r/EntitledParents - Entitled Mom CALLS the POLICE... Big Mistake...

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what's up guys welcome to daily dose of reddit this is your host zach in today's subreddit entitled parents alrighty this story is called bakery mom so from about 2013 to 2017 i worked and helped out in my sister's bakery it was just us all day every day now bakeries are magnets to kids and their parents that is understandable because of this i had nearly daily encounters with entitled parents and their kids i got a million stories to tell but this one is one that i remember very well so it was about 1 in the afternoon my sister had left me alone in the shop to run some needed errands paying some bills getting some supplies for the shop and etc i tell her i can handle it everything was pretty much already done for the day and there were only two customers in the shop very quiet and i already finished the chores in the back i sit down at the computer and play on my phone for a bit now i heard spoiled brat before they were even inside the shop i see him and his mom walking on the sidewalk towards the door spoiled brat is screaming and crying bloody murder he is red in the face hitting and kicking his mom's legs he looks about four or five years old entitled parents look to be in her early twenties entitled parent walks up to the counter i put my phone away and go into customer service mode hi welcome to redacted how can i help you a vanilla latte and is the wi-fi free i tell her yes point out which wi-fi name is ours and make her latte the whole time her son is still crying and screaming entitled parent is ignoring literally ignoring him she drops some toys out of her purse for him like he's a dog sits down and starts browsing on her phone the toys seem to calm her kid some and he starts to play when i bring over her latte she says i'll only be an hour waiting on an email i go back behind the counter soon enough spoiled brat gets bored with his toys and starts screaming again he's yelling mommy to the top of his lungs kicking her and clearly trying to get her attention she never looks up from her phone spoiled brat starts taking his rage out on the shop he kicks other tables throws his toys kicks the display case and tries stealing cookies from the two other customers in the shop i am shocked his mother never looks up from her phone not even once i apologize to the other customers and replace their cookies on the house excuse me ma'am your son is disturbing the other customers and kicking the display case it can move if he manages to unlock the brakes it's dangerous yeah he's upset cause i wouldn't let him nap today he'll be fine should pass out on his own she still doesn't look up from her phone for this conversation i try to be reasonable and offer the child a cup of chocolate milk and cake pop hoping to calm him down the plan appears to work spoiled brat sits down on the floor by his mother drinks his milk and eats the cake pop i think it's finally over nope a regular customer comes in with his daughter i know them very well and i like his daughter we have a game where i would tell her a fact and she would guess if it's true or false her dad tells me that they are there to buy brownies since his daughter got an a on a test he's letting her have a sleepover party with her friends i congratulate her on the grade and go to the display case for the brownies i don't know why but seeing me get brownies sets spoiled brat off he throws himself down starts crying kicking and screaming again he's demanding brownies screaming for his mom and brownies the entitled parent looks up finally looks at brownies then at me can i have one of those whatever to shut him up now here i decided to have a little revenge i tell her one moment since i'm busy with my regular customer he wants a dozen brownies for the party i count out the dozen and then give him what's left of the tray about six brownies on the house i tell his daughter they're for her since she did so well on the test they pay and leave entitled parent comes up to the counter after that can i have a brownie barely looking up from her phone she is glued to her phone me trying not to smile like the cheshire cat i'm sorry but he bought all we had and we don't have any more out until tomorrow can i offer your son something else we got cookies and many kids like our chocolate chip whatever i just wanted to shut up she bought him a cookie spoiled bratz isn't having it he stomped on and destroyed the cookie i had to sweep and clean up the floor while he continued to have a fit his mother continues to ignore him to cut this long story short they stayed for about an hour and a half before entitled parent left dragging her spoiled brat behind her i swear that child never took a breath while he screamed and his mother just didn't care i kinda felt sorry for him clearly he wanted his mom's attention and all she wanted was to play on her phone and for him to shut up i told my sister about this when we were closing out she couldn't believe it and said if they came back to let entitled parent know that she will be asked to leave if that happens again thankfully i can't recall ever seeing her and her child again i have many more stories of entitled parents and i'll be posting them if you like this one okay given her age it's implied that she was a teen mom at one point so yeah i i have sympathy for you know unplanned pregnancies especially in teenagers because couldn't imagine but good god woman that's your child i don't care if it was an accident or he was an accident or not but he is still gotta that's your responsibility and he's wreaking havoc all over everything and stomping on cookies cookies man gosh this story is called 14 year old entitled kid throws tantrum entitled dad left her then refused to pay for what she stole this happened back in 2016 when i was a supervisor in a one-man store the store was very small but popular with the elderly residents and the nearby school we have had a lot of entitled parents and kids the shop being in one of the snobbiest areas in my city the area is known for this but this is one i remember it like it was yesterday here's the cast entitled dad and tied up kad who i personally don't see as a kid but a teenager so the shop is quiet most of the time with the most popular times being when the shop opens and 3pm the school rush seriously once the clock hits 3pm the shop turns into a horror film with the horde of zombie kids rushing in that day the rush came and went with the occasional parents complaining about the rush while simultaneously ignoring their kids trying to wreck the place it started to calm down with entitled dad and his teenage entitled kid remaining they came to the till and seemed normal average dad and average 14 year old girl they had a lot of chocolate a 360 gram dairy milk bar a 360 gram galaxy bar a bag of pick and mix a five pack of gum three large bags of minstrels and magazine entitled dad was paying when entitled kids started begging for a small kinder egg which entitled dad said no to that set entitled kid off entitled kid began screaming and crying cry screaming please please with entitled dad ignoring her she then threw herself on the floor like a toddler kicking and screaming about how unfair life was i was lost for words and just watched i have never seen a 14 year old do that in my life i was shocked entitled dad said that all that chocolate was for her and that was enough but entitled kid was ignoring him what did entitled dad do he just left he left his teenage daughter in the store without saying a word i didn't know what to do so i just started getting on with my tasks about 10 minutes later i forgot she was even there the shop was silent and i couldn't see her on the cctv so i assumed she left that was until i noticed entitled dad standing outside the store on the phone without entitled kid about 10 minutes later i realized she was somewhere in the store and i went looking i found her hiding between the fridges chocolate bar paper all around her she was hiding and eating the stock she had eaten at least 10 sweets while hiding i stormed to the door and told entitled dad to get his ass in the store he did and i took him to entitled kid she was eating another chocolate bar i told entitled dad that he needs to pay for what entitled kids stole and get out entitled dad refused he said about how that wasn't his fault so he shouldn't pay and i should have been watching her as she is a child so it was my fault and i should pay i was furious i said to entitle dad calmly how she is at least 14 not my responsibility and should know that what she did is wrong and if she can't pay he would have to entitled dad again refused and started screaming at me about how i am a child and didn't know what i was talking about so i pointed out the obvious why leave a child with a child pretty irresponsible he still refused so i told him he left me no choice his whole family will be banned from the store and the police will get involved entitled dad grabbed entitled kid paid for the stolen chocolate and left cussing me out the sad part of it all after all of that he paid for what was stolen and bots entitled kid the kinder egg okay at first when it said the entitled dead left i was like okay i can kind of justify that you know when your kids throw in a tantrum you don't want to give them attention but it's kind of to do that to let the kid do that in a store and just leave them there but i can kind of justify it but i'm realizing he just left her because he just did not want to deal with her he didn't want to be a parent ah goodness that much chocolate this story's called entitled kid assaults me with a bat then steals my bike and his mom calls the cops on me for taking it back this happened over 10 years ago when i was still in grade school okay so when i was a kid me and my mom lived in a trailer park and it sucked the people there were crazy the house was falling apart it was just a mess but the worst person i knew was this one guy entitled kid who was the same age as me so of course my mom and his mom tried from the very first day i was there to get us to become friends entitled kid was a real jerk from the beginning he was extremely biased about who he played with had a mouth like an irishman and would pick on anybody who didn't abide by his wants and rules an example i had my game boy with me one time and he wanted to play on it i told him no the very next day i was called to the office because i was bullying him by not sharing my toys and then he made up another lie about me crying in front of the principal which he used to get everyone to pick on me for being such a crybaby that is just one example but this story is the worst one now when i was 10 my mom got me a really awesome bike it was a copper schwinn that looked like a harley davidson motorcycle with bike pedals i wrote it everywhere i went and of course it got a lot of looks from the neighborhood kids entitled kid was one of them one day he had come to my neighbor's house who i was playing some game with my bike laying on the grass he comes over and was like hey op let's go play in the park the trailer park had its own little playground that all the kids would go to and play on every day i never went there because nobody would come with me so i being a stupid kid fell for it and got on my bike neighbor followed me entitled kid was there waiting for us when we got there and for the first time we were playing together we went on the jungle gym and laughing talking like real friends would suddenly he was out of my sight for a minute when i then felt a real sharp pain in my back i dropped to the ground and all i heard was run i got to my feet when i noticed entitled kid was on my bike riding it as fast as he could down the street with a neighbor right behind him right beside me was a softball bat i ran after them but me being a pudgy guy i couldn't catch up to them so in tears i went straight home and told my mom everything she immediately got her coats and we drove right to entitled kids house and sure enough my bike was there laying on the grass on his lawn mom went straight for the door and banged on it loudly coming to the door was entitled mother looking like a prostitute no seriously she looked awful sagging skin smoking a cigarettes wearing a tube top all that sexy stuff i can't remember the exact dialogue but it consisted of my mom telling her about what happened and her not showing the least bit of interest she even laughed a few times but i did hear her at one point say lies will be byes before taking another draw on her cigarette and yes entitled kid was staring through a window making faces at me eventually entitled mom just slammed the door mom told me to grab my bike i did and started to ride it back home my mom driving in front of me everything was going back to normal i went home and had supper my back was hurting pretty bad and mom was telling me that i got a giant bruise from the attack then we hear pounding on our door i open it up and standing at the stairs were two police officers with entitled mother standing on our lawn with entitled kid on my bike there he is that's him hey this lady says you stole her son's bike is your mom home what that's my bike just get your mom kid my mom comes to the door and starts talking to the cops outside both her and entitled mom were raising their voices while i looked on from the door which was glass so i could see perfectly with it being closed i couldn't quite hear what they were saying but it sure looked like entitled mother was just talking out her ass an entitled kid was riding around on my bike looking like he was going to get himself a free ride then my mom opened the door oh pee come out here i did your mom says it is kidding you with a bat when she didn't yeah suddenly mom spins me around and lifts my shirt and i couldn't see her face but i did hear entitled mother mutter a slight oh and that was enough for the cops to suddenly turn their attention to them and they approached entitled kid and told him to get off my bike he wasn't budging still saying it was his bike entitled mother literally pulled him off the bike and he landed side first on the concrete driveway he started to cry but did i feel sorry for him of course not before i knew it entitled mother was being handcuffed she started spewing out obscenities and blaming me for turning her son into a little bastard entitled kid was taken home where he would eventually be taken away to be with a family i guess so in the end entitled mother got arrested and charged with contributing to the delinquency of a minor child's cruelty and from what mom would tell me years later something that had to do with drugs pretty sure she was taking them but for all i know she could have been selling them all i know is she was put away for close to seven years for all that entitled kid however was left off the hook apparently because he was underage he couldn't be charged with battery all i know is i didn't see much of him after this he moved in with his dad i think the reason why i suddenly remember all this is because just recently i had seen a mug shot of a guy being arrested for attempted robbery of a gas station sure enough it was him entitled kid all grown up obviously still a jerk but now with karma biting him square in the butt i hope both of them get help soon but also hope i never see any of them ever again okay first of all i had a bike like that except it didn't look like a harley it looked like a dirt bike um and i got it when i was like is seven eight maybe anyways that sounds really messed up that mom was definitely not a very good mother you see that's what sucks man because you know the kids kids they they're in their blank slate more or less you know there are other factors but you know for the most part you know we're victims of our environment i feel like so the mom being a crappy mother like that just doomed that kid to growing up like this and that's sad but obviously you know at some point we have to be held accountable for our own actions and there are people who have had horrible horrible mothers like that that grow up to be great people and i'm not saying this guy isn't accountable for what he's doing but i'm just saying you know it definitely makes it more likely for him to be something like that than if he were to have a good you know family life growing up don't forget to like subscribe and hit that bell to never miss an episode
Channel: Daily Dose Of Reddit
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Id: pe6jowLOXQo
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Length: 18min 22sec (1102 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 26 2021
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