrasive em yeah so i wanna come in tonight me okay i think i need to speak to a manager first about this or transfer you to one i cannot just make a reservation and comp it without management approval fdas don't have that authority him you told me it was calmed me i'm sorry i believe you have the wrong person was it a manager who told you this yeah sarah x me oh that's not me i have the same name but that is my operations manager she isn't in right now but i will him what me there's more than one sarah at this property him well are you going to make my reservation i want to come in today me i would have to talk to a manager first about making a reservation for a comp stay if you give me your name i can leave a message from my manager and click i asked my manager and she said no one was getting a future comp stay which confirmed what i mentioned earlier the fact that he was such a jerk and never gave me his name also confirms he was full of crap sometimes guests will waltz in and say some bs like i was on the phone with you and you told me xyz i'm sorry that was another person with the same name if you provide me with your name and the nature of the conversation i will be happy to help they literally do not believe us most of the time would i be the jerk if i just up and left my family for a few days i'm definitely the responsible party in my family significant other one biological kid three step kids three dogs and two cats that manages this household as far as financially and keeping it presentable a little more than two weeks ago i had surgery that put me on my butt i stayed in the bedroom or at the kitchen table all day every day and was never awake for more than three hours at a time it's been rough but i'm on the mend and now i can drive and stay awake for a reasonable amount of time and i'm not on meds anymore so during my two weeks or so of being down my house is now trashed my family has destroyed it it looks bad it smells bad and i'd be embarrassed to have company come calling i scrubbed this house the night before surgery to the point you could eat off my floors which is pretty much how i keep my home all the time i don't feel like it's my job to come in after more than two weeks and clean up for my lazy disrespectful family so i'd like to get a hotel a couple of hours away leave them a note telling them why i'm gone when i'll return and what i expect to be done before i come home if it's not done i would leave again and i'd make that very clear in the letter i'm also planning to tell them that i will use the christmas savings money for every additional day i stay in a hotel so the longer it takes them to get crap done the less toys and such they'll get for christmas i feel incredibly disrespected i'm ashamed of my home and my family for the way they have allowed it to get i've spent every moment where i feel even a little bit capable of it trying to clean this house up enough that i'm not disgusted i can't keep up and i shouldn't have had to try i know it typically falls on me to clean and they've always had the expectation that mom will take care of everything but i've warned them that they have to start taking on some responsibilities it's not fair to me that they get to go live it up and i just have to stay home and clean to feel comfortable in my own home so would i be the jerk if i just took off for a few days and left it in their hands also i cleaned up any mess that i made in the bedroom and at the table as well as clean my bio kid's room as she is on visit with her dad for a week everything else i feel like it's their mess to clean want to add they all left me alone for the weekend with the pets and went camping assuming i'd clean the house while they're gone they came straight home this morning and have been in bed since support our channel by joining as a member today and we'll give you a shout out in our next video or come watch this video next you won't believe what karen does in that one
Channel: r/mr redder
Views: 245,720
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: entitledpeople, entitled people, r/entitled parents, entitled parents stories, mr reddit, mrreddit, reddit stories, reddit stories funny, karen
Id: _g9DeSOVY-E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 183min 25sec (11005 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 18 2021
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