r/EntitledParents | Give me your XBOX now!!!

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welcome back for more reddit story videos today we have several entitled parent stories for you to enjoy as always don't forget to share and like the enjoy these videos with us further ado here we go eeehm wants me to give her little angel my xbox game for eks ps3 after he acted like a prick and tried to steal my game so this happened one year ago my friend's dad brought his friends over and one of them also brought his family I was at his house at the time half an hour later this kid who was barely eight years old walked in where we were playing GTA 5 before he came upstairs so we turn it off at his arrival as the game is not for eight-year-olds this is how it unfolds just so you know in Australia game ratings go like this G same as the rest of the world PG same as the rest of the world M recommended for 14 plus but can be played by someone under ma 15 restricted to 15 plus are restricted to 18 plus DK in target hey do you have ps3 because I do he said it like it was a brag to own a ps3 in 2018 f friends no I have an Xbox one which is a better and more powerful console no it isn't you won't understand why cuz you're a console peasant anyway it was then GTA v we ignored his comments as he had no idea what he was talking about and considering what he just said he still won't understand even if we tell him yeah but I'll get some different games for you hey ope can you take out some PG games from that drawer I get some games out like minecraft and Lego games and he refuses to play them he wants to play GTA no I want to play GTA 5 that game is not for little kids you can't play it no I'm a grown-up kid law I can play whatever I want well how about this you play one of these now my friends had taking out some m-rated titles like Need for Speed no I want to play GTA I'm saying this one last time pick one of the no I want to play the game I'm a grown-up and you don't control me well that's where you were wrong he has extremely low tolerance for brats F picks up the little [ __ ] and puts him outside his room while ek is streaming and locks the door I gave you a choice now you don't get anything controlled this grown-up DK I'm telling mommy we burst into laughter and started a new game of Forza 5 minutes later we get a knock on the door and it's e/m p.m. open this door right now f opens door ek taught me that you slapped him because he wants to play games with you actually what happened was that he ki wanted to play an r-rated game and I won't let him I even gave him the option to play some age-appropriate games but he threw a tantrum and started yelling at us nonsense DK would never do something like that he's a very good boy well your little angel is a little brat eeehm let me see the game f Hansard a case for GTA and shows her the rating she just mumbles and tells ek to pick one of the other games okay I'll play this one now get off actually we're in the middle of a game right now so you have to wait no it's my turn get off first off it's my xbox and second you have been a prick so far so at least try to be a little more nice you have been playing for so long it's my turn no just wait for five minutes fine you want to be mean then I'll call your mummy go do that it doesn't bother us then the little breath just sits down and watches a few minutes later he walks up to the console and sits there then he tries to quietly grab my empty this case but the dumbass falls over me hey why are you trying to steal my game I paused the game and grabbed the case from him mommy he stole my game now he M thumbs up to my friend's room and started yelling at us it was so much that I'm not bothered to type it all but one of the phrases was give ek his game back right now look he tried to steal my game because we told him to wait mommy he's lying it's my game he K would never steal he's not a [ __ ] like you me oh yeah well prove that the game is yours they both go silence p.m. why don't you prove it me okay then first off there's a receipt in there that says the game was purchased in my name and on cash second your little [ __ ] owns a ps3 so this game cannot be his as it's not compatible with his console and lastly I brought this game with me which you can ask ex mom and I've stared about it that's enough for you there's a long silence and then ek talks on his mom's sleeve eeehm well give it to him anyways he deserves it because he's a good boy what p.m. are you deaf I told you to give him his game back she says his you're too old for racing game anyways at least she didn't say you're too old to play any games me let him get this straight do you want me to give DK my game because he's a good boy even though he threw a tantrum when we didn't let him play an par 18 game he acts entitled spoiled and like a brat the entire time and treat us like [ __ ] then he tries to steal my game and lies about F slapping him yep you know what I'm telling ABS mom and I'm getting you banned from this house me go ahead he am stomps away F wow she's crazy we continue our game and play for the next hour without interruptions and found out later that iam stormed out when F smart sided with me and told her to stop being childish no arrests or assault but still worth sharing eeehm will stop at nothing to get a Pikachu at the Del Mar fair p.m. intell mom ek and target me no clue F friend s security disclaimer this will have a few swear words my friend curses if she is met now on to the story me and F went to the game booth people set up to win some prizes but required you to give a certain amount of tickets to play I gave I think five tickets to play one game the game was to knock over four bottles two-on-two but in order to win you have to knock over all four to get a big price but if you miss by one you can get a small price I knocked over all four and me and my friend were in complete shock because I knew I wouldn't win have to hearing the rules I chose the giant Pikachu plush as a prize we went on a few rides and employee would always ask to hold the plushies but to not get confused who it belongs to I wrapped my favorite jacket around it after the ride I went to pick it up enter p.m. p.m. you have my child stuffed animal can you give it back me no I won this if you like I can show you where you can win this yourself eeehm looked at me as if I insulted her and rolled her eyes yep no my ek can't waste his tickets on some stupid game just to play again and win another if it's so easy f irritated pushes herself in front of me and talks to the e/m listen to him it's not that hard just win do it yourself it's just five tickets not $1000 p.m. Oh sharp how much it cost is irrelevant I don't care and I want that plush now at this point a few people were not seeing this happening so I tap half shoulder and we leave yeah man DK who start following us for a while until we lost them in a big crowd and F chooses to hold the push for me later when we make our way to the meeting spot I feel a hand grab my shoulder and surprise its e/m with her DK behind her eeehm you better give me the push right now I'm an adult and you need to listen to whatever I say you hear me it's either you give it to me peacefully or you can pick up the pieces and keep it tou Brett me I have enough of your BS you better leave me alone because if you don't you won't like what happens next ek finally steps in but to defend am a little info he looks about nine or ten but sounds almost thirteen or fourteen DK if you do anything better expect it to be paid back tenfold bucko ek pushes me away and I catch up to F after we all met up and attended the pie-eating contest got second but it was still fun and ate some lunch we chatted a bit and me and F walked off still holding onto the Pikachu just in case and because no one wanted to stay behind we went through the house of house and for a moment I look back and see II am following us and once we step in the M dashes for the Pikachu only grabbing it still the tail is designed by being held up and attached to the back by three strings in the top part middle and bottom when II am grab the tail not only did she tear off the three strings but the whole tail was torn off eeehm knew she failed at getting it and threw it on the ground and walked towards us her face was red from anger he M give the rest to me now right now F was now mad she gave me the big atchoo and walks towards the M and I went around to get the tail but this is what hath sent to e-m-f know so you can now shut the F up turn around and leave before I kick your dumb ass myself p.m. I can easily kick your ass so get your boyfriend to give to me or I'll have to knock both of you out effing p.m. were now face to face after I grab the tail I grabbed F and we left back to the entrance but ek was in the way with a smug look on his face thinking this is it and he won but F pushed him out of the way and me and F stayed at the meeting spot until the others came back a few minutes passed by and I gave F to Pikachu and an ice cream to calm her down with no time at all eeehm ek and s came by and e/m had tears in her eyes eeehm that's them they friended me and ek stole and pushed my son they should be kicked out of here for good security guard let me talk to them and private them will discuss the punishment after that s come to us and questions us what happens and me and F explain everything no sugarcoating anything he then questions us about Pikachu and here'd conversation me I was lucky enough to win this in one go still can't believe it even now I can't even lead you to the booth if you want me to s kids I want the truth did you win this or did you steal it these booths are rigged to fail F I was with him the whole time he won it fair and square s you know what show me that booth and we'll let him decide it will get bad if you all lied to me F I'm staying here with Pikachu I won't need to go and I watch it while I'm here I not and take us to the booth and e/m and ek follows once we get there the employee said welcome back lucky hotshots care to go and not around to test your luck me nope just here to prove a point looking at the e M and s s all right that settles it yep no way that employee is just saying that we want that plush and we want it back now sorry there's nothing I can do for you enjoy the Faire kitten a.m. play nice with the others just like that s left eeehm and ek stormed off and I went back to F we didn't cem or ek again except on kitties rights and when they left the fairgrounds I do hope you all enjoyed this really long story I didn't want it to be this long but want to say all the event cm did so sorry about that and again sorry for the grammar and errors have a great day registers apparently my phone is a switch now some of you might be confused by the title so let me clarify the phone in question is a Motorola MOTO set free play this phone has a serious credentials called the Moto mods which snaps onto the back of the phone the Moto mod in question is the gamepad moto mod which makes the phone kind of look like a switch but not really by the way I don't have the gamepad moto mod anymore had to get rid of it oh and finally something that isn't iPhone compatible cast me me enraged PM ek about 5-6 SG that random guy or all right this starts at the source or Radio Shack why bought the motor mod we go just outside store and put it on my phone which reads the pin on the back not bluetooth and just start playing one of the compatible games in enters am and ek hey mommy look a switch DK approaches me DK can i play on your switch I didn't think he was talking to me so I paid no mind DK can i play on your switch me realizing he was talking to me sorry but no this is not even a switch PM has appeared oh just give him the stupid switch it's not like you need it I just take the motor mod off the phone and put it in my back p.m. you broke it me no I didn't that's just a thing for my phone eeehm pulls out a cracked iPhone then it should work with my phone then not really it won't work with iPhones p.m. oh you little idiot everything works with iPhones it's only compatible with Motorola yeah Motorola you mean the flip phone laughs those things can't play games just give me the controller me sorry but no I walked to the other side of the mall and started playing games again and of course they follow me p.m. give us to switch DK yeah give it that finally appears that hey yo P what's wrong well this crazy lady wants my new motor mod saying it's a switch could you please back off it's obviously not yours yeah it's a case switch give it to me ek graphed my phone with the multi-touch and realizes that it in fact is an Android PM you brought my kids switch security security guard what seems to be the problem PM this idiot broke my kids switch yeah he broke it dad that's actually my son's phone and a case RG yeah the dudes right it's his kids could you unlock this switch DET en feels enough to put it in 30 seconds lockdown eeehm I forgot the code me on acet p.m. he changed the code p.m. then snatches the phone and the mod tosses it in the air and the phone falls the whole right side of the $300 mod is obliterated I don't have the money to replace now PM gets arrested for destruction of property and the phone is fine since I'm using it right now so those were the stories for today's video if you enjoyed this video a like would be highly appreciated it really does help my channel out also if you enjoy this and want to stay up-to-date on the latest videos then don't forget to subscribe thanks for listening and I will see you in the next video
Channel: Swaye
Views: 2,365
Rating: 4.8518519 out of 5
Keywords: entitled people, parents stories, entitled parents memes, askreddit, Funny Reddit Posts, entitled parents Stories, Reddit, r/entitltedparents, r/choosingbeggars, r/prorevenge, rslash, r/murdered by words, r/nuclear revenge, r/maliciouscompliance, r/letsnotmeet, karen, Give me your XBOX now, entitled kids, entitled kids owned, entitled people owned, entitled people get owned, entitled parents arrested, entitled people arrested, entitled mom pickachu, pickachu entitled parents, switch
Id: YzEEDa55eaY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 35sec (935 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 05 2019
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