Camtasia Green Screen Tutorial - How To Change Your Video's Background!

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do you want to learn how to do videos like this or do you want to learn how you can do videos with dynamic backgrounds well in today's video I'll show you how you can do this really simply using Camtasia and green screens in this Camtasia green-screen tutorial so let's get started no not this one that's better hi see from it makes sense where we give you the tools the tips and the strategies so you can start a YouTube affiliate marketing business so if you're new to my channel make sure you hit that subscribe button and ring that Bell notifications so you don't miss any of my weekly videos when most people think of special effects on their videos they think of those fancy high tech video editing that you see in the movies or they think of advanced programs like Adobe Premiere however Camtasia is a beginner friendly program where you can do simple special effects like using a green-screen to make your videos more engaging it allows you to make some really cool effects in your videos using just some basic knowledge and your creativity so let's go step by step and I'll show you how I created this video here and after you'll be able to use a green screen and Camtasia to put some special effects in your video and if you want to follow along with your own videos then I'll leave a link down below where you can get a free trial Camtasia all right the first thing you're going to need is a green screen or something that has green materials now you can use a sheet and I got this kit here on the first thing you want to do is iron it and obviously I didn't because you want it to be as evenly colored as possible and I'll show you how this comes into play in a second when we do this in Camtasia the second thing you're going to want to do is make sure your backdrop is evenly lit and I use these newer lights that I got on Amazon I'll leave a link down below I think I paid $75 for both of these and I use these to shoot all of my youtube videos and unfortunately I had to do this in my basement so I don't have any good natural light so I have to work to make sure that this is properly lit and that can be one of the most challenging when you do green schemes because you want to make sure that your background is evenly Green so I also add these bottom lights here and these are lights that I got really cheaply at Home Depot so I got the two newer lights and I got my two home depot lights and what I'm gonna do is I'm just gonna stand on this and look around while I'm filming so that will be my shot for standing here looking up at the plant and now we have to go and actually film the plant hey if you're getting value from this video please hit that thumbs up and let me know down in the comments if you use green screens for your videos alright this is easiest part of the whole project all I do is turn on some back lights set up my tripod so my camera is even with the table and I just hit record and let it run for about 20 seconds so I have a nice still shot that's all I do for the plant like I said this is the easiest part of the whole special effect alright so I have a new project opened in Camtasia and the first thing I need to do is bring in my video so let's bring in the video of me walking around and let's bring in the video of the plant alright so the first thing I want to do is create the video of me walking around getting rid of the background so it's silence this audio first and find the spot in the video where I am walking around so let's start with right here mmm hit edit split all and we get rid of all the beginning stuff move this over and let's say we want that and we'll just hit split all all right so we have about 20 seconds of film now the next thing we want to do is go over to this menu here go to visual effects remove color and drag it on to our clip and right here is the color that we're going to remove so I'm going to click on this get this little eyedropper and try to find a color that is most prevalent now see if you would have a lot of shadows a lot of versions of green this makes it really difficult so I'm gonna choose this one right here and that does a pretty good job you can still see that there's green here green on my feet and I have this green glow around me so to fix that let's go to tolerance and move this until that green is gone if we go too far obviously the whole thing disappears so let's do it up to a point see how my pants start to disappear so right about there so let's watch run out in slow motion it's not perfect and if you want to soften the edges a little bit you can use this soften so let's use the softness see how that starts to fade out my pants so probably right about there right good now I want to get rid of the lights and everything around me I just want myself in this frame so I'm going to go this crop tool click on the crop tool and then move this over and move it over here and see I don't want to take out too much just in case I'm going to move my arms all right let's see how this looks alright now I'm going to move this up and I want to now bring in my plants let's bring this in make it smaller silence the audio alright now I look too big so let's do this I'm on the pointer tool here the Edit and I'm gonna make myself smaller and myself here you know let's see how this looks good now if you really want to get detailed what you can do is click on this copy it paste it in another track and then on this rotation I want to rotate it around like this bring it down like this and then make it pretty opaque so it looks like I have a shadow so now let's see how that looks cuz this shet this table is pretty shiny and I would naturally have a shadow if I were really standing on this and there we go so that is how easy it is to use a green screen as well as marking it or editing it in Camtasia now like I said the hardest part of doing the green screen is the lighting and that is something you'll have to play around with but it's really easy once you get it down to make these very simple special effects Camtasia is a very beginner friendly video editing software program where you can create some really nice-looking YouTube videos it allows you to add text you can do animated graphics you can do custom intros and there's so much more you can do and if you want to learn more about Camtasia I put together a playlist and you can go check that out right here but if you don't want to watch that video go watch this video down here and that is a video that YouTube recommends thank you so much for watching and I'll see you in my next video
Channel: Steve Greene
Views: 1,826
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: camtasia green screen tutorial, camtasia green screen editing, green screen, green screen video, how to do green screen on camtasia 9, camtasia, camtasia studio, camtasia studio 9, blue screen, remove a color in camtasia, chroma key, green screen tutorial, green screen effects, green screen effect, green screen camtasia, techsmith, remove green screen, camtasia 2020, camtasia 2020 tutorial, steve it makes sense, camtasia tutorial, camtasia studio 9 tutorial
Id: VlKFjnCis3w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 50sec (470 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 16 2020
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