r/Entitledparents "KAREN DEMANDS MY ADDRESS!"

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hey there mr reddit here welcome back to another episode of r slash entitled parent stories our first story we'll be reading today karen demands to meet at my house after that help my boyfriend plays too much video games and after that am i the jerk for making my tinder date cry now for every thumbs up this video gets one karen doesn't get to play any video games but i just got breath of the wild so please smash that like button and if you're new subscribe and turn on notifications for new stories from reddit every single day karen demands to meet at my house so a couple of years ago i was selling an ipad mini to avoid possible theft at my parents house i would ask the buyer to meet at a neutral location reasonable right not to this karen here's how the conversation went karen hi is the ipad still available me yes fifty dollars is the lowest i'm willing to take as i'm putting it towards a new tablet i prefer samsung electronics over apple karen okay where do i get it now i live in a small town and the largest gas station has a small eating area where you can enjoy your food without going outside in the winter i figured i would meet her there then get a sub at the subway in there me can you meet me at the gas station silence i figured she was looking for the address as she was from out of town two days later karen messaged me again karen so my husband says that you stole it and you are trying to get us arrested it is weird that you want to meet us at a gas station his mom used to be a police officer i don't want to buy stolen merchandise me i didn't steal it i got in in college with a massive sixteen hundred dollar media kit if you didn't steal it why can't i come get it from your house me one it isn't my house it belongs to my parents two even if it is my house i'm not giving you my address if your husband's mom was really a cop he would know about the dangers of selling online karen was mad she said it was my house or she's not buying she stopped messaging me it's not the end of the story a week later karen messages me again i changed my mind i want the ipad me lying sorry i sold it what why you know i wanted it me you said you didn't want it you suspect i stole it because i wanted to meet at a neutral location i'm sorry but i wasn't going to hold it you are an awful person i hope someone comes and steals your new tablet she blocked me after that thankfully not too long after a nice woman who understood why i didn't want people to know where i lived she gave me seventy dollars for the ipad and i put that money aside for my samsung have you ever sold something to someone online if so how did it go please let us know facebook marketplace all day bruh help my boyfriend plays too much video games so i'm a 30 year old female and my boyfriend who's 39 plays heroes of the storm a lot he doesn't work so it's not unusual for him to play 12 hours a day now of course i don't mind him playing video games but it's the intensity that annoys me one game lasts about half an hour and he cannot get off the computer mid game then he starts a new game immediately after i hate that i have to do every little thing around the house while he plays when coffee is ready i'll bring him a cup too food delivery guy is at the door so i'll get the food and take out the plates etc his phone is ringing and he asks me to answer food is nearly done so i'll check on it every few minutes and make sure it doesn't overcook while he plays his game without a care in the world i know these things are small and i feel stupid even complaining about this but there's many situations like this a day and it makes me feel like i'm his personal assistant that sucks especially because i'm working and bringing in the money so i feel like he should be doing a lot more than he's doing now i tried talking to him about this but he felt like i'm attacking him over something stupid today i kind of snapped i was working from home and i still took care of these little things i made us coffee and brought him a cup later i made us some lunch and washed some dishes so we could eat all i asked him to do was to take the food off the stove because i was on the phone with my co-worker but he couldn't because he was playing his game i decided that i won't be doing him favors anymore i'm gonna make my coffee only for me and he can make his own when food arrives he can get his own plate and i won't wait for him i told him this but he thinks i'm being ridiculous because the things i do are so small he said that it literally takes me zero effort to make coffee for him too i know he's right but i told him it was a principle it's not fair that he doesn't do me any favors even when i'm working i mean he probably would but he can't because his game is literally always on he reminded me that he does half the bigger chores and we always go to the grocery store together i admitted that he's right about that too well he doesn't do half but whatever he told me that it'd be stupid to skip a 30 minute game just to get up for 30 seconds to get the door or get coffee or whatever i understand him but i tried to explain that every little thing shouldn't be my responsibility just because his game is unplausible and last 30 minutes every time he starts one he called me childish and mean and that i was only trying to prove a point well i might be childish but am i the jerk update i have to add normally he's the most wonderful guy he's gotten slightly depressed because he basically lost his job due to what's going on he organizes events and i think that makes him like this normally he doesn't play that much and normally he makes more money than i do i hope this is only temporary well what would you do if you were in this situation would you keep doing everything on your own or try to get your significant other to help out please let us know i'd throw that game out is what i do don't play with me boy am i the jerk for making my tinder date cry i 28 male met a sweet girl 25 female on tinder we were pretty much into each other and i gotta say she was different from any other girls i've dated throughout the years we talked sent each other pictures but never met in person that was because every time i asked her out she'd say she wasn't ready until last week she rang me and said she would like to go out for a nice dinner and asked if i was still interested i said yeah i would absolutely love to we set up a date we decided to meet at a family restaurant that she knows too well and often frequents unfortunately the place was packed i don't like crowded places i do not ever eat at crowded places but i tried to suck it up and be nice we sat and started talking she told me that she was a widow she lost her husband a year ago i was in shock she never mentioned this to me before i thought that wouldn't bother me that is until she told me that she didn't find me on tinder randomly she chose me when she saw my pick and read my profile i felt flattered but she said that i looked pretty much like her husband except that i was shorter way shorter than him obviously i disappointed her she said they meant the exact same way different dating site and talked about their first date i was already feeling uncomfortable but then she started tearing up her tone got loud people noticed and started staring at us thinking i was being a jerk and making her cry i got all sorts of nasty looks especially from the ladies in the restaurant and the look on my face wasn't helping the waitress noticed and asked my date if she was okay i tried to calm the situation down my date excused herself to the bathroom because her mascara got ruined a guy walked up to me told me he was from this area and knew my date then asked if there was an issue because she was crying i just sat there like an idiot while he was implying that i better not be causing trouble i so wanted to leave while she was in the bathroom she got back looking all cheered up then she started talking about her late husband again 30 minutes later while i was about to leave i asked if she needed me to call an uber and she asked me to do it i called her an uber then left shortly after her she texted me and asked if i was upset because of what she did i said it was okay she said she wants to go out again soon but i'm not too sure about that anymore trick me out of my laptop you'll give me your car thirteen years ago i was in my late teens living on my own and really struggling to live financially one of the few possessions i had was an old laptop my laptop had stopped working properly and while i'm fairly proficient in using a computer i had no idea about fixing them i did a bit of searching on the internet but couldn't get it working so i asked my stepdad to take a look he has a quick look and says it's messed up but he'll take it off my hands if i don't want it so i said sure if it's broken then it's no good to me ten minutes later i walk in the room and he's using it i asked if he fixed it and he says yeah thanks for the laptop i was obviously upset my mom says she wasn't getting involved and his only response was that he did a quick internet search to find the fix and i could have done the same i was broke and he took one of my only possessions even though he had a pc and a laptop already a few months later i was visiting my mum and stepdad when i had an idea while i am useless with computers i'm very competent with mechanics specifically audis and my stepdad had a 2001 audi a3 before coming in the house i went under his car and unplugged the oil level sensor and a vac line for the turbo later on that day he went to go to the shop or something when he started the car it threw up oil warning lights on the dash and wouldn't boost so he turned it off and had a look of concern on his face i went out to ask him what's up and he said that something gone majorly wrong he says something along the lines of catastrophic turbo failure or engine failure he's already spent quite a bit on repairs and didn't want to spend any more money on it so spoke to my mom about just cutting his losses and scrapping it i asked how much it's worth at the scrap yard and he says 100 pounds so i ever so graciously offer 120 pounds to take it off his hands to maybe part it out which he accepts he signed over the log book title and wrote me a receipt of purchase and handed the keys over i walked outside lifted the bonnet pretended to look at my iphone for a minute went under the car and plugged the vac lines and oil sensor back in fired it straight up and drove around the block when i got back i gave him the thumbs up and said it's all fine now his mouth was wide open and he was mega upset and my reply was you could have found the solution too with a quick internet search he tried arguing that it wasn't fair and if it's working then i can't just take his car but i just said he didn't have a problem tricking me out of my laptop and that he's already signed the car over to me so tough luck my mom kinda laughed and said she's not getting involved and that it was his own fault i still have the car to this day and it's practically in showroom condition and runs sweet edit guys and gals it's not that unbelievable i tricked someone into thinking their car was broken so i could have it yes it's 100 true yes i know i'm a jerich and i don't deny that it was a jerk move but i thought people might get a kick out of a bit of revenge speaking of cars what's your favorite car of all time please let us know i'm a mercedes girl myself yes am i the jerk for dividing our family over an ultrasound i 32 female and husband frank 34 male were pregnant everyone on both sides of the family seemed super excited about the baby because it was the first grandchild on both sides my parents ended up being in town coincidentally the day i had a scheduled ultrasound so i invited them to tag along and see cue lots of happy tears my in-laws never outright protested but there were jealousy noises so i decided to invite them to my next scheduled ultrasound mother-in-law and father-in-law live a fair distance away so we planned a weekend around the scan my sister-in-law has always been a bit tricky she's four years younger than frank and the baby of the family no is not in her vocabulary she has shown little to no interest in me or the pregnancy i'm not offended by people not liking babies no big deal but i start getting tired of her calling our unborn kid things like goblin and fruit sister-in-law and i don't hang out or talk by the way she just posts sarcastic comments in the family chat i just ignore her or let frank handle it because life is too short for whatever this attention seeking slash jealousy slash nonsense is fast forward to my picking my in-laws up at the airport thursday night and surprise surprise my sister-in-law is there too we're a bit confused since she's never flown out to see us in six years of marriage and she wasn't invited but yeah she's showing an interest so we go along we go to dinner and after we're talking about the scan sister-in-law pipes up about how it better not be early in the morning because she's not forcing herself to miss sleep over my spawn i laugh and tell her that the scan is scheduled for 7 15 am and will be back in time for breakfast before she's even up sister-in-law loses it and starts screaming at me frank and i explained that there can be three people plus me in the room him father-in-law and mother-in-law mother-in-law says frank should be the one in the waiting room because she's our guest i start getting annoyed because a it's my ultrasound b it's his baby see she wasn't invited i tell sister-in-law she's not coming and all heck breaks loose screaming at me calling me names etc in-laws back up sister-in-law and say that if she's excluded they're not coming to the appointment either giant family fight ending in frank kicking his whole family out of the house and we go to the ultrasound by ourselves baby is now 10 months and in-laws still haven't met him sister-in-law hasn't spoken to us and blocked us on everything father-in-law and mother-in-law constantly harp on the fact if i had just let sister-in-law come to my skin i wouldn't have divided the family and ruined everything this way and they won't meet our son until we apologize and that i'm cruel for keeping him from his family i think i should get a say in who i want at my own medical appointments but it's been going on for over a year now and they're still refusing to acknowledge the baby am i the jerk for not letting her come was it worth all of this sadness and drama for a 45-minute scan am i the jerk for depriving my son out of an entire half of his family because i wanted to stay in my own pregnancy edit sorry guys i'm new at this and forgot to mention the reason i think i might be the jerk yes my sister-in-law is a brat and yes my in-laws are exhausting and yes i'm probably going to need another teeth grinding night guard when i chomp through mine like a beaver but he's a pretty cool little guy and is starting to learn words and recognize people and has a great relationship with my family i'm anxious that no apology will be given on either side and now it'll be six years down the road and i'll have to answer to him oh why don't you have a relationship with daddy's family well mom decided her hill to die on was a black and white video of you because she didn't want your aunt dictating her body or choices like i get that i was in the right to have her not in my appointment but should i swallow my pride enough to fix things that my little guy gets half his family back or stick to my guns because the whole family is family thing doesn't hold water if everyone is toxic drama edit two yes as those predators who have had babies before guests the ultrasound i'm referring to is the big 20 weak anatomy and gender reveal ultrasound so yes my in-laws were saying they should all be in the room while my husband stood in the hall as we found out the baby's gender for the first time to answer more questions we're dealing with a family of long islanders here so that should clear up most family dynamic questions to the non-americans in the post long island is in new york and is characterized by loud bushy affluent dramatic women sorry to everyone who's getting lumped in here so in general that means my sister-in-law is spoiled rich and the family princess she has no mental or physical problems has no known fertility issues never been married and is just all-around rather difficult to deal with due to some serious entitlement issues sister-in-law dislikes me because her brother and i are vaguely apathetic to her i'm not impressed by purses or horses or jewelry so i just nod bemuseli as she shows me her newest arabic tack or von cleef swatch watch i collect cake pans so she finds my lack of social standing beneath her and that my husband is an embarrassment since he went into something so pedestrian as crypto since we don't need the family money we try to stay out of family drama as much as possible since we embarrass her who knew buying jeans at target was such an unpardonable offense we try to just keep out of it so the ensuing fight at our house was one for the ages 30 years of family drama got brought up missing my husband's debate championship for sister-in-law's writing schedule father-in-law and mother-in-law always allowing sister-in-law to choose first at activities vacations theater tickets etc frank seems to have found it heartbreaking if cathartic to finally let it all out now that everyone has clearly convinced me to wash my hands of my lingering guilt i shall swift shake all this crap off and follow frank's lead the world is stressful enough without what these lovely people add to it i won't stop if they choose to form a relationship with a baby but it'll be on my husband's terms you all were right and that i felt like i had to fix it because i felt like i broke it when i was really only the tipping point it fell off from to the super kind-hearted people saying i can't be this innocuous and must be leaving something out wow i wish i was this would be far more palatable for me if i could pinpoint doing something that i could point to and be like that tracks i guess i deserve that i wish i was more interesting or dramatic but i am incredibly boring i'm basically and from arrested development personality wise i'm going to put this beep to bed drink a big old glass of red wine and listen to don't rock the boat because of all of the wonderful tipsy boat analogies thanks again everyone cheers from our little family to yours lady couldn't eat the fish because it was touching the other meat didn't mention it to us been a while since i've had a customer complaint over the phone since all of this happened i was hoping to get some peace then lo and behold i get this call it's not verbatim but it captures the heart of the conflict some background info our restaurant is one of those make your own bowl slash plate slash meal type of establishments you basically choose a base add meats vegetables and sauces etc obviously in our menus we write dietary notes like this contains pork or contains soy and most importantly please tell us if you have any dietary restrictions or allergies customer calls to complain about her online order me hello restaurant speaking how may i help you customer yeah i ordered from your restaurant and you mixed the fish with the chicken i can't eat it me may i ask under what name customer it's under the name john doe me i'm sorry to hear that i'm looking at your order and it's with the chicken there was no instructions to separate it in its own container customer well i can't eat it why would you put fish and chicken together me well in this restaurant we have customers who add and mix their meals some add pork chicken and shrimp others have tofu and sausages and other combinations we'll put it in with their base bowl unless they specifically tell us to separate some things customer goes on a rant about how abnormal my restaurant is how is that normal who does that in a restaurant me chipotle q-doba bear burger indicates chard every pokeball restaurant a bunch of ramen restaurants cava a bunch of delis and even some halal carts with their chicken and lamb over rice combo this isn't how you serve food to your customers internal me no this is how we serve our food our customers have enough common sense to ask to not have foods they can't eat mixed in or at least separated customer i am never coming back to this restaurant ever me i'm sorry to hear that she hangs up me yo manager just a heads up if you get a complaint on yelp or an email about an order about not separating stuff here's the copy of the order manager so she didn't write to separate it didn't mention she can't eat the stuff alright we got evidence just in case the office branch calls about it following day john doe orders online again and this time with no fish karen thinks my mother-in-law works as a secretary cast we've got my mother-in-law we've got karen mean lady who i'm unsure if she's really named karen but she looks like one we've got me and we've got the secretary really nice lady who actually does work there story so i was into physio before all of this started and i have a mother-in-law drive me but we also had to bring my son who's two i was in for my appointment and mother-in-law was watching my son in the waiting room my son was wandering around and got behind the counter mother-in-law went after him to get him to play where he's supposed to a lady who we will call karen walks in and says excuse me i need to book an appointment right as my mother-in-law stood up the lady then saw the kid karen why the heck would you bring a baby to work mother-in-law i don't work here karen don't lie to me you're the only one out here mother-in-law the secretary just stepped out for a minute i'm sure she'll be right back then why the heck are you behind the counter because my grandson ran back here he's only two and he doesn't know any better just yet sorry whatever just get behind the computer and book me an appointment before i have you fired at this point the actual secretary walked into the room secretary sorry for taking so long back there karen it's about time you came fire her she points at my mother-in-law secretary looking really confused she doesn't work here she's just waiting for her daughter to finish her appointment but i'm back now and i'm able to help you with whatever you need karen with a nasty look on her face yeah fine whatever i'd need to book an appointment so they booked her appointment and she left my little man apparently ran behind the counter again and the secretary said my aren't you the cutest little worker we have i finished my appointment and on the way home mother-in-law told me this story and asked me to post it for her so i did entitled mom wants to use my car money to pay off her debt my mother entitled mom has a problem with money she has about 10 credit cards and owes over three thousand dollars to her boss because she borrows money i have to pay one thousand two hundred fifty dollars to her each month for rent and pay all of my bills on my own which is fifty dollars for my phone and food slash necessities i try not to ask her for money unless i absolutely need it or can pay her back the next day this leaves me with no savings and nothing left over by the time i get my last paycheck well i'm getting promoted to a position with a slightly better pay which could help me start saving for my future the catch is i have to have reliable transportation as i'm being transferred to a location that is 15 minutes away instead of five minutes from my house and an open availability my mom drives our only car to work in the morning and doesn't return until evening so i have to work night shifts i give just about all of my money to my mother so he won't be homeless i don't have money to do things with friends buy myself anything and my job is very mentally and physically demanding i basically do slave labor cause everyone has seen money except me i have thought about getting another job but i already work long hours and don't get much sleep during the day because my mom is a very loud person and talks to me slash keeps the tv at max volume etc asking her to be quiet does not help as she always says you're always asleep when i get home you sleep all day you're just lazy when i was your age yeah when you were my age you were also getting in trouble well my grandmother lives very comfortable and offered to give me my grandfather's car because he can no longer drive and i am in need of a car to continue my career i expect to stay with this company as the people slash company take good care of its employees once they get promoted to management unfortunately the car was stolen before we could drive down to pick it up my grandmother in turn offered to give me forty five hundred dollars to buy a new car my mom tells me this along with her plan on how she's going to use my money the conversation went roughly like this entitled mom glenn said she wants to give you forty five hundred dollars for a car me that's cool and all but do you think they will find the car entitled mom ignoring me like usual what i'll do is fix the oil leak on this car from when she drove after a surgery instead of calling me and crashed eight hundred dollars and then pay off my boss and then ask grant to co-sign a call for me and i'll make the payments and you can drive this car 2003 always needing a fix me how much do you owe your boss entitled mom three thousand dollars me no what do you mean no i don't get anything out of that it's not my fault you owe that much money and have debt because you keep buying furniture and shoes you never wear literally dozens of brand new shoes that sit in their box while i wear the same two to three pairs for the last two years because if i want new shoes i need to buy them entitled mom then i won't have a car to drive to work and you will have to take me and pick me up every day me i'm sorry but if anyone is going to have her co-sign it's going to be me you have terrible credit i have no credit i want to build my credit and have something of my own your 3 000 debt is not my fault and you're not going to use my car money and make promises you can't realistically keep and i'm not driving an unreliable car that you ruined at this point she just starts screaming about how selfish i am and that she's only been in debt because of me she picked an expensive place to live so she wouldn't have to spend an extra hundred dollars on gas per week even though we pay around one thousand dollars more on rent than if we lived 45 minutes away from her work ben 10 she buys herself clothes and shoes and jewelry that she never wears because she never goes out she drinks a lot and lounges around after work until she goes to bed lazy sound familiar did i mention she has a desk job she keeps using finger hut to buy ninja kitchen stuff or swaps out furniture because you can buy moderately expensive items on payment plans except they add about 100 to 300 which she would rather pay to get the item now than save and get it later i have no idea if my grandmother is giving us a check or cash but i hope it's a check in my name as my mom would not give it to me otherwise she'd say something like you're irresponsible i'll hold on to it or i already told you i'm using the money do you know how stupid that would make us look to my grandmother she would never offer to help us again because she would feel scammed i would be out of a car and unable to fulfill the promotion demands i'll be stuck in the same boat i am now giving all my money to my mom and not having a penny to my name a week later i'll update this when something happens like getting the money or hopefully the stolen car being found and getting it edit the rent is not just one thousand two hundred fifty dollars rent is around two thousand two hundred dollars it may seem like a lot for an apartment but it's actually a really nice two-floor townhouse with community amenities security and a gate vaulted ceilings good location that stays cool in summer and i now get to have my own bedroom which i have never had for myself until i was 19 and a personal bathroom shower and a walk-in closet i pay half the rent and give her money for car insurance because she has a great driving record and it's cheaper to have me on hers than my own edit 2. she won't steal my car that would be pointless she can't sell a stolen car my county is really good on that unfortunately the car i should be getting which is stolen is two counties away where car theft is common she doesn't want my car she just wants the money because it's already coming karen throws food and drinks in my face for not giving her free parking happened a few years ago during a football game the home teams college was providing free parking for game attendees in various lots near the stadium i used to live very close to the stadium just a block or two away with a gravel front yard as a driveway some people are thrown off by our driveways being parallel to the road but they usually understand it's not a parking space as there is usually grass between the driveway and road unfortunately the day would come where i would meet a wild karen in front of my family and we would all almost go to jail for it it was a single mother karen in a pickup with her kids and she had not only pulled into my driveway but also blocked the gate to my house my car was in the driveway so she had to drive over grass in order to park on my driveway which should have been the first almost immediately my grandpa confronts her and tells her that she was on my property and that free parking was two houses down she didn't take too kindly to that and started screaming about how we're supposed to provide free parking to all visitors i rush over to the source of the yelling from the neighbor's house and find an irate karen yelling at my grandpa so i asked her to leave when she demanded the free parking promised by the college we told her this wasn't part of the college and to go literally two houses down to get a free space or directions to one by a college staff more yelling ensued and i decided to take pictures of their license plate plus make and model in case i need to call the police the daughter saw me take a pic and jumped out of the truck to yell at me before going back to yell at my grandpa there really isn't much to say about the daughter because i couldn't understand her through her screaming when i told karen she needed to leave before i called the cops she responded by throwing drinks and food at me and my grandpa before i promptly slammed her car door and caused a drink to bounce off the window and spill all over the interior of the truck at this point people have gathered around a watch a few moments later the cops arrived and separate us they talked to witnesses and us first before talking to karen who responded to everyone's testimony by claiming we said something illegal where i live there are laws restricted on what you can say and karen was hoping to get back at us by accusing us of violating these laws i don't want to get into details because it's a very hot topic and i learned to just be quiet and deal with it the police officers detained us for questioning but one of them saw straight through karen's ploy and they explained what we can and can't say if someone else reports us for saying the wrong thing then they would personally come back to arrest us karen was then given a huge fine and told to leave in the end karen wasted valuable time got a huge fine and made a fool of herself in front of everyone when she could have just drove a couple houses down please come watch this video next you will love it and support this channel by joining as a member today and we'll give you a special shout out in our next video and to have us make any kind of video you'd like us to come visit us on fiverr link pinned in the comments below
Channel: r/mr reddit
Views: 77,608
Rating: 4.9131632 out of 5
Keywords: r/entitled parents, r/entitled parents rslash, entitled parents, entitledparents, entitled parents stories, entitled parents reddit, entitled parents rslash, entitled parents playlist, entitled parents stories playlist, reddit stories entitledparents rslash, rSlash, mr reddit, r/mrreddit, r/, reddit stories, rSlash entitledparents, rslash entitledparents playlist, funny stories reddit, karen, reddit, reddit stories funny, redditor, Top Posts of All Time, r/entitledparents
Id: kwFO1paqvAU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 6sec (1926 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 28 2020
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