Remodeling a Camper Trailer on the budget

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hey what's going on guys alex here from mr build it and as you can see today we're gonna do something a little bit different this is our family's rv camper it's like almost 20 years old and it needs a little bit of a updating so let's take you inside and see what we want to do now functionally for a 20 year old camper it's actually doing pretty well it hasn't let us down too much with a little bit of maintenance but as the inside goes well it looks like your classic house that needs a makeover these would be the classic oak cabinets that you would find in a house that's probably 20 years old and this would be the upholstery that you could find in a house that has cabinets like this so let's see if we can make some of our movie magic happen here so we're going to take this camper in and turn into that so without wasting time let me show you how i did it let's get into the video let's go [Music] all right so one of the first things we're going to do is we're going to paint these cabinets and well and if you guys ever painted oak you know that because how grainy it is i mean all these grain pores as soon as you put paint on it you could still see them um what we're going to do is we're going to include it with grain filler we're using a product called aqua quote this is their new and improved the white water gel base uh what's great about it is the previous one that i've used it goes on clear so it's a little bit difficult to see how much and where is what uh place or whether or not maybe even missed a grain or two uh with this we'll be able to actually see where we need to add it so before we start using this product let's start taking off everything we're not going to use including these hideous gold plated handles why gold i don't know [Music] these panels are hilarious because they're uh they're like padded like as if we're gonna record an album or something how classy is this huh it's a door it's a mirror the door mirror [Music] all the doors are off i'm talking about everywhere uh so we are now ready to start uh using the grain filler now here's the nice part is the entire cabinets they're like wrapped with veneers so we're gonna paint that with a strong tape and hopefully this doesn't come undone we're supposed to make sure this is uh kind of degree so you can do soap and water and then sand it down to 150 grit we're gonna give it a nice clean sand and i think the sanding is really for the adhesion to actually take place to the grain filler to really stick on and then after that we'll start applying two to three coats it says using this little applicator squeegee i think i think we're gonna do good all that's left now is they recommend that we blow all the dust off you don't want to get a cake inside these corners as we're going to start putting in the grain filler so we've got our air compressor we're gonna make sure we get all the corners if you don't have an air compressor you can probably get away with using like uh oh one of those keyboard cleaners you know they're the the the air sprayers uh or if you have a leaf blower use that i don't know see how that works gonna start applying our wood filler we got everything dusted off cleaned off uh it just says use this little squeegee or credit card or or bondo uh not a bond what do they call the uh putty knife and just start kind of basically squeegeeing into these pores what's cool is already here i'll bring the camera over you can see everything is turning white already the first coat is on it's uh it's already drying really well they're saying about 60 minutes to 45 to an hour is what you want to wait between coats it applies really easy with this little squeegee uh against the grain on the pores i was a little nervous about all these rounded over edges where they're grooved out that how am i going to get into that but then the directions that you can also use a towel or a rag and then apply it in a circular motion and it works really well so not bad at all um i'm gonna let it dry oh any excess stuff they say scrape it off so that's exactly what i'm doing so it's not caked on there i got a bunch of these doors to do so let's just turn on some tunes and get to [Music] work [Music] all right so it took me like maybe two hours to do all of these the first coat i'm now doing the second coat the second coat is actually a lot faster like this right here i just got it done in maybe like a couple of minutes mostly because you're kind of occluding any of the pores that are not white and not covered in white so kind of helps through the process by having a different color i'm gonna do one last quick uh pigment and then i'm gonna let it sit overnight uh that's what the directions say and then we'll start priming and painting so keep doing it all right guys we're looking really good i got uh all the doors done here um i got two coats of the aqua quote uh wood grain filler and sand it down to 220 right now they're ready for priming i got my water-based uh interior exterior primer right here i'm gonna put it through my hvlp sprayer not a big fan of rolling and brushing on paint clumps up and whatnot i'm not good at it uh what i am good is i can spray so i got an hvlp sprayer i'm gonna feed it in through it dilute it a little bit just so it's a good flow and then we're gonna put a couple of coats on the stuff and let it dry [Music] overnight [Music] all right all right it is the next day everything is dry the primer is ready now what we got to do now is add the primer to the face frames in the camper they're all like uh like a vinyl kind of covering it's it's interesting it looks like wood obviously and it's the worst i hate when they put a sticker to make it look like wood anywho we're going to go in the trailer i'm going to start masking everything off and then that will shoot some primer on it so uh let's let's do that the reason we want to do primer is because it's so smooth and that when you put paint even the paint that has primer as well it's really easy to scratch off so we're just going to give it the most most opportunity for success [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] the primer is on everything's on um and uh now i'm gonna let it cure overnight it's a lot of masking i'll tell you this especially the kitchen one bite at a time that's how you need an elephant all right so everything has dried overnight the primer i'm gonna be laying down the paint uh the product that i'm using very important don't use just regular latex paint stuff will come off fairly easy and i can't really work with oil-based paints here though it's really durable so i found the best of both worlds this is an emerald acrylic alkyd what's the best way it was described to me it's it's diluted or you can dilute it or thin it out with water which is like a latex me but then once the water evaporates those molecules it starts hardening kind of like an old base paint so it's really durable i've used it on my kids white bunk beds extremely well so i'm gonna do the same thing here by the way if you guys like this sprayer i'll be it'll be a link in the description it's actually like 200 bucks go get one and i can't stress this enough not a big fan of the big spray a lot of water for the small fine finish one it's kind of controlled it's about yay much of a spray pattern really good for the buck [Music] [Music] the nice thing is about these trim pieces they come off they just pop off so you can kind of mask this off a lot better problem is is they're rubberized and i i want to get rid of this wood print on it and i can't paint it because they'll crack so if you guys have any ideas of something that's flexible leave me a comment down the description be curious to try how to i don't know diets i don't know if you can stain it so let me know as you can see we're not seeing the the really defined lines that oak would have but if you come to the proper light you'll see the pattern which it's totally okay i mean this is two coats so i would imagine one more coat would even get rid of that but on the back side i did not use this grain filler except i only use it on the edge frame did not use it on this part so this is what it would look like and this is like three coats of paint so you still see those pores so that's it from a distance that's it from a distance not treated treated with grain filler so that's how it turned out i really like it if you have the budget to go buy really expensive cabinets sure go get that if not this is just i mean i did this in what two days so get some friends help you [Music] uh the hardware well it's it could add up so usually these poles are golden and severely outdated for the amount that we need to be probably about an extra 100 bucks that we'd spent on that so i don't want to do that uh so we're going to diy it and we're going to do the right way so we're going to paint them a nice black color it's going to look great uh one thing i've learned when painting or painting wood or metal as primer is very important drop down some primer it's going to create a good adhesion that'll happen and the second thing is the type of paint that you use is very important this might not be the most popular by everybody but it's really tough this is the the hammered stuff and it's stuff that you can use outside on your mailbox and stuff like that and the reason i like it is because drawer pulls with our fingers that have oil on them you don't want them to break things down and this has a highest possibility of actually preventing it from kind of deteriorating so a couple coats of primer a couple of coats of paint let it dry bada bing bada boom save yourself a hundred bucks okay i think i got it all done here uh now that i'm thinking about it i think there's one more part in the camper that's gonna need a little bit of that old rattle can hocus pocus let me show you come with me i have these gold um sconce lights i'm surprised i even know the name of that uh unfortunately i can't you see how they were kind of in here but these are pressed together and i don't want to lose it so what i'm going to do is um i'll just tape around it take the glass off give it primer give it paint bada-bing bada-boom put it back in place and it'll look nice oh it'll match the window the black window really lacks [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Applause] all right so these hideous things are the cushions from the camper i can't sew to upholster this so um we're gonna do like a diy version of upholstery i'm going to take plywood cup it up cut it up to the size of this thing and then i got material right here that i went to the old fashioned joanne fabric store i always feel at a place down place i don't just it's just a fish out of water and i'm gonna wrap this around and staple it from the bottom into the plywood um the nice thing is these have a zipper on them so i'm just gonna ditch that it's already got this felt on there and uh we'll do like a like a careful fold to it should be nice a little crafty huh [Music] [Applause] [Music] that is oh that's nice let's get the rest of them done [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] i think i'm going to take two pieces of material cut them in half and kind of fit them down uh how they're supposed to be and then i'm going to undo the two bolts on each side here just for one side i'm not going to take this whole thing out because it's going to be more of a hassle and then i'm going to secure it just because it's a metal frame underneath here i'm going to secure it with uh i don't know like zip ties small zip ties do a bunch of them hopefully that will work uh i'll do a double fold that way it doesn't rip off but it'll be interesting it'll be interesting to see they'll say the least [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] now do you remember when we pulled out all these uh the foam that was there uh it's like a padded material and then the glass that's here so what i did is i cut up a bunch of uh one by well it's quarter inch plywood and i painted it and i cut it all to size so what i'm gonna do is i already did it with this piece right there is from the inside i would uh position it in place and then use uh stables to secure completely around and uh so now we're just gonna go completely around this entire perimeter there there there there there there and uh get it all done [Music] well guys i got a lot of things done that i wanted i'm gonna do some scrubbing and cleaning because let's be honest it's a 20 year old camper and some cleaning will go a long way now excuse me i'm gonna do the cinderella thing before my fairy godmother fills up my glass slipper i'll give you guys the big reveal of this transformation see you in a minute [Applause] [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hey guys i had a lot of fun on this project a lot of you guys started showing a lot of interest in figuring out what it cost to do these projects i want to be more transparent to share with you guys we try to do this transformation on a budget side of things so i would comfortably say that it cost between about i don't know three to four hundred dollars we'll call it 500 bucks definitely under 500 bucks to do everything between the upholstery which is probably the most expensive part that fabric gets kind of pricey and then the grain filler and the paint and all the other products that we used we saved money on certain things and just had to splurge on the other things and that's basically how any kind of home renovation goes right you can't have your cake you needed to pick and choose and then be happy with it one great example of that is i wanted to definitely reposter this couch because the futon because i mean it was such an eyesore so we spend the money on the couple hundred dollars on the fabric but we save money by not doing the linoleum upholstery floors well because on top of that not only is it kind of pricey but we're gonna have to rip everything off i'm talking with cabinets everything that would be a big problem so we picked and choose we chose this remember guys we are not trained professionals we're just not afraid to fail courage away that's our motto you need the courage to tackle a project like this and you need to sweat the hard work to persevere and learn the difficult mistakes which are going to make us better builders and better people in the end tune in this week we'll see you guys on the next one see ya bye [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Mr. Build It
Views: 480,502
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: camper trailer makeover, camper trailer remodel, camper remodel, trailer remodel, rv camper remodel, rv camper, rv renovation, rv remodel, rv renovation before and after, rv renovation on a budget, rv renovation ideas, camper trailer, old rv renovation, diy rv remodel, rv remodel before and after, rv life, camper renovation, rv remodel on a budget, rv makeover, rv living, trailer reno, fixer upper, rv renovation tour, diy camper van
Id: 7bgSQb8mpoM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 46sec (1126 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 26 2020
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