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hey there mister read it here welcome back to another episode of our slash entitled parent stories our first story we'll be reading today entitled mom thinks I'm faking my disorder to get attention after that entitled dad wants me fired for caring about the safety of his son and after that jerk thinks it's funny to yank out our mailboxes my dad makes him pay now for every thumbs up this video kids one Karen gets her head shaved now dare you so please smash that like button and if you're new subscribe and turn on notifications for news stories from reddit every single day entitled mom thinks I'm faking my disorder to get attention first of all I'm diagnosed to autism and ADHD to all who don't know what ADHD is its attention deficit hyperactivity disorder so I am distracted very easily get emotional very fast and do moves or make sounds I actually didn't want to make just to clarify that on to this story it happened a couple of years ago I was like 15 my mom sent me to the grocery store to grab some things because she was a little busy at home with her work she works online for a designer company so I grabbed the bag and went on my way to the store at this time I sometimes flinch and move my left shoulder very fast as I said I can't control or stop it but me and my family were used to it because I've had those things since I was four or so on my way to the store I walked past a playground I never set foot on because I just moved here a few months ago the playground was empty except for a mother and her kid this is where entitled mom comes in to clarify we've got entitled mom we've got me we've got the innocent kid so I walk past the playground where the entitled mom and her poor kid were playing well innocent kid was she was standing a bit away from her phone as soon as she saw me making my shoulder and head move she looked terrified and walked straight up to me entitled mom excuse me yeah she was shouting even though she was like five meters away from me um yeah can I help you at this point I got super nervous because ADHD and talking to strangers is really difficult to me I tried to seem as normal as possible but if I'm nervous the moves I make are always getting more intense which wasn't really helpful in this situation entitled mom hey you stop making those scary moves you are terrified my baby she's pointing towards her kid it was not even noticing his mom is somewhere else me what what do you mean I can't stop that stop lying my poor baby doesn't want idiots not the word she used near him and his mom the kid was like 5 and of course you can stop doing that that looks terrible you me wait I can explain that I was really trying to keep my voice calm I have this syndrome so my body parts move on their own sometimes it's called I said stop lying you just do those creepy moves to get attention attention of who we were the only ones here but whatever if you don't stop I will make you stuff on my own now I was really annoyed and upset with her but I still tried to be nice and calm me I'm really sorry lady but this is called ADHD and there are indeed people out here who have this disorder this is only human and you can't just say she interrupted me again who do you think you are you can't talk like that to a grown adult are you even old enough to be left alone I don't think I looked that young but okay and I'd say who's leaving their kid alone back there huh me of Court but she didn't even let me speak wait till your parents hear about this you're harassing me in traumatizing my kid my move went faster and more often because I became nervous I walked a few steps away from her and stop doing that I bet you're on drugs I will talk to your parents where do you live you better tell me I am an adult and your parents surely told you to respect the adults I tried to stay polite but I couldn't hold it back me screaming no I'm not going to tell you where I live and stop being such a jerk that's all BS I'm old enough to know what I'm doing so leave me the heck alone she was really confused for me talking like that to her um what she instantly came back to her role how damn you talk like that to an adult she used the excuse very often of being an adult now stop that she steps forward and grabs my arm very tight so I couldn't move it I was shocked for a second and tried to get out of her grip that only made her hold on tighter with both hands screaming at me for what a jerk I was I really hurt me and made me feel very nervous I didn't know what I was doing but I think I did this out of instinct or reflex I literally grabbed her face with my flat hand and pushed her head back she let go of me and stumbled back before she could say anything I kicked dirt on her sorry lady and didn't mean to do that I just did it and I ran home as fast as I could she shouted I'm going to call the police you will hear from me and my lawyer you little jerk actually I never heard from her again she didn't follow me or call the police I just have scars left on my arm from her nails which make me remember this story I didn't get the groceries this day and for the next few months my mom didn't let me go near that playground for a few months she didn't even have to do that it wasn't my plan to go there anyways the entitled mom wasn't seen there again but I don't think we all know Karen's do some horrible things but accusing someone of faking their disorder to get attention that's got to be one of the worst we've read about so far honestly I'm disappointed in my fellow Karen's right now have you or anyone you know ever been accused of faking your disorder to get attention if that were to happen to you how would it make you feel please let us know in the comments below entitled dad wants me fired for caring about the safety of his son the cast we've got me we've got entitled dad we've got entitled kid who knows my boss will call a DM assistant duty manager my other boss who will call DM Duty manager and my coworker slash boss I'll explain the hierarchy in a minute who will call rice because she always ate rice in the break room so I'm a lifeguard at a leisure center and pretty much everyone who works there except the DMS are in the 16 to 22 a bracket at the time I was 17 rice was 18 an assistant duty manager was 22 duty manager was in his 30s I promise this is important a little bit of important info because most of us are so young it makes people feel like they're allowed to talk down to us and play the respect your elders or listen to me because I'm older than you card I had this more often than others because at the age of 17 I looked 14 so to the actual story Bryce and I were on poolside and there was a session on where we get out all the large floats out large enough for an adult to starfish on them during the summer this happened every day at the same one-hour slide one of the main rules about this session due to the danger of it is no standing on floats it's extremely hard to balance on them so people always fall off and could land on another person or on the side of the pool etc this is also the most commonly broken rule so untitled dad and entitled kid turn up and walk straight to the deep end I'm in the hi lifeguard chair and rice is patrolling so they're right next to slash under me entitled dad tells entitled kid to dive in I overhear and tell them not to entitled dad kicks up a fuss when something like this entitled dad go on dive in me sorry there's no diving here why not what's dangerous and if not done correctly he could seriously injure himself he's just a kid let him do what he wants you're too young to do anything about it and if he gets hurt it's my responsibility me I'm sorry I can't let that happen and no my job is to literally make sure everyone is kept safe and if everyone is not then it's my fault and my responsibility if he dives in that's your second warning second 4x sake we just got here me your first was for being rude to me I felt super cool for this bit he scoff an entitled kid dived in I said to him that's two about ten minutes go by and they're using a large float and the gate starts trying to stand on it I blow my whistle whenever one of us has to use the whistle the whole Poole turns and looks this happened everyone turned except entitled Kidd and entitled dead they obviously knew they were doing something wrong I blew again same thing happens but by this point the kid has stood up again and is now facing me so I just looked at him and said loudly but calmly don't stand on the floats normally the third time we have to talk to someone we kicked them out but I felt that would be a little harsh so I decided that if I had to talk to them one more time I'd to kick them out and that came faster than I thought entitled kid starts crying entitled dad death stares at me for like five minutes before he gets out and approaches me how dare you shouted my son like that he's just a kid you should be fired you need to rethink your life you're shouting at a seven-year-old I look over at rice who's laughing our butt off making it harder for me to try not to laugh and title dad I'm gonna go complain to your boss I'm a loyal customer here I can get you fired you I cut him off me how dare you break the rules that it's my job to enforce and be so rude to me when I'm just looking out for your kid safety if we let him do whatever he wants then he'd be on a stretcher and an ambulance by now I've had enough of your crap please go get changed and leave the building he'll get you fired who's your boss so since I have the pick between a DM DM and rice I know full well which option is gonna annoy him the most so I direct him to rice entitled dad aren't there any adults here walks over to rice who's your boss rice directs him to assist in duty manager who's still too young for him to treat with the respect so she gets duty manager to deal with him entitled dad gives him some long speech about how I was so rude and aggressive towards him and threatened him and he wants me fired and if I'm not fired he won't come back again duty manager agrees just to get rid of him they were still talking by the time rice and I were off poolside duty manager came into the staff room where assistant duty manager rice and I were all waiting Duty manager never wanted a bunch of jerks so much in my life we all still laugh about it to this day speaking of pools summer is almost here how many of you are planning on hanging out at the pool hello I love the pool my favorite part is that I can go to the bathroom in it without getting out jerk thinks it's funny to yank out mailboxes my dad makes him pay disclaimer this happened a long time ago but still makes me giggle to this day so way back in the day mid-90s or so my family lived in a log cabin on ten acres of land in a rural area 10 minutes or so out of town it wasn't totally the sticks but you could definitely hear banjo music in the background sometimes at the end of our nearly 1/4 mile long driveway was one of those roads that was also technically a state highway in the a.m. I trudged down to wait for the bus when I got home I'd grabbed the mail and carry it back until one Monday morning when I went out and noticed the mailbox was gone on closer inspection looked like it had been ripped out of the ground dad was obviously not pleased he went to talk with the county sheriff who happened to live a mile down the road turns out it had been happening up and down the road for months someone was tossing a chain over mailboxes and yanking them out with their vehicle he suspected a guy down the road with his great big lifted four-wheel-drive truck but couldn't prove anything usually happened on Saturday and Sunday nights with people finding out in the morning also seems the nicer than mailbox the bigger a target and many had been hit multiple times people had tried digging deeper using more durable wood etc this guy just took it as a challenge and ripped them out again soft sandy ground and his truck was a monster well dad said challenge accepted a bit about my father he's a steel worker with an engineering background and graduate degree built like a bear with four arms the size of legs most people looking at him would never think this monster of a man is also so brilliant but he is the calm cool type that almost never loses his temper but wronged him and God help you so dad goes to Lowe's and buys the fanciest prettiest mailbox they sell he then proceeds to ins stall it on top of an eight-foot-long cylinder a three inch diameter hardened tool steel but he wasn't done there after digging down with post holders and dropping it in he then filled it with quick-set concrete to really sell it he used some strips of one-half inch wood to cover the steel core of his now indestructible mailbox of doom primed and painted them so it looked like a standard four inch post and even had my mom decorated with flowers and such he wanted it to be as tempting of a target as possible didn't even take a week I went out for school in the morning and found the mailbox right where it should be attached to it was 30 feet of chain and an entire hitch assembly ripped right off of the trucks frame sheered the bolts it was marvelous to behold sheriff gets called over dies laughing when he sees it he went to the house of the guy that was suspected and sure enough verified the damage to his truck matched fun fact messing with a mailbox is a federal crime as in you go to federal prison not those cushy state places dad was unofficially rewarded by the sheriff's department with a few cases of beer and some venison and after that every deputy in town would flash him a thumbs up whenever they saw him well it sounds like that guy had to learn his lesson the hard way honestly it was silly of him to use the truck he should have just used a baseball bat to swing at it while driving by that's how my son does it anyway no you can't open that without buying it I've mentioned before that I worked at a toy store I specifically worked in electronics for selling video game systems and whatnot a popular item at the time was the new Nintendo DSi XL one day I had an elderly customer and who I presumed was his wife and daughter in tow they approached my counter my guess is that his daughter had a kid and was trying to help him purchase a present from grandpa him let me see one of those things points at the DSi XL me oh sure thing I opened the glass cabinet and had it in the box we had a lot of rules when letting people see electronics to ensure that and tampering wasn't an issue mostly for when taking stuff out of the case we were to let them only see one item from the case at a time even if it was a group and watched them while they handled it asking other customers to wait until we were done serving the customer we were with note I did have someone immediately take off running out of the store the second I handed them one before so I watched customers like a hawk after that the man turned the box over in his hands twice and then he immediately proceeded to try to take the tape off to open it me quickly sir you can't open that here you have to purchase it if you want to open it him angrily and loudly well why not me we don't sell items in the store that have been open before it's to ensure that the item hasn't been tampered with even when something is returned it doesn't go back on our shelves it goes back to the manufacturer so if you open it I can't sell it even if you'd wanted to buy it because then it will have already been opened him well how do I know there's not a bunch of crap in the box me there's not if there somehow is you can return it after you've bought it if you're that worried about it you can purchase it and open it here in front of me if there's anything in that box other than what you paid for I'll take you to returns and get your money back before you leave the store by this point I had taken the item back from him to make sure he didn't try to continue luckily the packaging was still intact him I used to work in one of those factories I know they won't hesitate to put a bunch of junk in these boxes at this point I'm thinking this says a lot more about your integrity than it does mine but I keep that to myself me I'm sorry but I can't let you open this box you can purchase it and then open it if you like or choose to purchase it elsewhere him forget it I don't want it anymore then they left and I never saw them come back do any of you guys like to open up the package before you buy something oh I always do I won't buy anything without opening it first sometimes I just walk around the store opening things and leaving them there for fun and you don't think that's inconsiderate at all I don't know what that word means can't be visibly doing nothing it affects employees morale no problem my buddy and I were hired to be a glorified helpdesk support and holders for a special project senior management and a large corporation had their laptops upgraded including new software they had never used and major upgrades of software they had previously used we are talking maybe 20 people spread across three buildings downtown all within walking distance of each other my job was to sit in an office and take calls for any issue and I mean any issue that pops into their head the only thing more entitled than senior management are their admin people my buddy's job was to actually go to their desk and hold their hand with whatever issue they had oh and read the manual was not part of the support plan he was great at it after the first couple of weeks things settled down and we received very few calls so my buddy was sitting at some desk doing nothing after a few days one of the admin assistants complained that he was doing nothing that influence on those around him we asked for a different desk but none was to be found he tried looking busy writing up documentation the same person complained saying his job is support so if he is not supporting everyone knows he is doing nothing and that looks bad bad for morale what the heck he technically doesn't even work for your company so I realized that our service level agreement said we had to respond within 30 minutes it was always much less especially if he was in the building so I told my buddy to buzz off go shopping sit in Starbucks and read the paper no one but me knew where my buddy was at anytime and I was the only one who dispatched him so I said to my buddy do whatever you want as long as you drop what you're doing and be at the person's desk within 30 minutes and if they called for help occasionally they would ask how long it would take I would say our SLA is 30 minutes he will be there before then and sometimes they would say isn't he in the building and whatever building the person was calling from I would say he is in the other building furthest from them and they would never check with anyone at the other building they really had no way of knowing where he was only I did that was my job so my buddy went to the movies went clothes and shoe shopping set in the park etc the busybody admin assistant called about a problem one day and said I never see him at his desk anymore where is he I said he is much busier now his morale and I'm sure your staffs morale must be much better now no one ever found out about our malicious compliance the managers he helped loved him and wanted him to stay on he said no until they tripled what he was making about a year later he was made a manager and about six months after that he had that admin assistant fired the morale really improved around there after that I know the rules better than you I'm calling my lawyer so I am a director of a daycare I've been the director for the last eight years this week I've been dealing with an entitled mom who thinks she knows how to do my job better than I do her first problem was that we require all kids to be fully vaccinated and she didn't want to vaccinate hers I told her she could find care somewhere else she complained that I was violating her personal beliefs and breaking the law no I'm not we have the right to turn away personal exemption cases she decided she would vaccinate but only because I was forcing her to her second problem was that she didn't want to do the legwork to get tuition assistance from the state she wants me to email DWS all her info and her kids start date I told her we don't do it that way she needs to contact DWS to tell them her kid is attending and then they will contact us to verify she has yet to call them but calls me every day wondering why I have an email DWS yet every day I tell her she needs to contact them she gets mad and says that it's my job to email them we've had this conversation every day this week her third problem just started last night she now believes that she is making too much money to qualify for tuition assistance and wants her non-refundable registration fee refunded I told her it's not refundable she told me that I have to return it because her daughter might not be starting since I didn't do my job and contact the state I reminded her it's her responsibility and the contract she signed states the fee is not refundable she told me I was reading the contract wrong she said she will be talking to her lawyer about me breaking company rules and that I'm just picking on her because of her vaccinations believes I told her to be my guest and I would be happy to talk to her lawyer about everything she then told me we weren't good enough to take care of her angel and hung up on me I'm glad I only had to deal with her for a week but even a week was far too much edit to add her kid never actually attended because she never called the WS and got tuition assistance sent over to us you know Karen your lawyer must really love you you've always got new jobs for him actually I get this since he doesn't like me and thinks I'm a complete idiot well gee I wonder what could cause him to think something like that cheeseburgers can be very confusing I work at a very large franchise fast-food restaurant and while most customers have no problem with their order we get the occasional one that is baffled by the simplest of things take this one woman who wanted a hamburger what she actually ordered was a cheeseburger no cheese I don't know how things are at other burger selling joints but literally the only difference between a cheeseburger and a hamburger where I work is the cheese otherwise they're identical they have the exact same ingredients so I put through a hamburger if I put through a cheeseburger no cheese the kitchen would think I've lost it and it doesn't or shouldn't make any difference to the customer so her hamburger comes out and a wrapper that says hamburger she takes it pauses and then turns back to me lady sorry but I ordered a cheeseburger no cheese me yes sorry a cheeseburger with no cheese is exactly the same as a hamburger so I just put it through a hamburger I ordered a cheeseburger though and the rapper says hamburger me it's exactly the same though the only difference between a cheeseburger and a hamburger is the cheese lady but this is not what I ordered me you wanted a cheeseburger correct yes but without the cheese correct yes me trying to be as polite as possible then that's what this is a cheeseburger without the cheese is a hamburger there is literally no difference lady but I didn't order a hamburger I ordered a cheeseburger no cheese now I'm smiling through gritted teeth and have resigned myself to her stupidity me one second and I'll just go change that for you I literally went to the kitchen and got them to put the hamburger into a wrapper that said cheeseburger and whack a label on that said no cheese lady thank you very much dear and she took the hamburger disguised as a cheeseburger no cheese and went on her merry way now any time a customer wants a cheeseburger no cheese we have to explain to them why the label says something else most of them get it but give us really weird looks as if we're stupid or maybe they think we think they're stupid speaking of cheeseburgers what's your favorite place to get cheeseburgers from please let me know in the comments below I'd have to say - McDonald's too bad they can never get your order right fortunately all it takes is one call to the manager to get them fired hey Karen can you take a break from being evil and welcome our newest channel members and certainly huge shout out to our newest official channel members Kristen and Kayla thank you so much for supporting the channel join as a channel member today or support us on patreon and we'll give you a special shout out in our next video and if you'd like me to record a video for you to prank your friends or family with come visit us on Fiverr link pinned in the comments below and shoutouts to our regionals of the day galactic wolf barred ride and cheese king
Channel: r/mr reddit
Views: 50,402
Rating: 4.9209485 out of 5
Keywords: r/entitled parents, r/entitled parents rslash, entitled parents, entitledparents, entitled parents stories, entitled parents reddit, entitled parents rslash, entitled parents playlist, entitled parents stories playlist, reddit stories entitledparents rslash, rSlash, mr reddit, r/mrreddit, r/, reddit stories, rSlash entitledparents, rslash entitledparents playlist, funny stories reddit, karen, reddit, reddit stories funny, redditor, Top Posts of All Time, r/entitledparents
Id: m-nq7F3JulI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 3sec (1563 seconds)
Published: Sun May 24 2020
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