Is Electrolysis better than Evapo-Rust? Let's find out!

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in a recent video we compare different over-the-counter rust removal chemicals and evapo rust did really well along with cred cutter since then I've had a lot of requests to test electrolysis a process of using electricity to remove rust instead of using chemicals so today were to compare evapo rust against electrolysis and see which method is the best this rescue ranch hand this lug that are both seized we're going to see if electrolysis can remove all the rust and free both of them up we want to see how much weight is removed from this wrench during the electrolysis process it weighs 448 grams will wait again after the electrolysis to see how much weight was removed Russ cotta pair electrolysis to evapo rust to see which one is more effective both love that's way the same so after the test we'll win again to see which process worked the best we're not going to use table salt since table salt could put off some chlorine gas but we are going to use some sodium carbonate which will allow the water to conduct electricity this is going to be our sacrificial steel the last thing we need is a battery charger so we are all set for the electrolysis process to begin we only need about a half a cup per five gallons of water I'm gonna go ahead and use the entire box of sodium carbonate a little extra won't hurt now this water is warm so once I dump this in there I'm gonna go ahead mix it up real good and then I'll go ahead and dump it inside the aquarium what I wrapped why I ran both the ranch as well as the wheel stud lock I'm gonna go ahead and dip this in the water now and set it up to be connected to the battery charger I'm gonna go ahead and dump the water it has a sodium carbonate mixed into it this will definitely make the water a little cloudy so for the electrolysis process you want to put the positive on the sacrificial steel and the negative on the steel that you're trying to remove rust from so let's go and plug this in and watch the process begin as you can see there are some bubbles that is hydrogen gas if that the rest does not have any sort of acid it's a very safe process for metal parts so what I'm gonna do is go ahead and add the evapo rust into this little container and then allow the process to begin so we're going to come back in 24 hours and see what kind of progress has been made it's been run out 24 hours you can see there's a lot of action taking place inside this aquarium you can see the oxygen bubbles coming off this rusted bolt as well as this wrench you can also see the hydrogen bubbles coming off the steel and you can also see a lot of rust has formed on this wire the evapo rust is in this container I'm gonna go ahead and pull the wheel stud lug out of this container and put it next to the one that's experiencing the electrolysis to see which one looks better [Music] this is the boat nut that had the evapo rust on it and this is the electrolysis it's interesting to compare the two the electrolysis Bolton that are a lot darker in color than the bulb that had the evaporate both both seem to have an equal amount of loose rust on them the wrench looks a lot better it did when we started it still has a lot of rust though this thing is still seized as well I cannot get the adjustable wrench to move at all so this is going to need a lot more exposure to the electrolysis process want to come back at 24 hours and see how everything is doing [Music] it's been right at 48 hours we're going to take the wrench as well as the bolt out and see what they look like [Music] the vapp arrest has more of a rust color appearance than the electrolysis as far as the amount of rust they look very similar if the bolt soaking in evapo rust seems to have a lot looser rust on it than the bolt that's gone through electrolysis the nester still sees on both bolts the electrolysis process is working really well on the wrench as you can see there's a lot less rust on this raster when we first started the rinse is still seized but I think with the next 24 to 40 hours we'll be able to get this to move freely it's been right at 72 hours since we began the test so I'm gonna go ahead and remove the bolt and the wrench to see how they look look I'd remove the bolt that's in the evapo rust as you can see the evapo rust level has decreased it's evaporating off so I'll end up adding a little bit more vapp arrest for the next 24 hours I'm about to see if I can get the nut off of each one of these bolts to see if when these products has done a better job [Music] both evaporates in electrolysis have done a great job but the nut is still frozen on each bolt so it's been right at 72 hours with the wrench as well and you can see it's looking a lot better it's still frozen though I can't get this to turn by hand so I'm going use a brush to try to scrape some of this rest off and then we will put this back in the mix for another 24 hours [Music] I wanted use a small copper brush to scrub down the nuts and bolts as well as the ranch and all I can say is wow this really looks good I'm really impressed with both evapo rust as well as with the electrolysis process both of these processes seem to be highly effective at removing rust I'm going to put this back in the tank for 24 more hours this is our sacrificial piece of steel that we were using in the electrolysis process and look at all that rust Wow this thing is really accumulated a lot of rust it's been right at 96 hours or 4 days since we began this test so I'm really excited to pull out this wrench and the bolt to see how they look wow that's actually looking pretty nice compared to what it looked like when we started [Music] the boat that was soaking in a vApp arrests actually looks a little bit cleaner than the bolt that's gone through electrolysis but when you take a close look at both there really doesn't seem to be all that much more rust on the bolt that's gotten through the electrolysis in the past 24 hours electrolysis has really helped this wrench continue to make progress I have to admit I've never used electricity for but it really seems to work well so you use this copper brush to scrub down the wrench and all I can say is Wow electrolysis did a great job this wrench looks incredible [Music] [Music] so a little bit of effort and a little bit of seafoam deep creep I was able to get this wrench and seized as well and now it moves freely the rent start off at 448 grams it now weighs 442 grams a loss of six grams the boat that went through electrolysis now weighs 77 grams the boat that was soaked in evapo rust also weighs 77 grams this is the sacrificial piece of metal we use during the electrolysis process and as you can see there's a lot of rust that's accumulated on it so which processes better electrolysis or evapo rust I really think it depends on what you're trying to do if you have something that's really large finding a big open pool or a big open container to use electrolysis is definitely going to be your best rap because evapo rust is pretty expensive as a product however if you have something that's small I really like evapo rust quite a bit either way I am extremely impressed with both processes the wrench looks really good regarding the lug nuts I wasn't able to get you one of those loose by hand I had to end up using a wrench for both of them there's just a little bit too much rust in the threads to get the nut to begin moving anyway how about about this video you guys recommend it so thank you very much please keep those recommendations coming and I'll keep making videos please take care and I look forward to next time
Channel: Project Farm
Views: 2,350,844
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Seafoam, additive, oil, crankcase, lock up, sea foam, lucas, marvel mystery oil, marvels marvel, mystery oil, engine, seefoam, Sea foam, does seafoam work, engine rebuild, carbon, jb weld, weld, project farm, 2 stroke bike, evapo-rust rust remover, evapo-rust gel, evapo-rust super safe rust remover, electrolysis rust removal, electrolysis, rust, rust removal, flex, flex glue, flex tape, removing rust, rust remover, rust busterer, bust the rust
Id: 8dtDLQHjHBc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 38sec (458 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 31 2018
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