r/EntitledParents - but... she's 23.

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[Music] what's up guys welcome to daily dose of Reddit this is your host that once went down this really big hill on a sled hit this sick nasty ramp and flew straight into the side of a building captain Zach and today subreddit is our slash entitled parents yeah that's right new for this channel all right so this story's called entitled mom calls the police on me for stealing her daughter who is my girlfriend and an adult sorry this is so long but I hope those of you who read it will enjoy it background this happened about five years ago my fiance and I have been together seven years this month we were hoping to get married this year but might postponed due to the circumstances we were reminiscing some old stories yesterday when this one came up and she suggested I share it she was my girlfriend at the time and at the time I was fully aware that her mom was a few fries short of a happy meal but this was the pinnacle of her behavior I hope you guys enjoy the story I actually have a few more I shall share if you like sorry for the length that's something you don't apologize for but I hope you guys enjoy it giggity fYI there is a happy ending oh god oh that was too perfect cursed oh sorry let me reel it in a bit an titled mother my future mother-in-law girlfriend ally police officer Opie obviously story Ellie and I weren't living together at the time she just stayed over from time to time when she could I took her home after she had been staying with me a couple of days and was heading to work but shortly after just before getting to work I get a phone call from her and I can tell she is in tears apparently when she got inside entitled mother immediately blew up on her about being gone for so long even though it was only two days and she told entitled mom she was going to be gone and kept in contact with her while she was gone but Ellie just sorta brushed it off and went to a room entitled mother's house was pretty much your stereotypical crazy cat lady house house badly decaying cats all over the place going to the bathroom and random places and whatnot and when Ellie gets to a room she realizes while she was gone the cat's pissed and crapped all over a pile of her clean clothes but whatever Ellie decided to just bag them up in she would wash them next time she came to my place her mom didn't have a functioning washer at the time and apparently that really said entitled mother off entitled mother apparently thought Ellie was bagging her clothes because she was planning to go back to my place that night to stay another few days so she stomped into Ellie's room grabbed the bag ripped it open and flung the clothes all over the room with the cat crap and piss while screaming at Ellie that she's not going anywhere that's when Ellie ran outside and called me she was so upset and didn't know what to do her mom had been doing crazy stuff to Ellie since I'd been with her but up until now I just helped her however I could while not getting involved and not saying a word to her mom I tells her to go ahead and get the things she needs and I'll take her to my place she said she would love that I told my work I was gonna be late due to an emergency and turned around to go pick her up when I pulled back up to the house Ellie was in the driveway crying I went and hugged her and told her it was gonna be okay and that she could stay with me as long as she wanted so she went back inside to get her things as I was standing outside waiting I heard the door open again and went to help Ellie with her things uh-oh it's her MA entitled mother comes stomping out with her hair crazy and frizzled and an old night shibi lines for me and gets right in my face entitled mother with an extremely thick high-pitched southern accent my daughter said I need to come out here and ask what you think of me I knew that was a blatant lie as Ellie would never instigate this you got something to say huh you think I'm trash don't you huh that's what you think it NIT again up until now I'd completely kept my mouth shut and was trying to maintain that but this woman was up in my face freaking out and was tormenting the woman I loved so I finally looked at her face and broke my silence why do you treat her like this what do you mean that's my daughter and I worship the ground she walks on oh really so calling her a floozy a bimbo cooter and a [ __ ] is worship yes I've heard her say this with my own ears how does she use other people's ears to talk I would never say anything like that bull crap I've heard you say it you get your freaking ass off my property okay I almost never find myself in situations like this so I'm not used to it I say that because after she said this I pretty much saw red I'm not proud of it but I just started shouting every curse word in the book I could possibly think of at the top of my lungs while she went back in the house but thankfully that only lasted a few seconds and I immediately calm down so finally Ellie comes back out with her stuff we put it in the car and I assume it's over but Ellie turns to me and says I'm but we can't leave yet why not mom called the cops I sorta had a feeling that would happen no big deal so we just sat and waited for the cops to arrive after about 10 minutes or so a cop car pulls up right when he does entitled mother comes out of the house and oh my god yes she was doing exactly what you think she instantly puts on the fragile bitter old lady act hunched over walking slowly the whole gig and of course when police officer asks her what happened she has to pitch her entire medical chart to the guy Allie will tell you this woman has been terminally ill for 12 years so when she finally gets done trying to milk this poor guy for sympathy she tells her version of what happened sir he came on to my property and verbally attacked me he's awful to me sir and I've never even done anything to him he's turned my daughter against me and is trying to convince her to leave at first he seemed somewhat sympathetic to her until he turns to Allie ma'am this your boyfriend yes sir okay and how old are you sir I'm 23 this was my favorite part because the officer looked up from his notepad with a look of white what obviously he was thinking Ellie was a minor or something based off of how entitled mother was acting but quickly realized what he was dealing with eventually he turns to me okay sure please give me your version of what happened I did so funny sight note at one point police officer looks up at me and says you look really familiar do I know you it actually turns out the police officer and I had gone to high school together once we recognized each other we laughed and shook hands and very briefly this was hilarious because out of the corner of my eye I see in titled mother has a big scowl on her face as she sees me getting friendly with the police officer but anyway we're open she doesn't want you on the property so be aware that if you come back here you technically can be charged with trespassing do you understand this as I've explained it yeah absolutely sir but sir I wanna press charges he didn't do anything illegal ma'am but he verbally assaulted me I understand that and while that was ill-advised he slightly turns to me and gives me a small gesture with his hand and I nod in agreement it's not something I could arrest him for he agrees you will not come back on your property without your direct permission okay fine whatever Ellie come back inside what no you heard police officer Opie is leaving and you're staying here whoa ma'am I didn't say that at all but your daughter is not a child ma'am she is a full-grown adult she has every right to go wherever she wants I'm her mother she lives under my roof I told her she needs to stay here so she needs to stay no ma'am that's not how it works if she wants to go stay with her boyfriend there was absolutely nothing you can do to stop her entitled mother starts the fake crocodile tears and stomps in the house and defeat Ellie and I thinked the officer got in the car and left we've been living together ever since happy ending I was waiting for this believe it or not entitled mother isn't really much of an entitled mother anymore over the years since that day entitled mother has actually decided to make an effort to try and improve herself well that's fun I guess she realized that if she didn't make changes she would lose her relationship with Ellie so entitled mother started taking advantage of her medical coverage and went to see a psychiatrist in got medicine for her mental illness that she actually had as opposed to the one she would make up since then well she has actually gotten way better she takes her medicine regularly and has a boyfriend that is an extremely kind man and treats Ellie as though she were his own daughter so basically entitled mother isn't really an entitled mother anymore we actually get along very well and we see them frequently and we help each other out whenever we can we actually look back on those early years when she was in fact an entitled mother and laughs so not only is everyone getting along well we can actually share the cringe stories and happily laugh about them if you guys would like to hear some more let me know at it yeah thank you all guys so much for your boats awards kinda wishes and positive support I'm so glad you guys enjoyed this so much I am absolutely blown away by your responses and so is Ellie we greatly appreciate it all a lot of you have said you would like to hear more so either tonight or tomorrow I'll post another story that we call the jellyfish story and I'll put Ellie's mom part two in the title thank you guys again from the both of us what on earth I don't know how to do a sound effect for a hundred so there we go that was a great story and it really checked that wholesome box that I've been trying to get checked at least once per episode because I know y'all liked it but yes the story was great I'm glad everything worked out and I hope they stay married forever and ever and they have kids and their kids get married kidding alright this story's called entitled mother tried to get her daughter my job because I'm chubby this happened today so I thought I'd share I'm female and home from college the stay-at-home order in my town is slowly being lifted so some businesses are finally opening up my parents require me to have a summer job I'm blessed enough that I get to keep all the money I earn my parents just like me to work to gain experience this will be relevant later but I'm not a skinny girl I wouldn't consider myself large either I'm five foot six and weigh about 140 to 145 pounds right now and carry most of it in my hips and thighs the freshman 15 did hit me hard though as I used to be 120 ish so today after finishing my last online final my dad called me he told me that one of his friends who runs a heating AC company texted him that they were looking for girls to work in the office answering phones and stuff I got excited because that's exactly what I wanted so I put on a dress printed a copy of my resume and drove down the ladies inside were super nice and asked me to fill out an application so I sat down to do so this is where the entitled mother enters here's everyone involved entitled mother entitled girl probably 16 ish me desk lady one front desk this woman is relatively thin which will be relevant later desk lady to desk further back but still in the room this woman is plus-sized which will be relevant later boss boss of the business we're in the south which might be relevant because typically for jobs like this they're looking for a pretty face to sit behind the counter and talk to customers this is unspoken though yes it's awful but hey I needed a job so as I'm filling out an application entitled mother enters with entitled girl she announces that she's here about the opening and her daughter would like to apply desk lady one explains that she'll need to fill out an application and hands her one and a pen they come sit in the lobby right beside me which I thought was weird but I didn't say anything entitled mother to me are you here for the job as well yes ma'am hmm you know that cocky little sound people make I ignored her and went up to ask desk lady one a question about the application it was about how professional one of my references for babysitting was when I were turned and sat back down entitled mother walked up to the desk does my daughter even really need to fill this out it's protocol boss we'll look at all the applications and aside who to call for an interview is he here I'm sure if he could see my daughter he'd know who he wanted to call haha yes he is but he hasn't seen visitors right now how will he know who too high up he doesn't know what the girls look like well he'll need to see their references and make a few calls before he know my daughter is an aspiring model she one insert local pageant in 2019 he needs to see her to know she's the face he wants to see behind the counter interacting with customers I'm not sure what you mean this isn't a modeling job looks don't really matter oh I know but they do and let's face it boss isn't going to want at this point she leans in closer to desk lady won a chubby girl up here is he this whole time entitled girl is smirking at me in glances as she fills out her application this caught the attention of desk lady too as well as me and we both looked up at this point ma'am I'm not sure I know what you mean oh no disrespect I just know boss personally and I know he'd prefer a new pretty face around the office maybe I'm a little biased but I think there's no question between my daughter and well this young lady for example me no offense honey just trying to save you some time at this point I'm in tears I don't know if it was rage or the sting of her insult but either way I was not going to let her see me cry so I quickly got up and handed my application to desk lady one before trying to leave desk lady to a plus-sized woman sweetie wait talking to me you say you know boss personally right two entitled mother oh yes we went to high school together and you know him so well that you know he prefer a skinny woman behind this desk well I didn't say that she did but I'd assume so great well I'm his wife and I've worked behind this desk for almost 15 years now and as you can see I could probably drop a few and I take personal offense to what you're saying about my husband and this young lady so I'd like you to wait in the car while your daughter fills out her application entitled mother and entitled girl both stormed out at that point entitled girl took her application so I don't know if she'll apply or not but both women behind the counter told me that entitled mother was a bimbo and they'd vouch for me with the boss so I'm hopeful that I got the job edit my first award oh my goodness thank you so much update oh my goodness you guys are so kind thank you everyone for the awards and compliments I'm so overwhelmed you've all made my little heart so happy a lot of you want to know if I got the job today I went in for an interview and just got home from that it went well and I'm hoping for a call soon and I'll update you when I know update - hey guys so I still haven't gotten a call or anything I'm starting to think maybe they wanted somebody long term and not just for the summer sorry to disappoint y'all but if they do call me I'll be sure it's update and there's no further update that sucks but that is life not everything has a happy ending like that last story yeah don't forget to Like subscribe and hit that bell to never miss an episode [Music]
Channel: Daily Dose Of Reddit
Views: 11,381
Rating: 4.9013157 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, subreddit, best of reddit, r/ top posts, top posts, top posts of all time, reddit top posts, 100% True stories, reddit true stories, top all time, reddit posts, reddit funny, daily dose of reddit, daily dose of internet, daily dose of memes, but... she's 23., r/EntitledParents
Id: nyCYP_Krbio
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 18sec (1158 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 07 2020
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