Remove Rust With Oxiclean | Grandpa's Tools | Cruiser Axe 1

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hi welcome to zack of all trades where i'm finally going to get started on the process of restoring this special little axe head g i know there's lots of axe restorations out there on youtube what makes this one so special well first off this is a cruiser axe it's not just any old axe it's a smaller axe carried by timber cruisers historically for marking trails or knocking little branches out of the way as they traveled it's not exactly rare rare but you don't see them real often you don't see them nearly as often as you do your other standard types of axes so that makes it kind of cool the second thing that makes it special is that it was my grandpa's axe and so that's pretty cool to me the third thing is that i'm going to remove the crud from this axe using this the first thing that i'll need to do is get rid of the remnants of this old handle now I want you to think about something with me I pulled this out of the inside of a shop this has been inside for who knows how many years look at this handle look at how weathered like this handles been broken for a long long time a long long time for this to have gotten in that bad of condition a bad condition but you know what I mean worn down that far inside somewhere it just makes me really wonder what's the story behind this relax and I suspect that I will never know what's what the original story was so I guess I'm going to have to start from scratch with my own story right check out this wedge in here and see if we can get the focus to work again I got that wedge it's like a folded over no folded over piece of metal of some sort so enough babbling let me see if I can get this hunk out of there ordinarily I would just do this on the top of my vice found that out through there but this is a pretty special little accent I don't want to ding it up where the jaws of the Vice come in contact with here I want to be I don't know I want to be careful with it so here's what I've got set up here know how well this is going to work that's what I'm going to try well that's going to work there we go restoration is done I've got a new handle yeah sure all right here we go check out this wedge what on earth is this just a piece of metal wild all right let's do this right shall we and now comes the part about the OxiClean what the heck are you going to do with the OxiClean man well here's the thing electrolysis works best if you have a solution that conducts electricity well water though you may think otherwise does not conduct electricity particularly well so typically what you use in order to make that solution is sodium carbonate which is like Armand Hammer wash powder I don't have any of that so I went looking around in the laundry room and here's what I found this OxiClean has sodium carbonate and sodium pair carbonate well I did a bunch of reading on the internet and I didn't find any dire warnings against sodium percarbonate so I'm going to use OxiClean and my solution here to create a conductive solution I don't know how much is too much but I'm guessing that much will be about fine in order for electrolysis to happen you need a few things you need an electrolytic solution you need some electricity and you need an anode and a cathode the cathode in this case is our piece that we want D rusted the anode is our sacrificial piece of metal this is what's going to draw all the rust there are a few things that you should know before you attempt this this solution right here yes it needs to be conductive but do not use salt in order to make it conductive because if you use salt when you pass electricity through that salt solution it's going to release chlorine and chlorine kills you don't do it with the sodium bicarbonate sodium carbonate and sodium pair carbonate it's going to release some hydrogen so do this in a well-ventilated area so that it doesn't blow up and kill you also for your anode try to avoid using stainless steel because stainless steel at some threshold that I don't know and I'll bet you don't know either at some threshold stainless steel begins releasing some bad stuff some heavy metals some mercury in some other stuff that well I don't want to deal with though this looks shiny like stainless this is not stainless this is just a coffee can so it's just steel in order for this to work you need a good electrical connection so what I did just underneath this little tab where you can't really see is I took the wire wheel to the edge of the eye here cleaned it up just enough so I'd make good contact with this little tab and did the same here and so that's screwed on there bolted together nice and tight so I'm going to keep a good electrical connection between this axe head and the end of this threaded rod so it goes into the solution now the other part is with our anode I'm doing the same thing I've got this coffee can all open up and it just so happened that this little piece didn't want to detach for me so it's connected about that much which that's just fine now I have a little thing to connect to so I'm using this coffee can because there's a lot to be said for surface area when you're doing this more surface area on your anode the better alright now that we've got all that set up there's something that I can't really show you because all of these bubbles but I'm going to tell you about it and you're just going to have to trust it well I'm not making it up you want to make sure that your two pieces of metal are not touching in there because that will kind of negate the whole process it's a little irritating that we have the bubbles here but we're just going to go with it so next we need to attach a red and a black well you want to attach the red to the anode and the black to your cathode don't do it the other way just trust me red to the anode junk metal black to the cathode restoration metal I'm going to put my battery charger on 6 volt no I'm not I'm going to put my battery charger on 12 volt and then I'm going to plug it in I'm gonna highly discourage plugging this thing in before hooking those up because you never know when you're gonna cross them out yeah alright here we go firing hole so yeah of course that was time lapse but check out this ring of muck right here that's a good thing all that muck is coming up off of our piece that we're trying to get clean so I'm going to steal a line from one of my new favorite YouTube channels and invite you to please enjoy this little intermission so I like to try a little something new here something that I saw in someone else's channel here recently and I really really liked and that is to on occasion feature another channel something that I've stumbled upon that I really like and I think that you guys would like as well so my first one that I'd like to point you guys to is called mr. chickadee let me give you a brief synopsis mr. chickadee and his wife and a dog and a cat are in the process of building their homestead somewhere in Kentucky I believe completely by hand completely with hand tools the videography is fantastic I don't think that I've ever heard a word spoken in any of the videos but they're captivating watching what these folks are doing with their bare hands from building the window frames I mean every piece of the window frames to the door to the latch on the door whittling out of wood this guy makes a lot of his own tools and then turns around and uses those tools to build his house so go check it out I'm going to put a link down in the description and I love for you guys to go check it out I think you really enjoy okay today is now tomorrow and it's time to see what we've got whoa I think our process is working what do you think let's turn it off and pull it out it's warm like quite warm Wow I think we've been successful what do you think about that oh that's so cool it is rust just flaking off underneath nice clean metal let me scrape this for a minute and then I'll come back and show you how it's looking well here we go I'm going to go ahead and call this successful I know that I'll do you rest it and check this out can you read it there we go now we know that it's a plumb cruiser acts and OxiClean is successful that's about all I've got time for on this video so I'm going to go ahead and sign off but I will get working on this and I'll be back with the next round very soon thanks for watching guys make sure to click that thumbs up if you comment please do me a favor it takes an extra couple of seconds please please please click that thumbs up if you if you genuinely enjoyed this video please click the thumbs up and if you haven't done so already subscribe love to have you guys stick around and I will see you on the next video soon thanks for watching
Channel: Zack Of All Trades
Views: 1,943,665
Rating: 4.8406682 out of 5
Keywords: oxiclean, antique, restoration, electrolysis, viral, axe, double bit, cruiser axe, lumberjack, homesteading, prepper, prepping, zack of all trades
Id: fBaTkJjlwMY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 22sec (742 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 09 2016
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