REMEMBER THE AKINATOR?! This is him now... (Trollface Quest Video Games 2)

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Yeah, that's right now back at it again troll face quest now troll face quest videogames is one of the best Ones that we played there back with a brand new game, this only drops either today or yesterday I can't remember But it's brand new only 500 people have downloaded it as of today So we are gonna play through it right now and even like the title screen is hilarious PlayerUnknown's...Troll...Battle Grounds. I'm ready. You ready? No. What? Okay. Let's do this. Hopefully I know more of the video games this time because last time I feel like I didn't know many of them Which is really bad, cuz? I'm a gamer. Okay, this one. I definitely know this is isn't this the talking tom like the weird cat game I'm not sure I was supposed to be weird But it did end up being weird we also have to collect these frying pans Which I think items from the the troll face quest battlegrounds game. That should be out soon anyway. Let's start doing What are you doing? Take the paper? You need the paper desperately? What is it lets us see what this button does oh? my goodness oh You didn't just fail the level he felt something else my goodness hmm What could he need to do? I'm trying to look for stuff that kind of stands out? Talking Tom's usually talking to me not not pooping in front of me. So this is a new experience for me We press it once He squeezes press it twice he does it and then fails which I'm not she I don't know what to do I already leveled one and I'm stuck and trying the old pinch Maneuvered remember that from the previous games that seemed to work before but at the moment Not really working is it it's not working at all Oh? Oh, Oh, what's happening? I don't know what I did. I just kept shaking I Just kept scraping my finger across the screen, but I'm you know I'm not complaining. It won't let move on okay. This is um This is a water slide. I'm not a hundred percent sure what game this is gonna be let's see There he goes I think he missed the pool yeah He definitely missed the pool is this like a roller coaster tycoon game there must be something we can change Exactly in classic trollface quest style dive straight into the toilet get flushed, bug What okay with this did we win We did yeah, I have no words. Ah this is tomb raider, okay, so Trollface tomb raider let's press the golden trollface Nothing happens Tomb Raider kicks the golden troll face in the face It's not very nice is it there has to be something that the golden troll face can do to be able to stop Tomb Raider kicking him in the jaw oh my goodness oh my goodness oh My goodness what happened to Tomb Raider? And now surely she can't jump through now oh My goodness you could fly okay, okay, maybe was gone There you go troll face. I saved you from inevitable doom. Oh, dude. It's the akinator I completely forgot about this guy look at his brown trail of course. He's coming out of a toilet um Do I eat burgers yes, what yes, I do I do eat burgers have I used toilet paper today No, no I haven't there is it a fly no, it's not a fly What are you doing I always thought you were smart you are not smart you're just the toilet genie Okay, so let's say no to everything and let's see what happens there must be something else to this avoid achievement poop inator okay fantastic What about if I say yes to everything here? We go here we go He still comes up with the same thing. Can I just flush you I can't oh. Oh oh I Can't get out of you punk. Wait a second. What is this? You're gonna make me watch an ads. What's the beer in the troll cinema to unlock the next level What's fine yarn? I did what you wanted now. Let me go to the next level Oh What game is this I feel like I've seen it before is it destiny. Maybe I'm not a big player of those I'm not too sure Looks pretty awesome. Though. I'm intrigued by this. Oh, it's a frying pan I thought was an eyeball we have a scary-looking woman and a man with a pretty incredible bunch in Let's just see what happens when we tap them. Oh wait is this halo. It could be halo All this happened is he's covered his face. Let's have her She's indestructible no way Okay, we need to find another way to destroy bat lady ah No, no you guys supposed to do that no stop stop. Stop. It doesn't work his face So you can put his visor down? But can you do anything else can he get smaller? I don't know why you'd want him to be smaller and trying to do the pinches all the time doing the pinches anything hidden from behind No kind of swapped him out someone else not luck She can never remember how to defeat a dragon lady. I reckon there's a way that we can change his gun or something I'm just gonna kick it up Of course of course I need to get back into the mindset of trollface quest But how does this help us defeat a dragon lady, or are we on the side of the dragon lady who knows he's still going? Yes Behind every super hero is a man shivering in his heart-shaped pants, or you have a brother that is ripped Oh my goodness. Oh hold in a week. We we gotta kick this guy is this a pan it certainly is I don't know if I want to kick this guy look at his face. He looks so defenseless. You know others do it anyway HA! what game is this? What game is it when you kick a small person into the atmosphere? horrific oh I really wanna help this dude get revenge Come on. He's been over for some reason. This is not gonna work, buddy. You're literally making his job easier Can I not just hold him to make him a bit more just aggressive? Can I pop this guy his muscles? No, okay, right? We're gonna go for a big kick and see what happens just brace oh Oh, no. Oh, that's the most uncomfortable thing I've ever seen Now what do I do know what? He's got a small person attached to his foot for life Awkward, but saved the little guy so our mission is complete oh My goodness is his little nightmares isn't it I recognized the yellow Like overalls you guys still want me to play that so I guess I should at some point hmm Tiny person again some cups and some meat Hmm why do you look so scared oh? Okay, that's why you look so scared. Why is it telling me to press this? Why would you tell me to do that you you help me kill the little person okay, big scary I don't even know baby man appears, and I'm gonna try and take your lollipop. Can I have it please no? Okay, what could I do to you? I don't want you to fall backwards. Let's flick you forwards nope have to take the meat take the meat you don't oh, I Always knew you as a musician look at his beady little eyes Is that it did I win Yeah That was weird. I don't even know what I did. I just like Preston hold which if in doubt IVA pinch Reverse pinch or click and hold I like the colours of this one. Let's see what happens is a toilet a palm tree and a guy on a motorcycle Wait is this what? Are you doing? You can't just do that? Well you said oh, it's uh, it's Vice City, I thought it was just from like the colors and stuff I really thought it was it is didn't say I guess we need to do something While he comes along is he is he gonna enter hello, okay? You just go up this tree go up the tree go up the tree. Yes Yes, haha Success. Oh, what is he doing? The longest tree in the world, this is the weirdest game ever so I can play it I actually did and now I have to watch another add to unlock the next level Hold on a second. How many levels are there in total? There's 32 so we've got one two three four five six seven more levels to do. We've better hurry up hey It's flappy birds. Flappy bird is already a classic. I don't even know how long ago That was that was a thing, but it's gonna be burnt into my mind forever Let's see that's actually that's a giant phone or again a very very small person how okay? What are you doing? What are you doing? Yeah, right? How can we make this guy win be the ultimate flappy bird champion okay? His face changed a little bit and that is why? because his bird is Stupid hmm. What would make you better at flappy bird bigger eyes Smaller Birds bigger phone not sure you need a bigger phone to be honest seeing a thumb bigger thumb bigger thumb I have no idea what this one could be I'm trying to tap the bird loads of times if you can even call that a Bird guys. I'm really suck on this one. It's hint time I did this before I held this before but how long do you have to hold it for oh my goodness Haha, okay. I did hold it for that long geez Flappy troll face is not a game I would like to play you can have to get a new phone every single time. Are you kidding me? Can you can you stop? Let's move on. Oh Jesus in Monument Valley so Monument Valley is like it's an isometric Almost in an optical illusion kind of game, and I mean this guy is but his mouth is extraordinarily large What are you doing? Where are you going? Oh? I have no idea how this works. Let's press the guy with a pointy hat What what is happening of Another one another green cards to every single one. I have to have a green cloud. Oh Wow okay I have no idea what game, this is actually is this the game That's on mobile, which is about a well a shark and weapons, and he has to like destroy everything I'm not even sure what it's called, but I remember seeing it. Let's choose. Let's go through weapon by weapon I don't know what this is, but we're gonna choose it. I'm gonna choose this this this and this there We go look our shark full armored shark. Let's see what and shall we destroy him What's doing? You can't fight a shark like this especially when there has Rockets attached to its side. Are you kidding me? Okay? Level fails okay, these fish are picking on me, and I am NOT Happy about it so apart from weaponizing my shark to the max What else can I do he's not using his weapons they just like bite my tail and stuff And then he doesn't use any of his missiles just blow him up. Just kill him oh The old pinch the old Reverse pinch worked so it turns out They're not in the ocean at all this guy's in a tiny goldfish bowl If you could get sharks that small that'd be incredible. What is this guy gonna do those? Okay oh All three fish you decided to eat the coolest one that you own poor choice my friend poor choice Okay, this one looks like it's a game called papers, please I think it's where you pretty much work as this border control, and this guy right here He's looking real shifty is it gonna work no You are not allowed in do not come into our country But I failed the level maybe I need to try in and maybe I play as two shifty looking guy Trying to get in what could I do? oh You turn to the side, oh wait wait He's hit man put your head on the scanner do it There we go That's clever, that's so clever. I'm going through buddy. I'm good Thank you for allowing me into a beautiful country, I'm going to go and pet a dog or something He's so proud of himself What game is this Tetris Oh what? I only tapped once and I killed a man. There's too much responsibility oh Okay, open the mouth that works, and it goes Why am I in Russia? I'm so confused It's just gonna eat them. All oh geez look. It's haha look at his stomach. That is not healthy I Have no idea what just happened, but something to do with Tetris oh my good is it slithery oh smithery Oh being fished out of the water you want to collect these little dots don't you make them as big as possible There we go get the mass of over millions so I can click bait ah another pan okay perfect I completely forgot we were looking for those. We've got four already. That's not so bad. We're not even halfway through yet really anybody Really drill it in oh. Oh maybe I'm gonna reel in the fisherman go up, buddy No You lost the greatest prize. You could have got maybe you don't have to collect all of the Bulls Maybe you need to get the worm to do it no no Collector like the mass hmm. I want to try and eat this man dragon we can do it sieving. It's right This way yes, yes get him hahahaha You think you have to eat the color balls. No you have to eat human beings That's how you get good at Zoo the Rio. What game is this? I'll take that frying pan. That's halfway there What game is this? What game? Do you have to shower a dirty alligator? It's so random, so Random you keep filling up the tub go and have a good scrub buddy you're looking a little bit dirty a little bit grimy Probably should clean your teeth while you're at it, and we failed. I can't do anything to the rubber duck Can I I'm gonna try and pinch? swipe do Anything I can no I reckon there's something you can do here where you can make him have like the worst bath ever What allows you to have the worst bath ever cold water being a crocodile I Don't know. I don't trust this duck look at its bdbd. Eye and aggressive beak That's just that's not okay in my books Barth is full, but what do I do next? How can I make this crocodile have the worst bath ever oh? Oh, I swiped up What the baths ate him okay? Yeah, that's fair enough That would be the worst bath ever if you go into a bath and just ate you know why I restarted it I just want to show you you swipe up like Come on. No ma'am take about So weird right it's gonna be the last one for this video. We have cats autumn Robots, okay? I think you've seen a game like this definitely It's like a weird app game lets us press and see what happens, which one's gonna win None of them they both lost okay, so as soon as we tap They literally just destroy each other So there must be another way to either swap some out make them bigger. Let's have a look pinch oh Okay, he's got soup. He's got Good lots of soup. Why would this make him win let's find out come on. What brew it up brew it up real quick Okay, he's gonna iron the sock oh It's like practical robots Make sense you've got cats make them build robots that help you in your day-to-day life. The next few look amazing I think I can see a sims 1 and surgeon simulator Mario karts are leezak awesome, so unfortunate guys. That's all the time I've got for today But if you want to see another part in the next few days then please leave a big fat like that be greatly Appreciated also leave a like if you enjoyed this video, too And if this happens to be the first one that you've seen by me or if you haven't done so yet What are you doing? Why don't you hit that subscribe button to join team TDM today or for daily videos apart from that guys? Thank you for playing trough face quest to me today have an amazing day, and I'll see you all next time go ahead
Channel: DanTDM
Views: 5,385,940
Rating: 4.8936052 out of 5
Keywords: dantdm, trollface quest, troll face quest, thediamondminecart, minecart, no swearing, no cursing, dr trayaurus, tdm, the diamond minecart, trayaurus, grim, app, dantdm troll face quest, dantdm trollface quest, trollface quest video games, trollface quest video games 2, akinator
Id: uWKm7AQ7KUc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 19sec (1039 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 28 2018
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