Remember Those Direct-To-Video SCOOBY-DOO Movies?
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Channel: Ryan Hollinger
Views: 1,738,064
Rating: 4.9299316 out of 5
Keywords: scooby doo, direct to video, witch's ghost, zombie island, alien invaders, cyber chase, scene, ending, opening, music, song, montage, chase, death, explained, analysis, essay, nostalgia, retrospective, ryan hollinger, dog, snacks, level, game, funny, sad, episode, where are you, who, how, why, shaggy, daphne, fred, velma, theme, documentary, hanna barbera, doc, nerdwriter1, lessons, screenplay, animation, character, design, breakdown, frame, painting, scary, reveal, mask, yms, red letter media, review, critic, movie, jontron
Id: QzcX2XJl9_4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 53sec (1973 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 15 2018
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Ryan generally makes good video essays
I honestly dont rate Cyber Chase that much, as a kid I thought it was great but on second viewing it doesnt compare to the other three on the thumbnail. Definitely not the worst SD movie but there are better ones I think.