Remove greenscreen with uneven lighting in Camtasia 2020 | Camtasia Greenscreen Tutorial

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hello this is christy in today's tutorial in camtasia 2020 i am going to show you a little trick i figured out to allow you to equalize the light and the color on a green screen so that you can remove it effectively even after you've recorded your video and you realize that maybe your green screen was not colored evenly so that's one of the problems you can have if you record yourself with a green screen and are planning to remove the green screen in camtasia later and the lighting is not perfectly even across the surface of the green screen then you may have problems removing it so i had a video like this recently and i thank my friend chris menard for allowing me to use his video because when i had to process one of his videos he recorded it and the light was off as you can see here on the right side so if i increase the size of this this is the video that chris recorded and you can see that the background green screen is actually darker on the right side and lighter on the left side and you probably know that camtasia does have the remove color filter which you can access from the visual effects remove a color so if i drag this effect onto my video stream that has the green screen recording you can select the color from the right side here and use the color picker to choose the color you want to remove so although this is a green screen look what happens if i choose this lighter color it does remove that color and colors close to that but it doesn't remove everything and especially this dark area in the right here it doesn't remove it now camtasia does have tolerance controls and softness and all these controls to help adjust your removal but your color but it doesn't do a perfect job if you notice if i if i put push the tolerance all the way too high to remove the green completely the person also disappears because the color may be close to what i'm doing with the tolerance if i if i play with the softness a little bit maybe i i could get a better result but in the end when i play the video you will see all of this noise and also there's a piece of the person missing there so this is not a perfect recording but instead of asking chris to re-record this i figured out a trick to actually remove the green screen perfectly so i want to demonstrate this now so i have the video here this is the video so i'm going to remove the color for a bit for the effect so i want to remove the green screen now i will obviously use the remove a color um filter which i'm going to drag on top of the uh video stream here and i'm going to select the green color just like i did just now so you can select the sort of the brighter area or the darker it doesn't matter which one you start with you can start with either of them because this is a two-step process so i'm going to remove the light color a bit and i don't have to struggle with the tolerance or anything else so i have left the background here for the screen recording i've left that on there it's blue if i remove it of course it's going to be now black so i want to leave this on there but we're not going to use it and it will just be serving uh for us to see what's happening so i'm just going to move this up here one level so i have removed basically half of the green screen and the darker half i haven't because i can't so what i can do is i can tweak the tolerance a little bit just to make sure that you know i'm not sort of adding artifacts or you know removing too much i can also select this again and use the dark area in this case you can see i have removed the right side with the darker part of the green screen but of course the lighter side stays there so this is step one remove one part or another part of your the the light or the dark part of the green screen now here comes the second step we will add an annotation to this scene just behind the green screen video so i'm going to go to annotations and to the shapes and just drag this shape here i'm going to zoom out a bit so i'm going to drag this black shape onto the scene right i'm not going to make it i'm going to make it as large as the entire scene so i'm covering the whole scene and moving it on my timeline behind the green screen video and make sure it is spanning the entire duration and the second one the second operation we do on this shape i am going to go to the color uh to the properties for the annotation and instead of the solid black background i'm going to color that and i'm going to use the color picker which if you can't see because it's off screen i'm just going to pull this in a bit so use the color picker click on that and select the green that you are left with okay so you notice i am actually picking the color the green color that is in my um the the leftover green screen okay so what this effectively does it creates a another background with another green screen color but this time this green screen color is more even because i'm using sort of a picking color from the left side to make the background on the right side so this was the step two now step three involves actually rendering the video to disk as an mp4 file because another downside of camtasia in addition to the fact that you can't actually use tolerance controls and it doesn't have a wider range of selection for green screens um it also doesn't allow you to click to select two colors to remove from your video i wish they would add this for the next version but for now we have to deal with this in this way so what i've done here i have removed the dark part of the green screen i've added a background behind my video and i have colored that background with the light color of the green screen so now i basically have a recording with a very even green screen behind my video so the next step is to render the video to disk as an mp4 file and then re replace my video in my project with the the file that i've just rendered so you go to share menu of course local file and export your file as an mp4 in the highest quality you can so of course custom production go to next mp4 and then of course here you know check your quality make it at least 75 percent and so on and then go and select a file on disk and then render your video out and then i'm going to come back after i've rendered this video and i'm going to continue this tutorial for the final step so i have rendered my video to disk and i'm going to import that video into my media bin right here so i've key i've given it a name chris intro green screen removed step one okay so this is my video that i've put on my disk and what i'm going to do now is i am actually going to remove this video that i had before which has the the backgrounds the fake background and half of the screen green screen removed when you do this in real life in a real project just make sure that you drag the new video the exported video in the same position so i'm going to drag that into the same position here it may involved some pieces of video that i edited out so that's why the length might be different so that's not a problem because you won't have this you will actually export exactly the portion of video that you need and this is i'm just going to remove now the old video so you can see here this is the video that i rendered i'm just going to silence the audio a little bit so you can see the video is playing again it's playing normally it's in place where it used to be so now i can apply the visual effect remove color again on this exported video so i'm going to apply that here and go and select the color with the color picker and i can pretty much choose any portion of my green screen now any piece of green here because it is pretty much uniform so i'm just going to click wherever and look at this the green screen has been removed completely so you can't see any more green artifacts i'm playing the video it's perfectly nice perfectly fine so basically what we did was we have a video that started out as a non-uniform green screen and then we removed half of it with the remove color effect and then the other half we filled it with the a background of the same color as the remaining green screen portion so we basically equalized the lighting on the green screen using two steps and then we exported the video and imported it again and applied the remove a color effect again so there you have it you have a perfect removal of the background this way even if in the recording stage the lighting was not even so this is one of the biggest problems you can have with green screens setting up the lights correctly so that you can record and be sure to be able to remove them the green screen effectively so if you happen to be unfortunate enough to have a project like that this is a workaround and i hope it was useful for you thank you for watching thank you for your time and if you enjoy my tutorials feel free to subscribe to my channel and see you next time you
Channel: Cristi Cotovan | Graphicious
Views: 5,280
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: camtasia remove greenscreen, uneven lighting greenscreen removal, how to remove greenscreen in camtasia, camtasia greenscreen with bad light, non-uniform greenscreen removal in camtasia, how to remove unevenly lit greenscreen in camtasia, camtasia 2020 tutorial, camtasia green screen tutorial, camtasia green screen removal, equalize colour on greenscreen, chroma key, fix uneven green screen in camtasia, camtasia chroma key, green screen, camtasia studio, camtasia tutorial
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 49sec (709 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 09 2020
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