Rust Remover Showdown. Will Evapo-Rust prevail?

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Well I ordered some krud cutter just to see. But it doesn't come with that handy dipping basket.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/skipperdog 📅︎︎ Jul 18 2018 🗫︎ replies
most of my favorite toys consist of some sort of metal and unfortunately metal has a tendency to rust if it's not properly treated so what do you do about rust if you like me you want to get rid of rust as quickly as possible because it can cause permanent damage for example when I was growing up we had an old 1966 Chevrolet Impala and the rust run the car we had to park it because it became unsafe we don't want that to happen with any of the possessions we have just because of rust because it is so easy to treat however there are lots of rust removal products on the market and it become quite confusing as to which one of them works the best and when to use certain products so today we're going to do some testing on various rust removal products to find out which one is the best Duras we'll be testing rust converters as well as different paint products that are supposed to treat rusted metal in the future so let's get the testing underway and see which product works the best we're gonna test these rust removal products on this piece of sheet metal we're also gonna see how these different products work when we soak rusty parts in them once we figure out which product works the best we're gonna restore this rusty old wrench using that product cred cutter dissolves and removes rust creating an ideal surface for painting evapo rust is a super safe rust remover so how does evapo rust work first off evapo rust is pH neutral it uses a process called chelation large synthetic molecules from a bond with metals and holds them in the solution CLR is also known for removing rust so it contains several types of acid klieg lactic acid gluconic acid and other active ingredients this vinegar contains 5% acetic acid so enable jelly has phosphoric acid as the active ingredient coca also has some phosphoric acid in it okay I mean your attic acid contains 30 1.45% hydrochloric acid so this is a really powerful acid I'll be placing four nuts inside of each of these chemicals and we'll take a look at each one of them after 5 minutes 1 hour 5 hours and then 10 hours also be placing this bolt inside of each of the products and we'll leave it in there for 24 hours to see how it works I'm going to place the fishing string on each one of these nuts and bolts so I can avoid putting my hands inside the chemicals [Music] okay it's been around at five minutes this is our control let's compare how it looks as you can see there is some rust removal that's taking place after five minutes not quite as much rust removal after five minutes as we saw with the cred cutter looks like it's removed some rust cred counter has done a great job in one hour at removing rust look that [Music] looks like all the rust has been removed actually after one hour it looks like all the rest was removed so I'm not sure we're gonna see any sort of improvement so it's been five hours with evapo rust and you can see there's really not that much rust that has been removed since the one hour mark okay it looks like CLR is starting to do some good work there's still some rust left but it's definitely moved removed more rust than evapo rust vinegar just has not done very much to remove the rust I really don't see any sort of improvement over the baseline I just could see the naval jelly has done a great job at getting rid of the rust after five hours of time unfortunately Kok just hasn't done very much it looks just about the same as the five minute test the count black that is now what will happen is this will lighten up over time and become the same color as this so if a breath seems to have done a pretty good job but not nearly as good as Craig cutter there's still rust I think this soap for a total of 24 hours it would be in really good shape CLR is actually looking quite good it looks just as good as k'rud Kutter does unfortunately vinegar just doesn't seem to be doing much I can't really tell the difference between 5 minutes and 10 hours to me they look just the same looks like navel jelly did a really good job as well I'm not seeing very much rust at all left behind as you can see coca-cola did not do a very good job of removing rust after 10 hours look how clean that is that is by far the cleanest of all of them obviously it is down to the bare steel it has done a very good job of cleaning it's fine fact it's actually started to eat some of the metal okay it's been 24 hours I'm gonna go ahead and see what these bolts look like this is crud cutter Wow that looks absolutely amazing if apparatus did a pretty good job there's still some rust in the threads that I can see so it looks like it just needs a little bit more time to work but it's been right at 24 hours and as you can see there is some rust alright there's quite a bit of rust left with CLR after 24 hours it looks like vinegar did a little bit of good on the threads but this is by far the least performing product we've looked at yet well some a flagella seems doing a pretty good job however there does appear to be some rust inside the threads so it's doesn't seem to have done as well as evapo rust or crud cutter but probably better than CLR and definitely better than white vinegar so the coca-cola did remove a little bit of rust but not really that much rust this is by far the least performing product vinegar did better than coke now obviously mirotic acid did by far the best as far as removing rust the quickest however it also took some metal with it up next when do is apply these products to this piece of sheet metal and allow these products to do their job for right at one hour so the way this will work is I will apply the product and then I will lay a paper towel on top of the product to keep it from spreading and to keep it from evaporating after an hour we will remove the paper towel and see what it looks like underneath [Music] [Music] okay it's been right at one hour someone do is take a look at each of these and see how they did first up is k'rud Kutter so this is the underside of paper towl you can see there's quite a bit of accumulation of the byproduct of rust being removed if a Burress doesn't look like it did too much looking at the paper towel there just really isn't that much that has accumulated you can see there's quite a bit of substance on the CLR paper towel but when you look at it the rest is still there well so far acetic acid has done the best or vinegar has done the best removing the rust we're gonna have to apply some water and try to work this free but it looks like quite a bit of rust has been removed but it's hard to tell because there's like a layer of jelly coke removed a little bit of rest but not too much [Music] so Craig cutter did a pretty decent job considering it's designed for a longer application I really think this is a good product if you use it for at least three or four hours evapo rust seems to have done okay it seems as though that water application has to be accomplished in order for this product to do a good job it did remove some rest but not as good as some of the other products CLR did a decent job actually it well actually went down to the metal in some areas vinegar seems to have done just as good as Craig Conner but not quite as good as CLR Loctite seems to have actually done the best from the products we've tested besides the muriatic acid now coca-cola didn't seem to do much by far the least effective product we've tested mariotta Cassatt obviously did the best okay so the product I've selected to restore this wrench is using cred cutter because k'rud Kutter seems to work really fast I'm not saying it's the best product but it seems to be the safest product for a quick result of the ones we've got I don't like the idea of using the erratic acid or hydrochloric acid because it's just a little too powerful and it also tends to take good steel with the with the rust removal process we're let this red sub for right at two hours we come back we're gonna pull it out and see how it looks Wow looking pretty good a lot of rust has been removed in fact looks like all the rust up in here is removed it's down to the steel but there's more work to be done so let's go ahead soak this for another couple hours and see how it looks after two more hours of soaking this is looking really good but I'd like to get a little bit more rust off of it so I'm gonna go ahead and soak it for another four hours for a total of eight hours and see how it looks really nice this wrench looks great a lot of this is very superficial and just a slight touch and it'll come right off I believe this in credit for an extra 12 hours just because I want this really clean we'll come back and see how it looks so it's been 23 hours sets the wrench has been in the crud cutter let's take it out and take a look at it wow this looks really good I am extremely impressed and k'rud Kutter says that this product is supposed to protect the wrench from rusting for up to a year [Music] so it comes time to bust the rest what product should you select for removing the rest well that really depends on what you tried to do if you have the opportunity to use something really strong you don't have to worry about causing damage to paint or any sort of collateral damage periodic acid or hydrochloric acid might be a good choice especially if you're ready to paint it right after using the treatment now regarding products that I really like the best I really liked k'rud Kutter the best it's a very expensive product at 62 cents an ounce but it did an amazing job as we see on this little wrench I'm looking forward to testing this wrench as far as how it can withstand rust is supposed to be able to withstand rust for up to a year so I'm gonna leave this outside the weather allow it to get exposed to a lot of UV as well as a lot of moisture and see if it rust now going down the line I didn't see any benefit to using Coke it may have removed some rust but not very effective as far as naval jelly that seems to be a great product for a flat surface that would be a product I would use on a body panel of a car or something where I needed it to remove the rest but not flow and also to remain in a liquid state regarding vinegar vinegar did an okay job but there are a lot better options out there however vinegar is extremely cheap at around two to three cents per ounce you really can't beat the price regarding CLR I just wasn't impressed with it at all I wouldn't buy this product for removing rust just because it just didn't do a very good job it's probably a lot better at removing lime and other things regarding evapo rust it was pretty good I wouldn't say it's as good as crud cutter but it's probably very close so if you're getting evapo rust it's gonna do a good job for you and you can also reuse it thanks so much for watching the video I hope you like share and subscribe please take care I look forward to see you next time [Music]
Channel: Project Farm
Views: 2,194,265
Rating: 4.9151735 out of 5
Keywords: Seafoam, additive, oil, crankcase, sea foam, lucas, marvel mystery oil, marvels, marvel, mystery oil, seefoam, Sea foam, Seefoam, See Foam, does seafoam work, wd-40, rust, rusty lug nut, rusty thread, rusty threads, vinegar, coca cola, muriatic acid, krud cutter, evapo rust, clr, evapo-rust, crud cutter, krud, removing rust, rust remover products, best rust remover, getting rid of rust, loctite naval jelly, naval jelly
Id: 6-MC_ZEXQbw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 26sec (746 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 16 2018
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