r/Entitledparents "KAREN DEMANDS MY MONEY!"

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hey there mr reddit here welcome back to another episode of our slash entitled parent stories our first story we'll be reading today mom begs for money despite buying a new house and new car after that am i the jerk for being angry my ex-wife is reusing our first son's name and after that fire my boss unethically enjoy paying my unemployment benefits now for every thumbs up this video gets one karen does not get to take anyone's house but i deserve it so please smash that like button and if you're new subscribe and turn on notifications for new stories from reddit every single day mom begs for money despite buying new house and car a little backstory my mom who is on ssdi top tier almost 2 800 a month has a very hard time budgeting last year she decided to sell my grandparents house in oregon to move back to the seattle area she got the house by having my grandma with dementia change the will and cut out her two siblings my uncle and aunt and after my grandma passed the house and all the savings slash belongings went to my mom so she sells the house and instead of buying a reasonable home she has limited mobility lots of prescriptions and falls often she buys herself and her three cats a 4 000 square foot home in a gated community there was literally no money left over from the sale acquisition of the new home i had to help by paying for a moving van and helpers before this she had a settlement from a slip slash fall lawsuit of roughly 50 000 which she instantly rolls into a brand new 2018 toyota highlander she had been left my grandma's 2013 aspen suv but the gas mileage was not good enough then she backs into a tree and busts a taillight on her new car a few months after buying it goes to the dealership to fix the taillight decide she needs a brand new 2019 fully loaded highlander with a tow package which she has nothing to tow so this is a mystery she trades in her 2018 with 5 000 miles on it and takes out a 35 000 car loan and this is on a fixed income and she always has money struggles so here here's like 80 000 of car at this point excellent she's constantly begging my bro sis and i for money we are 38 brother 36 me 27 sister and all trying to establish ourselves in our lives careers and financial security i'm a stay-at-home mom with two kids we live off my husband's income as an apprentice tradesman and have to be very frugal we qualify to live in low-income housing and i find ways to be resourceful like donating our time and vehicle to help a local food bank so we are able to get some food as well as help the community we don't own a home or brand new fancy cars and if you take away rent and do the math for just us two adults we live on less than her monthly ssdi yet every month she has a sad story about how she can't afford x or y she finally canceled her 175 dollar a month tv plan i've asked her more times than i can count to please not bring up money matters with me i've offered to help her budget but she refuses the help only wants money well she brought up money the other day when she came over to our apartment to visit the grandkids but really she came to pill for the food bank transportation we do every sunday before we drop off at the food bank saying she didn't have enough money to pick up her prescriptions this is just after she told me she gets her prescriptions in the mail i think she has dementia i told her i could spare 15 for gas money but that was all i explained we are a family of four living on one income and we have a tight budget i remind her she has had plenty of opportunities to save or spend her money more wisely so she takes the 15 and goes i get a call the next day of her crying saying that the way i brought up her poor money choices was terribly upsetting pretty much making me out to be the villain and her the victim this self-victimizing routine is her go-to it's exhausting because i've done so much for her i put my life on hold for five years after college to be her full-time caretaker she fell and needed a hip replacement i couldn't hold down a job or any healthy relationships because i was constantly being called back home to get this slash that for her take her to doctor's appointments etc i could literally write a novel in all the ways i've helped her i feel like this post is a novella anyways forget her for trying to make me out to be the bad guy because i don't give her money to get extra prescriptions to fuel her addiction forget her for even putting it out there and begging my family for money when she has so much and lastly forget her for never respecting my boundaries which i need to preserve my well-being after her sob story phone call i was upset and it took me a few hours to get my head on straight i wasn't a good mom to my kids at the time so to be a better mom to my kids i'm putting old mom and time out i need a break from her entitled self end rant thank you and good night would you give your parents money if they had bad spending habits and why or why not please let us know who are you to decide whether i have bad spending habits or not am i the jerk for being angry my ex-wife is reusing our first son's name i'm 33 male and my ex elena 33 female fake name were married for four years we got married at 18 straight out of high school and had our kid a year later and hindsight disaster waiting to happen the marriage we had a boy nathan nathan was stolen from us four years later it ended us i'm still in therapy a few years after our divorce we're now 26 she met steve fake name steve and lena dated and eventually got married i was genuinely happy for them both when they got pregnant i was thrilled for lena it reminded me of nathan and it brought back a lot of heartbreak but i was really happy she was building a new family i'm not there yet last week she gave birth to a boy and announced that she'd name him nathan officially nathan ii like you would do with your pets in a facebook post she put his photo next to our nathan and wrote a tribute but i just couldn't i lost it i called her up and demanded she change his name that she had no right there were a lot of words exchanged before i broke my phone not long after i received a call from my sister telling me that i was a jerk for how i reacted and that i'm not respecting her grief she's since gotten the family involved who are siding with my ex my mother is insisting i should be grateful that god has given nathan back to us worse someone sent word back to my therapist who scheduled an emergency session for this afternoon everyone is calling me the jerk and i feel like i'm losing my mind edit to answer a few questions and some dms my ex and i are slash were still close because we continued grief counseling together even after the divorce we couldn't cope together under the same roof and that led to the divorce but we didn't hate each other my ex and my family are still close because we've all known each other since we were kids my sister was nathan's godmother and maid of honor at lena's wedding i won't change therapists because of this i've been with her for many years now she's one of my anchors edit too a couple of you have asked about my breaking the phone and taking a call i have two cells a personal one and one my work gave me my work phone is dual so i transfer the sim card from my broken one update i had a long session with my therapist and we're working on managing my hurt again i feel like i'm back at square one i don't know who notified her but i have my suspicions right now because of what's going on moving is not an option but she's encouraged the idea of getting away i know she meant more go to a cottage but i'm considering uprooting my life and just leaving i also found out that lena has spoken to my sister about the name who then brought our mother into the fold they both gave lana their blessings and my mother made the promise to speak with me about it because speaking to me about nathan is still a taboo subject obviously no one ever spoke to me about it i'm just so tired well what do you think was it wrong of op's ex-wife to use this name or not please let us know fire my boss unethically enjoy paying my unemployment benefits this took place more than a decade ago i started working for a small branch of a company and got along really well with my boss the branch manager and used to compare him to michael scott not to his face i would have been jim halpert in this scenario after working there for a while my boss was approached with an awesome offer to go manage a bigger branch a few hours away this was because the owner wanted to place his son as the branch manager of a small location and needed to vacate a position to do so my boss graciously turned down the offer his kids had just started at their new schools and he didn't want to uproot them again he had relocated to take the current position this was not taken well by our company's office but they couldn't fire him for it not directly a few weeks later i saw our office manager a lady nobody in the office liked in my boss's office filing paperwork or so it seemed which was odd but not alarming the next week my boss was going to be on vacation and all the office staff had to attend a meeting for non-salaried employees at the corporate headquarters while we were at the corporate thing our office manager handed out new office keys to all of us three that were there my boss was on vacation and salaried i asked why are we getting new keys and she said it was because someone lost theirs none of us had lost our keys we were all sitting together and could easily confirm this so i texted my boss to ask him and he had no clue what she was up to i got a bad feeling about what was happening i called him after the meeting and told him to come by my house sunday when he got back from out of town i explained that i was 95 certain they were planning to fire him monday i didn't know what reason i just had a gut feeling i said it was too bad because if he was fired i wouldn't want to work there anymore knowing that they could do shady stuff like that he jokingly said he should fire me first so i could go on unemployment i laughed and told him that he should write me a termination notice and then if he doesn't get fired on monday it would be just between us but if he does get fired i could take it to the unemployment office and have proof that i was fired for something that would make me eligible for benefits so we did and he was fired monday for misfiling paperwork of some sort and i definitely did not go back to work they tried calling me in and i told them that my boss had fired me already i took the proof with me to the unemployment office and was good to go until they former employer disputed my claim i had a hearing on the phone with the unemployment office and my corporate hr person hr he wasn't fired the paperwork he submitted with his claim isn't the right paperwork it should have come from hr not his manager unemployment why did the manager not do that then where is he hr he no longer works for the company unemployment why did he leave he was fired unemployment why was he fired hr mumbles for doing paperwork incorrectly unemployment well that is hardly the fault of the terminated employee how is he to know that the paperwork is invalid that is coming from their supervisor they told my hr that they could rehire me or not but my claim was valid they couldn't rehire me because they had already filled the position so i got to collect unemployment for a while before moving on to my next job my former boss is doing well now it seems and i don't feel bad at all for the record it is very likely that they would have invented a way of firing me after they got rid of my boss had they done that they would have made certain that my termination was such that i wouldn't be eligible for unemployment i took that power away from them by getting fired preemptively i'm also positive that when i saw the office manager in his office while he was away she was arranging the setup for him to be fired am i the jerk for telling my sister that the world doesn't revolve around her all names have been changed for obvious reasons my sister julie who's 28 and i who i'm 36 male grew up in a working class family our parents were in a small hardware store growing up and when they passed away eight years ago julie and i ran it together for a few years along the way i started dating a woman annie who's 30 who is now my wife and he came from a much more white-collar family and we got engaged her dad wanted me to have a more stable job so that she wouldn't have to be the only breadwinner in the family and he got me connected with some of his colleagues after a couple interviews i got a job offer that paid almost three times as much as i was making at the hardware store julie agreed that i should take this job since her boyfriend stan 30ml was planning to start helping her with the store anyway a few months later julie became pregnant and she was ecstatic stan claimed he was as well but i was suspicious of his supposed enthusiasm as he began acting more stressed as julie got closer to giving birth sure enough when she did give birth last year stan didn't even stick around for two days until he ran out on her annie and i helped out as much as we could and after a while julie started getting back on her feet unfortunately a couple of months into what's been going on the store went bankrupt leaving julie unemployed she started working three part times to provide for her and the baby she's asked me to borrow money three times in the past six months and while financially i can more than afford it i'm worried that she's becoming a mooch and just using me for money the main conflict happened last month we were on the phone and i mentioned that work's been stressful for me and she laughed really condescendingly and said yeah talk to me when you're not the guy making six figures from one job with no family to provide for i felt hurt and invalidated so i told her that one it's not my fault she decided to have kids and has to spend extra on them and two her problems aren't the only ones that matter and the world doesn't revolve around her long story short there was a lot of yelling and she ended up calling me a jerk and hanging up on me two weeks later she asked me again to borrow money saying she thinks her daughter's sick and she can't afford to take her to the doctor i frankly feel like that was a load of bs and when i said no she started guilt-tripping me and said that i'm hurting the kid if i don't lend her money i still refused and once again she hung up on me later i told annie what had happened and to my surprise she started yelling at me and saying that i was being cruel annie called julie later and lent her the money from our joint account without asking me first neither of them have spoken to me for days but frankly i feel like julie's just manipulating annie's kindness to get money out of us edit for those asking about child support she has no idea where he is and has no way to contact or track him down well what do you think is opie the jerk or not please let us know try to prank me good luck getting your camper back anyone who follows me or reads any of my posts knows something about my wife's best friend i'll call karen a heartbeat from heck she makes everyone even my wife sometimes miserable she also thinks she's smarter than everyone and is just stuck up enough to believe no one would dare cross her so a friend of ours i'll call bill bought a piece of property next door to us he had a car accident in november and lives an hour away he made me a legal agent of the property which means i have almost as much power as he does think property manager it has a small house on it that's unoccupied but i keep an eye on things he bought the property only because next to the house is a big asphalt parking lot it used to be a lot for a small used car company his reasoning was that during the bad winter months he could park equipment and trucks from his other companies there so he also had me put up a huge no parking violators will be towed at the owner's expense signs all around it moving on so sunday i'm elbow deep into an rc submersible when my wife bursts into my study and yells for me to listen to something i take the phone and who's doing a live video karen karen was talking about how she was going away for a few days this was sunday morning because she was so stressed out from always giving people advice and helping them through their problems etc and then she mentioned again why my wife told me she talked about how she parked her 46 foot fifth wheel 35 000 camper next door to me and seeing bill was unreachable this week i would have to look at it for the next three days as a reminder that she's not only smarter but 10 moves ahead of me and i'm a jerk because i wouldn't loan her a truck and it cost her money to rent one turns out she told her husband who is gone during the week for work that she had bill's permission to put it there so early sunday morning he towed it over there i was upset she has a tendency to lie so i went outside and there it was parked right there in the middle of the lot was her camper i actually smiled because i had a perfect plan as being a manager of the property i also had a right to have any vehicle towed off there including that one i had two options call garage a owned by a nice guy doesn't charge the state maximum for the tow and storage fees explain what happened and he might cut you a break then there's garage b he doesn't care if he has to tow your car 15 feet he's charging you the max and always charges the maximum storage fees so you're darn right i went with garage b called the guy gave him my name told him i managed the property and bring a fifth wheel he had it gone in less than a half an hour this is the best part yet my friends i didn't tell her it was toad until yesterday morning yes i waited from sunday afternoon till tuesday morning yesterday morning she's on facebook live streaming from her car talking about how she was going to go visit her camper for another laugh then i got on live my wife sent her a message to get on my live stream like now and post the link to my page when she was viewing i said this hey karen hope you had a wonderful time i have to tell you something i had your camper towed with me being the property's manager and bill being unavailable i had to have it towed we can't let people think they can just park on there illegally xyz till has the camper i was going to call you sunday but you seemed so stressed out that i thought you deserved the break i mean the camper is safe that's all that matters right well facebook lit up like a christmas tree as i had hoped those watching her stream followed because well they were curious too and then the messages started a few condemned me but most were supportive some thought it was about time someone showed her that she wasn't all powerful and no one was scared of her then it went quiet now a normal person might be upset but understandable but she went the wounded karen route that afternoon she got back on again she was crying fake crying about how it was going to cost her over two thousand dollars in fees because her husband wouldn't be back until friday to tow it back and could someone please do it for her a bonus i was hoping would happen and that if she started a gofundme page would people donate to help her pay the fees the answers to that were between no and heck no but hey she didn't threaten to sue me at least right side note bill is unavailable this week except to certain people which i am part of i called him and told him the whole story his answer was exactly good you want to play games then be prepared to lose the camper is still there no one volunteered to get it a few said they would for gas money but she tried to play it off as it would be helping her and she owed so much in fees and that she would owe them a favor a favor no one would collect on because she has nothing to bargain with am i the jerk for pointing out someone's acne scars after they repeatedly tried to sell us mlm products a girl 19 and i 19 female graduated and joined a makeup and skincare related mlm a couple of months ago at first it was pretty low key a couple of product posts here and there but that was it then she got heavily involved in her uplines boss babe group and since then my former classmate has become awful she constantly spams her social media feeds and stories with pictures of the products claiming things these products can do that are blatant lies then she often posts these inspirational talks in which she tries to recruit her followers by filming herself saying how unhappy she was working as a waitress how happy she is selling mlm products and that we can also quit our menial jobs her words and start working on her team she also got caught lying about how much money she makes and she often tries to sell her products to her little sister's friends a big part of this certain mlm scheme is that the sellers offer free skin care consultations via zoom where they basically try to sell you their products my former classmate does that too and often zooms random people to see if they want one of those skin care consultations with her she specifically targets people with bad skin one of those people with bad skin is one of my closest friends emma who's 19. emma has had bad acne since she was 10 years old and she still has acne and scars it's one of her worst insecurities when the former classmate texted emma to try to convince her to book one of those skincare consultations with her the classmate basically texted emma that she knows how emma is struggling with acne and that she has just the right products for emma emma declined and told her she wasn't interested in a consultation then the mlm girl got her friends who support her mlm business to text emma to try to convince her and tell her how amazing these products are emma declined again and she told me how awful she feels because she knows how visible her acne scars are and if so many people are pointing them out it all came to a head yesterday emma and i went to a restaurant and our mlm classmate was also there at one point during the evening the mlm girl came over and started talking to emma about acne and how her products can help emma repeatedly told the mlm girl she wasn't interested but she wouldn't go away now this is where i might be the jerk at some point i just snapped and asked the mlm girl if she doesn't use her own products or if her products are just useless because she also has visible acne scars the mlm girl looked shocked and hurt and she finally went away emma thanked me for speaking up but also told me that i didn't have to snap that hard at her so am i the jerk for snapping at the mlm girl after she didn't go away well what do you think was opie the jerk for what they said or not please let us know karen won't accept i don't work here so my brother-in-law was decorating his apartment in preparation for holiday and he asked me if i could go along and help him as he's not brilliant at interior design i happily agreed as a day shopping with him is always fun we enter our local home furnishings store and prepare to shop being a former retail manager i'm pretty good at figuring out store layouts quickly so i know exactly where to go for each item big bro has listed we're casually making our way through the list as i point out where we need to go when a lady grabs my arm and i instantly tense up here's how it goes the cast we've got me we've got big bro we've got karen and the store employee karen excuse me there are other people in this store that need help you know me kindly let go of my arm please karen no you've been helping this guy for ages it's my turn he's my brother now get the heck off me i shake her off my arm and she gets huffy you can't give preferential treatment to family members you have to help all customers me no i don't i don't work here lady yes you do how else would you know where everything is me because i used to work in retail so you do work here big brother no she doesn't she said she used to karen interrupting you stay out of it you've hugged her long enough big brother raises his eyebrows at me as if to say sorry i tried but he bails at this point can't say i blame him but gee thanks bro store employee comes over and asks is there a problem karen screeches yes this employee won't help me but she's been helping this other customer for ages pointing at my brother's rapidly disappearing back employee ma'am she doesn't work here she's not even wearing clothing that looks remotely like our uniform she's a customer too then why does she know where everything is employee looks taken aback so i decide to rescue her and say because i'm not a and can shop by relative department contents karen goes several shades of purple and starts screeching for a manager the employee just tells me to carry on with my shopping and that they'll handle it from here later as we're queuing at the till big brother and i see karen at the customer service desk gesturing wildly in my direction and still clearly in full rant mode we pay up and i can't resist but to give her a cheeky wave goodbye as we head out of the store clean as you go okay up until about four years ago i worked for a large supermarket here in the uk night shift replenishments we filled and rotated the shelves at night so they could be just topped up in the day i'm going to start off by saying that cleaning standards in my store were subpar anyways we all had our own designated aisles to fill i was usually on a produce aisle fruits and vegetables but as times called for it i could be taken to other areas of the store that were struggling now every department has its own manager and every manager is different our produce manager was on the ball department clean and tidy at all times paperwork always done always back up for holidays dairy manager on the other hand couldn't organize anything one of the things he was very slacking on was cleaning on the surface he would have had the shelves cleaned but behind the stock was a different story the shelves are slanted so you could only see the back of the chiller if you got down and then look directly up behind an area with no stock so pretty much 100 hidden so one night dairy is struggling again due to the fact that the area is run by a chimp that the company shaved and threw a uniform on i get sent over as produce is ahead of schedule yogurt aisle specifically it's not difficult work but as i'm filling those shelves i get a nice view of all the mold on the back of the chillers the chillers blow cold air from the back so as i'm reaching my arms in i'm short with short arms i get a nice full face of moldy smelling air the whole dang night and again the next night night three i'm sick as a dog can't stop throwing off and this goes on for three more nights into my weekend i get back and i have to have my meeting with the night manager and dairy manager mine was on holiday they are not happy with my absence this was my second period in the year now i had been at this store for five years and these two absences were the only sickness i had off i'm a bit defensive and i point out the fact that i'd basically been working in a biohazard area for two days i told them about the mold blowing in my face for two nights which i also pointed out to the dairy manager on day one and was dismissed not good enough apparently i'm only going off sick because i know the usual yogurt guy is always going sick and i'm trying to take advantage they never did connect those dots after all this the outcome was a written warning they have to send you out of the room before giving you a warning to discuss as per procedure thin walls i could hear them he could appeal based on the moldy chillers he has evidence just get him on the clean as you go policy and that's what they did they said if the chillers were dirty it's my responsibility as the policy is technically clean as you go if you see a mess you clean it i said that's madness there's like seven years of build up there the whole aisle has it didn't matter that's the policy fine so be it then anyway that night i'm back on yogurts usual guy is actually back but i guess this was now some sort of weird extra punishment but at least now i'm fully aware of that clean as you go policy another thing i haven't mentioned is not just how useless the dairy manager is but how lazy he is this also applies to the night manager the night shift to be honest doesn't require much running everyone has their aisles and they know their job the dairy manager night manager and grocery manager would spend the night chilling outside smoking barely popping in to check on things the produce manager was usually left to handle any issues as he was actually respectively professional but he's on holiday this night yogurts is at the back of the store smoking shelter at the front i know i'm alone all night long and i have a lot to clean first things first have to get to the back of the chillers all this stock is in the way better take it off so all the stock piled onto cages and run it into the chiller nine cages total only took me a couple of hours as it's ten times quicker to take off as it is to put out shelves are still in the way better take them down to be honest the back edge on them all needs cleaning too so all the shelves up hinged and dismantled they just lift off and pull out get them all on a couple of cages and run them into the warehouse so i can spray them down in the cleaning area this took longer than expected as some of that black mold was incredibly stubborn better leave them here to dry back to the aisle can finally start on the backs of the chillers again just like the shelves super hard to get off took me the rest of the night to get one side cleaned the other though terribly filthy so that's how my night ended nothing on the shelves actually not even any shelves and the managers had no idea a few people asked me what i was doing that night i just told them night manager says i have to clean this nobody informed them morning comes 6 am the store manager comes in he likes to walk the aisles first thing with the night managers i'm just doing my shopping at this point next to the yogurts he arrives i had never heard him lose it before what the heck the night managers didn't have anything to say they're supposed to run this place through the night and they didn't even know a whole aisle had basically gone missing he tore into them right there eventually one of them mentioned they had seen me shopping the store manager demanded someone grab me he wants an explanation as to why one of his biggest selling aisles had vanished into oblivion i round the corner what the heck have you done i was told i had to clean this who told you that the night manager and the dairy manager they interjected we did not me i have the notes from my attendance review signed by both of you stating that i need to clean as i go well this isn't cleaning as you go me dismantling the aisle was the only way i had to get rid of the mold that's when the store manager took a closer look at the back of those chillers not just a dark discoloration like he had assumed with his bad eyesights moldy he went off again and pulled them both into the warehouse for round two cleaning the chillers is night manager's responsibility this was inexcusable i went back to shopping came in the next night to hear the fallout they were both written up the store manager made them stay and clean the other chiller wall then they put all of the shelves back up then put all the stock back out plus the delivery that was also unworked from the night before all in all seven hours past shift end and they still had to come in that night i never saw any retaliation i heard that was specifically from the store manager not because he's a good guy but because it wasn't worth it from a legal and career perspective i had followed instructions and there are some pretty rigid labor laws and protections here not to mention a strong union they didn't want head office to get wind of how filthy they had allowed a food chiller to get opening up the company to all manner of fines clean as you go please come watch this video next and we'll see you when you get there and join as a channel member today and we'll give you a special shout out on our next video and you can have us make any kind of video you'd like us to just come visit us on fiverr link pinned in the comments below
Channel: r/mr reddit
Views: 60,814
Rating: 4.9090505 out of 5
Keywords: r/entitled parents, r/entitled parents rslash, entitled parents, entitledparents, entitled parents stories, entitled parents reddit, entitled parents rslash, entitled parents playlist, entitled parents stories playlist, reddit stories entitledparents rslash, rSlash, mr reddit, r/mrreddit, r/, reddit stories, rSlash entitledparents, rslash entitledparents playlist, funny stories reddit, karen, reddit, reddit stories funny, redditor, Top Posts of All Time, r/entitledparents
Id: syxu0TfSv_s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 20sec (1820 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 04 2020
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