r/EntitledParents - Woman DEMANDS Refund for Puppy...

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what's up guys welcome to daily dose of reddit this is your host zach in today's subreddit entitled parents this story is called an old story about how a woman tried to get the money back for a pup we sold her without actually returning him this happened a good while ago but i was discussing it with my mom recently so it's still fresh and the one part of the conversation here i always remembered as i had never heard my mom angry at anyone other than me and my brother before it was scary enough also i can't tell a short story to save my life sorry background so when i was around 15 our two dogs who are both the same age had him since he was a puppy for a company for a 17 year old basset hound who sadly passed so we adopted a female basset to keep him company they had been together for a year around this point with neither of them being neutered they decided it would be loads of fun to make a crapload of babies and i mean she birthed 13 but 11 lived as two were stillbirths with us helping to raise them too as it was a lot of puppies as they were purebred basset hounds they were quite expensive dogs to buy so we sold them to people for the price they paid us we neutered and shipped the dogs as well as giving them pet insurance forms and an application to join the dog breeders association of where we live both could be sent only by the owner and both cost money but we did not let people register the puppy under our number as they were not our dogs and it was illegal but it would be cheaper for the new owners story so this mother we shall call deborah didn't have the karen look but nearly had the attitude came with her two young kids picked out a puppy and tried to pay a fraction of the price we were selling them at as we couldn't expect people to pay that price for them keep in mind this was during towards the end of the boom and we were selling them for at least half the price as we didn't want to rob people blind which a lot of breeders were doing at the time please don't think we were these crappy breeders that farm dogs we love our dogs and have met some of our puppies all grown up she then tried to buy our female dog i'll pay full price but i want the mom as well for that price we adore these dogs especially my mom who shut that down pretty fast she paid full price eventually and we gave her a stern warning to fill out the forms and send them off asap as you never know what might happen an older dog of ours had been run over by a neighbor in our damn house and the insurance paid to make him comfortable while he was put down rest in peace rascal and 50 euros luck money back from what she paid it's considered good luck here my parents gave every other person a hundred euros back one week later debra rings my mother and tells her that my mom needs to give her our dog breeders association number to register as it's cheaper and my mom shuts her down hard there were a few profanities thrown at my mother who was not impressed she loathes swearing so my mom hung up around six months later she arrives at our door unannounced no pup or anyone else with her demanding that she get a refund on the pup we were highly confused to say the least when she eventually stopped shouting at us we finally figure out why she was here turns out our female dog has a disease called elbow dysplasia which means her elbow sticks out and had been missed by our vet we thought it was normal as she looked like that since we've had her and she never had any issues walking or never showed pain during walking so this unlucky pup has it too we explain and prove that we were unaware and that she had seen the pup's mom and dad when she came to pick the pup and gushed about how beautiful the mom was as well as trying to steal her so she never copped it either this did not please debra and cue her screaming again during this rant we find out why she was at our door she wants us to refund her the money she paid for the pup including the 50 euros we gave her back as the luck money which she conveniently forgot we gave her and paid 2 000 euros for the surgery my mom got her to calm down and speak like an adult and this conversation occurred okay but why are you here we gave you insurance forms and your insurance will cover the cost of the surgery i didn't think i needed insurance so i never bothered with it it's quite expensive and he seemed perfect insurance for a year at premium rates is around 250 euros well unfortunately i can offer you two options either return the puppy and we will refund you or leave and keep the puppy but he's family now the kids are so attached to him and we trained him so well he's a very good boy we'll take the dad so as the mom is broken too and we'll keep the pup as well it's the least mom and i could do for the inconvenience of having to come all the way down here this was the straw that broke my poor mother she let rip at debra about how she was stupid for not listening to our advice that we told her no when she originally came asking about the mom and there was no way in hell she'd get a penny or our dogs from us the mom dog is also called penny i giggled at that and soon sent her packing with her tail between her legs she kept her puppy and never contacted us again i hope that poor baby was okay and mom says if the pup had been there with her she would have taken him and given her the money back there and then okay real quick just gotta correct some i guess it kind of irked me a little bit um neutering is for male dog spaying is for female dogs okay um so if you neuter both dogs i was like if they're both if they're both being neutered they couldn't have kids together to begin with because that means they're both males and i don't know it's just spaying is for girls anyways that does sound incredibly annoying to deal with however um i feel like they should have at least gotten a partial refund but this is coming from someone who knows absolutely nothing about dog breeding or anything like that but they uh gave her a sort of at least slightly afflicted puppy you know for the price of a regular non-afflicted puppy and i i don't think that's fair but the woman was obviously acting very entitled okay but i'm just saying i feel like that's a little bit shady let me know in the comments below if i'm wrong this story is called entitled grandparent and the sweet spot anger i'm a guy from medellin colombia and i study music singing in an academy in town and every semester it does a presentation in the city's hard rock cafe restaurant where some students create groups and prepare a song and present it sometimes they even compose the song themselves my story starts six months ago the day of the presentation i went in the morning before we would do a sound test they'd close at 12 for preparing the restaurant and open back up at 2pm for the event during that time it's possible to book a table so i did for my parents my sister her husband their two kids my nephews and two cousins this hard rock cafe has a wall where there are some couch-like seats instead of normal chairs with tables i tried to leave a drawing but i couldn't figure out how last year we sat there in the show and we will call this place the sweet spot so anyway i just booked a table for x amount of people i didn't specify for any sweet spot or specific place so we got a normal table with normal chairs and i went out to get some lunch with some friends from the academy in a mall across the street since food at hard rock can be a little bit expensive for what's i and they i guess was in the capacity of paying i ate a 15 centimeter sub and around 1 pm we were heading out of the food courts and back to hard rock cafe on the way my dad grandfather of my nephews therefore he will be entitled grandfather rings me so i pick up it goes something like this hi dad i just had lunch how are you where are you in the mall across the street why because your sister and her family are there in hard rock why are you there what do you mean they're there the event starts at 2pm why didn't you book a sweet spot what i can't ask them to book a specific table for me they just see what books they have and organize the restaurant accordingly not an idea if that's how it works but i was just guessing no they don't have the right of reserving the table they want to reserve you we could have asked for the sweet spot now where will sister and nephew slay if they fall asleep which is what happened the time we got the sweet spots they're still babies i don't know we can carry them or something do me a favor and go tell them to change to the sweet spot me becoming angry already i'll try and then he hung up without even saying goodbye i arrived at hard rock and asked a lady if it was still possible to change my book seats to the sweet spot the answer was as i expected no the seats are already taken duh i'm even glad they didn't book us that spot because anyway my dad entitled grandfather only wanted it for his grandsons to lie down and sleep on them like if they couldn't sleep in someone's arms i mean they're babies you can carry them anyway i called my father again i didn't even greet him dad they can't change this to the sweet spot the table's already booked for freaking god's sake okay what else can we do honestly what a mistake it even makes me feel like i don't want to go that made me so freaking mad music is my life and i'm aspiring to become a musician and the fact he didn't want to come see me be freaking happy for once while i did what i liked because a freaking table made me explode i talked to him in a cold serious way i think the maddest i had ever talked to him the assistance is not an obligation dad so don't come if you don't want to and i hung up and went inside with my family neither my brother-in-law my sister's husband i google translated it nor my sister were mad about not being in the stupid sweet spot so there were no worries my mom came afterwards along with my cousins and some time afterwards him i didn't direct words at all to him during the events except for some short answers when he told me something just for being a little bit polite what bothered me the most is that when he arrived he said to me my baby don't say those things why wouldn't i come to your presentations um because of a stupid freaking table you know that i'll always be with you in your dreams canned laughter he was acting so natural as if he wasn't mad at anything at all my dad is a good man but when he starts with his entitled crap for his grandsons he seriously gets me mad and even more so when he acts like nothing is wrong towards me the rest of the day was normal though i sung on stage curious enough the song i prepared was numb by linkin park which really expressed the way i was feeling in that moment and won the applause of the public and i assure you there's no more comforting sensation it really helped me get it off my chest yeah really sucks when your parents don't support you in what you want to pursue and all that but it honestly an outsider's perspective it looks like your dad was trying to make up for maybe being a jerk hole before the events you know when he was being sweet tube during the event but you know that's just my outsider's perspective i don't know the dude so yeah this story's called apparently i'm not supposed to take my dog into pet stores so today i had to take my dog to the vet for her semi-annual blood test she absolutely loves going to the vet and was super excited to go play with all the techs afterwards we walked to the pet store just down the street because she's definitely on the nice list and deserves a new toy for christmas now my dog is an akita so she's pretty big and i understand that she's a little scary looking she's also super gentle and seems to understand that kids especially can be intimidated by her so when she sees new people she won't run up to them but she will get excited and start wagging her tail which is adorable because it's a curly cinnamon roll as a result i don't feel the need to do anything like pull her away from scared people i honestly think that only makes it worse so we walk into the store and it's pretty quiet we are just walking towards dog toys and my dog is laser focused on the table of dog treats a mom and her kid walk past and he points to my dog and calls it a wolf her face is all black and she's big enough that this isn't really a stretch the mom then stops me and the following conversation happened excuse me that braid is banned you can't bring it in here i'm pretty sure the store doesn't have a banned breed list it's a pet store that's a wolf hybrid and it's scaring my kid you need to leave i'm sorry your kid is afraid of dogs but she's not a wolf hybrid and she's not bothering you the whole time we're still standing next to the treat table so the dog hasn't moved an inch closer to them she's just staring at the food with her tail wagging my son is scared you need to leave no at this point my dog decided that these must be new friends she took a step towards them with her tail still wagging at top speed she stretched her head towards them to ask for pets and the kid was just frozen staring the mother just picked up her kid and walked the other way i just chuckled and we went to look at dog toys when i went to check out the cashier told me the lady had complained about my wolf hybrid and they had to tell her that all dogs who aren't acting aggressively are more than welcome in the store the lady was ignored and my good girl got two treats from the nice worker not a very climactic or crazy story but i was amused that some crazy lady thought a dog shouldn't be in a pet store oh yes the trademark of an entitled parent make the whole freaking world bend to you and your child's stupid whims my good god it's a dog it's a big i love big dog so much okay small dogs no offense they're really annoying and usually insanely ugly okay now i'm not gonna hate on a dog like i see in person just because it's small no i treat dogs nicely okay um i love beagles though beagles are so oh god i love beagles oh and boston terriers ah they're so cute okay so some small dog breeds but chihuahuas oh boy i don't like those but big dogs the bigger the freaking better okay ah yeah they're just so great don't forget to like subscribe and hit that bell to never miss an episode you
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Length: 15min 30sec (930 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 25 2021
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