Enveloped Lettering with Embrilliance

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welcome everyone my name is Lisa Shaw and I just thought I would pop in and do a quick live video today showing us how to do use envelopes with existing designs so this is a feature in the umbrellas platform we have an envelopes library that can be installed and this library can be found at on the employees website in the project blog Eric Campbell has listed the link below I will edit the description of this live video as well as when it gets uploaded to YouTube we will put the live video link is that live video the link to the embrace libraries for the envelopes with all the instructions on how to use them but I thought I'd pop in here and show you a real-life example because on the Umbreon Tim brilliance group which is our Facebook group here with over 30,000 people so if you haven't joined the brilliant and brilliance group you really should get over there and do that there was a woman recently a design that's posted and she had envelopes the lettering the name of the child that was going in there so I thought I'd pop in and show you all how to do that so let's switch on over to the software and see how that's done here is an example the design itself is from Luna stitches they also have a Facebook group but their website is listed here whoops I've make sure I'm pointing in the right direction because I have my my little picture but you can see design to Luna stitches com that is where the dinosaur file comes from so I want I brought it into my program and I added an envelope so let's see let's go start from scratch and see how easily this is done so I already have opened my design and this is what you get now those of you that have essentials or one of the other programs without and don't have stitch artists and they just want to add a sort of a shaped lettering that goes into this you can use the libraries so if you got to add a from the library files I'm going to click on this gear here and this is where your envelope library has been installed and they we have a whole bunch of shapes that are listed here and I thought that the wide oval one kind of matched his body and that's what we're gonna go for so I'm selecting the wide oval and I click OK and it places a an oval shape with the envelope right here in the middle of our design I'm going to just move it sort of into place just so that I'm and I'm paying attention to this little skinny outline that's around here because this little skinny border that is the shape of the envelope that we're going to shape our letters to and I'm going to rotate it by clicking on the blue dots in the upper right corner move it into place and I can even reshape this make it a little taller a little wider and just to get a general idea of what it is that I want now the only part that I'm using of this envelope itself is the wireframe shape that's in here I'm not gonna use stitch out the black border because I don't need it but it's a good guide and it does help you move your envelope because when you're moving things in essentials your cursor needs to be on stitches in essentials so when I move this I put my mouse cursor on the blacks an oval so that I can move him where he needs to be now look at our object pane that oval has a satin border and an envelope with a 10 at the end of it now before I'm going to delete the satin border eventually I'll show you how to do that at the end but I'm just gonna leave it in place so that you can go step by step when you're doing this in your software to add lettering to the envelope I'm going to click on my lettering tool and that puts your ABC in the center of the screen and you don't need to worry about where it's placed because I'm going to give it a job and the job of this lettering is to be assigned to the envelope number 10 so when I click on my letters lettering object in my object pane and it says letters I'm gonna go to the very last right after the S so I click on the name letters so I'm going to rename it I'm gonna put a space and I'm gonna put the number 10 and I'm gonna hit the enter key on my keyboard all of a sudden you saw the letters just jump up there so it's like okay I'm kind of linked to this envelope but I know there's a something else that's going to happen and what's gonna happen is that I'm gonna select my text that says ABC and I'm gonna type in a name like and I see H Ola s and I'm gonna hit the enter key to change my text and it's in sort of the envelope and as soon as I put my mouse cursor in the white space and click off of the text kaboom I get my shape text that sort of fits in there and now I can select that satin border here at the top hit the Delete key on my keyboard and I can sort of see that my shape text has been added you would want to finagle it you can't really reshape the object unless you have stitch artists but you can reshape it as far as selecting the object itself dragging a corner to reshape and make it larger move it around in space so that it's because you're gonna need to move the envelope itself and reshape it so that it fits properly okay but if you want it to look really shaped like I did in my example and you have stitch artists that's super easy to do as well so let me first I'm gonna delete must this one here select the next one and I am back to just my plain design stitch artist you can do this in any level envelopes creating your own is available in level 1 level 2 level 3 which is wicked powerful for such if you have stitch arts level 1 you can do this super easy there's our other videos on the in brilliance youtube channel on the stitch our displaylist Brian recently put one up there and how to create envelopes we're just gonna bring it and run through a quick recap of how that's done here I need to draw a shape and so I'm gonna click where my draw with points tool that's up here at the top where it says draw with points I'm gonna put my mouse cursor in my design page area and my mouse cursor needs to be at the top left because when you create an envelope it needs to start at the left and complete itself but these have to have a left side or right side and it has to have a top and a bottom so you need to kind of create a shape so that your letters can be morphed into that shape so I'm gonna start at this left side I'm gonna left click and I kind of want to create this is just gonna be a shape of what my dinosaur looks like and I can move these notes around but I'm going to get to this point here and which is near his neck and I know that I want to head down so I'm gonna hold down the shift key while I click and what that does is that creates a cusp and if you want to understand how cusps are and difference between cuffs and curves and straight points again our youtube channel has great videos on how to draw with points so I'm putting two cusps here's to create that that square edge on this side and now I'm gonna head back by just left clicking and it probably should have been a little more swoopy on the bottom when I get to this top here again I mean I wanted to be a cusp so I held down my shift key and I'm going to right click to stop and I'm gonna hit the little tomato button here I call this my circular tomato that's how to close the stitches and that closed our closes our shape so that I now have what we call an envelope that can be adjusted and shaped to fit our lettering so it kind of looks like our dinosaur body in a certain way I have this design here and it's just a line and I need to give it the job of and I'm look so I need to click on the shape itself and I double click on it so that it selects the word line and I type in envelope en ve el ope and you must spell it correctly because otherwise it doesn't work hit the enter key so that it keeps its name now we're going to click on our lettering tool and it puts ABC in the center I'm going to click on in my text box I select the ABC and I can type in ADR IA n and hit the enter key on my keyboard and it puts Adrienne in the center of my envelope when I click off kaboom it shapes that that lettering to be exactly like the shape that we drew so what you have to pay attention when you click on your lettering object it does go back into normal shape that's just because it has to it's going to be assigned back to our properties and it's going to change so it goes back to the defaults so that's straight line so you can change your spacing change or your font because this also works with px fonts so I'm using block font because I personally I think that in this particular design using a fancy funky font maybe a little too fancy funky for this particular design but if you happen to have one on here such as oh here is designs by juju typewriter and I'm gonna choose the inch and a quarter click outside and it reshapes it so that it fits it so it works both with built in and the fonts that built in fonts and installed px fonts this can be if you want to reshape your envelope it's part of stitch artist so just make sure that you're in create mode you get your nodes and you can move your nodes and when you do that your lettering is adjusted back that it was I see I'm getting some comments here on this side people think that this is awesome great stuff eric has listed the envelope link to the video right in the comments so if you want to watch Bryan's video to get more in-depth explanation on how envelopes work he's giving you the link Janice says forgot holding the shift key makes a straight line actually the shift key makes a cusp which means you can do like a heart that's a cusp if you hold down the ctrl key that does a straight line note and all those are in the drawing videos that are on the stitch artists all the shortcuts the shift in the ctrl key Michelle says she didn't realize creating on glows was that easy yes it is the one thing to think about with envelopes is that you have the an envelope is a shape and as your lettering has a left side and a right side and a top and a bottom so even if you draw a circle that really has no side so you have to make sure that you have nodes on the sides an easy way to look at if you're trying to draw envelopes go into your library into the envelopes that are already created for us oops I have to go back into my yeah went to my envelopes here and choose one of the ones that is already created for you for example the circular one click OK go into stitch artists which are in here and look at how their circle actually has straight sides on it it's gonna morph into a circle it's gonna envelope into the circle shape but it needs to have a left side and a right side as well as the circular shape top and bottom so crazy wild isn't it I think so too Pam selle I just thought that this would be a quick video showing you how to do this in the Umbreon software using if you have essentials you're not ready to jump into stitch artists yet you can use one of the built-in envelopes when you're ready take that plunge and create something so fun simple and as Michelle said easy you can get stitch artist level one and create your own videos I hope that you have enjoyed watching this video and I it will be available for you to watch a replay it will be here on the in brilliants Facebook page and we'll also upload it to our youtube channel where we have a huge resource available to you on videos on how to use the employments programs quick and easy software that's what in brilliance is all about thanks for taking some time with me today and I hope that you are inspired to create and do some fun things thank you very much and have a wonderful week
Channel: Embrilliance by BriTonLeap
Views: 15,365
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Embrilliance, Enveloped lettering, lettering, morphed text, StitchArtist, Monogram, Essentials, Free designs, Lisa Shaw, SewBubbles, boy design, dinosaur embroidery, digitizing software, how-to digitize
Id: j8MCooozeqw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 42sec (822 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 04 2019
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