Talking head in circle with shadow in Camtasia 2020 | Camtasia Circular Video Tutorial

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hello this is Christy and today we will create a nice effect in Camtasia with a talking head in a circle with alpha let me show you how this effect works and what's going to happen at the end and we will walk through this and I will show you step by step how to achieve this effect before we start I need to mention that this does not work in previous versions of Camtasia I'm using Camtasia 2020 which came out this week so this is a new feature here if you look on the left where the tracks are you might if you are used to the old versions you can see here there are some new options for every track so we will be making use of some of those functions from here so let's start this is a video I recorded of myself with the camera from the computer and it it has no sound it just shows me talking here in a fixed position so the first thing you need to make sure is when you are planning on creating this kind of effect make sure that you speak in a static position you don't kind of move around or swing your chair or lean back and so on because it will change your position and then you will have to rearrange your cropping to Center on your face so I am just standing still here and talking and this is very easy to apply so this is the video that is me talking here and how can we convert this into a round talking head shape that we can use in a video or maybe superimpose it onto another video maybe showing a tutorial or another video on the timeline so this is how you do it first of all you need to place your talking video on the timeline and then you need to go to annotations and switch to the shapes section and if you don't have all here select all from the style and try and find round shape I'm doing this round shape this round orange circle but you can also of course use other shapes it doesn't really matter what shape you're using and just drag this onto your scene and it will add it to your timeline as well change this shapes color to the black to be black the solid fill and make it black here okay and now you need to Center this shape onto your face where or your head where you want the shape to appear so everything outside of the shape will not be visible if you if you need a little help placing it you can dial down the opacity so that you can see through it change to the selection tool and just resize it if you want to resize it as a circle hold down the shift key when you resize it and just frame your face to where you want it to be fixed to the face when you're done turn the opacity back up again and now this is the tricky part you need to spread the shape to span the entire time that you will be talking and it needs to be on top of the video clip that you're trying to crop and now we will make use of this new function that has been added in Camtasia you see that the track has an icon here for a visibility disable and enable track but if you right click on this track you open this new menu called track mat mode so if I do it here track mat mode it says none alpha alpha invert luminosity luminosity invert and you have a help thing here so what we want to do let's move this up here so it's visible in the frame okay so these are the two clips so on the shape layer I want to right click on the eye and choose alpha so you see already the effect is already visible now this could be enough here if you were happy like this and if you want to maybe add another clip let's see if we had a clip underneath all both of these you will see now that my talking head is in fact taken away so but you've noticed that if I try and move this it moves the shape only so if I want to move it and place it somewhere else I need to always make sure that both layers are selected both tracks right so to avoid having to do this and also to allow us to maybe add a shadow a drop shadow to this head to appear a bit lifted from the page or the video if this is not possible to do right now so let me show you if I try and add a drop shadow from the visual effects and I select drop shadow and try and add it it adds the drop shadow but it actually adds it and extends the mask so you can actually see bits of the video playing in the mask so that's not a desirable of course what I want to do is add a shadow to the entire ensemble that I created here so I'm gonna take away the matte the shadow right now the drop shadow so one way to achieve this is to select both of these tracks the one with the shape and the one with the video and group them but watch what happens now if I group them right click and say group the face disappears for some reason the Alpha doesn't work inside a group unless you invert it so we open the group by using this plus icon here next to the group there's the shape inside and there's the video and you notice that the eye icon on the track 4 indicates that an effect has been added to the visibility if I right click there choose instead of alpha choose alpha invert and now the face is back the the grouping is still there and if I close the group now and I try and move things they are staying together of course because they are in a group and further I can actually add now a drop shadow on the group itself so as you can see I have a drop shadow here which maybe I can move it so you can see it and the opacity of the drop shadow and this one stays together with the group of course if I want to maybe still move the shape and center it a bit I can open the group click on the shape layer and still correct that and move it but as long as it stays within that group it will completely move together with my video so you can even animate this fade it in and out scale it if you want and everything else you can do together so this is how you create a stocking head and the effect here is working let me demonstrate now so this is me working on top of another video talking in a talking head circle and with alpha and drop shadow so I hope this tutorial was useful please subscribe to my channel if you enjoy my videos and see you next time
Channel: Cristi Cotovan | Graphicious
Views: 13,187
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: talking head in circle, talking head in camtasia, camtasia talking head in a circle, how to make a round talking head, talking head video, camtasia tutorial 2020, camtasia 2020 talking head, camtasia 2020 alpha, camtasia crop video round, shape crop of video, crop a video like a circle, put a talking head in circle, speaker in a circle with shadow, drop shadow with talking head, camtasia 2020, camtasia 2020 tutorials, how to create a circular video in camtasia, camtasia studio
Id: pSexUljveYE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 29sec (449 seconds)
Published: Fri May 01 2020
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