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hey there mister read it here welcome back to another episode of our slash entitled parents stories our first story we'll be reading today my coworker tried to guilt me into working Thanksgiving for her after that entitled parent doesn't want to pay to get into a petting zoo after that we're all the stir-fry sauces after that I met Karen at autozone and after that Karen thinks I can't read now Karen told me if we get 1,000 likes on this video she won't accuse anybody of not being able to read for an entire week so please smash that like button and if you're new subscribe and turn on notifications for new stories from Reddit every single day by the way become an official channel member today and I'll give you a shout out in an upcoming video my coworker tried to guilt me into working Thanksgiving for her I'm in the casino business this of course means that major holidays are just another day for us and requests off are limited for holidays if even allowed it all for background I am 35 single and I have no kids I've been passed over on schedule Reeb it's four weekends off because it's easier for you since you don't have any kids this of course gives me the midweek Tuesday Wednesday and Thursday as my days off every week I'm scheduled to work Friday to Monday since I have no family I usually trade Thanksgiving in Christmas if they fall during the week so other dealers with families can spend time with their kids this year I elected not to my best friend is going to randomly be in my city this week his wife's cousin or something like that recently moved here and he will be spending the holiday at her house this of course means that since I'm off Tuesday through Thursday I'll be able to go out for some drinks Wednesday night with Ryan and I have an invite to turkey day for the first time since I moved to this city one of my co-workers let's call her Karen has been working for this place way less time than me she beat me out of another schedule rebid recently because she has three kids and having weekends off to spend time with is so important anyway Karen didn't so much ask has made a comment to me on scheduled day Karen so I let the boss know that you are working Thursday for me me sorry I can't trade anyone this year I actually have plans Karen scoffs well it's not like you have any family you need to do the right thing and let those of us with loved ones spend the holiday with them me well I'm sure you get to spend a lot of time with them every weekend while I'm here dealing cards she just grumbled and walked away later on in the EDR about five of us including Karen were eating lunch we were talking about the holiday and everyone's plans Karen made a snide remark about how I refused to trade her shift Karen all he's gonna do is get drunk and watch football he won't let me have the holiday off with my family me yep that's exactly what I'm gonna do remember you told our boss that you needed weekends off for family time so really I'm doing you a favor by working my normal days so you can have all weekend off with your kids you're welcome I put on my best grand I could and just looked at her she was visibly displeased but said nothing else my co-workers told me that she whined to them about what a jerk I am after I left oh well next we've got entitled parent doesn't want to pay to go in a petting zoo I used to work for a petting zoo that allows visitors to be within the enclosures with the animals and needless to say I experienced a lot when I first started reading this sub this was the story that first came to mind to set the scene this was a location where it cost about two US dollars for entry to the zoo and additional money if you wanted food if a kid is under six they need an adult to accompany them for safety reasons and in that instance the adult gets in free with the kids admission if your kid is six and up we assume they can listen to the staff inside and respect the animal space and the rules we've got the entitled parent we entitled parens husband we've got problematic goose and we've got myself zoo crew it's the summer at a big State Fair the petting zoo is of average to be low average attendance I end up at the front of the zoo while someone is on break which means I'm in charge of admission and money most people don't complain because to US dollars is a great deal to come and hang out with really cool and mostly sweep animals for as long as you want like actually as long as you want stay for hours we don't care this particular round we had problematic goose who was young and still learning manners but for the most part as with 98% of animals if you respected their space they respected yours because this is a location that people have to pay to get in we do have a spot for parents to watch their kids from right up against the fence if they don't want to go in and the kids are old enough no one is allowed up against the fence in other locations food is $1.00 at the gate and it's a cone and pellets usually more expensive but it's cut for them having to pay their way in and there's quarter machines inside enter entitled parent who comes in with a girl who is about 7 to 8 I verify the age with entitled parent and I let them know that it will be two admissions and that they can buy food to feed the animals if they'd like entitled parent what do you mean I have to pay to me in my best retail voice yes it's two dollars but you guys can hang out there as long as you want and there's quarter machines for food too if you don't want to buy it here I can't let her go in alone you don't have to she's old enough to go in alone if you'd like her to but if you want to go with her it's two dollars if not there's a parent only area right against the fence on the side so you can keep an eye entitled parent seeming to be mostly frustrated over the cost fine she can go alone entitled parent leaves I let her daughter know the rules and send her on our way oblivious to what was going to unfold about 20 minutes later a built gentleman in summer attire comes up to me fuming a Italy he held it together pretty well and wasn't yelling but obviously frustrated husband you need to let mother's in there with their kids suspecting exactly who this was but not entirely sure I put on my best retail voice of confusion it wasn't the first time an unwitting poorly informed husband was sent to intimidate me me I'm sorry everyone is allowed in husband now gesturing to the familiar girl who is now red-faced from crying and holding her finger not far behind him my daughter got bit by problematic goose in there and you need to allow parents in I'm sorry to hear that sir but I told your wife it was only an additional two dollars to go into the zoo with your daughter and she sent her in alone I had never seen such a look of realization before in an intimidation attack like this before the husband turned on his heel and led his daughter away presumably back to his wife to have a chat entitled parent was too cheap to go into the petting zoo with her kid and when her kid didn't follow the rules she sent her husband to cause a scene and backfired satisfyingly next we've got where all the stir fly sauces this happened a good decade ago when I was about 20 but you know how some memories stand out so vividly this is definitely one of those I was a newly graduated veterinary nurse working in a busy little small animal clinic based in a well-known horse racing town on that particular day we had had a high volume of surgeries and I just spent a good six hours solid doing anesthetics hunched up and concentrating hard and was so very ready to stretch my legs and eat an overdue lunch we finally wrap up the last surgery all went well no animals were harmed in the making of this story I am very ready to devour calories now usually whenever I leave the clinic I would change my nurses to an Inc for something more casual but as we'd been busy and I was two hours past my usual lunchtime I didn't bother to change and in fact and an even D accessorized so I had a full bottle green tunic and trousers fob watch name badge with job title and to top it all off a stethoscope around my neck full-on knackered nurse chick I was in a rush to get to my coveted sandwich payment point is everything about my look screamed medical worker I decided to pop into the local Marks & Spencer's and get a nice sandwich anyone from outside the UK Marks & Spencer's is a department store that is fairly fancy not SuperDuper posh but not exactly in every day shop either this branch was a clothes store up front with a food section at the back getting lunch from here was a special treat so I get there have picked myself a drool-worthy sammich ham hock and chutney YUM and have decided heck with it imma get me a dessert too in for a penny in for a pound I trotted to the fresh cake section and I'm salivating over cheesecakes and macaroons when along comes Karin I know that's a cliche at this point but seriously this lady was the most caring Karen to ever Karen from the I need to speak to your manager haircut to the audio rings on cat Kidston keyring clutched in her bejeweled claws karen stops right next to me stares at me with eyebrows raised then sort of huff slash sighs through flared nostrils in my direction I assume she wants something I'm standing in front of so I just shuffle along a bit and keep contemplating cakes mmm cake Karen don't you dare walk away from me me pardon way all this diff like sauces she clicks her fingers up near my face as she says this stir-fry sauces at this point I didn't wig she thought I worked there as I'm wearing my name badge with vet clinic on it and knew I was representing my workplace so I try to be polite rather than just scoff in our rude face mistake me oh I have no idea maybe on the end of the veg aisle like with the packaged salads and stuff Karen alarming screeching begins what do you mean you have no idea this is ridiculous you should know where all the products are how can you be so rude and stupid the irony me confused still hungry just want to eat my dang lunch I don't know where your sauces are I don't come in here much excuse me I start walking away Karen puts her arm out blocking my escape I can't believe this you reach I'll bei will hire anyone these days this shop is supposed to have standards I don't care if this isn't your department you should know this shop layout is basic knowledge did you even listen during training who's your manager all said and one enormous breath kind of impressive me bewildered still hungry really struggling to connect that she actually thinks I work there I don't work here gesturing with sandwich ad uniform Karen even higher level of screeching dogs back at the clinic likely start howling in response face alarmingly red don't get Jackie with me tell me where the stir fry sauce is alright now you are going to be in so much trouble young lady you might even be fired for your cheek me so done at this point stomach growling sammich calling I don't work here I'm a veterinary nurse I'm buying my lunch here please move Karen gears turning I is roaming nursey evidence I should have known you're from name of a horse clinic not the vets I work at they always have silly little girls working there he told the horse hair you're sprinkling around the place they shouldn't have let you in it's not sanitary I'm telling the manager you'll be banned for your information my tunic was spotless as I'd been wearing scrubs over it all day but sure okay Karen thank the lunch gods Karen decided to storm off I assumed to find a manager to scream at for a few hours I grabbed a custard tart double pack and you're dang right I ate them and purchase my lunch I never saw Karen again so for all I know she's still there shouting about rude stable girls who don't know where stir-fry sauces are the sandwich was delightful next we've got I met Karen at autozone about 10 years ago I worked as a delivery driver for autozone worked the morning shift did my deliveries and other stuff and headed home realized I was out of toilet paper so I stopped by Target on the way to pick some up found the toilet paper aisle and headed to get my brand I'm picky I was deciding between the biggest pack they had or just the four roll doing the math and figuring out how much I had to spend that week I noticed another customer had entered the aisle and was heading towards me so I stepped forward assuming she had passed behind me and went back to the big decision I had ahead of me my concentration was broken a moment later by the distinct clearing of a throat in that way that it's only made to get someone's attention and not in a very polite way I never considered that she thought I was an employee and just thought I was in her way I looked at the gal and smiled said excuse me stepped even closer to make room assuming she thought I was in her way and went back to what I was doing then I hear well are you going to help me or what I was completely caught off guard I was like was she asking me help for and I kind of looked around and that way you do just to make sure you aren't miss reading the situation that's when I saw the target employee in their red shirt and khaki pants past the end of the aisle when it hit me I'm wearing my red shirt with a nametag I can understand the confusion now I turned back to her and tried to laugh it off to save what I thought would be her embarrassment for mistaking me for a Target employee and tell her sorry if my shirt confused you but I don't work here thinking she'd be like Oh silly me you have a good day and I'd be able to respond no worries at all you take care out there but no that couldn't be how it went down she proceeds to respond with yes you do you just don't want to help me with a noticeable edge in her voice and narrowing her eyes at me at this point I'm gobsmacked asking myself if this is really happening because it just seems so absurd considering this was pre rated for me and I had never heard about something like this occurring to anyone else I'd tell her irritated but still not really mad sorry but I work at autozone she just kind of loses her temper now and says something to the effect of I'm lazy and she wants to know the name of my manager so she can let them know why their employee is lying to customers refusing to help them blah blah blah then I utter the line that made me laugh when I found this sub because of how true it was and set with as much indignation and righteous fury I had I don't work here lady you she got ready to start on me again and I cut her off look I've got black pants they've got tan I unclip my nametag and hold it out shaking it at her see autozone not target now go away she starts winding up again to defend her idiocy and by that point I'm done so I grabbed the toilet paper can't remember if I got the four pack or the big one sorry and walk away as she's squawking on behind me seems like she was trying to figure out which autozone I worked at I can only assume so she could come by and spread some more fur mess around there as well as probably ask to speak to some type of manager or call corporate or any of the other unfortunate normal crap we've all become accustomed to on here so yeah that's my story with the reality of how weird people are in retail I have called Eric Erin here but I know a couple of really great Karen's so I kind of avoid the term but I can see why it has become so prevalent I no longer work retail and if the universe is kind I never will again but to all your retail workers getting ready for the nightmare of Black Friday and the ensuing holiday season I wish you well and I hope people genuinely treat you like people and appreciate you being there I know I do next we've got Karen thinks I can't read a little backstory I worked at a high-end technology company for their retail division in a shopping mall I worked as a technician our responsibilities included taking appointments to troubleshoot and resolve the customer's device as well as scheduling appointments in store for customers walking in without booking in advance our appointments are very demanding and people do have the option to book from home to make it work around their schedule let's go into the story one of my co-workers was a greeter at the front door and would redirect customers to me if they needed technical support I was positioned halfway into the store with the mobile device to schedule these appointments I had just finished scheduling an appointment for someone when Karen appears me hello how can I assist you today Karen I have a broken mobile device I need it fixed me okay we can certainly get a technician to assist you would you like me to set up a time for you to see a technician today what why isn't there anyone now I understand that time is important and the longer you're without your device the more aggravating it can be I would love to pair you with a technician but at the moment we have some customers waiting to be seen as well what I can do is set up a time for you to come back in one hour we can even send you a text to notify and to start making your way back Karen upset by this fine me let me start by getting your first name and last name Karen first and last name provided me okay would you mind spelling out your last name the last name was a long and complicated name Karen aggravated if you can't spell then you probably don't know how to read me surprised and upset I look at her you know what I'm not going to help you I turn and walk away from Karen and the others waiting behind her but I felt like that level of disrespect was uncalled for I probably should have stayed there and called a manager over to take over the situation so that I could help the rest of the line but I needed a second to recuperate am an injury eventually helped Aaron as she probably worded her version of the story in her favor as I walked back to my post Karen sitting and waiting for a technician to come grabbed my arm and said I'm reporting you to corporate I probably should have said something because she has no right to lay a hand on me but I just ignored her and went back to work some of the customers waiting committed me for putting up with her and came to my defense when my manager eventually intervened made my day a lot better hearing that and shoutouts to our regionals of the day off-road boy shadow warlock and nightmare Trixie become tomorrow's Regenerist by leaving as many reasons you can in the comments below [Music]
Channel: r/mr reddit
Views: 54,541
Rating: 4.8970342 out of 5
Keywords: r/entitled parents, r/entitled parents rslash, entitled parents, entitledparents, entitled parents stories, entitled parents reddit, entitled parents rslash, entitled parents playlist, entitled parents stories playlist, reddit stories entitledparents rslash, rSlash, mr reddit, r/mrreddit, r/, reddit stories, rSlash entitledparents, rslash entitledparents playlist, funny stories reddit, karen, reddit, reddit stories funny, redditor, Top Posts of All Time, r/entitledparents
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 36sec (1236 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 29 2019
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