DIY RV Renovation | Installing Vinyl Plank Flooring | Our DIY Camper 2 | The DIY Mommy

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[Music] hi everyone its Christina from the DIY mommy calm and today I want to show you how I put all new vinyl plank flooring in our camper today's video is a collab with one of my favorite youtubers and that's Alicia English and she is going to be sharing some of her DIY RV update today as well so after you watched my video make sure to pop on over to her tunnel I will leave a link to it somewhere up here and down in that description box below Alicia and her husband has been renovating a vintage RV and have been doing a fantastic job of chronicling that journey plus she shares so many trash to treasure DIY home decor ideas bunch of friendly DIYs and you are going to love her channel I've been sharing an update every week or so on our RV that we have been renovating and this week I'm going to show you how I replaced all of the flooring you might remember in a previous video that I was considering keeping the carpet think if I left the carpet and the current lino in here a lot of you hated that idea and as soon as I started ripping it out I knew that replacing it with ultimately the best decision now let's get started so I've decided to completely remove the one dinette bench that I kept just in case I wanted to reuse it because I was playing around with Sketchup and came up with what I think is a much better layout for the dining area here in the camper and I'm gonna I think I'm hoping the plan is that I'm gonna DIY my own l-shaped bench there so today I'm gonna rip out everything I'm going to try to I'm gonna throw out the dinette bench I'm gonna rip out the carpet I hope so let's see how it goes [Music] [Music] so I'm trying to start removing this here and it looked like the best tool is a knife I'm using this utility knife to loosen up the edges of the carpet away from the RV walls it was stuck a little bit underneath the walls but once I started loosening it up with a knife it was actually easier than I thought to remove it from the camper floor there were also a few staples in here so I just had to remove the carpet kind of yank it away from the staples and then I used some pliers to remove all of the remaining staples which weren't actually that many probably only about three dozen staples for this whole area of the RV pull out I also had to be really careful removing everything around this electrical box right here the stairs to the bedroom portion of the RV had some carpet on them as well and they were a little more tricky to remove than the entire pullout so I just had to work away with a knife and just pull really hard and there were actually a ton of staples here that I had to remove as well how gross this is this is why I want to remove the carpet I am so glad I removed this carpet you guys not to diss the previous owners but truly anyone who has carpet in their RV no matter how clean you are would have all of this dirt and all of this dust and everything underneath the carpet so I removed all the carpet I removed as much of the lino as I could the rest was glued down very well then I grabbed this luxury vinyl plank this is from Costco and I researched a lot and this was my favorite one it was around two dollars and fifty cents a square foot Canadian I will leave a link to it in the description box below I am using LePage PL Premium construction glue and I'm also using k'rud Kutter cleaner to clean my floors I basically cleaned my floors as I went because I didn't want to dirty them up with my shoes after I cleaned everything so I used k'rud Kutter to clean and degrease the floor and then I took a vinyl plank I kind of dry fit it to make sure I liked it didn't like this one so put down another one when you're laying down vinyl plank it just kind of look at all the patterns to make sure you like where they're going and if you're using the same piece over again you want to make sure all the patterns are varied also when I was laying down this particular piece I had some dried glue on the previous row so I just took my craft knife and I took that away so that I want to make sure this piece bought up nicely with the previous piece then I took this PL construction glue and essentially just put it in a wavy line all the way across the vinyl plank now don't forget that I am NOT a professional floor layer of any kind I'm a DIY are just like you this is how I'm installing the vinyl plank but certainly if you are curious and want to consult a professional before you do that go ahead and do that this is just the way that I installed it and I was really happy with it in the end so I put the glue on I would put the vinyl plank down now these are actually very easy to cut you can just use a utility knife and score it a few times I'm using my hard edge ruler with a grid on it to make sure my cut is and straight and after the vinyl plank is scored you can just bend it and it will snap just like this if you want to cut any pieces if you want to do any more cuts where you're doing like an l-shaped notch out of it you can again just score it use a hard-edge ruler and then score it vertically the other way and kind of work away at any sorts of cuts you want just like this so very easy you don't need power tools to cut a vinyl plank and again I'm just dry fitting my piece and then putting the wave of PL construction glue on the back placing it down and then I sort of push it with my hands and place it in with my feet this glue does take a little while to dry so you have some time to move it around and make sure that's butted up nicely against the previous row so I often did use my feet to kind of push everything in place now for the pull out section this was my biggest challenge it had a sort of this tarp like material on it so I cut this away as much as I possibly could but I kept the staples on it just because it seemed like it protected the edges of the pullout section and made it work smoothly I washed it all down with a degreaser and then I took some vinyl plank and I overlapped it approximately one inch over the edge of the pullout here I'm just gluing it with my construction glue and I'm placing it over top of that edge and I wanted it to overlap just slightly because I wanted to cover up that black trim that black plastic trim underneath and I found the perfect product to trim it out and I'll show you that in a little bit so once I put that edge piece and it was overlapped the inch I was able to put all of the rest of the pieces on here I did use various construction items as a weights and those in this process to weigh down my pieces as they were drying because it was a little bit uneven in some parts and again I'm vacuuming and cleaning as I go I found this vinyl plank installation process really straightforward it was relatively easy it did take a while to do some of the little cuts and things but it was easily done by myself and I used some extra boxes to kind of push the pieces into place as they were drawing here's how the edge looks of the pullout section I'm going to add probably some wood filler and that little crack again I'm just gluing laying everything down pushing it in with my feet and if you're doing this don't forget to stagger the pieces so that you don't have all of the seams in a similar spot and again cutting it is very simple with a knife to score it and don't forget to take out any dried glue spots so that everything fits nicely together and often what you can do when you're laying plank like this is you can take the piece that you cut off the last piece you lay down in a row and use it for the first piece in the next row and that's going to help you have a nice staggered pattern so here you can see I cut off a piece of the end of this one that was probably about nine inches long and I'm going to be using that one as the first piece in my next row [Music] [Music] then at the very end of the pullout here I had to cut these tiny little two inch wide strips and as they were drying I just made sure to weigh them down with various objects so that they would draw it nice and flat and I had to leave out that little electrical box part I also made a pattern for the pieces that were around the sides of the pullout and I just used it as a template to cut a curve out of a little piece of the vinyl plank this I found at Home Depot and it actually was not even related to the Costco product that I bought I just eyeballed it online I bought it curbside and I was so lucky that it matched my flooring so perfectly it's a reducer trim piece that reduces flooring down a half-inch and I thought this would be perfect to use on the edge of my pull-up piece to give it a nice finished look so I'm just putting some of that PL construction glue on the edge of it and then I'm pushing it firmly into that pullout side a section I use two of these they were about $40 canadian each so a little pricey however I was so happy with how it made the pullout look nice and finished then I cut some quarter round MDF trim I cut it out of various different angles to make sure that it was my door cornered and I used that as sort of a little baseboard around the whole perimeter of the camper to give the flooring to the wall transition a nice look I'm just using my small seven-and-a-half half-inch miter saw to cut that trim I had to really think upside down inside out to think about which angles I had to cut to make this all work and have those beautiful mitered corners and then I did paint some of this in the white that I was using in the camp which is bear whisper white and then I used some at the bottom of the cabinets the green cabinets in Bear River mist and I attached it to the base of the walls with my finishing nail gun so here's how the camper originally looked with the original floor which was lino and carpet and here is how it looks now what a difference hey of course the paint last week made the biggest difference I think but this flooring it looks so nice I love this color it's sort of a warm light gray but it still has those warm tones in it obviously I still have to finish putting in that furnace cover there but the rest I think looks really good I did leave some of the quarter inch trim loose on the right hand side there because I think I want to do that built-in dinette but I just put some in place so you can get the idea of how it looks finished love how the kitchen looks now with the cord around trim at the bottom I'm going to do some wood filler on those corners as well and look at how the slide goes in so here is how the slide looks coming in it works perfectly the transition is nice and smooth all that glue has held the trim on the end of it nicely and then here is how the edges on either side look like I said do you want to add a little bit of wood filler in that corner but I think otherwise it looks nice and finished here's how the slide looks going out and the next I have to do something with this side of the main area so I think I have an idea for this entertainment system so check that out hopefully next week plus I want to do something with these original lights and do some sort of interesting DIY also here's a sneak peek at some of the furniture I got I did get a few items and one of them were this pair of pink velvet and gold leg chairs so glam thanks so much for watching this video today I hope you enjoyed this DIY camper update let me know down in those comments below what you think of this flooring and also don't forget to check out Alicia's video today that she is sharing on her RV update I'll make sure to leave a link to her channel down in that description box below if you like this video please give it a thumbs up and subscribe to my channel for more DIY decor ideas on a budget and - stay tuned for the next steps in this RV renovation like trying to do something with this entertainment unit right here I'm gonna leave some more videos right up here that I hope you will enjoy
Channel: The DIY Mommy
Views: 159,707
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: The DIY Mommy, DIY, home decor, DIY home decor, diy camper makeover, diy camper makeover budget, camper makeover, diy camper, diy camper remodel, diy camper trailer remodel, diy mommy camper makeover, camper, camper decor, camper hacks, camper ideas, camper remodel, camper renovation, rv makeover, glamper ideas, living small, rv living, rv renovation, rv renovation ideas, rv renovation tour, rv tour, tiny home, tiny home ideas, travel trailer remodel, vinyl plank
Id: vdM2Clc1ADI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 1sec (841 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 20 2020
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